Nabiki dropped the newest Xanth novel off by her bed. She really had an addiction to Piers Anthony, something that she found light and amusing and.. ever so slightly risque. As one might suspect, Nabiki had a very wide voyeuristic streak -- not to mention her tendency towards exhibitionism! Oh, it wasn't something that just anyone would know. You would really think that someone would make that jump in logic; however, Nerima wasn't exactly one of the favorite spots for intellectuals, so it never occurred to anyone.
Nabiki practically purred as she slipped on an adorable pair of midnight blue crotchless panties and the shortest little skirt ever known to man. It swirled around her thighs, barely covering the very tops of them. No one ever questioned Nabiki about her attire or where she was going, so she knew that she was safe, regardless of what she was doing. Nabiki could have walked out the front door naked and no one would have dared to say a word.
Slipping a tight silk blouse over her head, she unbuttoned it down to her breasts, revealing, as it parted, the silk and lace see through bra that matched the panties she was wearing. Tucking in the shirt, she looked at herself in the mirror, nodding in approval. My, *yes*, this was just what she needed for tonight. The purr that seeped from her was spectacularly throaty, eyes glistening in anticipation as she grabbed her jacket and lithely slipped down the stairs. She shouted at Kasumi on her way out.
"Hey, Kasumi! I'll be back sometime late tonight, ok? Don't hold dinner for me!"
Kasumi poked her head out the kitchen door, eyes smiling (as usual). "Sure thing, Nabiki. Have a good time!!"
As she heard the door slam, Kasumi hummed softly, kneading the dough for the special nut bread that she was making. A seductive glimmer of a smile crossed her face as she broke into giggles. {Ah, Nabiki,} she thought, {You're so much braver than your sisters.}
Kasumi broke into full-fledged laughter.
Nabiki slipped into the subway system, arms shivering in the cool air as she slid between people, making full body contact with most. She raised an eyebrow as she saw Kuno making his way through the crowd and smirked slightly, an idea forming rapidly. {Oh, Kuno-chan, you're going to have the surprise of your life.} Soft giggles slipped from her throat. How much fun this was going to be..
Nabiki threaded her way through the throng of people in the small area, following Kuno with care, in case he noticed her. It made him so paranoid to see her, she just couldn't understand *why*.. ha. Kuno didn't appear to be paying the least bit of attention, all of his mind focused on something internal. So much the better for her plan, really.
Kuno settled near the back wall, his eyes ever so slightly unbalanced, focused on another place and time -- undoubtedly on something involving Akane or his osage no onna. Go figure. Nabiki didn't mind, though, it would make her own desires and plans that much easier to go through with. A smile tilted across her face as she slipped back to stand just in front of Kuno, pressing against him as the train filled with people in a hurry to get here or there. A couple of seventeen year old boys were gaping at her from their tiny little spot nearby, peering through others. Nabiki turned to the left, bending straight over to lightly rub her ankle, secretively watching their expressions and reactions. The first gulped, turning ever so slightly pale as he saw the glistening little crevice revealed to him, his hands balling into fists in his lap as he glanced around, looking embarrassed.
The second developed a massive nose bleed and hit the floor like a rock.
Nabiki couldn't help but giggle as she stood and turned back more carefully, pressing her buttocks tightly against Kuno's hips. It could be excused by the cramped conditions of the car. She sighed softly as she felt his reaction, a slightly tremor in his hand as it raised lightly to her waist. They passed through a tunnel, the lights flickering for a moment as she shoved further back against his hips, giving a soft moan as she felt the slight give in his baggy costume, the hard length of his oaken staff pressing tightly against her ass. Both boys were still entranced as they watched the stage show being performed right in front of them, the boy with the nose bleed having finally been roused by his unbelieving friend.
Kuno carefully bent his knees, aiming at this unknown girl's core. {One does not understand why these circumstances have been forthcoming..} his fogged mind rumbled. {It must be that she has seen the great Kuno Tatewaki and been overcome by her own impassioned disposition!} Kuno gave a great shudder as he pushed deeper into her, feeling the tightness of her wet little honeybox wrapping around him with only a little difficulty, feeling as he would imagine a little straw shoving into a tin package might feel.[1]
Nabiki gave a stifled little moan of agony and pleasure. Oooo, she hadn't expected that!! She had thought that maybe Kuno would just take the opportunity to feel her up, his fingers sliding all over her hot slippery little cunt, the way most teenagers and businessmen were inclined to do. Feeling his cock slamming deep into her, the buzzing pain brought to mind the thought that she should never have expected the same thing from Kuno as she would expect from most men... A growling purr broke from her throat as he began to thrust deep inside of her, her own hips shoving back against him as she gasped breathlessly, his fingers slipping underneath the front of her skirt to rub firmly against the hard nub of her clit, her nipples hard and showing through the silk of the white shirt and blue bra. Each movement shoved her closer and closer to release as the other people in the crowded subway train began to glance her way, wondering what could make this girl make those sorts of noises here in public. Kuno's face held absolutely no emotion as he pounded into Nabiki, making her now muffled little squeaks come more often. His hand was violent on her pleasure button as she gasped loudly, her entire body trembling as she came tumultuously, inner muscles clenching and unclenching in her frenzy.
Kuno felt every motion Nabiki made against him, his mind somewhere beyond the veil of ecstatic pleasure as her cunt began to squeeze his hard length in rapid little spasms. Unable to resist for another moment, Kuno gasped aloud, his eyes closing tightly, sweat dripping down the back of his neck as he buried his face in her soft hair, inhaling her scent of Pantene and patchouli. Even in his incoherent, drugged state, he recognized that smell somehow. {Whaa......} he blinked in surprise.
The train was slowly emptying once again, having reached Kuno's destination. The two boys exited the train, glancing back with smirks firmly affixed to their faces before disappearing into the night. As the mysterious young woman before him tried to escape, he grasped her wrist tightly and dragged her from the train with him, not releasing her until he found a nook into which he could drag her and finally see her face. As he turned the hotly flushing girl in his arms, his jaw dropped in astonishment, mind unable to fully comprehend exactly what was going on.
Nabiki was in a complete panic, trying to jerk away from Kuno as soon as she reached an area in which her fighting could actually help some. As he turned her around to get a good look at her, she knew that it was too late to escape.
{Best to put a good face on things,} Nabiki thought miserably as she realized that she was caught well and good this time. A typical Nabiki smile slid across her features, her head cocking to the side as she leaned forward, giving Kuno an excellent view of her appetizing breasts. In a husky whisper, she murmured, "Getting a good enough look, Kuno-chan?"
Kuno, needless to say, was still in something of a state of amazement. The kind of day that Kuno had been having.. well, you wouldn't have been much better off, either! He began to stammer, *apologizing* for his behavior.. for fucking her there in the subway!!
The more he apologized, the madder Nabiki seemed to get. By the time he had begun to stop his useless poetic yammering, it was too late. Hey, you don't hang around the Tendo dojo and learn nothing, you know!! Nabiki was nearly an expert in hyper-dimensional hammer work. What she left behind in that little nook really couldn't be identified as Kuno.. well, until the dents popped back out and all of the bruises faded, of course.
Nabiki stepped back onto the family property, yawning sleepily. This evening had been *quite* an adventure. She stretched, her shirt riding up and revealing her sweet tummy. It was at that moment that she noticed something.. _unusual_ ..going on. Ranma and Ryouga were heading towards the dojo with a *HUGE* pile of pillows and sleeping bags! Curiosity shook Nabiki's frame awake as she ran upstairs to grab her Toshika and dashed back to the dojo. {Now I just wonder what they can be up to...}
Half an hour later, Nabiki smirked, lowering her camera and pressing stop, stretching from the cramped space of her hiding place. My, my, my. She never would have guessed it of either one of them, really, and surprising Nabiki was almost impossible. She was used to every dark turn and perverted curve in the minds of the people around her. She even knew about Akane's little penchant for leather.. not to mention the pictures she sold to her of Ranma naked, as both a girl *and* a boy. An evil little grin crossed her lips. {Gee, I wonder just what she would pay me for this..}
[1] Best analogy that I could come up with *groan* Welll, just because Nabiki is an exhibitionist doesn't mean that she isn't a virgin! After all, would *YOU* have sex with some girl who just randomly offered herself on a subway station? *I* wouldn't, and I seriously doubt whether or not most ppl would, either. That's not to say that I would object to Kuno doing so... ^_~
Hmmm, welcome to my world of tainted lemons and unusual fanfics. Please keep in mind that these are meant in fun and as practice for my REAL Lemon stuff ^_^ Getting uptight about it would be odd since you've obviously found your way to my page, anyway ^_~