Ranma Sextacular
Chapter 8
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Warning: Lemony contents inside. Anyone under 18 should not be reading this. Special thanks to TH Tiger for looking this over.
Standard disclaimer: I dont own any of the Ranma ½ characters.
Forward: Its a lemony alterverse where something happened in the past that changed the adjusted the fates of many of the characters. Last chapter Ranma and Sayuri went on a not a date and encountered a possessed Pink and Link, and a tentacle plant whose attempt at global flora emancipation met with failure thanks to Ranma. With mammalians still in control of the planet, our tale continues…
Yuka and Sayuri spotted Akane hiding behind a tree in the schoolyard, peering around the corner as though trying to spot an enemy sniper while keeping from being spotted herself. It would have been an unusual sight save for two things. One was that a half dozen girls were scattered about the schoolyard in similar positions, one even going so far as to have some branches of a tree tucked under a headband as she hid in a bush. The other factor was the lone figure who lay in the direction the girls were staring. A person sitting out in the open, lost in his own thoughts.
The pair walked up to Akane, seeking cover as well even if they didnt know why. Yuka was the first to speak. Whats up with Kunou now?
Akane continued looking, as though fearful Kunou would disappear if her eyes left him. I can hardly believe it. For the first time I can remember, Kunou is actually angsting. It makes him twice as sexy as before. Im getting wet just thinking about him.
Sayuri rolled her eyes as she saw that Akane was indeed squirming, rubbing her legs together. Geez, Akane would you just give up on him? He is gay.
Akane finally turned to look at her friends. He just hasnt realized his heterosexual potential. Im sure if he goes out with the right girl, hed see were great to fuck… I mean not all that bad.
Dont listen to her, Akane, Yuka said. You go for it and keep trying to win Kunou. If you really care about him, you wont give up just because the going gets tough. Thats when you have to try harder. And with Akane out of circulation pining away for Kunou, Yuka could continue to make headway on her friends reputation as being the best fuck in school.
Sayuri rolled her eyes a second time, directing it at Yuka. Take it from me, homosexuals get annoyed with straights that wont take no for an answer.
I heard Ranma say you were going out with him, Akane said.
Only because I owe him a favor, Sayuri nearly snarled. And dont tell anyone about it. I dont need any other guys thinking they can score with me.
Akane returned her gaze to the object of her affections. Im going out there to see if I can help Kunou out. She abandoned her cover and headed to where Kunou sat in the shade of tree.
Good luck, her friends said, using Akanes former cover and watching events unfold from afar.
Akane walked casually up to Kunou. Unleashing her friendliest smile, one that had won over dozens of guys she had ended up sleeping with, she said, Hello, Tatewaki.
Kunou tore away from his musings. Akane Tendou, how many times must I remind you to address me as Kunou-sempai?
Sorry. Akane deflated slightly, then firmed up her resolve. You seem to be a little down. Whats the matter, and is there anything I can do to help?
Kunou once again stared off into the distance. I am troubled by my Ranma-kuns behavior. I did suggest to him that today would be an ideal time to date. He then proceeded to pummel me into unconsciousness.
Akane was torn between wanting to pummel Ranma herself for laying a hand on Kunou, and thanking him for rejecting Kunous advances. Maybe she could do both.
The amount of angst pouring from Kunou increased. I know it is the fault of that red-haired harridan who has poisoned his mind against me.
No, Im pretty sure its not that it at all. Hes exclusively into girls. He talks about them all the time, Akane said.
Lost in his fantasy, Kunou heard none of Akanes advice. Oh Ranma-kun, why can you not see that men need women solely for procreation? The genders are too unalike to understand one another. It is only another man, who knows what hardships a man must undergo, that can provide the physical and emotional aspects that complete us. True happiness can only be achieved in the arms of one of our own. One like me. Tears formed in Kunous eyes.
Akane was incredibly moved by the pure, heartfelt emotion behind the speech, wishing it was her he was referring to. Im certain if you found the right girl, she could fulfill those needs, too.
Kunou shook his head sadly. No, Akane Tendou, that is an illusion falsely created by society. It is one Ranma-kun has embraced far too deeply, scarring his psyche. In any case, I am so distraught I cannot concentrate on my studies. I will away from this school and ponder a solution to my dilemma.
Akane resisted the urge to tell him all he needed was some pussy to convert him. She decided to let the matter drop for today. At least there were no worries about Ranma giving in to Kunou, no matter how irresistible he was. All she could do was bide her time and wait for an opening to make Kunou see reason. Then hed be hers at last.
Hopefully it would be soon. She needed to get laid as badly as ever in her life. When she had been dating, she was on the receiving end of cock at least three times a week and sometimes as many as six (she always took Thursdays off to catch her breath). But now she had abstained from all men, focusing her attentions solely on Kunou for the last two months, which had felt like two years. She might even be forced to do something about it if things didnt turn around with Kunou soon. Not that she was giving up on him. It was just that she needed something to satiate her physical needs.
School was over, but rather than rushing home for some relaxation and fun, Sayuri found herself staring at her watch intently as she waited by her locker, wishing the second hand would move faster. She had promised to meet Ranma on their… date at the end of last class. Sayuri was of the school of thought that it was best to get unpleasant things finished as quickly as possible and put them behind her. She had agreed to meet him at three fifteen, and if he was even one second late, shed claim she was stood up and not have to go out with him again.
Still, the last time they had spent time together had been… interesting. Shed have been probably been more freaked about the whole monster plant molesting her if she hadnt had sex with hot twins to counterbalance it. In all her life she hadnt thought she could be that lucky. Too bad she hadnt brought along any of her toys, then she could have taught those Chinese hotties a thing or two about how good a girl could give it to another girl. Her Bump N Grind strap-on would have done the trick. Theyd have been eating out of her hand, and her pussy, if she had used that one.
Her thoughts about Pink and Links tasty twats were rudely interrupted as Ranma came into view, racing down the hall toward her. Sayuri looked at her watch and saw he was ten minutes early. It figured.
Within seconds he arrived at her side, all but preening. You look ravishing.
Im in a school uniform, she said.
And you look ravishing in it. Not many girls can pull it off, but you can.
Well, he was good with flattery, Sayuri had to admit. Now if only he was a dozen centimeters shorter, had red hair, a large rack, and was his cousin, Ranko, hed be perfect.
Ready for our date? Ranma asked.
Sayuri snarled, No holding hands. No kissing. Accidentally brushing against me qualifies as a home run, as far as today goes.
No problem. Ranma said it as though she had commented on the time.
Sayuri gave up. Maybe acting like an ice cube on the date would cure his ardor. At least he never tried to grope her. Way too many guys had tried that thinking they could win her over somehow. Like a cop to the ass could make her like dick. It was pathetic.
Ranma said, Youll be happy to know I picked out a restaurant with an extensive vegetarian menu.
Id prefer meat, Sayuri said quickly. Ive been filled… I mean had my fill of plants for a while. Eating some meat sounds good to me.
Sounds good to me, too. Images of Sayuri sucking down his meat danced through Ranmas mind. He mentally acknowledged it was probably just a fantasy, god knew she was as standoffish as Nabiki had warned, but maybe her subconscious was hurling sexual innuendos his way so he might make a pass at her. Hed play it by ear and see what might happen. Hot sex might be in the cards, if he played them right.
Tatewaki Kunou continued wandering randomly about Nerima, like a land bound Ulysses, but without a destination in mind. All his capacity for thought focused on one thing: how to convince his beloved Ranma-kun to see the light of reason so that they could finally consummate the relationship God put them on this Earth for.
A shout of anger snapped Kunou out of his reverie. Turning to the noise, he saw that someone had roped off a small section of the park for some sort of display. A line of people led up to curious sight: a stone that had a sword protruding from it. It was only embedded enough so that half the blade and the hilt stuck up. Kunous expertise with swords told him it was a well-crafted katana that had been driven into the rock.
The shout of anger had come from a large, burly man who was looking down at the sword and rock in disgust. Let me try to pull it out again, the man insisted to two others who flanked the rock, dressed as attendants.
The older of the pair said, Sorry, Sonny, only one pull per person. The sword knows if the same person tries to draw it more than once and will give you a powerful shock, so it would be pointless to try it again.
Crap! The man stomped off in anger.
Kunou walked up next to the final man in line. What transpires here?
The man turned and looked at Kunou. Thats the Wishbringer sword. Itll grant whoever pulls it from the stone any wish he wants. But there are only three wishes in the sword, then it becomes worthless.
What criteria are there for drawing the sword? Must one be the future king of the land, and how the king goes so too shall the land go?
The man shook his head I dont think so. Im pretty sure anyone can try it.
Kunou pondered that. What a grim portent. Should one of evil disposition draw the sword, much chaos and havoc could be wreaked. It is the responsibility of one of my noble stature to prevent such power from falling into the hands of another who would misuse it.
I wont misuse it, the man assured him. I just want to rule the world.
And would you wish for the wisdom to rule wisely?
And waste a wish? Heck no. Id just wing it.
Kunou shook his head sadly. Yes, it would be best for the sword to fall into his possession if louts like this sought its power. He would use it for the betterment of all, rather than himself. It was the right thing to do.
The line moved quickly, each person giving it their all to remove the sword and failing to budge it a single centimeter. Soon it became Kunous turn. Boldly he walked up to the stone, rested a single hand on the hilt, and pulled upward. Effortlessly the sword came out of the stone as though it was a sheath rather than a piece of mineral nature had taken thousands of years to create while some idiot had jammed the sword in there.
Kunou held it high above his head. Bear witness to he whom has the nobility of a true man, and the only one who could master the sword.
A banner unfurled itself from above and proclaimed. Congratulations! You are the one millionth person to try to pull Wishbringer. You are the winner!
Luck falls to those of noble virtue as well, Kunou said profoundly. Hefting the sword over his shoulder, he began walking around, pondering what he should use his wishes for. He was granted but three, so he would have to use them wisely. Perhaps he should wish for an end to disease. Surely that would be a good thing. No one liked being sick, and it was unlikely anyone would complain about it. Except the entire pharmaceutical industry and the tens of thousands they employed, but sacrifices had to be made.
Perhaps an end to famine. That would be fairly noble. No one going hungry. But what form would a relief from food take? A world overgrown with plant life? Everyones mouths removed since they didnt need to eat anymore? There was little more satisfying than a well-crafted meal. And what about oral sex? He loved it, and lacking a mouth would really suck. Or more accurately, nothing would suck.
An end to war might be better. But would that end any and all forms of violence? He liked kendo, and wasnt that violent? Would he be able to engage in such activity again?
Hmm. Truly this responsibility is a far greater burden than can be imagined, Kunou muttered to himself.
Several hundred meters passed underfoot as Kunou continued pondering. He paused in his musing in front of a restaurant, wondering if he could think better on a full stomach. As he stared at the restaurant, he spotted a familiar figure seated at a table next to the window. All thoughts of responsibility disappeared as in an epiphany, Kunou understood that achieving ones dreams was the wish of all men.
Sayuri was working on her second ham and bacon cheeseburger, trying to remember what she had been thinking in giving up meat. The feel of the substance danced on her tongue and tantalized her palette the way flavored shrubbery never could. And it wasnt like humans were the only carnivores around. Animals were going to get eaten no matter what, even if every human became a vegetarian. Animal deaths werent her fault. Nature was to blame for creating an eco-system that relied upon animal carcasses to help perpetuate it.
The only thing to sour the mood slightly was the way Ranma looked at her. There was no question of what he wanted, and it wasnt a bite of her burger (and even if it was she wouldnt give him one, it was her sandwich). Actually, he was an okay guy, except for him being a guy. Although it was only one thing, it was a major stumbling block in the basis of a relationship as far as she was concerned. Sort of like being dead was.
Want to go to a movie after this? Ranma asked.
And drive my tongue down your throat as we make out was written all over his face. Sayuri tried to figure out how to politely decline, realizing it wasnt likely since she had agreed to the date, when Kunou came charging into the restaurant.
Ranma-kun! Kunou shouted in delight.
Damned fairy wont leave me alone, Ranma grumbled. Ill take care of this.
Sayuri resisted the urge to make a comparison in Kunous pursuit of Ranmas being the same as his interest in her, but without the pontificating.
Rather than blindly attacking, Ranma tried to use reason to diffuse the situation. He couldnt remember it actually ever working except in books, but he figured it would be worth a shot. And his attempt at reason should score points with Sayuri. Ranma spoke in an even voice. Cant you see Im on a date?
Upon noticing it was a girl that had been sitting next to Ranma, Kunou recoiled in horror. Truly I have arrived just in time before you made a horrible mistake.
Funny, I was thinking you arrived just in time to make a horrible mistake. Ranma cracked his knuckles.
In response, Kunou pointed the sword at Ranma. I wish you would go out on an enjoyable date with me.
Ranma stopped cracking his knuckles and gave a casual Sure.
Ah, at last, you have listened to the voice of reason. Kunou offered his arm to Ranma. The martial artist accepted it with a smile on his face, patting Kunous hand affectionately. Kunou all but genuflected in Ranmas presence.
Sayuri couldnt believe her eyes as she watched the pair exit the restaurant. Ranmas instantaneous turnaround defied explanation. It also meant Sayuris date was over. It was the first time she had ever been delighted in being dumped by her date in favor of a guy.
Akane strolled through the shopping district, out on a mission to find a new dress at a decent price. Ideally it would be a number that could catch Kunous eye. Something with a reasonable cut at the top that accented her athletic frame while not being too conservative or slutty. Guys seemed to really like seeing her in something like that. Of course, given Kunous preference, maybe dressing up like a guy could help. She had short hair, and if she strapped her chest down, maybe she could look enough like a man to turn him on.
She was considering which store to hit next, mens or womens, when she spotted a delighted Sayuri skipping along like a child that had just been given her parents credit card to go to the candy store.
Hey, Akane, Sayuri chirped.
Sensing her friends good mood, Akane said, I thought you were on a date with Ranma.
I was, but Kunou showed up and he went off on a date with him.
Akane nearly fell over. She grabbed Sayuri by the shoulders and shook her, as though that might reverse time and change what she had said. Did you say he dumped you to go out with Kunou? It was to a fight or something, right?
Her friends concern couldnt ruin Sayuris mood. No, Kunou was specific in asking him out on a date, Ranma accepted, and they walked off arm-in-arm, looking all lovey-dovey. Theres no mistake. Ranma was eager to go out with him. I guess he swings both ways, huh?
Akane shouted, I have to stop Ranma before he makes a terrible mistake that could kill him.
I dont think going out with Kunou is that bad. Ranma could end up enjoying things and the two could become an item.
And that would be a terrible mistake since Id have to kill him.
Akane felt her stomach leap into her throat as she considered the situation. Whatever reason Ranma had in agreeing to go out with Kunou was ultimately irrelevant. He had to be stopped before he seduced Kunou and they became inseparable. Right now they were in the earliest stages of the relationship, the part where it was most fragile. She had to locate them and do something to break them up somehow. The main problem with that course of action was that she had no idea of where they were. It was probably close by, she couldnt imagine Kunou waiting to take Ranma out somewhere far away this late in the day, but where was the question.
There was no way she could cover every date spot alone. She needed help. Akane turned to ask Sayuri to lend a hand, but saw that while she had been panicking, her friend had disappeared. Now she had to find someone else would be interested in helping separate Ranma and Kunou, but who?
One person leapt forefront: Akanes reluctant roommate, Shampoo. She had designs on Ranma. True, they all revolved around Ranma being a girl rather than a guy, but that would suffice. Kunou and Ranma becoming an item would ruin everything for her. Also going in her favor was Akane knew exactly where she was at the moment: close by.
True to her word, Shampoo had landed a part-time job bartending in a dance club called Monikers. It turned out Shampoo loved the work, and it paid well. With her steady income, she helped pay for her food and lodging, and waved around a large amount of cash whenever she felt like bragging to Akane (and led to Nabiki suggesting to her shed be willing to go out on a date if she was treated right, though Shampoo refused to rise to the bait). The Amazon would drop what she was doing in a heartbeat to try to keep her airen from running off with a guy. Between them they could keep Ranma and Kunou apart. She was certain of it.
Akane raced to the club, knowing exactly where it was since she had helped Shampoo find it in the first place. It took less then ten minutes to get there. Upon arriving, she wasted no time in rushing inside. Almost instantly she found herself surrounded by a crush of humanity gyrating wildly to deafening music. She had forgotten how bad it was in here. Monikers was a meat market where one went cruising for a piece of ass under the auspices of dancing. The previous time she had been here, Akane had been hit on more times in fifteen minutes than in the previous month at school, and with her reputation, more of the male student body had hit on her than not. The situation in Monikers had gotten bad enough that she had to leave or she would have punched out the next person that came on to her.
For a brief instant, Akane considered turning around and leaving. Maybe she could find Ranma and break him and Kunou up on her own, but then reality set in. Risks had to be taken if she wanted to succeed. For Kunou-chan, she told herself and started to work her way across the floor.
The press of bodies was tight, and the air reeked of sweaty flesh and barely caged desire. No one could mistake this place for anything other than what it was, a sexual version of a watering hole for those whose thirst was carnal rather than liquid in nature. Akane found herself jostled endlessly among the dancing bodies. Someone of lesser strength might have even been bounced around like a giant ping-pong ball, but she waded through the sea of humanity with a martial artists resolve.
The bar had just come into sight when it finally happened. Someone slid through the dancing people so gracefully they might as well not as well existed. They stopped directly in front of Akane, halting her forward progress. Surrounded on all sides by dancing bodies, she was essentially trapped on the dance floor.
The human roadblock gave a suggestive wiggle disguised as dancing and said, Hey there, youre definitely my type. I absolutely love the hair. Want to come back to my place and get to know one another?
I am not a lesbian, Akane snarled at the girl. This was what always happened whenever Akane went anywhere that was considered a lesbian hang out, and Monikers was by far the worst. Girls hit on her all the damn time, and it was usually the pretty ones, like this girl. She was as feminine as they came in a white dress and long flowing brown locks, attractive enough to give any guy a hard on. So what was it about Akane that drew them to her?
No way, the girl said in disbelief. She shouted off to her right, Hey, Miyuki, come here!
A moment later a somewhat well-muscled girl with a pageboy haircut similar to Nabikis appeared. She looked Akane over with a lascivious gleam in her eye. Oh yeah, weve got our threesome.
Shes a straight.
Youve sure wandered into the wrong place, Miyuki looked Akane over, and it was obvious she liked what she saw. Ever thought about experimenting a little? You might be surprised at how enjoyable it is. Youve got dom written all over you.
No! Akane snapped. Im just here to meet a friend. She muscled her way past the girls and toward the bar, gaining some angry glares as she nearly caused some of the dancers to fall.
Eventually she made her way to the front of the bar, but found herself in another quandary as it was packed tighter than the dance floor. Pressed for time, Akane forced her way into a small spot that was about half her size, barely fitting in, though she could swear someone made a grab for her ass as she squeezed in.
Akane spotted Shampoo behind the counter tending bar. She was dressed in a white tank top and seemed to have forgotten her bra somewhere along the line since her hardened nipples were clearly visible beneath the material. She wore a leather mini-skirt with a set of interlocking rings as a belt. The skirt dipped low enough to show the T of her thong underwear in back. A number of yen notes were stuffed in the rings of her belt, leaving few of them empty.
Currently the Amazon was close by, mixing a drink as she talked with a thickly built woman with a close-cropped haircut and military fatigues that didnt do much to hide her impressive bust. The woman was obviously flirting with Shampoo, holding out a yen note with plenty of zeros on it. As she put it in a ring on the belt, she pulled down just enough to cause Shampoos skirt to dip lower and show more of her thong. Rather than admonishing the woman, the Amazon smiled coyly. Akane wagered Shampoo had to pull that skirt up at least once every fifteen minutes, or else it would end up on the floor around her ankles.
Having no time to waste, Akane leaned over the counter and waved to get her attention. Hey, Shampoo!
The woman flirting with Shampoo turned in anger on Akane, Hey, bitch, Im talking with China Doll. Find someone else to hit on or else. The hand that had been on the bar formed a fist, muscle and sinew making noise as she flexed it.
Akane felt her spine stiffen at the threat as well as being referred to as a bitch, but let it pass due to the seriousness of the situation. Im not trying to pick her up. Im her roommate.
A girl next to Akane whistled. You sure are lucky. I know if China Doll was my roommate Id never let her out of bed. That was met with a few toasts and laughs.
The muscle woman appeared unimpressed. She said to Shampoo, I can tell that flat-chested bitch doesnt appreciate you. Why dont you move in with me? I sure as hell wouldnt be charging you room and board.
Shampoo smiled teasingly, Silly Misao, Shampoo already have airen. But thanks. She trailed a hand along Misaos jaw, then walked over to Akane. What up?
Ranmas in trouble. He went out on a date with Kunou.
The statement had the predictable effect on Shampoo. Aiya! Is very bad. If Ranma fall for boy, then Shampoo not stand a chance of making sure airen prefer being girl with girl.
Nothing worse than when one of us swings toward cock. Others surrounding the bar shouted out their agreement.
There was no way Akane was going to explain what Shampoo had really meant to the group. Theyd have been there for days. It was easier to let them believe the more reasonable explanation, even if it was the wrong one.
Shampoo have to go, she called out to one of the waitresses to get someone to cover for her, and hopped over the bar.
As she and Akane left, they passed by Misao. Akane held back for a second and whispered to the woman, By the way, she sleeps in the nude and has the cutest little birthmark on her scrumptious backside. I cant resist the urge to swat it whenever she walks past.
The glass in Misaos hands shattered and the veins began to pop out in her forehead, but Akane had already disappeared into the crowded dance floor.
The sun was brighter than usual. The clouds were in the shape of carousals and puppy dogs. The air didnt smell particularly heavy with pollution. Truly the world was a better place when walking alongside the man of ones dreams, Kunou thought to himself.
The date had gone well. Only the best of restaurants for his beloved Ranma-kun. The price of the meal was the equivalent of a months pay for a normal salaryman, Ranma had a hearty appetite, but it meant nothing to one of Tatewaki Kunous resources. Hed have purchased every dish on the menu, had Ranma asked.
After partaking of the victuals, the pair watched a movie in a small out-of-the-way theater that specialized in films that emphasized the propriety of romance between men. Ranma had enjoyed it, as he had everything, and so had Kunou. Truly Wishbringer was a gift from the gods.
Now they strolled hand-in-hand through the park, savoring the feel of nature surrounding them. They drew stares, how could they not, for they were the most handsome couple around. Truly they were the envy of all that bore witness to the fruition of their relationship.
Envy. That jogged Kunous memory. He had temporarily forgotten about one who might stand in their way, especially as their relationship evolved to the state it would need to be in. Why, at any moment the red-haired harridan might appear and try to break him and Ranma up, and Ranma might become confused at the trollops ramblings. Action had to be taken to ensure the success of his and Ranmas conjoining.
Excuse me, Ranma-kun. I need to make a call. Kunou slid his hand out of Ranmas and called up his home. Sasuke answered by the third ring. Sasuke, I am coming over in a short while with my soul-mate. I am expecting trouble from a bothersome girl.
Do you wish me to set up the traps, Master Kunou?
Kunou considered that. They might prove insufficient. The girl is powerful enough to give me pause. I wish for you to hire the best bodyguards money can buy. Upon my arrival, lockdown Kunou Manor. No one is allowed in until my date with Ranma is compete.
Kunou hung up the phone and returned to Ranmas side. I believe it is time to return to my domicile.
Is the date over?
Not exactly, Kunou raised the sword up once again. I wish for us to return to my home so that we might have an enjoyable make out session.
Sure, Ranma said amicably.
Nodding in approval, Sasuke looked the trio of men over. He had called Thugs R Us for a number of bodyguards, price being no object. The three men that had answered the call in time appeared most powerful indeed. They had arrived just after Kunou and his boyfriend had, meaning these were the only three that would be coming in, since the manor was in lockdown mode. No one could enter the grounds of the Kunou estate until the master ordered otherwise.
It was time to assess the trio. Sasuke approached the first to arrive. He was a tall man in his twenties with a powerful build. He wore a leather jacket with the sleeves torn off, revealing bulging biceps. No shirt was worn underneath, and a series of seven scars was evident on his rock hard abs.
And you are? Sasuke asked.
Shiroken, the man said simply.
And your combat abilities?
In answer the man gave a cry as he was surrounded by a battle aura so bright it nearly blinded Sasuke. His jacket was shredded in the conflagration, leaving him bare-chested and impossibly a third bigger than he had been before. His eyes had turned white and a snarl of animal ferocity escaped his lips. White images that appeared to be the souls of the damned danced in the aura that surrounded him and unleashed a cacophony straight from the pits of Hell.
Youre hired! Youre hired! Sasuke cried out in terror from his position beneath a table. He was going to have to change his shorts now.
The mans aura died off to a slow trickle, then disappeared. Calmly he reached into a bag he had brought with him and donned another leather jacket, identical to the first. Replacing leather jackets counts as one of my expenses.
Done. Sasuke gathered his courage for Kunous sake. Hed brave crossing the river Styx for his master. He turned to the second man. He was smaller than the first, and wore skin-tight brown and white body suit with golden bracers on his arms. He wore an aura of danger around him like a more common man might a shroud. And what are your qualifications?
I am a certified member of the Fukamichi Rankings with over twelve victories to my name, the man said simply.
Sasuke whistled in surprised. The Fukamichi Rankings were renowned in the underground fighting circuit. Some of the upper level fighters were considered among the best in the world. If this man had twelve victories, he must be able indeed. There was no need to have him demonstrate his abilities. Sasuke didnt feel like wetting himself again.
The ninja walked up to the remaining bodyguard, who was by far the largest of the lot. He wore a simple gi, and appeared somewhat bulky, rather than possessing the sculpted muscle of the others. Sasuke was about to ask for his resume when his eye widened in recognition. Youre him, arent you?
Youre hired. That settled that. Kunou Manor was now secure enough to repel a small army.
He has to be here. Weve looked everywhere else, Akane insisted as she stood outside the ostentatious wrought-iron gates of the Kunou Estate.
Maybe, Shampoo reluctantly considered. All right, we go inside, but if Ranma not there, we try docks, like I suggest.
Kunou is not the type to go fishing, Akane said in a tired voice. She turned her attention to a speaker located on the wall next to the gates and pushed a button, looking at a nearby security camera as she did so. Excuse me, Im looking for Kunou-chan.
A voice crackling with interference asked, Youre girls, arent you?
Shampoo shoved Akane out of the way and stood directly in front of the camera, holding her breasts through her shirt. What these look like? Secret way of carrying melons?
Master Kunou isnt seeing any girls today, the voice answered primly, then went dead.
Well, we know hes in there, Akane said. I wonder how we get in.
Stupid Akane, gate is right here. She wrapped her fist against the metal.
In case you didnt notice, you bimbo, its a little locked.
Shampoo smiled.
A few seconds later, the gate hit the ground.
No, Shampoo not notice.
Technically, its still locked. You just cracked the hinges. Akane stepped over the fallen gate.
Whine, whine, whine. Shampoo bet Akane pussy hurt, too.
The moment they stepped onto the grounds, warning klaxons blared to life and air raid sirens filled the air. After hesitating a moment, the pair continued onward to the main house. They had cut the distance in half with a tall man in a sleeveless leather jacket emerged from the house and walked toward them with a slow, methodical pace. The pair waited for him to approach.
He stopped about five meters away from them. I am Shiroken, the first and last obstacle you shall face today.
That means hes the only guard they have, Akane said to Shampoo.
No! It means you will advance no farther as I shall defeat you. He fell into a fighters stance.
Shampoo stared to answer the challenge when Akane darted in front of her. This ones all mine.
The Amazon was about to protest when a battle aura flared to life around Shiroken, vaporizing his jacket instantly.
He all yours, Shampoo assured her roommate and took a step back.
Akane gulped. She knew she was outclassed. She knew she should run away, but she couldnt leave Kunou in Ranmas clutches. Or at least leave Ranma around for Kunou to clutch. She tensed, bringing her fists up and shifting her weight between her feet. Okay, lets do it.
The aura died off. Wait a second. Didnt you see what I just did?
Can you do that?
Only with a large quantity of lighter fluid and a match.
Obviously youre horribly outclassed. Why arent you fleeing?
Akane firmed her resolve. I have to save Kunou-chan. She took a step forward.
Hold on a second! The man shouted. Here, let me show you again what Im capable of. He donned another identical jacket, then promptly shredded it with his battle aura again. Now are you going to leave?
Use your head. I dont want your blood on my hands! he pleaded.
That makes two of us, Akane admitted, then advanced again.
Wait, let me do it again! The man repeated his gesture.
The tension started to leave Akanes body. Thats all you can do, isnt it? You can throw off a shiny battle aura that can shred clothing.
Thats not true! I can drive spikes into metal with my bare hands.
You can?
Um, well, maybe a hammer helps a little bit, Shiroken admitted.
Akane lunged forward, landing a punch on Shirokens jaw and knocking him unconscious. She nudged his prostrate form with her toe. Geez, that was easy.
Shampoo hate posers. She spat at the unconscious man, then walked alongside Akane into the house.
Inside the entryway they encountered a second defender, dressed in a skin-tight white and brown bodysuit and golden bracers.
This one Shampoos, the Amazon said, muscling Akane out of the way and taking the lead.
The man smirked. Unlike that last fool, Im the real thing. Im a certified member of the Fukamichi Ranking. I already have twelve victories under my belt.
What rank? Shampoo asked.
One hundred and seventy three.
Out of?
One hundred and seventy five.
That stinks, Shampoo declared. Why you only one hundred and seventy three if you have twelve victories?
Its balanced out by twenty-three losses, the man admitted. But I can feel my luck turning. Once I beat you two, Ill challenge the one hundred and seventy second fighter. And after I beat him, Ill challenge the Air Master herself and be number five or something.
A kick to the stomach sent the man to his knees, making him heaving as though he would throw up.
This turning too, too disappointing, Shampoo said as she and Akane passed by the doubled over foe.
The search for Ranma and Kunou began as Akane and Shampoo started going through the rooms of the vast mansion. They had only made it through a half-dozen rooms where their search was cut abruptly short as a third foe presented himself. He was huge, his head nearly scraping the ceiling. He had large eyes, almost fishlike, and was completely bald. His posture indicated he had no intention of allowing either girl to pass.
Another speed bump in search, Shampoo complained.
This ones mine. After I take care of him, Ill be ahead two to one, Akane boasted.
The Amazon crossed her hands under her bosom in irritation. Shampoo still much better fighter than Tiny Tits Girl.
Akane let the comment slide, intent on taking her irritation out on her foe. She walked up until she was right in front of the man. Looking at him from only two feet away, she was suddenly aware of just how incredibly tall he was. Curiously, he didnt seem the least bit concerned at Akanes close proximity.
Whats your name? Akane asked.
I am the Dojo Destroyer.
Let me guess. Your techniques are designed exclusively to destroy dojos, and since Im not a dojo, theyd be ineffective, right?
The Dojo Destroyer shook his head. Not at all. While I have a number of techniques that are intended to destroy dojos in an efficient way, I always defeat the owner of the dojo first before destroying it.
Uh, I see, Akane said, suddenly concerned. And how many dojos have you destroyed?
About twenty.
Thats not so impressive.
Since last week.
Thats impressive. Akane suddenly lashed out with a fist, sending it crashing right into the Dojo Destroyers midsection. He simply stood there, looking down at the fist.
She laughed nervously. You sure can take a punch.
Yes, I can. How about you? The Dojo Destroyer punched her with a meaty fist of his own. There was a dull thud from the impact of flesh on flesh, and Akane went flying backward, landing next to Shampoo.
Shampoo smirked as Akane painfully rose to her feet. Too, too sloppy. Now Shampoo show you how it done. Shampoo charged forward.
A second later, she flipped through the air, only to land painfully on her backside next to the now standing Akane.
Yep, you sure showed me how to land on my ass more gracefully, Akane stated. Now that I have an idea of how tough he is, I can take him. Akane approached again, this time mindful of the large man. She had a plan, and thought she figured out the best way to slip past his guard and really knock him for a loop. What she had to do was make an opening by letting him try to attack. After watching him swing twice, she had a good idea of what his reach was. Shed stay just out of reach by four centimeters or so, then sneak in under his guard after he tried to hit her.
Akane rushed up, as though she was going to immediately launch an all out attack. As she hoped, the Dojo Destroyer drew back his hand, preparing to unleash a mighty blow. Then she stopped abruptly, just as the fist was coming down well short of its mark.
But with a flick of the wrist, a dojo sign appeared in the large mans hands. With its much longer reach, Akane was an easy target. A loud hollow sound filled the air as the sign hit Akane, sending her sailing through the air and back toward Shampoo again.
Ow, Akane moaned as she rubbed her sore jaw. It didnt feel like he had knocked any teeth loose, but it had been close.
Shampoo know how to take him out now! Shampoo rushed forward, much as Akane had. The Dojo Destroyer unleashed another sign laden blow, but Shampoo brought her fist up, lashing out at the sign rather than the man. She shattered the wooden board into kindling.
Now Fish Head Man defensele—
The rest of her boast ended as a flick of the wrist of his offhand produced another board, which clubbed Shampoo over the head. While he attacked with that, he discarded the broken board and produced a second one with the same gesture he had the first time. The second board stuck right after the first catching Shampoo under jaw. Then he stuck a third time with the other sign, swatting her like a professional batter dealing with a little league pitcher.
Shampoo landed next to Akane again.
Thats what we call a perfect combo, Akane said.
Give… Shampoo… second, the Amazon said as she tried to reorient herself.
Enough of this wasting time! The Dojo Destroyer returned his signs to his sleeves and brought his hands high above his head. He then brought the flats of both palms down on the floor.
Akane wondered what was going on when she felt the floorboards under her feet shift unnaturally. With only a split second to react, she shoved Shampoo out of the way as hard as she could. She was delighted to see the Amazon sent sprawling a good distance away.
Then the floor gave out under Akane and she was falling. Off balance as she was from the shove, she started to plunge headfirst toward the floor below. Had it been of normal height, she would have landed on her head, possibly injuring herself seriously. Instead there was a large amount of space between floors which gave her enough time to reorient herself. Like a cat, she twisted in mid-air, getting her feet under her and landing in a room illuminated only by a soft purple glow.
Akane looked around. She was in what appeared to be an art gallery of some kind, though curiously the artwork was not on display, but rather spread out in small piles here and there. The room itself, it being two stories in height, was very small, no more than ten feet by ten feet. It was like being in a large broom closet with a high ceiling. Why it was here, Akane couldnt fathom.
As she looked around, she saw several art pieces that seemed familiar to her, though she was uncertain why. She was never into art, and had no eye for it. A nameless street painter could be as talented as Van Gough, and she couldnt tell the difference. There were also some rather large looking jewels scattered about, while others were encrusted in elaborate gold settings, like a chalice to her left and a crown near her foot.
She started to ponder the mystery when a voice from above cried out, Akane!
Akane looked up to see Shampoo leaping down from the hole in the floor two stories up. Deftly the girl landed on her feet right next to Akane.
Akane was taken aback. Shampoo, you came down to check on me?
Of course, Shampoo said. If Akane get hurt, she can say to Ranma Oh, look, Akane get hurt protecting Shampoo, is she not heroic? That get big time brownie points on Ranma for sure. No way Shampoo let Akane do that.
Wow, saw right through my scheme, did you? Akane said in a flat voice.
How we get out? Shampoo said.
Akane looked around until she spotted a doorway that was nearly flush with the wall to her right. She saw that rather than a handle, there was some sort of lever that was used to open it. She pulled up, the door sliding soundless back. Beyond the doorway there was normal light. She and Shampoo walked through it, and found themselves in a gymnasium with a large number of gymnastics equipment around. As they cleared the aperture, ending up next to a pommel horse, the door slid shut behind them, blending in seamlessly with the wall.
Before Akane could ponder the meaning behind the secret door, the ceiling in the gymnasium came falling inward and the Dojo Destroyer landed on the far side of the gym.
I knew you would try to set an ambush if I came after you, so I came in from a different area.
Akane turned to Shampoo. Since this guys so tough, why dont we put aside our rivalry for a while and combine forces to kick his ass?
Two people fighting together much better than two people fighting individually, Shampoo agreed.
Akane considered a strategy. Lets see if he can deal with both of us attacking at once. You hit him high, and Ill hit him low.
Fish Head is dead meat, Shampoo boasted.
Both girls lunged for him, but before they had cleared half the distance, the Dojo Destroyer reached into his gi and shouted, Sign Storm Fury!!
Suddenly the room was filled with a whirlwind of hundreds of dojo signs that flew wildly through the air as though they were trapped in a hurricane. The sheer number of signs was impossible to dodge. Numerous times they impacting against the girls repeatedly, nearly as hard as the Dojo Destroyer had hit them with earlier. Each suffered two dozen blows before being laid low. The storm abated just as they hit the ground, signs littering the length of the gym.
Not fair, Akane groaned. We patched up our differences and agreed to work as a team. The bad guy always gets beaten when the good guys do that.
Is standard operating procedure, Shampoo agreed.
I dont like clichés, the Dojo Destroyer announced. Now to finish you off with my final attack: Bringing the House Down! He chopped his arms through the air. Akane felt a whoosh of air pass over her head. She became aware of the fact that there now seemed to be a line through the wall of the gymnasium, as though someone had taken a very large scalpel to them.
Then the walls began to slide away from one another.
The Dojo Destroyer ran to a wall. Now to get out while the dojo, I mean house, comes down around your heads. He drew back a fist and shattered the wall.
And found himself confronted with a view composed of solid earth.
Oops. Forgot I was in the basement. This might be a problem.
Then the walls came tumbling down.
The destruction filled the air with tons of construction material failing down, with nearly a third of the house collapsing thanks to the Dojo Destroyers attack. Much of it fell directly on top of him, since that was where the wave of destruction had originated. Then, when everything from above had fallen, there was silence. For five long minutes, the dust settled. Then the calm was disrupted again by a resounding boom as a fist disintegrated some of the debris.. Slowly, painfully, the Dojo Destroyer dragged himself to the surface. Only one of his arms and legs still worked, the other limbs disabled from the collapse. His chest hurt. His back hurt. Muscles he didnt know existed hurt. He made a mental note to never fight in a basement ever again.
As his head poked the surface, he was surprised to see Akane and Shampoo standing over him, waiting patiently, each holding one of the signs from his dojo whirlwind storm. While both looked dusty and a number of scratches lined their forms, neither looked very injured. Enraged, but not injured.
The Dojo Destroyer stared at them, in disbelief. How could you have fared better than me? Im much larger and more durable than you little girls.
We work together, Shampoo said.
Just as the ceiling started to fall, Shampoo grabbed a pommel horse while I kept the larger pieces from hitting her. We then ducked under it, using it to protect us and bracing it up so it wouldnt buckle from all the weight.
It make excellent shield, Shampoo agreed.
The Dojo Destroyer laughed nervously. Well, since I was injured in the collapse, I guess we can say the fights over and you guys won.
Akane smacked the sign she was holding in her palm, glaring at him the entire time. No, I dont think so. You still look threatening to me. Right, Shampoo?
Like cornered, ill-tempered tiger, Shampoo agreed.
Yep, better make sure youre good and properly beaten.
Cant we talk about this? the Dojo Destroyer cried out.
We can do it while were beating on you.
The girls drew back their boards.
Kunou lay back in his bed, savoring the sensation of having the missing part of his heart showering kisses upon his body like drops of rain, covering every inch of his flesh. After returning to his home, he and Ranma had sought the privacy of Kunous room, where their make out session had turned hot and heavy. Soon their clothing had ended up on the floor, and they had ended up as natural as new born babes. Ranma was everything Kunou thought he would be, except hung like a horse, but what was there would be more than enough to pleasure one another with. Kunou couldnt wait for things to go to that step.
Kunou began fondling Ranmas bottom and his finger began playing with his rosebud. That got a reaction as Ranma darted out of his grip. Whoa, slow down.
I have lubricant over here, Kunou reached for his nightstand where a variety of tubes awaited them.
Making out doesnt include back door action, you know, Ranma told him.
It took Kunou a second to realize what Ranma was saying. Of course, the last wish had only been for the two to kiss, not have sex. It was a problem easily rectified. He went for Wishbringer, which had been left next to his and Ranmas clothing.
Ranma scooted over to the far side of the bed. Geez, cant you take no for an answer?
Kunou held the sword above his head this time. I wish for us to have enjoyable sex together.
Ranma visibly relaxed. Oh, well, thats cool. Gimme some of that Luscious Strawberry lube. Strawberrys my favorite, if you know what I mean.
Oh, Ranma-kun. Kunou could feel the bed trembling in anticipation for what was to come. In fact, it was groaning as well, and he hadnt even started to pound on Ranmas back door yet. Truly the upcoming event was of cataclysmic proportions if the furniture itself was looking forward to things.
Then the floor gave way, causing the bed and its occupants to fall to the floor below.
Kunou cried out in alarm as he saw the indoor pool that housed his sisters pet, Mr. Green Turtle, rose up from below. Worse, said pet was directly below Kunous landing point. The kendoist had no time to react as his face plowed right into the back of the giant turtles shell, knocking him senseless.
Raining debris finally stopped falling and the pool became still. Kunou lay on the edge of the turtle, his lower half in the water, dazed to the point he could not move. Instead he drifted on the back of the carefree turtle, who seemed unimpressed by the piles of debris now lining his pool.
Kunou became aware of a voice saying, There you are! Thank god! For a second there, I thought you drowned. Hold on. Ill get you to shore.
Kunou felt himself being lifted and carried to the edge of the pool and placed on his back on solid ground, staring up at the sky, not able to concentrate on his savior.
A loud Oooo, youre still hard, came from his lower half. Good, I can sure put that to use. A moment later, he felt a warm, wet sensation as a mouth engulfed his cock and began giving him head.
Ranma, Kunou breathed, closing his eyes as he savored the warm wet sensation of his cock receiving a healthy coating of saliva. The blow job was fast and wild, with Ranma acting like an overeager child being given a popsicle on a hot summer day. Also he was taking nearly the whole thing in, quiet the feat given Kunous impressive size. Obviously Ranma was so eager for their joining he could barely restrain himself from attacking his lovers cock. Their relationship was cemented. There could be no doubt any longer.
Kunou recovered more of his senses, though most of them locked on to the wonderful event that was happening between his legs. He was becoming so excited, there was a threat he would pop off now. Wanting to warn his lover to expect something warm and wet splashing down his throat, Kunou opened his eyes and raised his head.
And saw the top of a crown of red hair bobbing up and down on his cock.
Wh… What? was all Kunou could gasp out.
Hearing him speak, Ranma-chan removed her mouth from Kunous member and shot him an impish grin.
It couldnt be. It was impossible. How, how did the fiery-haired she-devil substitute herself for Ranma? And what was her mouth doing affixed to the spot that belonged exclusively to his Ranma-kun? It was impossible. How could the gods be so cruel?
What are you doing here? Kunou asked.
Getting ready to have sex with you. And since you seem pretty warmed up to me. Ranma-chan rose to her feet, then walked up so her loins were directly above his jutting manhood. Slowly she began to bend at the knees and lower herself onto his groin.
Kunou wanted to rise up, find a sword, and dismember the girl for ruining the most perfect moment of his life. What Kunou ended up doing was remaining exactly where he was. For some odd reason, he could not rise to his feet. He would have been worried about some sort of spinal injury, but he could feel every part of his body (especially the sensations coming from his cock), and could tell there was no lasting damage. It was almost as though some other force was keeping his body motionless, allowing the girl to take advantage of him in a most despicable way.
Foolish girl, you must not do this.
The girl was squatting so the bar of iron was poised right at her pussy. Dont be silly. We have to. Besides, this equipment is better built to take yours. And she proceeded to slip the head of the cock into herself. Her eyes widened and she released a hiss of breath as she managed to make the entire head and an inch more disappear from sight into her body.
Kunou was amazed at the sensation. It was… enjoyable, something he would have thought impossible with a girl. He had no interest in them, and had never once become aroused in their presence. By all rights his cock should have gone as limp as a noodle. But instead he remained as stiff as his bokken.
Ranma-chan eased more of herself on his rod, and the enjoyment heightened as she stimulated more of him. That it was a girl having this effect on him should have been doubly impossible since Kunou had specifically wished to have sex with Ranma. Yet somehow this girl had not only managed to arouse the kendoist, but substituted herself for his beloved.
And then Kunou understood the truth. Somehow this harridan had warped the magic to apply to her instead of his pig-tailed god. She was a sorceress, capable of weaving dark, powerful magicks that he was incapable of defending himself against. Truly she was a terrible woman, especially since she had taken in nearly his entire rod, and she was making him want to sink all of it into her. It was taking everything he had to not lift his hips up and fully impale her on his shaft.
The matter was taken out of his hands as, with a look of determination on her face, Ranma-chan thrust her hips down on him, burying him up to the hilt in her. Oh god, Im so full! she cried out.
Due to the magic making him enjoy the act, Kunou could not help but preen. Like my character and looks, I am most impressive in endowment as well. There are few in school that rival my combination of size and girth.
Oh yeah, Ranma-chan cried, wiggling on the end of his rod like a worm on a hook.
While the back of Kunous mind was offended at the idea of a woman being impaled on his manhood, the more forward parts of his mind that were affected by the magic, including his ego, were stroked by her flattery. That he was so manly with other men naturally meant women would be impressed by his attributes as well. While this wench was impudent, at the same time, she was acknowledging Kunous proper place as being a superior lover. It eased his distaste, somewhat.
On Ranma-chans part, the experience of taking a man for the first time wasnt as physically painful as it might have been. Her hymen had been torn within the first week, thanks to her physical training regimen. Shampoos probing tongue and digits during their encounter had let the martial artist experience what it meant to have things go up her channel. With the ice broken by their tryst, Ranma-chan had grown curious about her female side, and had masturbated frequently, discovering one thing girls had over guys was the ability to climax frequently. Four times in an hour was her record so far, and she was certain with some more practice she could improve on that.
Despite her sexual experience, nothing could have prepared her for the effect an honest-to-goodness cock was having on her body. It had fingers beat hands down. She left herself impaled, wiggling on his manhood as she felt him touch her in places she didnt know existed. After savoring the sensations, instincts told her to rise up. As she lifted her hips her pink inner lining pulled out slightly as her body tried keeping him inside her. Stopping when he was only halfway in, she plopped back down, her pelvis making a slapping sound as it impacted with his. She cooed in pleasure at how much easier it was to have him reenter her than it was the first time. She rose up again, the plopped down harder, making Kunou groan against his will at the sensation. Soon Ranma-chan had a tempo going, riding him like a cowgirl on a bronco. Her breasts bounced up and down like she was in the middle of an earthquake with how quickly she was moving, and still she tried to move faster.
Then on a down stroke Kunou grabbed her hips, forcing her to stay put. An instant later, she felt his cock seem to get bigger, then became aware of the discharging of his seed inside her, dousing the fires in her loins with his hose. The sensation of his fluids mingling with hers was enough to send her over the edge, and she too came along with him, wailing like a wolf at the moon.
All too soon the sensation passed, and Ranma-chan slumped against his chest. Kunou panted as well, and the small redhead felt herself move in accordance with his deep breaths.
Against his will, Kunou found a smile creep across his face. He had enjoyed the coupling, as much as he believed it impossible. While he had always acknowledged he would have to copulate with a woman at some point in order to have children, he had regarded it only as a necessary biological function, like going to the bathroom, and about as desirable. However now he wondered if perhaps it was not so repellent a thing after all.
Ranma-chan rose her head up off Kunous chest. She stared at him and smiled sweetly, I certainly enjoyed that, and judging by your smile, you did, too. She rose the rest of the way up, his now flaccid cock slipping from her as she stood, straddling his sweaty form. Good, that means the wish has been fulfilled, and its always better to die happy. The smile disappeared as the martial artist balled her fists.
Aura of satisfaction gone in light of the threat, Kunou said, Now see here, trollop, I was the one defiled by your grotesque body.
Defiled? Defiled? Ill show you defiled! The gleam in Ranma-chans eye turned manic as a fist rose above her head.
Ten minutes later, Ranma-chan stopped, satisfied at her handiwork. Looking down at the mass of welts and bruises that was once a young teenager, she said, Just be glad I enjoyed the thing, or Id have really let you have it.
Having extracted her pound of flesh, Ranma-chan decided getting dressed was a good idea. After some scrounging around, she found a leotard in a changing room. Deciding it was better than wearing something of Kunous (especially since she had worn his cock already), she dressed, then tried to find an exit. It was harder than entering the manor was, since about half of the house had collapsed. Must have been some earthquake. She had been so fixated on Kunou she hadnt even been aware of what had happened.
Upon thinking about the matter, she came to a startling conclusion; the sex hadnt been that bad. Not that she had a thing for guys, but her body was sure accommodating when it came to them, and derived some pleasure from fooling around with them. She was more repelled at the idea of having made out with Kunou as a guy than having sex with him as a girl. Maybe that enjoyable stipulation with the wish had something to do with it, or maybe having a plant pump his male half in the backside had desensitized his sense of propriety. In any case, he wouldnt be beating on Kunou for what happened today. Hed probably beat on him for some other reason, it just wouldnt be for this one.
As Ranma-chan considered what had happened today, she was surprised to come across Akane and Shampoo, who were moving through some of the wreckage of the building as well. Each looked the worse for wear, as though a building had dropped on them. For some reason they were picking at their hands.
Akane said to Shampoo, I hit him so hard so many times, I got a bunch of splinters in my hands from all those signs shattering.
That happen to Shampoo, too. Next time stick with bonbori.
Ranma-chan asked, Hey guys, what are you doing here?
Both girls looked up, startled. Shampoo shouted out, Airen, you girl now, and look too, too sexy in leotard. She grabbed the Ranma-chan in an embrace, rubbing her body against the smaller girl in interesting ways.
Wheres Kunou? Akane asked.
Back there, Ranma-chan said as she enjoyed the way Shampoo was showering her with affection. He wont be coming to school for a couple of days.
How come?
He came down with a bad case of wish fulfillment.
Nothing, Ranma-chan said, distracted though she was by Shampoo nibbling on her ear.
Akane watched the way Ranma-chan reveled in the Amazons attention. You arent interested in Kunou, are you?
Think careful about answer, Airen, Shampoo whispered in his ear, her hand slipping from behind the smaller girls head to around her throat.
Interested in beating the crap out of him, but thats all, Ranma-chan assured them
Right answer. Now Shampoo give award, she returned to rubbing her body against him again.
Akanes eyes fists unclenched and her demeanor brightened. Maybe I can nurse Kunou-chan back to health.
Make sure you take lots of ice packs, Ranma-chan recommended. I gotta get going. Shampoos going to help me reinforce my masculinity.
While youre a girl? Akane asked.
Lifes kind of ironic, that way, Ranma-chan said as she was dragged away by Shampoo.
Akane shrugged. She was being given a golden opportunity to woo Kunou, Ranma wasnt interested in her future boyfriend, and she had showed off her martial arts talents by beating up that stupid Dojo Destroyer (with an assist from Shampoo, she reluctantly admitted.) All of which was thanks to Ranmas presence. She had to admit, having him around was pretty nice. If she wasnt interested in Kunou, she might even have considered him as a romantic option.
Akane pushed the distraction aside. It was time to play nurse for Kunou, and maybe give him the type of physical girls gave boys they were interested in. But as she went in search of him, she had the feeling she was forgetting something important.
As Akane left the area, a figure detached itself from some shadows. It moved silently, nimble quick and toward the area that had first been destroyed by the Dojo Destroyer. Moving with purpose and haste, as though it knew exactly where it was going. It disappeared from sight a moment later, as though it had never been.
[End fic]