Master of Kyoujitsu
"For Kamisama!" Nabiki exclaimed, "That is an amazing technique!" Her sisters were too busy planning battle stratagies against the young man that stood before them to comment.
Ranma saw the looks all three of them were giving him, and smirked; He was the greatest Kyoujitsuka of his generation, so it wasn't unusual for those around him to express their awe. He chuckled slightly off track before he waited for his voice to be resynced, "This is no technique. It is an ancient curse I gained from a venture into the Middle Kingdom with my father and mother, learning the art."
"A curse you say?" Soun enquired, "It seems beneficial than an ailment."
"Ah, that it is," Ranma replied, "It has helped to further my skills beyond any of my kin. There is not any I know that can defeat me."
"Ranma," Genma interjected, "You have yet to challenge your mother before making such an assumption, or me for that matter."
"I will not dissappoint you, Pop," Ranma stated with a bow, "But I do not boast with empty barrels."
"That line made no sense," Kasumi replied, "How is it you became so powerful with your curse. Did it bolster your ability?"
"My own power is my own," Ranma replied, as if insulted, "This curse only allowed me a learning tool beyond all others. With it, I am undefeatable!"
"And with it, your ego is undeflatable," Nabiki said, causing everyone, including Ranma to laugh. At least it seemed that way, though only three voices were heard laughing.
"But enough jest," Soun stated, calming everyone down, "We are interested in your aquiring this curse."
"Ah, but 'aquiring' is not used in correct connotation," Ranma stated, shaking his finger.
"Of course," Soun replied, "but not let us draw on trivial matters. Now, your curse."
Ranma was about to correct the man again, but shut up.
"And this, honorable masters, is the cursed Springs of Jusenkyo" The guide, wearing olive green Chinese style robes, with a braid down his back and a high cut hairstile that completely uncovered his forehead. He had a pudge from comfortable living, despite his location.
"Husband, what is it about these grounds that you find impressive?" Nodoka enquired, looking curiously towards Genma and her son.
"Not let the outside appearance fool you!" Genma proclaimed.
"I don't get it, " Ranma said, scratching his head, "Did you mean do not let the outside appearance fool you'?"
Nodoka didn't wait for an answer, and leapt onto one of the poles, "Come, Ranma, let us battle to prove your worth!"
Genma leapt onto another pole, "Yes, Son, you just defeat us both if you are to be the heir! Our ease will not be with you!!!"
"Is this not a bit unfair?" Ranma mused, jumping onto his own pole.
"Oh, Masters, what you doing?" the guide asked curiously.
Ranma held a Northern Crane stance, but with his arms folded behind his back giving him the impression of precariousness. Nodoka stood with her hands folded together in her sleeves, eyeing her child carefully. Genma held his own crane stance, with his arms spread like wings.
"It very bad if you fall in spring!" The guide warned.
In a unified agreement, Genma and Nodoka leapt at their son, and the battle was begun.
Ranma brought up his knee to block the groin strike from his mother, and then leapt from the pole to avoid the grapple from his father. Ranma raced with wide strides from pole to pole, to gain a better vantage to take on his parents. Just as the pigtailed boy turned around, Nodoka was upon him attempting to flick his nipple.
Ranma twisted out of the way, and returned to strike, "MY GROPE WILL SLOW YOU DOWN!"
Nodoka gasped, but managed to keep her head, as she braced her feet against the bamboo pole her son was standing on, and pushed away. Genma barely cleared her, as he was airborne to meet his son in combat. Ranma quickly looked up, and leapt to meet his father in the air.
They seemed to hover in the air as they traded blows. Nodoka waited patiently on one of the poles for the to break off, so that she may press herself against her son and force him to submit. He had to be shown that he has far to go before taking the head of their family school.
After seemingly near eternity, Ranma and Genma landed on opposite poles
"You guard your erogenous spots well," Genma stated with a hint of pride in his voice.
"You and mother have trained me well," Ranma acknowleged, "But now I shall show you the fruits of my training! PREPARE FOR MY FURY, FATHER!" Ranma leapt again, shortly followed by Genma. Once again they were trading blows, before Ranma stripped his father's gi belt and pulled his pants down. Genma quickly attempted to recover from his vunerable position, and was unable to maintain his equalibrium in the air as he was sent crashing into the spring below him.
Before Ranma could land, his mother breezed by him, striking him with a telling blow, "SPHERES OF AQUA HUE STRIKE!!!!"
Ranma's eyes crossed as well as his legs, as he was sent flying backwards; it was one of his mother's most powerful strikes. The Spheres of Aqua Hue strike caused any male victim untold agony, until they begged their attacker for release. It was a most potent attack that none were able to withstand for long. If Ranma submitted himself to his mother, he would be lost.
The pigtailed boy was still grimacing as he hit the water. Nodoka stood on the pole that portruded from the pool her son fell in, and waited for him to surface; instead, she was met with a redhead girl looking up at her with a smirk.
"Your technique isn't as potent as I had thought, mother!"
Nodoka stared incredulously at the crystal blue eyes that stared back with mixed respect and challenge, "Ra-Ranma?"
"Oh, you fall in spring of Drowned girl," The guide interjected, "Tragic story of girl who fall in spring fifteen hundred year ago."
"Huh? What are you...?" Ranma started, before noticing the change in pitch in his voice. Nodoka continued to stared with wide eyes, until a panda landed on a pole next to her; startling the Saotome wife, and causing her to lose her balance...
"What is it that Saotome Nodoka-san changes into?" Nabiki enquired.
"At the time I did not see my good fortune," Ranma continued his tale, "I had thought I lost half of my ability, but only came to discover that I myself had multiplied it many-fold."
"That statement doesn't make sense," Kasumi replied, "How is it your ability multiplied many-fold."
Ranma had gained a gleem in his eye that told them he held a great secret, "With this curse, I was able to unlock the true secrets of Kyoujitsu!"
"Ah, the true secrets of Kyoujitsu!" Soun exclaimed in awe, "To think that I would ever witness someone who could boast so in my lifetime!"
"Secrets..." Akane asked incredulously.
"Of the..." Nabiki continued.
"Kyoujitsu?" Ranma's voice came in in place of Kasumi's, regardless that Kasumi's mouth was the one that moved.
"Yes," Ranma's voice continued, "The great secrets that would make a person's true ability begin to blossom! With it, I can be as untouchable as smoke, hard as the great Fugi-san, flexable as stalks of wheat, and enduring as the great waters,. There are none that I can call my peers, yet I search until I can."
Ranma's voice became somber, "For when I can find a peer, I will wed them, and together, we can discover the complete secrets of the Kyoujitsu, and make both of us Gods among men and women. For that person shall also hold the secrets, and allow us to unlock the ancient Kyoujitsu ascension techinique."
"And that is?" Kasumi asked.
"No idea, it's a secret." Ranma stated factually.
"ENOUGH!" Akane shouted, and coming to stand in challenge.
"What is the reason for this outburst?" Sound demanded, glaring at his youngest daughter who dared disrespect their guests.
"YOU KNOW NO MAN CAN DEFEAT US!" Akane stated arrogantly, "YOU TRAINED US SO!"
"He was not a man at the time," Nabiki stated dryly.
Akane ignored her, and kept going, "He comes into our house with trickery and lies! Well I disprove him, for I will battle this... boy!"
"So," Ranma replied with mirth, " You seek to challenge me in honorable combat one-on-one?"
"I challenge you in honorable combat to dispell your false."
"I accept your challenge!" Ranma replied, standing.
"I SHALL STOKE YOUR ROOSTER TO DEFEAT!" Akane shouted, rushing backwards out the door.
"I FOLLOW LIKE THE PRECUM AFTER STIFFNESS!" With that, Ranma followed in pursuit.