
Ranma 1/2
Master of Kyoujitsu

A pigtailed boy wandered through a random forest of Japan, seeking to train himself more profoundly in his martial art. He flicked the pigtail from his shoulder, and brushed down the front of his crimson Chinese shirt, "The trees are noisy," he spoke out loud, looking into the tops. He was not expecting it to be wind.





The young man stood still, as four decidedly female ninjas dropped from the treetops, surrounding the overly calm young man, "How do you four do? It is a nice day to be among the forest canopy."

"Halt, you are invading Hisan Futomara Clan territory," One of the women spoke out, "Such a crime cannot go unpunished."

"I can't convince you to let me pass peacefully, can I?" the young man asked confidently, as if the answer didn't matter any which way.

"Your impudence is your downfall! WE ATTACK!" Two of the women leapt into the air and shouted, "DUAL GENITAL DEPLINISHING BLOW!" The two women grabbed onto each other, and spread their legs to reveal their attire to be crotch less.

The pigtailed one quickly looked up, and leapt into the air to meet their team attack, "THE COUNTER-ATTACK!" Ranma brought a girl onto each shoulder and trapped them by placing a firm hand onto the small of their backs, and forced them to gyrate with his forearm while pumping his shoulders.

Their combined weight sent them crashing into the ground. The two women's eyes had a desperate glint as they continued to gyrate while holding onto each other's hands, fingers entwined, as their opponent lay under them. Managing to gain some sensibility between them, the two girls pushed themselves away into backhand springs, while a third one leapt towards their adversary.


The pigtailed young man's eyes went wide at the impressively endowed attack, and to avoid being pleasurefully smothered, he ducked under her, grabbing her onto his back with his arm on her shoulder and one between her legs, and hoisted her into the air. As the woman flipped herself, he once again leapt into the air to do battle, "DRIVING UP TO HEAVEN!"

His momentum slammed into the woman, aligning perfectly between her legs, and sending them climbing into the air. The pigtailed martial artist relentlessly pounded the woman, driving her to the heavens of distraction. She countered the best she could, attempting to slam her opponent back into submission. They reached the apex of their jump, and started to descend, neither relenting.

The pigtailed young man's foot found a perch on a tree branch, and he pushed back into the air, using the momentum to further drive into his opponent fiercely. The ninja felt herself succumbing to the onslaught, and managed to get her feet against a tree's trunk, and push away in an attempt to escape.

Her opponent would have none of that, as he also braced both feet against the tree, and pursued her. Her back was slammed into a tree, and her impact was quickly followed by her relentless opponent ramming back into her. He began to nail her mercilessly against the tree, the strength of his brutal pounding keeping both suspended against their perch.

Finally he felt his opponent squeeze around him, and pushed himself away. She was sent screaming onto the ground, where she crashed heavily. Her back arched heavily at the impact, before she settled flat with a contented and dazed look in her eyes.

The pigtailed boy found a warm mouth around him before he could fully descend, and he was forced horizontal with the quickly enclosing ground.

"PROPELLER OF GOD!" The woman managed to shout with her mouth full, and she spread her legs into the splits and began spinning. Both hit the ground, and the young man's face twisted in ecstasy. Any lesser man would have been easily felled by such a powerful attack, but fortunately he had the stamina of Gods.

He timed it so that she was spun away from his face, and reached out and grabbed her chest, "MAJESTIC MASSAGE!" His deft fingers went to manipulate pressure points on the woman's bosom that were so powerful, even the great empresses of ancient times cowed in fear.

Ignoring the scream of pleasure the woman gave off around him, he gave a Herculean effort to sit up, and then stand himself up, and then fold the woman's crotch towards his face while he spread her legs into the side splits.

"INVINCIBLE TONGUE OF THE DRAGON!" His tongue was clipped at the base in his youth, allowing it greater reach than most could ever accomplish, and it lashed out with a power developed from years of training. It became a battle for supremacy, in which the young man in the red Chinese shirt quickly gained the advantage of. His opponent gasped, and released him, folding herself back up so that she could cradle the back of his head into her crotch. She bucked and bucked, until she slumped forward into unconsciousness.

The pigtailed boy flipped his weary opponent over him and onto the ground, and was immediately pounced upon. The woman's technique was potent, as she rode him like he was a wild bronco. Her adversary could not find much leverage, but attempted to weakly return what he was given. His bouts with the first two women were now taking his toll, and decided that he had to go with a last ditch effort before he was lost.

"EJACULATION OF FUJI-SAN!" The woman cried out in ecstasy as she was filled to the brim, and launched into the air like a rocket. She landed near the first downed ninja woman, and unconsciously cuddled up against her with a smug smile that could even be seen through her mask.

"ULTIMATE CLENCHER TECHNIQUE OF THE HISAN FUTAMARA!" The pigtailed young man turned to see his final opponent flying at him with her legs spread wide for a scissor attack that promised to drain the final reserves of his God-like stamina. Without any other options left, the pigtailed boy pulled out a gourd that he had on him, and spun around into his own butterfly scissor leg attack while stripping off his tear-away pants, and dousing his head.

"THE TWO LOTUS BLOSSOMS KISS!!!" A feminine voice called out, startling her opponent. Their legs became entwined, bringing their crotches together in a powerful lock. The both began to gyrate their hips in attempts to force their opponent into blissful submission. Neither were gaining an advantage, until the redheaded girl utilized a final powerful attack.


The woman moaned as their bodies were suddenly forced to squirm like a caterpillar crawling along a leaf. Not being able to withstand such an awesome attack, the final Hisan Futomara Kunoichi screamed out in absolute pleasure.

The redhead stood up, and surveyed the grounds, looking smugly upon her fallen opponents. Her school of the Saotome Kyoujitsu once again had proven itself the best, and that she (or he, whenever) was the best of all.