LifetheLemon Ranma ½ - Lemon Flavored Chapter 4 - Practice Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma ½. If i did it wouldent be nearly as good. Warning: THIS IS PORNOGRAPHIC! There, done. * * * " A plane ticket costs that much?!" ranma asked Kasumi incredulously. "Yes, it is quite a bit. How are you going to get enough?" kasumi aked him. "I dunno. I guess i thought that you guys would pay for me to rescue them . . ." "Oh dear, no. we don't have nearly enough!" "Maybe I could enter some matial ars tounements?" "I checked, there arenet any for at least a month." "Oh. . . . wait! I got an idea. I remember when i was engaed to nabiki for awile, she rented me out for a lot of money . . . maybe i could do the same thing!" * * * So, later that day ranma went out, putting up posters saying "Ranma for Rent, Either form. Cost: 5000 yen per day". The nekt day, Ryouga showed up at the tendo dojo. "Hello, ryoga! Would you like to speak with Ranma? He's in his room." Kasumi said when she awnswered the door. "Thank you." he replied. "The stairs are the other way. * * * "So, whatcha want ryoga?" ranma asked. "Erm . . . well . . . its kinda complicated." "Try me." "Ummm . . . well . . . Akari said she wanted to . . . umm . . ." "Spit it out, man" "she said she wanted to take the next step in our relasionship." "Lucky man! Why do you seem so upset about it?" "I don't want to disapoint her, but im still a virgin, and i thought i needed to practice. But i also dident want to be disloyal, so i couldent have sex with a nothe girl, and so . . ." "You want me to change into girl form and fuck you?" "Ya, something like that. I was also hoping you could take me home." "Why?" "Thats where I'm meeting her." "Sure, I'll do it. BUT it'll cost you 10 000 yen." "OK." * * * Later on, at ryoga's house . . . "Well, both my parents are out, so that wont be a problem. I'll be in my room, erm . . . getting ready. You can find water in the kitchen" "okay." * * * Ranma, in female form, walked into roga's room, naked. She saw, an equally naked ryoga. Who promply had a massive nosebleed and passed out. So, Ranma remembered the two things she had heared to wake up somone who passed out: splash them with cold water (bad), or slap them. She opted for slapping him. "huh? Where am i?" ryouga asked, in a daze. "This will never do. You'll never be able to get laid if you pass out whenever you see a naked chick!" "Huh?" "Here, I'll try a cure for nosebleeds I read about. I've never done this before, so i may not be very good."Ranma-chan said. Ranma got down on her knees, and grabbed Ryouga's dick. She then made an "o" with her mouth and slid it over his length. She flicked her touge over the tip of his prick, and slid her mouth al the way down. Then she pulled up-up-up, until Ryouga thought she was gonna pull off of him. then, she slid rapidly down. A few more minutes of this, and ranma's blood figured out there was a much better spot to go than out his nose, and went rushing down to his prick, giving him a massive hard on, wich startled ranma, making her spit him out. "Don't stop!" ryouga exclaimed. "Umm . . . ryouga, shouldent we get to the pratice?" asked ranma. "Oh. I guess so . . ." So ranma stayed sprawled on the floor, waiting for ryouga to start. And start he did. Ryouga advanced on ranma, pushed her so she was lying all the way down. He stradled her, and then thrust into her. "OW!" screamed ranma, in agony. Ryouga ignored her. The testosterone was getting to him, and he was in to much exstacy to care about Ranma's comfort. Ranma, meanwhile, was screaming, not in ecxtasy, but agony. "MOKO TAKABISHA" ranma screamed, summoning a massive ball of ki, and shooting it at Ryouga. "Waht was that for?!" ryouga asked incredulously. "You were hurting me!" "Oh . . sorry." "You beter be." As you can obviously tell ryouga needed pratice. And pratice they did. Until ranma was raw, and bleeding. * * * to be continued . . . i want you C&C. im not getting them, and i want them!