Revelations, Part Two: "The Song of the Arrow"
They walked into town and down the dirt streets, looking curiously about them. For Ranma, it brought back some memories, but they were distant and remote. I am not seeing through a child's eyes now. "Is that him?" Ranma blinked out of his thoughts and glanced to where Ryoga was indicating – and that did bring back memories as he saw the cart with the big burly figure behind it, casually flipping the onkyonmiyaki as he ignored the customers. Suddenly Ranma felt like the young child he was back then, his dad beside him as they wandered happily in the town, safe and fed. "That's him," Ranma breathed out, almost nervous. He never went back to his past. This was the first time he'd ever come back to someplace he'd been as a kid. What did he do now? He tossed a helpless glance up at Ryoga and the steady brown eyes reassured him. They walked over and stood next to the cart, standing just beyond the other customers. The man looked up briefly to evaluate them... and he froze for the barest instant before returning his attention to the food. Ranma and Ryoga exchanged glances – if they hadn't been watching for it, they would have never noticed the pause. Did he recognize me? But... it's been so long. So many years had gone by, and Ranma had never expected to return. I left them behind, why are they back in my life? Involuntarily, Ranma shivered at the chill through his body and he inched closer to Ryoga. Intent on studying the onkyonmiyaki chef, Ryoga was startled when he felt Ranma press against him. Ranma? Glancing down, Ryoga recognized the confusion and fright that swirled through Ranma's aura. He's returned to his past. With a sigh, he pushed out his ki until he could wrap Ranma tightly, holding him close in his care, though he didn't touch him physically. Ranma, my sweet love – how many people did you leave behind? How many friends did you make, that you don't remember now? You don't remember us, because it hurts you to think of us. I thought I was always alone... but really, it is you. You move too fast for others to stay close, and you are the one alone. I love you, Ranma, and I will always find you again. Remember my love. Lost in their thoughts, both boys were startled when, after the other customers left, two plates of onkyonmiyaki were shoved in front of them. Ranma stared at the rather complex symbol that was drawn in sauce on his, and he recognized it as a variation of the doodles that Ukyo used to put on the onkyonmiyaki she'd give him after a spar. With puzzlement and an unfamiliar sense of guilt, he looked up to meet the eyes of his ex-fiancée's father. The burly man smiled, a twitching of lips that made his mustache move, "Ranma Saotome, it's been a long time. You've grown up well." "Um, uh... Ah, thank you," Ranma scratched the back of his head, embarrassed and still not knowing what to do. He glanced again at Ryoga for help. Oh, give me a break, Ranma. No wonder your dad wanted you to do it on your own. Ryoga shook his head slightly at Ranma and picked up the onkyonmiyaki in front of him. Curiously, he tasted it. "That's it, exactly!" Ryoga blinked in astonishment. Mr. Kuonji had put together every ingredient that Ryoga liked into a perfect onkyonmiyaki. Even Ukyo had never gotten it exactly right, despite how many times he ate at her place. Ryoga could never tell her what it was that was missing... but Mr. Kuonji had gotten it exactly. Mr. Kuonji's white teeth flashed in a smile, "It's all a matter of judgement and evaluation. Study the... customer to know what they want." Both boys heard the unspoken 'opponent' in place of the 'customer'. And they looked again at Ukyo's father. He was a Warrior, but a hidden one. Much like the dads. But they weren't given much time to think as Mr. Kuonji spoke again, studying Ryoga carefully, "You don't look much like your mother." "HUH??" Both Ryoga and Ranma were surprised. The onkyonmiyaki chef blinked, then cautiously asked, "Tatawaki Kuno?" Eyes wide, the boys shook their heads. Ryoga cleared his throat, "I'm Ryoga Hibiki." "Hibiki? Hibiki?" Absently, Mr. Kuonji started cleaning the grill, "Never heard of him. What was your mother's name?" "Uh... Sakafune..." Mr. Kuonji tilted his head to one side, "No... How odd." Glancing between the two, he abruptly stated, "You would defend Ranma with your life." It wasn't a question, but Ryoga answered anyhow, "Yes." Beside him, Ranma shivered and burst out, "No! I'll die first before I let you die again!!!" "Ranma," Ryoga turned to his friend, "Ranma, don't worry so. I gave you my promise – and there is nothing that will ever keep me from coming back to you. Nothing." The ground shook with the reverberation of his promise. With a gasp of a swallowed sob, Ranma threw himself into Ryoga's arms and held him tightly. With a sigh, Ryoga bent his head and cradled Ranma protectively, while at the same time keeping a steady eye on the man staring at them. "Very interesting," Mr. Kuonji said thoughtfully. Then he suggested, "Why don't both of you come home with me and we can talk." With a glance at the landscape around them, the chef closed his cart. Looking for danger... Ryoga felt the ki that the older man had used in that evaluation, and he pushed Ranma out of his arms, even as Ranma pulled away. They looked at each other, trading unspoken questions about the situation. Turning back to Mr. Kuonji, with a shrug, they agreed and followed him home.
When they were in his house, the three spent some time on general topics as polite host and polite guests will. Every time Ranma tried to break in with a question, Ryoga firmly redirected the topic back to the general. Eventually Ranma got the idea and held his tongue. When the first tea was done, there was silence for a bit and Ranma glanced to Ryoga. Ryoga nodded, grinning faintly. With assurance that now was a good time, Ranma finally brought up the topic he'd come about. "Sir... I'm sorry, but I can't marry Ukyo." Mr. Kuonji snorted softly, "I could tell." Both boys blushed scarlet as they realized what the remark meant. But, but, but... Ranma felt the confusion spread through his soul again, it was Akane I'm going to marry. He looked up at Ryoga, needing the love from his friend. Oh, Ranma... Ryoga's heart bled for his friend, wanting to give him that love... He cleared his throat, "Sir, apparently your onkyonmiyaki cart was the dowry for Ranma's marriage to your daughter... it no longer exists, but if there is anything else we can do for you..." Oops... Ranma was suppose to say that, not me. Ryoga winced, after that, the chef was definitely going to think that the two of them... Ranma glanced up at the wince – and rolled his eyes; Idiot – we are together. "You know about the engagement?" Mr. Kuonji paused while refilling the teapot. "That's interesting – I didn't think that Saotome-kun would have told you." Ranma looked at Ryoga, who shrugged slightly. Okay... Ranma tried to hide his surprise, so far nothing in this meeting has gone where I thought it would. "Uhh... Pop didn't. Ukyo came to Nermia last year and... uhh..." I am not going to tell him she was looking to pound us. Mr. Kuonji set the tea down, "Oh, she did, did she? That's interesting." He grimaced, "That means my idiot daughter has spent the last six years focused on a single need, most likely revenge, knowing her temper." He sighed, "Well, I guess that was one way to train her, though not what I had had in mind." Looking at the two stunned boys, he remarked, "Let that be a lesson to you – always beware other influences." Huh??? Ranma gulped, "Uhh... You didn't know that Ukyo..." he trailed off. How could her dad not possibly know...? The older man grinned sourly, "My good and faithful daughter – I knew I should have named her Yoshi – was so angry when I didn't go chasing after your dad, that she promptly called her mother, and I haven't seen or heard from her since." Again, the two boys looked at each other, wide-eyed and perplexed. "We're separated," Mr. Kuonji clarified. "Marta lives in Okinowa where she's the head okonomiyaki chef in a tourist restaurant." He looked at them thoughtfully, "So... you came to see me because of the supposed engagement. And Saotome-kun let you." After checking the tea, he poured them some more. What the hell is going on here? As he absently picked up his cup, Ranma picked out the bit of information he could actually focus on, "Supposed? You mean I'm not engaged to Ukyo?" "Well, yes, but..." Mr. Kuonji shrugged, "Technically, you are engaged to all the daughters. It expands your options." Ranma and Ryoga both sputtered on their tea. "ALL???" Ranma squeaked, his eyes wide and frightened. "I'll say it expanded them!" Ryoga busted up laughing. Ranma gave him an annoyed look, then turned back to Mr. Kuonji, "You mean it's deliberate that I'm engaged to Akane, Ukyo, and Shampoo all at the same time?" Ryoga snickered, "Don't forget Kodachi." Ranma glared at him, "We are not engaged!" "And what about that girl from the fast food race?" Ranma buried his head in his hands, "You don't know the half of it..." He looked up again, "So it's not just my greedy father?" "Greedy?" Mr. Kuonji picked up his teacup and sipped the hot liquid, "I don't think I've ever heard that term used for Saotome-kun before." With a shrug, he acceded, "I can tell you about the girls, but please use family names – I'm really not sure who you're talking about otherwise." He paused, "And, yes, your engagement to my daughter was deliberate." Ranma and Ryoga looked at each other again. Ranma shrugged, "Akane Tendo." The chef nodded thoughtfully, "Fire Warrior. Tendo-kun was always strong. That engagement is deliberate." Remembering the whimpering wreak that the head of the Tendo household was normally, both boys held their peace. Mr. Kuonji smiled, "But there should be another of the Tendo house. Who follows Kiyoaki-kun?" He looked at the incomprehension on their faces and sighed, "What's the name of the other daughter?" Ryoga and Ranma looked at each other. Cautiously, Ranma answered, "Akane has two older sisters, Kasumi and Nabiki." "Three? Three sisters?" Mr. Kuonji blinked, "How very odd... Kasumi... Mist. She is Kiyoaki-kun's heir. But Nabiki?" He tapped his fingers on the table and then finally shrugged, "You're engaged to all three, right?" Ranma sighed, "I was supposedly given my choice between them, but it's Akane I'm marrying." "Humm..." He picked up his tea again and sipped, "You mentioned Shampoo... odd name. Who's family is she of?" Ranma opened his mouth and closed it again. With a frown, he looked at Ryoga, "I haven't the foggiest idea. Do Amazons even have family names?" It was Mr. Kuonji's turn to sputter on his tea, "AMAZON???" He coughed and brushed away the liquid, "What the hell is Saotome-kun thinking? No one can control the Amazons!!" Then he paused thoughtfully, "But engaged?" Without waiting for an answer, he tapped the table, "That could work. If they are firmly on our side... but what a risk!" He frowned as he thought, ignoring the boys for the moment. Again the boys looked at each other. Ranma turned back, "What the hell is going on here?" Ryoga rolled his eyes at the rudeness, but didn't interrupt this time. Mr. Kuonji looked up and studied them for a long moment, "What has Saotome-kun told you about us?" At the puzzled looks he got back, Mr. Kuonji sighed, "What did he tell you when you told him you were coming to find me?" That question, Ranma could answer, "He said it wasn't a bad idea." Mr. Kuonji shook his head and rolled his eyes, "Saotome-kun..." The onkyonmiyaki chef sighed and busied himself with the tea again. When he finally looked up, he intently studied the two of them, "Whose idea was it really? To come and see me?" Ranma looked to Ryoga, even as Ryoga frowned deeply as he asked, "What difference should it make?" "Another Wild Card." Mr. Kuonji studied Ryoga again, "But firmly on Ranma's side." With a smile, he took a sip of tea, "Things just started looking up." Putting down the cup, he sighed, "I can't tell you. If Saotome-kun has not seen fit to talk about it with you, then your danger is still too great and your training not enough yet. I have told you too much already." Ranma stood up, infuriated, "If I don't get some real answers here—" Ryoga punched him in the leg and gestured for him to sit again. Ranma glared down at him. Ryoga shrugged. Ranma glanced to the calm Warrior who sat there and watched him – and did nothing. Damn, he reminds me of Pop! Ranma sat down again. Whatever information they were going to get would be in bits and pieces and it was up to them to put it together. Ranma's father almost never explained things. Only if Ranma was completely out of depth and time did Mr. Saotome give him hints about what to do. Otherwise, he waited for Ranma to figure it out himself. I'm being tested again. Just as I have been for my whole life. Before Jusenkyo, Ranma would not have questioned it. But the curse had shaken his whole life and made him look beyond his dad. And through my curse, I also found love... Ranma glanced to his friend and allowed himself a long moment of happiness that Ryoga was alive. More calmly, he looked back at Mr. Kuonji. The dad was frowning heavily at them. With the return of Ranma's attention, he asked, "Just how did Ukyo find you anyway?" Okay... Now that was a segue... Ranma and Ryoga traded looks again as they silently deliberated. Ranma shrugged, passing the question on. Ryoga frowned, "Probably the same way I did." Ranma rolled his eyes, "And that was?" "Your High School. Once you were a registered student, it was easy to find you in the records. And then, of course, once I got there, everybody in the whole damn school knew you were living with the Tendos." Mr. Kuonji choked, his eyes bulging, "Living with the Tendos??? But the whole point of us being separate... What the hell is Saotome-kun thinking!?" At this latest bit... Even Ryoga's calm was starting to get ruffled at all the hints and no real answers. And the implication of danger to his love. Ryoga drew in a deep breath and reached out to the oak tree outside the house, pulling in the steadiness. A difference in his ki... Ranma glanced to his friend and frowned. Ryoga... But the trees helped his friend. Ranma didn't like it, but he could see the change it was making, helping Ryoga to not get angry and to keep his cool. It used to be that after enough prodding, Ryoga would flare up with the most incredible battle aura... I used to enjoy it, knowing how powerful he was and that I could still beat him. Knowing that even with the extra power of anger... 'My anger is not like yours or Akane's, with me it makes things worse.' And Ranma had seen that. Had seen it and not noticed, not until Ranma had cared enough for his friend that he looked beyond himself and saw Ryoga. If the trees can help him... I guess they're a good thing. Mr. Kuonji sighed, "I'm sorry, truly I am. But I really can't say. There is a reason for most things Saotome-kun does, and when he doesn't tell us – well, there are reasons for that too." He frowned, "But I'd sure as hell like to know what's going on too!" Shaking his head, he poured another cup of tea and helped himself to an orange slice. Ranma sighed, accepting the oddness in the situation. To his surprise, he actually was feeling pretty good about it. There's actually a reason for it all. There really is. Ever since Jusenkyo, Ranma had almost hated his dad for the things he'd done. And now... Jusenkyo? Ranma blinked a few times. "Kuonji-san..." The Martial onkyonmiyaki chef pushed a slice of orange at him, "Have some, Ranma-boy – and you can ask. I may not answer, but you can always ask." "What do you know about Jusenkyo?" Ranma accepted the orange. "Jusenkyo?" Mr. Kuonji sat back and thought before shaking his head, "What is it?" "It's... a training location in China with cursed springs." "Cursed springs?" Ranma and Ryoga traded looks again. He doesn't know... "I... Oh hell." Ranma looked around for some cold water. Silently, Ryoga held up a water flask. With a nod to his friend, Ranma directed Ryoga to pour it over him. Mr. Kuonji stared. "Well now..." Leaning forward, Mr. Kuonji started to poke at Ranma, but a growl from Ryoga stopped him and he sat back again, studying Ranma's girl-body intently, "Very nice. Very, very nice indeed." Ryoga growled again and Ranma risked a quick look over. Ryoga's fangs were on the outside, and there was a fierce gleam in his eyes as he prepared to defend his mate. Ranma smiled happily, her heart flipflopping inside as she accepted Ryoga's actions as part of his love for her. Mr. Kuonji laughed, "Relax, Defender – I meant the curse was nice, not the body. I'll leave the body to you." With a blink, Ryoga turned scarlet and raised a hand to his nose. Oh, my love! Ranma suppressed her own laughter and turned back to the dad, "This wasn't an accident either?"Mr. Kuonji snorted, "Hell no. I presume Saotome-kun has one similar?" Ranma nodded, "He's a panda." "A panda..." The dad laughed, "Ah, that will mess up their tracks royally. No. With these curses, it is safe for you two to keep company with others now. You are not limited by the association imperative anymore. A panda and a girl..." He studied Ranma carefully again, "And you're even thinking as a girl." It was Ranma's turn to blush. Mr. Kuonji chuckled again, "Relax – that just makes it better. No seeking spell will ever find you now, with two different mindsets." Picking up another orange, he peeled it, "I have to say, this was definitely a good move from Saotome-kun – and there will be no 'do overs' for this move. All sets are final in the end game." Ranma growled, "My life is a game????" Putting down the orange, Mr. Kuonji held up his hands in pacification, "That's just an expression. Shogi helps to define strategy because it also involves knowing what the opponent will do, and finding ways around it." "But Pop always cheats!" Mr. Kuonji chuckled, "Well, that's one way." He pointedly looked at Ranma's body, "And it works." With a grunt, he unfolded his long legs and stood up from the table, "Now, I think you had better go. I've enjoyed our little talk, but it is not the time. Come back and be welcome when you can tell me why you're here." "But, but, but..." Seeing the look on the dad's face, so very like his own dad when he was being stubborn, Ranma gave up and also stood. Ryoga sat for a moment more as he finished the orange and looked around the house. It is a home, here. But there is no one but himself. Over by the television, there was a small bookstand, and on the bookstand there was a small framed photograph of a young child... Ukyo – why did you leave him? This is a good man. You would have had a good home here. Ryoga glanced at the book titles, many of them on Budo. And... you would have been a Warrior. Now... Ukyo, what was your mother? Mr. Kuonji sighed, "We all have our faults, and one of mine was not teaching my daughter enough while she was here. I thought she was too young, and I did not see what she was becoming until Saotome-kun came to visit. And then it was too late. The Way of the Warrior should be started from the cradle, but I foolishly thought to let her be a child first." Both Ranma and Ryoga looked at him in surprise. Ranma narrowed her eyes as that reminded her of something he'd thought of when he'd been talking to Akane, "If I had said I wanted Uc-chan with us, would Dad have taken her?" Mr. Kuonji raised a hand palm up in a gesture that said he didn't know. "But you would have let her?" The dad nodded. "Then what the hell is all that about us needing to be separate?" Ranma was fuming as he glared at the big chef towering over him. Mr. Kuonji looked down at Ranma and just chuckled, "You are too young and too innocent. As long as you have your innocence, you are not bound by our rules. It's your dad and I who have to be careful." He ruffled Ranma's red hair fondly but sadly, "but you are growing up..." He sighed and glanced to Ryoga, who was watching him closely, "Defender, be careful with this one. You have taught him danger-sense, and you have shown him Truth, and both have been done well; but so too were we good once before we were broken." Ryoga blinked, "I didn't show him Truth." He gave the word a proper noun emphasis, as had the dad. He glanced over to Ranma, who was staring between the two of them. Ranma caught his gaze and shrugged, "Akane. I was asking her about how I'd hurt you." He blinked a few times and then bowed low to Ryoga, "Ryoga-kun – I'm sorry." He straightened up and grinned, "I keep forgetting to tell you that..." With a roll of his eyes, Ryoga grinned and accepted the apology that was off-cuff but still heart-felt. Yet, even as he watched Ranma, he was distracted by a feeling of uneasiness. He glanced around the house and realized that Mr. Kuonji had been correct, that the two of them needed to leave. Now was not the time, and they needed to go back home, for now. As Ryoga stood, Mr. Kuonji shook his head in puzzlement, "I almost feel like I should know you, though you are not one of ours. Protector, Defender. Who is your sensei?" Ryoga froze. Ranma glanced at the empty expression on his friend's face and she felt the world turn red in her desire to protect him. Yet as she moved towards him, Ryoga looked at her and motioned her back. But still... Ranma's heart was twisting, it's his pain again. Somehow, Kuonji-san has hit the very thing Ryoga has been running from... He remembered how Ryoga had cried in Ranma's arms the night before. And wouldn't tell Ranma why. With a long sigh, Ryoga closed his eyes and reached out with his ki to find both the trees and Ranma's. He reached out and felt not just the oak, but also the orange tree, and the pines, and the elms... Ranma's love was bright. The trees gathered him in. The ground reached up to him. He had to be careful about the ground, sometimes it was a bit too protective of him – Ryoga backed off a bit. All the bright ki he was surrounding himself with was enough for the dark waves of despair to shatter as they tried to enter in. When they had stopped swirling, Ryoga opened his eyes and met the steady gaze of Mr. Kuonji. The Martial onkyonmiyaki chef was standing still, but his whole body was radiating readiness and his eyes were narrowly watching the ki patterns. Ryoga grinned tightly, "There are two sensei that I have accepted teaching of." Mr. Kuonji blinked in startlement and took a step backwards, "That's..." "I know," Ryoga sighed again, and prepared to explain. Ranma broke in, "So? Bunches of people teach me all the time!" And there is Ranma's innocence again! Ryoga had to laugh. With one hand, he ruffled the bright red hair as Ranma half-scowled at him, "Ranma-sweet – you only have one sensei, your dad, and he lets you train with many others under his supervision. That is why your school is 'Anything Goes'." Uhh... Ranma blinked. With that explanation, she could see how that was true. But Ryoga? With one more sigh, Ryoga redirected his attention to the older Martial Artist, "My original sensei is Isaye Shoucun." When there was no immediate reaction, he clarified, "Of the Golden Isle." That got a reaction. Mr. Kuonji's eyes widened and he made a slight bow... "No," Ryoga shook his head, "I am not worthy. I left her training." He closed his eyes in pain, "And then I betrayed her." His fangs were biting through his lower lip as he trembled, "I accepted a new sensei." Ranma scratched her head, "If you're talking about Cologne, Ryoga – all you've ever done is learn one technique from her. That's not exactly a big deal." Emotions whirled through Ryoga, and the one that took command was the old familiar anger at Ranma and his insensitivity and his indifference. Ryoga's eyes blazed as he gazed at the source of all his troubles. And then a white flash eclipsed his vision and he sank to the floor moaning in pain, feeling the oak tree breaking his back, feeling the sand in his throat and the dryness of his eyes. It was so peaceful... there was no anger in the white land. But neither was Ranma there... Ryoga looked at the River and shook his head. Someday, but not this day. With a gentle sigh, he went back to Ranma. "Ryoga!" Ranma was at Ryoga's side in a moment, wrapping her arms and her ki around him and throwing herself into him. She couldn't tell what was going on – but she had seen the old anger, and for the first time she also saw the pain that fueled it... and then Ryoga had collapsed. Ranma held her friend and cursed herself for whatever she had done to cause this. And she poured her life into her love. After only a brief moment, Ryoga stirred and pushed her away, "That's enough." Seeing the hurt look, he instantly pulled her back and kissed her gently, "I meant stop throwing your ki into me. I'm all right. I'm back. Don't hurt yourself." Ranma sighed softly, "Ryoga-love... Now what happened?!?!" Ryoga shook his head, mystified. Mr. Kuonji cleared his throat, "You two had better leave. Ryoga-san... accidentally activated one of the defenses of this place. The dark despair is what hunts our house, and his was close enough to pull it in... and the anger was that of the enemy. I don't know why you are still alive, but..." he glanced nervously around, "that was sure to get some attention." With a sigh, his gaze rested upon the bookshelf that held the picture. "I think it's time for me to move on as well. Ranma, please say hello to Saotome-kun for me. You won't be able to find me again until it is time." Then the onkyonmiyaki chef left, walking out the door without another look back. Ranma and Ryoga stared after him for a long moment. And then they looked at each other and hurriedly followed.
By the time they got outside, Ukyo's dad was already halfway down the road, traveling with quick long strides that covered ground rapidly. Ranma glanced back at the house, "He left all of it. Just like my dad. He just turned and left. Even the picture of Mom..." Holding his breath, Ryoga turned to Ranma, being careful to make his motions slight enough not to alarm his friend. Ranma's remembering his past. Ranma is so very careful not to think back to anything, not to let his memories hurt him. But right now, he's looking and seeing something. Ranma shook his head. He and his dad had always been on the go, moving from place to place, carrying only a few items with them. One of those had been a worn picture in Mr. Saotome's wallet; a picture of a man, a woman, and a small baby. Though his dad never talked about it, Ranma had always known it was a picture of them, of his mother... One day, while they bathed in a river, Mr. Saotome had suddenly looked at the sandbar where they had left their clothes. His eyes narrowed for a long moment, and then he shook his head and motioned to his son, and they had moved quickly and as silently as they could upstream. A kilometer away, they got out, shivering with the cold, and still Mr. Saotome had made them walk on. Until they passed a small farmhouse with laundry hanging out to dry. After they were dressed, the two of them had moved even more quickly, leaving the river far behind. And the only memory Mr. Saotome had kept. Don't look back, never look back. A small voice whispered to Ranma inside his head. You cannot go back, only forward. Look ahead. See what needs to be done, and do it. But do not look back. "If you see your path, than others can as well. Do not leave footprints, don't leave scent. Never tell anybody anything they do not already know. Do not see too clearly lest others use your sight." Ranma sighed, a long, weary sound. "What is going on?" He turned to Ryoga and buried himself in his friend's arms, needing the human contact and Ryoga's love. I'll never stop needing him. For his part, Ryoga was almost frightened to his core from what Ranma had said. From what Mr. Kuonji had said. From what they hadn't said. I need to go back. Sensei will know what to do. She did not want me to ally with Ranma... but I have. I have and I will not abandon him now. For me to help Ranma, I have to be more than I am now. Ryoga's jaw clenched tight at the thought of the pain. The pain of failure, the pain of a betrayer. 'You are not one of us, Defender.' No, I'm not. I am not one of them, and I never will be, but I will still defend Ranma and Akane to the core of my being. The ground trembled. Ranma pulled himself out of Ryoga's arms, "What the hell?" And then his gaze fell upon the house they'd just left and he shivered in the hot air. "Ryoga, let's get out of here." With a nod, Ryoga agreed, and they headed out of the village, in the opposite direction from the road Mr. Kuonji had taken. After they'd gone a few kilometers, they broke the silence to talk about what they hadn't learned. "He didn't tell us all of it," Ranma muttered. Ryoga grinned faintly, "Just like your dad." He remembered Ranma's words of a few minutes back, 'Never tell anybody anything they do not already know.' The curious thing was, Ryoga didn't think that Ranma remembered it anymore, though he was the one who said it. Ranma shrugged, "Learn by doing." He sighed, "Though I wish they'd do a bit more lecturing sometimes... Now I'm really confused." "Yeah..." his voice thoughtful, Ryoga thought of the questions the answers had raised, "Talk to Akane when you get back." "Huh?" Ryoga shook himself – he hadn't meant to say that. What had he meant to say? For that matter, what did he say? It wasn't a bad idea... "Akane-san is the best of us for seeing beyond the obvious. She can take a puzzle that's missing a third of its pieces and still put it together." "Yeah," Ranma's voice shone in his pride of her. And they were silent again as they thought and walked. It would have to be discussed, but neither one wanted to start talking just yet, not to mention that they were still where other ears could hear. Caution was on both their minds as they thought about the conversation they'd had.
A shimmering beside her, her ki in flux. Ranma blinked and looked over, "Hey, Ryoga... Ryoga? Ryoga?" Ranma stopped where she was and turned in a circle in the middle of the road, "RYOGA?" A villager passing by gave her one curious look and then ignored her. Ranma turned around... "Shit." The curse was too mild. "Damn." Still not enough. "Ryoga, you ass! We still had another night at the hotel before we had to go..." That she would now have to spend alone... Ranma looked around one more time. The road was still empty and Ranma was still by herself. "God-damn your stupid sense of direction you moronic asshole! Why the hell did you have to get lost NOW?????????"
Notes to Chapter 11: |