Revelations, Part Two: "The Song of the Arrow"

Chapter Nine


"Who the hell cares about breakfast?" Ranma leaned back in for another nibble.

"Ranma..." Ryoga's warning was only half-hearted as he breathed in her scent as his body responded to her touch. "Say – I haven't redeemed my promise, yet, have I?"

"Promise?" Ranma captured his hand, stroking his wrist and watching the fingers curl involuntarily. "How interesting."

"From the train." Ryoga blinked, "Ah, Ranma... Do you mind?" It wasn't that he minded... exactly... but it was very distracting.

"I'm having fun," Ranma grinned but released him, "The train... Oh! Ryoga – I think you fulfilled that promise very well indeed last night." Very, very well. "I definitely have to say that you fulfilled expectations I didn't even know I had." For that matter, "You know, I think we only technically had sex once last night." It had been a very long night. And in some ways, not long enough. "Okay, twice."

"Technically... maybe." Ryoga put his released hand to better use. "You know, if you keep raising your standards on me, I'm going to be hard-pressed to match them."

"Before I'd met you, Ryoga-love," Ranma kissed him lightly, "I didn't know what pleasure was. I don't think you have anything to worry about." She stroked his chest and sighed in contentment, "Anything and everything you do satisfies my need for you – you're the one who keeps raising your own standards."

"I like seeing your pleasure," Ryoga's statement was earnest and all that was loving.

"And I like seeing yours," Ranma purred, remembering the first time last night – it had been so wonderful to see him like that. This was love. Loving each other. "So..."

Ryoga laughed, "Okay, let's skip breakfast."

And they did.


"Okay, three times," Ranma's voice was very smug.

Ryoga laughed, "Technically."

They leaned back into each other.


"Damnit!" Ranma swore as he hopped into his pants, "I'm late!!!" He threw on his shirt. "Ryoga! Where's that hot water?"

Ryoga came out of the other room and tossed a package on the bed. "In the shower – come on."

"Don't have time!"

Ryoga pulled the shirt off of Ranma and bodily hauled her into the shower, "Ranma, sweet – we both smell like we've been having sex all night. Do you really want to show up at the dojo like that?"

Ranma grabbed the soap and hurriedly scrubbed off, "Okay, okay, already." He stepped out of his soaked pants and looked down, "Ryoga – I'd only brought the one pair of pants."

"That's okay," Ryoga was rinsing the soap out of his hair, "One of Nabiki's other packages had clothes for your guy form."

"Hurry up! Ryoga!" Ranma was already out of the shower and drying off. "On the bed?" He rushed back into the bedroom.

"Yep – and you're not that late yet."

"Maybe not by your standards!" Ranma growled, "I'm used to being on time!"

There was silence from the bathroom.

Oops. Ranma guiltily finished putting on his shirt, "I'm sorry, Love. I..."

"It's okay." Ryoga came back in, rubbing a towel through his hair. "Let me braid your hair." He stepped behind Ranma and quickly ran a brush through his hair, then separated the coal black threads into three strands and wove them together. Before the time he'd spent with Ranma, he'd never known how to braid. Now, he was an expert.

Ranma shivered with delight at the feel of Ryoga's hands working on his hair. When Ryoga was finished, Ranma pulled the bandanna off his wrist and held it out to his friend. And then paused and looked at him. "Ryoga, I love seeing you like that, but the students are going to wonder."

"You're the one going. Representing the Tendo Dojo."

Ranma blinked. He's not... "Ryoga, you ass. You're coming too."

"No I'm not."

"Of course you are."

"No I'm not."

Ranma growled, out of patience with their little game, "Nabiki had you on the itinerary too! You're expected. Now, get dressed and let's go."

Ryoga blinked. And searched for the itinerary, finally finding it out in the living room. "Shit."

"Told ya." Ranma pulled Ryoga's shirt over his head and gave him his pants. Ryoga put them on without any more protests.


As the two boys walked into the dojo, Ryoga let Ranma pull slightly ahead and he followed a half-step behind. Ranma gave him a side-long glance but since they were now in earshot of strangers didn't protest the implication of Ranma having the superior status. Ryoga, you bonehead... we're equals. Partners. Yet he couldn't deny the advantage it would give him in dealing with the dojo's sensei.

The dojo was immersed in teaching groups on the mat, lower belts separated under the watchful eyes of the browns and blacks. The sensei stood over by the altar and watched his students. As Ranma and Ryoga walked into the outer room, the students continued to give their attention solely to their trainers, only the occasional side looks telling they knew the two were there. The sensei also kept his gaze on the students until Ranma and Ryoga made their respectful bows in his direction. Then he looked their way and evaluated them before returning the bow. He didn't call for a halt on the mat, though, letting the practice still continue. Ranma and Ryoga stood at attention on the side and watched the students. 

Nudging Ryoga with an elbow, Ranma flicked his eyes over to one young yellow belt. Ryoga nodded, a bare movement of his head. Then he returned his gaze to one of the white belts. Ranma looked at the boy curiously, he didn't see anything special about that one. He glanced to Ryoga with a tilt to one eyebrow. Still and silent for a second, Ryoga finally responded by drawing his lips back slightly so his fangs showed. Ranma blinked and then looked again to the boy. And this time recognized the desperation in the learning. Huh... Ranma bit his lip lightly knowing that before last month, he would have never been able to have seen it. His attention went back to Ryoga as his partner frowned. Ranma let his gaze drift until he found the brown belt that Ryoga was looking at. And then Ranma frowned also. This one is the sort that would have beat up the other one. What's he doing in a good dojo?

The sensei called a 'matei,' and the students finished up the actions they were in the middle of and then all stood at respectful attention, eyes focused on their teacher. The sensei nodded to Ranma, "Our guests have arrived – Welcome." He left the 'finally' out of the sentence, but the barest pause told Ranma it was implied. Ranma winced without letting it show. Instead, he bowed low to the assembled dojo.

"I am Saotome Ranma, of the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts. Thank you for welcoming me to your dojo." He made the barest motion of his body and redirected the attention to Ryoga.

Ryoga blinked. Ahh... He bowed, "Hibiki Ryoga."

There was an expectant pause in the room.

Refraining from looking at his friend, Ranma shrugged slightly, "Also of the Any—"

"No," Ryoga broke in. This time Ranma did look at him. "Thanks for the honor, Ranma, but..." I am not your dad's student! But... Ryoga scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "I don't represent anybody but myself."

This reply was so startling that Ranma actually turned to face him, "Excuse me? But..."

Ryoga bit his lip and then addressed both Ranma and the sensei of the dojo, who was listening non-judgmentally. "I never received formal permission from my sensei to represent the School. I have permission to train with others, particularly Ranma, and to defend myself and others as necessary, but I can only teach basics and none of the specialties of the School."

The sensei nodded in approval at the answer.

Ranma asked in disbelieving curiously, "You have special moves? Like what?"

Ryoga glared at him. Then lifted one hand up to his bandanna and raised an eyebrow.


The sensei cleared his throat and a blushing Ranma returned to his formal poise. The sensei's expression didn't change but his amusement and approval were obvious. "Listen well, students and observe the lesson before you think to go out and pass on my teachings. You will do so only when I say you are ready to."

The students all nodded in agreement.

The sensei nodded in approval of his students. He turned back to the boys, "So, shall we start with your demonstration?"

Ranma and Ryoga glanced briefly at each other, Ryoga turning slightly red on the nose. Normally, they would integrate with the students first, learning from the sensei and practicing with the black belts. Obviously, the sensei was still commenting on their lateness. Ranma nodded, and walked on to the now cleared mat. Ryoga followed him. When Ranma had reached the middle of the mat, he launched a back-kick at Ryoga without telegraphing the move. Ryoga put one hand on Ranma's leg and flipped him up. Ranma whirled around mid-air and came back for a new attack. And the match started proper, the students on the sidelines in total awe as they watched the kicks and blows and punches and blocks the two strangers exchanged. The sensei only raised an eyebrow and carefully didn't smile.

A fist crashed into Ryoga's face and he staggered back.

Ranma blinked, "Ryoga, why didn't you dodge that one?"

"Ranma, you ass!" Ryoga punched him with near full force, knocking Ranma clear to the other side, "You're speeding up your moves too fast for the students to see!"

Ranma got up, wiping the blood off the side of his face, "Oh. Sorry. It's hard to be slow."

He started forward again, but this time the sensei laughed as he called a matei. As Ranma and Ryoga blinked and then belatedly bowed, the sensei grinned, "Slow, is that? Well, maybe I'll only let the higher dans practice under your supervision." His eyes showed approval for their demonstration. Worship and admiration showed plain in the students' eyes.

With that, the school divided up into sparring groups on the mat again, but this time Ranma and Ryoga wandered through the groups along with the higher black belts and made comments and suggestions on training and techniques. Ranma mostly hung out with the higher belts because every time he wandered into the white and blues and greens, he was not only completely lost, but almost baffled by their slowness and the simplicity of the training. The black belt with him grinned, "Everybody has to start somewhere." "Yeah," Ranma responded, slowly... And I thought Akane was slow... She's better than the black belts. These beginners... was I ever that incompetent? Over where he was correcting one blue belt's block, Ryoga tossed him an amused grin and Ranma blushed as he realized that Ryoga had caught that thought. And then Ranma watched Ryoga for a long moment, noting how easily Ryoga interacted with the lower belts... He's done this before. A memory from their Junior High surfaced of a time he'd followed Ryoga to the defense of a teenager, and how Ryoga had shown him some blocks and tricks and then recommended a good dojo... He always sent them to dojos. He always did more than just save them, he also tried to keep it from happening again. Ryoga was spending a lot of time with the young white belt. The older brown belt kept glancing over to them, frowning... Ranma blinked. There's something there... that one's a bully... but if I didn't know better, I'd think he wants to protect the kid from Ryoga. The yellow belt that Ranma was currently assisting pulled a move that the black belt blinked at, "Hiroshi – you're not suppose to know that yet."

The yellow belt grinned, "I was watching them carefully. And you and Tiji had pulled it the week before."

The black belt sighed, "Hiroshi – learn them in order. You already jump the belts too fast."

Before the week he'd spent with Ryoga, Ranma would have sided with the yellow belt. But he remembered how much trouble he'd had retraining Ryoga... and he agreed with Dijako, "The basics are what all the advanced moves are based on. You can't rush them, or when you need them you'll find them gone. Learn the basics so thoroughly that they're instinctive. Then go to your next level. You have time. Take it. Or you will be the Dojo Champion in two years," the black belt shot him a disbelieving glance but Ranma ignored it, "but you will never be all you can be."

The yellow belt nodded slowly. And then watched Ryoga train the lower belts. And looked back to Ranma. He was obviously thinking about it.

Ranma and Dijako moved on. The sensei wandered near to them and spoke under his breath, "My thanks. That's an advantage of hero-worship. I've been trying to tell him that one ever since he joined, but all he sees is how much naturally he's better. Now, thanks to you, he will learn."

Ranma blinked at the praise. And took another long look at the students. And himself.

The sensei eventually called for a break and then spent some time on theory and discipline and meditation. When that portion was done, he glanced at the clock and then requested that Ranma spend some time teaching a couple of advanced techniques to the upper belts. Ranma agreed, and the lower belts split off to the sides to watch. Several of the students bowed to the sensei and started to leave, obviously having had prior instructions.

"Matei..." the strong voice was commanding and deferential at the same time.

Ranma blinked as he heard Ryoga's voice and he involuntarily looked to the sensei, who was regarding Ryoga with the same studying expression he'd had when they first walked in. The students who had been filing out, paused, looking between Ryoga and the sensei.

Ryoga glanced again at the brown belt, one of the students leaving, and he bit his lip before turning to the teacher, "Sensei, one of the specialties of my school is training defense. If you would approve, I could take those students who would learn self-defense and go to the other room to train them."

The sensei regarded him for a long moment and then looked over at the students. Ranma blinked in surprise. The brown belt had his hand on the white belt's shoulder and while the white belt was looking at Ryoga in hope, the brown was frowning with suspicion. The sensei finally nodded at Ryoga, "That would be appropriate." He directed his voice to the students, "Those that I asked not to stay for advanced fighting may attend the defensive training, and anybody else who wants to as well."

Advanced 'fighting'... oh. Ranma blinked as he noted again the students who had been filing out to leave. He flipped into his ki sight and evaluated them. It's not all of them, but all the students who haven't yet learned the Code are in the group leaving. And this sensei won't teach them advanced fighting until he knows they'll hold to the Code. He nodded slowly. And then realized why Nabiki had sent him there. It wasn't so he could teach the students... it was so that he could learn what a sensei was. A normal one. Not one like his dad or Mr. Tendo, and especially not Happi or the Ghoul. Not even Ryoga's sensei. But a normal one. One who taught normal people... Thank you, Nabiki. Ranma turned to his students as Ryoga went into the other room with his own set.


"Yo, Ranma."

Ranma glanced to one side to see Ryoga poking his head out the door, "Yeah?"

"Can you come here for a sec? I want to demonstrate a move to the students, but they can't flip me."

Ranma blinked. And slowly grinned at his friend. Ryoga rolled his eyes. Ranma grinned lightly and glanced back to his group. "I think I can break for a bit. Hey, Dijako – could you watch them for me?" The black belt waved to him and Ranma nodded, bowing to the amused sensei before heading over to Ryoga. "So you admit I'm better than you?"

"No friggin way!" Ryoga growled, "I just said I needed somebody who could throw me!"


"One throw does not make a battle! 'Sides – I'm letting you."

Ranma blinked, "But you can't let them?"

Ryoga stopped at the mat and raised an eyebrow at Ranma's baffled expression. Then he grinned and said softly, "Ranma – your punches have always been lightening bolts... And I love to spar with you. Because you are the only one I ever met who can throw me. I'm grounded."


The bandanna-clad boy rolled his eyes, "Think about it." He looked around at the class, "Do you remember what I was telling you about this technique?" They all nodded. "Then pay attention." He nodded at Ranma, who, still thinking about the statement, absently tossed a blow at Ryoga and traded a couple of punches before he threw one that... knocked Ryoga clear to the far wall? Where Ryoga crumpled down in a heap? Unconscious??? Huh? I didn't... "Ryoga!" Ranma ran to his friend's side, kneeling down beside him and feeling...

Ryoga opened his eyes, "Oops, sorry – forgot to warn you about how that'd look." He grinned shame-faced at Ranma's expression.

"Ry-ou-ga..." Ranma growled, his concern turning to anger.

Ryoga laughed as he hopped up and danced backwards out of Ranma's reach. Ranma balled his fists and came after him.

After ducking a few blows, Ryoga took one on his side. And flew back through the air to smash on the wall, falling limply down. Ranma stared at him, transferred the stare to his fist, then back to his friend... "Ryoga?"

Ryoga stood lightly up, "One more, I think." He launched himself at Ranma. Ranma blinked at the fist coming towards him and blocked it only at the last second. Automatically he tossed back a return kick... And it happened again. This time, Ranma just stared and didn't say anything.

"Alright," Ryoga rolled over after a moment and stood up, "Did everybody see how I did that?" Four of the twenty students nodded. Ryoga sighed, "Well, that's a start. Rikio – would you like to try?"

The brown belt that they'd been watching earlier nodded and stepped out. Ranma stepped back off the mat and watched as the brown belt and another, green belt, started to spar... And Rikio fell backwards, flying a few feet in the air before he came down on the ground limply, head rolling back...

"Riki!" The young white belt ran forward, "Onii-san!"

The brown belt quickly sat up, "It's okay, Akio." He grinned, "That is going to be one damn useful technique!"

Ryoga nodded quietly, "Please start the other students in on it. I have to talk to Ranma for a moment."

"Yes, you do," Ranma said tightly as they walked off. Not loud enough for the students to hear. "Okay, Ryoga – what the hell was that?"

Ryoga glanced around the small anteroom, then put a hand up and delicately traced Ranma's cheekbone. Ranma tried to keep his anger, but the feel of Ryoga's hand... His heart melted and he leaned his face into Ryoga's hand as Ryoga cupped him gently. Blue eyes glistened at brown ones and Ranma leaned forward... Ryoga glanced around once more, quickly, before also moving forward for a quick kiss. "Ranma... my sweet," Ryoga murmured, stroking his face softly.

Ranma reached out... and then drew back, "Damn, Love. You nearly made me forget..." Ranma sighed, the anger drained out and leaving only the love and the trust, "So what was it?" he asked more quietly, not demanding.

"It's..." Ryoga paused, "I can't tell you the Name, but basically it's a move that's designed to stop a fight."

Ranma snorted, "It does that all right."

Ryoga grinned at his friend. Ranma didn't grin back but instead noted the sadness that kept the smile from reaching Ryoga's eyes. And Ryoga saw the speculation in Ranma. Already, my love is so different then the person I knew before the valley. Glancing at the dojo door, Ryoga asked, "You were wondering about Rikio, weren't you?"

"Well," Ranma blinked at the segue, "I was earlier... I thought you'd pointed him out as a bully and the kid... his brother as a... uh..."

"Victim," Ryoga put in with a baring of his fangs, "They both are."

Ranma looked up at him, feeling the pain that Ryoga was holding within, and then he stepped a little closer and leaned his head on Ryoga's chest. Ryoga's hand automatically went up to stroke Ranma's hair as he spoke, "Their father beats them. Rikio, the elder brother, has become harsh and uncaring in an attempt to not care. His father beats him, and then he beats others. But his little brother, Akio, is... Well, he just curls up and cries, which makes his father beat him more, trying to beat a backbone in him. But the children can't leave their family... So, I teach them techniques that will let them seem to fight, but will avoid most of the pain. That fall looked really nasty, didn't it?"

"Yeah," Ranma kept his head against Ryoga's chest and listened to the heartbeat he heard there, "It did."

"Sorry about that," Ryoga stroked his hair gently, "I couldn't warn you or the effect would be lost for the students. They were expecting it... but you weren't, and you thought it was real. So will their opponents."

"But what if the... opponent keeps on? Kicking or something?"

Ryoga sighed, "Most will stop when their victim is unconscious. But you're right, sometimes the anger is such that they don't. Then... Well, I'm teaching them what I can in a day. It isn't as much as I'd like, but it's more than they have now." His voice was a bare whisper, "and more than I can usually do..."

There was a cough in the doorway and the two boys jumped apart, landing on opposite sides of the room, faces burning red. The sensei raised an eyebrow at them before calmly saying, "I was going to have the students break for lunch. I had originally planned to let them go home from there, but several of them have expressed a desire to stay in the afternoon and practice. I wanted to invite mina to lunch and also ask if you could supervise them some more afterwards. The students and I would greatly appreciate it and we would be in your dept." He glanced between them and a smile grew on his face, "Both of yours. You two have accomplished in a few hours what it would have taken me years to. The students will be the better for it." He bowed low, first to Ranma, and then to Ryoga.

The two youths stared at him. And then at each other. And then at the sensei again... Finally, Ranma cleared his throat, "Uh, that's not necessary... We'd... uh, we'd be glad to stick around..." There go Nabiki's plans... "And... uh..."

The sensei straightened up, "Good. Thank you again. I will assemble the students and tell them." He pulled the door shut behind him.

"Uhh...." Ranma and Ryoga stared at each other. From opposite sides of the room.

"Ah," Ryoga cleared his throat, still blushing, "Sorry..."

Ranma bit his lip, "Well..." He allowed himself to think of what had just happened... "Ah, who the hell cares? Ryoga-love – I do care for you, and I want to be with you always!" He walked to Ryoga's side and reached out...

Ryoga flinched away, "I've just ruined your reputation here. I deliberately started that, knowing that people were around... I thought I'd hear them. I didn't. I'm sorry... I don't ever want you to..."

"Oh, geez..." Ranma shook his head, "Ryoga – does it look to you like the sensei is upset or freaking out or going to tell anybody? It doesn't to me! And even Dr. Tofu snuck up on me the first time I met him! This sensei is an expert. And, Ryoga..." Ranma looked at his love, still cowering against the wall, and Ranma sighed, "Never mind. We'll just have to be more careful." Until I can get you used to the idea that I love you anywhere – not just our valley, and not just when we're alone. I want you to know that I can never be hurt by your love. But you still don't believe it yet. Ranma wondered briefly what would have happened if Akane hadn't been waiting for him at home, that first week. If Ryoga hadn't had her as the excuse to hide their love... Would Ryoga have found some other reason? All for the good, of course. For Ranma's good. For Ranma's reputation, for Ranma's need... One day, we will show our love true, and none can say ought against it. But, Ranma smiled gently at his partner as Ryoga started to relax, it's going to take some time. For Ryoga, I'll take that time.




 Notes to Chapter 9: