Revelations, Part Two: "The Song of the Arrow"

Chapter Eight


"Ryoga-love," Ranma nuzzled him, "Ryoga – time to wake up."

Ryoga mumbled sleepily and caressed her breasts gently.

Ranma smiled at him. In any normal situation, a movement or a call would be all it would take to have Ryoga awake instantly, looking for the danger and sizing up the situation. But curled in Ranma's arms, with Ranma's voice waking him... Ryoga was content to sleep. Ranma's heart turned inside out, he trusts me. Like he trusts no other. He trusts me. 'Ryoga trusts you again. It is the hardest thing one can do after a betrayal. Treasure his trust well.' I do. I do treasure it. I treasure Ryoga. "But we still have to get up." Ranma shook Ryoga slightly, "Ryoga-love, wake up."

Without opening his eyes, Ryoga's hands moved from her breasts to her waist and inward.

Ranma gasped, her eyes widening and her body arching. When she could breath again, Ranma could feel that Ryoga was now very much awake – and had very definite plans to pick up where he'd left off. She struggled against her body's response and the passion that was making it hard for her to breathe or say anything. "Ryoga! Stop!"

Instantly, the hands stilled. Eyelids opened to show startled brown eyes staring at her.

"Ahhh..." Ranma's body wanted him so much... "Ryoga – the train will be at our stop in a half-hour – we have to get up."

"Oh." Ryoga sighed in regret, pulling himself off of her, then leaning back in for a lingering kiss.

Oh the hell with the stop... Ranma's arms went around his neck.

This time it was Ryoga who stopped them, laughing softly. He drew his hands gently down her sides, but evaded her reaching grasp. "We're staying at a hotel tonight," he reminded her.

"Oh... yes..." Ranma moaned, wishing they were there already. She lay limp upon the bed. Her eyes were closed, feeling the effects of his hands on her body even though he'd withdrawn.

Ryoga laughed again, "I'm sorry about that. I promise I'll make it up to you."

Ranma's eyes popped open, wide in anticipation. He'd only made that promise a couple of times before and each time had been more than worth the wait. "Really?"

"Really," Ryoga promised, kissing her nose. Then he stood up and stretched. His muscles rippled as he flexed them and rolled them. Ranma's eyes hungrily devoured the sight. Ryoga saw her watching and his grin stretched from ear to ear. "I missed you so much."

And that reminded Ranma of the conflict in her heart. With a sigh of bitter regret, Ranma sat up and swung her legs off the bed.

Ryoga paused, watching her in concern, "What did I say?"

"Nothing..." Ranma sighed again, "I better get dressed."

Not believing it, Ryoga let it go. And went to where he'd carefully folded his clothes before they'd started.

Ranma had a bit more of a search for hers. And paused as she picked up her pants, looking around the bedroom for the first time. With a frown, she went to a package sitting on the floor that had her name labeled on it in large characters. Opening it, Ranma let out a gasp of pleased surprise.

"What is it?" Ryoga turned around.

Ranma held up the sleek Chinese dress made of the sheerest silk. Rich blue was the main color, with red piping and red roses and hibiscus flowers accenting the color.

Ryoga blinked a couple of times, "Where'd that come from?"

"I was admiring it in a shop window the other week... I thought of how you might look at me if I had it on..."

Ryoga grinned, "The same way I look at you any other time, my love." His eyes wandered from her naked body to the dress, "But by all means, put it on. You can't possibly be any more beautiful, but I can see how having you in that dress would want me to take you out of it as soon as possible."

Ranma laughed, holding the dress close to her, "Not until we get to the hotel." Then she looked it over again, frowning.

"Now what?"

"This costs money..."

Ryoga grinned, "That's okay – Na-chan knew exactly what she was doing, and how far the credit on my card goes."

"Nabiki..." Of course. That's the only way this could have gotten here. Ranma searched the package further. She found satin underwear, nice shoes, and two other dresses. And a note. 'Ranma: Ryoga deserves all that he can have. Be good to him.' It wasn't signed, but Ranma recognized the calligraphy from the other note. Ranma put it down slowly, realizing, Nabiki has given her loyalty to Ryoga. I don't think she'd ever given it to anybody else. Even her family. But now... Now she follows Ryoga. Ranma looked up, "Ryoga... what happened to Nabiki?"

By this time, Ryoga had found a package of his own and was sorting through it. With Ranma's question, he laid the soft blue shirt down and stared at it. "I don't think... I can answer that one. Unless Nabiki wants to tell. But it is her story and her honor involved."

"Oh..." Ranma recognized the Warrior's Code. The reason he'd never told Akane about P-chan. Bring no shame to others. Just by Ryoga's invoking the Code showed Ranma how serious the incident had been. And he left the question alone.

The panties weren't a problem. Just a hell of a lot tighter than her shorts. And this is why girl's panties are so small – they stretch. She wiggled a bit, trying to get used to the fabric so close on her. Putting on the bra was a bit of a question. Let's see, it obviously fastens in the back... Putting the straps over her shoulders and putting the cups over her breasts, Ranma reached behind her to fasten it, straining. Reaching back wasn't the problem, but when she did, her chest went forward, and then the straps dug into her shoulders and the hook wouldn't fit right... Okay, if I come in a bit lower down and keep my arms closer in... The bra was also stretchy on the back and shoulder straps. Stretch down... That time she managed to get the two sides together. "Now where the hell did that damn hook-slot go?" She had hold of the hook, but the metal slot to put it in evaded her. "There..." She lost her grip on that side. Ranma took the bra off again and glowered at it.

Ryoga burst into snickers.

Ranma glared at him, "I guess you know how to work one of these...?"

"Me???" Ryoga's voice went high in surprise, "Not a clue." He grinned, "But it's so much fun to watch you try!"

"Oh, get over here and give me a hand."

"If Happosai could see you now..."

"Don't even joke about that!"

Ryoga fastened the hook on the back, "Where has the old lech been? I haven't seen him since I got back."

"I pounded him and he went off in a sulk. We haven't seen him for two weeks." Ranma grimaced, "I guess he's due for a showing."

Ryoga stepped back, "You pounded him?"

Ranma paused as she picked the dress up. She looked at Ryoga, dressed in fine black slacks and a soft blue shirt made of such fine fabric that her breasts wouldn't be hurt if they happened to rub up against it. I've never seen Ryoga in blue before. It was... different. His shirt matched her dress in color and piping. They were... a couple. Together...

"Ranma, though I love the way you're looking at me, we better not, right now." Ryoga was tempted. Ryoga was sorely tempted. The look in Ranma's eyes didn't change, so Ryoga switched subjects, " So... you beat Happosai?"

Thinking about the incident, Ranma blushed scarlet. 

Ryoga raised an eyebrow, "It's rare to see you blush."

"Well... The old freak grabbed me while I was in girl form."

When there wasn't anything more after the statement, Ryoga prompted, "What's so different about that?"

Ranma slipped the dress over her head, "Zip me up, will ya?"

Ryoga pulled the zipper up and then stepped back to admire her. "I was right, it does suit you well." He grinned, "I look forward to pulling that zipper down later tonight."

Ranma watched the look in his eye. Ryoga was frankly admiring of her, but not jaw-dropping stunned. And Ranma's heart lifted in pleased surprise. I know this dress makes my girl's body show off to utmost advantage... And Ryoga loves me exactly the same. It's not the body he loves, it's me. Ryoga had said it many times before, but Ranma kept being surprised every time she discovered it again. "What was different..." Ranma blushed again, "Was that now I know how it feels to have your hands caressing my breasts. And to have the old freak grab them where your love has been... made me mad."

Ryoga's jaw dropped. And his eyes moistened. And he stepped towards her, his hands reaching to the point in discussion and his head lowering to hers even as he murmured, "You care that much..."

Ranma's eyes closed as she reached for him in return, "Of course I do. I could never let another man touch this body. It is yours. Yours alone."

Their lips locked together. Their hands went around each other, stroking, holding, touching, feeling.

And the train stopped with another jolt, even as the loudspeaker announced their stop.

Pulling apart reluctantly, the two stared at each other for a long moment, then simultaneously whirled into activity as they packed up what stuff they still had scattered around the cabin. Ryoga found a few more packets with notes and stuffed them all into Ranma's pack.

Ranma gave him a questioning look.

"If I put them in mine, we might never find them again."

Ranma giggled, "True."

As they got off the train, Ryoga grabbed both backpacks to carry.

"I can carry my own," Ranma frowned at the presumption.

Ryoga looked her up and down, "Dressed like that? I think not."

Ranma blinked at the tone and inflection, "You have definitely been hanging out with Nabiki too much. But you have a point." Ranma sidled up next to him, "I'll just hang on to you instead," and she looped her arm through his.

His heart pounding, Ryoga looked down at her with all the love that was in his heart.

"This way," Ranma tugged him down the streets, following the map that had been in Nabiki's itinerary.



"Good Lord, Ryoga. Can you afford this trip?" Ranma stared.

Ryoga blinked a few times himself. Nabiki... what did you do? They were standing in front of one of the more modern hotels, a mixture of traditional and Western influences. And expensive.

They were received with inscrutable politeness. Ryoga was sure that they made an odd pair, two young teenagers dressed finely yet carrying worn backpacks for luggage, checking into a new style ryokan together. But none of the staff gave any indications of anything amiss.

"Ah, yes, Hibiki-san. Your secretary called and extended the reservation for another day. She faxed your new itinerary over."

"My... uhh... Thank you." Ryoga took the sheet of paper and glanced at it.

Ranma watched with interest as Ryoga's eyes widened and his shoulders started to shake. I think he's laughing... "Let me see that."

Ryoga folded it quickly over, "In the room. I have to... go over the itinerary with you anyhow."

After the usual politeness, they went up to their room and settled in.

"Ryoga, this place is huge."

"Have you seen the bath? It's a small jacuzzi."

Ranma had to go see. Slipping her hand around Ryoga's waist, she said, "We'll have to try it out."

Ryoga turned and ran his hands down her arms, kissing her until they were both out of breath. When they pulled apart, he grinned, "That reminds me – you still have to see Nabiki's itinerary."

They moved over to one of the soft couches and sat down, Ranma curling her legs under her and leaning on Ryoga, who put his arm around her shoulders.

"I haven't gone over all of it myself," Ryoga mentioned as he unfolded the paper and held it where they could both read.


Hibiki-san: Due to the presence of R. Saotome in the city, your visit with Kuonji-san has been postponed for a day. Your hotel reservations have been extended another night, and the arrangements to travel to Kuonji-san's town have already been redone. The itinerary for tomorrow is as follows:


8:00am Breakfast with Ranma-chan.

9:30am Meet R. Saotome at Nandoton Dojo (acquaintances of Tendo-san). Spar and give demonstrations to students. R. Saotome representing School of Anything Goes and the Tendo Dojo.

1:30pm Lunch with R. Saotome. At Chikitan Restaurant.

2:30pm Tour of Shinizine Gardens, with Ranma-chan.

6:30pm Dinner at Ryokan with Ranma-chan.

The rest of the night will be spent at the hotel. The previous itinerary will be resumed upon the morrow.


"Ranma-chan?" Ranma asked curiously. "And what does she mean, I'm representing the dojo?"

Ryoga was still laughing at the paper. He looked at Ranma fondly, "Spar, baka – and probably you'll be expected to do some teaching." He thought about that a moment, "Don't do the avoidance thing with the single blow conclusion – draw them out to show their moves."

"Do I have to?" Ranma grimaced. He hated sparring with lower levels.

Ryoga just looked at him.

Ranma grinned in the disarmingly cute way he had, "All right." He glanced again at the itinerary and then laid it on the table next to them. Switching mental thoughts, she sat up, moving slightly away from Ryoga. "By-the-way...," Ranma put a playful-serious tone in her voice. Ryoga's expression waited for her with playful-caution. Biting down her grin, Ranma asked, "If Nabiki's your secretary...," Ryoga rolled his eyes but Ranma wasn't done, "What, exactly, does that make me?" Ranma posed where she was sitting, holding her shoulders back and tilting her head slightly, turning her hips to face Ryoga.

Ryoga looked her up and down. Ranma was the very picture of a wanton seductress. He leaned forward and traced the piping on her dress with a finger, "You," he leaned closer and ran his fingers up to the dress' collar and from there up the pulsating artery in her neck, "are quite definitely," his fingers moved up to her lips, Ranma nibbled gently upon them; Ryoga leaned until his face was inches away from her, "my love." His voice was quite husky. Then his lips replaced his fingers. Ranma's hands wound around his back and together they sank into the softness of the couch.

For a long time, all they did was cling together, holding each other, bodies pressed tightly as they explored lips and tongues. The three weeks of hunger had been satisfied on the train and now was the time for exploring the mystery and the emotions. The wonder. The incredible feelings going not only through their bodies but also through their minds. They had been separated from each other, were now together again – and nothing had changed. They still loved each other. They cared. Their bodies moved in sync with their physical desires, yet their love made it so much more.

Ranma's mind gradually moved from a state of unthinking bliss – from holding and being held by Ryoga – to a state of wonderment and wondering. Ryoga's hands kept moving over Ranma's hips, up her back, down caressing her bottom, and then cycling again. Loving caresses... yet Ranma felt something different about them... "Ryoga-love, what are you doing?"

The hands at her hips stroked them from the top of her hipbones down to her upper thighs and up, running a light trace over the panties. Ryoga replied, "The feel... of your body covered by the silk... It's so different."

"Good or bad?" Ranma had almost forgotten her dress. And Ryoga's clothes too.

"Different," Ryoga wasn't going to fall into that unintentional trap. His hands kept moving over her sides, "Your bare skin is smooth and warm and... fleshy. The silk covering your skin... My fingers know the feel of your hips – and the basic feel is the same, your muscles, the power, the grace... But when my fingers slide over this silk, I almost glide over the areas I normally linger on, and the fabric is cool, and I feel new parts of you." Ryoga grinned as his fingers traced the outline of Ranma's panties, "Not to mention this new mystery... we are so close together, yet there's this barrier... Reveling your shape, hiding the treasure."

"Poet." Ranma rested her head on his shoulder, letting her attention focus into the feel of his fingers sliding all over her body. Ryoga's hands slipped between their bodies to move up her chest to her breasts. Ranma felt her senses gathering at the caress... but there wasn't the extra electric thrill that his hands over her bare breasts elicited. Instead was a shiver of the unknown. And as her breasts became more tender and sensitive in response to his caresses, the smooth satin of the bra continued to feel smooth and tight – a second skin. Completely unlike the cloth of their normal shirts.

As the caresses continued, Ryoga's hands were becoming more insistent and his breathing was deepening. Where her hips lay across his, Ranma could feel him growing harder, pressing into her through the fabric of their clothes. It elicited a similar electric thrill through her groin, urging her to wiggle closer on him. With an effort, Ranma refrained.

"Well, play-time is over, I guess – time for some serious pleasure," Ranma sat up and then stood.

Ryoga reclined on the couch where she had left him, a mixture of puzzlement and disappointment on his face. His hands moved emptily in the air, reaching for her.

Ranma grinned and poised saucily, "First, you have to get me out of the dress – without tearing it."

The brown eyes wandered over her as thoroughly as his hands had. Carefully, Ryoga stood up, his desire making it hard for him not to rush upon her. Even just standing was difficult. The dress. First, the dress. Ryoga's hands trembled as he brushed the bright red hair to one side. The dress got delayed as he spent time running his hands through the hair, separating the strands, admiring the glints off the lamps – the shading within her hair from a minority of dark chestnut to the preponderance of rich reds to a few strands of pale golden-orange hair. "You are so beautiful, rich and vibrant," Ryoga whispered hoarsely, "Your soul's light is as magnificent as the colors in your hair."

And every time you appreciate me – it's me. Ranma's heart was performing flip-flops. This, this is what I've missed so. Ryoga's love. The way he loved her... 'him', Ranma. The way he loved so completely, so totally, without reservation, without hesitation. When Ryoga chooses to give his love, he does so unconditionally. And he loves me. Me. Ranma Saotome. I never knew I could be loved so completely.

Ryoga's hands were pushing the dress over her shoulders. Ranma hadn't even noticed him unzipping it, so wrapped up in her feelings she had been. Ryoga's mouth was at the back of her neck as his hands caressed her shoulders – and easing the straps of the bra off as well. Ranma stood still, drinking in the love he showed her. Ryoga's hands were trembling badly as he unhooked the bra as he'd earlier hooked it. Feeling the shivers in Ryoga's hands on her back, Ranma raised a curious eyebrow and then grinned, Ryoga's losing his control. It was rare. Ryoga cared so much for her that Ranma's pleasure was almost always his first priority. His control not to hurt her, his control to keep his body under his command. Ranma loved it when Ryoga lost control. Because then it meant that Ryoga was hers, completely. It meant that Ranma could have the control. It meant that Ranma could watch Ryoga's eyes glaze over in ecstasy as Ranma knew that she was the one who brought him there.

Ranma turned in Ryoga's arms as her dress and bra dropped to the ground. Ryoga's lips pressed upon hers and his body leaned into her. Ranma delighted in the sheer waves of desire she was feeling from him. He wants me. He wants me so much... When Ryoga's mouth finally left her, Ranma knew she'd better act now or what little control they both had would be gone, "Let's go into the bedroom, my love."

Sweeping her up in his arms, Ryoga complied with the absent-mindedness of a sleep-walker. The whole of his attention was focused on Ranma and couldn't be spared for anything else. In his arms, Ranma purred in delight and satisfaction. When Ryoga placed her on the bed, he immediately started to stroke her sides and chest, but Ranma rolled off the bed and darted around him. Ryoga blinked as he turned to find her.

"It will work better, my love, if I get your clothes off first," Ranma was grinning from ear to ear, the happiness in her eyes unmistakable.

Ryoga sank down onto the bed, watching her as he sat on the edge and trembled.

Ranma reached over and tugged on his shirt, pulling it over his head while Ryoga offered no resistance and no help. The next to go wasn't part of Ryoga's clothing, though – it was Ranma's panties. Ranma remembered darn well what Ryoga had done to her on the train, and she wanted to pay him back in similar coin – his pants would wait just a while longer. As she wiggled her way out of the tight, stretchy panties, Ryoga's breath drew in a gasp and he started to stand up. Ranma stepped closer and put her hands on his chest, pushing him down until he was completely flat and in the center of the bed. Leaning over him, Ranma captured Ryoga's hands with hers and brought them up to her chest. Ryoga's eyes closed as he held her breasts; held them, caressed them, kneaded them – needed Ranma. He could feel her breath on his eyelids as she kissed him with feathery kisses and then licked the corners of his eyes. Ryoga groaned, lost in the sensations. He needed Ranma so badly... Ranma could feel the waves of need radiating off of Ryoga – and his sheer delight and wonder at it all. My love, I've waited for so long to make you happy. Ranma delighted in his love and yearned to give him all she could. I will be good to him, Nabiki, I will...

Swallowing with the power of the emotions she felt, Ranma focused her love for Ryoga into his pleasure. I will make him happy. Ryoga, my love. Ranma had withdrawn slightly to look down at his handsome face. Ryoga blinked his eyes open to gaze back, his pupils dilated nearly to the edge of his irises. A hand left her breasts to caress her cheek as he whispered his love for her. In turn, Ranma caressed his face and drew a finger across his lips. Ryoga's eyelids fluttered as he moaned, a continuous happy murmur that was nearly a hum. He kissed her finger gently, his eyes closing as he did so, his hand stroking through her hair. Ranma's breath caught as she realized that Ryoga had voluntarily placed himself completely in her care – it wasn't a loss of control on his part – it was a relinquishment of his control to her. Ah, my love – you really do know what makes me happy!

They continued the mutual stroking, hands caressing and petting and soothing as they watched each other and loved each other. But when Ryoga's attentions started drifting more towards pleasing her, Ranma decided it was time to switch again. Not that I mind being pleased... but right now, I want you, my love. I want to make you so very happy... Capturing his hands again with hers, Ranma interlocked her fingers with his, palm to palm, and brought both their arms up over his head, almost like she was pinning him on the bed, though she was really just bracing herself for the next step, and making sure he didn't involuntarily help her. The pants still have to go. Ranma grinned in anticipation. She and Ryoga loved learning from each other – everything was new, and everything was wonderful, when they were together. Ranma straddled Ryoga's chest with her legs and then slowly slid her way down, hooking his pants and shorts with her toes and bringing them down with her, sliding her feet and legs on the outside of his until her hips came down on his. Ryoga gasped at the feel of her curly hair brushing against him as she slid down him. He tried to place his arms around her back and his body to position... And Ranma edged her hips away as she continued to hold his hands, "Not just yet, my love." If there's one thing I've learned from him – it's how the wait intensifies the longing. And she wanted to see his joy... There is one thing that I haven't tried in the girl-body yet... He likes it when I'm in the guy-body well enough... I think I'll try it. But first I have to get there... And put his attention so wholly into himself that he will accept what I give him. With a Cheshire grin, Ranma pulled both their hands down to his waist and traced up his sides with her fingers interlaced in his hands. His hands clenched around hers as he squirmed against the bed and cried out, his head tilting back into the softness of the bed and his eyes unfocusing. Oh, my love... Ranma could see him giving himself to her again. I love you. "I love you so much, my love." Leaving their hands on his shoulders, Ranma lowered her head and kissed his eyes, his cheeks, his ears, his neck... He was totally in her influence, swaying and bending at every move she made, every touch with her lips, every caress. His hands held hers and Ranma could feel his pleasure and response in his grip – and she paid special attention to those points where she got extra special involuntary clenches from him. And his calls and cries... It was easy to tell how much Ryoga liked what she was doing. Ranma nibbled and licked her way down his chest, Ryoga quivering and trembling under her touch the whole way. His verbal expressions of love and delight were music in Ranma's ears. Every moan, every cry, her name called in delight, the wordless sounds of enjoyment... My love! Ranma did her fair share of cries and calls, so incredibly happy at his pleasure. His pleasure set her pleasure off almost as intense as his. So wrapped in his desire was Ranma that as she pleasured him, her body reacted with the same electric thrills.

Eventually making it down to his waist, Ranma paused briefly as she considered unlocking their hands so she could hold him down – her nose remembered getting smashed on his pelvis bone the first time she'd tried this. She didn't want to let him go, in more ways than one. I'll just be careful. She lowered her lips to his rigidly erect member, kissing the tip lightly. All the sounds Ryoga was making suddenly stopped and his whole body stilled in an inhaled gasp that took over his entire self. Ranma raised an eyebrow at the extreme reaction even as she grinned. Rubbing her cheek against his length, she lowered her mouth further down to the male focus of desire – physically so much larger than the female counterpart. All of Ryoga's breath was released in Ranma's name, shouted to the world in his pleasure. Ummm, Ranma grinned, I like that reaction! Still grinning, she breathed, licked, and kissed him, all very softly and gently. As his breath re-entered his lungs, Ryoga kept expelling it in a continuous moaning cry. His body was totally limp on the bed, head thrown back, eyes closed, not even trying to move his hips. But his hands clenched hers tightly and his groin muscles were tightly poised.

It wasn't an easy thing to judge... But eventually Ranma thought that Ryoga was near the limits of his pleasure – and she wanted his release to come when he was in her. No sense in wasting the special benefits of this body! Ranma sat up on her knees, withdrawing all contact of herself from Ryoga's body except for her hands still holding his. Ryoga's moans stopped. Before he could react in any other way to her absence, Ranma carefully lowered herself down, maneuvering so that Ryoga's member entered her in one smooth movement. And as much as Ranma had been enjoying Ryoga's happiness, she was unprepared for the flare throughout her own body as she felt him move through her and in her, his length and his width focusing her body's pleasure that had been so wholly concentrated on his and erupting her into flame and fire. She screamed his name as she wrapped her love for him into her desire and his and theirs and their joy and her joy at his happiness...

For her action had been the definitive final move for Ryoga. As she slipped herself over him, Ryoga's eyes opened wide as he yelled out her name with overwhelming joy and his muscles unfolded and released, loosing his seed and his love into Ranma. With one swift move, he finally took back his hands and pulled Ranma's upper body to him so he could feel all of her on him, her belly on his, her breasts against him, her wonderful mouth on his, tasting her saliva and her passion and love... Ryoga's hands happily wrapped around Ranma even as his body relaxed, going limp and loose on the bed, his eyes half-closing as the spirals of pleasure sent him whirling through a helix of colors and shapes and sounds and images. As his head fell back, their kiss disengaging, he breathed her name lightly in wonder and delight. And then he was lost. So very lost in the vortex of the kaleidoscope.

And though her body was now layers of fire and flame, Ranma had no desire to shake Ryoga out of his abstraction just so she could have something as mundane as a climax. Ryoga was too happy. Ranma was so happy watching him be happy. Laying on Ryoga but propping herself slightly up with her forearms on his chest, Ranma stroked his hair and his cheeks, greedily watching Ryoga's reaction and his wanderings though the afterglow. This is the only time, my love, that I like to see you lost. It was a wonderful thing, to see Ryoga so lost in his pleasure, feeling his love, knowing they were together. He's happy. He's so happy... Ranma stroked and petted him, watching him, loving him, seeing his joy and rapture. Now I know what he meant, when he said he'd rather watch me. This is so much fun, so much joy, so much happiness, watching him. Ryoga, my love, I've made you happy. Love is so strange – our true happiness is in how much joy we bring to each other and so letting him please me is my gift to him and how happy I've just made him is really his gift to me... Love. So strange and so wonderful. Defying all logic. "I love you so much, Ryoga," Ranma kept her voice to a whisper as she stared down at him. At her words, his mouth formed a happy smile and his hands stroked her, even though by his eyes Ryoga was still lost in the pleasure. Ranma smiled at her love and caressed him gently.

When he could think again, Ryoga tried to share the happiness. "Ranma..." Ryoga held his love, feeling her body against his, their minds wrapped together as much as their bodies were, "It's so incredible."

Ranma raised an eyebrow, "Well, I thought so too..." That was even better than the times in the valley! With complete and utter delight, Ranma grinned smugly to herself, happy at his joy. He's happy... I've made him happy.

"Incredible that you love me so. That you can love me. The pleasure... the wonder of so much pleasure. That you bring to me." Ryoga's eyes hadn't fully opened yet and his voice was soft. "I love you. My incredible, wonderful, amazing friend. Ranma – I love you so much."

And the truth in Ryoga's voice... Ranma closed her eyes as the tears started falling.

Onto Ryoga's face. Ryoga blinked, opening his eyes. "Ranma?" He wasn't worried – he could feel her happiness – but he was puzzled.

"Ryoga – I love you too. You..." Ranma's tears fell faster. "You are mine. Mine forever. I love you and I'm never going to let you go. Ever. I want to see you happy. I want to see your smile. I want to see... you. I want you. Forever and ever. You taught me love. And I want to give my love to you."

"Ranma..." Ryoga reached out and pulled her face down to his. They kissed with all that was in their hearts. All the love and friendship between them. All the feelings. The bond that was shared by them of life and death and love. They expressed their devotion and commitment to each other through their passion. Their mutual passion. Their desire for each other. More than the physical desire, the need to be with each other, completely.

The night lasted for a very long time. A very, very long time.


 Notes to Chapter 8:
