Revelations, Part Two: "The Song of the Arrow"

Chapter Four


Ryoga wandered down the streets, not exactly lost, but not paying much attention to where he was. And Ranma and I thought we could hide our relationship. He sighed, Yeah right. The first time we appear together, P-chan form didn't count, Ranma's dad notices something right off. Ryoga snorted, We hadn't even gotten all the way to the yard! Sighing again, Ryoga stopped on an overpass and watched the traffic below. Somehow, Ryoga and the others of his youth set tended to forget how highly trained the adults were. Even Happosai managed to hide his power to the point that Ranma was continuously underestimating him. And of all people, Ranma really should know better. Ranma could see and judge nearly any fighter at a glance – but not Happosai.


Ryoga lifted his head in dread, "Oh no."

"What's the matter? Doesn't Azusa's cute whittle Charlotte want to see Azusa?"

"Hi Azusa." Ryoga turned to greet the diminutive skater.

Tilted to look up at him were big bright eyes in a small face surrounded by masses of fluffy light brown hair. And a cheerful grin. The eyes twinkled at him, "Azusa's whittle Charlotte looks hungry – would he like a bite to eat?"

In spite of himself, Ryoga grinned, "Sure."

Azusa bounced happily next to him as they walked to the noodle house. Ryoga reflected that one of the oddest things about being with Azusa was how she always seemed to let him lead, yet they always ended up where she wanted to go.

They settled in and Azusa ordered for both of them. Since she was paying, and Ryoga was the pet here, he let her. He knew what sort of a tantrum she could throw if he didn't. Azusa watched him for a long moment with searching eyes and Ryoga shifted uneasily.

"Azusa said before that her whittle Charlotte needed new clothes. Whittle Charlotte promised..."

Ryoga blushed red, "I did get some. They fell off and got lost the next time I fell in a river."

Azusa giggled. Ryoga glared at her. She smiled happily, "Good!"

"Good?" Now Ryoga was suspicious.

Waving her chopsticks for emphasis, Azusa explained, "Then Azusa gets to go shopping!"

Ryoga put down his chopsticks so that he could hold his aching head, "Oh no, not again."


"Ryoga-kun," Kasumi smiled at him, "You're looking very nice tonight."

Keeping his growl inaudible, Ryoga thanked her politely before walking into the house, struggling a little getting the boots off first.

"Whoa! Ryo-chan!" Nabiki stopped on the stairwell, "Nice outfit."

Since it was Nabiki, Ryoga allowed his glare to show. "Thanks," he said shortly.

Nabiki laughed and continued up, "Akane and Ranma are out on the roof."

"Thanks," Ryoga said again, more sincerely. He went outside, put his boots back on, and then up. And stopped to watch Ranma and Akane.

His breath caught in his throat and he fought the impulse to turn and run. Forcing his eyes open again he looked at them both. Together. Happy. Cuddling. A couple. The two people I love best in my life – and I can't have either of them. I knew it was a bad idea. Ryoga forced himself to stay still. It had been a bad idea. He should never have... with Ranma. Now, instead of wanting one and being jealous of the other... now, he wanted both. Equally. Just as powerfully. Akane, his first love, with her strength and sweetness perfectly balanced, her happiness shining like the fire moths like himself always burned themselves on. Ranma,... Ranma whom he loved with all his heart and soul. Ranma, who loved Akane. Akane, who loved Ranma. The day before, when he'd seen them together... He'd known, he'd known three weeks ago that they were going to be together. But that day he hadn't known he was in Tokyo, and then he'd seen them... and he hadn't been able to control his automatic reaction. I knew it was a bad idea. Ryoga couldn't even be jealous of either of them because he loved them so much. That only left him with the pain. And my heart of glass – shattered this time by not one, but two people I love. He turned away.

"Ryoga!" The voices were simultaneous and identical in their tone of greeting and joy.

For a moment, Ryoga stayed where he was, in the shadows, apart, separate as he'd always been. Then he turned. And was stunned by the looks of joy and happiness he saw there. Ranma... Ranma was carefully restraining himself not to run to him and hug him in welcome – his face was bright and happy and full of the same love that he and Ryoga had shared. Akane? Ryoga looked from Ranma to her and couldn't distinguish between the two of them. I'm misreading one of them for certain...

And then both faces changed and his name was spoken again but in very different tones, "Ryoga?"

Akane stood up and walked over, looking his new clothes over with an approving eye, "My goodness... Ryoga – I didn't know..." Her gaze, looking him down and then back up to his face while lingering on the way, made Ryoga blush furiously.

Internally, Ranma growled. He swung himself back around so he wouldn't have to look at them together. But his mind's eye kept Ryoga's picture in front of him. Ryoga, with his rich black hair not tamed, but styled, with artful waves flowing across his forehead and back, drawing the eye to the dark green headband woven through with copper threads. The headband blended in with his hair and still stood out, accenting the shapely ears and strong face, highlighting the rich brown eyes... Ranma's eyes could follow Ryoga's muscle pattern from his cheeks to his neck down to the edges of the collared western-style shirt, open at the neckline down to the first three buttons, exposing a part of the expanse of his muscled smooth chest. And drawing attention to the leather band encircling his neck tightly, a small copper disk hanging from the middle, flames etched on its surface. The shirt was a rich rust color, with sleeves that went down to his wrists and buttoned there, sleeves loose enough for him to move freely. And the forest green vest of softest leather drew the whole effect in, drawing the eye across Ryoga's chest and down to his waist, showing off and suggesting the powerfully built body underneath. The pants weren't suggesting anything – they were definitely showing the corded thighs and strong hips, the dark jeans fabric so tight against Ryoga's legs that Ranma wondered that he could move. His feet were covered by black soft leather boots that went up his calves and tied much in the same way as Ryoga had always tied his pants legs.

Overall, the effect was so different than the normal style Ryoga wore to be completely and utterly striking, showing in that instant how very handsome Ryoga was. How very powerful. How very much a man... A man that Ranma wanted to run her hands over that powerful chest and rest on those strong hips and put her body next to and feel her lips being captured by his... Ranma flushed and tried to remember where he was. Besides. Ryoga didn't get dressed up for me – he did it for Akane. Ranma's sight no longer saw Ryoga but instead saw only a wash of red ugly jealousy. How dare he? Aren't I... Ranma's mouth twitched slightly, the one engaged to Akane. Damn it. This isn't going to be easy, is it? You were right, Ryoga. You were right to wonder how this was going to work. I can't believe I just got jealous of Akane. But even as he thought it, his heart gave another tug, listening to Akane's happy voice appreciate Ryoga. Damnit. I'm jealous of them both. And I love them both.

"Ryoga, where did you get them?" Akane's eyes were wide and wondering, her fingers involuntarily touching the soft leather of his vest – estimating the price of the vest alone to be well over ten-thousand yen.

Ryoga grimaced, "I don't want to talk about it." He was still annoyed about it. He couldn't even properly enjoy the attention Akane was giving him, shamed by the way his clothes had gotten on him...

Even Ranma had to look around at the tone in Ryoga's voice, surprised out of his jealousy. "Excuse me?"

Ryoga met his eyes, and instantly recognized some of the feelings still lingering there. Ryoga involuntarily took a step forward, seeking those rich blue eyes and the cute nose that lay under them and the soft lips below... He swallowed and stood his ground, cursing the tight pants that showed every involuntary reaction. Good thing I'm standing in front of Akane now... "It's a long story," he kept his voice level as he responded to the verbal comment. And nearly jumped out of his skin as his hand was taken in a firm gentle grip. He glanced down to see Akane smiling up at him.

"Come on, Ryoga," she tugged him over to where Ranma still sat. "I'm glad you're back so soon. I knew you'd come back, because you promised, but I admit I was worried it was going to be another week or month, and you'd just come home yesterday..."

Without quite knowing how, Ryoga found himself sitting next to Ranma – and Akane on his other side. His cheeks burned a bright red as he tried to haul in his wildly racing emotions.

Ranma cleared his throat, very aware of the press of Ryoga's legs next to his, "We've got time for a long story. So what is it with the outfit?"

Ryoga's blush changed direction, "It wasn't my idea – She's the one who did it!!!"

Involuntarily, Ranma and Akane leaned slightly forward so they could see each other beyond Ryoga. Each had identical wide eyes and curious expression. As one, they turned back to Ryoga, "She?" "Explain this... 'she'..."

Ryoga flushed even more. He muttered under his breath, "So, I can't say 'no' to Azusa. Is there anybody who can?"

"Azusa?????" Both voices went high with surprise and tinges of jealousy and resentment.

"Oh God," Ryoga put his head in his hands. He recognized both emotions – from both friends. His headache was starting to come back. "Look – there's nothing between us! Azusa... Well, she once claimed Charlotte as her own, and she still likes to think of me that way. She knows better, but..." But Azusa was a hard person to explain. Desperately lonely, desperately insane. "She just likes dressing me up. It doesn't really mean anything with her." Anything except some small part of control for a person who in her life had either too little or too much. And a person to talk to. Who let her be her. "She has the money. Why not let her if it makes her happy?" Oops... that was the wrong thing to say – to either of them. Damn. I was safer before I opened my mouth.

Akane's battle aura was starting to flare up. So was Ranma's. Ryoga scrambled backwards until he wasn't caught in the middle anymore, "Calm down!"

"Azusa Shiratori! You dare to claim my P-chan after you lost to me?!" Akane's battle aura burst into the sky as she stood up, "You will pay!"

Ranma blinked a couple of times as he watched Akane and his own battle aura went down, "Uhh..."

"Will you listen!" Ryoga yelled, desperate, "Azusa's a friend! She's just a friend!"

"A friend who likes to dress you up in clothes that make you look like that? A friend that you let dress you like that? And buy you things?" Akane drew her mallet out of the air, changing the focus of her anger. "Explain this one, Ryoga..."

Ranma sat back and watched, grinning from ear to ear. About time he finds out what it's like! Ranma enjoyed his spars with Akane, as the angry glints in her brown eyes brought out the fire within and warmed her cheeks to a beautiful glow. Angry, Akane's battle-aura nearly matched his own in power. And her skill response became more instinctive and subtle, allowing her to connect with blows that Ranma would have easily dodged if Akane was calm. But he'd never before seen her angry with Ryoga. She always kept a peaceful demeanor around him, and Ryoga seemed to like it for some reason. Ranma was very interested to see where this would go. And he didn't mind the opportunity to watch Ryoga's style as an onlooker for once. He'd tightened up a lot of Ryoga's more problematic loose styles, but Ranma wasn't sure if he'd gotten them all. Observing from the side would help him to figure it out.

As it turned out, Ranma wasn't given the opportunity.

Dodging deftly around Akane's first blow, Ryoga said softly, "Azusa is a lonely person."

Hearing it, Akane's battle-aura died abruptly. And she sat down on the roof, hard, as she gazed at Ryoga. They all could see the look in her face that said, 'and so are you.'

Ryoga shrugged very, very slightly, his own face turning still, "We see each other around sometimes, but it's nothing more. When I'm around... she doesn't try and steal anything else. I'm still Charlotte to her."

"Pop got taken home by her once," Ranma suddenly remembered, "He said her room was full of stuff —" he broke off and shot a glare at Akane, "Panda-form! He was in Panda-form! She thought he was cute!" Akane closed her mouth, fighting a grin. Ranma looked thoughtfully back to Ryoga, "And she dressed him up, and said 'goodnight' to him, and... let him go in the morning." Pop stayed the whole night. And let her take him home and dress him up... One thing about Pop, he does recognize loneliness when he sees it.

Akane moved back to Ranma and sat down next to him, leaning her head into his shoulder, "I never... thought about that." Her face was thoughtful, "Did she want friends?"

Ryoga shook his head, "No, she rejects human friends. Mikado and I are the only two she'll talk to. – And I'm her pet and he's her partner." He walked to them... and hesitated as he tried to figure out where to sit. Finally he sat down next to Akane, but not as close to her as she was to Ranma.

Craning his neck, Ranma watched him, "How do you do that?"


"Sit down in those jeans?"

Akane burst out laughing, "I was wondering the same thing!" 

Ryoga blushed. "They're stretch jeans – they're not really that tight. Well, they're tight, but they're not..." He blushed harder, "It's not so bad. Azusa is a Martial Artist – she knows better than to put me in anything I can't fight in."

Ranma reached over and fingered the material on the pants. So did Akane. Ryoga's blush spread from his nose to his cheeks.

"Oh, I see – they do stretch. Not bad."

Ryoga looked up at the sky and tried to keep his emotions in check, "Would you two please not do that?"

As one, Akane and Ranma sat back, both blushing, both giggling. Akane looked back at Ryoga, "I'm glad you're home, Ryoga-kun."

"Akane-san..." Ryoga shook his head. Why does she keep doing this to me? Why now? Why at all? She used to keep me at a distance. His thoughts paused, and then went on, slowly. Me at a distance... but P-chan close. And she knew we were the same... He studied her face – cute when smiling, strong when serious. Right now, she was in between, studying him even as he studied her, a half-smile on her lips – even as she leaned against Ranma. Maybe that's it. She had to watch herself before because she didn't want to do anything to lose Ranma... but now she feels secure that he is hers and she thinks she can now have other friends. Ryoga's heart clenched tight. I've lost them both. Lost them to each other. I should be happy that they're happy. But somehow... it didn't work that way.


Eventually, they all went back down. Akane separated from them, going to her room. Ranma headed for his. Ryoga stood in the hall and wondered where he was supposed to go. Turning around, Ranma glanced back, "Ryoga?" Ryoga shrugged and followed him. And made up his pallet on the other side of the room. Mr. Saotome was already asleep. Supposedly. Ryoga knew that the dad was a much lighter sleeper than Ranma. He glanced over to where Ranma was laying down, already in his pajamas. Ranma smiled sweetly at him, "Goodnight, Ryoga-kun." And Ryoga shook his head at his friend, and changed into his nightclothes without worrying anymore about it. Soon, they were all sleeping soundly.

In the morning, Ryoga woke up first, listening to the sounds of the birds greeting the pre-dawn and the trees greeting the birds. Time to unfurl my leaves and open my pores for air and water and food... Ryoga shared the vaguely formed thoughts a bit longer before getting up. He dressed in his normal clothes, putting the outfit Azusa had gotten him carefully in the bottom of his pack. And then he looked over to where Ranma was still snoozing. Ryoga grinned. He walked to Ranma's side and knelt down, waiting a long moment. Ranma didn't stir. Ryoga slammed a punch down. And Ranma's eyes snapped open and he blocked the punch, still on his back, kicking the blankets off his legs and getting his toes on the ground. Then he froze, waiting for Ryoga's next move.

Ryoga grinned, keeping the force in his punch that Ranma was blocking. "Not bad, slug-a-bed..." His other fist slammed down. Ranma pushed the hand he was blocking off to the side, rolling in the same direction... And then they were both on their feet and trading blows. Eventually, they went out the window – Ryoga being propelled by Ranma's kick and Ranma following, and the fight resumed on the ground.


Akane woke up to the sounds of the Saotome's morning fight. She listened for a moment, grinning to herself, Ranma and his dad never stop, do they? But now that she and Ranma spent the evenings together, Ranma's dad was much more serious on the morning sessions. Akane got up and padded over to the window for a look. And her mouth dropped open in surprise. That's Ranma and Ryoga! And then she wondered why she should be surprised – after all, Ryoga had spent the night as himself, and he was just as much a Martial Artist... I forgot to ask him about his Sensei. Akane got dressed and went downstairs, joining Mr. Saotome at the breakfast table. None of the rest of the family was up this early.

Grunting a greeting, Mr. Saotome put most of his concentration into his breakfast, and the rest into watching his son.

Akane's rice was eaten slowly as most of her attention was on the fight. "Wow. I guess their training together for a week did some good after all."

Mr. Saotome nodded, "Look at the way they're not simply reading each other's moves, but also changing in mid-motion to form new attacks and blocks, and they're still reading the changes and changing even more..." He put down his empty rice bowl.

Swallowing another bite of hers, Akane remarked, "Before, they could read their moves – but they just would do the block and then wait for the next. Now, they're not just changing, but they're also planning. Trying new moves..." she winced as a particularly strong one got through Ranma's guard, "and taking more blows."

"They've learned to trust each other enough so the pain doesn't worry them anymore. They're not out to see who will win – they're out to train each other. Stretch their moves."

Akane nodded, "Now that they're no longer worried about appearance or pride, they're trying things that may or may not work. Before, they just used what they thought would work."

Mr. Saotome nodded, "Would you like a game of Shogi?"

Grinning, Akane finished the last of her rice and moved to the board. Mr. Saotome set up the game and they started, paying only half attention to the game and more to the fighters.

Eventually, the rest of the household got up. Kasumi paused by the patio doors, "Isn't it nice how friends play."

"Nice," Nabiki ate her rice while studying a law book, "Uh huh."

There was a pause in the fight and Akane and Mr. Saotome looked up from the game. Without any comment, Ranma walked over to the pond and jumped in, coming out in girl form. Almost instantly, the match resumed.

Akane sat back and so did Mr. Saotome. Mr. Tendo stood next to them while brushing his teeth. He took the toothbrush out, "Interesting."

"Not bad," admitted Mr. Saotome, "The girl's form has more strength than I thought it did."

Akane grinned – she'd always thought it was stupid for Ranma's girl form to be weaker than his male-half. After awhile, she'd started believing it herself, thinking that since it was Ranma's body, he must know more than she... But apparently not. She grinned again, is that why you've finally started respecting me? You finally found out that a girl's form doesn't automatically make one weaker and a boy's form superior. That's why you've started training me. That's why you now see what I can do.

After their game, Akane gave up her place to her dad and a new match started, with more vicious tactics. Sitting on the porch, Akane dangled her legs off the edge and wished she could join the spar. But the boys were too well embroiled with each other to admit another fighter.

Then all the watchers blinked in surprise as the fight paused again – and Ryoga went over to the pond. P-chan came out and they started fighting...

"Good Lord!" Akane's eyes were popping out and she felt the dads come over to stand behind her, also staring in surprise.

"Heh, not bad," Nabiki commented, the law book under her arm. "Good thing you already knew he was P-chan."

Akane couldn't take her eyes off the fight to glare at her sister. "Enough about that, already."

Nabiki grinned, "Imagine, sleeping with Ryoga all the time you were going out with Ranma. Why Sis, who would have guessed it of you?"

"Nabiki... If you don't shut up, I'm going to take my practice time out on you. And why are you going on about it now? – You knew it before!"

"Ah, but I couldn't tease you about it then, so I might as well make up for it now." Nabiki glanced at her watch, "And we're late for school."

"School..." Akane's face went white, "I forgot!" She dashed upstairs to grab her book bag. "Nabiki – tell Ranma!"

Nabiki grinned as she watched her sister, "I forgot too." She glanced out at the fighting pair in the yard, "And how am I suppose to tell them anything?" Clearing her throat got no response. She didn't really want to get any closer to them than the patio... Cupping her hands, she yelled, "Hey, Ranma! School!"

Ranma didn't turn, but P-chan did. And got clobbered by a blow Ranma didn't check in time. "Ryoga, you moron! Why didn't you dodge that!"

The pig glared up at her, shaking his head. Then he squealed and ran up to the patio. Nabiki knelt down and rubbed his ears, "You can be so cute when you want to be, Ryo-chan." The pig blushed a furious red through the blackness of his fur but he stood still for the attention.

Ranma came up behind them, glaring at Nabiki, "What was that all about?" Her blue eyes were blazing as she watched Nabiki pet the little black pig.

Nabiki stood up, grinning, "School."

"Shit." Ranma glanced over at the clock, "We are soooo late..." She went over to the faucet and rinsed herself off. Akane came back down with their schoolbags just in time to hear Ranma say, "Okay, I'm ready."

The two sisters exchanged glances. "You've got to be kidding, Ranma-kun," Nabiki looked him up and down.

"Huh?" Ranma glanced down at herself and her pajamas, "Oh." She jumped up through the window to their room. The girls shook their heads and went to the hallway to meet Ranma at the stairs, Akane absently picking up P-chan as they went.

"Why didn't he just grab a kettle?" wondered Akane.

She found out when Ranma came down the stairs, in normal clothes, but still in girl form.

"What are you waiting for?" Ranma questioned, "Let's go!"

"You're not really going to school like that, are you?" Akane was more curious than anything else. In her arms, P-chan was snickering.

Ranma looked down at herself, "What? I changed out of my pajamas. I rinsed off. What?"

"Clueless. Totally clueless," Nabiki remarked.

Akane shook her head, almost tempted to let Ranma show up at school like that and get his classmates' reactions... "Ranma – you're a girl. We're going to school."

Blinking a couple of time, Ranma let that sink into her head. "Oh," she said sheepishly – and went to the kitchen to get a kettle from Kasumi.

"Honestly..." Akane grinned – she actually liked Ranma better when he wasn't so rabid about his change, but the school would stare. They all knew about his curse, but they were used to him being a guy – very defensively being a guy.


 Notes to Chapter 4:

– Minor canon rewrite. It wasn't Ranma who always insisted his girl's body was weaker, though by the end of the third season he was doing it too. Akane always did... but that never really made much sense to me. Well, in a way it does. In that culture, women are less than men, and have been raised to think that from birth. So she would have been ultra-conditioned for it. And the society would even think it for Martial Arts. Actually, in some ways it's true – if two identically matched opponents fought, it would be the bigger, stronger opponent that would be most likely to win. But in Anime MA, they rely a lot more on ki to focus their attacks at this level of training, so the body shouldn't really have anything to do with it. But nobody probably ever bothered to tell Akane that! Why let girls do more than men think they should? <ahem... Lari gets down off her high horse... Anyhow, I don't like it. So I changed it (for this story). ;-)