Pre-Note: "mina" is the Japanese word for 'you' when referring to a group of people. America only has 'you' for both singular and plural, unless one dips down South for 'you all'. I thought it would destroy the mood to suddenly stick a Southern accent in, and I love the distinction for a plural 'you', so I use "mina" quite a bit in my stories.
"Wake up, mina! Before I throw a bucket of cold water on you." Ranma yawned and rolled over, still asleep. Akane made a sleepy protest and then blinked her eyes open. She blinked a few more times before she realized where she was and then sat bolt upright, "Nabiki! What time is it?" Her sister hovered in the doorway, "Relax, it's Sunday, no school." Akane glared at her. Nabiki grinned, "Kasumi wants to clear the breakfast table." "Oh." Akane shrugged and then wiggled out of her bedroll, absently picking up P-chan as she stood up. "Good morning, P-chan." She looked down and nudged Ranma with a foot, "Wake up, sleepyhead." Instantly, Ranma opened his eyes, "What?" For a long moment, Akane just stared. "Wow," Nabiki commented, "Awake without cold water or a morning spar?" Ranma yawned and stretched, "When we were training, Ryoga was working on that, said it wasn't good for me to not be aware while I was sleeping." He glanced around the room, "Where's Pop?" With a chuckle, Nabiki left the doorway. Akane shook her head, "I don't know – and I don't think you've quite got it yet..." Yawning again, Ranma stood up, "We're working on it." He glanced at the pig in Akane's arms, "Want a morning spar?" As the pig nodded, Akane shook her head, "No thanks, breakfast for me." Ranma blinked, "I was talking to Ryoga." "Ryoga?" Akane turned half-way around, "Where is he? I want to thank him for..." she trailed off as she became aware of the two incredulous stares directed at her. "Ah," Akane blushed scarlet and scratched the back of her head with the hand that wasn't holding P-chan. "Sorry. I forgot. Old habit..." She directed her gaze down at the pig she was holding, "Good morning, Ryoga." Accompanying her words was a beautiful smile that both boys watched, entranced. After a moment, she handed the pig to Ranma and then gathered up her bedroll and left, with one final comment, "P-chan! Be sure not to pick on Ranma too much!" Ranma and Ryoga stared after her. Eventually they looked at each other. Ranma smiled and kissed the pig on the snout, "Good morning, Ryoga." The pig blushed red, even as he gazed up at Ranma adoringly. With a laugh, Ranma walked down the hall to the bathroom, shedding his clothes in the outer room before picking up the hand-held shower-head and turning the hot water on them. "Good morning, Ranma," Ryoga put his hands on Ranma's shoulders and leaned in, kissing him deeply. "Umm..." Letting the shower-handle fall out of his hand, Ranma wrapped his arms around Ryoga's waist and pulled him close, holding him while the water swirled around their feet. For a very long time, all they did was hold each other tight, bodies and lips locked together. Feeling each other's presence. Feeling the love. Feeling the desire. It had been a very long three weeks apart. Ranma broke off the kiss, gasping, "Damn, I've missed you, Love." He leaned back to Ryoga and started plastering little kisses all over Ryoga's face and neck and shoulders. "Ranma... we can't," Ryoga gasped, even as he tilted his neck to open up for Ranma's attentions. "Umm..." Ranma paid Ryoga's words no heed as he continued his ministrations. He could feel Ryoga was as ready as he was, and he was damn ready. "My love..." Ryoga gasped and cried out as Ranma's hands wandered to the front of his body. Gripping Ranma's shoulders tightly, he held on to his balance and his love. "Take the sparring outside, you two!! Do you know how much a good plumber charges for the damage you do?" At the sound of Nabiki's voice outside the bathroom, the two boys leapt away from each other. Ranma landed on the soap and fell in a heap, crashing the bucket on his way down. Ryoga tripped over the tub and fell into the bath, splashing the water out in a great wave. "I said outside!" Nabiki's voice was a growl, "Ryo-chan, your spare clothes are in the change room." After a moment, they could hear her footsteps receding down the hall. From their respective landing sprawls, the two boys stared at each other with wide eyes. Eventually, Ryoga blinked. Ranma giggled. Then they were both laughing wildly. "Um," Ranma gulped and wiped his eyes, "I guess not..." Ryoga was still laughing as he got out of the tub, "No..." He looked at Ranma with lidded eyes, "Not here." "Ryoga, don't you dare look at me like that right now," Ranma warned, turning around to shut off the faucet and stop the water from spraying everywhere, "I'm already too damn close." Running the lightest of hands over Ranma's shoulders, Ryoga leaned over and kissed the back of his neck, "Should I have stayed in pig form?" "No!" Ranma trembled, feeling the feather-light touches, "That's no good. It's still you, but then you can't talk to me." "Talk?" Ryoga grinned, "Maybe not, but yesterday, it did keep you from doing this to me..." Ryoga demonstrated. Ranma moaned, "Ryoga, I'm going to yell. Loudly. If you keep doing that. And then it'll be more than Nabiki over here." With a final kiss, Ryoga backed off, laughing softly, "Spar, than." "Oooo..." The touches were gone from his body and Ranma was desperately trying not to turn around and grab Ryoga, "Spar," he agreed. It wasn't as good. It wasn't enough. It really wasn't nearly enough, but it would get some of their restless feelings out. And then maybe he could drag Ryoga off somewhere... With another laugh, Ryoga walked out to the changing room, grabbing a towel to dry himself off. Ranma stayed in the bathroom, resting his head against the cool tiles
Walking out from the house into the yard, the two boys argued amiably while preparing to start their match. Genma and Soun looked up from their tile game, and paused, staring at the boys. Soun slowly put down his tile, "Well, that's different." Genma shook his head, "No, not different – back again." Soun raised an eyebrow. Genma raised his voice, "So, it's finally happened." Both boys jumped in the air, and turned to face them. The dads didn't fail to note how Ryoga moved so he was a half-step closer than Ranma, half-angled to protect him yet not blocking him. Genma smiled, "Ryoga-kun, I'm so glad." He looked to his son, "Ranma – treasure this friend." The boys tried very hard not to look at each other, and they actually sidled a bit away from each other. "What the hell are you going on about now, Pop?" Ranma's voice was defiant. "Ryoga-kun trusts you again." Genma glanced to the tile board and moved a piece, "It is the hardest thing one can do after one is betrayed. Treasure it well, Ranma." Ryoga dropped his guard stance in surprise. Akane and Nabiki and Kasumi poked their heads out from the dining room. "Betra—" Ranma backed up another step and then turned to stare at Ryoga, who wouldn't meet his eyes. That more than anything told Ranma that there was something to what his dad was saying, and Ranma's heart hit the ground, "Ryoga, when did I ever...?" Me? When did I ever betray you? Ranma frantically searched his memories, Ryoga, you said you always loved me... From the heights of heaven down to the pits of despair. Ryoga turned his head away from Ranma, "It doesn't matter." Not anymore. It doesn't. Ryoga remembered their feelings only minutes ago, and the light in Ranma's eyes, and the love... He loves me. Ranma blinked, "Like hell it doesn't. Ryoga..." He'd seen the pain as Ryoga turned away. And he remembered it well from the times in the valley. Am I the one responsible for all the pain you felt? That I kept trying to heal? How could I have hurt you and not known it? "When did I betray you? How could I have ever betrayed you? And not know it? Ryoga, I—" Ranma shut his mouth on the rest of the statement, aware of their audience. Ryoga... I love you. How could I hurt you? Genma and Soun had been watching the interaction. As Ryoga took a step away, obviously planning to jump over the wall and leave like he'd done so many times before, Genma finally interceded, "When you left him." "Huh?" Ranma turned to look at his dad, "But—" "Ryoga-kun had trusted you, and you left the duel site without waiting for him." "Now wait a second, Pop—" Genma interrupted, appearing to ignore Ranma, "Ryoga-kun, I apologize for that – Ranma didn't want to go, he was going to wait. I had to knock him unconscious to take him away." Ryoga sat down where he stood, "But... but..." Ranma was scratching his head, "Pop, I don't understand." He looked at Ryoga, frowning as he thought. Ryoga... was this the reason for all your pain? The parts you wouldn't tell me? Just because I left? But you were late... How could I have hurt you? The three watching girls all sat down in a group, fascinated. Soun moved his tile. Genma frowned at the board, "Do over?" Soun laughed, "Since we're on the subject – all right." He picked up his tile again, and Genma moved his previous one. Genma glanced at Ryoga, "You were too close to my son. Ranma had come to depend on you. So I took him away. If he didn't see you again, he would forget you like he had all the others. If you followed... If you followed, then you'd be a true friend. You are the only one that ever followed. The only one in fifteen years." Genma frowned, "I just hadn't expected Jusenkyo. Jusenkyo turned the question bitter. And yet you trust again." He turned his attention to Ranma, "A true friend is a rare thing, my son. One who can look past a betrayal... is one in a thousand. Treasure him well." "Pop," Ranma's eyes were wide, "You always said that a friend would take your life-blood and turn it cold. You said friends could hurt. You said..." Soun moved his tile, "Very nicely stated, Saotome-kun." "Why, thank you, Tendo-kun." "Pop!" Genma studied the board. Soun looked out at them and also at his daughters, "It's true. It's very true. Friends will always desert you when you need them most. Friends will dig knives into your chest and rip it out. That is the way of life. What we care about the most, also hurts us the most. But having a friend is worth more than the pain." "But Dad," Akane spoke up, "I thought friends were suppose to be there when you need them – that's what makes a friend. How then can they desert you?" Soun and Genma looked at each other for a long time. Genma finally answered that question, "Because a lot of life isn't under our control. And none of us have any power over death. When we need our friends the most... is when they leave us behind." Ranma and Ryoga both flinched. And then Ryoga reached out and put a hand on Ranma's ankle. Trembling from head to toe, Ranma looked down at his friend... And then sat next to him. "Damn you, Ryoga..." "Sorry," Ryoga spoke lightly, but the hand on Ranma's ankle quivered as he fought for control. He searched for a new topic before he broke down in front of the family, "If it was your dad that took you away... How come you never said so? Why didn't you answer me when I asked you?" You turned my question back to a taunt, never answered the 'why'... and left me to think you never cared. But you had. You had cared. Even then. The sparkling blue eyes that had looked at him in friendship and delight. Ryoga had given his loyalty and was going to follow him anywhere. But then his friend was gone, without a word, without a trace. And when he finally found him again... Ryoga shivered. Jusenkyo... Ranma blinked, "Uhh..." Why didn't I answer him? Genma gave a bark of laughter, "My son will never answer a question straight unless he knows why the question was asked in the first place." "Oh." Ryoga realized how true that was. It was another Warrior's technique. Don't let anybody know more than you do. If you don't know why information is wanted, then don't give it for free, for it might hurt you later. Ryoga closed his eyes and shook his head. Ranma hadn't understood the question... because Ranma couldn't understood Ryoga's pain expressed in the 'why'. For the same reasons that Ranma hadn't known he loved Akane. No experience. Taught as a Warrior, but closely guarded. Ranma had never been hurt like that, and really, Ryoga didn't want Ranma to understand that much pain. He's already had too much... Tightening his grip on Ranma's ankle, Ryoga let go. Let go of the pain. And wished that the family wasn't there so that he could take Ranma in his arms and hold him and caress him and show him that everything was okay. But... Ryoga stood up, and glanced from Akane on the patio to Ranma sitting on the ground. "I'll be back later," he said to them both. And he hopped over the wall. Ranma watched him go, secure with the promise, and then looked back to his dad. Ranma frowned with the weight of unanswered questions and past history. Genma stood up, "Well, since it looks like your sparring partner has taken the day off..." He launched himself at his son, who barely rolled in time to avoid him. And he came up fighting. And father and son showed each other their affection in the only way they knew.
Much later in the day, Akane went looking for Ranma. She finally found him in the dojo, lights turned off. Sitting down next to him, she tucked her skirts under and waited. "Did I really betray him?" Ranma asked, his voice struggling as he tried to understand. It's important. I know it is. But how? Akane didn't know. But she remembered what Mr. Saotome had said 'he trusts you again'. 'Again'. As far as Akane knew – Ryoga had never trusted Ranma. Liked him, yes. Respected him. Was his friend in spite of himself. But trusted him? Akane propped her chin on her hand and thought about it. "Dad said it was because I left him... And Ryoga looked away as if that really was it. But..." Ranma was seriously confused, "Ryoga's never on time. I can't see how he would blame me. I waited there for three days. Wasn't that enough?" Akane stirred, "If Mr. Saotome had to knock you out... Obviously you didn't think so." Ranma shrugged, dismissing it, "I'd said I was going to wait. I didn't want to go to China without him." You said you were going to wait... And you don't see how that would have made Ryoga mad? Akane thought she was missing something. And she was – all of Ranma and Ryoga's experiences before she'd met them. "What were you guys like before?" "Huh?" "Back in your school. How long had you known each other? Were you friends?" That was something that Akane was really starting to wonder about. Ranma hadn't even known who Ryoga was... I always thought Ryoga's grudge was Ryoga's fixation on a one-time match. But 'again'... "Oh, sure, yeah." Ranma grinned happily, "Pals all the way. We had a lot of fun together. We were buddies." Akane lifted her head and stared at him, her eyebrows climbing her forehead. And Ranma's wording... There was only one person he'd ever called his buddy. "Like Ukyo?" Ranma blinked, "Nah... I respect Ryoga. I trust him. I always have." Excuse me? Akane's mind was in sudden shock. He... He's talking about Ryoga, but... He doesn't respect or trust Ukyo??? But Ranma was still going, unaware of her thoughts, "We could talk about most anything. He's as good a Martial Artist as I am, but he's also different." Ranma bit his lip, "And he had the oddest set of principles..." "Odd?" Akane was distracted again, her mind wanting to stay on the topic of Ukyo, but Ranma needed her to help him figure his own past. Ranma paused, thinking about how to describe it. "Ryoga... Always helped people. For no good reason. I got the impression that was the whole reason he studied Martial Arts. And he always respected me, but never feared me. And he treated little kids like they were real human beings, talked to 'em like they could understand. He was courteous to everyone he met. He never broke a promise – or made one he couldn't keep. He rarely lost his temper with others." Ranma grinned, "Though I managed to get him angry at me often enough." "So basically," Akane was trying to take all that at face value and not relate it too much to the Ryoga she knew, "He had a good set of moral principles." And what happened? He loses his temper regularly now, the only person he treats with courtesy is me... I've never seen him with any kids, so I can't tell that. Ranma – did you do this to him? If he was that good once... For a moment, Akane backed out of her abstraction with trying to figure out Ryoga, and thought about Ranma. And Ranma's sensei, his dad. Who would make him break a promise to a friend just because the friend was getting too close. Whose principles were anything but moral. After all, Mr. Saotome had trained under Happosai just as her own dad had. But her dad had lived with her mom for many years. While Mr. Saotome had only been with his son. For a moment, a long moment, Akane hated Mr. Saotome. And then she put it aside. Hatred accomplished nothing. For good or bad, what was done was done. And whatever else, Mr. Saotome did love his son. And... his methods are harsh, but they do work. As he said, having looked past a betrayal, Ryoga is the most loyal friend Ranma will ever have. It was done for Ranma's sake. Not Ryoga's. Ranma was the only person that ever mattered to Mr. Saotome. And... The look on both Mr. Saotome and her dad as they played shogi and talked about friends... There is more to this then they told us. "Yeah," Ranma agreed to Akane's statement about moral principles, his mouth quirking up in a grin. "And you still don't know how you betrayed him?" To Akane's way of thinking, Ranma was just being dense. He just said – Ryoga always kept his promises. "Didn't you agree to meet him for the duel?" "Of course. We used to have them all the time. But Akane," Ranma shook his head, "You have no idea what Ryoga's sense of direction is like. I used to wait forever for him. It was the same damn place every time – and I think Ryoga made it there by the appointed time only three times in the whole damn semester." Ranma grinned, "Once he was early and he camped out for two days before I came. I teased him that it was getting him back for all the times I waited in the same spot." "You always waited?" "Of course. Pop would come over and we'd spar while waiting. And I'd catch up on my homework," Ranma laughed, "And then when Ryoga finally got there, after our fight he would correct it all. I think I learned more from him than I did from any of my teachers." Akane was silent. Ranma always waited. Always. And then one time... he didn't. And so Ryoga followed, for Ranma. "When you left, did you leave a note?" Ranma shrugged, "How could I? Pop knocked me out. We were half-way to the docks before I woke up." "So you left him without a word? After you'd always shown up before? I bet you were the only one who ever waited for him." Ranma frowned as he thought about it. "I was." His frown lowered his head and bent his shoulders. "That would have hurt him, wouldn't it?" I was the only one who ever waited... Akane shook her head, honestly, Ranma... "Don't you ever know when you hurt people?" "Huh?" Akane sighed. She hadn't realized it before... Ranma had such a shield around himself – he never got hurt. And so never noticed it when he hurt others. There had been several times since he'd come to the Tendo's home that he'd hurt Akane. Sometimes badly. And he always seemed contrite and hung around or did things to make her feel better – spar with her, let her beat him up... Akane blinked, oh, now that's a good way of making up... And yet... it works. With me. And it's what I do too. Except I don't know that I've ever hurt him like he's hurt me. But if he never recognizes true pain... Something in Akane relaxed that she hadn't known still hurt. He's never understood. Not really. He didn't know how much he hurt me. "Ranma," she said softly. Ranma turned to face her uneasily, recognizing something in her voice... "Ranma – you've betrayed me too." His eyes opened wide and his hands fell from his knees in shock. "NEVER!" he cried, his heart in his throat and in his voice. And then he blinked. And his eyes grew sad and he started to withdraw mentally and physically from Akane. "I'm sorry. I... wasn't thinking. Wasn't thinking of anybody but us. Wasn't thinking beyond the moment." He looked away, "I don't deserve you, and I never knew it before." His retreat stopped and his shoulders straightened slightly, "But I can't give up..." His eyes were starting to water as he turned back to her, emotion making his voice small, "Akane – I don't want to lose you... I love you. I..." he gulped, "really do. I swear it. Please. Please forgive me." He bit his lip, "And Ryoga too." Akane had been listening, but at that one she blinked. "Ryoga?" We're obviously not thinking of the same thing... Oh. He must be going on about P-chan again. "Ranma – I was talking about when you lied to me." Ranma blinked. And then he blushed a furious red and backed another inch away from her before holding steady. And then he looked puzzled, obviously trying hard to remember what she was talking about. Fascinated by the variety of reaction she was getting out of him, and not understanding it at all, it took Akane a moment to recognize his bafflement. Oh honestly. He's forgotten. He's honestly forgotten. Suddenly, she had great sympathy for Ryoga. If I left Ranma now, at this point in our friendship and our relationship... And came back in three months to find out that he's forgotten about me... Forgotten so completely that he couldn't even remember my name... Akane felt a great urge to beat the crap out of Ranma. Talk about adding insult to injury – and multiply that times a thousand. Ranma, you hurt Ryoga so badly... And the second was worse than the first. Without intending it, Akane's mallet appeared in her hand. And it was a large one this time. A very large one. Ranma squeaked, "Honestly, Akane! I'm sorry! I know I told you this morning that the pancakes were good, but that was Ryoga's idea. He told me to compliment you whenever they got even a little bit better. They were really horrid, but they were better then last week's and I thought it couldn't hurt – I'm sorry!" Steam was starting to come out of Akane's ears. Then she heard again Ranma's words, 'It was Ryoga's idea.' Ryoga, my friend... how did you live with such pain? And now he cares, but he still doesn't understand... Akane sighed and let go of her mallet. It disappeared before it hit the ground. "Ranma, you baka," and her voice was tired. Very, very tired. "You betrayed me and my trust in you when the Dojo Destroyer was here and you went on the date with Shampoo—" She was cut off by Ranma, "I've told Shampoo it's over. No more playing around. Never again, Akane." "That wasn't it." That was never it. Akane sighed again. "Ranma... you toyed with me. For no real reason at all, you pretended to tear up the packet of instant Nanichian. Just to make me feel guilty. Just to make me fall at your feet in remorse – for no better reason than I was angry at you. I was in the right, so you had to put me in the wrong. And back at your feet." Tears were streaming down her cheeks, "You lied to me. I trusted you. I believed you. You'd captured my heart with your gesture, making me think you loved me too... And then you lied to me. It was all a lie. All of it..." You didn't love me. You didn't even care. All you wanted was me back at your feet, a possession, not a person. Akane broke down completely, letting the tears fall as they hadn't that day. She'd put her hurt into her anger. But the pain had stayed. Had stayed and festered... She hadn't known how much it still hurt. And she cried for the pain. And Ranma gathered her into his arms. He didn't try to tease her into becoming angry. He didn't run away. He didn't sit there and watch her. He came over to her and knelt next to her and he put his arms around her, pulling her in to rest upon his strong chest, her head tucked in, his hands stroking her hair and her back. With comfort. Not with passion or intent. But in sheer, absolute comfort. He cared. He really cared and wanted her to be better. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice breaking. "I didn't know..." And he meant that too. She could hear it. For the first time she'd known him, Ranma meant an apology in a way that was more than surface deep. He'd apologized for his actions before – like when her hair got cut off... But it had been more because he thought he should than because he understood her pain. He'd always followed her around, curious, questioning, trying to understand – but never actually understanding. Now... For the first time, he sounded like he understood. "I'm sorry, Akane. I was an ass." Ranma paused, trying to understand even to himself why he had done it that way. He honestly didn't know. But he did know that he hadn't known it would hurt her. He'd only thought of how mad she'd be. And then he realized, she was mad... because of the pain. Whenever she's been mad, it's been because of pain. She covers her pain in her anger. From Ryoga to Akane, from Akane to Ryoga... Ranma thought back to how furious Ryoga had been when they'd first met again. And there I was, trying to figure out what made him mad. I'd hurt him – that's why he was mad. Though Ranma still didn't quite understand how he'd hurt Ryoga in the first place. We were friends... Why... How could you have been hurt just because I went to China like I'd told you I was going to do? I'd planned on taking you with us... but I hadn't told you that. And then Ranma froze slightly, holding his breath as he realized, I hadn't told Ryoga... but I had asked Pop. 'You were too close to my son.' I'd never asked before. I'd never wanted anybody else with us. We left towns and villages and I'd wave goodbye... and never thought about any of them coming along. Had Pop planned on taking Ukyo with us if I'd asked? I didn't ask, and she was left. I asked about Ryoga... and he took me away. 'He was the only one that followed.' Ryoga followed. I hadn't asked him, had hurt him, and he still followed. He remembered Akane's voice just a moment before, 'You lied to me.' Did Ryoga think I'd lied to him? How? How did I betray him? And why can't I recognize it now? Akane's tears started to dry out. And then she lifted her head from his chest and glared at the doorway, "GO AWAY!!!!" And her mallet appeared in her hand again, and she threw it with great accuracy. And the heads that had been framed in the doorway, watching them; they all withdrew very quickly. "I swear!" Akane was breathing heavily, "They're impossible!!! Let them find their own damn relationships! I ought to set Dad up on a date! Or Mr. Saotome! That would teach them!" Ranma's mouth twitched up, picturing the idea. "I like it." Akane turned her head up to look at him. To look at his gentle face with the sweet eyes. The delicate bone structure that hid his incredible strength. His mother must have been very beautiful indeed. And then Ranma looked down to her. And their eyes met. And he smiled with his heart in his brilliant blue eyes. And his heart said that he loved her. He leaned his head down, and she tilted up, and they shared a kiss. A very long, a very loving, a very caring kiss. A kiss that held their tears and their feelings and a reconciliation. A kiss that merged them for that time into one person. Akane's breath was caught in her throat, unable to breathe for the kiss that was taking all of her being. Her eyes closed, not necessary for the feeling within her being. Ranma's hand holding her head shook, and his hand that was on her back stroked down her spine. Ooooo... Akane's back arched at the feeling. And then Ranma's mouth opened on hers, and his tongue darted at her lips until she opened them... And then his tongue was inside her mouth, darting from one side to the other, wrapping around hers, exploring her mouth... The feeling was incredible. And Akane knew damn well where it was going to go from here. She exerted her self-control and pushed herself back from Ranma, pulling her mouth from his. Not without regret. Not without a lot of regret. Ranma's blue eyes blinked in confusion, his hands stilling on her back. Akane smiled gently, and lovingly, and with the remembrance of the passion, and with a promise, "The wedding. Not until we're married, Ranma. I won't. I love you. I love you with all that is in me. But I won't be tempted into it." And Ranma's eyes held a touch of guilt, the same guilt he'd had the first time Akane told him that. And she was touched that he would think so much of her that he felt guilty for pushing her into temptation. He loves me. He really does. It was still an amazing thought. She'd waited for so long. Never quite sure of what Ranma really felt. But there was no doubt now. He loved her. He loved her and he wanted her. And it wasn't just physical. He always backed off, like he was doing now. Respecting her wishes. Respecting her. Like he doesn't Ukyo? Akane remembered the start of their conversation. And knew that even though Ranma had realized how he'd hurt her – there was still the first betrayal. Ryoga. Ryoga, my friend – how much have you suffered with no one to know? You really are his friend. To come back where there was so much pain. Akane shook her head – that must have been one powerful relationship before. "Ranma, tell me more about you and Ryoga." Ranma choked, loosing his grip on her and looking away. Akane blinked. ???? "I meant your school days." "Oh," Ranma bit his lip. "What about them?" "Honestly, Ranma. I'm trying to help you here." "Huh? Oh! Right. Ryoga..." Ranma's voice was a bit wistful. Akane rolled her eyes. And then resettled herself so that she was sitting next to him again, her skirts tucked neatly under her knees, her left knee and leg touching his right leg. He put an arm around her shoulder as they became companions and friends again after the brief dip into passion. "Tell me why you respected him. Did he respect you?" Ranma blinked, "We... never talked about such things. We'd talk about a lot of things, but... ourselves wasn't part of it. I don't know if he respected..." Ranma thought back to Ryoga's eyes staring into his, 'I've always loved you.' 'Love, not passion.' "I think... Yes. He did." It was an odd thought. Remembering back to those days, and trying to puzzle out Ryoga's feelings back then, when back then it had never crossed his mind to wonder. "I was always curious about him. He was the only guy I'd ever met my age who was near my equal. And the way he would wander..." Ranma shook his head, "The first time I met him, he was... rather, I was on my way to class – Ryoga wasn't. He was heading the opposite direction. So I followed. Later on when we got to school, I introduced myself." Akane closed her eyes. Only Ranma would introduce himself after following somebody around all morning... "Wait a second..." Akane tried to remember what Ranma had originally told them about himself and Ryoga, "I thought... That you two met at lunch, when you took the bread sandwich he was after." Ranma blushed slightly, "That's when I introduced myself." Akane opened her eyes again, "That's what you call an introduction???" "Hey! You do it too – 'want to be friends? Let's spar.'" Ranma still smarted over that one, "You were ready enough to be friends when you thought I was a girl!" Akane slowly closed her mouth. I was... wasn't I? And because she'd been so much like me – unconventional. And the first thing I did was invite her to spar. I wanted to show how good I was... Ranma wanted to show Ryoga how good he was. Just, different methods. "Anyhow, I followed him around a lot after that. It was fascinating. He never got where he was going, but he'd go a lot of other places in the meantime! And he'd keep running into these situations... Kids worshipped him. Bullies would run when they saw him coming. He was a favorite of little old ladies who needed their groceries carried... Just as long as he didn't lead. Most of the time we were somewhere in Tokyo, but... not always." Ranma shook his head, grinning widely, "Boy, that was a lot of fun! Just waiting to see what would happen next..." "Did you follow him, or were you with him?" "A bit of both. In the beginning it was mostly follow, but later on I started hanging out with him more often, and we'd talk as we wandered. But I couldn't do it too much – the one thing that always got Ryoga's goat was his sense of direction and people commenting on it. I didn't comment, usually – but I also liked seeing where we'd go and would deliberately let him lead. And he really hated missing school." Ranma thought about it, "Didn't do all that much for my attendance either." "Excuse me?" "Well, all this was during the school season. And Ryoga would wander for days at a time. We missed a lot of school. And I wasn't even with him all the time. Ryoga only ever actually came to classes about ten days out of a month. Ten separate days." Akane blinked, "But... But Ryoga's helped me with my homework. He knows..." She paused, "He doesn't go to school now... How does he know second-year High School work if he doesn't go to school?" Ranma shrugged, "Ryoga's really smart. You've been to his big, empty house... He spends a lot of time reading and leaning stuff. He teaches himself, and when his parents are home they do a lot." Ranma's eyes widened with remembrance, "Once, when I was there, his mom saw I was having difficulty with basic biology... After that night – I knew more than the 'a' level classes! One night." He shook his head, "His parents are really nifty. Rarely there, but the most amazing people... And they make such a cute family." The blue eyes turned wistful, "I think that was the first time I ever knew what a 'family' was. And there was only one time I ever saw all three of them together. I saw Ryoga and his dad. I saw Ryoga and his mom. Mostly I saw just Ryoga. And occasionally I'd see just his mom – when I was coming by the house to see if he was there." Ranma snapped his fingers, "Oh yeah – I always saw Checkers!" Akane just shook her head. "His dad has works as a Civil Engineer doing a bunch of contract work. His mom went to the University too, and she's a Biologist, though she mostly volunteers at museums as a tourist guide." Akane held out her hand. "Whoa... I've got to absorb all this..." Ryoga's that smart? And his parents are that talented? With their sense of direction? But she remembered all the times when she'd be at her desk, doing homework, P-chan by her side... And if she started tearing out her hair in frustration, Ryoga would wander casually in making some remark or another about being in the area, fighting with Ranma... and would help her with the homework. I was always too busy trying to keep in mind the fiction about P-chan to ever think about Ryoga not being at school. She shook her head, "Go on." Ranma was silent for a while. Akane looked over, "Ranma?" "Just... thinking." I really liked Ryoga's family. And the affection they share. And their honesty with each other... Ryoga really prizes honesty. If he'd thought I lied to him... Ranma shook himself and went back to memories, "I met his Sensei once," he offered. "Really?" Akane grinned, now that would be something to see. "Who is he? Do I know him?" The Tendo family knew most of the major Martial Artists who also had dojos in the districts around them. "Nope. She's not in Tokyo." Akane dropped to the floor, picking herself up with an effort. "'She'????? Ryoga's Sensei is a woman????" Her eyes brightened with interest and wonder and sudden and new hope. She'd never heard of a female sensei... Aside from Cologne. "Is she anything like the Amazons – like Cologne?" "No..." Ranma growled. Remembering the golden-amber eyes upon him. Remembering the slender tall woman radiating power even as she was as still and calm as the pond, yet as unbeatable as the sea around her island. Remembering the eyes that let him in only because he was a friend of Ryoga. Remembering... Ranma stood smoothly up in one motion, whirling instantly into the most difficult kata he knew. His movements were perfect. His power contained. He was the supreme Martial Artist of his peers. And better than many others. Very few even attempted the kata he was performing. Fewer still matched his grace and agility with his power and perfection. He could learn any technique he'd seen. And those golden-amber eyes had weighed him and found him wanting. Ranma's teeth gritted but otherwise he kept it from showing, pouring his emotions and frustrations and anger into making it the most perfect kata it could be. I'll show her! What the hell does Ryoga have that I don't?! Why does his Sensei reject me? Cologne – the mistress of all Amazon learning for hundreds of years – Cologne had found him worthy. She'd trained him, and praised him, and kept teaching him. Happosai – the teacher his father had learned from, a bundle of hidden powers and techniques – Happi had found him worthy. He trained him. In his own unique way, but Ranma learned and learned well. Hundreds of Martial Artists he and his father had met on their travels all thought Ranma was the most special boy they'd ever come across. And either he defeated them, or they trained him. But those golden eyes... Those golden eyes had found him wanting. Never saying a word. Accepting her student's friend to the island – as a guest. And a guest only. Back then, Ranma could still beat Ryoga when he wanted to. He was better than Ryoga. But she wasn't impressed with that. It was something else that she'd been looking for. She'd looked for, and not found. Well, hell. No wonder Ryoga's never been impressed with my ego. His sensei wasn't either. Ranma slowed the kata, and paused... And then took it up again, the anger draining from him and leaving his kata more perfect than it had been, for now he was working with the trueness of the Art, and not the anger that drove him. I don't know what honor is. I talk about it, but I don't really know it outside the 'Martial' part of the Art. I don't know what a promise is. I can't recognize it when I betray a person or hurt them. The only way I can ask for something is to manipulate people into what I want. No wonder she found me wanting. She's a true Martial Artist. In all aspects of the Art, not just the physical. And she trained Ryoga. Who never makes a promise he can't keep. Who selflessly risks his life for mine without thinking about it. And loses it. And comes back. And can forgive someone who left him behind. Left him without a word. I'd always waited... and then I was gone. And when he followed – most likely to find out what had happened to me... 'cause he knew I would have waited if it had been my choice. When he followed... He ended up getting cursed as a pig. For no better reason than he followed me. I never sent a letter, I never tried to call, I never explained... I had the opportunity to, in China. But I never thought about it. And when he asked me 'why'... I didn't even remember. I didn't even remember him. My best friend. Although, what had kept Ranma from not recognizing Ryoga really had been the anger in the eyes. The anger. That masked the pain. And he hadn't recognized the deadly opponent who challenged him. Even with the changes, though, Ranma should have recognized him. He should have recognized his best friend. But... Ranma had left Ryoga behind. In more than just the event. Ranma had grouped Ryoga in with all the others in his life and never expected to see him again. Forgot about him. Forgot about their friendship. And so hurt Ryoga even more. And yet... Despite Jusenkyo... Despite my non-recognition... Despite the anger. His first question was about the first pain... He asked me 'why'. Why did I leave him behind? I think... I think he would have come with us even if I hadn't asked. He wanted... We were friends. I did... Ranma finished the kata smoothly. "I did betray him." He bowed to the altar, the traditional close of a kata. And he folded his legs under him and sat, not even breathing hard. I betrayed him. I'm sorry, Ryoga. It's a little late now, but I'm sorry. He stared at the wall. If I had answered you... would you have forgiven me then? Would this last year... If I had answered you... If I'd sent you a letter. If I'd called. I betrayed you. I betrayed you and never knew it. "Ryoga. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I never knew. And so, hurt you even more. Ryoga, love. I am the one who caused the pain I saw in you. I'm sorry. From where she sat in the corner where she'd moved when the kata first began, Akane watched Ranma with sparkling eyes. His movements. His grace. His use of form and beauty. His hidden strength. The power that was underlying every move he made. The trim slender figure with the muscles that showed oh so well in this kata. The body that she longed to take into her arms and trace those muscles to every part of his being. The thought of those slim strong fingers tracing her muscles... Ranma is beautiful. He is the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life. And he is mine. All mine. Or will be on our wedding night. For one wild moment, Akane was tempted to throw tradition to the heavens and go over to Ranma right then and there and ask him to make love to her. And then the moment was over as rational thought took its place. I am a virgin. I want to stay a virgin until I get married. That is a woman's pride. And I want to get married in the old way, with the reverence and commitment that it stands for. I want my marriage to mean something. I want to make love to my husband and only my husband. And the marriage will take place before I do. I want the commitment. She trusted Ranma to keep his word... but things in life could change rapidly. There had already been one young girl in her class who had quietly dropped out of school to take care of a baby. Birth control was all fine and well, but abstinence was best. I made a vow to myself years ago, and I will keep that vow. But Ranma certainly tempted her. Very definitely tempted her. Akane watched as Ranma finished his kata with even more grace and style than when he'd started. He is magnificent. When Ranma finished, he knelt down and stayed motionless. Akane watched him, but his perfect stillness wasn't as absorbing as his kata had been. So she started thinking about everything else. Ryoga has a female sensei. Akane grinned. No wonder he treats women so well. But... There was only one thing that put a bit of a crimp in that one. She glanced to Ranma and filed the question until he started moving again. A female sensei. Her eyes sparked, see, Dad – I can inherit the dojo! I can be a teacher! There is another out there. I wouldn't be the only one. A female sensei. Not an Amazon. I wonder what she's like... Ranma moved, putting his hands flat on his knees and glancing over to her, his blue eyes dark with remorse and sorrow. Akane blinked her own, Ranma figured it out. And she was both happy and sad. Sad because he now knew what pain was. And happy because he knew what pain was. It's a hard lesson to learn, but... But I think I will be better off for his having learned it. "I have to apologize to Ryoga." Ranma stated it as a fact. Akane nodded, "When he comes back." And then she blinked at herself – that was the first time since Ryoga had left that she'd thought of it. He'd given his promise, and Akane knew that he was coming back. What an odd feeling. Before, I always knew he'd return – but now... Now I really know it. "Ranma," she unfiled her question, "If Ryoga has a female sensei – how come he doesn't fight girls?" "Huh????" Ranma blinked. "Of course he does." He thought for a minute, "You're mixing him up with me – Pop taught me not to fight girls because it wasn't honorable... but since I've been a girl myself I've been learning that it's ability that counts. Not that I ever refused a match..." Akane shook her head, "No... When he first met Ukyo – I told him she was a girl and he stopped mid-attack." A grin was covering Ranma's face, "And then he attacked again." "When he thought she was a guy." Ranma disagreed, "He knew. He was just bowing to your sensibilities – you didn't want to see him fight her." "Well, no... But you did it too! When Ryoga kept on, you showed him her breasts to stop him! I distinctly remember you saying 'still think she's a he?' to him." The red color spread across Ranma's face, "Staying in line..." He sighed, "Uc-chan's not a real fighter. Ryoga was treating her as if she was – and she was terrified. When I saw that, I had to do something before she was shamed in front of the whole school. And Ryoga always..." he paused and the red got a bit deeper, "used to freak at the thought of breasts. I knew it would haul him up sort without me having to explain anything." "Oh!" Akane clenched her fists, "And exposing Ukyo's breasts to the school wasn't shaming her???" Ranma raised his hand to ward her off, protesting, "They were bound! There wasn't anything to see. And 'sides – she wasn't shamed, she was mad!" And Akane had to admit that. Of the two... She would have been more ashamed of a poor showing of a fighter. That was really the core of her being – not her vanity. "But..." Akane frowned, "why do you say that Ukyo's not a fighter?" Ranma stood up and beckoned to her. Akane came towards him and he aimed a side-kick at her. She slid smoothly back and came in with a straight punch, which he dodged in his usual manner, suddenly popping up behind her. Akane launched a back kick without hesitation. And he put his hands on her leg and flipped over her head, landing in front of her and grinned. Akane hesitated, then decided the match was over and grinned also. They sat down together again. "You had fun, right?" "Yeah!" "Uc-chan doesn't see it as anything but a means to an end. She was always a scrappy little fighter when we were kids, but she had no technique until I taught her a few moves every morning. She learned them... But mostly 'cause if she didn't, I won. Well, I always won anyhow, but... She didn't lose as badly if she learned 'em. And she was used to being the biggest bully in the town. Though a lot of her bullying stopped when she had a regular sparring partner." Ranma paused, "I liked her – I thought she was a buddy. But I never admired her much – even at that age, she was too used to getting things her own way." "And you weren't?" Ranma glanced down at her, his grin not quite reaching his eyes, "Are you kidding? I'm a good fighter... but that's about it. And Martial Arts isn't respected everywhere. We went hungry a lot when Dad couldn't find anybody to challenge or to teach. I never had any stuff of my own, really. We moved around too often to keep anything." Akane held her breath at this frank summary of Ranma's life. He rarely mentioned anything out of his past – until it hit him over the head. No wonder he doesn't remember the people he left behind... There are too many of them. "When she attacked Ryoga... She used full force. Those small spatulas of hers can be deadly. And she knew nothing about Ryoga. She just attacked him 'cause he and I were fighting. And she threw them just after I'd kicked Ryoga into the air. She gave no warning at all. If Ryoga didn't have such incredibly good reflexes, he'd've been skewered. And while he's looking around... She attacks him with her main spatula. But as soon as he responds and starts fighting her for reals... Uc-chan was terrified – and showed it. And did you see the flour bomb and spatula combination? Nasty – if Ryoga wasn't as good as he was. But..." Ranma trailed off. Akane picked it up, "I see what you mean – she was fighting him as if she expected a high-level opponent, but every time he responded with equal force, she was surprised. Which means she hadn't actually judged him before the match. She wasn't ready to defend against a high-level opponent. But she attacked as if he was." Akane frowned – Ranma was right, that hadn't been very... honorable. Ranma nodded. Akane continued, this time analyzing Ryoga's moves, "And even though she attacked high-level, when he responded Ryoga was holding back the force on his attacks. When he came down after the flour bomb... She didn't move, not like she should have. But he didn't actually hit her, he just sliced her shirt open." Ukyo didn't move – hadn't been expecting it, was scared... And Ryoga didn't hurt her. He hadn't been fighting full out, though he had been treating her like a real fighter, in a real fight. Ranma grinned, "Traditional move – shows precision of attack, 'look what I could have done but chose not to'." He blinked, "And that actually proves my other point." "Huh?" "He sliced her shirt... But not the wrap around her chest." "Oh," Akane blinked. "All right – he did know she was a girl. But why were you so angry? You pounded him." Akane wasn't interested in her earlier question anymore, intent on the mystery of Ranma and Ukyo. Ranma flushed. And didn't say anything. Akane looked at him suspiciously, "Out with it." "Uhh..." Ranma looked to the floor and mumbled something. "I didn't quite hear that." "'Cause he was right." Akane blinked, "Excuse me?" "Well, the second time, I was ashamed at having to defend Uc-chan, when it was Ryoga's fight. The first time...," Ranma flushed even redder, "When I called Ukyo cute, I was just trying to cheer her up, but then I insulted you... And didn't have the courage to put things right. Ryoga was there to defend your honor – which I'd just blackened in front of the whole school. But I didn't want to back down and admit how cute you were too. Or let the school, or you, know that I liked you. I just made it worse." Akane stared at him, he called her 'Ukyo'... when he's thinking of me... "Even back then... You cared?" "Of course I cared!" Ranma yelled. And then flushed redder, "I just... couldn't admit it. And truthfully, I knew I cared, but I didn't realize that... that depth of feeling is also called 'love'." Akane stared, and her eyes became limpid pools, and her bones became jelly, and she leaned up to him and traced his delicate cheekbone with a finger, "Ranma," she whispered, "You are such a Man, to admit that." And then it was Ranma's turn to blink, and he pressed his lips together, his pale blue eyes dancing. Finally he couldn't hold it back and burst out in giggles. "What?" Akane sat back, puzzled. "Only..." Ranma giggled, "part of the time." Akane's eyebrows raised to their limits... Ranma's making jokes... about himself? That's new. "Come on, Ranma. Let's go in now, shall we?" Together, they left the dojo.
Notes to Chapter 3: – I'm waffling a little on American tradition vs. Japanese tradition. In Japan, people nod their heads when they mean 'no', where in America, they shake them. I'm using the 'shake' mostly because I think it'd be way too confusing to do it the other way for American readers, and also 'cause I like the distinction of two different movements — easier to write. Odd thing is... I've seen the Ranma characters in both the anime and manga shake their heads for 'no'. I think American influence is changing that particular gesture... (so I'm not straying that far out after all ;-) ) |