Revelations, Part Two: "The Song of the Arrow"

Chapter One


"Ryoga, this is the empty lot, not the Tendo's," Ranma sighed as he looked around.

The empty lot where we were suppose to meet... Glancing beside him, Ryoga regarded Ranma for a moment. He's here. He was then. He is now. Ryoga raised a hand to his headband, letting go of the pain and the anger. Again. Every time he thought they were gone for good, the next memory would bring them up again. Ranma loves me. The empty lot had too many of the memories. Ryoga turned away, "Goodbye, Ranma."

"Huh?!!?" A strong hand grabbed Ryoga's wrist tightly. "What the hell do you mean by that?"

Ryoga glanced around and his heart melted at the sight of Ranma. He reached out his hand to stroke back the coal-black hair... and drew away. "Ranma-sw—" he gulped down the endearment. And sighed, "Ranma, we're back in Tokyo. That's close enough. You can find your way from here. And I can't stay."

Ranma bit his lip and started to loosen his grip on Ryoga's wrist... then he pulled Ryoga closer instead, "Ryoga-lo—"

Ryoga clamped his hand over Ranma's mouth. "Idiot!" he hissed, looking around. "We're back! Anybody could be watching. Shampoo knows this site well. And so does Akane..." Ryoga closed his eyes tightly. And left his hand over Ranma's mouth but softened his touch into the subtlest of caresses. He felt the movement of Ranma's lips on his palm, an invisible kiss. A shiver went though Ryoga's body as he fought down desire. "Ranma... I'll come back to you. I promise I will. But I can't stay. I can't. I..." Ryoga shook his head and then turned away, freeing his wrist from Ranma's grip. With one last comment, he walked out to the street, "Tell Akane I wish her happiness."

The trim and strong figure walked with steady pace-eating strides, every muscle in his body rolling smoothly, the black pants not totally hiding the powerful buttock muscles, his bright-yellow bandanna that was tied at the back of his head serving almost as a beckoning beacon... Ranma nearly followed. He nearly did; but the figure of his best friend and partner, his love..., he turned the corner and was lost to Ranma's view. "Ryo—" Ranma cut off the pleading whisper. Ryoga... Ryoga, I love you. Ryoga, remember that. Ryoga, know that I love you so very much. Ranma sighed. And hopped over the wall in the quickest route home.


'Tendo Dojo'

Ranma looked at the sign by the gate. And at the house. At the steps and the walls and the windows and... Home... I've come home. He'd never had a home before. Not really. There were places he and Pop stayed at longer than others. But not ever a home. And now he had one. One that he hadn't really appreciated before. Even the house itself looked different, now that he saw it with affection and love. The love that he felt for—

"Saotome Ranma! Vile Beast! You've returned to press your attentions on Tendo Akane and the pig-tailed girl!!!"

Ranma turned, a grin spreading across his face, "Yo, Kuno-sempei! How's life?"

"Life was great while you were gone," Kuno retorted, swinging his bokken at Ranma, "If only you hadn't kidnapped the pig-tailed girl!! My chance to get her alone... What did you do with her, sorcerer?!"

Dodging, Ranma watched Kuno carefully. The half-alert centering wasn't giving him any warning... I'm sure I'm doing it right. But then... Kuno wasn't exactly a threat. Of course, neither had been the boar, really, but he'd felt the boar... and he didn't feel Kuno? Oh. Ranma blinked as he figured it out. The alert focuses on... intentions. And then Ranma saw the slight smile hidden underneath the impassive face that the older youth maintained. It's a spar. It's always been a spar. Kuno's happy that I'm back... because he can spar with me again. Ranma threw out a punch that Kuno dodged. Kuno brought the bokken back around in a deadly side-sweep. Ranma laid a hand lightly upon the wooden sword and hopped over it. They continued their spar, trading insults and blows.


"Saotome Ranma!" Kuno's voice resonated loudly in the silence of the afternoon.

As she heard it, Akane dropped the plate she was cleaning. He's back!!! She dashed out of the kitchen and to the front porch, meeting the dads and Nabiki there. And then she impatiently tapped her foot as the fight continued. Hurry up and knock him out already! I want... Akane blushed, realizing that what she wanted to do was run to him and put her arms around him and tell him how happy she was that he was back... He'd freak if I did anything like that. And then call me an uncute tomboy. The pain she felt turned into anger and she gripped her mallet tightly. And then I'd hit him, and he'd let me chase him around, and things would be normal again. Normal. But not what I want.

"Am I imagining things, or is Kuno better?" Nabiki's sarcastic voice broke through the anger.

Akane snorted, "You're imagining things." The mallet disappeared from her hand.

"Oh, thanks, sis."

With a grin, Akane actually watched the fight, "Ranma's not fighting full-out."

"No, he's drawing Kuno's moves out and is being gentle with his punches," Mr. Saotome agreed with her assessment.

"Gentle?" Nabiki spoke in astonishment as one of Ranma's punches sent Kuno rebounding off the brick wall. Kuno promptly raised his bokken and charged Ranma again.

"For my son," Mr. Saotome clarified. "It looks like letting the two boys go off by themselves to train was a good idea after all."

Involuntarily, Akane bristled, "Ranma doesn't have to pull his punches with Ryoga."

As nothing else in the conversation had, that comment drew Ranma's attention away from the fight. His gaze locked onto Akane. His blue eyes were wide as he stared at her.

The look in his eyes... Akane blushed, uncertain as to why her heart had suddenly started to beat faster. "Ranma..." she warned, watching his back.

Without looking behind him, Ranma kicked out and deflected Kuno's attack. He held her gaze a moment longer then whirled back to the fight, determined to finish it quickly. Yet, when Kuno ran towards him again and Ranma prepared to give him the final knock-out punch, the supreme martial artist of his peers hesitated. And dodged the attacks as he thought. He tried again to knock Kuno out... and still couldn't. And Ranma realize that though he and Ryoga had gotten back into regular sparring where they didn't hold back their blows... neither had they ever actually tried to hurt each other. Sometimes the pain would come during the sparring because of one blow or another, but their intentions... Ranma couldn't hit Kuno. Not with more force than the spar. Not when all Kuno was doing was sparring with him. Not when he was better than Kuno... I can't hurt him. He's not Ryoga... but the idea of hurting him. Ranma remembered the pain in Ryoga's eyes. But I've got to finish this... Even as he thought about it, Ranma's next kick sent Kuno flying back to hit against the wall – and Kuno slid down, unconscious. Ranma's mouth dropped open as he walked forward, I didn't think I hit him that hard! "Kuno-sempei, are you okay?"

Three other mouths dropped open as they watched and heard him. Nabiki, already nearing Kuno's side, merely raised an eyebrow before speaking, apparently addressing the fallen youth, "Kuno-chan – you are the world's worst actor. You can get up now."

Ranma paused, curiously watching Nabiki and then Kuno.

Kuno groaned, hand to his head, "Tendo Nabiki, I care not for your sympathy on this day while the pig-tailed girl remains unavenged."

"It's not sympathy, I just don't want trash in front of our house," Nabiki caustically remarked, folding her arms over her chest.

Ranma backed away, still watching... and then he grinned. No, Kuno-sempei, you are the world's best actor. Did you do that every time? He thought about it, the first couple of times I fought him... I left marks on him when I knocked him out. Never since then. He snorted, I am an arrogant fool. And that thought reminded him. He turned back to the group still on the porch, his eyes seeking Akane's again.

"What the hell was that?" Genma roared, "Has my son gone soft?"

Ranma glowered at his dad, damnit, not now – I need to talk to Akane! And then paused, struck by something in his dad's eyes... Is that... approval??? I'm seeing things. "Try me! Just try me, you old panda!" I need to spar with you again. I do. To look beyond the obvious... It was something new for Ranma. Very new. He took another step towards his dad as he wondered – Damnit!! Ranma stopped his advance, cursing under his breath. Akane... I'm sorry I'm so easily distracted. Biting his lip, Ranma turned to the soft vision standing next to his dad.

She was beautiful. There was no other way to describe it. Her strong, lithe body relaxed and easy, the mark of a trained martial artist. Her dark hair floating around her head, the rich brown eyes... Like Ryoga's... so like... But they were looking at him... warily, cautiously, anxious for him, but puzzled. She doesn't know... Ranma realized, she doesn't know how I feel about her. What if she doesn't...? Ryoga, why did you leave? I need you by my side. I... Ranma needed to know if Akane liked him. He needed to know... Involuntarily, he centered. And saw her ki around her. Her soul, fire and flames, glowing brightly in the daylight. Like Ryoga's... Like Ryoga's when he was alive, not like when he was dead... Tears started to leak out the edges of Ranma's eyes and he took the last step forward and hugged Akane tightly. "Akane," he whispered her name in pain and care, "Akane, I'm sorry we were late. We lost track of the time. We didn't mean to worry you. Akane... Akane..." All he could do was hold her and say her name.

Huh???????? Akane's mouth was about on the ground. Ranma's arms were around her. She was being held very tightly to him... I admit, that's what I wanted to do to him... But Ranma doing it to me?? "Ranma, you baka! What do you think you're doing???" I won't be an object for ridicule! I won't!! If all he's going to do is make fun of me again... He only hugs me when he wants to tease the others. I bet Shampoo's watching somewhere. Her body quivered in indignation and fury.

"Akane..." Ranma heard the frightened anger and reluctantly pulled away. She didn't return my hug. Not even... Oh Ryoga, where are you now? He missed his friend. He missed the love. The care. It was suddenly very cold in Nermia. Ryoga...

And Akane saw the pain in Ranma's eyes... What the hell? She reached a hand out to him, "Ranma, what's wrong?"

Ranma stopped before he turned all the way around. Her voice. Caring. Warm. Worried. Worried about him. Caring for him. He looked back, wondering.

There was still pain... Akane saw it, plain as the day. Ranma had never before shown pain in his eyes. And then she looked up and down the empty street, her heart contracting in sudden and complete fear. He said 'we'... "Ranma... Where's Ryoga?" No. Please no. Not Ryoga. Not gentle, kind, sweet Ryoga. My friend. No...

Ranma blinked, she cares? And his heart lifted inside of him. Somebody cared. Akane cared. She didn't even know what happened, and she was worried. About Ryoga. Ranma's heart lifted in joy. "He's okay, Akane," before anything, he had to reassure the fright in her eyes – he knew well what it was like and didn't want her feeling it for a moment longer. Akane turned back to him, relief and puzzlement in her eyes. Ranma took a deep breath, "He's okay, now... But..." He couldn't say it. He couldn't. Even the white lie was too close. So he said the other thing he needed to say, "Akane. Akane, I love you."

Akane involuntarily backed up a step, her eyes widening in shock. And then they narrowed in disbelief. "Who put you up to it?" She glanced to where the dads stood on the porch, their mouths open. Not them. She glanced to Nabiki and Kuno, who likewise were stunned. She looked on the fence-tops and roofs, looking for Shampoo or Mousse or Kodachi. Finally, she looked behind her inside the house. Kasumi smiled gently, then turned and went back to her kitchen. Akane was shaken to her core and slowly turned back to Ranma. And then her heart went out to him in a rush, seeing the stricken blue eyes and knowing that she'd just caused the pain there within. He meant it. He... "You meant it?" Akane whispered, still disbelieving. "Ranma... Ranma..." He... "You can't possibly mean it."

And the sheer incredulity in her voice... Ranma nearly cried. "I've been an asshole. I know I have. I know that this is... not something you ever expected me to admit..." He fell to his knees and took her hand. "Akane, Akane – I do love you. I never knew before that I did. I knew I cared, but I didn't know... Akane. I know it now. And I can't not tell you. I love you. You have to believe it, 'cause it's true. Please, let's not waste another moment of life in our anger and pride... Akane..."

"Ranma..." Akane whispered his name, looking down at him. He means it... He... She burst into tears.

Ranma looked up. And then stood up and gathered her into his arms again, "Shh... shh, Akane, it's okay. Really. It is. I'm here now. I'm here and I won't ever let you go. I love you. I love you and I want to marry you and spend my life with you and protect you and hold you..."

"I can damn well do my own protecting," Akane sniffed, even as her arms went around him and she dipped her head into his chest and felt him holding her. Holding her. Really, truly holding her. And whispering love in her ear. "But I don't mind it if you do it occasionally. Just for your ego, you understand." She pressed her head into his strong chest and clung to him tightly. "I love you. I've loved you for so very long. Ranma, you stole my heart and I didn't ever think I'd get it back, but now you love me and my heart couldn't be safer... Oh Ranma!" Akane lifted her head, tears still streaming down her eyes and she kissed him. And he kissed her back. In full view of everybody.

Not that there was actually anybody left to see. When Ranma and Akane drew back from each other, the dads were gone from the porch, Kasumi wasn't to be seen, and Nabiki and Kuno were nearly around the corner as they argued about where to go for lunch and who was paying. Akane's mouth twitched into a grin as she observed this. When it's real, they run. I guess that tells me something. And then her eyes widened in surprise as she looked back to Ranma... and found that he'd never looked away. He doesn't care. He doesn't even care that people were watching. He... "Ranma," Akane whispered, "you do love me."

And Ranma's beautiful blue eyes sparkled at her as he grinned and leaned forward...

Akane put a finger on his nose, holding him back before he kissed her again, "Not on the porch, Ranma." She blushed as she thought of the neighbors. And pulled him inside the house. Where they were met with corks popping and champagne streaming and dads dancing... Kasumi was bringing special sandwiches out... Akane looked around in disbelief, muttering, "I spoke too soon." At least they came in first!

Ranma glanced around also, eyes wide in automatic embarrassment. Pop... I'm going to... He blinked, what do I care? I do love her – and I don't care who knows it. I want the world to know it! And he laughed and pulled Akane closer to him and looked in her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes, "Akane, I meant it. And I mean it. And I love you so very much... Akane, will you marry me?" He grinned, "I'll go to the rooftop and shout it from there if you want."

"No!!!" Akane blushed a very solid red. And then quickly softened as she realized what he might hear, "I mean, yes I'll marry you – no, don't you dare shout it on the roof!"


 Notes to Chapter 1:

no notes...

But just a couple of comments – don't worry, I'm going to skip all the mushy stuff between Ranma and Akane. Ch2 starts with more interesting things. ;-)

And, no, Ranma doesn't have the foggiest idea of how he's going to handle this, loving both Ryoga and Akane – since when has he *ever* thought of anything like that? He's still Ranma...

Oh, and at the very, very beginning... Ryoga's statement, "Tell Akane I wish her happiness," is a very deliberately multiple-meaning set of words. Give just a little different emphasis here or there... ;-) I thought it fit well within the context, and the Japanese manner of layering meanings.