Revelations, Part One: "Of Life and Love"
Much much later, Ryoga woke up feeling happy, contented, and satisfied. It took him a moment to realize there was a warm body curled around him, and that warm body was Ranma. Then all the memories of the night before came back and he realized why he was so happy. He was lying on his back and Ranma was sprawled on top of him. Looking down at the red hair falling over his chest, Ryoga gently stroked the hair into place until he could see Ranma's face. Her beautiful delicate features, the cute little nose, the rich soft lips... Ryoga watched the one he loved, and his heart overflowed for her. Him. Ranma. The one he loved was Ranma. We're going to have to invent a new pronoun for him. Her. Ryoga grinned and gently kissed the top of Ranma's head without disturbing her sleep After awhile, he realized that another part of his body was also overflowing – his bladder. Squirming a little to try and get out of Ranma's grip without waking her, Ryoga wanted to go outside – and then remembered his promise. He glanced at the sleeping figure, whose only response to his trying to move had been to clutch him even tighter. I promised her I wouldn't leave until she woke up. Nature called and Ryoga glared at the tent opening, ah, shoot. He could hold it for a bit longer. Ryoga hoped Ranma would wake up soon. Soon enough, Ranma announced that she was awake by running her hands over Ryoga's sides, across his chest, down his waist... Her eyelids blinked open and she searched for his face to squirm up and kiss him. A kiss that said 'good morning' and demanded 'make love to me now.' Oh... my. Ryoga returned the kiss, awed at the strength of response it automatically got from him. Ranma's hands on his waist and below became more insistent. But there was still this one other problem. Ryoga twisted his head for a breath of air, "Ranma-sweet..." Her lips had moved down to his chest. "Ranma!" She looked up, "Ummm?" And the smile on her face took Ryoga's breath away. "Ranma – I have to go to the toilet." "We don't have one," Ranma lowered her head back to his chest. Ryoga got his hands on her shoulders and rolled both of them to their sides, pushing her slightly away, "Outside, then." Ranma sighed, tracing his shoulder muscle with one hand, "Well, hurry up then." Ryoga growled, "I promised I wouldn't leave your side." Ranma blinked, "Uhh... I think you can stretch that promise a bit.." "I don't know if your ki has grown back enough for me to leave," Ryoga finally got to the real problem. "Oh." Ranma blushed and looked away, "I think it's okay." "Think? Ranma—" Ryoga wasn't about to leave her on a 'think'. Ranma sighed, "I went out earlier. It's fine." "You..." Ryoga paled at the thought of him sleeping while she lay collapsed... "I didn't think of it," Ranma shrugged, part-guiltily, mostly defiant. "Oh, my sweet," Ryoga pulled her close as he stroked her backside, holding her close as he thought of what might have happened. But it didn't. Ranma's okay. He tried to reassure himself, as his imagination kept running wild. Ranma's okay. She's okay. The ki grew back. "If you keep that up, I'm not going to let you go outside for awhile." Ryoga grinned and got up, bending down for another kiss before he crawled out. He could feel Ranma's eyes following his every move and tracing all his muscles as he moved. Ryoga almost turned back right then and there. But... He walked out, blinking in the bright light – it was somewhere around noon time. The base of the fallen tree stood taller than he, but not coming close to the height of the tree before it fell. Ryoga walked around it and watered the ground hidden by several of the broken branches. As he walked back, he thought about the old tree, standing across the River, the white mists swirling around him. The boys fought in the canyon below it. The tree watched them, and watched its cousins fall. Without regret, without pain – it was all a part of life. Trees fell. Acorns were scattered. Insects and mice found new homes. The deer ate the bark. And life went on. The tree had never wondered about it, had never questioned it. The tree really didn't think much about anything. Its thoughts were slow and more geared to watching and listening than to doing. Of course, its thoughts were nowhere near as slow as earth's could be... But earth could also be fast. Slow as the years, then quick as an instant. A tree was consistent, growing, not changing. So it thought, even as it wondered.
Ranma rolled over once Ryoga was out of the tent, running her hands down her chest and pausing on her breasts. This girl's body... is mine. Ryoga, I never knew what it could be. Pleasure. Pleasure so intense, so powerful. Ranma ran her hands over her breasts again, and felt the tingle of nerves responding – but it wasn't the same as having Ryoga there. Having Ryoga run his hands over her breasts, his body on hers, his lips... Ranma moaned for the empty space beside her. "Ryoga, hurry up, will ya?" After she'd watched the ant on the ceiling crawl from one side to the other, Ranma realized that Ryoga should have been back a long time ago. Her heart contracting, Ranma gulped down the fears and got up, hesitantly moving towards the door. She didn't want to find... Ryoga's body, lying on top of hers, not moving, eyes staring vacantly, skin cold. Cold as death. "No—" Ranma wailed as she pushed open the tent flap and walked outside. And instantly saw Ryoga. He was standing with his back to the tent, one hand touching the fallen oak tree, staring out down the canyon. Her worry changed to anger, "Ryoga, you scared me—" Ranma broke off as she approached Ryoga and he didn't turn. Didn't turn, didn't move. "Ryoga?" There was no response and she touched his side, then wrapped her arms around him, "Ryoga! Don't leave me!" The tears started falling down her face involuntarily. Ryoga's body, cold, stiff, silent... As she cried, Ryoga's body stirred, then his arms were around her, "Ranma, my sweet. Ranma. It's okay. Ranma." Ranma kept crying, wailing, "Where did you go? You promised me you wouldn't go! Ryoga... You left me." The guilt in Ryoga's heart was more powerful than any fit of depression he'd ever had. "Ranma, my love. I'm sorry. Ranma, I love you – I'll always come back to you. I will." Finally, Ranma raised her head slightly, "But where did you go? You were standing there – but you weren't there." Ryoga traced her cheekbone with a finger, "I was with the tree. I started thinking its thoughts and then I was there with it..." He glanced down the canyon, remembering. "Seeing the world from a tree's point of view can be a bit disconcerting. And trees only have a sense of time by the seasons passing." And the squirrels running, and the birds flying... Ranma blinked, her tears drying out, "The... tree????" She sputtered a bit, "Excuse me? What does the tree have to do with anything?" Ryoga sighed, "Ranma-sweet – you put the tree's ki into me to keep me alive—" he broke off at a look from her, and corrected what he still didn't like to think about, "to bring me back to life. The tree's ki has become a part of me. Ever since I woke up yesterday... I've been having thoughts that are not mine." Listening to the trees... Ryoga half-grinned at the thought. 'I talk to the trees...' Glancing from the tree to her love, Ranma's heart contracted again. Will Ryoga... not be Ryoga? If this keeps up? Will I... lose him? Her tears started falling again, "It was the only way to save you. I'm sorry. I've done—" Ryoga put a hand over her mouth. "Ranma – it's okay. I'm me. Really. I'm me and I'll always be me. It's just..." It was just that it was hard to explain. "The tree's only a very very small part of me. And it's new right now. The effects will get less as I get used to it." He hoped. "Ryoga," Ranma ran her hands over his chest, "I want you. I want only you. I want you by my side. I want to know you're with me. I want you holding me. I want you forever and ever – beside me always. Ryoga, I know you can't promise, but please... Please hold me now." The tears flowed down her cheeks, "Hold me now and I'll pretend it's forever." "Oh, my love..." Ryoga's heart broke seeing the desperate need in his friend. Ranma had felt pain like he'd never felt it before in his life and he was still unsure, and still needed the reassurance of his friend desperately. Ranma, my love. I'm sorry you were ever hurt this badly. I'm sorry... He held his friend close. As close as he could Ranma's head lifted up and tilted to his, her mouth open even as the tears continued down. She kissed him with demanding need. Frightened, desperate. Needing reassurance. Needing Ryoga. Needing Ryoga's love. Her tongue moved through his mouth, trying to bring him into her. Recognizing that Ranma's desire for physical love was grounded in her need to have him with her, body and soul, Ryoga tried to oblige. He was worried about her, but if he didn't respond she'd think he was rejecting her... Ryoga didn't have to worry about that part. As Ranma continued to kiss him and shift her luscious body against his, Ryoga's body suddenly flamed with urgent passion and he moaned through their kiss. His mind was overwhelmed by his body and he blindly responded, kissing her back, sweeping his tongue along hers, leaning in, standing slightly over her, pressing his body close even as she pressed close to him. Pressed against her stomach was not where his groin wanted to be... He straddled his legs out and bent his knees, lowering his height down until their hips met exactly. And he fit nicely between her thighs, pushing against her, rubbing next to her, close to her, wanting so desperately to enter her and feel her around him... Ryoga moved his hands down to her strong waist and then lower, cupping her bottom and pulling her to him. Ranma moaned, breaking off their kiss, "Ryoga..." And his name was spoken with love. With love and need and joy and tears. All at the same time. And he heard the love and joy, but he also heard the need and tears. Ryoga paused, suddenly forced out of his mindless body and concerned about her again. Ranma needs reassurance... I can't let myself be so overwhelmed. I have to think of Ranma... "You wuss! Stop thinking!" Ranma glowered at him. Then she grinned. Ryoga looked at that grin a bit dubiously... And then was taken by surprise as Ranma shifted her hands around his shoulders to brace herself and then wrapped her legs around his waist – leaving him holding her up in the air. He staggered a bit at the weight before he gained his balance. "Hey!" "What?" Ranma purred in his ear, her arms around his shoulders holding herself close, her legs locked around his hips, "You're a big strong man, aren't you?" "Yeah – but I can't do much like this!" Although Ryoga's body thought he could. His lower body in particular was going crazy with the position of Ranma on him. He struggled against his body and his mind, fighting for his control along with his balance. "Ah well," Ranma sighed in mock regret, "We can't have that." And her hands snaked down to tickle him on the ribs. And Ryoga lost his balance and fell, collapsing under her tickle, but twisting so he hit the ground first... And found himself staring up at a pixie with big bright eyes and bright red hair and a mischievous grin on her face, her legs wrapped around his legs and her hands flat on his chest. And he knew he was exactly where she wanted him... Ryoga grinned and pulled her down to him, capturing her mouth on his again, this time dividing control with no more hesitancy about what he was doing. He could still see the tracks where her tears had fallen, yet she wanted this. This physical joy for the emotional assurance. Ryoga happily let his body take over his actions, keeping just enough control to make sure that Ranma was his first priority. My joy... is hers. If she is made happy... The pleasure is both of us, together. As Ryoga's hands pushed her over and caressed her breasts, Ranma moaned for the feelings. My love, running his hands over me... just the way I'd wanted earlier... Before he'd left her. But he was here now. He was here. With her. Loving her. Ryoga's hands on her breasts, fondling, caressing, stroking... I still can't believe how wonderful it feels. His hands were everywhere. The feelings in her body... Ranma moved her own hands, stroking him, seeking out his strong muscles, hard bones, and soft skin. Seeking to know his body. Oooo – he feels so good! Running her hands over him... Her friend. Ryoga and she were still exploring each other, the new sensations, the wonder, the delight in each other. The sharing was so amazing. Her pleasure wasn't just where Ryoga touched her, it was also in her hands where she touched him, feeling him, amazed at how she reacted to him. My love. Ryoga's mouth was kissing her breasts... That... feels so good! Ranma arched her back, lifting her breasts closer to him, her hips closer to him, her whole being enveloped and wrapped in his. "Ryoga..." she sighed in contentment to have him near her even as her body flared in excitement and demanded more. Demanded much more. Her groin was bursting with need, and Ranma could feel wetness oozing out between her thighs... Her mind and body paused a moment, wetness? She vaguely remembered something like it the night before, but, it's guys who—her thoughts temporarily derailed as Ryoga, taking advantage of her pause, slipped himself into her, smoothly entering despite his enormous size. Ranma grinned even as she gasped her pleasure. Oh – lubrication. Makes sense. Makes a heck of a lot of sense. And then her body was moving in time with his, and the focus of pleasure was an intense fire where he was a part of her, and the pleasure grew and grew as he moved in and out, brushing past that little tiny spot that focused and heightened the sensuous feeling. "Ohhhh..." Ryoga grinned as she moaned, watching her carefully. But he wasn't quite satisfied. Last night... "Not quite, not quite there..." Last night, when Ranma had climaxed... The pleasure she'd had was so astounding – Ryoga wanted her to feel it again. He was damn well ready to climax at any moment... but not until Ranma was happy. Not until then. He would not be happy until he'd given Ranma all that he could. So how did it happen that one time? Ryoga had been exploring her body... Ranma had been near speechless from the feelings before he'd entered her and that's when she'd... Did I enter too soon? Right time for me – and she wanted it, but not quite enough preparation... Hauling his focus off his own pleasure, Ryoga tried to make up for it, running his hands over her breasts and hips and everywhere else, seeking out the spots he'd found the night before – and finding that they were all different today. Well, not all... Under him, Ranma moaned and twisted, pressing herself up to him, keeping the rhythm going where he'd stopped. Ryoga put his hands around her and rolled them over so she was on top, giving her the control over their movements and rhythm. Ranma sat up so that all of her weight was on his hips, pushing on him so that he was as deep as he could be within her... She gasped out her pleasure and ground her hips down... And Ryoga yelled loudly at the incredible ecstasy of feeling even as he frantically struggled not to climax – his control slipping badly under her attention. Damnit! She needed reassurance. I'm going to give it to her! It's not just about me. He reached up to Ranma, pulling her torso back down to his. Oooo! Ranma was lost in joy, crying out with the pleasure of having Ryoga in her, feeling him strong and powerful within her, feeling his body across hers, feeling her breasts pressed into his chest, feeling his hands on her back... feeling him with her, not leaving her, completely and totally with her now... feeling his care – his love and his loyalty. And even as her body screamed for more pleasure, her mind started to relax. He's here with me. He came back to me. He's not going to leave me. He'll always be with me – okay, he'll always come back to me. Ryoga is here. My Ryoga. Ryoga is my love. All mine. He has said that he loves me. And he's here with me now. And he cares about me. He really does. My love. I love and am loved. As her mind relaxed, a tension in her body she hadn't known was there relaxed... And suddenly the incredible wash of pleasure that she'd felt last night took her over, completely – so thoroughly there were no thoughts left. Just the wave of feeling shooting through her body from her toes to her eyes to her fingers... Her body pressed itself close to Ryoga's one more time and Ranma became hyper-aware of touching him – all of him. Her legs entwined around his, her hips on his, him inside of her, her belly against his, her breasts flattening on his chest... His skin, so warm... The smell of him permeated her senses as she pressed close to him, knowing she'd never forget, ever... The instant went on and on... lasting nearly for the time of forever that she'd wanted. Ryoga blinked with a bit of surprise – he hadn't done anything radically different... but this time he knew what she was feeling. And he let his discipline go, finally, and as she pressed close to him in her reaction he felt himself shudder in his own reaction as his body released. Released his seed and released his control. In Ranma. For Ranma. And then he was collapsing against the ground, and Ranma was collapsing on top of him, and it felt so right... So very right. Ranma... Ryoga put his arms around her, his body tired as it had never been even after the most intense spar. My sweet love. He held Ranma within his arms and closed his eyes.
Ranma washed slowly back to awareness, riding the pleasure with satisfaction and wonder. Wonder still. Wonder at the amazing feelings within her. Gradually she became aware of other feelings – like the sun warm on her back, Ryoga's hands clasping her gently, the rhythmic movement of his chest that made her feel like she was drifting upon the currents of the ocean. Ranma sighed, her head resting on his chest and moving with the swell of every breath he took. I love him. I love him so much. Ryoga... "I love you." After a couple of seconds went by with no reply, Ranma blinked and lifted her head slightly to look at Ryoga. She grinned, he's asleep. At least it was sleep. The way he held her and the movement told her that. Ranma studied his face, moving her hands up to gently touch him as she studied. His chin, relaxed in his sleep – so much more handsome this way than when Ryoga was angry or sullen. His lips – his wonderful, pliant, dexterous lips. Ranma brushed them gently and knew another stirring in her body as she wanted his lips to wake up and touch hers again. She grinned at herself, and moved on to his cheeks, with his smooth skin and the softness under the bones. And his cute little nose, so right on his face, so perfect for him. His eyes... closed in sleep, Ranma could remember all aspects of the brown iris, staring at her with such love... Ranma had to close her own for a long moment. And then she went on to his eyebrows. Strong and thick, dark as night, highlighting and accenting his wonderful eyes. His broad forehead, with the hair falling all over it... And that silly bandanna still tied around his head. Ranma grinned as she traced it. He took out my braid – shouldn't I take off his bandanna? But the knot was under his head and she didn't want to disturb him. And then she looked down to his eyes to find them open, awake and looking at her with the love that she'd thought she'd remembered, but she hadn't remembered because it was so intense... He smiled at her and she lost her heart and her breath, staring into his eyes. One hand moved off of her back, and reached to his head... And then he was handing her the bandanna. A single bandanna. And there was none around his head. His most important weapon and defense that never left him, even as a pig – and he gave it to her. "Ryoga..." Ranma breathed out, holding the bandanna in her hands, staring at his handsome, wonderful face. The bandanna didn't make that much of a difference, really. Except... She tied it around her wrist and then stretched out her hands to his hair, running her fingers through it... Ryoga had been right. It felt good to run her fingers through his hair. She'd been amazed at how it had felt when he touched her like that. Ranma also found that it felt good on the other side as well. She played with his hair, separating the strands and marveling at the soft feel. But his head was still on the ground... Ryoga sat up, bringing her up with him, swinging her around slightly so that she was sitting across his lap. Ranma grinned and moved her hands to the back of his head, exploring and playing with his hair. Ryoga closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling, smiling at both the pleasure it was giving him and the simple joy in Ranma as she experimented. Having her playing with his hair was a less intense pleasure than what they had just shared, but it was no less pleasure for its lack of intensity. He breathed in deeply, feeling her gentle hands move across his scalp, playing with his hair, stroking it, holding his head carefully. This... This was love. This was the pleasure love could bring. Ryoga opened his eyes and looked into her blue ones. And brought her close to him and kissed her gently and thoroughly. I love you, Ranma. After several long moments, they moved apart, staring at each other, breathing deeply even as they lost each other in their eyes. Ryoga moved his hands down Ranma's back... And brushed off some of the dirt embedded there. Raising an eyebrow, he looked around them – and remembered where they'd been when they'd started. "I hope we don't get a sunburn from this." Ranma burst into giggles, "Ryoga, you silly." He glanced down at her, mouth curving up, "I'm serious – part of me hasn't seen the sun since I was a kid. It would," he kissed her, "severely limit our fun if I got burned there." "Ummm..." Ranma reached up to his head and brought his mouth down on hers again, "I think we can risk it." And she stretched out across him, lowering him back down to the ground, spreading her legs across his and her body over his chest...
"Ranma, my sweet..." "Ummm?" "I hate to move," Ranma glanced at Ryoga's head resting on her breasts, "But?" "But I think I haven't had anything to eat since yesterday morning." Ryoga glanced up, "You're wonderful – and I love to eat you, but you're not very nourishing. And if you want me to do this again anytime soon, I'm going to have to get something to eat." Ranma giggled, sending his head bouncing across her chest. "Just as long as you cook. I might be a girl now – but I still can't cook." "Better than Akane." Both youths stilled at the thought of her – the one they both loved and worshipped. The one who wasn't with them. And they quickly stopped thinking, because neither one wanted to think about the future – only the moment was important right now. They got up. Ranma bushed at the dirt over her arms and legs... and gave it up. "Food later. First, a bath." Ryoga agreed, grinning slightly as he looked at her. "What?" "The vegetable oil left on you made these interesting streaks of dirt..." Ranma craned her head to look, "I thought you said you couldn't eat me." Ryoga pulled her close and nibbled at her nose, "I didn't say that." "Ryoga, if you keep that up, you're not going to get either food or a bath." He laughed and let her go, turning to the tent. After a good look at the dirt all over them, both youths decided to only put on their shorts. Although Ranma particularly thought it a shame to cover up that portion of Ryoga's body... They'd never make it back to camp otherwise. First, though, Ryoga rummaged through his pack and brought out some fruit bars and the water flasks, snacking to ease the hunger. And his throat still felt dry, even though he'd drunk three flasks last night, waiting for Ranma to recover. He frowned as he drank, I was dead... He handed the other water flask and fruit bar to Ranma and made her drink and eat. Then he rolled up the sleeping bag and the tent and put everything away inside his backpack. Shaking her head, Ranma entreated him, "Ryoga – explain to me how a solar heater fits inside your backpack." "Very carefully," was his noncommittal reply. Ranma tossed a rock at him. Ryoga grinned, "Shall we go?" They paused as they left, Ryoga turning to look at the tree. Ranma shuddered with the memories and tugged him gently away.
Walking the distance to their camp... They talked. And laughed. And were silent. And gave each other long looks that delayed the walk even more. And at one point, Ranma held out her hand... Ryoga looked at it. Looked at her. And his love and joy showed in his eyes as he reached out and took it. Together, they walked to camp. Holding hands. Joined in body and spirit. Together. Both of them. We've had sex together. Multiple times. We've slept together. Ranma quirked her mouth up, we've fought together. We've done a lot of things since last night. And somehow... holding hands is still one of the most significant. He remembered the eight-headed orachi. And holding hands with Akane. And what it spoke to them of how they felt. One of the very few times he acknowledged how much he cared for Akane. Ranma glanced down to his hand holding Ryoga's, Ryoga's hand holding his... hers. Ryoga... Oh, my love. How can I love you so much? How can I be having these feelings? You... you are mine. All mine. Somebody I never knew I had – and somebody I had never known I wanted so much. The memory of when she'd lost him... The feeling of pain that had shattered her heart... A part of her, gone. A part of her she hadn't known existed. Gone. Ryoga stopped walking and pulled her in close to him, wrapping his arms around her, holding her tight to him. "I'm here. I'm here, my sweet. I'm here." Ranma cried, tears falling freely, "Why do we only know what we value most when we lose it? How much time have I wasted? How much else don't I know? Ryoga... Ryoga, hold me. Don't go. Don't let me go." "I won't," Ryoga breathed in her hair, "I won't, my love." Ranma... Ranma, my friend. You've been hurt so badly. The wound in Ranma's soul was still fresh. Healing, but still there. Ryoga held his friend close. Ranma's always been so strong, so controlled, so self-assured. And now he's been torn apart where he never knew he was vulnerable. Where I never knew he was vulnerable. Ranma – had you always cared that much? How? How could I not see how much you cared? It broke Ryoga's heart to see Ranma hurting so much. And he sympathized. He didn't condemn Ranma's weakness or tell him to get over it. Ryoga held Ranma close. And gave Ranma all the love that was in his heart. Eventually Ranma sniffed and pulled out from Ryoga's chest. She dashed a hand over her eyes and then grabbed his again. "Sorry," she muttered as they walked on again. Ryoga squeezed her hand in reassurance, "Nothing to apologize for. I love you." Ranma needed to hear it. Ranma needed to keep hearing it. And Ryoga would say it, and show it, as much as Ranma needed. Because it was true. My friend.
They paused as they saw their tent. "Bath first," Ranma said firmly. The spar they'd had, the sweat, the sand, being pinned under a fallen tree, more sand, more dirt, leaves, twigs... and then vegetable oil... and sex... and then more dirt and more sweat. And sex. Ground in dirt. And a long walk in the sun. It was mid-afternoon and the sun was intense. And Ranma was now very aware of how dirty she was. "Definitely bath first." And maybe she and Ryoga could have some more fun there... Ryoga grinned, agreeing completely with the idea of the bath. They veered slightly to the springs, separating without words to divide the tasks as Ranma scooped a couple of tubs of cool water while Ryoga got the hot. They met in the middle where the youths had left their soap and shampoo on a wide flat rock that was close, but far enough from the spring that they wouldn't get the soap in the water. Ryoga picked up one of the tubs of cold water for rinsing and poured it over Ranma, who shivered as it ran over her. Then Ranma poured the other over Ryoga... And looked down at the small black pig in some dismay. She'd forgotten. Somehow, she'd completely, absolutely, forgotten. So much for her plans for the hot spring! The pig shook himself off, then walked calmly over to the soap, scooping some up in a little hoof. Ranma shook her head, and grabbed the rest of the soap. It was weird, shampooing her hair with it loose. Admittedly, she'd only kept it in the braid since they'd gotten back from China... But now, now she associated it loose with Ryoga running his hands through it. Ranma glanced over at the pig. "Ryoga – how does that work? You scrub yourself down as a pig... and come out clean as a human? But you're so much larger – and you've got hair..." Okay, a pig has fur, but still. Ryoga walked over to the bucket of warm water and waited. Ranma reached over – and picked up the pig instead, "You missed a couple of spots." Behind his ears, of course. Ranma scrubbed him more thoroughly, then put Ryoga down and poured the water over him. Standing up on two feet instead of four, Ryoga grinned at Ranma, "I don't know – it's a curse, baka. How am I suppose to know how it works?" He picked up the other tub and dumped it over Ranma. And Ranma froze, looking down at his guy's body in dismay. He forgotten. He should have been reminded with Ryoga. But he'd still forgotten. He'd gotten used to the girl's body. Gotten very used to it. And Ryoga... Ranma turned and headed out to the cool water area of the spring. I've got to change back. I have to. I want Ryoga. I want... A strong hand grabbed him by the wrist and hauled him back. The wrist that had Ryoga's bandanna tied around it still. Ranma kept his gaze at the ground. "Ranma, you baka," Ryoga's voiced rumbled over his head, "Don't you understand yet?" And Ranma was pulled closer, and held close, his flat chest solid against Ryoga's. Ranma glanced up – and froze at the look in Ryoga's eyes. Ryoga put out a hand and tilted Ranma's chin up. Not as far up as when Ranma was in girl-form... A half-inch up. Their eyes were already nearly level. And Ranma was caught by the warmth in Ryoga's brown eyes. Ryoga traced Ranma's cheekbones with a finger, and then kissed Ranma's nose. "I love you, you idiot. Not your girl-form. Not your boy-form. You. As you are. However you are." And Ryoga moved his head down slightly and kissed Ranma on the lips. Me? Ranma stood still, stunned. Ryoga's lips were forcing his open... Ryoga's tongue was in his mouth... It felt... the same. Almost. Not completely. But... But there was a fire starting in his body. His mouth... Ryoga's tongue was sweeping through him, darting around, playing with Ranma's tongue. Ryoga was the same. Ranma... There was a size difference from the girl's body to the guy's, but not that much. Ranma moved his tongue experimentally, licking Ryoga's and tasting his saliva. And was unprepared for the sudden reaction of his body. A guy's desire and a guy's reaction. A very physical reaction. The fire was the same. The center... was different. Ryoga's hands swept down Ranma's back, stroking, holding, pulling,... loving. And their hips were next to each other, and their erections brushed against each other. Setting Ranma even further on fire and making him even harder, wanting... Wanting Ryoga, but... How the hell is this going to work????? The thought segued as Ranma was reminded, and he broke off the kiss for a quick moment to look down. And grinned to himself, The real thing is different. Larger than masturbation. Ranma was satisfied on that point. We are still equals. But still... Ryoga, as always, had used the break from the kiss to carry on down to Ranma's neck... His hands moved around Ranma's sides, up the front of his chest and down. One hand moved again to Ranma's back. The other continued stroking his chest. While Ryoga's tongue and lips migrated from Ranma's neck, down to his collar bone... Ryoga's tongue traced the bone in as Ranma's head tilted backwards. Ranma groaned. Sweet Buddhas... It is the same. Ryoga's hands, setting me on fire. My desire – for him. Ryoga's kisses... Moving down his chest... His flat chest. Ranma suddenly and abruptly missed his breasts. Missed Ryoga's hands on them, Ryoga's lips on them, the pleasure they brought with Ryoga's care. Ranma also missed the fire in his abdomen that the girl's body felt, the tiny little spot that was so small, yet was so pleasing. He missed... "Ranma, stop thinking," Ryoga mumbled around the flesh he was kissing. Pulling back for a moment, Ryoga stared at Ranma's face, looking at the dubious expression... He doesn't think I will. He still thinks... It was time to prove Ranma wrong. Ryoga let his eyes wander over what he could see of Ranma's body. He had no real knowledge as to how to go about it, but... he had ideas. As Ryoga thought about some ways it might work between him and Ranma's male body, his breathing deepened and his desire grew. It was definitely time to prove Ranma wrong. With a grin, he stroked his hands lower... Ranma gasped, arching his back, involuntarily thrusting his hips into Ryoga's hands, feeling the pressure as he pushed into Ryoga's waist, feeling the pressure on his abdomen where Ryoga was pressed into him... Ranma cried out, needing... He didn't know what he needed. This was so much more intense than he'd felt before, masturbation didn't even create this much of a need... Ryoga closed his eyes, feeling Ranma's cry within his bones and his being. Ranma's need caught at him and pulled him close. They couldn't get much closer. With a long moan, Ryoga buried his face into Ranma's shoulder, closing his eyes as he reached to feel with one sense alone... "Ah, ah, ah," Ranma clung to Ryoga as he gasped for breath, his eyes wide open and staring but not seeing the springs and steam water that was in his view. Ryoga! How the hell was Ryoga doing that!? The feel of Ryoga's hand, stroking down his length, curling around, fingers strong and sure as he moved around, creating pleasure with such uncanny knowledge of just where Ranma liked to be touched. How can he know me better than I know myself? It was so different! When Ranma pleased himself on long lonely days, he would take grip like Ryoga was, but where he would use long pumping strokes, Ryoga was alternating with light feathery touches and intense pulsating caresses. And the way he was using his other hand to grip Ranma's balls... This part was a hell of a lot more intense than the girl's body! Ryoga could feel his body shuddering as he worked to please Ranma. I'm going to prove to him, for once and for all, I love him. Him, her, however Ranma is. It was so different! Ryoga had a bit more experience with pleasing a guy since he was one, he would have thought – but no, Ranma just had to go and prove to him yet again that Ranma was unique. When Ryoga would please himself on long lonely nights at the campfires in the middle of nowhere, he would generally use long pumping strokes, but Ranma had hardly reacted at all when Ryoga had tried that, so he experimented around and found an odd combination of petting that Ranma was reacting very intensely to. Ranma would really hate it if he knew how much I use the cat comparison... Ryoga grinned as he felt the blood throbbing through Ranma's member, I think he's nearly there. With his new experience, Ryoga backed off, not wanting the fun to be over so quickly. As a girl, Ranma likes the build-up. Well, let's see how he does as a guy. Almost... "Ryoga!!!!" Ranma cried out as Ryoga's hands moved away from his lower body and stroked over his back. Ah, no... Ranma pushed his body into Ryoga's hoping the pressure alone would set off the pressure he could feel... and he squeaked loudly as Ryoga hauled him up above the ground, his feet dangling... "What the..." Ryoga laughed and tilted his head back to see Ranma's face staring down at him. He kept his grip around Ranma's waist, his muscles straining, damn, he's heavier in the guy form! "Give me a kiss," he demanded. Looking down at the sparkling brown eyes, Ranma felt his heart twist and fall apart into the pieces of Ryoga. He's so happy. He's smiling and laughing and... he loves me. He is so alive now, and his love for me is so incredible. Sinking within Ryoga's grip, Ranma bent his head to kiss Ryoga's lips, feeling the softness and the tender care. Ryoga, my love... With an effort, Ryoga kept the tears within his self and didn't let them out where they would frighten Ranma. How can Ranma love me so much? How is it possible? My hero, what is it in me that makes you look at me with such beautiful eyes? I swear, I will make you happy, my sweet love. Lowering Ranma back down, Ryoga waited until he was sure Ranma's balance was secure before he moved his hands back around. "Ahhh..." Ranma sighed in pleasure, closing his eyes as Ryoga pleased him once again. The need hadn't really stopped while they'd kissed, but now the physical need was combined with the memory of the love in Ryoga's eyes... Ranma opened his eyes and reached up to tangle his hands in Ryoga's hair, pulling his mouth firmly down for a deep, passionate kiss, tangling their tongues together and creating a suction between them. "Erk!" Ryoga's eyes crossed as the intensity of Ranma's feelings almost caused him to lose it. And Ranma's not even touching me! With frantic need, Ryoga caressed Ranma, stroking and fondling and creating rhythmic throbs with his hands and then Ranma was thrusting hard onto Ryoga and there was a spray of warm liquid upon Ryoga's waist. As Ranma's mouth disengaged from his with a gasp of wonder, Ryoga held Ranma up and looked down into his eyes – and grinned at the pleasure he saw there. "Oh, Ryoga!" Ranma's heart was beating loudly. He'd never... The experience... The release had jerked his body and his soul, creating an detonation of charge that was nothing like he'd felt before. The girl's body had release in a glorious supernova that flooded his senses and lifted him out. This... this was an explosion of intensity that staggered his mind and rocked his foundations. And I'd thought it wouldn't work between us. Ranma was so glad that he was loved by Ryoga. Oh, my sweet love! Ryoga swept his arms around Ranma, enveloping him in the largest and most complete hug he could manage, pulling Ranma's body tight to his and loving the feel of their chests pressed so tightly together, no open air between them, just the feel of Ranma's body along his. Ryoga breathed in the scent of Ranma and was content. Ranma blinked open his eyes and stared at the unfocused view he had of Ryoga's neck. Ryoga... He knew damn well what that sharp poky feel in his abdomen meant – Ryoga had been so busy pleasing Ranma that he was still needing release... Damnit, Ryoga. You do this every time. Will you take a moment for yourself?! But he knew what Ryoga liked... And Ranma wanted so badly to give it to him. With a quick jerk, Ranma broke Ryoga's grip and ran to the cold spring, diving in and feeling the fire in her body change position as she came back to the surface. Ryoga loves me no matter what form I'm in. But this body – this girl's body – this body is my special gift to him. Ranma climbed out of the spring, dripping wet, hair plastered around her face. And Ryoga was mesmerized... The look in Ranma's eyes. The way she walked to him, her lips parted, her eyes steady on his, her breathing deep and heavy... Ryoga could smell her. The clean fresh scent of the shampoo, the smell of her body... the smell of her desire. He could still smell Ranma's sex in the air, but here she was, giving him that look... Ryoga's breath stopped in his throat. Ranma wanted him. Ranma was there to give herself to him. Completely. It was in her eyes and the movement of her body. The way her mouth was parted, tongue slightly out as she breathed. The eyes... The rich sapphire eyes with the dark black pupils. Ryoga stood still, unable to move as his eyes were trapped. His body was trapped. His mind was trapped. His soul was captured. Completely. All of himself... was Ranma's. And Ranma put her hands on his chest, and ran her hands down to his waist and then up again to his neck, her eyes locked on his... "Ryoga, you fool. Kiss me now." Enthralled, Ryoga did so. And the situation was out of his control. Lost. Completely lost. Ranma had control of him, body and soul. And Ranma knew how much she had him. And she rejoiced for it, because Ryoga was hers. Hers. Completely hers. And if Ryoga was hers, then he couldn't leave. Wouldn't... Would always come back to her. No matter where he went, what he did. Ryoga would always come back to her, and she wouldn't have to worry any more. Wouldn't have to spend another night crying her eyes out. Wouldn't have her heart break in pieces anymore. She pulled Ryoga to her and kissed him. Kissed him until they were both out of breath. And she didn't let go. She held him, and caressed him and stroked him and memorized every inch of his body... And they were lying on the sun-warmed rock and she had him down on the ground, his body quivering in response to her every move. And Ranma smiled, and she pressed down on him, and he entered her, and he cried out; and Ranma watched the rapture in his eyes and she smiled... Ranma took him to the heights of the pleasures that he could experience, and she watched his eyes overflow with the emotion and the love. And then she brought him to his climax and held him close as he collapsed. And she went down with him, his body on the rock, her on him, sprawling atop him, holding him, her arms still wrapped around him, her legs entwined with his. She held him close. Held him. Held him and never wanted to let him go. Ryoga held Ranma in his arms. Held her even as his mind was still spiraling with the ecstasy she had brought him. He didn't want to move. Ever. He wanted to lie here, holding Ranma, with this feeling inside of him. "Ranma... Ranma, how???" He had never dreamed of so much pleasure. So much feeling. Truthfully – he'd never really thought that he'd ever be able to go this far with anybody. Dating girls was the most he could even dream about. And here was Ranma... giving herself to him. Her girl's body. Ryoga loved Ranma – as Ranma was: boy, girl, lover, partner, friend. But this... "I never dreamed..." So much. So very, very much... The feeling was reverberating within his body, in memory and truth. "Ranma?" Ranma brushed Ryoga's hair with her hand, staring at the eyes that still hadn't come into focus yet. But definitely had the spark of life in them. "I love you. It's because you love me." She remembered all she'd learned the night before and what he'd learned just now. The physical action was one thing – and incredible and wonderful. But the love between them... That was what made these physical acts so much more. The love that merged their ki's into one even as their bodies moved together. The love that let Ranma claim Ryoga so completely. When Ryoga had always held back. Unsure of himself, unsure of the world. Always depressed and hurting. Wandering the lands in search of... himself. And looking for it in others. Giving his loyalty to Ranma – and still not trusting him. Giving his loyalty to Akane, and always in pain for it. Ranma and Akane had had a few fights over who really had Ryoga's loyalty. Not that they ever classified them as such... but still. They both recognized the power that Ryoga gave them by his freely giving his loyalty. One such as Ryoga could never be forced. He wasn't either a leader or a follower – he was himself. And as such, his giving his loyalty was the highest form of accolade they could receive. Ranma caressed Ryoga's body and held him close. Ryoga. For all that you are. For all that you give me. I give you back... what I can. For, truthfully, Ranma couldn't give it all back. Ranma was a natural leader, and he couldn't ever follow. But for those who followed him... Ranma would fight to the death for them. And give them all he could. And for Ryoga – for Ryoga, Ranma would give even more. My friend. Ryoga sighed in utter and complete contentment. Happy. Ranma loved him. Ranma had given him the most incredible gift... Not to mention the ecstasy. His body held so much joy... His nerves were still tingling. And Ranma still held him close. Still held him and caressed him. Cared about him. There was no way that last one could have been anything but for Ryoga. Completely. Ranma cared. Ranma loved him. Ranma wanted him, in more ways than just sexual. Ranma wants me... as his friend. He really does. She does. Whatever. Ranma wants me. The pain that had always been there was washed away with the strength of Ranma's friendship. Ryoga put his arms around her and gently stroked down her spine, his movements slow as the energy within him still reverberated with the echoes of his passion. The energy Ranma gave him. Ranma had given her self – all of her self, to bring him back. To have him by her side again. Ryoga would never forget that. And would never lea... would always come back. In his heart, he could never leave her. Ranma would have his heart forever. Long minutes went by. And then Ryoga's stomach growled. Ryoga opened his eyes and grinned at Ranma, who was grinning down at him. "I told you," he said. "What you told me..." Ranma nipped his nose, "Was that you wouldn't be good for another one of these... You were wrong." "I was wrong," Ryoga agreed. And he stood up, holding her, sweeping her up so he was carrying her in his arms... He bent his head and kissed her. "Can we eat now?" Ranma's arms went around his head and she returned the kiss. And then laid back in his arms, her arms loosely clasped around his shoulders. "You're doing the cooking." "Of course." Ryoga carried her back to their camp.
Notes to Chapter 6: – Regarding the line "Ranma and Akane had had a few fights over who really had Ryoga's loyalty. Not that they ever classified them as such... but still." The basic idea behind that line was that while watching the show, there have been several times where the episode will start out about one thing... and then it seems to change into a fight for Ryoga's loyalty. Actually, that seems to be the only thing Ranma and Akane will seriously fight about. Mostly, they tend to be minor... but the Prime Example on this one is my interpretation of the 'Assault on the Girl's Locker Room'. Okay, Ranma is all impulse and no thought sometimes... but the look on his face after Ryoga switched sides... Ranma was furious. Then it was a fight for Ryoga, not for the Springs. And Akane turned serious on that one after Ranma tossed P-chan into the locker room – normally, she never brings P-chan anywhere close to the girl's room during gym (#1 example for 'Akane knows about P-chan'). But she was mad at Ranma for using Ryoga like that. Those two went back and forth, tugging Ryoga between them... And poor Ryoga really was loyal to both of them and having troubles with it. That time, he mostly sided with Akane (Breaking into the girl's locker room? That was a stupid idea anyhow, Ranma...) – and, boy, was Ranma upset! (That extreme reaction was also partially where my other story, 'The Prize', comes from. "Take my Ryoga away from me, will you?") It's just my interpretation... ;-) but I like it. |