Questionable Income
Chapter Two

A Ranma 1/2 LEMON fanfiction by Ron Hino

Lemon means porn, x-rated, adult, etc.  Do not read this unless you are over
18 years of age.  And if you aren't and you do anyway... don't tell me.
That way I'm not liable.  To be perfectly honest, that's the end of my
concern in the matter.  ^_^

By the way, just thought I'd warn you that this isn't one of those 'it's all
in good fun' guilt-free sex stories.  It's a story with heavy plot with some
heavy sex in it, not the other way round.  If that doesn't float your boat,
go read something else.

This story also involves sisterly incest, so if that makes you
uncomfortable, you might want to pass this one by.


Nabiki had waited in her room that night for Kasumi to come in and demand
answers.  She had lain awake for an hour after she usually fell asleep
waiting for it.  She felt a kind of dread that was hard to explain.  Anyone
who knew Kasumi would think being afraid of her was absurd, and when she
thought of it logically, Nabiki had to agree.  Kasumi was not seen, in any
way, as a threatening individual.

But that was how people who were not her little sisters saw her.  Nabiki was
not really afraid of being punished (though admittedly, if Kasumi decided
that was necessary, Nabiki couldn't imagine *what* she would come up with.
It was the not knowing that was freaking her out!)  No, what Nabiki really
feared was seeing complete and utter disappointment in Kasumi's eyes, or
worse, tears.

Kasumi did not come to speak with her that night, or the next.  In fact, it
was only on the third night, when Nabiki was just starting to relax under
the mistaken impression that Kasumi was going to let it slid, that Kasumi
chose to bring it up.  Kasumi may have been naive about some things, perhaps
even many things, but when it came to parenting she was downright devious!

Nabiki actually jumped when Kasumi came knocking on her door.  After
twisting in the wind for more than two days, all her plans for a good cover
story had been abandoned in favor of begging for forgiveness.  She realized
at that moment, that this was undoubtedly Kasumi's exact intention.  It made
her a bit angry.  *She* was the master manipulator, not Kasumi!  It was not
that Kasumi had *tried* that offended her, it was that it was *working*!
Nabiki's embarrassment allowed her to steel herself a bit to Kasumi's
unfathomable maternal intimidation.

"Nabiki, I believe it's time you finally told me what exactly it is you and
Akane have been doing on those days you asked me to empty the house."

Nabiki drew on all her resources (which had, in the past, allowed her to
stare individuals with likely connections to the mob dead in the eye and
fearlessly dictate her terms) and forced herself to the hardest thing she'd
done since asking Akane for her help almost a year ago.

She looked Kasumi dead in the eyes and told her, "No."

Kasumi frowned.  "No?"

"No.  I won't tell you, Kasumi."  Nabiki said, her voice as steady as she
could make it.

Nabiki had been prepared for Kasumi to get angry, to yell or scream or
threaten Nabiki into telling her.  She could bare that, even if she didn't
think it likely, as Kasumi had never done any of those things as far as she
could recall.  At the very least, she knew Kasumi had never done so since
their mother had died.  Unfortunately, Kasumi did not react in any of those
very reasonable ways.

Kasumi looked at Nabiki with a deeply hurt expression.  "I'm... I'm sorry to
hear that, Nabiki.  I know you're a very private person, but I've always
thought you could confide in me when it counted.  It saddens me greatly that
I've failed to earn your trust.  I'm certain Mother is ashamed of me."  She
hung her head, and Nabiki swore she could see a tear begin to form in the
corner of her eye.

Nabiki swallowed.  'Damn.  That's not fair!  She just *had* to bring up
Momma, didn't she?'  "Kasumi... Oneechan... You know very well that wherever
Momma is, she's delighted with you.  Of all three of us, you're the one she
can take the most pride in.  I, unfortunately, don't have the luxury of
being the perfect daughter.  I have to keep our family fed."

Kasumi sighed.  "I know that, Nabiki, and you know very well how grateful we
all are to you for that, but I worry about you.  I worry about you going too
far and getting yourself into some real trouble."

"Don't worry about me, Oneechan.  I can take care of myself."

"And Akane?"


"I may not know what it is you're doing, but I'm pretty sure it's not
entirely legal.  I also know that you've gotten Akane involved.  If this
thing, whatever it is, is so bad that you can't even tell *me* about it, why
did you drag her into it?"

Nabiki couldn't look her older sister in the eye anymore.  "I... I needed
her help."

"And not mine?  If you needed help that badly, why couldn't you ask me?  Or
is it because Akane's a fighter that you need her?  That sounds very
dangerous to me."

Nabiki sighed and shook her head.  "No, that has nothing to do with it..."

"Then why not come to me?  You know I'd help in any way I can."

'If you only knew what you were asking...' Nabiki thought.  "You want to
know why?"

Kasumi nodded.

Nabiki sat on her bed and held her face in her hands.  "Because... because I
want there to be at least one of us sisters who Momma can be proud of, and
if that's anyone, it's you, Kasumi.  You're practically a saint!  It's
almost annoying really, but the bottom line is that if I'm going to drag one
of my sisters into the dirt with me, it sure as hell won't be you!  And I
know Akane agrees with me on that.  She volunteered, you know.  I would
never force her to do anything she didn't want to do."

Kasumi gave a small smile and nodded, moving to sit down beside her younger
sister.  "Oh, a saint am I?  Nabiki-chan, you should know I'm not perfect.
There are things I've done in my life that I'm not proud of."

Nabiki snorted.  "Like what?  Burn the rice?"

"How about breaking up two people in love that were perfect for each other?
How about betraying a friend and ruining her whole life?"

Nabiki lifted her head in surprise, raising an eyebrow.  "Huh?"

Kasumi looked at the ceiling and sighed, a rueful half-smile on her face.
"I suppose I could tell you about it, if you like?"

"Uh... sure."

"It was not quite two years ago, back when I was still in high school.  He
was handsome, intelligent and kind, everything I wanted in a boyfriend.  The
only problem was he had eyes only for the girl he was dating.  Now *she* was
a saint!  Sweet and kind to everyone, from a well-heeled family, and much
better-looking than me to boot.  I didn't have a chance against her."

"Ah... Kasumi, I don't know if you've looked in a mirror lately, but you're
gorgeous!  She can't have been that much better-looking than you."  Nabiki

Kasumi tilted her head as she considered that.  "Maybe not so much, but it
certainly seemed that way to me.  She was certainly pretty enough to catch
his eye, at least.  But you can't argue the money part.  We were, and still
are, barely scraping by.  There isn't much we Tendou sisters can bring to
the wedding table beyond our house."

Nabiki sighed.  She knew that very well.  "True enough."

"In any case, she was perfect for him, and they got along splendidly.
Nothing I did could convince him that I was a better match for him, maybe in
part because I didn't believe it myself.  I think it was when I heard them
discussing getting married after graduation that I lost perspective.  You
see, I couldn't stand the thought of stepping aside and letting her have
him.  I began to get very desperate.

"She wasn't the type of girl who understood what having an enemy meant, or
even a rival.  Since I was always hanging around the two of them, she
thought of me as her friend.  I never said anything to dissuade her of that
idea, because then they wouldn't have let me spend so much time with them,
or more to the point, with him.  So she never suspected I was the one
spreading nasty rumors about her behind her back around the school.  I
talked to the school gossips, letting them in on all the 'secrets' I knew
about her as her best friend.  I wrote horrible things on the walls of the
girls washrooms, in permanent marker so it wouldn't come off..."

That twigged a memory in Nabiki's mind.  "'Mariko Ogawa sleeps with her

Kasumi winced.  "It's still there, is it?"

Nabiki nodded.  "It's a bit faded, but yeah.  It needs to be painted over to
be unreadable.  Furinkan doesn't have the budget to redo a whole washroom
just to cover one piece of graffiti."

"There's one in the seniors bathroom too, and the freshmens."  Kasumi
sighed.  "I even managed to get a boy to do something similar in the senior
guys washroom.  Something about incest covering several generations in her
family, if I remember right, and another suggesting she caught some kind of
sexually transmitted disease."

"Ouch.  What happened to her?"

"At first, she tried to ignore the graffiti, and the things her classmates
were whispering about her, but she cried when she first saw them.

"He was pretty supportive; telling her he didn't believe any of it, but as
the rumors spread farther and became more frequent, he started to feel
embarrassed about being seen with her.  I think it was the composite
photograph I arranged to have made that was the killing blow.  I secretly
put it in his desk for him to find.  It was very well done.  Only a
photography expert would have been able to tell it was a fake, and he wasn't

"Do I want to ask what was in the photo?"  Nabiki asked, a little stunned.
That sounded more like something she would have done.  Actually, it sounded
like something she would have held over someone's head, but never seriously
released to the public.  Did that mean... that *she* had higher moral
standards than Kasumi?  That was absurd!

Kasumi looked away from her sister.  "No, Nabiki, you don't.  I'll just say
that while the man in the picture wasn't a relative of hers, it wasn't her
boyfriend either.  To the best of my knowledge, they'd never slept together,
so there was no way he could know her shape intimately enough to recognise
that it wasn't her body her face was attached to.  He didn't say a word to
her about it, but a few days later he'd changed schools without ever telling
her where he was going.  He cut all ties with her and never spoke to her

"That's awful!  I thought you said he was nice?"

"He was, but remember that because of the photo, he thought she had betrayed
him with another man.  He probably got to wondering if the rumors he kept
hearing about her were really all lies.  On top of that, I'm sure his
parents were putting pressure on him to disassociate himself from her.  His
family was pretty well off too, a great deal better than hers even, so they
might have suggested that she only wanted to marry him for his money."

Nabiki's mind was reeling.  "And... did anything happen between you and that
guy, after all of that?"

Kasumi shook her head.  "Obviously not.  He didn't tell me where he'd gone
either.  He thought I was her best friend, so I would probably help her find
him.  No, all I got for my trouble was a friend in tears.  I started to feel
really guilty after she went completely to pieces.  I even had to stop her
from committing suicide once.

"That pretty much decided things for me.  I forgot about him and tried to be
the best friend I could to her, and believe me she needed one.  After all
the rumors, I think I was her only friend left.  No one thought ill of me
for associating with her.  They all thought I must be the kindest person on
the planet to stay her friend after everything she'd apparently done.  As
far as the school was concerned, I went from being a wallflower to a saint,
and she went from being a saint to a filthy whore.  I shouldn't have to tell
you how that made me feel."

"Yeah... I can imagine."  Nabiki swallowed.  She made up her mind then and
there never to follow through on any of her blackmail scams that involved a
person's reputation.  "So she didn't switch schools?"

Kasumi shook her head.  "She still had some pride left.  If she had actually
done anything wrong, I think she would have, but she professed her innocence
to the very end."

Nabiki felt ill.  "The... end?"

Kasumi was again unable to look her younger sister in the eye.  "I didn't
mean to suggest that she killed herself.  I actually think what happened was
worse.  When she graduated, she couldn't get into university, despite how
good her grades were.  Her awful reputation had spread a lot farther than I
ever intended it to.  No one wanted her.  Even her parents eventually threw
her out of the house.  She lives in Juuban ward now, waiting tables for
minimum wage at a sleazy bar.  No one cares about her reputation in a place
like that.  She told me once in a letter that she actually used that
horrible story about having a sexually transmitted disease to keep herself
from being dragged into the back rooms by a customer."

"God..."  Nabiki muttered.  "So you never told her it was you the whole

Kasumi shook her head.  "No, I was her only friend left, the only one she
could count on.  I was the only one who believed her when she insisted that
she was innocent of everything.  If I took that away from her, she would
have lost all hope, and probably slit her wrists after all.  It would be
incredibly selfish of me to do that to her just to alleviate my guilt.  She
still writes me once a week, and considers me her best and dearest friend,
not that she's managed to make many more.

"I think the saddest thing is, if she ever does have to resort to selling
herself to make ends meet, I know she'd never tell me.  She wouldn't be able
to bear having me wondering if she'd been lying to me all this time about
the type of girl she is."

Kasumi sighed and turned to her younger sister once more, and Nabiki could
see that she had been quietly crying throughout the story.  "So Nabiki, what
do you think of your saintly sister now?"

Nabiki looked down at her hands.  "I think... I think I'm still in shock.
I've never been... ashamed of my older sister before."

Kasumi nodded.  "And well you should be.  Can you honestly say you've ever
done something that horrible to a person?"

Nabiki thought back, trying to find something that could compare.  "No... no
I can't.  Which is not to say I've never done shameful things, or that I'm
not still doing them.  About the only thing I can think of that casts me in
a better light than you is that I do what I do for the sake of my family."

"Where as I did what I did for my own selfish desires."  Kasumi finished.

"Um... yeah.  I'm sorry, Kasumi."

The older girl shook her head.  "Don't be.  No matter how ashamed you are to
be related to someone like me, what I feel whenever I read one of Mariko's
letters is ten times worse.  The only thing that makes it possible for me to
look in the mirror is that I'm trying as hard as I can to be a better person
than I was.  More considerate, more honest, and more loving."  Her voice
choked as she said this.

Nabiki was very near tears herself.  Could she say the same?  Not a chance,
especially not the part about being honest.  How many lies did she tell in
her various endeavors?  How often?  And to whom?

"How... how come you never told any of us about this before?"  Nabiki

"Because it was not your burden to bear, little sister.  The secret was mine
to keep, in order to protect the rest of you from shame."  Kasumi said

Nabiki couldn't say anything.

"You have your own secrets, Nabiki-chan.  Secrets you want to keep to
protect the rest of your family.  I know this and I understand, but I don't
want you to keep them from me on the mistaken assumption that you're
protecting my innocence.  I'm about as far from innocent as you can

Nabiki quirked an eyebrow.  "Can I ask if you're still a virgin?"

Kasumi almost smirked at her.  "Yes, of course I am.  What I'm saying is
that there are far more significant degrees of corruption than can be
brought merely by sleeping with a man.  In those ways, I'm about as unclean
as they come."

"I wouldn't go that far, Kasumi."  Nabiki insisted.  "You've only done one
really awful thing, and you at least learned from it.  I've done a whole lot
of bad things, and I'm going to keep doing them.  There isn't much else I
can do."

Kasumi put a hand on her shoulder.  "You can shed some of the guilt by
sharing the truth with your older sister."

Nabiki looked down at her hands again.  "Maybe you're right.  Let me think
about it, okay?"

Kasumi nodded.  She rose to leave.

"Hey, Kasumi?"

She turned back at the door.  "Yes?"

"Just so I don't wonder, you waited three days to talk to me in order to
psyche me out, right?"

Kasumi smiled and winked.  "You're not the only one who's sneaky either,
little sister."

Nabiki shook her head and flopped back on her bed as Kasumi closed the door
behind her.  She spent quite some time just staring at the ceiling.

'Wow.  Kasumi is an evil bitch... or *was*, at least.  I must be in the
twilight zone.'


Akane walked with Nabiki on their way to school the next day.  She gave
Nabiki a worried look, talking in the older girl's torn-up-inside
expression.  She stepped closer than usual and spoke quietly.

"What happened with Kasumi last night?  I know she went to see you."

Nabiki sighed and rubbed her head.  "Well, she wanted to know what we'd been
doing, for one."

Akane's eyes widened.  "You didn't tell her, did you?"

"No, but I think I may have to soon."  Nabiki sighed.

"Are you crazy?  Kasumi'll be devastated!"  Akane almost shrieked.

Nabiki shook her head.  "Shocked maybe, but not devastated.  There are more
layers to that girl than you could imagine, Akane.  She's also a lot
stronger than either of us ever guessed."

"What are you talking about?  What went on in that room?"

"Kasumi told me some things."

"What things?"

"Things you'd never believe if I told them to you."  Nabiki sighed.


"I can't say.  It's not my place to tell you.  I can hardly believe she told
*me*!  If she wants to tell you, she will.  All I can say is that Kasumi has
secrets of her own, ones that make ours almost seem harmless in comparison."

"You're right.  I don't believe you."  Akane deadpanned.

Nabiki smirked.  "Told you.  In any case, I'm going to have to tell her, and
she obviously won't like it, but if you're expecting all hell to break
loose, I honestly don't think it will be that bad.  I'm almost certain she
won't tell Daddy, for one."

"How can you be sure?"  Akane demanded.

"Because I know he'd take it a hell of a lot worse than she will, and she
knows that too.  If worst comes to worst, I can always threaten to tell him
her secret... actually no, I don't think I can.  I just don't have it in me.
  As bad as ours is, hers is worse."

Akane frowned in worry and confusion.  "I can't imagine her doing something
Daddy would consider worse than what we're doing."

Nabiki shook her head again.  "Like I said, you wouldn't believe it even if
I told you.  Let it drop, Akane.  Seriously."

"Okay..." Akane said doubtfully.  Then her attention turned to other matters
as they approached the school gates.  "Oh hell!  They're at it again!  Don't
they ever learn?"

"Some do, Akane."  Nabiki said softly, speaking to herself as much as to her
younger sister.  "There are people in the world who learn from their
mistakes.  These just aren't them."

"No kidding.  Hold my bag, will you, Oneechan?"

"Sure.  Go get 'em Akane!  I've got money on you to beat your time today."
Nabiki smirked.

"AARGH!  I swear Nabiki!  If I ever find out you set this whole thing up to
make money..."

"Nah, just took advantage of a golden opportunity."

"Bitch."  Akane growled without much venom.

"You are so right."  Nabiki grinned back.

And then, the fight was on.


That night, Nabiki knocked on Kasumi's door.

"Come in, Nabiki."

'How did she know it was me?'  Nabiki wondered.  'Then again, who else has a
good reason to knock on her door at this time of night?'

She stepped into the room as Kasumi sat up from under her covers.

"No, don't get up, Kasumi.  This won't take long."  Nabiki sighed.  Kasumi
sat there waiting patiently for her to continue.  "I've been thinking about
it all day, and I decided that I *am* going to tell you about it, but it's
going to take me a while to figure out *how*.  I don't think this is as bad
as your secret, or maybe it is, just in a different way.  You won't be happy
about it, at any rate.  I know that much for certain.  In any case, could
you give me some time to put my thoughts in order?"

Kasumi nodded.  "Of course, Nabiki-chan.  I know this isn't easy for you.
How long do you think you'll need?"

'In other words, how long until you need to assume I've chickened out and
you need to put more pressure on me.'  Nabiki thought cynically.  She just
couldn't see her older sister as naively oblivious as she had before last
night.  She didn't show it often, but Kasumi was damn clever!

"Give me another day or two."  Nabiki said.

"Alright.  That's quite fair.  I made you wait for three days, after all."

Nabiki smirked.  "Hadn't thought of it that way, to be honest.  I'm just
trying to decide which way of telling you will end up with me being thrown
out of the house, and which way will end up with me being shaved bald,
stripped naked, and led through town on the back of a wagon for the unwashed
masses to stone."

Kasumi smiled.  "Neither of those is going to happen, Nabiki."

"Well, probably not the second one, at least.  Though I'm not certain about
the first one if Daddy ever hears about this."

"He won't."  Kasumi smiled.

"How can you say that without knowing what it is?"

"Because no matter what it is, you will always be my sister."  Kasumi
answered without hesitation.

Nabiki just stood there for a few minutes.  "You know, I think you actually
mean that."

Kasumi just smiled gently at her younger sister.  "Can you say the same of
me, knowing what you know now?"

Nabiki nodded easily.  "Of course."

"Then it shouldn't be such a surprise to you."

Nabiki actually found herself chuckling.  "Just in case you were wondering,
Oneechan, I love you."

"I love you too, Nabiki."


"Goodnight.  Sweet dreams."


Two days later, at around 10:00pm, Nabiki had moved the family's single TV
and VCR up to her room for the rest of the night.  She apologised to her
father and suggested that he go work out in the dojo.  "If you just sit
around the house all the time, you'll get flabby."  She said, poking a
finger at his middle.  She was surprised to find his stomach rather firm
beneath her finger.

"Nabiki!  That's not very nice."  Kasumi scolded.

"I'll have you know I usually exorcise every day while you and your sister
are at school."  Soun huffed.

Nabiki rolled her eyes.  "Whatever.  I still need to borrow the VCR.  Can
you grab the TV for me, Akane?"

"Sure."  Their younger sister nodded.  As she picked it up, she turned to
her father.  "Daddy, how about I train with you?  You can help me find the
holes in my forms."

"Certainly, Akane." Soun said.

Akane nodded happily.  "I'll be there as soon as I change."

Halfway up the stairs, Nabiki frowned at her younger sister.  "I'm reminded
of that old saying about rats leaving a sinking ship."

Akane looked away guiltily.  "I'm helping by keeping Daddy distracted."

"Yeah right..."

Akane turned back to her sister with worried expression.  "Nabiki, do you
really have to show her the tapes?  Can't you just tell her?"

Nabiki raised an eyebrow.  "Oh?  And how should I word it?  'Hey Kasumi,
guess what?  Akane and I have been having explicit, incestuous, hardcore sex
and selling videos of it.'  If you can say that with a straight face, Akane,
then you should be the one to tell her.  Well?  Want to?"

Akane looked away.  "I'm not... as brave as you are, Nabiki."

Nabiki snorted.  "Who's brave?  I'm just more responsible for this than you

"I'm in it as much as you are!"

"Are you?  Was it your idea?  Do you decide when to make another one, or
even what we'll do in each video?  Are you the person who actually makes up
the tapes and gets them sold?  I'm not saying I could do it without you,
Akane, at least not without dragging myself down a lot further than I've
dragged the both of us, but I'm the one responsible for this.  I'm the one
whose fault it will be if anything goes wrong."

"Oh, like leaving the camera in the bathroom, for example?"

"Shut up!  I didn't hear you asking me why I wasn't bringing the camera back
to school to give to Akemi!"


Nabiki set the VCR on her desk and had Akane put the TV on top of that.  She
set about hooking the two together and shooed Akane out of the room.

"Alright, if you're going to flee from ground zero, now's the time.  Go get
changed and keep Daddy in the dojo for a while.  Come right back up here
when he comes in so I'll know."

Akane nodded, but hesitated before leaving.  "Are you *really* sure you have
to show Kasumi our tapes?  It's so embarrassing to think of her watching

"More than thinking about the horny guys who are watching them?"

Akane thought about that for a moment, then nodded.  "Yeah.  At least I
don't know those guys, and I don't have to look them in the eye every

Nabiki sighed.  "I know what you mean, Akane-chan.  At least I can say with
some confidence that Kasumi won't be masturbating while watching them."

Akane made a face.  "Eww!  That's just... wrong!"

Nabiki smirked.  "Not comfortable with one of your sisters seeing you in a
sexual situation?  What about me?"

Akane shook her head.  "It's not the same.  You're not *Kasumi*!"

"I know what you mean.  Maybe later you should ask her if she'll tell you
her secret.  You might feel a bit better about her knowing ours."

"I guess..."

"Hurry up and get going.  Daddy's waiting for you."

"Right.  Good luck Nabiki."  Akane said as she left her sister's room.

Nabiki snorted.  "If I had good luck, I wouldn't be in this situation."  She
muttered to herself.

Kasumi had waited in the kitchen, knowing full well that Nabiki was going to
tell her the bad news any minute, but not wanting to intrude until Nabiki
was completely ready.  She was also trying to mentally prepare herself for
the shock she knew was coming.  It was likely going to be very hard for her
not to overreact, but she couldn't let herself do that.  A confession like
this was probably one of the hardest things Nabiki had ever done, and Kasumi
had to respect that effort.

Still, worry and uncertainty ate away at her.  Nabiki had implied that if
their father knew, he might likely throw her out of the house.  For
something that bad, would Kasumi be tempted to do the same?  She'd promised
Nabiki two nights ago that no matter what, she wouldn't be thrown out of the
house.  She'd also promised that she wouldn't tell Father either, and that
helped her keep the first promise a bit.  She couldn't very well ask Father
to throw one of his own daughters out of the house without telling him why.

"Kasumi, could I see you in my room please?"  Nabiki said seriously from the
kitchen doorway.

"I'll be right there."  Kasumi answered, with equal seriousness.  It would
be quite inappropriate to answer with her usual cheerful tone, in this

Nabiki nodded and went ahead of her.  Kasumi closed the recipe book she'd
been reading and drywashed her hands nervously.  This was possibly going to
be the greatest test to her parenting skills yet.  She had to control her
reactions, no matter what Nabiki showed her.  She wished she had better
warning.  All she knew at the moment was that it involved something on a
videotape... something done in their bathroom.  She tried to guess what it
could be, but her imagination failed her.

Shaking her head to clear it, she marched out the psychological safety-zone
of her kitchen, and up the stairs to Nabiki's room.  She should stop
thinking about this; it was making her anxious.  That little trick she
pulled on Nabiki three days ago apparently worked both ways.

Kasumi came in to find Nabiki standing there waiting for her, her expression
blank.  Nabiki was obviously better at separating herself from her emotions
than Kasumi was.  She envied her younger sister, even if it was Nabiki who
was in the more awkward position here.

"Have a seat."  Nabiki said, pulling out her desk chair for Kasumi.

She sat, and allowed herself to be turned toward the TV on the desk.

Nabiki paced the room and sighed, apparently not quite as prepared for this
as she'd thought she was.  "Alright.  I could only come up with two good
ways to tell you about this.  I could start with why it's not so bad, and
then show you just how bad it gets.  You might be better prepared that way,
but I wouldn't have anything left to calm you down with once you saw it all.
  The other way is to start by showing you how bad it gets, then gradually
try to calm you down by telling you why it's not quite as bad as it looks.
I think there might be a bit more of a shock at the beginning, but hopefully
you won't feel quite as bad by the time I finish."

"Alright.  I'm ready Nabiki."  Kasumi said quietly.

"No you're not."  Nabiki muttered.  "But we're going ahead anyway."

She flicked on the TV and pressed the play button.

"I needed a way to make a great deal of money as quickly as possible.  There
aren't many above-the-board ways to do that.  I also knew I couldn't do it
by myself.  It would be safer for me, and also for the whole family's
reputation, if I got help from inside the family rather than outside.  So I
went to ask Akane."

Kasumi's eyes widened as she looked at the screen in front of her.  On it,
Akane was sitting on Nabiki's bed wearing only a bathrobe, and looking very
nervous.  The camera was adjusted a few times, and then Nabiki came over to
sit beside Akane, holding her close and nuzzling her ear.  She rubbed her
tense younger sister's shoulders to help calm her down.  So far, there was
nothing about this that really worried Kasumi, even if she didn't understand
what was going on.  It was when Nabiki's hand slipped into the front of
Akane's robe to fondle her breast that comprehension sent a chill down
Kasumi's spine.

"We make adult videos, Kasumi.  Videos that star Akane and I.  This was the
only thing I could think of that would make enough money fast enough to keep
food on the table.  I've got a lot of other operations at school to make
money, gambling, loan-sharking, and occasionally even blackmail, but that's
not the most reliable income.  Every now and then, we needed to give our
finances a big boost."

Kasumi felt her throat close up as the screen showed Nabiki having opened
Akane's robe to the waist, bearing her breasts as she lay her younger sister
down on the bed and began suckling on them.  "Why... why did you have to...
to involve Akane in this?"

"The only alternative would be to bring in people from outside the family.
I would have had to have sex with some guys I didn't know very well, and I
wouldn't be able to ensure that this would be kept a secret.  That might
very well have shamed the whole family if it became public knowledge that I
was making videos like this.  I, or even all of us, might have ended up like
your friend Mariko.  Not to mention, the idea of spreading my legs for a
bunch of strange guys scared the hell out of me.  Akane, I know I can trust.
  Still, I would have done just that if she hadn't agreed to help me,
Kasumi.   I hope you can believe that.  Akane agreed to help me protect the
family of her own free will."

"But... it doesn't look like she enjoys it."  Kasumi commented.  She knew
she wasn't thinking straight, asking about little things she thought that
she could handle, while she shied away from the big picture.

Nabiki popped the tape out and put in another.  "She was very nervous at
first, and so was I, but she eventually came to enjoy it very much, if not
the idea of doing it in front of a camera.  Last time, she even asked me if
we could have sex off-camera, just for the fun of it.  I'm not raping her,
Kasumi, and I never was."

This tape was the most recent one; the bathroom scene, cued up to the point
where Akane took over and began stimulating Nabiki.  Kasumi watched with
wide eyes as Akane forced the big dildo into Nabiki's sex, grinning all the

Kasumi swallowed.  That thing looked *huge*!  How did Nabiki ever manage to
take it inside her?  "Tell me... tell me about how you sell these.  How do
you keep people from finding out about this?"

Nabiki nodded.  Kasumi was taking this better than she thought.  "First, we
never mention our last name, or wear our school uniforms, or anything else
that could clue in someone watching as to our identity.  Second, these tapes
are never distributed anywhere within the Nerima ward, or digitally on the
Internet.  We have a website to help sell the videos that has a few still
shots of us, but our faces are censored.  We also don't accept orders from
anyone with a Nerima address."

"I can think of ways that they could still get into Nerima, or be seen by
people who live here."  Kasumi whispered, watching as Nabiki came hard for
the camera.

Nabiki had to concede that.  "It's a possibility, but I've done as much as
can be done to make sure that doesn't happen.  It's a bit of a gamble, but
the odds are in our favor."

"Do you honestly think that's good enough?"  Kasumi said, her voice
trembling a little.

"No, Kasumi, but it's as good as can be got.  We need money.  It wouldn't be
like this if Daddy would reopen the dojo, but we both know he won't."

"He might if he knew what you were doing to feed us."  Kasumi almost
snapped, but it came out like half a sob.

"You said you wouldn't tell him!"  Nabiki cried.

Kasumi said nothing for a long minute, then reached up and turned off the
tape, just as Akane and Nabiki were beginning to cuddle in the afterglow on
the screen.  "I did, and I won't."  She stood and faced Nabiki.  "How long
do you think you'll have to keep doing things like this, Nabiki?"

She looked away.  "I don't know.  Problem is, if we want to keep the tapes
profitable, we need to do something new every time.  I don't *want* to
branch out into S&M, but we may have to in another few months if I can't
think of something else.  I think it would actually be better if we could
bring in a third person, some guy I guess, but I don't know anyone like that
I could trust enough."

"I see."

They stood in silence facing each other for a long minute.

"Well?"  Nabiki said sadly.  "I've shown you all of it... well, all of it
without making you sit here and watch six hours of video, but you get the
idea.  What are you going to do now?"

Kasumi sighed.  "I don't know Nabiki.  I really don't.  You won't be thrown
out of the house, not for keeping it solvent, and I won't be telling Father.
  Still, I... I guess I need to think about it some more, to sort out my

Nabiki nodded grimly.  "I understand."

Kasumi nodded and walked out of her sister's bedroom.  She had a lot to
think about tonight, and she suspected that inability to sleep would give
her plenty of time to do so.


Three weeks later, Nabiki was again sitting at the living room table,
surrounded by papers and numbers.  Akane sat down beside her and waited

Eventually Nabiki sat back with a sigh.  She looked up as Kasumi came to sit
down on her other side.

Akane bit her lip, looking at her oldest sister.  Sure, Kasumi knew about it
now, but that didn't make Akane all that comfortable talking about it in
front of her.

"Well?  How are we doing?"  Kasumi asked.

Nabiki sent a wary look her way.  At least their father was in the bath now.
  "Well, sales from the videos are starting to drop off.  Like I predicted,
our 'fans' are starting to get bored with us.  We're caught up as far as our
expenses this month, but next month is going to be a pretty lean, even if we
do another video then.  Unless we can severely cut the budget, we'll be out
of money by the 23rd."

Akane worked up her courage and spoke, still casting worried looks at
Kasumi.  "So you're saying, we should probably do another video soon?"

"What I'm saying is that we don't *have* to do one right away, but it would
probably be a good idea.  If we wait another month, we'll be having
toothpaste for breakfast by the time the profits start getting back to us."

"I see."  Kasumi said.  "Then we should probably make another one then."

Nabiki gave her an odd look, she wasn't expecting Kasumi to endorse this in
any way.  The best she'd been hoping for was that her older sister would
turn a blind eye from now on.  "Well... it's not that easy Oneechan.  We're
losing our share of the market.  We'd have to do something spectacular to
get things up and running again."

"Like... a third person?"  Kasumi asked hesitantly.

Nabiki shook her head.  "I don't think we can find anyone trustworthy on
such short notice.  I think we're finally going to have to resort to S&M."

"No!"  Akane groaned.  "I never wanted to get involved anything that

"Me either, little sis.  I'll think on it for a few days, see if I can't
come up with something else we could do, or at least some way to make it

Akane hung her head.  "I'm sorry, Oneechan.  I didn't mean to make this
harder on you."

"Don't worry about it."  Nabiki sighed.  "You're the one I worry about.  If
worst comes to worst, you can be the Dom.  I'll take the punishment for the
sake of the video."

"I don't want to do that!"  Akane started to cry.  "That's even worse than
me being the bottom!  At least I'm used to pain!"

"I think you should both stop worrying about this."  Kasumi said quietly,
"and at the very least, lower your voices."

Both her younger sisters went pale as they turned toward the bath and
listened quietly for any sign of their father returning.  After a minute,
they relaxed.

"Something will come up, Nabiki-chan."  Kasumi assured them.  "I'm sure you
won't have to resort to hurting each other.  If things actually get to that
point, then I think you'd have to consider this enterprise no longer
profitable.  There are limits to what you should be willing to do for money,
regardless of how desperately we need it."

Nabiki sighed.  "Easy for you to say."

"Then let me put it another way.  I'm allowing you to continue making
videos, but if you have to really hurt each other to sell them, then I'll
put a stop to the whole thing.  I won't let either of you go that far.  Is
that understood?"  Kasumi said firmly.

"Yes, Oneechan."  They both chorused.

"But that only leaves the third party option..." Nabiki mumbled.  Kasumi had
just severely limited their options, but in her heart, Nabiki was grateful
her older sister had laid down the line.  Neither she nor Akane had a taste
for sexual violence, and really didn't want to venture into it.  She did not
want to see her little sister cry, which Akane certainly would no matter
which end of the whip she found herself on.

"Something will come up.  Leave it to me."  Kasumi said, rising and
returning to the safe-haven of her kitchen.

Akane and Nabiki blinked at each other.  "Leave it to her?"  Nabiki

"What do you think she means?"  Akane asked.

"I have no idea, except that I know we can trust her.  You agree?"

Akane nodded.  "I know we can, but I'm still not sure about leaving this to
her.  It's not exactly her area of expertise, is it?"

Nabiki sighed.


Later than night, after their father was in bed, Kasumi had come to Nabiki's
room and asked if she could see all the tapes, to help give her ideas, she

Nabiki had given her an odd look, but handed them over anyway, merely
advising her to be careful not to wake their father.  The TV was back in the
living room now; just down the hall from their father's bedroom.

Kasumi nodded and promised to watch with the sound turned as low as

Kasumi was yawning a lot when Nabiki saw her the next morning.  Two of the
six tapes had been sitting just inside the door to her room when she woke up
this morning.  Nabiki made no comment.

The next morning, another two tapes had been returned, and Kasumi was
looking tired again.

That night, Nabiki decided to check in on her older sister.  She stayed
awake after everyone had gone to bed, until she heard the sound of her
sister's bedroom door quietly opening and closing, followed by footsteps to
the stairs.  Nabiki waited another hour, then got out of bed and tiptoed
down to the living room.

She peeked around the corner, and saw Kasumi watching the videos in her
violet satin nightgown.  There was nothing unusual about that.  It was the
nightgown Kasumi usually wore whenever it was clean.  Nabiki had always
thought it just a bit risqué for her older sister's tastes, being low-cut in
the front and made of a material that showed the shape of her figure quite
clearly wherever the loose shift brushed against her skin.  Of course, it
also looked very comfortable, and Kasumi would almost never be seen in it
outside her bedroom walls, so perhaps it wasn't so strange.

What was strange, at present, was the nightgown's current position, namely
bunched up around her hips.  Kasumi was kneeling forward with her left hand
on the floor while her right was working feverishly between her spread
thighs.  Her breathing was heavy.

Nabiki almost fell on her face at the bizarre sight.  She managed to catch
herself before she made a racket.

Kasumi was *MASTURBATING*?

*KASUMI* was masturbating?

If anyone had asked Nabiki few days earlier, she would have sworn on their
mother's grave that her older sister didn't even know *how*!  Now she was
doing it right there in the living room, to a video of her two younger
sisters having sex, no less!

Even with Kasumi's confession of some of her darker days, Nabiki still
hadn't been able to shake the image of 'Kasumi the Saint' from her mind.
She supposed that she saw Kasumi as a saint with one really black mark on
her record, but still a saint.  She hadn't considered that her sister's one
period of moral weakness meant that she was less than perfect in other
aspects of her life.

Regardless of how Kasumi felt her experience with Mariko had changed her
dramatically, Nabiki didn't really see it that way.  Kasumi had *always*
been sweet, kind and gentle!  The only difference in behavior that Nabiki
could think of, was that about that time, Kasumi became a little more
lenient with her sisters' occasionally less-than-ladylike behavior.  She
would still scold them, but she just didn't seem as upset by it as she used
to get before that whole Mariko disaster apparently happened.  Her younger
sisters had (at the time) not even noticed that anything was different about

Maybe she wasn't being fair to Kasumi, constantly holding her up to his
perfect image she had of her older sister.  Kasumi was a human being, and
was entitled to be less than perfect.

Besides, it wasn't like Nabiki had any right to get on her case about
becoming aroused at watching her sisters have an orgasm.  People in glass
houses shouldn't throw stones.  Nabiki's proverbial house was not only
glass, but built over a major fault line.

Nabiki watched quietly as her older sister played with herself.  No, she
couldn't blame Kasumi, didn't even want to, in fact.  To be perfectly honest
with herself, what Nabiki wanted right now was to walk into the room and
give her sweet older sister a hand.

But that wouldn't be fair.  Kasumi would probably be humiliated.  This was
another secret she deserved to keep to herself if she wanted to.  Nabiki
silently retreated down the hall and went back to her room.


The next day, the final two tapes had been returned to Nabiki's room.
Kasumi looked tired, but cheerful.  She came into Nabiki's room while she
was doing her homework.

"Nabiki, father will be going out to a meeting of the neighborhood watch
association tomorrow.  He'll be gone for several hours."

Nabiki nodded in understanding.  "Alright.  I'll borrow the camera again."

Kasumi nodded.  "Good."

"Kasumi, wait."  Nabiki said.


"What should we be expecting?  You said you wanted to let you handle it."

Kasumi smiled sweetly.  "Don't worry.  Your third party will ready to join
you by then."

Nabiki didn't look relieved.  "And who is it?"

Kasumi smiled at her.  "I'll leave it as a surprise."

"Do we at least know the person?"  Nabiki asked, she didn't feel at all
comfortable being out of the loop like this.  She hated surprises.

"Yes, you know her."

"Her?  It's a girl?"  Nabiki blinked in astonishment.

"Would you rather bring in a man?"

"No... no, not really.  That makes things easier, actually.  No one has to
worry about getting pregnant or anything.  She's probably more reliable

Kasumi nodded.  "I thought you'd see it that way."  She turned and left the

Nabiki shook her head.  She should have known that she could trust Kasumi.
She hadn't even considered the third party being a girl.  Why hadn't she
thought of that?  True, it would be harder to find a willing participant
than if it had been a guy, but not impossible.  How had Kasumi found this
girl?  She began to wonder if her older sister had an information network of
her own to match Nabiki's.

Lately, it seemed that every day, Nabiki found more and more things she
didn't know about her own sister.  For an information specialist like her,
it was not a comforting thought.


"It's going to be a girl?"  Akane asked incredulously, sitting on the bed as
Nabiki set up the camera in her room the next day.

"Yeah.  Can't believe I never thought of that myself.  Another girl is a lot
less risky than a guy."

"Definitely."  Akane nodded.  "Is it someone we know?"

"Kasumi said so, but she wouldn't tell me who."

Akane squeezed her hands together.  "I don't know how I feel about this.
Even if we do know the girl, I don't know if I'd be comfortable sleeping
with her."

"A bit late to become a strict hertosexual, Sis."  Nabiki deadpanned.

"But it's different with you."  Akane insisted.  "I know you, I trust you.
You're my sister and I love you, and I know you feel the same way.  It just
feels... wrong to be doing that with someone I don't feel that for."

Nabiki stopped fiddling with the camera.  She turned and looked seriously at
her younger sister.  "I know, Akane-chan.  Believe me, I know.  We're
running out of options though."

"I know."  Akane said quietly.

Kasumi stepped into the room.  She looked from one sister to the other.
"Why are you wearing your uniforms?  I thought you said that would be a bad

"We're not ready to start yet, Kasumi."  Nabiki said.  "We're waiting for
this mystery girl of yours to show up.

Kasumi blushed and looked at the floor.  "She's already arrived."

Akane blinked.  "Well... then I guess we should go meet her then.  Is she
waiting downstairs?"

Kasumi shook her head, still blushing.  "No... she's in Nabiki's room."

There were only three people in Nabiki's room at the moment.  The two
younger Tendou sisters stared at her.

"Kasumi... you mean you, don't you?"  Nabiki asked eventually.

"No way..." Akane whispered, shocked.

Kasumi nodded.  "I want to help too."

Things were starting to click in Nabiki's mind.  "So the reason you wanted
to borrow our tapes was..."

"To find out if I could see my sisters in that sort of light."  Kasumi
finished.  "I... found out that I can.  It's not even as hard as I thought
it would be."

Nabiki recalled the image of her older sister frigging herself while
watching the tapes.  "No kidding."

Kasumi was still blushing furiously and staring at the floor.  "So how do
we... um... begin this?"

Akane was still sitting there with her mouth open, but Nabiki was adapting
more rapidly.  "Right.  Well... the first thing we'll do is a trial run.
The camera will be on, and it'll be just like we're making the video, but
this one won't get sold."  'Unless it turns out really hot, that is.'  She
thought to herself.  She tossed Akane her bathrobe.

"Okay..." Kasumi said.  Then she glanced over to Akane.  "Akane-chan?  Are
you all right with this?  You don't mind?"

Akane shook herself out of her stupor, and quickly began to change out of
her uniform.  "What?  I mean, no.  Not at all!  Better than some stranger,

"Gee, butter her up why don't you, Akane."  Nabiki snorted.

Akane winced, and stood in front of her oldest sister, now wearing the
bathrobe.  "I'm sorry Kasumi, I didn't mean it like that.  I'm... I'm really
glad it's going to be you."  She stepped closer and embraced Kasumi.  "Thank

Kasumi held her little sister for a moment, then spoke.  "Thank you both for
not turning away my help."

Akane shook her head.  "We would never turn you away, Oneechan.  On the
other hand, this isn't the sort of favour we could bear to ask you for

Kasumi smiled.  "Because I'm your 'saintly' older sister?"

Akane flushed with embarrassment.  "Well... yeah."

"Hmm... perhaps I should disabuse you of that notion.  What do you think,

Nabiki was thinking whether she should tell them she has already started the
camera running.  Who knew?  Maybe this type of drama would add to their
video's appeal.  Certainly, this type of deeply personal conversation would
put a stop to those skeptical Emails she occasionally got from their fans
who weren't convinced that she and Akane were actually sisters.  Some of the
reasons they gave were not so unflattering, such as one doubter being of the
firm conviction that no *real* family could be blessed with two such
good-looking sisters.  She couldn't wait to hear the response when they got
a load of Kasumi!

Nabiki looked at her older sister seriously.  "I think she needs to get to
know her older sister a bit better, before we move ahead.  I certainly don't
blame you for keeping it a secret all this time, but to be honest, I feel
closer to you now that you've told me.  I feel like I understand you better.
  I think Akane should have that same opportunity."

Kasumi nodded.  "It's settled then.  Come sit with me a moment, Akane-chan."
  She said softly, sitting on the bed.  Kasumi took her hands and began her

Nabiki watched her younger sister carefully as Kasumi confessed her sins to
her.  Akane was a bit more impulsive than she was, and Nabiki worried that
the girl might overreact and say something hurtful to Kasumi without
thinking.  Not only would this ruin the mood for the sex scene she hoped
they could get to before their father came home, but also both her sisters
would be miserable about it for days.

She really needn't have worried.  Kasumi may not have had Nabiki's talents
for predicting reactions of people outside her own family, but she knew
Akane's mind even better than Nabiki did.  Of course, Kasumi's selfless
concern was more to keep Akane from blurting out something she'd feel guilty
about later, but the same result was reached.  Unlike when she had told
Nabiki, she continued looking Akane straight in the eyes throughout her tale
of shame, even when she inevitably began to cry.  The sight of Kasumi's pain
helped Akane keep her mouth shut until her older sister was done.

When Kasumi finally finished with, "so what do you think of me now, little
sister?"  Akane still didn't trust herself to speak.  She just leaned closer
and hugger her older sister as they both cried together.

Eventually Akane found words; the only ones Kasumi needed to hear.  "It
might not be my place, Oneechan, but I forgive you."

"Thank you... Akane."  Kasumi whispered.

Nabiki gave them a moment, then stepped into view of the camera, pausing
just a second to adjust her bathrobe to show a considerable amount of

"That's really sweet, you two.  You even got to a hardcase like me."  Nabiki
said, wiping a tear from her eye.  "Still, we are on a timeframe.  Is it
alright with the two of you to start up the video?"

Akane smiled at Nabiki.  "Sure.  Kasumi?"

"Y-yes, why not?"

Nabiki grinned and nodded, turning to face the camera.  "Okay then.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Sisterly Love #7.  I bet you guys didn't
know that Akane and I had an older sister, did you?  Meet Kasumi, age 19.
She's the sweet, gentle, homemaker type; every guy's dream come true!  I
hope you all enjoy Oneechan's debut!"  She stepped out of the camera's
centre line of sight and held out an arm to her older sister.  Kasumi
nervously waved to the camera.

"We originally weren't planning to include Kasumi in our games, but she
caught on to us after the last video.  Actually, what she did was 'borrow'
our old tapes, and *I* caught *her* watching them and playing with herself."
  She grinned at the camera!

"NABIKI!"  Kasumi cried, her entire face burning in embarrassment.  "You...
you saw that?"

Akane's eyes were wide.  "Really Kasumi?"

Nabiki grinned.  "You bet I did, and it was all I could to not to come out
from around the corner and give you a hand.  Really, Oneechan!  In the
middle of our living room?  We eat there!"  She teased.

"Nabiki!"  Kasumi turned her gaze away in embarrassment.

Nabiki allowed herself a chuckle before turning back to the camera.
"Anyway, as I was saying, Kasumi wanted in, so we're going to teach her how
to play these games, and you lucky guys get to see her very first lesson!
Neither I or Akane have ever been with a man, but Kasumi here is a virgin in
*every* sense of the word!  I hope you guys don't mind if she's a bit shy at
first.  Aw, who am I kidding?  That's why everyone loves her, right?  I'm
sure you guys will too."

"M-maybe we shouldn't do this after all."  Kasumi stammered.

Nabiki stepped away from the camera and sat down on the other side of
Kasumi, putting an arm around her shoulder.  "Relax, Oneechan.  We're not
going to hurt you.  Just relax and let your little sisters show you what to
do.  We'll take it easy on you."

Kasumi was still blushing furiously as she stared down at her hands in her
lap.  "From what I saw on the tapes... you two don't usually 'take it
easy'."  She muttered.

Nabiki grinned and reached under her bed.  "Oh?  So you're sure you don't
want to start with this little fella?"  She held the 'Big Boy' dildo they'd
used in the last tape in front of Kasumi's face.

Kasumi's eyes went wide as saucers and she rapidly shook her head.

Nabiki giggled.  "Relax, Oneechan.  It took Akane and I a *lot* of practice,
both on and off camera, to work ourselves up to taking something this big
inside of us.  It'd be downright *cruel* to make you try and mount this big
boy on your very first time.  Give us a few weeks though, and this guy'll
end up being your absolute favorite!"

Kasumi gave her head another frightened shake.

"Well, we'll see.  Anyway, let's get started.  Daddy'll be home in another
hour or two.  I wonder if you're the screamer type?"


"Well, we'll find out shortly.  Akane, let's show our big sis some love!"
Nabiki grinned.

Akane and gently took Kasumi's face in her hands, bringing their lips
together in what might well have been Kasumi's first kiss.  After a few
moments of awkwardness, Kasumi began to return the kiss eagerly.  It waxed
long and passionate.  After they broke the lip-lock, she hesitated before
looking down at her hands again, still looking very flushed and nervous.

Nabiki knelt behind her and wrapped her arms around her older sister.  She
rested her chin on Kasumi's shoulder and grinned as she spoke into her ear.
"Was that your first kiss, Oneechan?"

"Well... um... yes."  Kasumi murmured.

"A bit louder, Oneechan."  Nabiki whispered.  "The camera can't hear you."

"Yes.  Yes it was."  Kasumi repeated.  She was still staring at her hands in

"You've never had a boyfriend, have you?"  Nabiki asked softly.

"No... I was always too busy taking care of the house.  A few boys did want
to date me in high school, but I had to turn them down.  I just couldn't
spare the time."

"That's too bad."  Nabiki said sympathetically.  "You gave up all the fun
parts of life to take care of us, didn't you?"

"I... I suppose so.  I don't think of it that way though.  I *like* taking
care of you both, and Father.  It makes me feel... needed."

Nabiki squeezed her older sister gently, as Akane reached out and took
Kasumi's hand.  "Some day, Oneechan, you're going to find a guy who needs
you more than us.  Some day soon, I hope.  Akane and I are both older now.
You don't have to carry the whole family by yourself any more.  We sure will
miss you when you get married and move out, though."

Kasumi managed to smile.  "Thank you."

"Just promise me you'll teach Akane to cook before you go."  Nabiki giggled.

"NABIKI!"  Akane snarled.

Nabiki just stuck out her tongue, then faced the camera.  "Any of you guys
still don't think we're really sisters?  Shame on you for doubting!"  She
grinned, then she turned back to Kasumi.  "So how was your first kiss,
Oneechan?  Did you like it?"

"... Yes."  Kasumi said softly, still blushing like mad.

"Would you like another one?"

"...Yes."  Kasumi said even quieter.

"Speak up, Oneechan, you can't whisper when we've got a camera on us."
Nabiki reminded her.

"Yes... Yes, I'd like another one."

"My turn then."  Nabiki grinned, leaning above Kasumi as she drew her head
back and bent down to kiss her soft lips.  Kasumi kissed back more readily
this time, and wasn't all that surprised when Nabiki slipped her the tongue.

Akane took this opportunity to slip out of her robe, letting it fall to the
floor.  She knelt beside her older sisters and began gently rubbing Kasumi's
right thigh.  She was trying to remember her first time with Nabiki, and how
the older girl had gently led her into such unexplored territory as lesbian
sex.  She knew they had to take it slow, especially since Kasumi was even
shyer about sex than she had been, despite being three years older.

Kasumi had flinched slightly when Akane's hand touched her thigh, but she
made no move to stop her as Akane gently stroked her leg through her skirt.
Instead, Kasumi put more of herself into her other sister's kiss, feeling
her heart flutter as her emotions were carried away by the soft touch of
Nabiki's lips.  She didn't even notice that Akane's rubbing was gradually
raising the hem of her skirt, showing off her legs to the camera as far as
her knees.

Nabiki broke the kiss and gently turned Kasumi's gaze to her right, where
Akane knelt nude on the bed beside them.

Akane smiled at her.  "Do you like what you see, Oneechan?"

Kasumi turned her head away shyly.  "Yes... You're... very beautiful,

"I'm glad you think so."  Akane smiled, reaching up to gently turn her
sister's face back towards her body.  "You can look, you know.  I want you
to."  She took her hand away from Kasumi's cheek, and took pleasure in her
older sister's small smile as she allowed her eyes to take in Akane's nude
form.  She reached down to Kasumi's lap and took her left hand, gently
lifting it up to hold the warm palm against her right breast.  "You can
touch me too.  It's okay."

Kasumi, still held in the comforting and supporting embrace of her other
little sister, hesitantly began to slide her palm across the fullness of
Akane's breast, feeling the nipple begin to harden under her hand.  She
brushed her thumb over the small nub gently.  Akane sighed contently,
smiling at her older sister, showing both her gratitude and sanction.  She
took her hand from Kasumi's and allowed her to play with the breast on her

Seeing her older sister beginning to venture into petting, Nabiki felt she
could relax her hold on Kasumi long enough to discard her own robe.  Now she
knelt nude behind her sister as her arms gently wrapped around Kasumi's

"Oneechan... can I touch you there too?"  She said softly in Kasumi's ear,
just loud enough for the camera's microphone to pick up.  Kasumi's hand
hesitated on Akane's breast for just a moment, then she silently nodded.

Feeling her sister's hand not continuing it's shy play, Akane took it and
set it back in Kasumi's lap, taking up the right hand instead and bringing
it to her mouth.  As Nabiki's hands began gently cupping Kasumi's full
breasts through her clothes, Akane slowly licked and sucked at Kasumi's

Kasumi gasped as Nabiki's experienced hands fondled her large breasts,
gently rubbing her stiffening nipples through her blouse and bra.  She
sighed her passion as Akane sucked on her fingers, wondering why such a
strange thing was exciting her.

Nabiki continued to fondle her older sister's breasts, noting that they
seemed slightly smaller than her own, but very firm to the touch.  She let
her left hand slip around to the back to untie the strings of Kasumi's
apron, then pulled the other string over her older sister's head so she
could toss the garment aside.  She returned both hands to Kasumi's breasts,
squeezing them gently as she continued to increase the virginal young
woman's arousal.  A moment later, she slowly slid her right hand away from
the breast and up to Kasumi's collar, beginning to undo the buttons of her
blouse one by one.

When they were half undone, she returned both hands to her sister's
incredibly firm tits, pushing them up even further than her bra already did,
showing off Kasumi's considerable cleavage to the camera.  Kasumi sighed and
moaned, but flinched as Nabiki returned to undoing her buttons.  Her free
hand came up to stop her sister's, and she gave the camera a nervous glance
before once again hanging her head in embarrassment.

"Ignore the camera."  Nabiki whispered in her ear.  "Pretend it's not there.
  Don't think about who might be watching this later; this is just a trail
run, remember?  It's just you and me and Akane.  Just think about the two of
us and ignore that unimportant piece of technology over there.

Kasumi nodded slightly and put her hand back down by her side.  She moaned
as Nabiki returned to massaging her breasts, and Akane began gently licking
her right hand, running her tongue from the wrist to the centre of her palm.

After another minute of fondling her older sister, to let Kasumi's arousal
hold her shyness at bay, Nabiki again began undoing the buttons of her
blouse, finally opening it all the way and bearing her bra-clad chest.
Nabiki ran her warm hands across Kasumi's smooth stomach, before returning
again to her firm tits.  Kasumi found that with less material in the way,
she felt Nabiki's hands with more detail.  Her younger sister could now
lightly pinch and pull at her engorged nipples.  Kasumi was almost eager for
her sister to remove the final garment her breasts had to protect them from
the eyes of others.  She reminded herself again not to think of the camera.

As Nabiki squeezed and tweaked her older sister's nipples, she marveled
again at the firmness of the older girl's breasts.  There was something
almost strange about it.  Perhaps she... Well, might as well check.

Kasumi let out a sigh as Nabiki removed her blouse completely and undid the
clasp of her bra, letting her full breasts practically burst free from their
constraint.  She felt her shyness increase at being finally exposed, so she
took her right hand from Akane's lips and drew her youngest sister to her
for another kiss to bolster her courage.  Akane eagerly complied.

Nabiki's rather annoyed tone cut into the mood.  "Geez, Kasumi!  You really
need to get a larger size of bra!  Look at these marks!  It's not at all
healthy to wear a bra *that* tight!"

Kasumi blinked as Akane pulled away from her to examine her breasts as well.
  "I have to agree with Nabiki-Oneechan, Kasumi.  Doesn't that hurt?"

Kasumi flushed and self-consciously tried to cross her arms over her exposed
chest, but Nabiki and Akane (who was following the former's lead) each took
one of her arms and gently pulled it to the side so they could continue to
unabashedly examine her breasts.  With her sister's now kneeling to each
side of her, they were basically forcing Kasumi to bear herself for the
camera, even if their present concern was not performing for the video.  The
older girl was having great difficulty ignoring the thing, just now.

Nabiki ran her finger of her free hand down the very deep red marks left by
Kasumi's far-too-tight bra.  "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not too
comfortable.  Bet it's hard to take a deep breath too.  Man, you're stacked!
  I used to think I had the biggest tits in the family.  What's the deal,
Kasumi?  Were you worried me and Akane would get self-conscious if you let
it all hang out?"

"Um... well... that was part of it."  Kasumi stammered, her face scarlet.
"And... it also makes it less embarrassing to walk past a construction site.
  Some of the things they used to say... um... well, I didn't like them."

Akane's temper flared.  "Those ASSHOLES!  Kasumi, listen to me!  You
shouldn't hurt yourself just to keep guys from acting like pricks around
you!  That's their fault, not yours!"

"Akane's right, Kasumi."  Nabiki scolded her (which was an odd change of
pace, considering Kasumi had been their de-facto mother for the last ten
years).  "Tomorrow morning, I want you to go out and buy a bunch of bras in
your size.  You can give your old ones to me or Akane.  Don't ever wear them

Kasumi hung her head.  "But... people will stare at me... it's

Nabiki lifted her older sister's head and gave her a quick peck.  "Kasumi,
they're only staring because you're so gorgeous!  That's not something you
should be ashamed of."

"No kidding, Kasumi."  Akane said, hugging her sister around the shoulders.
"I'd love to have breasts as big as yours.  I'm a really jealous."

Kasumi hung her head.  "That's one of the things I was afraid of."  She said

Akane blinked at her sister's statement.  "Why?"

Nabiki sighed.  "Akane, I think our older sister's ego is a bit too
underdeveloped for her to enjoy other people being jealous of her, or maybe
she's just too nice.  Either way, I don't think you should have said that."

Akane considered that, then looked at how unhappy her oldest sister was.
"Geez, Kasumi, don't take it like that.  You really think I'd stop loving
you just because your breasts are bigger than mine?  That's the stupidest
thing I ever heard!  I can't believe you think things like that!"

"I'm... I'm sorry."  Kasumi muttered.

"You're still not making her feel any better, Akane."  Nabiki sighed.
"Listen to what I say to her, then you can agree if you feel the same way I

"Um, alright."  Akane said.  "I guess you're better at explaining things
than I am."  Akane sat back and let Nabiki turn their older sister towards

Nabiki held Kasumi's face in her hands and forced the depressed older girl
to look her directly in the eye.  "Oneechan, we love you.  We love
everything about you, even your big, beautiful breasts.  About the only
thing we don't like about you is that you always seem to think so little of
yourself.  I don't know if it happened after that Mariko incident, or even
earlier because you were trying too hard to fill Mamma's shoes, but your
pride in yourself is in shambles.  I don't think you really understand how
much it hurts us to see our wonderful big sister trying to hide from herself
and everybody else that she is a beautiful, talented, intelligent and
all-round wonderful young woman.  You're gorgeous and sexy, and even if we
sometimes feel a little jealous of you, that's because we think so much of
you, and love you.  Our wanting to be a little more like our big sister
doesn't hurt us, Kasumi, and it shouldn't hurt you."

Kasumi smiled as tears of happiness fell down her cheeks.  She looked so
relieved, so grateful, that Nabiki almost began crying herself.  Kasumi then
gave Akane a questioning glance, and the younger girl's smile and nod as she
squeezed her older sister's hand assured her that Akane felt the same.

"Thank you... thank you both."  She reached up to wipe the tears from her
eyes.  "But I'm afraid I've ruined the video now... oh that's right, you
said this was just a trial run."

Nabiki winced.  She'd almost forgotten the video herself.  She gave Kasumi a
sly smile.  "Well then, just in case you're still not sure how we feel, how
about we show both you, and the folks at home," she indicated the camera,
"just how much we love your big, beautiful breasts?"  She grinned at Akane,
who grinned back.

"Huh?"  Kasumi blinked, then shrieked as both her younger sisters
practically pounced on her, knocking her back onto the bed as they each
claimed a breast and attacked it with hands, fingers, lips and tongues.
"Oh!  Oh!  Oh MY!"  Kasumi cried as the sensations of her large mammaries
assaulted her brain.  The blood rushing back into parts of them when her
constricting bra was removed had caused a pins-and-needles effect, which had
yet to fade.  This added it's own sensations.  She sighed and moaned as her
sisters licked and suckled and nibbled on her nipples, gently squeezing and
massaging the soft flesh of her large breasts.

The sensations were rapidly building higher and higher for Kasumi, and soon
reached the point beyond her ability to bear.  "Stop!  Stop!  Please stop!"
She cried.

Akane lifted her face from her sisters right tit and gave Nabiki a worried
glance.  Nabiki's look answered her question for her: she'd never had the
opportunity to tell Kasumi about the 'hum a tune to stop' rule, and it was
too much to expect that she'd figured it out from the one time it had ever
been used, during the last tape.

"What's wrong, Kasumi?"  Nabiki asked seriously.

Kasumi sniffled.  "It's... It's too much.  I need to rest."

Nabiki blinked.  "Don't tell me you came already, Oneechan, 'cause I won't
believe it."

"Came?"  Kasumi considered the word she'd only learned the erotic context of
a few days ago, from watching her sisters' videos.  "I... I don't know.  I
think I might have.  I feel wet... down there."

Nabiki sighed and shook her head.  "Kasumi, if you don't know if you came or
not, then you didn't.  It's not something you can mistake.  We've only just
started getting close to your orgasm.  Didn't you have one when you were
masturbating before?"

Kasumi put her hands over her face as she lay between them.  "Um... well...
that was the first time I ever... touched myself... when I was watching the
tapes, I mean.  I started feeling something very strange and... very nice,
but the feeling just kept getting stronger and stronger.  It... frightened
me, so I stopped for a while."

Akane gently touched Kasumi's face, getting her attention.  "I was a little
scared of it too, Kasumi, when I first felt it with Nabiki, but I let her
keep going and eventually I had a real orgasm.  It's *amazing* Kasumi!
You've never felt something that good in your life!  Please say you'll let
us show it to you!"

"Um... I suppose I could try..." Kasumi murmured.

"Good."  Nabiki said, crawling to the far corner of her bed and kneeling
there.  She pulled Kasumi's head into her lap so the topless older girl was
lying diagonally across the bed, half-turned toward the camera.  "Okay,
Akane.  Show our big sister just how good you are with that tongue of

Akane grinned.  "Gotcha."  She slid her hands up to Kasumi's waist and began
to slowly slide her skirt down her hips.

Kasumi bit her lip nervously as her pantied bottom was exposed.  Akane
smiled gently at her as she rubbed her thighs and hips tenderly before
reaching for Kasumi's panties.  They were the simple cotton kind, more
comfortable than flattering, as their owner had never intended them to be
seen by anyone, unless they were hanging from the clothesline.  Even then,
Kasumi had always been grateful that they lived in a house with a high wall
around it rather than an apartment building.  Only her immediate family ever
saw her underwear drying in the sun.

As Akane drew Kasumi's last article of clothing off her legs, Kasumi 'eeped'
and pressed her knees tightly together, her face burning.  Akane tried to
pull her knees apart, but found her older sister straining with all her
might to hold them closed.  With her strength, Akane could easily have
forced her sister's legs apart, but that was far too close to rape for her
to even consider it; not with her sweet, kind, terrified Oneechan.

"Kasumi," Akane softly pleaded, "Relax.  Neither of us is going to hurt you.
  We're your sisters, and we love you.  Please trust us!"

Terrified or not, there was no way Kasumi would willingly allow her beloved
little sisters to think she didn't trust them.  Swallowing past the lump in
her throat, Kasumi meekly spread her legs for her baby sister.

Akane smiled at her as she gazed down at her oldest sister's exposed sex.
Reminding herself to go slow so as not to frighten Kasumi, she gently lay
her hand on her furry pussy.  "It's so pretty, Kasumi."  She said, gently
rubbing her hand through her sister's pubic hair.  Kasumi shivered, though
even she couldn't say whether it was do to fear or the sensations Akane's
hand created.

"I think you should let us shave you though, sometime soon.  You need to do
your bikini-line at the very least."

"Well... it's not swimsuit season, so I just let it go."  Kasumi murmured.

Akane grinned.  "Actually, what I meant is that neither Nabiki or I
particularly like getting pubic hairs caught in our teeth."

Kasumi blinked.  "In your... Oh my!  You mean you're going to do... that?"

Akane grinned wider and nodded.

Kasumi's face hadn't lost its flush, and it looked like it was going to stay
scarlet for quite a while.  "Oh... my..."

Kasumi's body tensed as Akane intensified her gentle rubbing.  She gasped as
her sister's hand turned on its edge.  The pinkie side of Akane's hand,
callused and rough from many broken boards and bricks, slid up and down
between the lips of Kasumi's dampened sex.

The oldest Tendo daughter's moans increased as Nabiki bent over her and
began once again teasing Kasumi's large tits.  Kasumi gasped sharply as
Nabiki bent over even farther and took one of her nipples into her mouth.
When next her back arched with the intense sensations, something brushed her
lips.  Kasumi opened her eyes (not even remembering when she'd begun
squeezing them shut) to see Nabiki's own breasts hanging above her face.
Nervously, tentatively, Kasumi extended her tongue and gave her younger
sister's nipple a lick.  Nabiki made a soft moaning noise around Kasumi's
nipple to encourage her to continue, so Kasumi licked it again, then sucked
on it, trying to mirror Nabiki's efforts on her own engorged nipples.

Kasumi's whole body tensed as she felt Akane's rough hand leave her excited
sex, and join the other one in squeezing her bottom.  Then something warm,
soft and wet pressed between her petals.  She gently pushed Nabiki away.

Nabiki reluctantly sat up, allowing Kasumi to watch in wonder what their
younger sister was doing to her pussy.  She smiled as she watched Akane dip
her masterful tongue into Kasumi's inexperienced sex.  Nabiki contented
herself with playing with her older sister's nipples by hand, wanting to let
her watch everything Akane did to her dripping cunt.

Kasumi's moans grew in intensity until they were screams.

"Stop!  Stop!  I'll die!"  She cried as she reached down to push Akane away
from her twitching sex.

Before she could, however, Nabiki snatched up her wrists and pulled them
back.  Akane lifted her face and looked worriedly at her older sisters.

"Calm down, Kasumi.  I promise you you won't die.  You can't die from this,
seriously.  The worst that can happen it that you cum so hard that you
feint.  Trust me on this, Oneechan.  Trust us both."  Nabiki pleaded.

Kasumi blinked back the frightened tears in her eyes.  "Are... are you

"Positive."  Nabiki nodded.  "It's just not possible."  Well, she thought,
not unless they kept it up for a whole frigging day!  Frankly she doubted
any of them had the stamina for that, though it might be fun to try.  She
pulled Kasumi's arms back and around her own waist.  "Here, you can hold
onto me.  Akane, back to work.  Don't stop even if she asks you to."  Nabiki

"Oh my..." Kasumi wasn't sure she wanted to hear that.  She held onto her
sister tightly for reassurance.

"Um... okay."  Akane said hesitantly, before slipping her tongue down to her
sisters sopping pussy once more.  She began bringing Kasumi the final
distance, her tongue darting around her sister's various 'hot zones' in a
vicious pattern.  Every now and then, she'd give Kasumi's tiny clit a little
suck with her lips, usually making her buck.

Nabiki ignored Kasumi's breasts for now, and instead held her older sister's
face gently in her hands.  Kasumi needed support and reassurance now, more
than extra stimulation.

Then, perhaps two minutes later, it finally happened.

Kasumi sobbed and screamed at the top of her lungs as her first climax
nearly blew her away!  Her whole body became as ridged as a steel bar as her
back arched high off the bed.  Akane kept up her tonguework, driving Kasumi
higher and higher as the incredibly intense orgasm rose and peaked.
Finally, half-fearing that her sweet older sister really *would* die, Akane
slowly eased off, giving Kasumi's gushing pussy long slow licks to gently
guide her down from her climax.

As her body finally slumped down to the bed in exhaustion, Kasumi sobbed and
cried, whimpering as her body occasionally twitched while the intensity of
the feeling died down.

Akane rose and crawled up her sister's body, lying on top of her and hugging
her gently.  "Oneechan... are you okay?"

Kasumi released Nabiki (much to the younger girl's relief; at one point,
she'd wondered if Kasumi was going to break her spine) and wrapped her arms
around her youngest sister.  They lay there for a few moments, their nude
and sweaty bodies pressed tightly against each other, before Kasumi finally
nodded in response.

"I've...' she whimpered again, "I've never experienced anything so... so
*powerful* as that before!  You were right, Nabiki.  It was like nothing I
ever felt before!  It was amazing?"

Nabiki tenderly stroked her hair.  "You sure you're alright, Kasumi?  That
looked like a pretty big one.  Even *I've* never cum so hard that I cried!"

Kasumi shook her head.  "It's not that it hurt... I'm just *SO* happy right
now!  Thank you!  Thank you both!"

Akane finally let go of her worries and kissed her big sister briefly on the
lips, then settled down to snuggle her.

Nabiki checked her watch.  They only had about half an hour before their
father's meeting was over and he started making his way home.  She turned to
address the camera.

"Wow!  That was intense!  Neither Akane or I had got to cum, and though I
can't speak for her, I don't feel the least bit cheated.  Sorry guys, but I
think that's all for today's show, but you can expect *plenty* more from our
next video.  There's so much more Akane and I have to show our big sis.
Hope you'll join us for that too.  Bye now!"  She grinned, pressing the
button on the remote strapped to her wrist to do a fade out.

Nabiki knew Kasumi wasn't ready for more just yet, and frankly, she didn't
think she or Akane were either.  Anything after such an intense and moving
session like this would be (excuse the pun) anticlimactic.

All she or Akane wanted to do right now was gently hold their dear older
sister.  So that's what they did, for the next 20 minutes until Nabiki
finally had to make everybody get up and clean up before their father got

The three sisters all took a bath together for the first time in years.  It
was hard to explain, but all three of them just felt so much closer to each
other now, that the way they were before felt more like a relationship
between total strangers.  They were sisters... lovers...



Not that I'd really recommend that method for getting closer to your *own*
family members in reality, but it works here.  Even I'm not sure exactly

I guess it's because I've never been satisfied with the Tendou sisters'
relationship in cannon.  Each of them has built walls between herself and
her sisters, keeping them all emotionally isolated.  They know how they are
different from each other, but they never seem to examine how much they have
in common.  The 'ties that bind' seemed to be nothing more than a matter of
convenience.  'We live together, therefor we must be a family'.

Maybe I'm writing this in part because of my dissatisfaction with my own
family's interrelationships.  Though again, I have absolutely *NO* desire to
explore more physical means to build on the relationships in my family.
None.  Let there be no doubt about that whatsoever.

Besides, my own mother is not nearly as attractive as Kasumi Tendou.

Not that I think about such things.

Except that now I have.  Er... My, but this is an unsettling train of
thought.  I think I'll just stop before I make myself sick.  That may sound
a bit hypocritical coming from someone who's writing an incestuous lemon
fic, but it doesn't feel that way from where I sit.

I suppose I should say that I am fully aware that the vast majority of
incestuous relationships presently happening in the world are likely doing
more harm than good, but I like to think that there are a few that are like
the one I'm writing, where the benefits are considerable and the dangers are
minute.  I'm sure such are far outnumbered by relationships where the
pursuit of physical gratification has corrupted a previously healthy
relationship, but I like to be optimistic when I can.

In defense of the relationship I've written (and will continue to write), at
least we can be certain that it can never result in a pregnancy with a
deformed mutant of a child being brought into the world.  And no, at no
point in this story will Soun be entering into this strange relationship
with his daughters.

What you *can* expect is that a certain redhead with a pigtail will be
arriving shortly, and almost certainly be getting caught up in this delicate
situation.  Exactly how, I haven't decided yet.

Maybe I'm going to too much effort to defend my right to write what I feel
like writing.  I've gotten Emails about The Dragonmoon Generation telling me
to ease up on the apologizing and the justifying, suggesting I take a firm
stance and tell readers that if they don't like what I'm writing, they don't
have to read it.  That's certainly true.  Still, I AM Canadian.  We like to
avoid ruffling feathers if possible.  I'm not going to let myself be
pressured into *not* writing apologies and explanations any more than I'd
let myself be pressured into giving up writing what I want to.

I! AM! CANADIAN!  I staunchly defend my right to apologise for whatever I
feel like!

I somehow doubt that will end up as a beer commercial.  ^_^  I don't even
drink Molsen Canadian, but I love their add campaigns.  Heh!

Well, I think that's more than enough notes for now.

Oh yes!  Please feel free to send me your suggestions for who you think
Ranma should get engaged to in this story (don't forget to tell me why).
It's up in the air at the moment.  I haven't even started on the third

Ja na!

-Ron Hino