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Note: If anyone has any ideas I could use some help. Send me a small list a girls or Guys that could be worked into the fic for Ranma to have a scene with. As mentioned before, I'm trying to use pairings that aren't normally scene or to vastly improve on a few of the over used pairings in most Lemon stories. For instance, I'm going to be using one of the girls from Your Under Arrest in a chapter or two, but it wont be either of the main characters, at least for the first girl. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them. CRose THIS IS A LEMON STORY! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK, IT CONTAINS SCENES OF A VERY GRAPHIC AND SEXUAL NATURE WITH A SMATTERING OF PLOT THROWN IN TO GIVE IT SOME SUBSTANCE. WARNING oooooooooo He hated to admit it, but he was starting to feel a little sore after doing four girls in less than twenty-four hours. Of course he had done more than that on several occasions over the last year. He recalled doing six girls at once during a festival he visited a few months back. Still he couldn't help grinning as he walked down the street. It was a pleasant soreness that he was more than willing to accept. For the first time in several weeks he was actually satisfied and could look at a girl without mentally undressing her and wondering if he could make her scream in ecstasy. It was a pleasant change of pace as far as he was concerned and he knew the girls had enjoyed themselves too. They all had that look in their eyes that he had come to recognize as a well fucked girl. From the way they would unconsciously move to give him a better look at their bodies to the sound of their voice. All of it usually made him horny again, but he might actually be able to sleep through the night for once. Ranma entered a small park he'd never seen before and glanced inside. It wasn't obvious to the naked eye, but he could sense several people within the park area. He could even smell a hint of female arousal in the air and smiled again. That smell could always make him perk up and get ready for more and this was no exception. Using his martial arts skills he silently entered the area. Even if he didn't get a chance to play, he might actually get to see something. With a little jump he quickly took to the trees, following the barely noticeable scent in the air. It didn't take long for him to make his way to the center of the park and he landed on a branch about tent feet above a couple of girls wearing dark school uniforms. He didn't have any clue who they were, but one had long black hair done up with a weird hair tie that made her look like they were bunny ears. She was kissing the other girl with a passion, rubbing her panty covered crotch on the girl's thigh. The other girl had short gave a deep moan as her neck received some attention and held her lover close. Her short red hair was a mess and Ranma could smell lust fueling their actions. His cock hardened instantly, but he didn't have an urge to join them. Within minutes the girls clothing was askew, revealing their breasts as they licked and kissed each other. Their moaning filled the air and grew louder and louder. They certainly had experience, Ranma knew that girls didn't usually take this long to bring each other to orgasm the first time. The Madam's brothel had taught him all about that kind of thing. Reaching out with his aura, he gently touched the girls and felt a rush of feelings from them. They were completely lost to their lusts now and wouldn't stop even if someone caught them. Their bodies writhed around on the ground, glistening with sweat. Leaning forward, he watched as bunny ears pulled their panties off and crouched over the girl, making their pussy's touch. They gasped and Ranma 'felt' a rush of heat. He recalled the times he did this as a girl and knew just how good it felt. The girl's moans turned to gasps and little cries as they rubbed against each other. For several minutes they were completely oblivious to everything around them, lost in their lust. Ranma used his aura to fuel it even higher and lapped up their energies as they cried out in a mutual orgasm. Sweat glistened off their bodies as they lay there gasping for air, cuddling each other. Ranma vanished as quietly as he had appeared. He made his way over the rooftops and landed in an alley several blocks away. Taking a second to adjust himself, he stepped out of the alleyway and headed down the block. He was a couple miles from Nerima after all. oooooooooo Just a couple of blocks from Dr. Tofu's clinic Ranma felt a change in the general level of Ki around the neighborhood. The Ki didn't seem to be dangerous, but altered enough for him to take notice. Frowning, he hopped to a roof to get a better look of the area. Even from the top of a house everything looked normal. He could sense Suki off in the distance doing her usual practice. Their connection was still as strong as ever, so he knew that wasn't the answer. From there he slowly roof hopped to the clinic. It was only as he landed on the wall outside the clinic that he realized that the disturbance was inside the building. He quickly spotted several of Dr. Tofu's patients looking down the block from the alleyway. They quickly waved him over when they spotted him. It only took him a few seconds to reach them. "What's going on?" "This is a bad time to be inside that building." Mrs. Nanacie said. "She's in there." "She?" Ranma asked. The old man nodded and shuddered. "Kasumi Tendo." Ranma wasn't sure what to say. The Kasumi he met had treated him quite well the one time they met. "Why is that a problem?" The old couple shuddered. "The Doc is excellent most of the time, but when She arrives for whatever reason, he goes completely bonkers." They explained. "How so? He always seems to be in perfect control." "The Doc's got a crush on the girl, but he can't even talk to her." Mrs. Nanacie explained. "She hasn't been around as much lately, we think it's because you're here, but She showed up just after you left this morning." The old man shuddered. "I was in there once when she first showed up and the doc nearly broke my arm, then twisted me up like a pretzel. Then he threw me in the closet! It was horrible!" "I'd better go in there and see if he's alright." Ranma said. He figured he could handle anything the Doc might do. "You're risking your life." "I'll be fine." Ranma said, just as the front door of the clinic crashed to the ground and Dr.Tofu danced out with a skeleton in his arms. Ranma could only gape as the Doc waltzed down the street. The old couple dived behind a couple of trashcans before Tofu could noticed them. They peaked out after a few seconds. "He'll be like that for hours! My back is killing me." The old man grumbled. 'As if diving behind a trashcan is good for an old man's back.' Ranma thought to himself. Putting the doctor out of his mind, he quickly headed for the clinic. He stepped inside just in time to see Kasumi walking out of the back room looking confused. "Miss Tendo." Ranma said. She started and glanced up. "R-Ranma, did you see the Doctor come by here?" Glancing around the room Ranma spotted a couple of overturned plants, paper work all over the place, and all kinds of little white packets on the floor. He read her Ki and realized that she was worried about something. "He just went out." "He always leaves when I'm here." She muttered. "I'm sorry to hear that." Ranma said as he patted her shoulder. "Can I help you with anything? I'm the Doc's assistant after all." She looked at him for a few seconds before reaching into her bag and handing him a think book. Ranma recognized it as a pressure point training manual. One of the advanced ones. "Can I return this to you?" "Of course, would you like another one to read? The Doc has quite a library of the things." Ranma said as he took the book and slipped into his shirt. Kasumi smiled and nodded. He motioned for her to follow him up stairs. "How's your sister Akane doing? I heard she's been a little tense lately?" "Well, she was normal enough up until recently. Now she's snapping at everyone and starting to lose control of her temper again. I'm not sure what to do about it though." "Akane seems to be comfortable when she's angry so she falls back on that when she's under stress or frustrated about something. I've read about cases like that several times over the last year." Ranma said. He recalled his special aura and wondered if he needed to use it on Akane again. Kasumi nodded. "She's been so angry ever since Mother died." "I might have a way to help." Ranma offered casually. "What did you have in mind?" They entered Ranma's and he walked over to the wall where a couple dozen books were stored. He grabbed a somewhat large manual and checked it over before handing it to Kasumi. "This is a special cook book. It shows how to make foods that can affect how people feel." Kasumi had never heard of a book that did that. She grabbed and started flipping through it, fascinated by some of the goods it showed. "This is amazing." "It was written by what some call a 'witch' a few hundred years ago. She had amazing skills in the kitchen. You have quite a reputation around the area for being a cook, so I thought you might be up to cooking some of these. They are very precise." Blushing, Kasumi noted that sever of the deserts were only to be eaten by a married couple. "Some of these are a bit " Ranma nodded. "My mother sent that to me and told me to learn them all. I've mastered the ones I needed to, so I don't mind lending it to you for a while. There are all kinds of things in there." He wandered over to his desk and picked up one of the little tin cans he made this morning and gave it to Kasumi. "What's this?" "It's special herbal tea. It helps people relax and calm down. I think it might help Akane or anyone else who's prone to emotional extremes. I might even get the Doc to drink some every now and then. He made quite a mess down stairs." Kasumi, still blushing, handed Ranma a plate of brownies from nowhere. "Thank you for letting me borrow the book." Smiling, he took the plate and set it on the desk. He'd have to examine it to find out why the food was radiating large amounts of Ki. "My pleasure." He escorted Kasumi down stairs and sent her off with a wave. For some reason she seemed to float down the street. Of course he told himself that all those cute woodland animals that followed her down the block was him imagination. Just as he was about to head back inside he turned and looked at a nearby bush, shook his head, and went inside. The bush sighed and suddenly relaxed. Once he was inside, Nabiki crawled out of the bush, moved out the gate, and ran down the street to her house. There was another tin of Ranma's tea in her purse. Earlier one of her watchers had spotted him making the stuff and she wanted to study it. First though, she needed to check on her sister. She knew what was Ranma was looking for after all and Kasumi had been acting strange. Of course she didn't see Ranma watching her run off from the second floor of the clinic, or his grin. He turned back to his room and decided he'd better start cleaning up. Just as he was about to leave the room he realized that several other tins of his tea were gone. Frowning, he started to search around for then and wondered if more than just Nabiki had taken one. Shrugging, he decided to look into it later. The tea couldn't really cause that much trouble after all. That is, until he realized what those white packets on the floor down stairs were. He vaulted the stair and raced over to them to take a closer look. They were little tea bags. Glancing around, he spotted a large basket by the door and picked it up. A couple of tea bags were still in the basket along with a little sign. 'Home Made Herbal Tea Free' He gaped at the thing for a couple of minutes trying to understand what he was looking at. Tofu knew why he had created the tea, so why had the man made up the little bags and given them away without at least asking him? A quick trip to the clinic's little lab netted him his missing tins, all empty. That meant that over two hundred of the little tea bags had left with patients during the last few hours. "This is either a good thing or a very bad thing." He muttered. Several minutes later, some patients came in and he decided to help them out while the Doc was gone. oooooooooo As soon as Nabiki got home, she raced up to her room. She checked her computer, which monitored several microphones and cameras around the house, and saw that Kasumi wasn't home yet. Akane was in her room, but she was only lifting weights and muttering about something under her breath. Her father also wasn't home, but she was pretty sure that he was out drinking with several of his friends again. Lately he had been acting more like he did when she was younger, no crying fits or anything. Akane wasn't sure how to respond to this new version of her father, which only aggravated things. Luckily their father had started training Akane again and she was improving by leaps and bounds. Once she was sure that no one would bother her, she pulled the little tin of tea out of her purse. Ever since she heard of Ranma making this stuff she had been curious about it. She wasn't about to fall into one of his traps. So she needed to find out what the tea did. Ranma seemed to have a one-track mind, though she didn't really know that much about him. Considering the kind of spaced out looks seen on girls at school, she would have to be careful. Yuka and Sayuri had been almost floating around school lately. Yuka's style had changed as well. Making her much more interesting to guys and she knew it. Opening the tin, she looked over the greenish leafs, crushed into a fine powder. It even smelled good, similar to green tea if she recognized the scent. It seemed innocent enough. Taking a little out, she placed some in a little bag. She would have to have the science club examine the stuff for her. She would just have to call in some of her markers. Looking up, she hears her sister Kasumi come home. Tapping a key on her computer, she checked the camera in the kitchen and saw Kasumi putting away some groceries. It looked like they would be having Curry for supper tonight. Nodding, she looked away and didn't see Kasumi pull out her own tin of tea and pour it into a canister on the counter and start brewing some up. oooooooooo With all three girl's drooling over Ranma, err, distracted, Yuka was able to use her novice ninja skills to slip over the edge of the roof and vanish. She ran silently for several blocks to make sure that the girl's didn't follow her home. The big breasted American girls would be fun in bed, but after being their prisoner for a few hours she had her fill. Shrugging them off for a lost cause, she checked her clothes to make sure she still looked hot as hell. Preening a bit, she headed down the street. She hadn't been home in several hours so she really wanted to take a shower and change into some clean clothes. Hers were currently nearly black with roof dust. "Yuka!" She stopped and looked around to see Akane running towards her. Her long black hair trailing behind her in a way that made Yuka break out in sweat drops as her knees went weak. "Akane! You usually aren't out this early." "Just out for a jog." She said as she stopped by her friend. "What the heck are you wearing?" "Just showing off a little." Yuka giggled. "Something like that will have the perverts out in droves." She growled. Yuka shrugged. "I haven't had any problems yet. Got a little dirty though, I was just going to head home and change. Want to come by for dinner?" "Can't do it tonight, but maybe in a couple of days. Kasumi is making us something new tonight and she asked all of us to be there." Akane explained. "Ooooh! Now I want to come by for dinner. Kasumi can beat professional chefs at cooking." Yuka exclaimed. Akane just smirked. "I'll see if there's any left over for you to eat. Where's Sayuri?" "I'm not sure, I was supposed to meet up with her a couple hours ago, but then I got distracted " Akane waved her hand. "Ah well, I'll see you tomorrow at school. I might even get a chance to bring you this new tea Kasumi bought today. It's sooo good." Laughing, Yuka nodded and watched her friend jog off turning the head of every guy she passed. Even in her sexy clothing the guys didn't really pay as much attention to her as they did Akane. Sighing in disgust, she headed home to change. Maybe she needed to show more skin to make the men sit up and take notice. Seconds later, Suki was walking beside her as if she had been there the whole time. "Student." "Sensei." Yuka said. "Did you do as instructed?" "I haven't had time to yet. These Americans sort of kidnapped me when I was spying on them." Suki frowned. "Akane is a tough nut to crack. She won't just let me and Sayuri have sex with her." Yuka explained. "We'll have to trick her." "She represses everything and won't let it out. She just needs a little shove in the right direction and she'll fall." Yuka looked skeptical. "She's been drugged by Kuno twice that I know of and she didn't even respond to him. Instead she got more violent." Suki nodded. "I have been watching her a little, along with her sisters, at Lord Ranma's instruction. She might be the easiest of the sisters to seduce." "I'll try and get her this weekend. She might be coming over to my house for dinner, maybe even stay the night, so I can try a few things on her and see how it goes." Nodding, Suki reached into her pocket and pulled out a thin scroll and handed it to Yuka. "You've reached the next level of your training now that Lord Ranma has activated your aura. That's your official sex ninja license. Keep it safe and hidden." Yuka looked around. "Why are you doing this in public? Someone might hear and you want it kept secret?" Suki laughed. "I'm using my Ki to mask us from everyone, no one even knows that we're walking along this sidewalk. I'll be teaching you how eventually, but first you have to learn a few master level core techniques before we can proceed." "Our training has been kind of fast." "I've been accelerating things a little bit, as has Lord Ranma, but you learn things quite fast as well. Sayuri just has to catch up and we can begin the next level of your training." Grinning, Yuka bounced around a little. "As for this weekend, remember that Sayuri will be with Lord Ranma, going through her Awakening." "I'd forgotten about that." Yuka admitted. "Do you think she will be able to help me out with Akane?" "No, it took you several hours to recover and most of the next day to adjust to your new aura. Once you two are on even ground again I'll show you how to manipulate your new aura beyond the obvious." "I have been practicing a little." Yuka admitted. "I can't figure out what Ranma does, but my attempts pale next to his skill." "Lord Ranma is a Ki Adept and excels in anything Ki related." Suki admitted. She felt a little tug on her connection to Ranma and shivered as she felt his Ki caress her body, leaving her panting a little. She wasn't sure, but he seemed to do it at odd times, as if he wasn't aware he was doing it. "What was that?" Yuka asked, looking a little flushed. "Lord Ranma was just checking on us. As you grow in strength you'll feel that more and more. I feel it several times a day as he thinks of me. It's an honor to know that my Lord is so strong." oooooooooo At about midnight, Dr. Tofu came staggering back into the clinic. His clothing was a tattered mess and it appeared as if he just survived a major battle. Ranma, for first time in several days was actually sleeping in his own bed, peaked out as he entered. The Doc staggered up to his room and collapsed into his bed. Shrugging, Ranma closed his door and went back to bed. He was so full of energy tonight that he couldn't even sleep for longer than a couple of hours. Even if he wasn't lusting after some girl, he was just used to spending his nights with whichever girl had caught his eye. So instead he was going through some of his Kata for the Anything Goes School. He hadn't practiced these much lately and he was quite rusty. Still, now that he had mastered so many of the other Ki techniques he was safe to focus on the basics again. The old fart had been correct when he mentioned his loss of skill before Suki showed up. His body moved through the patterns easily enough though. By the time dawn rolled around he felt that he was starting to get back into his proper form. Grabbing his bath supplies, he used the clinic's shower to get a quick shower. Even taking several minutes to wash his hair. He was surprised at the number of odd substances that he washed out. With a bit of concentration he shifted to his female form, even under the hot spray of the shower, and sighed. Running two fingers down her body, she delved between her legs and started to channel her Ki through her fingers. Moaning softly, she started to rub her slit in a rapid pattern, rubbing her clit every couple of seconds, then delving lower and lower into her tunnel. She arched back as she quickly brought her to the edge of an orgasm, groaning in passion. About once a week, she got an urge to have sex as a girl and usually didn't have much of a problem finding a willing man to assist her. But Ranma enjoyed this almost more than a man. She controlled everything and didn't have to depend on anyone else. Her skills could bring her to heights of passion that no man had ever come close to achieving. The next ten minutes she followed the hand kata she learned so long ago and nearly collapsed as her body went into automatic. She couldn't have stopped if she wanted to and pulses of pure ecstasy sent her into an orgasmic cascade. She cried out softly as she fell to the floor and shuddered, her fingers still tracing the pattern. Her pussy started to spasm so much that her juices shot out several times, and then dribbled down her legs, quickly removed by the cooling water of the shower. Ranma just rode wave after wave of her orgasm and enjoyed every damn second of it. Eventually her hand just stopped moving and she lay there for several minutes. Eventually she reached up and turned the shower off. It took another ten minutes for her to dredge up enough energy to crawl out of the shower. Flush from afterglow, Ranma slowly came to her feet and sighed happily. That had been, one of the, first sex kata she learned and she would never forget it no matter how long she lived. The first time she used the Orgasmic Bomb on herself had been incredible. She hadn't been able to move for hours afterwards, just laying there smiling happily. For the first time in her life, she realized that this was something other than pure martial arts that she could grow to love just as much as the Art. Madam had forced her to stop using it on a daily basis when she found out though. Using the Orgasmic Bomb to much would make regular sex seem pale and boring by comparison. At the time he had trusted her and eventually figured out that she was right. So now she only used the technique once every few months. This was the first time since before he left Ukyo-chan pregnant to satisfy her honor. Once she got her breath back, she concentrated and forced the change again. Male Ranma didn't feel things like his girl half did, so the pleasant tingle was gone the instant he transformed. He would have liked to just lay around and feel good all day, but he had things to do. Orgasmic Bomb was his reward for relearning some of his Anything Goes Kata. Feeling refreshed, Ranma dressed in an all black outfit and headed downstairs. Tofu was still in bed, so Ranma headed outside to continue his Anything Goes practice. He wasn't really pushing himself though, not after taking a shower. Still, he was soon jumping twenty feet into the air and running through his aerial moves. Letting his body do what he trained it to do, he let his senses expand out across the area. Seconds later he nearly fell out of the air and crash into the ground. Landing hard, he just stood there taking in what his senses were telling him in shock. Every morning when he practiced like this he always read the ambient Ki in the air. This allowed him to feel out situation before they might cause problems and he could defuse them if he needed to. Yesterday and the day before it had been peaceful, all was right in the world, but today was quite different. He could sense lust, lots and lots of lust filling all the nearby houses. Flowing through the walls, across the ground, it was saturating everything around him. Here and there were houses where it wasn't as noticeable, but they were a bit out of place. For several seconds he tried to figure out what was going on. Then the answer struck him like a bolt of lightning, it was the tea. Tofu must have given out even more than was apparent. Shaking his head, he wondered if letting that tea out among the people would be good or bad. Letting the Tendo girls have some was part of his plan. They would get horny and come to him for comfort. He didn't want to set off the next great wave of babies within the district though. With a shake of his head he decided to leave alone for a few days and see what happened. The tea would only make them slightly more horny than they normally were and last for twelve hours or so for each cup. He focused on the Tendo house and was a bit surprised to feel less lust Ki from the house than it's neighbors, though there was quite a bit from one of the bedrooms. He just didn't know who was sleeping in which room. Just as he was about to finish is morning practice, his senses picked up something else. He spotted a couple of girls watching him from wall by the alley. They waved and giggled as he glanced their way and then ran off before he could say anything. Smirking a bit, he decided to head inside after all. Tofu was staggering down the stairs as Ranma came inside. "R-ranma " He muttered. "Hey Doc, you were in pretty bad shape last night. Need to take the day off?" "No, I just need to make up a herbal drink and hit a couple of pressure points and I'll be good for the rest of the day. I can catch up on my rest tonight." "Cool." Ranma said with a nod. oooooooooo "Lo Han." The old woman looked up from where she was sitting in front of her fire. She waved a hand forward. "Shampoo, Cologne's apprentice." Shampoo shrugged and ran a hand through her long lavender colored hair. She knelt across from Lo Han. The old woman just stared at her for several seconds before tossing a powder into the fire, making it flare up and burn blue for several seconds. "What do you require from the village Seer, Shampoo?" "Will I ever have a boyfriend or Husband?" She asked proudly. Leaning forward, Lo Han stared intently into the fire and Shampoo felt the old woman's Ki flare, caressing the fire. Silence filled the tent for several minutes before she felt the Ki vanish and Lo Han sat back. An assistant appeared and wiped the sweat off her old face. "Well I see many things I'm not sure you will be willing to listen to." "What did you see?" Shampoo growled. "Are you sure you want to know? The news isn't what you want to hear." She snapped back. "My visions show the truth, not the lies we tell ourselves to lesson the pain." "Tell me." "You will never be married." Lo Han said. Shampoo slumped. "Mousse's fault." "It is, he will drive off any male in the village you might choose." "Then Mousse dies." Shampoo snarled, pulling a sword from stuff space. "If you kill him, you will never get the one chance you do have." Shampoo froze as she was about to leave the tent, turned around, and knelt back down. "Speak, all of it." "The one man who can defeat you, and humble Mousse is not a member of this tribe. He is from another land. He has recently suffered several major disasters in his life that have turned him into a unique fighter." "Where do I find this man?" "He won't be ready to take you on for another six months. He is in Japan." Shampoo didn't say anything. She knew deep down that she didn't want to leave the village, even to find a proper male. Males outside the village had pride, and thought differently than Amazon males. Most of whom could be described as spineless twits. "You know his name?" "I do, but his title will only make you wary of him." "Tell me." "No." Lo Hon said. "You will tell me " Shampoo started to threaten, but Lo Han just started laughing. "Or what, you'll kill me? Then who will tell you what you need to know. Go to Japan girl, search for him and you will find him." "I will bring a husband back." Shampoo said as she left. Lo Han sighed and shook her head. "Cologne, she won't come back as the same person." Cologne stepped out of the shadows behind Lo Han. "She needs experience in the outside world." The old woman started to laugh again. "Experience, oh yes, she's going to get more than you can possibly predict." oooooooooo The book Ranma had given to her was fascinating. That was the only way Kasumi could describe it. Who knew that cake could be used to reduce pain, or that a certain mushroom could hypnotize someone for twelve hours. The book was full of special ways to cook, powder, or mix various substances to get an effect. She took a while to note down the recipes for keeping people calm and grounded. Akane's temper was growing worse and worse with every passing day. At the same time she took a few minutes to brew up the tea Ranma gave to her. Once that was done she filled a cup and sat at the small table in the kitchen slowly drinking the thick tea. "Mmmm." She said as she finished the cup. "Better than expected." Filling a second cup, she placed it on a tray and headed up to her little sister's room. She knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before entering. Akane was on her bed working on her homework. At least that's what Kasumi assumed that's what she was doing. She sat the tea on the bed beside her sister. "Here, I just got this new tea and though you might like some." Akane eyed the tea for a second before grabbing it and taking a sip. "Hey, not bad. Though it's a little thicker than the stuff we usually use." Her older sister nodded. "I got it at Dr. Tofu's clinic." "Ah, I've been meaning to go and talk to him again." Akane said as she drank some more of the tea. Kasumi had assumed that the calming influence of the tea would take affect almost instantly. She gave a mental shrug when nothing happened. "Would you like me to bring some more up? I've got enough to last a few weeks." "Sure." Akane said, draining her cup. If she had been looking a little closer, Kasumi would have seen that Akane's eyes were just a little glazed as she turned back to finish her homework. After bringing up another cup, Kasumi decided that it was time for her to start fixing supper. Akane sipped at the tea absentmindedly, quickly finishing off the rest of her homework. Setting the cup to the side she lay there for several minutes trying to figure out why she was feeling rather good. Normally she had to force her way through everything, but now her homework was easy, and she felt rather energetic as well. Getting up, she decided to work off her energy with a little practice. Stripping her clothes off, she tossed everything in a pile and walked over to her closet. Nude as the day she was born, she didn't really think about the fact that her window was open, or that someone might see her. So as she dressed, she missed the sight of a rather pale looking boy falling out of a tree at the edge of the yard. Once she was dressed in her usual outfit, she bounced out of the room humming to herself. Outside Gosenkugi twitched a few times as his nose stopped bleeding. If Nabiki was around she would have poked him with a stick and charged him ten thousand yen. Instead the image of a nude Akane etched itself into his brain and he staggered off for home. He had pictures to develop into posters to hang on this walls, ceiling, and floor. His complexion was clearing up even as he walked home, he just knew it was. As he walked, Akane was performing some of her more advanced training kata in the dojo without her usual clumsiness, leaping from wall to ceiling, handless flips, and speed drills that surpassed everything she usually did. She kept it up for over two hours, even after her father stopped by and told her that she was doing great. That alone sent her into another hours worth of practice, by the time she finished she was tired, but knew that she just might reach the next level at this pace. As she headed for the furo, she stopped in the kitchen to grab another cup of tea. She downed it in one gulp and quickly left. Kasumi hadn't even seemed to notice she was there as she worked on dinner. Akane couldn't tell what it was, but she was looking forward to it. oooooooooo Hidden in a nearby tree, Urd smirked a little as she watched her newest project as he took out the trash. It had taken her several hours to find out who the boy was and what she found nearly sent her into shock. The boy was a prodigy with a capital 'P' and could hold his own against masters of martial arts before he even turned fifteen. Now at nearly seventeen he was becoming something that hadn't been seen in over three hundred years. The lost ninja sex clans hadn't survived into modern times. They had refused to adapt and change when they needed to and eventually died out. Their knowledge was floating around and would occasionally fall into the hands of a talented human. Even then, just one person rarely used that knowledge. Ranma on the other hand was learning it all faster than anyone in history did. She had tracked his life during his training for the last year and a half and still had a hard time believing that the shy, rather stupid jock that had found the first ninja scrolls, was the person she saw today. His trip into Hong Kong and Amsterdam was a bit of a shock as well. Ranma seemed to just stumble across ninja scroll knowledge completely by random. A scroll from a cave here, the pack off of a skeleton at the bottom of a cliff full of knowledge, notes, and complete books. Finding hidden temples as if they were as common as grass and learning all that he could. Urd suspected meddling, but couldn't find any evidence of it in Ranma's file. So she was watching him to see what she could find out. Her sisters didn't need to know about this either. Belldandy wouldn't understand her interest and Skuld was to busy denying that she needed to grow up. From her observations, Ranma radiated sexual energy just like a sex demon did, only the girls around him were more than willing to give themselves to him. She envied that little ability. A flare of energy caught her attention and she leaned forward to see. Just down the street, in a burst of light, three girls were peaking over the wall of the clinic. One was completely bald, wearing a tight green body suit. The girl beside her had brown hair, a fantastic body, and was wearing a shirt skirted maid outfit. The two girls were drooling as they looked at Ranma walking back to the clinic. The third girl didn't seem to be interested in the boy at all. Instead she just stood there looking bored. She had white hair in a bob style and was wore a rather normal t-shirt and jeans combination. Urd could sense the energy coming from this girl. Looking closer she spotted the girl's necklace. It took a few minutes, but her memory dredged up the name Sun Stone. It was an old magic focus from over in Egypt, used by the high priests to perform their duties quickly. It looked like the girl was bonded to the stone and could control it rather well. Though she certainly hadn't mastered its ultimate powers just yet. Flicking her wrist, a holographic computer appeared by her hand and she started typing. It didn't take her long to identify the girls. They were all criminals, wanted for a series of petty crimes and actions. Two of the girls could barely get along with teach other. Their files were flagged as well. Tapping that brought up a list of the way they were genetically enhanced. Under the skin the two girls were nearly identical. The only difference was their features and assets. The white haired mage was enhanced the least. She only had quicker reflexes and a higher metabolism to keep the fat off. Everything else was normal at least. The other two seemed to have enhanced everything from top to bottom. Suddenly a screen popped up on her computer. 'Watch, do not interfere, says I' Urd sweatdropped. Now why was he interested in this situation? Shrugging it off, she nodded and turned off the computer. She wanted to talk to the boy herself, but she would follow orders. Suddenly the girls jumped the wall and started heading for the clinic. Now what were they up to? oooooooooo Link and Zelda landed on the other side of the wall. Link reached into her skirt pocket and pulled out a small device that would grab the hunk's DNA. Once they had that she planned to play with the boy for a few hours before giving him to Zelda. A vision of him fucking that girl by the pool flew through her mind and she nearly moaned in anticipation. Similar thoughts were running through Zelda's mind as they made their way towards the clinic. For the first time in several years she found a guy that made her knees go weak. Just looking at him made her feel warm and gooey inside. She would have to remove Link from the picture though, her rival would have to wait her turn. Together, the girls ran over to the wall of the clinic. The boy hadn't seen them as he entered the clinic and he was at their mercy now. Grinning evilly, they raced for the door and stepped inside. Zelda looked around for her prey, but he didn't seem to be in the room. They weren't that far behind him, so where could he have gone? Above them, squatting on top of the door, Ranma watched the two girls as they looked around. They sure didn't seem to be very good at being quiet. They were out of shape as well. He heard them climb over the wall making enough noise to wake a dead yak. Looking them over, he could tell that their Ki was off as well, as if it wasn't a part of their bodies. He had to admit that they were well built though. Both of them had large breasts and legs, but they weren't really in proper shape for fighters. Still, they might be worth a little fun. He doubted they were all that dangerous to someone as well trained as him. Dropping off the top of the door, he landed silently and stopped as the one in the skirt suddenly bent over. "Well, we might be able to have some fun after all." He said and flared his aura and hurling the energy at both girls. "Wha " The bald one said as she spun around. His energy washed over both girls even as they launched their attacks. Catching Zelda's fist, he pivoted and kicked Link into the wall. Twisting Zelda's arm, he pulled her off balance and tossed her out the front door. That was all the time Link needed to get back into the fight. She came in with a series of powerful punches that Ranma blocked. He slowly backed up, leading the girl towards the door. The instant he felt that she was in position, he grabbed her arm, dropped, brought his feet up, and tossed her out the front door by her stomach. He noted that she had quite a bit of muscle there. Rolling to his feet, he jumped outside to see the two girls heading back towards him. They didn't look to happy. Letting his aura flare into the visible spectrum, he fired two quick beams of lust energy at the girls. They didn't have time to dodge as it hit them in the chest. They looked down for a second. The bald one sneered at him. "Well that was useless wasn't it?" She said. "You should easy enough to break." Link patted her chest in a way that that would have sent a normal guy to the ground with a nosebleed. She smirked a little. "For once I agree with the slut here. You'll be easy." Watching them with his Ki senses, Ranma just shook his head a little at their trash talk. The two shot forward and Ranma flowed into a new stance. His arm lashed out like a snake to stab into Link's stomach. She didn't see his eyes glow as he struck, but she was able to feel the sudden flow of energy that washed through her. Ranma wasn't so gentle with Zelda, he didn't like fighting girls, but he got over his reluctance some time ago. He spun and elbow smashed her across the head, swept her feet, and slammed her to the ground. His fingers stabbed down into her stomach as well. Zelda gasped and her back arched off the ground. "What t-the hell did you d-do to me?" Link gasped as she tried to stay on her feet a few paces away. She was starting to blush as she stood there holding her stomach. Slowly coming to his feet, Ranma flexed his muscles a little and sent his aura out to wash over the girls for a third time. It was a bit heavy handed, but the girl's weren't exactly being nice about their intentions. "You attempt to attack me and 'break' me? And you expect me to be gentle?" Ranma snorted. Suddenly the girl both moaned and started to sweat uncontrollably. Ranma watched them impassively for several seconds, his arms folded across his chest. "Now tell me why you're here. Did Madam send you?" "N-never heard of her. We just want your DNA " Link gasped out as her eyes started to glaze over. Ranma gave Zelda a little nudge with his foot. "What do you have to say?" "P-pull those pants down and give me some." Zelda slurred and giggled. Ranma could see her nipples pressing against the green spandex outfit. They were larger than normal ones too. He smirked a little as he noticed the other girl twitching and moving around, trying to figure out what was happening to her. "So what should I do with you now?" "Fuck me." Zelda commanded him. Link shook her head and staggered forward a couple of paces. "I won't let you rape me " She growled. "I won't." Ranma stated. "You're strong enough to resist what I did to you. Though if you want, I'll be happy to give you what your body really wants." Link shuddered as another wave of heat filled her body. This time it was followed by pure ecstasy. She fell to her knees and shivered as her body begged for sex. Ranma moved away from her and over to Zelda. "Well baldy, what's your story?" By this time Zelda wasn't capable of coherent speech. Her whole body was telling her to find a man right now. Her pussy was pulsing in time with her heart and it was diving her insane. An animalistic growl escaped her throat as she stared at the god of men in front of her. With her eyes, she traced the outline of his cock as it pressed against his pants. A smirk was the only sign that Ranma gave as he noticed Zelda's eyes go blank and fill with pure lust and desire. He could smell her arousal filling the air. He looked over at Link, who was resisting quite a bit better and wondered if she would be strong enough to pull out of it. The technique he used was nearly at its peak now. If she could hold out for a few more minutes she just might be worth his more personal touch. Baldy on the other hand hadn't even tried to resist. "So what's your name? I'd like to at least who I'm fighting here." Groaning as another wave of heat filled her womb, Link tried to focus past the ecstasy. "I'm Link and the s-slut is Z-zelda " She gasped out. "Link and Zelda?" Ranma muttered. "Where the heck have I heard those names before?" Link gasped as another wave hit her and she collapsed to her knees. She could feel her juices dribbling out and flowing down her thighs. Zelda was splayed out on the ground, completely overwhelmed, and Link understood completely if her rival was feeling even half of what she was. Gasping for air she fought to stay focused enough not to end up like Zelda. Ranma knelt down, spreading his knees, and she gazed between his legs like a love sick kitten. Drool dribbled down her lip and dripped off her chin, but she didn't notice as Ranma gently reached out and tapped a spot on her upper right breast. Her eyes rolled up into her head and she passed out on the spot. Nodding to himself, Ranma's aura flared for a second before turning pure white as he used a special technique. These girl's Ki was off a little, but if that scroll he got from Pluto was correct, he jut might be able to help them find the proper balance. He reached out to start tapping about two hundred pressure points. A beam of light fired at him from the roof of the clinic. It struck Ranma In the side and sent him flying. Though surprised, he twisted and landed on his feet a few yards away. A white haired girl stood on the roof holding a blue ball of energy. She didn't look happy at all. "What " Ranma started. "Die." Janine snarled. She heated men who used woman as their personal play things, hated them to the depths of her soul. She threw her hands forward and powerful beam of raw energy flew forward. It took Ranma a half a second to judge the beam coming at him. It was strong enough to take down a normal person, but it wouldn't hurt him too much. He focused and batted the beam to the side with ease. Where it plowed into the ground. Janine screamed and vanished. Cursing, Ranma dove to the side as the girl appeared above him and dropped an explosive ball of energy where he had been standing. The explosion threw him quite a ways. He slammed into the wall of the clinic and hung there for a second. "Ouch " He grumbled. This was what he got for shirking his Anything Goes training for so long. A year ago this girl wouldn't have been able to lay a hand on him and those energy attacks would have been useless. Lately his training focused on his special techniques though. Had he lost too much of his edge? "Take that you Jerk!" Janine snarled as she stalked towards him. Ranma's back hurt quite a bit, but he had time to notice that this new fighter didn't seem to really care about her friends. She ignored them completely to attack him and even endangered them to get at him. He may have been injured, but he wasn't out and this managed to give him an idea. He twisted a little and dropped to the ground, ignoring the body shaped dent in the wall. A white aura flickered into existence around his body as he slowly lifted his head and glared at the girl. She stopped in mid step and formed another ball. "You can't win. Give me your DNA and I'll just beat you unconscious." She snapped. "Your Ki isn't as messed up as the other two, but its still messed up." "I'm as health as any athlete!" She yelled. "I paid Lord Talon good money to make me perfect!" Filling away the name, Ranma reached deep into his energy stores and dredged up what he needed. "I think not." Just as the girl threw her hands forward, Ranma's eyes turned pure white and his long hair started to lift up and flail around his head. His aura exploded outward in a wave of pure energy. Janine's attack entered his aura and vanished just as it washed over her. She screamed in shock as the energy pierced her body and started to fill every cell. Behind her Zelda and Link's eyes snapped open just in time to feel the most intense love they've ever experienced. Screaming, they barely noticed as their clothing shredded under the assault. Ranma fell to one knee and gasped for breath and grumbled under his breath. This wasn't going to happen again. That girl shouldn't have been able to do that to him even if he was out of shape. He forced himself to his feet and moved over to her naked body. A look of shock covered her face. Her eyes were blank, and she appeared to be catatonic. Reaching down, he examined the necklace. A sphere of energy appeared around it when his hand was a few inches away, stinging his hand. Somehow the stone was able to nullify all his defenses, making his ki nearly useless. No wonder she got in such a good hit. Energy arched around his hand and it reached out to surround the stone. Gritting his teeth in pain, Ranma used his Lust aura to penetrate the stone and infuse a massive amount of Lust energy. The stone struggled, but eventually gave in and started to absorb the energy. By the time he was done, the small blue stone was glowing a pale pink. From there he moved over to the other two girls and finished what he started. Tapping all the pressure points took about five minutes for each girl, but he could see and improvement already. They just need one final infusion of energy in one large dose. Picking Link up, he carried her into the clinic. He repeated this with each of the girls until he had all three laid out on his bed. It would be a couple of hours before they woke up and then they could decided what to do next. He watched them sleep for almost half an hour before he started to sense that one of them was waking. He wasn't too surprised that it was Link. Ranma stood at the end of the bed as the girl slowly came to and looked around. He could tell by the ebb and flow of the Ki in her body that the small alterations he'd made earlier were stable, but they wouldn't last more than six hours unless he took the next step. She shook her head and finally noticed that she was naked. Gasping, she nearly launched herself off the bed. Link would have fallen to the floor, but Ranma was fast enough to catch her. She froze as his arm wrapped around her shoulders and held her tight. "Wha wha wha " she stuttered. "I'm glad you're awake. Now you will explain just why you three want my DNA." Ranma had no clue what that was, but he could fake knowing it easily enough. Link stayed where she was as she glanced up at his face. Just having him touch her was making her stomach do flip-flops, something she had never experienced before. Ranma pulled her tighter and she was able to feel his muscled chest against her back. She started to blush. "Um " "Well?" Ranma insisted. He loosened his grip a little, but she didn't move, so he ran his fingertips down her arm. He could feel her shivering as he touched her. "Our boss collects DNA of unique animals and people and studies it for his genetic research." Link explained. "Why would he want mine?" "He didn't pick you specifically, we were just told to find the most unique being in the area and get it's DNA. You are most, unique." Link explained. Ranma's fingers left her arm to rest on the curve of her naked thigh. This sent a strange feeling right to Link's brain that she couldn't really identify. She didn't' even try and remove his hand as it gripped her. Instead she felt a stirring between her legs, a pulsing wave of heat that made her start sweating. "What makes me unique?" Leaning down, Ranma whispered in her ear. Link moaned. The heat was turning into a raging storm. She could barely think, but she suddenly remembered the state she was in just before she passed out. "What are you doing to me?" She gasped out. He wrapped his arms around her stomach and pulled her closer. "I'm seducing you. Through touch, through smell, and through skill." The heat went nuclear and Link's knees turned to butter as she slumped down. Ranma held her in place. With her leaning against his body, Ranma brought his hands up and cupped her large breasts. He gave them a gentle squeeze and started pinching her nipples. They were already a little hard, but they tightened the instant he touched them. Link could only gasp as he paid her body like an instrument. Lust filled her every thought as she writhed under his expert hands. She gasped as stars went off in her mind. With a grunt she experienced an actual orgasm. She vaguely noticed her juices running down her inner thighs and that she was rubbing her butt against Ranma's muscled leg. "I think I'll leave you like this since you aren't interested." He said as he gave her little push towards the bed. She collapsed face first into the sheets, inches from Zelda. Ranma suddenly knelt on the bed and placed a hand on her back, holding her down. She could only shiver as she felt his other hand slowly caress her leg sending amazing sensations through her body. She licked her lips. "Please " She begged. He gave her butt a squeeze and she nearly came again. Moaning, she arched her back a little. "Touch me." "Oh?, You sure you want me to?" Ranma played, touching her inner thigh. "Yes." She said huskily. Zelda would never let her live it down if she knew she begged a man for sex, but she needed relief. Her pussy was dripping like a faucet and she had such an itch. "And what about your friends?" His voice asked next to her ear. "Shall they play too? Or do you like the danger of them waking up and seeing you in ecstasy?" Ranma smirked, as she suddenly blushed clear to her toes. "Please." She begged, spreading her legs wider. "I need you." His hand suddenly moved and touched her pussy. Two fingers suddenly started to rub her in just the right way. Her eyes rolled up into her head as her pussy went into melt down. She was starting to regret having Peewee enhance her sexually now. He never had explained just what he did to her, only that her masturbation times had skyrocketed afterwards as it took on a whole new level of feeling. What Ranma was doing to her was even more intense and she could only squirm and moan. Suddenly Ranma's weight shifted and even though she couldn't see him, she knew that his clothes were gone, and he was getting into position. His weight settled over her legs as he leaned forward and she felt his cock brush against her thigh. Her breathing quickened the instant the tip touched her pussy. "I won't wont stop once I start." "Fuck. Me." She snapped in frustration. Ranma chuckled as he leant forward and pushed into her from behind. With her legs pinned closed by his knees, she was amazingly tight. He could feel her juices dribbling out around his cock and reveled in the feeling. He hadn't even hit any enhancement pressure points yet and she was already this wet. It only made him groan in satisfaction. Link couldn't have told any her name right then, she was lost in the feeling of having a very large object stuffed between her legs. She doubted that she would have been capable of speech at that moment. His cock just kept going deeper and deeper. She let out a deep moan and shivered as a man touched the deepest parts of her body. Nerves she didn't know she possessed were feeding her mind incredible sensations, but then something even more incredible happened. Just as she was about to give in to the pleasure completely Ranma started to thrust. She gasped and threw her head back as he moved. This wasn't anything like what she felt several years ago, before she met Peewee, back then it had been fun and exciting. This was feeling was on a completely different level. She screamed into the bed as she felt something building. She didn't know if it was an orgasm or something else. This was whole new ground. Ranma panted a bit as he focused more of Ki into his cock. He wasn't holding back like he normally would have. The girl beneath him was going crazy as he thrust into her. He could see her Ki pathways flaring brighter with every few thrusts. Whatever was happening would be a lot different than normal. "AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Link suddenly screamed and arched back, her hips thrusting back to meet his unconsciously. Ranma slammed forward and let his own orgasm go. He exploded inside her as she had her own orgasm and his eyes widened as her Ki seemed to change the instant his cum fired into her womb. Link seemed to freeze in mid scream as his seed filled her. Even with her head thrown back and her body shivering from the force of the orgasm, he didn't notice that her eyes were rolled back up into her head. Or that drool was cascading off her chin, dripping onto the bed as the orgasm sent her into a whole new realm. Then her body started to twitch as she slowly fell forward onto the bed, unconscious. Ranma pulled out of her and took a deep breath before he started examining her Ki again. Whatever just happened, he hopped that no one had sensed his actions. Especially Doctor Tofu, who was currently in the same building. Ranma scanned the building and was surprised to find it empty. The Doc was nowhere in sight. Shrugging it off, Ranma slapped Link's ass and grinned. She didn't even seem to feel it. If he was reading her right, she would be out of it for several more hours. In the mean time he had two more girls to fix up. He glanced at the bald one and figured she would be next. Ranma sighed, the girl wasn't even close to waking up yet. Still, he knew that she would be more than willing once she woke up. He almost took her there in the front yard when she was begging him for it. She was going to wake up even hornier than when he accidentally knocked unconscious. The other girl was in for a surprise when she came around. Ranma could see his Lust energy swirling around her body, radiating out from her magic stone. Over time he had learned quite a bit about magic and potions. Sex ninjas centuries ago had practiced the magical arts as much as the physical arts. Ranma considered himself quite adept at wards, bindings, and other areas where magic was involved. It's how he controlled his curse after all. Smirking, he gently moved Link off the bed and lay her on a nearby couch. She still had stuff dribbling out of her as she curled up on the sofa. Raising his hand, it glowed for a second and he sent a Ki burst at each of the girls. They glowed for a second before it vanished, but it was enough to start waking each of them up. Zelda groaned as her eyes slowly opened and froze as Ranma stood near her feet. He hadn't bothered to put any clothes on so she could only gape as his naked body. She started to drool and smirk a little. "I see you want to play." She purred, licking her lips. Ranma smirked. "I thought you might like to finish what we started." "Oh I'll finish you alright." Zelda said, her eyes locked on his dick. Beside Zelda, Janine also opened her eyes and sat up slowly. She couldn't seem to focus her eyes and shook her head. For some reason her body felt differently as well. Try as she might, she couldn't seem to recall going to sleep either. "What's going on?" She muttered. "Shut up." Zelda growled as she grabbed Ranma's dick and pulled him closer to the bed. She rose up on her knees and instantly took it into her mouth. Her whole bearing seemed to change as she licked him slowly. Turning to look at Zelda took a bit of effort, but her eyes were starting to focus, and she could only gape at the sight before her. Zelda was sucking off the biggest dick she had ever seen. It even dwarfed Ionis' own dick, which was one of the reasons she liked him so much all those years ago. Or why the jerk ended up sleeping with so many other women besides her. Or ditched her at the alter to pick up a girl. She growled, but then a strange pulse went off inside her body. Janine suddenly felt a stirring between her legs for the first time in over a decade. She was getting horny. Ionis had ruined men for her. His inability to stay faithful to her had angered her to no end. Now that she was in the presence of this gift to all women, she wondered if turning to celibacy had been a good idea after all. This was the first time in years that she regretted even giving up sex. She wanted him. Her jewel pulsed against her breasts and she noticed for the first time that she was completely naked. A part of her barely registered that she was crawling forward, leaning in, and licking the opposite side of Ranma's cock. Zelda didn't complain, she was running on pure instinct right then. She made room for Janine and they started licking and sucking him. Groaning, Ranma flared his aura a little and let each girl feel it. Zelda increased the tempo a bit by trying to suck harder, while Janine just shuddered as her pussy started to throb urgently. The girls groaned, almost in pain, as Ranma pulled away and gave Zelda a push backwards. The girl didn't need any coaching as she spread her legs wide and gave him a look of pure lust. Janine also knew that Ranma was going to move on to the fun stuff and grinned as well. She just wished she was first instead of Zelda. Ranma moved forward and started working on Zelda's breasts. Squeezing and licking them until the girl was moaning almost constantly. He loved manipulating the Ki pathways at times like this. Most girls couldn't even think straight after he was done and Zelda loving every second of it. Then, much to his surprise, Janine moved around on the bed and used her hands to guide his member right to Zelda's pussy. He felt the wet warmth as it touched her. He shoved right into her. The bald girl nearly screamed as her back arched and lifted her butt off the bed, giving him a better angle. "Well, you know what you want don't you?" Ranma said with chuckle. "Fuck. Me. Now." Zelda commanded. "Alright." Ranma said as he grabbed her waist and twisted her around a little to change the angle. "This will be more intense." Once in position Ranma stated to move, slamming into her at high speed. Zelda cried out, grabbed the bed spread, and grunted every time he thrust into her. He even had her tits wobbling around on the bed. Zelda had always been sexually sensitive, but Ranma seemed to be sending her to a completely different level. She hadn't had Peewee enhance her body like Link did. So what she felt wouldn't have compared to what Link felt a few minutes earlier. Her moans soon turned to cries as Ranma went on and on without slowing down even once. A little scream filled the air as her first orgasm hit. Seconds later a second and third hit in quick succession. Then she lost count as the next twenty seemed to hit like a bomb. From there Ranma seemed to add a little twist to his thrust with every stroke. This set off the most intense orgasm she had ever had and her whole body felt this one. She couldn't even scream as she transcended ecstasy and collapsed to the bed out cold. She didn't even seem to feel Ranma filling her pussy with cum. With a gasp, Ranma pulled out of her and let his cum spill out onto the bed. Beside him Janine could only stare in awe at the sight as she suddenly remembered several fantasies she had when she was younger. She glanced up at Ranma and wondered if she was ready for him. She didn't even consider if he might be tired after that. There was no way he was going to leave her hanging. Reaching out, she grabbed his cock, still covered with cum and yanked him forward. She moaned as she started to lick him clean. Ranma just smiled and let her. "I see you want some too." She nodded and lavished more attention on his cock. "You didn't seem interested earlier." "Shut up and fuck me." She ordered. Smirking, Ranma lifted her bodily off the bed and lat her on the floor. "This should give us more room to move around. I've got something special in mind for you." She shivered as her jewel suddenly felt very warm against her bare breasts. She could only watch as he knelt down between her legs, reaching out to touch several pressure points along her abdomen and inner thighs. She wasn't sure what he was doing, but she felt something inside her stir as he touched the last spot above her pussy. Lifting her legs to his shoulders, Ranma rolled her back until her ass was off the floor before positioning his cock against her entrance. Janine shivered as he slowly sank himself into her body. She shuddered as his throbbing heat filled her body and gasped. It felt so good that she groaned in passion. "More, more, more." She gasped as he continued to push into her inch by inch. She arched her back and felt him slide in completely. The feeling could only be described as euphoric and it was the most amazing thing she had ever felt. A portion of her mind tried to remind her about how men usually treated her, but at this point, she didn't care. Ranma was feeling a little bit tired after putting so much into the first two girls. Charging his cum with enough energy for twenty people for each girl was taxing even his reserves of energy. He would have to go out and recharge a when he had a chance since he couldn't take any energy from either of these girls. He flexed his muscular hips and started to pound Janine into the floor. The girl gave as good as she got, thrusting up into his own downward movement, asking for him to go faster, harder. She didn't even seem to be aware that she was asking for it either, with her eyes half lidded, and constant moans coming from her mouth. Still, he always liked to please his girls, so it wasn't long before he was really moving. Slamming her ass into the floor with ever downward thrust with a muffled, rhythmic thumping filling the room. Janine lost it after about two minutes of this and stared to scream and moan as she exploded into one orgasm after another. The world seemed to take on a whole new dimension, all of it radiating out from between her legs. Ranma lost track of the time after several minutes, but he never slowed down until Janine's writhing body slumped down and started twitching. With a grunt, Ranma used nearly the last of his strength to fill her with his cum. Sending her body into another series of orgasms until she finally passed out completely. Gasping for air, Ranma pulled out of her with a wet pop and watched as his cum dribbled out of her. He used his Ki senses to check her Ki pathways and nodded in satisfaction. They were back in perfectly working order, just like the other two girls. He could see several areas of their brains starting to reactivate as they received Ki for the first time in years. Janine's eyes opened slowly and it took her several seconds to figure out that she was laying on the floor of a room. She sat up to see Ranma staring at her from the bed. "What did you do to me? I feel weird." She muttered. For some reason she couldn't seem to get mad. "You and the other girls here were injured in some way that messed up your bodies. I used a special technique I know to cure you." Janine blinked in confusion. "What was wrong? I don't understand " "Its hard to describe, but the basics is that your bodies weren't using it's energies right. Some how your bodies were working against themselves. This would have shortened your lives and aged you prematurely. I'd guess you had less than fifteen years left to live." Janine could only gape. "Now that I've fixed all three of you, things should be back to normal." Ranma explained. Now that she had a minute to think about it, she did feel much better than she had in the last several months. Peewee's enhancements made her feel strong and powerful, but they didn't make her feel content. She felt normal again, whole and complete. "I " She sniffled. "Hey, hey, hey!" Ranma scooted away. Him and crying girls didn't get along at all. "There's no need to cry." Janine didn't burst into tears, but she did let her self sniffle for the next few minutes. She noticed that her pussy was slightly sore, but in a good way, so she knew what Ranma had done to her a little better now. "Oh, is that what you did." Link said from the couch as she sat up. Janine started and glanced at her friend and rival. It was only a couple of seconds before Zelda sat up with a giant grin on her face, glanced at Ranma, and gave him a sultry, lust filled look. "I think I may want more of this so called cure of yours." Now Ranma just sweatdropped for a second. "Well " "I won't take no for an answer stud." Zelda hissed as she crawled over to him and reached for his dick. "This monster of yours is going to give me so much loving." "Hey! I want some of that too!" Link exclaimed as she jumped on the bed and tackled Zelda. "Mine!" "Hey now, no need to get rough." Ranma tried to back off the bed. It didn't surprise him in the least as Janine stood up, sauntered over to him, and kissed him soundly. She pressed her body against his and wrapped a leg round his waist. Link and Zelda stopped fighting and saw what their partner was doing. Growling, they latched onto Ranma and pulled him back onto the bed. Janine didn't even let go or break her kiss as Ranma fell backwards and other two girls jumped them. It was right then that Ranma realized that he might have over done it a little bit and that he wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight. For a brief moment he hoped Tofu would forgive him if they made too much noise, but then a large pair of breasts were draped over his face and his mind went into lust mode. The girl's all squealed as he took charge once again. On the other side of the clinic Tofu had a pillow over his head as he tried to drown out the noise of three horny girls getting what they wanted. Visions of Kasumi filled his head a few seconds later. oooooooooo For the first time in several years, the Tendo's came to dinner and wondered what Kasumi was up to. Instead of the perfect Japanese dishes they were used to, the table was filled with several new dishes. Then Kasumi came out of the kitchen with large bowl of red sauce. "What's all this sis?" Nabiki asked as she looked at all the weird foods. "I got a new cook book, this is one of the ones I wanted to try. Its an Italian dish that I adapted a little." She explained. "It's very similar to Ramen, but will taste quite a bit different." Nabiki nodded while Akane frowned. She didn't' want to eat some strange food. It was bad enough no one would eat her own cooking. Nabiki glanced at her sister. "What was that Akane?" "Nothing!" Akane said, snapping to attention. Kasumi passed the tea around. "Have some of this. It's supposed to calm nerves and it's quite tasty too." She blinked as Akane snatched the cup from her hand and drank the whole cup in a few seconds. "Ah, I needed that. This stuff is so good, sweet, with just the right amount of flavoring." Nabiki nodded absently as she sipped at her cup and followed Kasumi's instructions on how to make Spaghetti. She was very surprised at how good the random foods mixed together to make a good meal. The sauce was to die for and she ended up have four helpings. Akane ate at least three herself and their father just picked at it and barely ate anything at all. Kasumi had a couple bowls herself and was very happy not to have any leftovers, except the sauce, which the recipe said could be used in other dishes as well. All three girls were feeling quite good as they finished off the day, watched some TV, and eventually headed to bed. Before she headed to bed, Kasumi hid the Tea in her room. For some reason Akane had drank two pots worth of the tea already and didn't appear to be ready to quite just yet. She wondered if her sister would even be able to get to sleep with all that caffeinated tea in her system. Once she had the tea put away, she quickly undressed and noticed for the first time that she was quite warm, even sweating a little. She didn't want to get her nightie all sweaty, so she walked over to her desk and turned on a little fan, and pointed it at the bed. Naked, she lay down and let the fan cool her off for several minutes. The air felt wonderful and she sighed a little and ran her hands over her flat stomach. As she lay there, she thought of Ranma and wondered what he was doing tonight. She pictured his muscular arms, his long black hair that reminded her of her father, and his piercing grey blue eyes. Shivering, she let her hands wander a little lower and gave her pussy a gentle rub. She nearly gasped as a wave of pleasure overwhelmed her for a second. That was all she needed to feel as she let her fingers start rubbing along her lower lips and spreading herself every few seconds. She learned a long time ago how to manipulate the Ki in her hands from one of Tofu's books. This always made her orgasms a lot more intense. Turning over, she continued to rub a little harder, moaning into her pillow. She felt her juices start to bubble up and run down her inner thigh. It was always so dirty, but it felt far to good to just give up. Shuddering, she brought herself to a quick little orgasm and relaxed a little. Instead of relieving her need, it only seemed to inflame it instead. Her hand started moving again, this time in a slightly different pattern that had her moaning louder than ever. Her juices dripped out and onto the bed as her second orgasm, this time much stronger, wracked her body with pleasure. Gasping for air, lust filled her eyes, as she lay there licking her fingers clean. She needed more than that. Her pussy was on fire with need. "Oh that felt good." She muttered as she arched back to stretch. Relaxing, she looked around to make sure no one might be watching, like her sister, before she reached down the side of her bed. After digging around for a few seconds with her butt raised up in the air and moving around cutely, she pulled her hand out holding a dildo. It had taken her three months to acquire the item in her hand without anyone knowing. Giggling, she gave the twelve-inch monster vibrator a lick as she lay back and ran it down her body. She shivered in anticipation. The 'little boyfriend' hadn't been used in a couple of months, but she was more than ready for it. She gave a little grunt as she pushed the oversized head into her pussy and let it sit there for several seconds. As it slid in she moaned as quietly as she could. Her fingers found the dial on the back end and turned it on. The sensation started slowly, building as the seconds passed, but it wasn't long before she gasped in pleasure. Even without moving she was on the verge of another orgasm. She wanted to savor this one though, so started to move the toy back and forth. The thing stretched her quite a bit, but using it to spread herself wider felt so good that she kept it up for several minutes before she changed tactics. It only took her a little while to build up a quick thrusting motion. Gasping, she started to rock her whole body. Her breasts wiggled back and forth as she gave herself to the growing pleasure. Gasping, she felt her body give a warning just before she gave a muffled cry and came. Curling into a ball, she let the waves of ecstasy wash over her. Kasumi sighed in pleasure. That orgasm was far strong than any she ever had before. Even now she could tell that her body still wanted to go for another more powerful one. She slowly pulled herself together, pulled the buzzing toy out of herself, and licked it clean. She realized that something was different than normal and instantly thought of Ranma and the goal his mother set for him. Ranma made no secret of it. She thought of the boy as she put the toy away and rolled over to sleep. His muscular arms filled her dreams as she drifted off sleep. Her last thought was to wonder if Ranma might be the One. In the room on the other side of Kasumi's wall, Nabiki was laying bed rubbing herself through her pajamas. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she didn't like the feelings welling up in her. She could feel a need growing within her and she just knew that Ranma was cause. As hand snaked down her panties, she wondered just what he had done to her. Their other sister Akane was in even worse shape. She wasn't tired at all as she lay in bed completely naked. Her whole body was extra warm and she fought the urge to give into her growing desire to masturbate. She wasn't a pervert, there was no way she would become one! She tried to deny her growing need, but could also feel herself slipping with every passing. The burning need was impossible to ignore, but she would be strong. She wouldn't give into it as her juices dribbled out of her pussy soaking the bed. Closing her eyes, she went into a deep meditation trance and spent the next four hours sleeping as best she could. Her sheets were ruined by the time the sun came up the next morning. oooooooooo To Be Continued Notes: This chapter is quite a bit longer than some of the earlier ones. I needed to cover several ideas in this chapter and it as usual with my writing style, it just continued to grow until I was forced to find and ending. Ranma continues to reach for the any of the Tendo Sisters even as he delves into another crossover. Orgasmic Bomb - This move can be attributed to a Kama Sutra master technique. By rubbing along the Ki pathways in and around the vagina, Ranma was able to build up a powerful orgasm by controlling the energy flowing through her vagina. Once it gets to a certain point, the body goes into a light trance that can't be stopped. Seconds later the build up of orgasmic energy explodes outward along every Ki pathway in the body until they center on the pleasure centers in the brain, creating a ripple effect that takes nearly half an hour to die down. The effect is quite addicting and makes anything a man can do seem paltry by comparison. Aura Caress - Similar to a normal aura attack, this one reaches out to the Ki in a victim's body and fills it with the aura type. With Ranma's Lust aura, this works like a focused aphrodisiac and makes girls more wanton and horny the longer they are exposed to it. Liquid Pearl - This old technique is only supposed to be used by sex masters. It has many uses, the main one is to infuse sexual energy into a man's cum and get it in or on a girl. The cum's energies are instantly absorbed into the victim's body. This was originally created to enslave girls to a man's will, but overtime it's been adapted into several different variants. Saotome Tea - Ranma's adaptation of the original tea works like a low level aphrodisiac. He doesn't mind overwhelming a girl's defenses to get her in bed, but he won't force them or hurt them in any way. The line is blurred a bit here and there, but Ranma is good at holding that line. The tea will make girls less inhibited and more willing, but not so much that they can't say No to anyone that comes along. |