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WARNING THIS IS A LEMON STORY! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK, IT CONTAINS SCENES OF A VERY GRAPHIC AND SEXUAL NATURE WITH A SMATTERING OF PLOT THROWN IN TO GIVE IT SOME SUBSTANCE. WARNING oooooooooo Like all good villains, he'd mastered the ability to stand in a pitch black room illuminated by a single computer monitor and still be able to get his work done. Of course it why he wore glasses and the monitor gave his white lab coat an eerie look. He heard them before they reached the room. Even at fifteen, Lord Erwin ‘Peewee' Talon wondered just why he put up with his supposed bodyguards/lackeys. They were all older than him, yet they were just so stupid. He shook his head and turned his head to watch as two women stalked into the room. "Zelda, you hairless slut!" Link snarled as she resisted the urge to deck the woman next to her. "Lord Talon called me down here, not you!" "I'm a member of the Alpha team! It's my right!" Zelda snarled back in all her bald glory. Erwin sighed and shook his head. These two couldn't spend five minutes together without fighting over something. They really needed to learn how to work together. He noticed that they were wearing their usual stand out clothing again. Link in her sexy little maid's outfit that showed of her panties if she moved one way or another. "Link, I called both of you down here." Erwin said, making both girls shut up. He glared at them for a second until they backed down. Zelda was wearing her green spandex suit. He hadn't really called her down, but now that the two of them were getting on his nerves he would use both of them. "I've got a mission for you two." "Where to boss?" Link asks. "Tokyo Japan." Zelda gasped. "This'll be great!" "I've heard some rumors about something odd happening in one of the districts there. Only the barest of hints, but I think there might an enhanced person running around. I want you to find him and bring me back a DNA sample." "You got it boss." Link said, happy to be of use for once. "You aren't going anywhere, bitch." Zelda snarled at Link. "Just try and stop me, slut." Link shot back. They raised their fists and got ready to fight, but Erwin raised a hand. "As I said, you're both going." "But " They said at the same time. "Don't argue!" He snapped. They nodded and stepped back, but continued to glare at each out of the corner of their eyes. "Get the sample any way you can, there isn't a time limit so take your time. Just get the job done. Got it? Good, now go talk to Ionis and have him teleport you to Japan. Call me when you have the sample secured." He ordered. oooooooooo Ranma's special tea was finished. After drying it made a fine powder that filled half a coffee can. So about five batches. Since one of the main ingredients was a crushed chrysanthemum bud He was called it Chrysanthemum Tea. The buds weren't normally anything special, unless they were cooked in a certain way, then they became exactly what he needed. The mushrooms diluted the effect, while the rest of the ingredients prolonged the effect over several hours. He was just glad he didn't have to worry about the original's addictive effects. It's not as if he didn't have girls willing to do anything he asked anyway. Once he had that finished and sat to the side, he took several minutes to clean up the little kitchen. He sent his senses reached out until he found Suki's aura couple blocks away. Smirking, he realized that she was masturbating behind some guy's bushes. He let his energy reach out and surround her body and he managed to feel her orgasm as it ripped through her. She arched back and let out a deep moan of passion with three fingers buried in her pussy. Since he wasn't being subtle about his intentions he knew that she was aware of his presence. It was just dark enough out that she didn't have to worry about anyone seeing her either. "Lord Ranma." She said under her breath. His aura flared a little and she gasped as the air around her flared with invisible energy. Tendrils of energy reached out and held her in place as they writhed all over her sweaty body. She fought them a little, but stopped to croon as they touched her nipples and brushed along the lips of her pussy. Arching back, she surrendered to it completely. This was a new skill for Ranma, but that didn't top him from using them to pry her mouth open to let her suck on a tendril. She writhed as she was slowly trussed up and her legs forced open. His aura allowed him to see what was going on and he could ‘feel' everything as if he was right there. Suki gasped as her pussy was forced open and he plunged in and expanded the tendril until she was completely filled. Her eyes rolled back as he sent pulses of energy through the tendril and the pleasure began to spread through her body. He trussed her breasts up as well, giving them a squeeze as his tendril's started sucking in her nipples. Her body lifted, shifted, and writhed around for several minutes. Anyone watching would have seen a girl being fucked by strands of reddish energy that seemed to be sprouting from her own body. She screamed as best she could as she had her next orgasm. The muscles in her athletic stomach bunched and clenches rhythmically as the tendril's thrusting continued to send her closer to the edge again. She barely noticed as her ass was gently spread open and entered as well, filling her completely. The little pulses of energy made her moan for more as the minutes ticked by. Tiny trickles of milk started to dribble out of her breasts as well. The milk didn't even touch the tendrils sucking on her nipples, instead dripping down her stomach, down her waist, and between where it mixed with the liquids gushing from her pussy. After an eternity she arched back with a mighty shudder had the biggest orgasm of her life. She didn't know how long it lasted as the energy slowly lowered her to the ground and vanished. She lay there panting for air, unable to think straight, as several orgasmic after shocks rippled through her body. Eventually she fell asleep, sore in all the right places. Ranma came to himself and shook his head. He had no idea how he did that, but he was glad Suki was satisfied with it. He really hadn't spent enough time with her lately. He moved over to a chair and sat down as he thought about his newest ability. A month ago he wouldn't have been able to do such a thing, but lately new ideas had been forming in his mind. This was one of just a few things. The old Master had taught him that he would learn new and unexpected skills as he mastered the old ones, but he didn't think this is what the old man meant. He probed his energy and found, much to his surprise, that it was completely altered. Normally it was just unfocused energy filling his body, but now it seemed be almost solid. His energy core, usually a miniature sun, was now so bright that he couldn't even look at it. Nothing in his readings even hinted at something like this. He formed a ball of energy in his hand and it lit up the whole room with it's intensity. He stood up to take a better look at the ball when he heard someone knock on the door and enter the kitchen. Dr. Tofu stopped as soon as he saw the ball of energy. "Ranma what?? That thing is incredible!" He breathed. "My aura seems to be changing. A month ago I couldn't make something like this without great effort. Now it's easy as anything, I barely have to focus on it and it increases in power." "That thing is pure lust." Tofu observed. Ranma noted that Tofu had a full hard on going in his pants and smirked a little. "I know." He clenched his fingers and let the ball of energy dissipate with a burst of wind. Tofu shook his head and remembered the other reason he came up to the room in the first place. "Oh yeah, there's a couple of girls down stairs that want to see you." "Oh?" "Yep, a Kagura and Tomo." He recognized the second name instantly. "I know one of them." "I'll send them up." Ranma could tell by the tone of Tofu's voice that he wouldn't allow him to screw either girl inside the clinic. He could respect that since the clinic was his place to get away from all the girls. "I'll take them out for a walk or something to eat." The Doc nodded as he left the room and Ranma quickly followed. He saw the girls turn in his direction when he entered the room. Tomo took one look at him and turned bright red, blushing to the roots of her hair. She stepped behind the other girl as if trying to hide. "Hi Tomo." She squeaked and hid behind her friend a little more. The other girl was just a little taller and bigger than Tomo, but in far better shape. She had short wild hair that stuck out in every direction. She seemed to be sizing him up as he walked over. "Tomo told me what you did to her." She said and tried to look intimidating. Ranma cocked his head to the side and shrugged. "She was quite willing." "She's told all of us about it. Even Yomi seemed to be in on this little game of yours." He looked her in the eye. "She was fun too." He smirked. She took a deep breath and seemed to look him over and for the first time since he entered the room he could see interest in eyes. "What about the rest of us?" Shrugging, Ranma led them out of the clinic so he could talk them without offending the Doc. Once they were out on the street he was ready to tell them a little more about the situation. "You see, my mom is a bit odd. She won't acknowledge me as her son until I've bedded a thousand girls. Even now I have a long ways to go. It has to be a thousand different girls too, not just the same one a thousand times." "What kind of woman thinks like that?!?!" "My mom is really strange. I have to give her weekly updates about all the girls I've had and she can tell when I lie to her. I still haven't figured that one out so I'm trying to get the thousand girls." "So we mean nothing to you?" Tomo muttered. "I care about every girl I meet." Ranma snapped. "They usually don't like the reasons I do this for so I keep it to myself for the most part." "I'm almost relieved. I'd rather not be strung along like a dog on a leash." Kagura said. "I would never do that. I'm upfront about my intentions even when I'm seducing a girl." Tomo suddenly giggled and hid behind Kagura again. Of course Kagura wasn't quite sure what to think. "Um " "You're interested." Ranma stated with a knowing grin. She huffed. "I've developed a lot of skills over the last year that I've been doing this, I can tell." Ranma explained. "Tomo described the experience. Chiyo fainted when she heard it. Yomi hasn't stopped smiling yet, and the others don't know what to think. I think Kaorin just might track you down and kick you for making Sakaki think about you though." Kagura laughed. Ranma just shrugged. "If I agree, what do you have in mind?" He pointed down the street where a five story love hotel stood. "There, I'll spring for a few hours." "Tomo, go home." Kagura ordered. The girl stopped. "Hey! I want more too." "Next time, for now it'll just be me and him." She shushed Tomo's complaints and sent her walking off before turning to Ranma. "There we go." Amused, Ranma gave Tomo a wink as he led Kagura down the street. They passed several streets before they arrived and Ranma noticed that several other girls were following them as well. He recognized one of them as the girl that worked for Nabiki and remembered his tea. He hadn't made any secret about making the tea and left it out on the counter before he left. If these girls were watching him as closely as he thought, they just might try to obtain some or all of the tea and take it to Nabiki. He'd check when he got back, but he was sure they wouldn't pass up this opportunity. "Hi Ranma." He looked up to see Yuka and Sayuri walking up to them. They giggled as they spotted the girl next to Ranma. He gave them a nod. "Ladies." "Who's this?" "Kagura." "He's divine." Yuka stage whispered in Kagura's ear before the two girls ran off, leaving Kagura there to turn red. "So are they " She started to say. "A couple of naughty girls." Ranma explained as they arrived at the Love Hotel and walked inside. oooooooooo Yuka grinned at the clerk behind the counter as he scooped up her ice cream. She licked her lips as he handed to her and saw him blush. She was wearing one of her more daring outfits, a school uniform with the sides of the skirt split up both sides, thigh high socks, and a white blouse tied up under her breasts to expose her stomach. Sexuality rolled off her in waves that everyone could sense. Men turned to watch her walk by and take in every detail while the women scowled at her. Yuka just smiled and ignored it all as she ate her ice cream. She was amazed at how much the world had changed in the last twenty four hours. Everyone of her senses seemed to have expanded to completely new levels. Now she was noticing how a man's clothing moved on his body as walked, how his muscles shifted and flexed. Or how a girl's breasts shifted in a tight shirt, how her hips would cock a certain way, or how their legs looked as they stood when men were looking. She hadn't really noticed these things a week ago, but now it was as if she was learning how to see things for the first time in her life. One thing she was already learning how to spot was how big a man's cock was inside his pants. So far she hadn't found anything that could compare to Ranma. Girls were also catching her eye as well with well toned legs, a shifty skirt, or if they were wearing a bra or not. As she left the shop she could almost feel the tension in the room pop like a cork and waved at a guy. He shifted up too fast and the chair he was sitting in fell over and dumped him on the floor. Yuka giggled as she turned away and continued on down the street and wondered once more if this was how Ranma felt all the time, and if so she was beginning to see why he wouldn't commit to just one girl. He wanted them all. She stopped in mid step and turned to look to the side as she spotted a girl standing on top of a nearby building. She was wearing a maid like outfit with a short skirt. Yuka couldn't tell to much from this distance, but she could make out two things. The first was that the girl was arguing with someone just out of sight. The second was that she was at the perfect angle to see right up the girl's skirt and spot a pair of green thong panties. She just stood there staring for several seconds, mesmerized by the sight. A few seconds later she was distracted from the great view by another woman, bald, who was wearing a bright green spandex suit. She wasn't as striking as the maid, but she had a fantastic athletic looking body. Yuka shuddered as she tried to imagine what they looked like without their clothes on. She started to drool after several seconds. That was it, she was horny, she needed a good fuck, and she would have them both! Grinning, she ran down the street and headed for the building's fire escape. It would only take her a few minutes to get up there, it was only ten stories high after all. Using the training that Suki drilled into her every afternoon, she managed to race up the stairs without making a single sound. "We've been here over fifteen hours, were is this thing we're supposed to be finding?" Zelda growled as she looked out over the city. Normally they were given enough information to find their target right away, but Peewee hadn't told them anything. Just a ‘You'll know it when you see it' speech and a boot out of the house. "Just be patient Zelda." Link said. She was enjoying a less hectic mission for a change and she had always wanted to come to Japan. Of course, they had forgotten one little detail. "We can't speak a word of Japanese." Zelda growled and paced some more. "Why don't we just wait for it to show up?" "I'd rather be at home in a nice hot bath." Zelda snapped. Link smirked and shrugged. Sitting on the edge of the fire escape, just out of sight of the two girls Yuka was cursing her failing grades in English class. Who would've thought she would run into two hot girls in the middle of Tokyo that didn't speak a word of Japanese? She cursed the fates and wondered what she would have to do now. Link and Zelda, who were about to try and throw each other off the edge of the building, looked up just as they caught a flash of magical energy several feet away. Yuka peaked over the ledge just as a third girl stepped through the light and looked around. She had pure white hair, a decent body, and was wearing red jeans and a white top. "Janine?" Link said, looking up at the other female member of the team. The girl gave them a wave as the light show vanished in her wake. "Lord Talon asked me to give you two a hand." Zelda snorted. "We don't need your help. I'll just call Ionis and get him to fix things." "Ionis is indisposed at the moment." Janine said with an evil little smirk. She smirks as she recalled his naked body tied to the ceiling in the girl's locker room of a nearby weight watchers meeting room. Link and Zelda sigh and wonder what the girl has done this time. "You didn't set those fire breathing smurfs on him again did you?" Zelda asked. "Or cover him in honey and toss him into another bear den?" Link wondered, remembering Ionis' screams as the bears licked him clean. Janine smirked. "Nope!" Turning serious, Link shrugged it off. She had decided to let Ionis fix this mess on his own. After all he had stood Janine up at the alter, cheated on her, and told so many lies that he couldn't remember what was true and false. Ever since, Janine had been making him pay and pay. "Girl, we need some way to speak Japanese." Link said. "We've had three people run away from us, two wanted autographs, and a third group won't be mentioned again." Zelda shuddered and nodded. "Don't mention the third group again!!" Then she muttered something about video game psychopaths and pixie swords. "Well, how about a universal translation spell?" Janine asked. "Those are easy and last for a few days." "It sounds perfect." Link said. "I want to explore this city while him here and I can't do that by miming words." Janine grabbed a jewel hanging from around her neck and muttered something under her breath. From her hiding spot Yuka gasped as Janine started to glow with power. The energy jumped from her body and struck Link and Zelda, making them glow for a few seconds. "Did it work?" Yuka heard one of them say in perfect Japanese. She nearly jumped up to hug one of them. "Yep, my spells are perfect after all." Janine said. Then spotted something, flicked her wrist, and the three of them watched as Yuka was levitated into view. The three of them watched the struggle against the magical energy until they surrounded her. "Who's this?" Zelda asked, looking the girl. "A spy obviously." Yuka gulped as the white haired girl leaned forward to glare at her. "Perhaps I should hurt her?" "No!" Yuka said. "Hey! I understood her, that means the spell really did work." Link explained as she grinned. She reached out and grabbed Yuka by the throat and pulled her close. "Now who are you and why were you spying on us?" "I'm Yuka, and I was just curious." "Yeah right." Zelda muttered. "Maybe she's here to stop us?" Janine muttered. "I don't think so." Link said. "She doesn't seem to be dangerous in anyway and we out number her." "I saw you on top of the building, just came up to see why people were up here." Yuka said. She wasn't that worried, Suki had taught her quite a few things in the last few weeks, and all three girls were very good looking in their own way. Though the bald one needed a better fashion sense, she at least had an athletic body. "Hey, maybe she knows where we can find what we're looking for." Zelda suggested. "If not we can always play with her." Janine and Link thought about it for a few seconds before nodding. So Link gave Yuka a shake. "Tell us where to find either a monster or something along those lines. I know he's around Tokyo somewhere, we just aren't sure where to find the target." "Why?" "Tell us!" Zelda yelled as electricity swirled around her. "Or I'll shock you!" Link rolled her eyes. "Cut it out Zelda, go shock someone else with that lame power." "Ah, ah " Yuka stuttered. "Well?!" Zelda yelled, ignoring Link. "Maybe, Ranma?" She suggested. He fit their description somewhat. Janine grabbed Yuka's hair. "Tell us about this Ranma?" "Well he's become rather well known lately " Yuka said, smirking a little. These three would be perfect for Ranma. oooooooooo For a little while there Ranma thought the girl was actually going to go through with it, but a part of him knew better. She put up a brave front, but no matter how much he used his aura she just got more and more nervous as they approached the tall building. Just as they reached the entrance gate her fidgeting reached it's peak and she raced off down the street. He stood there for a few seconds before deciding he might as well see if she was alright. It was easy to keep track of her, though he was shocked to see that she covered over two miles before she even started to slow down. Grinning, he took off after her moving at speeds that only a true master of the martial arts could achieve. He took the direct route though and cut over a mile off his own run and landed on top of a house several minutes later just as Kagura raced by below. She seemed to be okay as far as he could tell, but he didn't want it to end with her afraid of him. He followed her for another half mile, thinking she would head home, but instead she vaulted the gate to a school and raced towards the back. Ranma landed on top of the gate about twenty feet behind the girl and watched as she made her way to a another fenced in area in back. This one was the school's heated pool. He could see a tiny bit of vapor rising off the water as he drew closer. Kagura stood there for several seconds looking down into the pool as Ranma landed silently behind her. He hid his aura enough to make sure she didn't notice his arrival. She leaned her head back and heaved a sigh and quickly stripped her clothes off. Once she was nude, she dove into the water and started swimming. Ranma was impressed, he knew that very few non martial artists could run for over two miles and then start doing laps in a pool. He made his way over to her clothing and looked down to see that her panties were soaked clear through. She had been responding to him then, just resisting with all her might. Kagura finally calmed down as she reached the other end of the pool, spun around under water, and swam back to the other end under water. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions she didn't know how to understand. After listening to Tomo talk about this super hunk she had instantly wanted a piece of him. She knew she wanted him the instant she met him, but the closer she got to actually going through with it, she more frightened she got. She didn't even remember her run, just arriving outside the fence to the pool where she spent a large deal of her time training. This wasn't the first she ended up here in the middle of the night either and the swim always helped to clear her mind. She surfaced, grabbing the edge of the pool and gasping for air. Then froze and realized that the super-hunk was kneeling before her on his toes, legs spread to the side, giving her a perfect view of his crotch. The bulge there was impossible to ignore as it ran down one side of his leg. Her mouth fell open in shock. "Wha " "I didn't mean to frighten you." Ranma said. She almost panicked and nearly forgot her own name for a second, so the fact that she was naked in the water slipped hr mind as well. "You followed me?" Ranma nodded. "I wanted to make sure you were alright. I wasn't going to just abandon you and if you got hurt it would have been my fault." He explained. She gaped at him in shock and felt her body fill with an emotion she didn't recognize. "I'm alright, I just needed to get away. That's all." "Well then, I'll let you finish your swim in peace." Ranma said as he stood and made his way towards the fence. Kagura could see the muscles in his legs working as he walked and she suddenly felt rather hot. She was thankful to be in the pool. "Wait, maybe " Ranma stopped, but didn't turn around. "I'm not sure what I want to do." "To me it's only sex and a lot of fun. There are no strings attached." Ranma said. "I " Kagura said and shivered as a shudder went through her body. Turning around, Ranma walked back over to her. He took his shirt off and tossed it on top of hers. She could only stare up at the super-hunk before her and started to drool a little. "How about if I let you control the situation then?" "What?" "I'll get undressed and let you do whatever you want." Ranma explained. She could only nod dumbly as her body's needs took control of her mind and made her feel warm again. Once he was naked, Ranma could only smile a little as he saw her eyes glued to his cock as he hopped into the water beside the girl. Her hands came up to touch his rock hard chest almost instantly. "Touch whatever you like." Her hands wandered down below the water without a conscious thought on her part and gently touched the tip of his cock as it bobbed in the water. He wasn't hard yet, he wasn't limp either. "It's big." "I've heard that a time or two." Ranma said with a smirk and let himself harden in her hands. The sight and feeling mesmerized Kagura s it got longer and longer, taking both her hands just to hold it. Ranma pushed himself against her hands. She suddenly bobbed below the surface to get a better look at him. She came back to the surface and gave him a naughty grin. "I think I understand just why Tomo was raving about you." "So what's first?" "Um " She suddenly blushed. Ranma reached out and pulled her towards him and let their bodies touch. He let his cock move between her legs as she wrapped her self around him, almost using him for a seat. "Nothing to be embarrassed about, you are very beautiful." He let his hands wander down her body pressing the usual pressure points. Once she was in position, he grabbed her ass and pressed her against the side of the pool and leaned in to kiss her. She didn't know what to do at first, but she quickly figured it out as her whole body started to tingle. She molded herself to him, pressing her breasts against his chest as the kiss along almost gave her an orgasm. The kiss broke with a gasp of air and she gave him a shy, almost perverted smile. Ranma moved his kisses down her neck and chest and let her hands guide his head as he moved. She groaned deep in her throat as he found one of her nipples bobbing on the surface of the water. Her gasp confirmed that his pressure points were working perfectly. He let his hands continue to kneed her ass and rubbed his cock against her ass cheeks. Even through the heated water he could feel the growing heat between her legs. She was unconsciously rubbing herself against him as well. Just a little more and she would be ready for the next step, but he wasn't in any hurry to get it over with. Suddenly she arched back, her whole body shuddering. Her first orgasm wasn't a really strong one, but powerful enough to make her breathless. "We haven't even started anything yet." He teased her. "You're touching me in ways that make me hotter than hell." Kagura said. Her eyes were full of lust. Ranma chuckled. "Well in that case, what did you have in mind next?" She smirked as she reached below the surface and grabbed the base of his cock and gave it a little tug. "I want to feel this inside me." Lifting her up, he spun her around and pressed her against the side of the pool. She gave him a confused look for a second, but then his fingers delved down the crack of her ass and rubbed her pussy. She groaned and pressed herself back against him as he spread her open and maneuvered himself into position. "You are so good at this." "I'm the best." He whispered in her ear as he placed her weight on the tip of his cock and felt himself enter her. Kagura gasped as he entered her and felt something radiate out from her pussy that she's never felt before. Fulfillment, was the only word she could think of to describe it. There was very little pain, a lot less than she expected, instead she could feel a hunger filling her. "Oh god, this is incredible!!" One he felt she had adjusted to his cock, he started to slowly thrust. Kagura gasped, glorying in the intense feelings radiating from her pussy. She wasn't really a virgin, having lost her hymen long ago due to her intense athletic training. She'd even had several vibrators in there before, but never anything like this. Her whole body seemed to be throbbing in time to his thrusts, her breasts bobbed in the water, occasionally slapping against the side of the pool. She barely noticed as Ranma took her. She reached around and grabbed his head, leaning back, and kissing him. Her second orgasm hit without warning and she cried out as her whole world shifted. "AGHAAAAA!" Ranma buried himself as deeply into her as he could go and held her there for several seconds. He could feel her pussy shuddering around him. After several seconds she slumped forward and gasped for air, muttering things under her breath. Once Kagura got her breath back she lifted herself off him and completely out of the pool. Ranma admired her toned body as she lay on the ground beside the pool. He noticed that her eyes were glazed over. It was a look he saw in almost all the girls he had sex with and he took pride in it. "That was wow." Kagura muttered. He lifted himself out of the pool and she noticed that he was still hard. "You didn't cum?" "I can't cum that quickly." Ranma explained. She sat up and grabbed his cock. "Well we'll have to see about that." With that she opened her mouth and licked the side of his cock. Ranma sighed, he always enjoyed a blowjob. She licked, sucked, and worshiped his cock for several minutes with Ranma holding her head in place. She pouted a little as she finally backed off and looked up at him. "You're good at that." "Not good enough, it seems." He just chuckled as he pushed her down to the ground and moved between her legs. "Want to try something different? Or a repeat of what we just did?" "What do you mean by different?" Instead of saying anything, Ranma reached down and rubbed her asshole, using some of her still very wet pussy to lubricate it. She gave him a shocked look before spreading her legs as wide as they would go. "Let's give it a shot." Nodding, Ranma used the tip of his finger to penetrate her first and heard her gasp. He quickly had his whole finger buried in her and heard her mewling. Just to keep her attention, he leaned down and started to lick her pussy. She shuddered and nearly came a third time, but didn't quite reach it. Once he had her stretched enough, he shifted around and positioned himself against her. She watched wide eyed as he pressed against her and groaned in pain just before the head of his cock entered her. Kagura gasped and arched back with a gasp of shock. Instead of pain, she just felt full and rather naughty. Ranma thought she felt like a vice. It had been some time since he took a girl in this way. Then he recalled that he had experienced this exact same thing when he screwed those two guys a few days ago. At first Kagura didn't move, but as he started to thrust deeper and deeper into her, he could feel her body responding. She suddenly screamed out as her whole body exploded in a massive orgasm that left her completely helpless. Ranma closed his eyes and continued to thrust, letting his own orgasm build. Once he felt he had held off for as long as possible, he groaned and came. Kagura's eyes flew open as she felt something super hot firing into her body. The shock sent her into yet another orgasm that seemed to drain every bit of energy from her body. She didn't know she was screaming to god as her orgasm rippled through her body or that she actually lifted Ranma off the ground. Only that she passed out from the level of pure pleasure. As she collapsed back, Ranma pulled out of her with a sigh. He noticed that the girl slowly curled into a ball, shuddering occasionally from after shocks. It was impossible to miss the cum dribbling out of her ass as well. Her flushed skin made her incredibly beautiful under the low lighting of the night sky. He hopped in the pool and took a couple of minutes to clean himself off before getting dressed again. Kagura woke up with a sexy moan just as he was pulling his pants on. She rolled over and stretched like a cat. "You're such a naughty boy Ranma." "Yep, I am." He said modestly. Kagura laughed as she spread her legs. "I don't think I'll ever be able to get back to normal after that." "Sure you will." "You think so?" She asked as she looked at how open her asshole looked. After sex like that, was it any wonder that her inhibitions were completely gone? "I feel like a new woman." Ranma just laughed as he knelt down and kissed her. "I have to go, can you get home from here?" "I'm going to swim for a while before heading home." Kagura said. She also needed to get cleaned up. He nodded and handed her his card. "Give me a call if you want a repeat performance." She gave him a lusty smile and nodded. "Next time I won't play hard to get." "Good, we can play longer then." "You said no strings attached, right?" "Yep." "You sure you don't want a girlfriend? I can share." She winked at him. Ranma shook his head. "Tried it before and it turned bad on me less than two days later. I won't go through that again." He shuddered. "If you're serious about sharing, send a couple of your girlfriends in my direction. I think they'll enjoy it." Ranma said. Nodding, Kagura thought of Sakaki. "I might have someone in mind. Poor girl has such a bad time with cats though." "Cats?" Ranma asked, his voice calm. That was one problem he hadn't managed to completely overcome just yet. Kagura didn't notice though. "Yeah, I'll send her your way in a couple of days unless she hears about you from Yomi or Tomo. Tomo is just hyperactive enough to have pulled it off." Unknown to either of them, several people saw them having sex beside the pool, and all of them were fascinated by the spectacle. Ranma could be described as art in motion, no matter what he was doing, so it was to be expected. The first people to see him in action were Janine, Zelda, Link, and Yuka who had spotted Ranma roof hopping after Kagura. It hadn't taken the girls long to quickly follow after him and Yuka could tell that the three girls really, really liked what they saw. Zelda was barely holding her lust in as she gazed down at Ranma. Link was only slightly more reserved and even then she was shaking with pure lust. The only one that wasn't affected was Janine. She enjoyed the show, but didn't really see what the big deal was. She could conjure up something a lot more exciting than a back stabbing man. Still, he was easy enough on the eyes that she thought about using him for something at some point. Maybe, repainting her house, or something. Two others witnessed Ranma in action. Hovering high above the pool the Goddess Urd had several fingers buried in her pussy. She gasped as she pinched her nipples and quickly brought herself to a powerful orgasm. It still shocked her to have sensed such a powerful lust aura anywhere near the temple where she lived. She was very glad she investigated this. At first she thought a sex demon had gotten loose, but it turned out to be a young martial artist. She would have to get to know him a lot better as soon as she could. He might even be able to help her get Bell hooked up with Keiichi without Skuld messing things up. It only took her a second to record his energy signature so she could track him down later. She whistled softly when she saw just how powerful he really was. Smirking, she vanished in a swirl of energy. A couple miles away the last witness, Rei Hino, could only stare in shock at the Sacred Fire. Her whole body was covered in sweat, her robe was loose from her moving around and she knew her underwear was a total loss. She staggered to her feet and ran out of the room. oooooooooo To Be Continued Notes: Things are expanding out as Ranma moves closer and closer to his goal of screwing just about every girl in Tokyo. He's even caught the attention of Urd now and that can only lead to trouble. As always I'm trying to avoid the over used pairings, so don't jump to conclusions. You should have an idea who's coming next chapter. The Rei scene was rather cliché, I'll admit it, but I have something planned for her that will be truly unique. That won't be for a few chapters yet. I have several other girls I want to detail first. Techniques: Ki Tendril The tendril is something that Ranma has been creating for a few months now. He hasn't perfected it, but he's gotten it to the point where it's at least useful in his quest. Like most techniques, it's made of pure Lust Ki. This makes it both stronger than his normal aura and weaker. By containing it in a shape, the tendril only sends waves of lust through a target when it's touching skin, but it's impossible to ignore once it touches someone. Ranma hopes to be able to be able to turn it into an attack at some point, completely separate from him once released from his conscious control. Like a Jelly Tentacle demon or something along those lines. |