Cory's Fanfiction
 Playing With Ranma 10






Playing With Ranma
Chapter 10 – Creating Interest
Cory D Rose
© 2005

Telling Dr. Tofu about his ability to change into a sexy girl with red hair really wasn't high on Ranma's list of things to do any time soon. When she awoke the next morning, naked and still female, she almost panicked, but managed to keep calm enough to figure out that the secret was safe. His female form was something he just didn't tell people about. He learned that lesson the hard way.

Sitting up, she groaned a little and arched her back as she stretched. A perfect pose that let her long red hair cascade down her shoulders and back. Blinking a few times she let the sheet fall to her waist, exposing her breasts. Thinking back to the night before, it took several moments for her to remember everything.

Pluto screwing her brains out and making her pass out completely. It made her shiver as she recalled every minute of her tryst. She could almost feel and taste Pluto as she went over it in her head. Then she sat back against the wall with a sigh and saw the scroll on her night stand. Reaching over, she quickly opened it and began reading.

"Hmm…Dragon's Fire Potion." She read. Using a mix of ingredients and a large infusion of Ki energies, she would be able to create an aphrodisiac that would turn any girl that ingested it into a raving nymphomaniac for several hours. Ranma wondered whether he would even need something like this since he didn't really have problems seducing girls. They came to him quite willingly.

"It doesn't even seem to have any side effects though." She said under her breath. "Maybe it could be adapted for a different use."

She already knew a couple of substances that could do this, but they were incredibly addicting. He had even heard some rumors of teachers using the addicting stuff at small schools to turn the girls into sex slaves. Something Madam encouraged so long it didn't affect her organization.

This stuff didn't appear to be as addicting or dangerous as the others. Sex by itself was a lot of fun, so she thought that if this stuff was used it would work even better than the others. They would be desperate for the kinds of orgasms that it would produce. Ranma frowned as she looked at the ceiling, she didn't really like that idea at all.

Normally all she needed to do was bend her finger or flash some guy if she wanted someone. Still, it could be fun to try the stuff once and she could use her Ki to remove the effects of the drug. It would be interesting to experiment with it at least. A couple of girls came to mind right away, but she dismissed them as quickly. She didn't want to be like that.

The old Madam used something like that on her own girls when she wanted them to have sex with certain men. Turing the poor girls into drug crazed sluts in a matter of minutes. Madam didn't care about what happened to her girls either, as long as money was brought in. Ranma shook her head and got out of bed. She ran through several minutes of practice to calm her mind and take stock of the last several hours. She was going to have to make sure that nothing got to out of hand. This situation could blow up in her face if she wasn't careful.

Eventually she came to a stop, concentrated, and barely a second later Ranma was male again. Dressing, he put on a pair of pants and stepped out of his room and hung his shirt over his shoulder. He made his way downstairs and thought he should probably take as shower before he did anything else. He heard the doctor talking to someone and as he stepped around the corner. He smiled as he saw a familiar face. "Miss Tendo."

The Doctor and Nabiki were sitting down talking and her eyes went wide as Ranma called her name. She froze completely as he glided across the room without his shirt on. A small part of her mind realized that nearly every muscle in Ranma's upper torso stood out.

"…Um…" She said as her checks reddened.

"Ah Ranma, you're running later than normal this morning." Tofu said.

"Nabiki was just stopping in to discuss her sister Akane."


"Yep, the girl has been very subdued lately."

"That's good isn't it? That way she can let that anger of hers go."

Tofu nodded. "Well it's good and bad actually. It seems she's been showing signs of her returning to what she was like before."

Ranma glanced at Nabiki, covertly checking out her body. "Her father said he would try and help her out."

"He tried, but Akane's been training herself in the Art for years and dad is having problems controlling her explosive temper. So far he's managed to keep her from doing anything to stupid, but her anger is always simmering under the surface, it always has. You can see it in her eyes."

"I haven't seen her in several days, but it seems to be a little early for her to be acting like that." Ranma said and thought about the Ki he infused into her body.

"Sis is under a lot of pressure from several different directions." Nabiki explained. "She's also having problems overcoming what you did to her with that pressure point."

Ranma was a bit surprised at this. "Hmm, maybe I should have a talk with her?"

"Not a good idea." Nabiki said quickly. "Akane is like a lit fire cracker. The slightest little thing will set her off just like the other day."

"Doc?" Ranma asked.

"When it comes to Akane she really needs someone to talk to. She's been over compensating because of a tragedy that happened in the family about six years ago."

Nabiki gave Tofu a warning look.

He coughed. "I can't go into details about that."

"No problem." Ranma said. He already had a pretty good idea what it was from his one visit to the house. "Well, the only thing that comes to mind is that we can try and redirect her focus."

Tofu nodded. "Any ideas?"

"Well you know my specialty, but I don't think doing that to her would help her to much." Ranma said, tapping his chin with a finger.

The doc coughed. "True, that wouldn't go over too well with her."

"Wha…?" Nabiki asked.

"I've been set a goal by my mother that requires me to learn some rather odd martial arts types. Like the pressure point I used on your sister and hundreds of others like it." Ranma explained carefully.

Nabiki just looked confused. For once she couldn't piece the little clues together, though she hasn't stopped staring at his muscular chest. So she was a bit distracted.

"Ranma here has to perform a duty for his mother before she will acknowledge him as her son."

"Like what?"

"He has to havesexwithathousandwomen." He said hastily, blushing.

Blinking, Nabiki slowly worked out the sentence and gasped. Her eyes went wide and she started at Ranma. "A thou…"

"Thousand girls; she says she wants me to be a man among men. Any grandchildren produced are only a plus to her." Ranma shrugged. "I've been learning sexual martial arts techniques for the last several months so that I can do it."

"How many girls…so far…"

"One hundred and sixteen as of last night." Ranma said instantly.

Nabiki could only gasp.

Ranma smirked confidently and flared his aura a tiny bit and watched as her eyes slowly lost their sparkle. "I've learned a few tricks to help me along as well. As you just experienced." He said and relaxed his Ki.

"You did that?" Nabiki asked, shaking her head and ignoring the raging inferno of lust that just lit up between her legs. "What about a few days ago…"

"That too." Ranma confirmed.

The middle Tendo sister suddenly performed a full body blush. "Do you have any idea what kind of thoughts were going through my head?!"

"A pretty good idea." Ranma said confidently. "I like to pick a girl and get her as soon as I can."

Nabiki stood up, glared at him, and stomped out of the clinic.

"I never hurt the girl's I pick Nabiki." Ranma called after her. Of course Nabiki's shoe bounced off his head before she huffed and vanished out the front door.

Doctor Tofu laughed. "You are entirely too honest at times Ranma. Plus you completely forgot that we were talking about Akane."

Ranma shrugged. "Lying never got me anywhere. As for Akane, I was thinking of doing just like I said and redirecting her focus."


"She's a teenager and while I think a good bout in bed would do her a ton of good. I figure she may need something else instead."

"A friend to talk to about things."

"I'm almost frightened to ask." Tofu said dryly.

"Well you see if you can help her, if not, I'll try my way." Ranma said.

"I'm off to take a shower, and then I'll be around to help for most of the day."

Tofu nodded. "Mrs. Himura will be by in about an hour. She's been having some joint problems."

Ranma nodded. "I'll be down before she shows up."


Ranma really was too worn out after spending the evening with Pluto on top of Tokyo Tower, or he would have noticed the difference in the energy around him was subtly different than before. He instinctively absorbed small amounts of the Ki from the girls he had sex with and being exposed to the Scouts was altering his energy. Even the all knowing Pluto wasn't aware of this little change, it was too small, but would have an interesting effect later on.

He did his usual morning routine, got dressed, and spent the day helping Tofu with several patients. Most of them were older women complaining about one thing or another, but Ranma's presence was spreading across the area. Middle aged women were coming in to have him look them over occasionally.

Tofu knew they weren't sick, and so did Ranma, but he played along and let the women have their fun. He even helped a few of them out with the occasional Ki infusion to reignite their flagging sex drives.

With a bit of instruction from Dr. Tofu and a few scrolls, he gave the occasional massage, it turned the women to butter. Half of them staggered out of the clinic in a daze. The half were in even worse shape and Ranma had to talk fast to keep them from jumping him. He didn't want to do any thing while inside the clinic.

In between patients, he spent several hours thinking about the scroll in his room. His perfect memory allowed him to memorize the scroll after only one reading and he was even thinking about gathering the materials to make the potion. It would only take him a few hours to get them. Something about the stuff intrigued him more than it should.

He was also restless. After last night he would normally take a couple of days to rest. That kind of sex, while great, left him sore in places that didn't need to be mentioned. So it was after Tofu locked up for the day that Ranma stepped outside for a minute to get some fresh air. Suki instantly appeared in front of him, bowing.


"Lord Ranma, those two girls training is coming along, but they're growing restless."

"How so?" Ranma said, not sure if he should allow her to call him that or not.

"They've been in a near constant state sexual arousal for three days now. They need relief. Even the students at school have been noticing that something is wrong with the girls. They're both constantly flushed and horny beyond belief. They need a good fucking."

"I don't see the problem." Ranma said.

"They need sex, and lots of it. At Madam's, the girls had sex dozens of times a day, every few hours, until they learned the ropes. Right now that need isn't being met and they're burning up and growing frustrated."

"They can do as they please Suki, but if they want something to do, they can check on Akane Tendo. I believe they're friends with her after all."


"Akane needs a friend right now and those two are perfect for the job." Ranma said with a smirk.

"You know what they'll do to her right?"

"Of course, just what she needs."

"Ah." Suki said, blushing a little and nodding.

"Yes, and that is exactly what I want. Just tell them to avoid setting the girl's temper off."

"Yes sir." Suki said and jumped off.

Behind him a figure watched him from around a fence. Nabiki wasn't sure what Ranma was up to, but after hearing his conversation with that woman she was a little curious. What did Ranma have to do with any of Akane's friends and why would he send a couple of them to keep an eye on Akane? What the hell was he up to?

There seemed to be more to Ranma than she thought there was and he intrigued her. He was smart, strong, and seemed to make her heart flutter whenever she was around him. She hadn't felt an attraction like this since she was a freshman and she finally realized that she liked Kuno. Unfortunately that hadn't exactly worked out for the best. He was just too insane to live with.

Ranma also had a talent she wanted to use. It could make her a fortune if she called in several of the girls that she liked. Ranma would be closer to his goal and she would be richer by twenty thousand yen per girl, if she dealt her cards right. A win win situation, although there were the ethical implications to be considered.

Her father was also showing signs of improvement as well, so it might not work the way she was thinking. She would have to be careful. If her father could start training again, then she could have Ranma all to herself and could make some money on the side. She didn't mind sharing after all. The raging fire between her legs pulsed and she nearly gave herself away.

'God he's good.' She thought to herself.

She remembered his toned body and couldn't help drooling. Just looking at him made her soak her panties. His confidence filled the air around him in an almost physical way. That one aspect sent her fantasies into overdrive, but she wouldn't show him any weakness. If he wanted her, he would have to work for it.

She smirked and pulled out her cell phone. Of course she was worried about her little sister as well and Ranma's veiled evasion of getting her sister laid was spot on as far as she was concerned. Ever since she came to her senses at the clinic Akane had been acting strangely.

Akane was trying to keep control, acting nicer at times, and practicing more than she needed to. Nabiki wasn't sure what it meant at first and she hadn't told Tofu the whole story, but now that she thought about it she realized that Akane was frustrated. Sexually frustrated.

She would have to investigate Akane's room when she got home to see if her theory was right. Ranma's actions had opened a door Akane denied herself and she wasn't dealing with it very well. It made Nabiki think about all the times Akane got mad at people for suggesting sexual things to Akane.

Almost every night Nabiki could hear her sister masturbating for hours, unable to keep quiet during her orgasms. Just last night she heard at least twenty of them from her sister's room and there had to be even more she didn't hear. Shaking her head, she tapped a button and speed dialed her friend Ryonami.

"Ry, can you do me a favor, I need some of the girls to get into the records room…thanks. I'll by in a few minutes."


Ranma stopped in at a local café for a cup of tea. There were several things on his mind as he sat there. He knew that Suki was handling the girl's training just fine. Yuka and Sayuri would be in good hands until they completed their training. His own training, done on his own, had similar problems that had to be over come.

He put it out of his mind as he finished his tea and left the little shop. When learning to control his lust aura several lessons had to be learned the hard way. His aura flowed around him constantly, affecting him as much as the girls he used it on. This was only overcome by accepting that part of him and mastering the aura.

Every now and then he would spot a girl looking at him from across the street, or from the end of an alley an know that his aura was working perfectly. Or so he thought at first. This wasn't all that unusual, but his instincts were trying to tell him that something was up.

Instead of heading down the road to the supermarket, he decided to see if the girls were interested in more than looking. He went down a small side street and raced around the block. He didn't spot any of them chasing after him, but they did seem to know each other.

Several old women were cleaning their walks as he raced by, but he didn't pay attention to them. Instead he watched out of the corner of his eye, and spotted another girl watching him from down the block. She was a little familiar and he gave her a smile. The girl blushed a solid red and ducked out of sight before he could move towards her.

Things were quiet for a few minutes as he wandered through the streets, but then the girls started to watch him again. He realized that there might be something more going on than a group of horny girls. Well, he would have to do something about that. Grinning a little, he stepped into an alleyway and used a ninja trick to vanish.

It only took them a couple of minutes to understand that they lost his trail and they weren't to happy about it. Spreading out, the girls ran around looking for several minutes before calling someone on a cell phone. Ranma wasn't a big fan of modern technology, but he knew it had some good uses. He would have to see if he could figure out who was just called.

It was a girl with short brown hair that went into the alley to search for a door. Or some place where the boy might be hiding, Instead, she found something she didn't expect. Much to her pleasure.

The only thing she saw was a tiny bit of movement out of the corner of her eye. She hit the wall of the alley a little hard and tried to get away as Ranma held her in place with his forearm. Her eyes went wide as he came close, almost breathing on her face as he studied her, making butterflies fill her stomach.

He ran his fingernails down her forearm, looking deeply into her eyes and she felt a heat filling her body. Then he took he wrists and held her arms above her body and smiled. She couldn't see the massive aura Ranma was putting out, but it was felt by nearly every woman for a block.

"Who are you?" Ranma said in a deep voice that made the girl gasp.

Her nipples were rock hard, standing out noticeably. Shaking her head, she tried to focus, but his eyes mesmerized her. "Takaha." She whispered.

Stepping closer, Ranma's other hand came up to touch her neck and sent a wave of pleasure through her body. Her pussy was instantly wet and dripping down her leg. "Well Takaha, why are you following me?"

Takaha had to shiver. His voice reached deep into her soul and made her whole body tingle. "I…I don't k-know what…"

A finger traced down the front of her school uniform and took her breath away, making her moan. Breathing a little faster, she tried to get away, but her resistance was quickly weakening. Whatever he was doing to her was making it hard to think. "N…Na…No, I won't say…"

Ranma just gave a smile and her knees went weak, she went limp. "Nabiki perhaps?"

Her eyes went wide.

"Ah, just as I thought, she likes to play before she does anything else. I know the type, she needs to be in control of things to feel comfortable, needed." He breathed into her ear as his hand roved down to touch her bare thigh, just under her skirt.


Stepping back, Ranma's hand came up holding the girl's panties. He gave them a little sniff, watching for a reaction, just before he ran down the alley. Jumping to the top of a nearby house, he gave her a wave, and ran off.

Takaha let out a long sigh and found herself on her knees panting for air.
She felt like she just gave up something precious, but he didn't do anything to her really. But that didn't explain why her body was suddenly craving sex unlike any time in her life. A few minutes ago she would have done anything to have that hunk between her legs. Anything he desired, but now he was gone and she felt empty and frustrated.

"The jerk just stole my panties!" She whispered, pulling out her cell phone.

"Oh god, Nabiki is going to be so mad."


Several things went through Ranma's mind as he thought about what the girl told him. It wasn't to much of a surprise that Nabiki would act like this. His energy was still effecting her in certain ways, even after several days. Few girls resisted the infusion of energy, but those that did were worth the effort to seduce them.

He stood on the corner, leaning against the fence and stared at the front of Furinkan High School. His senses went out and entered the school. He still hasn't mastered fine control of this ability, but that didn't normally matter when he had so much Ki available for it. But finding one girl inside the building, when he didn't even know where she took her classes was completely different.

Sweat formed on his head as he gently touched on girl after girl, taking a measure of their aura and moving on. He came across Yuka and Sayuri, feeling a growing torrent of lust within them and chuckled. Those two were going to be so much fun once they finished their training and learned to use their aura properly.

He also spotted Suki on the roof making something. At some point he would have to get her to teach him some of her secrets. She did belong to him now, no matter how much she denied it. His senses went on to the next girl, he eventually found the room he was looking for and the radiant energy of Nabiki Tendo.

Inside the school, Nabiki was frowning as she thought over the report Takaha had given on the phone. She wasn't to surprised that Ranma could do that to a girl, she wanted to know how it was done. Dr. Tofu had never done anything like this with his pressure points. Ranma fascinated her and his skills made her wonder if she should have kept up her martial arts training.

Even after thinking about it for several minutes she was still confused about Ranma's reasons for doing what he did. They were occasionally caught, but they usually didn't have much trouble getting away if they said they worked for her. Instead Ranma had used one of his skills to overwhelm Takaha, a devout lesbian in a matter of seconds.

From what she could tell, he had swooped down, manipulated the girl with ease, and taken what he wanted. She shivered, that was so like a man. The more she learned about Ranma the more she liked him. His strength and confidence sent a tingle to her toes that made her wet with lust. Even Takaha admitted that she would have given in to him.

'What a man.' She thought.

There was something almost animal like about him. A savage beast like quality that sent chills down her spine whenever they were near each other. Then she recalled what he said earlier. About picking her and that he would never hurt her. Even after a few hours lust still ran rampant through her body, making her squirm in her seat.

Suddenly she felt something brush along her skin, like a feather slowly caressing her entire body and all it erogenous zones at once. So intense that she nearly let out a loud moan of pleasure at the unexpected feeling. Her nipples instantly hardened as she wiggled around in her seat a little more.

No one took notice of her though. The teacher was just to boring to keep the rest of the students awake and learning. Her breathing sped up a little and the feeling swept over her a couple more times, as if it was saying hello. This time a hiss escaped her lips.

A girl in the row next to her gave her an inquiring look. "Are you alright?" She whispered.

"I'm fine." She said.

The girl just nodded. "If you're sure."

Nabiki could feel he juices running down her legs now. Another feeling started and this time she knew that she would cum if she didn't do something. Like Akane, she didn't have the ability to stay quiet when she came. Blushing, she leaned against her desk to try and resist when the bell rang, startling her half out of her mind. She nearly fell out of her desk.

Jumping up, she put away her books and ran out of the room before anyone could bother her. A tug at her senses made her head for the front door of the school instead of the bathroom where she could relieve her growing need to cum. It was only when she made it outside that she spotted the one doing it to her.

"Ranma…" She said under her breath, every sense in her body was tingling now.

Once outside, she saw that Ranma was across the street staring at her with those piercing eyes of his. Even at this distance she could feel his presence almost enveloping her. Shaking her head, she went over to where he was standing. "Stop whatever your doing, or else." She snapped.

He grinned and took hold of her chin. It sent a burst of pleasure through her that nearly made her fall to the ground. His touch was almost the most incredible thing she ever felt. Her knees nearly gave out as she tried to resist his advances, but she wanted him at the same time. "You've been a naughty girl, sending all those girls to keep an eye on me. All you had to do was ask and I'd give you the best night of our life."

"T-they were just…" She stuttered.

Ranma's face was barely an inch away from hers and it made her stomach fill with butterflies. Her body wouldn't respond as she tried to step back, his eyes held her completely. "I will not play your game Nabiki, but I will have you." He said confidently.

"I d-don't think so." She snapped.

"I can tell that you want me Nabiki, just as I want you. I can smell your excitement, the blush of your skin, the way you're breathing. Even your nipples are ready for some attention." He said, covertly caressing them through her shirt.

She nearly creamed her panties right there and little flashes of light flickered behind her eyes. Gasping, she nearly fell in shock. Her eyes were full of lust as the sensation slowly went away, but left a powerful longing need in its place. "St-stop this, I want…"

"Me." Ranma's voice, almost commanded. "Unless you really want me to stop, but I don't think you do."

Nabiki was torn. Her mind screamed for her to get away. She was not this easy and would not give in to his advances. Her body was experiencing something completely new and incredible. It wanted to rip Ranma's clothes off right there in the middle of the sidewalk. She couldn't find the energy to make up her mind.

Her fear was melting away. "I don't know what I want."

Grinning, Ranma went around Nabiki and gave her shoulders a gentle massage. Within seconds she let off a moan of pleasure. "You're very tense. Don't you ever take a break? I can give you something incredible."

"No, not to relax." She said. It hurt to admit it. "Daddy's useless, or nearly so…"

"I can give you what you need."

A gasp left her throat as he rubbed her lower back. It felt so good, his hands radiated strength and power. His confidence was incredible and she cold feel the power he held at his fingertips and she wanted it. Only pride kept her from giving in and allowing him to win, he would have to work for his prize. "I've…never been with a boy…" She said with a second gasp.

"My aura isn't affecting you right now." His voice said quietly, right next to her ear. "We can go some place more private if you want to?" With a push she was leaning against the wall with him pressing against her. "Or I can give you more time to think about it."

Her eyes went wide as she felt something crawling up her legs and beneath her skirt. She looked down to see nearly invisible tendrils of energy wrapping themselves around her legs. "Wha…"

"A little trick I learned several months ago. A ninja trick actually." Ranma explained. "It's supposed to bind an opponent, but with a little modification, the right kind of Ki, and it can be used for so much more."

She nearly fell down as the energy went around her thighs and went right for her panties. Gasping for breath, she could only stand there and enjoy the feeling as it teased her to completely new heights. Her eyes started to roll back in her head.

"Well?" Ranma asked again.

It took the last bit of Nabiki's strength, but she pushed back and sent Ranma stumbling back. Turning around, she stood there gasping for air, fully aware that her eyes were full of lust and need. "No." She said, her body protested, but she ignored it.

Ranma smirked. "I will have you."

"Maybe, but I'm not that easy."

Chuckling, Ranma gave her a little bow. "I like a girl that fights back. Maybe next week then, after you've had time to think about my offer."

With a simple jump, he flipped over her head to land on the fence. His eyes, also full of lust, made her shiver, but she shook her head again. He ran down the fence, quickly vanishing around a corner. It took her fifteen minutes to pull herself back together.

There was no way she could just go back to school after that. Now she understood why Takaha said Ranma was irresistible. She needed relief after that and headed for home. She would have to change her underwear too. Never in her life had she been this aroused.

"What an animal." She said as she headed for home and her stash of adult toys. There was no way she would be able to think straight tonight unless she relieved herself.


Ranma had perfect control of his body's responses, so he was able to keep his pants from tenting with a giant erection as he roof hopped. He still had a large build up of energy though. He would have to work it off in some way, so he spent nearly an hour running around the city.

A cold shower just wouldn't work when he was like this. Eventually he found himself standing in the back lot of an old temple. He sat down and carefully got his Ki back to a normal unaroused state with a bit of meditation. Even then he was grinning by the time he got done. Getting Nabiki into bed was going to be a challenge.

He hadn't had a challenge in a while. He was a little excited by the prospect of a challenge. It would give him something to work for and Nabiki would be a lot of fun. His thoughts slowly came to a stop as he went into his center and didn't come out for nearly two hours.

Only when he was slowly leaving his trance did he notice that he wasn't alone. Sitting off to the side, on a stump of a tree, was a girl with blond hair done up in a couple of little balls on top of her head. From the balls beautiful blond hair hung down her body, it almost went to the ground. She wore a simple blue and white school uniform.


The girl just stood there looking at him. "I want to talk to you."

"Go ahead, anything for a cute girl like you." He said with a grin.

"Why are you f-fucking all my friends?" She asked, blushing to the roots of her hair.

The question caught him off guard. "Um…huh?"

"Pluto, Jupiter, even Mamoru?"

Blinking, Ranma took a second to get over his shock. "No particular reason, I'm just on a quest." He admitted. "That and they are a lot of fun. Why?"

The girl gave him a cute glare. "They haven't been the same since they met you. Are you just going to abandon them?"

"I don't understand." Ranma said, though an inkling of an idea surfaced within his mind.

Usagi huffed. "You don't just have sex with a girl and then abandon her!"

Ranma could only gape at her.

Her fists were clenching and unclenching as she paced back and forth in front of him. On any other day Ranma might've tried to seduce her, but his curiosity was getting the better of him. "I still don't understand what you want and I didn't abandon them, I was up front with what I wanted and they agreed."

The girl gave one of her pony tales a good yank in frustration. "Jupiter has been floating around on a cloud of lust since she met you!" Usagi yelled.

"She's been obsessed with sex more and more lately. And Pluto is even worse!"

The girl quickly built up a good head of steam as she ranted at him. "If that's not bad enough, I have to be walking down a street just as you jump over! I've had to 'see' everything you did to my friends! It was…was…"

Now Ranma smirked. "I'm not sure who you are, but I think you might be over reacting to what I did."

"I AM NOT OVER REACTING!" Usagi screamed, then took a few seconds to gasp for air.

Standing up, Ranma came over to the girl and took her by the shoulders. Looking into her eyes, his aura enveloped the two of them for a few seconds before vanishing. The girl's eyes widened just a little before he let go of her shoulders. "Alright, I'll tell you exactly why I had sex with your friends if you tell me who you are and how you know all this." He said seriously.

She broke away to glare at him. "I'm…oh no…" She began, but quickly came to a stop.

His eyebrows went up, asking a silent question.

"I'vemadeahorriblemistakegottagobye!" Usagi said in a rush, ran off through the trees, and disappeared.

Ranma could only gape at where the girl for a few seconds before shrugging it off. He would have to keep an eye for her the next time he met up with a Sailor Scout. Now that he thought about it, he couldn't quite recall what her face looked like. Just a fuzzy idea and that odd hair, but the image just slipped away.

"Weird, must be some kind of magic." He said to himself. "What the hell is it with girl's running away from me today?"


End Chapter 10

Notes: Not quite as sex oriented as some of the earlier chapters, but this one is a bit of a calm down chapter compared to the last one. Ranma getting the Tendo girls is a large part of this story's loose plot, so he won't just get them in the course of one chapter. Akane and Kasumi will take just as much work as Nabiki will.

So far Nabiki is the only girl to ever resist Ranma, but that resistance is quickly fading. As you can tell, he has a hell of an effect on on the girl's that catch his eye. Only her pride allowed her to push him away. He could also have easily taken Takaha, but Nabiki is next on his list.

The scouts aren't a main part of this story, but they make good lovers for Ranma. I have many pairings left for Ranma to explore and a tiny bit of plot thrown in for the heck of it.


Ki Bind/Fingers: Made from pure Ki, the user is able to wrap the energy around someone to bind them. Ranma used it to stimulate Nabiki's nerve endings with small burst of his lust Ki filling the energy ropes. It can also be used to create energy tentacles, though I probably won't use anything like that unless it's a major scene.