Cory's Fanfiction
 Playing With Ranma 07






Playing With Ranma
Chapter 07 – Ninja!
Cory D Rose

© 2005

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Ranma said and altered his stance just a little, giving him a much more dangerous appearance.


The very air rippled around Ranma as he stood there, his muscles tensed, ready to launch an instant attack against the purple haired girl in front of him. There was no way he'd let this girl take him back no matter how strong she was. After ditching the old man and striking out on his own, Ranma could recall meeting a lot of different kinds of people.

Most of them hadn't been the best kind of person, but that never really stopped him from trying to get along with them. Over the years, after being dragged from seedy motels to the closest brothel with Genma, he wasn't as naïve as people though he was.

After finding those ninja techniques his whole life had changed, even he had to admit that. Still, as he watched the ninja girl, there were aspects of his current training that he really didn't want to remember. Madam was one of those people he never wanted to see again. She lied to him, tricked him, used him like a rag and then expected him to be grateful for it just because she did something nice for him.

Ranma didn't play that game.

The old man had gotten in enough trouble over the years, so Ranma hadn't exactly been blind to what was happening, but there wasn't any way to avoid it either. He was just glad he got out when he did, but they chased after him almost from the beginning. Madam didn't like to lose people once she got her claws in them. The woman knew about his curse too, telling her was the biggest mistake he'd ever made.

After showing her things changed. She went from being a knowledgeable old woman to being a controlling old bat. Suki here was a prime example of just how far the woman would go to keep her people close. Brainwashing. Ranma wasn't sure how she did it, but after a session in the 'room' everyone came out as a different person, loyal to Madam.

There was no way he'd ever allow himself to go through that. Suki screamed like a banshee as she ran at Ranma, her hand darting into her shirt, grabbing something, and throwing it. Ranma dodged whatever it was easily as he stepped into her charge and kicked her in the stomach and followed that with a couple of palm strikes that sent the girl to the ground.

Her counter attack was a kick to his knee as she went down, but he jumped into the air.

"Come on you can do better than that!" Ranma said. She smirked a little as she rolled to her and grey smoke billowed from her clothing. She twisted around into a crouch even as the smoke obscured everything for several feet in every direction. Then, even as Ranma was about the land from his jump, a shuriken flew out of the cloud and hit him in the thigh.

He looked down at it in shock for half a second before jumping to the side, right into the cloud of smoke. As it covered him he pulled the shuriken from his leg. He could tell just by feel that something was coating the thing. He hated drugs and poisons, they always led to something nasty happening.

"Missed me Bitch!" He yelled. Silently cursing himself for letting himself lose his fighting edge in favor of mastering his sex techniques. He would have to end this quick. Closing his eyes, he knelt down and opened his senses to the environment around him. Sensing every movement, sound, and smell within the area.

"OHOHOHOHO! It's time for you to come back to the Madam Foaming Pussy, she Desires you badly."

Ranma shuddered. Now the girl's language skills were starting improve as well. Ninja were always masters of deception. He kept his mouth shut and ignored the blood running down his leg as he knelt there. The first thing he needed was a plan, but he could feel the drug from the shuriken starting to affect him already.

Gritting his teeth, he 'adjusted' himself as his man hood started to rise up in his pants. He hated drugs. Then the smoke around him seemed to shift and roll as Suki landed on his head and knocked him into the dirt. Only Ranma's trained reflexes, though a little rusty, allowed him to counter attack.

He rolled with blow, hitting the ground with his shoulder first as his arm lashed upwards, the tip of his finger glowing with Ki. Jabbing her right between the legs with a rip of cloth. As the Ki invaded her body he could feel her body arch even as she screamed and fell to the ground writhing. "…Clit Burst…" Ranma hissed as he tried to regain control of his body, but the world was spinning.

Suki screamed again as the powerful pressure point continued its assault. Crawling over to her, Ranma reached out and ripped her clothing off. He would have to work fast because of the drug, but she wouldn't be able to move after experiencing the Clit Burst technique. Though she would be numb for the next several days at least.

As the smoke began to clear he got his first look at her naked body and had to admire her. She was in fantastic shape, large breasts, perfectly shaped legs, and had a great ass. Just what he expected form a student of the Madam. "You're mine now."

Another orgasm rocked the girl's body as Ranma spread her legs to get a better look. He focused and hit several more pressure points along her stomach and thighs, increasing what she was feeling ten fold. He dropped his pants and let his man hood out into the air.

He could barely focus as he entered her, but he could feel her juices running out around his cock. Because of the drug he could tell that this was going to be a different experience at least. It nearly sent him over the edge in an instant and that couldn't happen if he wanted to survive this. Suki suddenly sat up, grabbed him around the waist and yanked him forward as she wrapped her legs around him. "You just make mistake."

She flexed her internal muscles and Ranma felt a vice grip his shaft and nearly crush it. Sweat rolled down his face as he realized that the drug had affected his judgment more than he thought. She squeezed him again.


"You belong to Madam now and forever, you never leave. She tell me to punish you."

Her inner wall muscles started to almost dance around his cock, stimulating him in incredible ways. Ranma could barely concentrate as this was going on. She was filling his body with pleasure, enough to break a normal man. It just might be enough to break him as well.

He knew that the instant he gave in to her she would enslave him and his live as he knew it would be over. She flexed, he grunted, and all of a sudden couldn't stop himself from plunging into her. Ranma wasn't sure what she did, but he could tell that it was some kind of technique. She grinned wickedly and licked his neck, sending a chill down his spine. Gritting his teeth, Ranma forced himself to stop, but the most he could do was slow himself down to a crawl.

"I'll not…give in."

"You mine." Suki said. "Forever."

"Ne…grunt…never." Ranma could feel his body building up energy as his control slipped and he rammed into her, making her breasts wobbled. Then he got a crazy idea and decided that he didn't have any other choice. Looking down at her he suddenly smirked.

She blinked at him.

Ranma shifted his position and pulled her legs to his shoulders, then tapped a pressure point along her pelvic bone. This took half a second, no time at all for her to react. Shifting his weight a second time, he pinned her shoulders to the ground, focused, and started to truly fuck her. With his legs spread, he started to pick up speed, pounding into her at about five thrusts a second. As he watched she tried desperately to regain control of herself, but with him gliding across her clit at that speed, it was like a powerful vibrator.

She opened her mouth and he leaned down and kissed her, sending a burst of lust Ki directly into her body. She moaned and he finally saw her nipples harden even as her breasts flopped up and down with the force of his fuck.

Then Ranma shifted his position again, this time rolling her onto her shoulders and leaving her waist in the air as he pounded into her. Her pussy was turning hotter than hell, but he didn't even slow down.

Instead he picked up speed. Juices started to dribble out of her seconds later and he could see her eyes rolling back into her head. Then she started to gasp for air and mutter gods name over and over in Chinese.

Growling, Ranma decided that she needed to be taught a lesson, so he stopped pounding into her and touched her clitoris with his index finger. A spark shot from his finger and struck her, causing her to gasp and twitch. "What…you do?"

Sneering, Ranma ignored her and started pounding into her again. She opened her mouth, a look of fear appearing in her eyes, and drool dribbled out onto the ground. Then Ranma's body formed a visible aura that flared around him and reached out to touch Suki's body.

She screamed for him to stop, that she would never bother him again and that she didn't want him to hurt her. Ranma knew she was lying, she would have done the same thing to him without hesitation. Suddenly his aura started flowing into her body.

He could feel her insides turn white hot as she suddenly froze at the peak of an orgasm. Her skin was a rosy red color and he could see her muscles flexing under the skin as she struggled. Then Ranma let his lust Ki do its work and he twisted one of her nipples hard.

Suki arched, even under his weight and screamed. Ranma could see his Ki radiating out of her mouth, eyes, and pussy as she went over the edge. Baring down, he changed the tempo of his thrusts and released the breaker he was using to forestall his own orgasm.

His energy invaded her body as her orgasm ripped through her. He watched her eyes as he used his Ki to invade her mind, touching several places with his Ki and infusing her pleasure centers with his energy. As he watched her orgasm started to increase in intensity, sending a stream of juices spraying out of her body, even with him still thrusting into her.


As her eyes shrank to pin pricks, Ranma let his body cum. He shot a bucket full of cum into her body. Sending her over the edge again as he used his Ki to tweak her pleasure centers. She screamed and bucked through a series of multiple orgasms.

Then they froze, Suki twitching within her orgasm induced state. Ranma, his eyes covered in shadows, pulled his cock out of her and shot even more cum all over her body. Suki collapsed to the ground, her legs spread limply, cum dripping out of her in one long stream.

Ranma stood up, adjusted his clothing, and watched her for several minutes. The girl was still having after shocks form the orgasm, occasionally shuddering and moaning loudly. Tears dripped from her eyes, drool ran off the edge of her chin, and her eyes were so dilated that Ranma didn't think she would be able to see straight for some time.

She blinked a few times and turned her head to look in his direction.


"Get to your knees." Ranma ordered.

Suki rolled to her knees and bowed to Ranma. "Master."

"You belong to me now. I control your thoughts, your body, and your actions. Understand?"

"Yes Master."

"You forced this on yourself with your actions. I didn't want to do this, but you left me with very few options. Now tell me your position in Madam's circle of girls."

"I'm a Dominator. I capture new girls and bring back run away like yourself, master." Suki said. She shivered as she realized that her master's cum was still dripping off her body. She wanted to lick it off her arms and saver every drop. "May I clean myself up?"

"You may not, stay exactly where you are."

"Yes Master."

Ranma wasn't to worried, but they were in a semi secluded spot so the chances of someone actually seeing any of this was a little remote. He tweaked the link he'd created into her mind and she twitched as her body filled with pleasure, making her moan loudly.

"I should kill you right here."

"Yes master." She said, shivering as the pleasure only increased. She belonged to the master completely.

Ranma let up on the link and the girl slumped to the ground shivering in delight and loss. He really didn't like using techniques like this, but they did have their uses at times. Shrugging, he told her to stand up. "A few houses from here there should be a pool or outdoor shower, find it, get cleaned up. On the outside only, You may not touch yourself while you are away from me. Understand?"

"Yes Master."

"Do not let anyone see you. You have ten minutes to get back here. Go!" Suki jumped to the nearest roof and vanished from sight in a matter of seconds. Then Ranma staggered over to a nearby bench and sat down. His energy was almost completely drained after all that. After spending one of the better nights of his life fucking two men as a girl, then having to fight this girl, Ranma didn't have much left.

Still, after those two guys he had to admit that the session with them had helped toughen him up for the girl. She hadn't taken into account how tired his body would be after those guys and that had given him an advantage. Ranma was just glad that he had found a way to use that drug to his advantage or she would have won.

He smiled to himself and made a mental note to write his new technique down in his journal. The drug, once it did its job had filled his body with lust. At that point he realized he could draw it into his aura and place the effect in someone else's body.

Reaching into his subspace pocket, Ranma pulled out a set of regular Chinese tangs, slightly oversized for his girl form and sat them on the bench beside him. He could feel the girl, about four blocks away, as she was heading back towards him. Their link allowed him to feel her emotions and he could feel her naughty excitement. An after effect of what he did to her mind and body.

Suki landed at his feet, already bowing to him. "I have returned master." "Excellent." Ranma said as he examined her now clean body. He handed her the clothing. "Now put these on."

She quickly got dressed, but stopped as she noticed that there was no underwear. She glanced at him.

"No panties, ever, get dressed."

Nodding in understanding, she finished getting dressed and tied the pants closed a few seconds later. His shoes didn't fit her though, so Ranma put them away and motioned for her to kneel in front of him. "From this day forward you will serve me as a ninja, no one else."

"Yes Master."

"You may call me Ranma, or Ranma-sama. Nothing else." He told her in a dangerous voice.

"Ranma-sama." She said, shivering as he tweaked their link. To her it felt like a pair of hands gently caressing her entire body at once. "Do you know how to act the part?"

"Yes Ranma-sama."

"Then do so, I will use you as a servant and sex slave, but I don't want to see you unless I want to."

Suki nodded.

"Lastly, what was your original name."

"This one does not remember."

Ranma blinked in surprise, then shrugged. "From this day forward you will be allowed to keep your current name, unless you displease me." "You honor me Ranma-sama."

"Now I'm going back home. You may go amuse yourself until I have more duties for you to perform. This will include earning us some extra money to feed yourself." Ranma said as she nodded and vanished into the trees.

He could still sense her presence if he looked for it, but she was completely invisible to the eye. Nodding, Ranma tweaked the link and heard her moan loudly and felt a bit of her pleasure. Then he headed home.

Several houses away an old man tapped out his pipe as he thought about what he'd just watched his former student do. That girl had him beaten, it was just a matter of wearing him out, when the boy had just turned the tables on her. He shook his head.

The boy had spent three months with him learning all as much as he could. In all that time Ranma had never once backed down from doing anything weird and had shown more promise than any other student he'd ever had. After several minutes of more thought the old man nodded and decided that Ranma might be worthy after all.

There would have to be some tests of course.


Ranma was rather disgusted with himself. His aura felt dirty and unclean as he had second thoughts about what he'd just done to that girl. No matter how much he tried to rationalize it though, it always came back to the simple fact that she was more than willing to the same thing to him without a second thought.

He'd met several ninja retainers over the last year and learned almost nothing about them. Only that they would do anything they were told to do. Maybe he could look up some information in the library about how to use the girl appropriately.

She certainly had some skills that could be a lot of fun to use. Shrugging, he put the matter out of his head as he entered Nerima again. Something about the town just felt good to him. There was something in the air. Something that called him on a spiritual level.

As he walked he examined his energy level and found that he'd used up almost all of it. He thought about the fight and realized that he'd used most of it when he created that new move of his. It would have knocked him unconscious if he hadn't absorbed all that energy from those guys.

Still, it just meant he would have to find some lovelies to play around with. He turned a corner and spotted a sidewalk yati set up and wandered over. He smiled as he noticed that there was a girl running the grill. She had her hair tied back to keep it out of the grill as she worked. Several men were eating there already and they eyed like dogs looking for a fight. Ranma ignored them as he reached the stand and read a menu tacked to a side wall.

"What can I get for you?" The girl asked.

Ranma would have loved to stay and play, but he was just tired and hungry at the moment. He made a mental note to see if he could find the girl another day though, she was kind of cute. In chubby kind of way. "I'd like the Orange Chicken, light on the sugar."

She nodded and stepped over the grill to start making the sauce. About forty minutes later Ranma wandered into Dr. Tofu's clinic as he finished off the last of his meal and tossed the remains in the trash. He nodded at several of the old woman that were waiting to see the doctor. "Ladies."

They all giggled and nodded at him.


"What's wrong with her?" The man asked.

The doctor shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. She seems to be exhausted for some reason. Has she been pushing herself to much lately?" "No, not really. Just school and the normal things she does during the day."

A woman said.

The doctor bent down and took another look at Yuka. She was laying in bed, a giant grin plastered on her face. The grin scared her parents, standing next to the doctor, more than they wanted to admit. Her school uniform was a complete mess, covered in dirt and other substances that were impossible to identify.

She hadn't even attended school either. They were at home when they looked out the window and saw their little girl staggering down the street. They noticed her clothing first and ran out to see if she was alright, but then they saw her messy hair, slightly wild eyes, and reddish skin. They guided her inside and instantly called a doctor, but he wasn't being very helpful. Yuka looked up at all of them, grinned a little wider, and started to sing to herself. Her mother gasped at her daughter and burst into tears as she glomped her.

"My baby is dying!"

"No!" Her father yelled. "Not my little princess!"

"Um, she just needs some sleep." The Doctor said. "She'll be fine in the morning."

"Are you sure doctor? She's acting so oddly." Yuka's mother asked. "Of course, she's just wore out is all. Give her a few hours sleep and she'll perk right up."


Nodding, the Doctor grabbed his things. "If she does need to be looked at more look up a Dr. Tofu, who works in the area. He's worked on a number of cases similar to this lately, as well as martial arts related attacks along the border with Juban."

"Of course Doctor." Yuka's father said and closed the door as the man left.

"Honey that was a giant waste of time."

"But my baby was dying!"

"Look, our daughter is already asleep." He said, pointing at Yuka.

"But what happened to her?!"

"We'll have to wait till she wakes up."

They sighed together.

"If it's a boy I'll kill him."

Yuka's mother nodded.


Sayuri ran down the street, down a back alley, and stopped in front of a small gate in the stone wall. She was wearing a pair of jeans, a simple yellow shirt, and a long coat to keep the cold air at bay. She pressed her hand against the wall for a second to catch her breath.

Then she peaked through the gate to see the back of a house. Her friend Yuka's house to be exact. About twenty minutes ago she'd gotten a panicked phone call from her friend's parents about Yuka. She wasn't sure about the details, but she heard enough to be worried.

Yuka hadn't gone to school today and Sayuri had been a little worried, but not that much. Not until the phone call. Now she wanted to see if her friend was alright. Looking both ways, she crouched down and easily jumped up to the top of the four foot wall and landed in the back yard.

She didn't have Akane's martial arts skills, but two years on the Rhythmic gymnastics team had given her some skills. As soon as she landed she ran across the yard as silently as possible. Glancing at the side of the house, she spotted Yuka's room and glanced inside.

Yuka was wrapped in a thick blanket and buried under her covers. About the only thing she could see was he friend's hair hanging out one end of the bed. Giggling a little, she knocked on the window twice, then three times. A code that only Akane knew and had never used.

She heard a shuffling sound, then the window slowly opened and Yuka peaked her head out. "Sayuri?" She whispered.

"Yuka." She said.

They smiled at each other.

"I was worried about you." Sayuri explained.

Yuka laughed quietly and motioned for the girl to come through the window. A few seconds later Sayuri hopped up the ledge, bounced off Yuka's bed, and landed on the floor. Yuka turned to face her and Sayuri noticed that she was wrapped in her bed sheet.

"I had something incredible happen this morning." She gushed, blushing a bright red.


"You know how I get whenever I've done Hiroshi?"

Sayuri nodded, blushing a little.

"Well, I was like that, only a thousand times worse." Yuka said and giggled.

"I found a real man this morning."

Now Sayuri was gaping. "No!"

Yuka nodded and giggled again. "Oh god, I'm still tingling!" She gushed.

"Who was it?!"

Blushing, Yuka started thinking of Ranma as he held her against the ground and took her like an animal. "Oh god, just remembering it makes me horny." She muttered.

"So?" Sayuri insisted.

"That guy that showed up a few days ago. That Akane attacked in the middle of the street."

"No way?!" Sayuri almost yelled. "I've been hearing stories about him everywhere!"

"He's the perfect man." Yuka said, her eyes wide and sparkling.

"What did he do to you?"

"I thought Hiroshi was good in bed, but Ranma is on a completely different level. He made my body do things I've never felt before and those muscles of his." Yuka melted to the floor with a loud sigh. "Oh god, I'm getting wet just thinking about him."

Now Sayuri was gaping at her friend. "No way? He's that good?" "I'd sell myself to him for an endless session of what he did to me. God it was incredible." Yuka said, blushing a bright crimson. She started to relive the experience again, completely forgetting that Sayuri was there.

She watched Yuka for a couple of minutes in awe. She and Daisuki had done it a couple of times, it was fun, but nothing like this ever happened to her. It was making her a little jealous. What kind of sex could make you start drooling like this even hours after it happened.

Could Yuka have been drugged? She had heard stories of teachers that used drugs on certain school girls to turn them into complete sluts. Yuka's reaction kind of reminded her of that. But Yuka didn't look like she was craving any drugs, just a good fuck.

Sayuri could even smell that her friend was aroused. She giggled to herself and leaned towards Yuka shake her out of the daydream. "Yuka…" Moaning, Yuka fell over on her side and gazed up at her friend. "Sayuri, I'm so hot right now." She started to rub her legs together under the sheet.

That seemed to get in the way and she threw it off.

"You're not wearing any clothes?!"

"I'm so…hot, I can't stand it anymore Sayuri." Yuka gasped. Her hand snaked down her body and started to rub between her legs. Sayuri covered her face and blushed at the lewd display. This didn't help though, she could hear the sounds of Yuka's wet fingers rubbing herself.

Moaning, Yuka rolled onto her back. "I'm…so…hot…"

Now Sayuri wasn't a lesbian, but seeing and hearing her friend acting like this was making her hot as well. She could feel her panties getting damp. "Oh Yuka, please stop."

Yuka gasped as she started to lose herself in the feelings. Rolling onto her side, she curled into a fetal position and let her fingers fly. All Sayuri could do was sit there and watch as her friend brought herself to closer to an orgasm. Every now and then Yuka would stop breathing and twitch, then gasp sexily.

"Sayuri…I want…you…" Yuka groaned, gazing at her friend.

"No…not that…" Sayuri said, backing away a couple of feet. She tried to leave the room but Yuka was looking at her with eyes filled with need. A need that Sayuri was starting to feel herself.

"No…" Then Yuka pinched a nipple and arched off the floor, letting out a silent scream. It seemed to last for an eternity before the brown haired girl relaxed enough to just lay there gasping for air.

Her eyes were glazed with lust as she looked at her friend. "Let me show you how good it feels."

Sayuri was about to run from the room when she felt something inside her shift. She wasn't sure what it was, but something like energy started to build up in her womb. Something that felt exquisite enough to make her suddenly lean over on her hands and knees and moan.

"Ranma-sama wants us to Sayuri." Yuka breathed as she sat up and crawled over to her friend. "I can feel him."

"Please, I don't want…this." Sayuri moaned as her womb seemed to fill with ecstasy. She gasped and fell forward, planting her face in the floor and shivering. "What's happening?"

Feeling something similar, Yuka grabbed her by the shoulders and rolled her onto her back. Then leaned down and gazed down into her friends eyes. They seemed to be glowing slightly, dilating and un- dilating several times every second. Sweat broke out on Sayuri's face as Yuka leaned down and kissed her.

Pleasure filled them both as they kissed. Sayuri moaned and wrapped her arms around Yuka. They stayed like that for several minutes, only releasing each other's lips long enough to draw in more air. By the time they break apart Sayuri could feel an energy inside her body.

"I can feel some kind of energy inside me Yuka."

"That's is Ranma-sama, it means he likes you." Yuka said, her eyes filled with devotion for Ranma. They were also filled with lust and desire as she gazed at her friend. "You will have to give yourself to him." Then Yuka started to remove Sayuri's clothing. She removed the jacket and tossed it onto the bed along with Sayuri's shoes. Then she reverently lifts her friends shirt to reveal her breasts and leans down to gently lick a nipple. Seconds later a pair of jeans land on the pile.

"Oh I've been dreaming of this."

Sayuri just gasped and wraped her arm around Yuka's head and holds her in place. Something about the whole experience seemed to escape her as she lay there letting Yuka seduce her. Then the energy in her womb seemed to shift and flow out into her body, filling her with ecstasy. "Oh god, don't stop it's incredible."

Yuka moved kissed her way over to the other nipple and started gently sucking. It nearly made Sayuri cum, making her whole body twitch. Then it receded and she could only moan. Yuka's hand started to caress her inner thigh a few seconds later and it was only then that Sayuri realized just how wet she was. She'd never been this aroused before. Her friend's every touch sent a ripple of pleasure through her as the hand started to caress lower and lower. Sayuri couldn't tell what was worse, not being touched or Yuka's smirk as she started to kiss down the valley between her breasts.

"Please, don't tease me." Sayuri begged, he body was ready and willing as she lay there gasping for air. She shivered every time Yuka kissed her stomach and upper thighs. Then Yuka pulled the panties off her and admired them for a second.

"You've soaked them."

Sayuri blushed as Yuka tossed the to the side and leaned forward to kiss her again.

"I've never actually done this before." Yuka admitted. "But right now, I don't care. I have to taste you."

Then Yuka scooted backwards and leaned foreword gave her lower lips a kiss, gently pushing her tongue between the petals. Letting out a kind of gasp and scream, Sayuri came instantly. Lights flashed before her eyes and in the back of her mind she wondered how Yuka could even make her cum like that. Her entire body shivered as the orgasm sent a series of waves through her, making her gasp several times. Then the ecstasy seemed to slowly fade and she lay there, her legs splayed wide open, some of her juices dribbling out onto the floor.

Yuka gazed at her and blushed a little. "I've never see you look more beautiful Sayuri."

This made the other girl blush as well. It made her feel loved and content to stay like this forever.

"That was incredible."

"Thank you, I kind of improvised, but you seemed to enjoy it quite a bit."

Sayuri nodded. "That was better than Daisuke ever did."

"He was never that good in bed." Yuka muttered.

Nodding, Sayuri laughed as she sat up slowly and felt her stomach. She could still feel something in there. Shaking her head, she gazed at her friend in the light of her afterglow. "Now it's your turn."

Grinning, Yuka leaned back and let Sayuri crawl on top of her. They were both naked and sweaty as they gazed at each other for a second, drinking in each other's eyes. Then Sayuri leaned forward and started to kiss her friend. Something inside her mind, an instinct, told her what to do to her friend's body.

That and her memories of some porn tapes she once watched. She used her knee to spread Yuka's legs apart, sat up, and angled her pussy down onto to Yuka's until they both were touching. Wide eyed, Yuka gasped as they made contact and shivered in anticipation.

Then Sayuri placed her hands on Yuka's waist and started to slowly rotate her own waist so that it created a rubbing sensation. Both girls gasped as the feeling quickly overwhelmed them both. Sayuri couldn't have stopped if she wanted to.

For the next several minutes they held each other's waists and rubbed against each other, gasping and moaning constantly. They could even feel each other's juices entering each other as the rubbed their clits together and picked up speed. Then they nearly yelled out as they came.

Yuka nearly passed out from the ecstasy turned her whole body into a shivering mass of jelly. She actually grunted several times as the pleasure filled her body. Sayuri fell backwards and experienced something similar as her pussy filled with ecstasy and it flowed through her body.

Several minutes passed before they could even talk again and even then it was actually hard to think straight. "In-incredible." Sayuri moaned. "Yah." Yuka said as she watched her friend's breasts heave.

"I can't move." Sayuri said.

"I'll pass. I could barley stand when Ranma was done with me. You have to meet him."

"Okay." Sayuri said, stoned out of her mind on a post orgasmic high. They grinned at each other and laughed. Moonlight was shining through the window and making the sweat covering their bodies glisten. They just held each other for the next couple of hours, enjoying each other's presense.


On the roof of the house, Ranma came out of his meditation trance and grinned again. He had a raging hard on that needed to be take care of soon. He'd been at the clinic when he felt a pull at his mind. He'd been quite shocked to find that it came from Yuka.

They had bonded in some way when he took her in that alley. He could feel her emotions and desires if he concentrated on her, just like he could with Suki. It had only taken him a few minutes to track her down. That other girl had been a surprise, but he was quick to take advantage of the situation.

Once both girls were in the room he'd used his Ki to do several things. The first was to place everyone in the house into a deeper sleep. It wasn't good to be interrupted in the middle of a good fuck. Then he strengthened his bond with the girl, fully accepting it.

After that he just used his aura to fill Yuka's room. The amount of sexual need in the room after that had driven both girls over the edge. He was still absorbing a bit of energy from both girls, enjoying the afterglow of a good fuck. He knew the feeling well.

Sayuri loved her friend quite a bit to have given into her like that. He was relieved that his aura only encouraged girls to enter a hyper aroused state and still allowed them the ability to refuse if they wanted. Humans were thinking creatures after all, they could refuse, but rarely did. He stood up and stretched a little, then sent Yuka a mental command for her and Sayuri to seek him out at some point. He could almost feel Yuka's excitement as the girl's started to recover. Just as he was about to jump off the roof and head home, he sensed something.

It was about two miles away. He wouldn't have even noticed it if he hadn't been focusing his energies so tightly. Turning, sniffed the air before he ran across the roof and started roof hopping towards the source. He also instructed his ninja to follow him at a distance incase she was needed. Suki was only seen as a shadow as they ran.

Within minutes Ranma was entering the business district of Nerima. The buildings were a lot taller here. He stopped every now and then to sniff the wind and sample the energy before moving on. About five minutes later Ranma was moving through a small shrine area.

He wasn't sure where he was though. For some reason he had a feeling he wasn't in Nerima anymore. He ignored the feeling as he moved into the trees and moved through them in a blur. Then he reached a clearing and jumped out of the trees, sailed through the air, and landed on top of a hidden shrine locked within the trees.

Standing up, he walked to the edge of the roof and looked around with his senses. Then he saw them, a pair of girls hidden in the shadows under one of the eaves. They were going at it hot and heavy. Several things jumped out at him as he watched them ravage each other.

They were quite possibly the most beautiful girls he'd ever seen. One had greenish hair and a body that made him drool as it writhed on the ground. The other was just as well built, but the girl had short blonde hair and seemed to be the aggressor. They were locked in a classic sixty nine position and so into what they were doing that they wouldn't have noticed anything.

He could feel their passion as they made love. His aura was sensitive to things like this and it allowed him to track them. Then he noticed something over to the side and blinked. Leaning over the edge of the roof a little, he spotted their clothing. It was quite similar to what that Sailor Jupiter girl wore when he took her in the park.

His cock twitched. There was more than one girl with powers. He turned back to the girls and enjoyed listening to them moan for a few minutes. Shaking himself out of it, he decided that tracking these girls down might be interesting. These lesbians would make great lays. They just needed the right incentive, like a visit from Dr. Ranko.

A lecherous grin spread across his face as he quickly left the area and started making his way back towards the clinic.


End Chapter 07

Notes: In ch 06 I introduced Suki as Lik Lik. For some reason I thought it was a good name, now after a little break from the story I think it's retarded and stupid, so It has to go. Suki is a much better name.

This chapter is spilt into two sections, Ranma's fight with Suki and then a large Yuri scene with Yuka and Sayuri that it revealed to be orchestrated by Ranma at the end. Then ends with a hint of what future chapters may contain.

And yes that was Uranus and Neptune being naughty in public. What will cum next I wonder?


Clit Burst – While in the midst of an orgasm, the clitoris turns super sensitive. This is what allows multiple orgasms. By touching it and firing a burst of Ki into it at the exact right time, it can sent a girl into a state unlike anything they've ever experienced. Multiple orgasms will become one monumental orgasm strong enough to send juices flying out of their pussy like a fountain.

Aura Shift – This is a secret technique from the scrolls that Ranma got in the first chapter. At the height of an orgasm a person's mental defenses are weakened, thus allowing one to send their Ki it a person's mind and turning them into a slave. Ranma used a version of this that turned Suki into his slave, but didn't entirely dominate her mind. He could have turned her into a puppet if he wanted to, instead he left her some free will.

Aura Purge – New Technique. Ranma was being overwhelmed by Suki's sex drug. If he had let it continue on for much longer he would have fallen into hallucinations and been reduced to a lust crazed psychopath obsessed with sex. In desperation, Ranma focused his aura on the poison and blended the two together. Then he flared his aura and let it's energies seep into Suki's body, thus turning the drug on her, allowing him to win.

Aieki Juuitsu– Ranma developed this one to give those girls he impregnated a thrill. He can manipulate his body to produce large amounts of cum. He's refined it into two different versions. The main purpose was to insure that he got the girl pregnant on the first try, making his seed super strong as well as filling the girls up completely. (This is sometimes seen in Hentai Anime like Kite)

The second version is a little more sinister. By filling all that cum with his Ki energy, he can make a woman his by having his Ki corrupt her own. This is also why Ranma wouldn't let Suki clean herself out after he beat her. He was making it so that she could only respond sexualy to him and no one else.