Cory's Fanfiction
 Playing With Ranma 05






Playing With Ranma
Chapter 05 - Creating a Stalker
Cory D Rose

© 2004

Ranma yawned a little as he sauntered across the street. He was feeling down right good and he wasn't sure why. Normally he would have been ready to grab another girl and have her as well, but that Sailor Scout girl in the park had been something else. He was…satisfied.

For the first time ever he was satisfied and he didn't understand why. They hadn't done anything different than the last several girls Ranma had his way with. Well other than the whole act being quite intense, but something about this one was different. He'd have to put some thought into it.

As he crossed the street he sensed some kind of danger and turned to see a large man bearing down on him. The man was wearing the basic Communist outfit seen all over China, nearly identical to the one Ranma himself had packed in his pack back at the park.

The only difference was that it barely fit the man and was stretched to the limit on his muscular body. It also didn't help that the guy was almost eight feet tall and had a truly massive sword strapped to his back.

Then Ranma noticed a slightly smaller man, wearing the same outfit, following along behind the big one. Then the large one called out to him. "Saotome!"

"Kurigan." Ranma said and smirked at him. "It's been several months."

"I was in the area and sensed your presence."

"What can I do for you?"

"Have you found anything of interest lately? I've been bored and thought I'd swing through Japan to find some excitement."

Ranma glanced over at the smaller man cowering a few feet away and raised an eyebrow. "Who's the tag along?"

"He's an American I picked up a few weeks ago. Fancies himself a sword fighter and challenged me to a fight."

"Why isn't he…?"

"Dead?" Kurigan shrugged. "That got boring, so I used my new skills to enhance him and I've been training him."

"Well if you're looking for a fight, there are several eccentric martial arts schools around the Nerima area. So far I've come across a couple of sword schools that might interest you, but no killing."

The large man frowned. "Humph, I told you, I got bored of that after I realized that there wasn't anyone around that could challenge me anymore."

"What about Connor?"

"The wimp spends all his time meditating lately, his head floating around in the clouds and ignoring everything else. Probably lost another girlfriend or something, the twit. He loses them as fast as he finds them lately."

Wincing, Ranma reminded himself that Kurigan had a rather odd view of the world that never quite fit in with reality. "Well…"

"I also wanted to know if your Sister was around." He asked with a lecherous smirk. "She's a fine piece of tail."

Resisting the urge to belt the guy, Ranma just shrugged. "She's been keeping to herself lately. I haven't even seen her in the last couple of days and even then she was dragging this guy off."

"Blast, she's never in the mood after she finds some new guy to play around with."

Ranma tried not to make a weird face. Turning, Ranma pointed towards Nerima. "Go that way, several miles at least, and you should run into Nerima. Or you can take the train…"

"The train will be easier and it will only take a few minutes." Kurigan's fingers reached up to grab his sword as they turned away. "I'll see you around Saotome, we need to have a rematch sometime when I'm not so busy."

"Of course, our last fight was a lot of fun." Ranma said, trying not to recall the four hour fight that destroyed three square blocks of the little town they'd been in. Kurigan didn't believe in holding back against a weaker fighter, either you went all out, or he broke you. Ranma could respect that.

"First decent fight I'd been in for some time too, even if it was with a sword." Ranma noticed that smaller man giving him a shocked look. "If I see my sister I'll let her know your in town."

"My thanks Warrior." Kurigan said loudly and stalked off in the direction of Nerima.

Ranma waited till the guy was out of sight before sighing and releasing the breath the wasn't aware he was holding. Then he wondered if he really should have started a fight with him. He could feel his Ki surging within his body in ways he's never felt before and wanted to test his limits. It was a lot more powerful than normal.

Then he shrugged, grinned, and walked off waving at a nearby girl as she was checking him out. She waved back shyly and blushed before running away. He gave her bluish black hair a look, memorizing it instantly. If he saw her again when he was more in the mood, he'd see if she was interested in a few minutes fun.

As he approached the clinic, Ranma noticed that the sun was just starting to come up. All he really wanted was a few hours sleep before spending the rest of the say helping the Doctor out. He wasn't exactly tired, but after spending the night with a beautiful brown haired girl, he wanted some time to just relax and think about what they did.

Smirking a little, he stepped inside and headed for the clinic's small kitchen to make up some coffee. He didn't really care for coffee himself, but a lot of the older patients liked to have it available when then came in for their early morning appointments. It gave them something to keep them warm as they waited for the Doc to see them.

He was just finishing with the coffee maker when he sensed someone sneaking into the clinic. Tofu liked to practice some very powerful stealth techniques around the place to scare new comers, so Ranma knew it wasn't the Doctor. He reached out with his Ki senses, but still couldn't tell who it was.

Stepping out into the hall he looked down at the girl just moving around the wall. She stopped and gaped at him the instant she saw him.

"Who might you be?"

"Ah! Um…my name is Yuka…" She stuttered out and blushed bright red.

"I helped out the other day didn't I?"

She nodded, her head jerking up and down.

"What can I help you with?"

"I wanted to talk to Dr. Tofu." She explained, starting to back up and move away. "I'll come back when I can talk to him."

"I'm his assistant Yuka; we can talk if you want." Ranma said smoothly. He let his senses scan her body. He had to resist smirking at her.

Her entire faced turned bright red and she turned and ran away. Ranma took a couple of steps after her, but she was already gone by the time he even thought to stop chasing her.

"My, that was interesting."

Ranma whirled, taking a combat stance. "Don't do that!"

Tofu laughed as he walked by with Betty in his hand. "I wanted to greet her my way."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't think you were here yet."

"Quite alright. What did you do?"

"I'm not sure." Ranma admitted, only slightly telling the truth. "I helped her out the other day, but it wasn't anything big."

Stepping into the room, Tofu took a second to pour himself a large cup of coffee as he watched Ranma. Both of them knew, basically, what happened, but there were things one didn't talk about out loud.

"I'll start getting the rooms ready." Ranma said as he backed away.

"Take your time; we still have a few hours before I open up officially." Tofu said.

"Yes sir." Ranma nodded his head and headed for the examination rooms.

Dr. Tofu was keeping a closer eye on Ranma than the boy thought. Ever since Ranma applied for the assistant job he'd seen him perform some truly miraculous things. He seemed to have a genuine talent for fighting and could access truly amazing amounts of Ki.

He claimed it was just a 'cheat', something learned over the last few months, but for some reason Tofu suspected it was much more than that. There were only a few masters of Ki manipulation in the world and Ranma easily dwarfed them. The boy was a mystery that Tofu wanted to understand.

The boy was constantly releasing Ki into the air around him as he moved around, usually it was just simple emotions, excitement, joy, confidence, things like that. He'd also sensed very large amounts of Lust. That emotion was a weird one. Ki users tended to change after they started to tap into that emotion, usually turning into large perverts.

Ranma didn't seem to be a pervert, at least on the surface, so Tofu wasn't sure what to think just yet, but Ranma seemed to be in control of himself. He'd also seen Ranma perform that Ki aura the day before. That performance had been extraordinary. Akane's Anger was completely overwhelmed in seconds, reducing the girl to tears as she finally let go of her anger for the first time in nearly five years.


After cleaning up the rooms as fast as he could Ranma took a few minutes to get cleaned up and change his clothing. There was still about half an hour left before the clinic opened up and Ranma wanted to get a fresh air. Spending all day inside the building make him feel really closed in and trapped.

He was still feeling rather energetic as well. The early morning sunlight filled the yard and he took a few minutes to listen to the birds, the nearby canal, and…he blinked. Sniffed the air a couple of times and turned towards a nearby alley.

"What in the world?"

Moving over to the back wall of the yard, Ranma made his way over to the gate. The smell, one he was familiar with, was growing stronger with every step. Instead of opening the gate he grabbed the top of the wall and silently pulled himself up and looked over.

Hiding behind several large trashcans, a brown haired girl had her dress pulled up, with her hand down her panties, was slowly stroking herself. Ranma nearly fell off the wall in shock. She had her breast bow in her mouth, biting it to keep from making any noise, but her light moans were easy enough to hear.

Ranma realized he'd opened his senses up, including his sense of smell, and caught Yuka doing something naughty. He grinned. Even China hadn't had this many willing girls to choose from. Pulling himself over the wall and sitting on the edge, he watched her for a couple of minutes as he enjoyed the show.

She had long brown hair and a really athletic body, much better looking than the uniform really let on. He had to have her.

"Oh Ranma…" She moaned out as she suddenly came, her whole body tensing up for several seconds. Eventually she let off a long sigh and opened her slightly unfocused eyes and looked right at Ranma. "Oh no."

Ranma knelt beside her, looking right into her eyes as waves of energy seemed to pour off of him. "How about the real thing?"

Unable to even think, Yuka just gaped at him as her body started to turn warm. Her nipples, just slightly hard, suddenly tightened and darkened as Ranma reached out to run his hand along her chin. She shuddered as tingles went right through her body. One thing Ranma mastered was his seduction technique. He had yet to find a girl that could resist it for long, it just made them feel way to good to resist.

"I learned a lot of things when I was in China. One of them was the ability that very few men know how to perform."

"Wh-what was it?" She asked as confidence started to fill her. It was obvious that he wanted her, right then. The thought nearly overwhelmed her.

"How to make a woman feel ecstasy." He murmured softly and bent forward to lift her shirt up and expose both breasts, to squeeze them, to pinch her hardened nipples.

She nearly came. Instead she suddenly gasped and threw her head back as the feelings swept through her. What she didn't know was that Ranma was letting his aura envelop her in a similar way as Akane, just nowhere near as powerful. Filling her with his lust and need.

He carefully ran his hand down her stomach, tracing her noticeable abs and gently pressing a couple of pressure points to prevent her from getting pregnant. Then he pressed a few more just to see how she would react. One can learn anything in China if you look hard enough and he'd earned this knowledge with his own female body.

Letting the girl below him lay back, Ranma pulled her hand out of her panties and licked her glistening finger, enjoying the totally shocked look on her face. Then quickly removed her panties and stuffed them in his shirt with a grin. "These are mine now."

She just gaped at him.

Looking into her eyes he could see her lust growing there as she appeared altered in a subtle way. Her skin turned a rosy color, a light coating of sweat, and slightly rapid breathing that made her chest heave up and down.

Ranma bent down and slowly took one of her nipples in his mouth and started to suckle it while his fingers kneaded the soft flesh, gently squeezing and caressing her. Already Ranma wanted to spend the rest of the day turning her into a quivering mass of orgasmic Jell-O, but he couldn't go that far.

"We don't have to much time."

"I'll skip school, anything, just don't stop Ranma-sama…" Yuka moaned out, arching her back slightly as he continued to work her breasts over.

His aura, was still going strong, but he was suppressing it enough that it couldn't be seen by the naked eye. No need to draw to much attention to their location after all. Taking a girl in semi public places was a hell of a thrill and he did it whenever he could. The girl's rarely ever complained either.

Pressing her back, he slowly sat up enough to wiggle his hips out of his pants and let them fall to his knees. He grinned as Yuka's eyes tripled in size and slowly glanced down his body to stare at his manhood I awe.

"He wants to get to know you."

She nodded, her jaw still hanging loose.

Pulling her legs wide and setting then on his shoulders, he slowly maneuvered himself forward until he was positioned at her entrance. The tip of his manhood pressing against her moist entrance. "Are you ready?"

Nodding franticly, she tried to grab him and pull him into her. Ranma just laughed a little as he pressed his hips forward and shoved the tip inside her. He gasped. "You're…tight."

Yuka's eyes widened even further as she fell back and just experienced the pleasure filling her. She wasn't a virgin by any margin, but this was completely different than anything she'd experienced before. Hiroshi had been quite good, or so she thought, but compared to what Ranma was doing to her, he was a complete failure.

Gritting his teeth, Ranma slowly invaded her body and loved every second of the deed. She was squeezing the life out of him in a very pleasurable way. They both gasped as he suddenly slipped forward and slammed his whole length into her.

Moaning, Yuka couldn't even concentrate. All she could do was feel a bar of steel between her legs pulsing with heat and twitching an every few seconds. Then Ranma leaned down and kissed her and ran his tongue along her upper lip as she got used to his organ.

Then he started to very slowly pull his length out of her and adjusted his angle of his hips to make sure she felt everything he did. Seconds later she wrapped her arms around his torso as he started to slowly thrust in and out with a steady rhythm that made her croon deep in her throat.

Her hips rose off the ground as he slowly picked up speed, each thrust coming a little faster, a little harder, until he was slamming into her at what felt like three thrusts per second. There was this delicious warmth spreading out from her stomach. Ranma could also feel a change within her every time he speared her and got a gasp of pleasure.

Yuka didn't know what it was, but she knew in an instant that she liked the way it felt and wanted more. They were getting a little loud and Ranma suddenly reached into his shirt, pulled out her panties, and shoved them in her mouth. She froze in shock, but that didn't stop him from pounding into her or cover up the sounds their act was making.

"Don't want anyone to hear you after all." Ranma said with a grin and started to kiss her neck and jaw hungrily. She just nodded and moaned around her gag as her eyes started to roll back up into her head, grunting with every thrust.

He gave her a mock glare and shook his head before concentrating on his thrusting. Those pressure extra pressure points were starting to take effect, and he knew that in a few minutes she was going to experience something truly unique. Her canal was starting to drip a little with every thrust he made, spraying a few drops on the ground with every thrust.

Grunting animal like, Ranma channeled some of his Ki into his cock and matched it with what little Ki he could sense inside Yuka's body. This, along with the ever growing wetness between her legs. He could see a nearly constant stream of liquid dribbling out onto the ground every time he pulled back.

A shadow at the other end of the alley stopped and a head looked around the corner and a pair of eyes widened. A girl's hand gripped the wall as she watched Ranma ravage Yuka, her moans easily hard even this far away. The girl's breathing quickened a little as she watched, unable to take her eyes away.

"" She whispered.

Ranma was getting close, but he channeled more Ki to keep his orgasm off. He wasn't done with Yuka yet she cried out and came. Syncing his Ki with hers a little more allowed them to feel what each other felt, every thrust and wave of ecstasy filled them. Ranma, loved to feel an orgasm as a girl, so he groaned along with Yuka as he felt her body entering that area he so loved.

He picked up speed, making Yuka cry out and twist around as her body started to spasm. Unable to really scream, she tried her best around the gag, and rode the wave. Ranma, barely managed to think straight as he rode their combined pleasure, drawing it into his body with a long moan as he stopped thrusting. His Ki surged, and he came with a growl.

Yuka went wild, her pussy spasming in ways she's never felt before as she felt it fill with her juices and spill out around Ranma's cock as it pumped her full of his seed. They held that plateau for nearly a minute before Ranma shuddered and slowly relaxed. Yuka collapsed as well as she lay there with a bit of drool running down the side of her chin and onto her breast.

Then Ranma flexed his back a little before he pulled out of Yuka with a wet squelch. Like pulling a plug, a fountain of juices burst out of Yuka as she lays there, making her shudder as everything dribbled out of her and onto the ground. She gazes up at him with blank eyes, her body flushed with pleasure as it filled her existence.

Ranma pulled his pants up and stretched, popping his back as he looked around. He smirked a little as he looked down at the girl. She would be out of it for the next few hours as the pressure point wore off. The points made worked to make every inch of the girl's skin even more sensitive, this combined with his Ki manipulation, made her body thrum with pleasure and lots of little orgasms.

When she finally came, it was a big one, and would reduce the girl to a nearly catatonic state for several hours. It also, if he had wanted to, made the girl more malleable to certain mind control techniques. Ranma could have easily turned her into his willing sex slave and she would do anything he wanted her to do.

Instead he knelt down, sat the girl up a little and quickly adjusted her clothing so that he protected her modesty a little. Though he had to smirk down at the large puddle on the ground at the girl's feet. He would have to find out if she even remembered what happened to her if he saw her again.

Looking around, he casually hopped over the wall and headed back into the clinic to start his day. After a few minutes a blur dropped down on the wall and came to a stop, taking the form of a female ninja. She was wearing a loose fitting outfit, had large breasts that were barely contained, and a pair of leggings.

A maroon sash circled her waist and she had a pair of swords at her side. She didn't wear a mask and appeared to be about sixteen or so and had long brown hair in a loose ponytail that hung nearly to her waist. Hopping off the wall she knelt down and quickly examined Yuka's body, feeling her breasts and even sticking her hand up her skirt.

Pulling her hand out she stared at the wet finger and quickly tasted it like a fine wine. She smiled a little and considered the girl for a second. Then she heard something and vanished from sight before anyone could catch her. There wasn't much else she could do there anyway, Ranma had protected her before he left.


Stepping outside that afternoon, Ranma stretched a little and started to make his way through several katas he developed over the last year. At the same time he started to integrate what his old man taught him over the last decade. At first the two styles just hadn't wanted to work together because one was a hard and destructive art and that didn't mix with the ninja techniques very well.

Over time he came up with a mix of moves that allowed the two forms to work together perfectly. There wasn't much time for practice lately, not with him taking on so many girls. At least one or two a day for the last five months or so. His mother even insisted on him keeping her up to date on his activities so that she could judge his actions.

He smirked a little as he jumped into the air and started his aerial practice. His mother was a whacko. After tracking her down she had been surprised when he admitted to never having sex and nearly lost right there and then, but she calmed down after he explained Genma's training. For instance, that girls are a distraction from the art.

What followed that wasn't something he liked to think about to much. She stood up, and then proceeded to explain just what sex was and why he should want it with as many girls as possible. Then, the crazy woman pulled a number of scrolls out and handed them to him. He had three years to fuck one thousand girls senseless before she would allow him to settle down.

The scrolls were covered in martial arts sex techniques that she wanted him to learn. At the time Ranma had seriously considered not bothering with the one thousand girls thing, but after reading the scrolls he changed his mind. Then the unexpected happened, she spilled a pitcher full of ice tea on him and activated the change.

Ranma, turned female, expected her to completely lose it and behead him right then and there. Instead she got this starry eyed look in her eye and proceeded to dote on him for the next several hours. Then dumped another pile of scrolls over his head and told him to learn them as well.

Finishing his workout, Ranma shook himself out of his memories and landed on the ground without making a sound. In all his practice had taken him about an hour and he wasn't all that tired. He was just glad he didn't have to go to school, though according to his mother, it was the best place to get girls. He did agree on that.

School girls were always willing to play around after a few minutes. Now that school was out for the day Ranma knew it was time to hunt. He grinned as he headed back into the clinic. For a few minutes he considered going out as a girl, but decided against it. He liked being a girl a little too much at times and didn't want to disappoint his mother.

Suddenly he dropped and rolled as several shuriken pierced the ground where he'd been standing. He came to his feet as a female ninja landed on the ground nearby and took a guarded position. He knew who she was instantly, even though he never actually got a chance to meet her.

"Carla." Ranma said carefully.

"Ranma." She said with a nod, her long orange hair swirling around her head. "I have a message for you from Her."

Frowning a little, Ranma glared at her. "I'm no long one of her toys Carla."

"You are and will be for the rest of your life, Ranma."

"I will have my freedom, you don't own me."

She gripped her sword and glared at him. "We all belong to Her! She tells you what to think, what to do, and controls ever aspect of your life!"

"I never agreed to that." Ranma growled and let his aura flare out a little.

"I've been instructed to tell you that if you don't return we will come for you."

"Then you have a problem Carla." Ranma said. "I made a deal with Her and she agreed. I followed our agreement to the letter and left when it was completed, I will not go back."

"THEN DIE!" Carla screamed as she launched forward drawing her sword.

Ranma ducked the first couple of attacks. He wasn't to sure of Carla's skill level, but he knew that she had quite a reputation. Twisting around one attack, he stepped forward suddenly, and lashed out with a glowing hand. She tried to dodge, but she was over extended because of his speed.

His finger tips brushed over her nipples, then his Ki snaked out and spread out over her chest. She screamed out, arched back, and stumbled for a second as he performed the technique. Then he lashed out with his foot and sent her tumbling to the ground.

Collapsing to her knees, Carla gasped for air and moaned a little as she shuddered. He glared down at her, but stepped back as she slowly rose to her feet and smirked at him. "Not bad, but I've been hit with better."

"I wasn't using my full strength."

She laughed. "Then you are a fool."

Ranma glared at her.

"Now let me show you what that attack is really supposed to be like." Carla said with an evil smile. "You won't be able to even be able to stay conscious by the time I'm done with you. When you wake up She will be there to punish you."

Her entire baring seemed to change as she stood and Ranma figured this is what her reputation was based on. The girl liked to play around with people before she defeated them. He was going to have to stop holding back against her and he had an advantage as well.

He knew what she was going to do.

She shot forward, this time her blade was kept close to the ground. Ranma's aura flared out ward, the full flare of Lust Ki filling the air around him. His speed tripled by the time he took three steps. With a yell Ranma dodged around the girl's sword and tripped her.

Cursing, Carla rolled with the fall, but lashed out with the sword and caught Ranma across his ribs. He stumbled back as she rolled to her feet and moved into for another attack. Ranma's eyes glowed for a second and his aura shot flared out and enveloped her.

They lashed out at each other, blocking and attacking for several seconds, but Carla didn't seem to be slowing down. Ranma was amazed as she actually started to speed up as they fought. Then her sword blurred as she brought it around to slash him in half. He dropped and rolled, barely noticing her hand flying through where his chest would have been if he had dodged in any other way.

Rolling around he used his momentum to swing around and sweep her feet out from under her. She cried out in shock as she fell and Ranma's hand shot forward, grabbed her inner thigh, and flared with a lot of Ki.

Carla felt the touch and paled an instant before her whole body started to thrash around in a never ending orgasm. She screamed as her whole world turned pink, then red as she completely lost control. Ranma poked several more pressure points along her spine, making her arch back and scream as her body built up a massive orgasm.

She fainted as his feet although her body was still shivering and would occasionally twitch. Ranma drew a couple of deep breaths and stumbled back keeping his senses on alert for anything. There was more than likely another girl watching the fight to see who would win. He spotted her quickly enough, standing on the roof of a house several houses away, wearing a cream white outfit similar to the other girl, but with a pair of elbow length gloves. Her short blonde hair fluttered around her head as she watched him.

Giving him a wave, she turned, ran along the roof and started roof hopping away from him. He was too tired to chase her down, so he let her go and turned back to Carla as she lay on the ground. She was still suffering from an occasional orgasm, even unconscious, so he wasn't too worried.

The pressure points he'd used would use up all her Ki reserves and weaken her enough to make sure he wouldn't have to worry about her for a while. He considered what she said earlier, that She was looking for him. At the time her deal had seemed like such a good idea, but over time that old bitch had demanded more and more of him.

He was nobody's sex slave.


End Chapter 05

Notes: Ranma has another conquest under his belt to add to the thousand girls he had to fuck. He's been making good time with his goal and may just surpass It before he finishes, that is if he doesn't cause any problems. Some of his hidden past is starting to come to light with this fight at the end. Carla isn't the only ninja Ranma is going to run into either.

Oh yeah, you are also probably asking yourself, The Kurigan, what the hell is he doing there? He's a cameo.

*Yuka means "floor". Sayuri sounds like "sayuu" which means "influence, control, or domination


Petal Shower – This pressure point makes a girl build up a powerful orgasm so that they experience a female ejaculation. It's been known to change a girl's entire way of thinking from it's intensity. If a girl uses it on another girl it might alter sexual orientation as well.

The Root – A man can full his cock with Ki and make it as hard as steel. The male will also last quite a bit longer than he normally would.

Conjunction – Combined with The Root technique, this one will sync Ki with both people and cause a pulsing feeling to flow through both lovers until their Ki matches, thereby making them feel as if they were one person. Can be addictive if used to often and alter sexual orientation. When used with another technique called Dominance, this technique can be used to enslave an individual to varying degrees.

Bliss Point – This is the point Ranma used in the first chapter on herself. Over time Ranma learned that the stronger the Ki used, the more powerful the orgasm used. When used in combat, it can bring a girl down in an instant as every muscle in her body locks up with each successive orgasm.