Cory's Fanfiction
 Playing With Ranma 02






Playing With Ranma
Chapter 02 - Lust Ki
Cory D Rose

© 2004

A year had passed, and a sixteen year old Ranma stepped off the train and entered Nerima looking around to see if anyone was watching him. His body had changed little since he washed up on that beach. His long black hair, hung in a wave down his back, shifting around a little as he glided across the platform and headed for the exit. He had a grin on his face as he walked that drew the eye of every girl in sight.

His body, always muscular was now a couple inches taller and his muscles stood out noticeably. Every move cause the girls around him to take notice and wonder just who the boy was. As he left the station the girls felt as if the world was a darker place now that he wasn't around anymore.

Even their boyfriends wondered what as up as half the girls in the area took off and ran outside to get another look at the guy. As the crowd gathered they all groaned as they realized that he wasn't around anymore.

Several blocks away Ranma dropped to the ground and chuckled a little. He loved doing that for some reason. Just releasing a bit of lust Ki into the air around him causing every female in sight to focus on him. It was just one of many techniques he learned from those scrolls all those months ago.

That first little experiment had changed the way he looked at the world. He still practiced martial arts of course, but he used them a bit differently now. Incorporating the ninja techniques into his style had been quite easy and only took him a few months to master. After that it had been just a matter of practicing them.

He'd also taken the time to read through his old man's journal and learned about his engagement to a number of girls. A mile wide swath of forest had been vaporized the day he found out about that little tidbit of information, but he'd had time to calm down since then.

A week after that he'd visited several of the families and resolved the engagement by performing various tasks, including fathering a couple of children with the agreement that he wasn't responsible for them of course. Ranma had been unwilling to do so at first, but it had given him a chance to practice these new ecchi moves he was learning for both forms and the girls hadn't complained in the least.

After that he'd spent a few months chasing down several other of the engagements and making sure they wouldn't be a problem. Namely by turning into a girl, coming on to his supposed fiancée, and trying to take advantage of them. A couple had been quite willing to play along though, much to Ranma's surprise and given him a chance to see what the other side felt like and Ranma liked it quite a bit.

There were other engagements of course that were a little hard to track down. Several of the families had vanished off the face of the planet and one of them was from a family that traveled all over Japan in a cart to make money. Ol'Uuchan being a girl had floored Ranma at first, but after thinking about it with his new view on life, he was kind of surprised he hadn't noticed before. All he could say was that at six years old he was a total moron, then again, growing up with Genma really messed him up.

Now he was in Nerima to take care of the next fiancée he'd been promised to before he was even born. The Tendo engagement, this one was a little different than the others though. They were part of his school and he was supposed to create an heir with one of the Tendo girls that could be a master of both schools. He'd asked a 'friend' of his to look up some information on the Tendo clan so he would know what he was getting into.

What he'd gotten was quite strange and he didn't know what to think of it just yet. The Tendo's had to take some ill thought out actions to stay alive after their mother died several years before. The father, who used to teach, the school, was an emotional wreck, and didn't teach or earn money for the family anymore. One of the man's daughters had taken over as the one who kept the family from living on the streets.

That was going to change if he was going to marry one of the man's daughters. The other girls out there that he hadn't found could wait for now, he'd 'take care' of them eventually. The Tendo's were next on his list now that he was here.

While thinking all this Ranma was slowly walking down the street with a thoughtful look on his face. All his training in the old ninja clan's techniques had given him a lot more control than ever before, so he even made girls gape at him as he walked by and smiled at them. His mixing of a hard style with a soft style had blunted his skills a little, but given him a much more dangerous fighting style.

As he was rounding a corner he spotted a small clinic and figured it would be a good place to start on his next project. He knew he was near the Tendo house as well, just a couple blocks away. Stepping inside he noticed several old women eyeing him. He nodded at the ladies and smiled as they started to giggle among themselves just as Dr. Tofu stepped out of the examination room.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm new in the area and I'm looking for a job. I'm advanced in the types of techniques you use here. I'm also skilled in the use of my Ki and several esoteric pressure points styles."

Tofu nodded, looking Ranma over for a second. "What kind of medical education have you had."

"None, but I know over two thousand pressure points. I was thinking I could be an assistant until you decided I was good enough."

"I am looking for some help, stop back tomorrow morning, early morning, and we can talk more."

Ranma nodded, waved to the ladies as he left and heard them giggling again as he stepped out the door. Reaching into his coat he pulled out his old man's journal and flipped to the page he was looking for, checked the address for the Tendo house, and headed down the street a few seconds later.

About a block from the Tendo home he stopped as something ran into him and fell down with a loud curse. Ranma smirked as he realized it was a teenage girl, a cute one too. She scrambled to her feet and turned to yell at him and stopped with her jaw hanging open.

Ki flowed off of Ranma as he filled the air with lust Ki and watched as the girl's anger melted away. Her breathing increased and little hearts filled her eyes. He reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, giving her a smile. "Are you alright?"

"…Y-yes…" She breathed out, trying to lean against him.

"I'm Ranma Saotome."


"Shouldn't you be at school?"

She nodded her head a couple dozen times as she gazed at him. "…yeah…"

"We may see each other again…" Ranma started, then stopped and smirked as he realized the girl wasn't even paying attention. Instead her hand was touching his chest. Then her knees gave out and she fainted into his arms with a little shudder and a moan. Ranma sighed. "Used too much again. I've gotta learn how to control how much Ki I put out."

He looked down at her as he lifted her in his arms and noticed the silly little grin on her face. "Well this should be interesting."

For a second he wondered what to do with her, and then noticed an older woman gazing at him. She had the same startled look on her fact that Yuka had just a few seconds before and Ranma grinned.

"Can she sleep this off at your place?"

The old woman nodded.

"Why thank you." He said and she blushed and led him into her house, where he lay the young girl down on a western style couch. "She should be fine in an hour or so."

"Of course young man."

Ranma thanked her again and stepped outside he quickly made his way to a large house and knocked on the main gate. A sign set next to the gate told him he'd found the place he was looking for.

"Coming!" Yelled a female voice.

When the gate opened Ranma got his first look at Kasumi and realized that she looked better in person than the picture he'd been given. "Hello, is there a Soun Tendo here?"

"Yes, he's inside, follow me please."

Ranma smiled and followed the girl into the house. He took the time to watch the way her dressed moved as she walked. There were certain signals he knew to look for in a woman that caught his attention, but she wasn't giving any of them, even unconsciously. Shrugging mentally, he'd try to see what she was like in bed eventually, but first he needed to see what old man Soun had to say.

"Father, there is a young man here to see."

"Oh? Bring him in."

Ranma entered the house and looked around curiously. He could see that it was a true martial artist's home. They didn't seem to have any of the modern conveyances that a lot of places tended to have these days. Though he could sense that they did at least have a TV and some appliances.

"Hello Mr. Tendo, I'm Ranma Saotome."

Ranma felt Ki in the home change instantly and casually stepped to the side just as the man tried to give him a giant bear hug. He glanced down at Soun just as he crawled to his knees, then over at Kasumi. Her own Ki had altered just a little and she was giving him a slightly different look, as if apprising him.

"Ranma my boy." Soun said as he jumped back to his feet. "I've been waiting to meet you for over a decade!"

Nodding, Ranma twisted again as Soun lunged at him. "What's with the strange reaction?"

"You don't know?"

"I have an idea and that's why I'm here."

"You know about the engagement don't you?" He asked and Ranma noticed that the girl was looking a little pained.

"I'm here to see what can be done about it." Ranma explained.

"You will marry one of my daughters." He said with a tone of finality.

Ranma snorted. "I may or may not."

"You are honor bound to marry one of them!"

Ranma crossed his arms and glared at the old man. "Indeed, but I won't be forced into anything against my will. Not anymore." Ranma snapped and let a little Ki enter his voice so that Soun could feel it in his bones. "My old man isn't around anymore and I make my own decisions now."

"Genma isn't around anymore?" The man suddenly asked, his entire body seemed to deflate.

"Oh father, it will be alright." Kasumi said as she sat him down at the table and poured him a glass of tea.

"I'm not sure where my old man is, sir." Ranma said. "I lost contact with him when we were coming back from China about a year ago."

"Oh." Soun said quietly. "The engagement will still need to be completed Ranma. To join the schools."

"I disagree, my old man has ruined the school's honor and I can't force that on your school."

"How?" Kasumi asked suddenly.

Ranma smiled at her. "Well it seems my old man likes to engage me to every other girl in Japan. I've taken care of several of them so far and have a few more to go. I'm here to find a way to break the engagement."

"Oh my, that's horrible."


Ranma sighed, ignored the outburst. "Then what will it take to resolve this matter?"

"You will marry one of my daughters!" Soun said.

"I will marry any one you want, then divorce her the next day. Agreeable?"

Soun gaped at him. "You wouldn't?!"

Shrugging, Ranma sipped at his tea. "I've got about 6 engagements to take care of Mr. Tendo, I can't marry one of your daughters until I can do so honorably. A few of them have been resolved by me getting the girl pregnant. Will be enough…"

"It will not!"

"Then we seem to have a problem, cause I won't marry someone I don't know. I'm only sixteen and I want a few years to live my life before I ruin it by marrying someone." Ranma said. "I've had to do a lot of thinking ever since I lost contact with the old fart, one of those is that I won't just bow to his agreements anymore."

Ranma stood. "It was a pleasure to meet you Kasumi, this is excellent tea."

She smiled at him. "Thank you."

"I'll be in touch, you can contact me during the day at the clinic just down the road. I start work there tomorrow as an assistant."

Soun didn't say anything and Ranma realized the guy was in complete shock from being denied in such a way.

He turned back to Kasumi. "I'll have to talk to him when he's in a better mood. I can't marry one girl and destroy the honor of all those other families."

"I understand." She said brightly.

Ranma was tempted to seduce her right then and there, but shook it off before his lust was to noticeable. "I'll talk to you in a day or two, I want to meet the others as well."

"Of course, they should be getting home from school in a couple of hours if you want to come back."

"I'll consider it." Ranma said as they stepped out side. "It was a pleasure to meet you."

She smiled at him as she closed the gate.

Ranma shuddered and realized that he needed to have a woman, right now. He turned around and started walking down the street. At the same time he sent his senses out, looking for a girl who would be in the mood. As he neared the school he started to sense several girls who were in need of his services. Most of them could be written off instantly, they were too young, even for him.

He stopped and looked up at a window where a girl was sitting. She had short hair and looked like she had quite a bit on her mind. A smart girl, one who didn't wear glasses, but knew how to use her intelligence to her advantage. He reached out with his Ki and used it to touch her.

She sensed something and started to wiggle around as he read her reactions like a book. Then smirked as she suddenly looked down at him and saw her eyes widen and she fell off her chair. Half a second later every girl in the classroom plastered themselves to the window to look down at him with a loud squeal.

Ranma chuckled to himself and waved at the girls as he wandered down the street. With any luck he would be able to see which one of them liked him the most. It was the manly thing to do after all. Turned the corner a second later and heard the school bell ring and the sounds of kids running from the prison like school. Energy swirled around him and he vanished from sight.

It was time to hunt.


As the girls on the floor below screamed Nabiki got up and looked out the window as well, something told her it would be a good idea. The teacher didn't say a word as she moved, he knew what would happen if he tried to do anything to her. As she got to the window she spotted a cute guy looking up at the windows and waving at someone. She smirked and wondered who he was and if there was someway for her to use the guy to her advantage.

Then she felt something brush across her body, like a wisp of silk being gently dragged across all her most sensitive zones. For a second it threw her for a loop. Then she shook herself and ignored the feeling as she best she could and wondered what it was. She had her suspicions, but she would have to ask her father in just the right way or he would break down into one of his weird emotional fits.

Out of the corner of her eye she could see that several other girls were feeling what she was and looked astounded by the feeling. A couple were visibly writhing in their seats. It reminded her of something she'd experienced a year before her mother died. Some kind of energy had flooded the house while she was playing with a video game in her room. At the time she just remembered feeling funny and wondering why her mother was screaming for her father to continue what he was doing.

She'd tried to ask Kasumi about it, but her sister had locked herself in her room at the time and wouldn't come out until the next morning, even then she was blushing a solid red for two days. Her parents had giggled a lot and doted on each other for the next few days. She could recall it happening a few other times as the weeks went by, but without such a reaction as that first time.

Shaking the feeling off as best she could she made her way back to her desk just as the bell rang, half the girls in class didn't even notice at first. They were gasping for air and trying to figure out why they suddenly wanted their boyfriends there to relieve an itch. Nabiki gathered up her books and decided that she would have to think about this after asking her father. She just hoped he would give her a complete answer.

As she exited the building a few minutes later Akane, looking meaner than ever, ran by her around the gate, running full tilt. Nabiki realized that her sister was heading in the same direction as the man that walked by a few minutes before and she was in the classroom when the full force of that whatever it was happened. Smirking a little, she turned the corner and jogged down to the end of the block. A giant wave of panting girls were already there looking around. Then several of her girls started to sell things to the girls and Nabiki figured things were well in hand.

Her sister was growling as she glared around her looking for the boy all the rest of the girls were lusting after, her long black hair swishing back and forth. Several of the girls tried to tell her to leave, but Akane just ignored them as she started tipping over benches and tossing trashcans around. As far as she was concerned the pervert had to be around somewhere.

Then Nabiki felt a stirring within her that was completely unexpected and she bit her tongue to keep from moaning out loud. A hand suddenly touched the back of her leg and went up her skirt to rub her bottom in a way that made her knees weak. She shuddered and turned to look into the deep blue eyes of the most handsome man she'd ever seen. Up close he was even more beautiful than from when looked at him closer. She fell instantly in love with his long black hair as it rested on his shoulders.

"Hello." He said seductively.

"Wh-who are you."

"A very needy man." He said with smile the sent shivers down her spine and a hand had reached the waist band of her panties.

She gaped at him. "This is a Ki at-attack isn't it?"

His grin widened. "It is, sorta. What I'm doing is simply stimulating certain pressure points along your legs and thighs and the rest is just you."

"Please s-stop before I lose control."

Ranma tilted his head and withdrew his hand, much to her surprise. "As you wish. I was hoping you might like a bit of fun, but I won't force myself on you."

Nabiki gaped at him as the feelings stopped, but didn't completely vanish either. Her knees were still shaking and she could feel a need inside her that she hadn't felt in a very long time. "What is your name?"

"Ranma Saotome."

"And why are you doing this?"

"I'm on a quest." He explained with a simple shrug.

She was quickly regaining control of her body again. Then realized that she really did want him, needed to feel what he could do to her with more than his hand. Opening her mouth to say so, she stopped as a fist suddenly flew right by her ear and punched Ranma right in the face. He jerked back to lesson the power of the unexpected blow, but it was enough to break the weird urge Nabiki had been about to give into.

"PERVERT!" Akane snarled like a rabid dog and stalked forward, her hands up, a red glow forming around them as she moved towards Ranma.

Paling, Nabiki tried to stop her sister. She hadn't seen Akane like since the day she shattered both of Kuno's legs in the last 'fight Akane for a date' fight nearly a month before. The boys had avoided Akane ever since, but Akane had a hair trigger temper and not even her father could get Akane to calm down anymore. These days she was constantly angry and willing to take it out on any boy she came across. Then two unexpected things happened at once and Nabiki could only blink in surprise.

Ranma suddenly rolled between Akane's legs and his hands flashed out to touch her in about a dozen different places. For a brief second Nabiki could see a look of absolute confusion plastered to her sister's face as she staggered forward a couple of steps. Her eyes rolling back into her head as her jaw dropped in shock and a reddish aura formed around her body.

Then Ranma twisted around, tapped a spot on her back and just smirked in a way that made Nabiki's heart, as well as about a hundred other girls watching the whole thing, just melt with lust. Then another group of girls, suddenly dog piled Akane and drove her to the ground. A group that included Yuka, one of Akane's friends.

Calmly strolling back over to Nabiki Ranma stared down into her eyes before whispering in her ear. "I'll come for you again. Think about my offer I can back up what I offer as well."

Nabiki gaped at him and couldn't say a word as he waved at the other girls, jumped to the roof of a nearby house, and quickly vanished. Every girl in area, except Akane, sighed loudly, instantly depressed that the Man was gone and they didn't know if he'd be back or not.

"Nabiki, there's something wrong with your sister." One of the girls suddenly told her as the girls suddenly backed away from Akane.

Blinking, Nabiki strolled over to her sister and knelt down to examine her sister. The girl's eyes were wide open, the pupils dilated into two large circles, and a line of drool dripping off the side of her chin. Ever few seconds she would shudder a little while her waist twitched. She had a good idea what Ranma had done to her, considering where those magic hands of his touched her little sister.

"I think we need to get her to Dr. Tofu."

"Is it that bad?" The girl asked. "This is the first time I've ever seen your little sister even smile in the last couple of months."

Indeed there was now a large, rather weird looking smile on her sister's face. Nabiki shuddered at the sight, it was kind of scary, considering just how angry her sister was just a few minutes ago. She grabbed Akane's army and dragged her into a fireman's carry. "I'm just a couple of blocks away, this shouldn't be to much trouble."

Suddenly Akane shuddered and screamed. "AH…AHAH YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!"

All the girls started giggling as they suddenly understood what the boy did to Akane. Nabiki didn't know what to think since she kind of wanted him to do the same thing to her. The girls started to disperse as Nabiki headed off for Dr. Tofu's place. It took her about ten minutes to get there and Akane had at least three more orgasms by the time they arrived. Nabiki really didn't want to know what the back of her uniform looked like now, feeling it was bad enough. Akane was moaning weakly as she entered.

"Dr. Tofu!"

He came out and saw that Akane was hurt. "What happened?"

"Some kind of pressure point, she's been nearly comatose since it happened and in some kind of hyper aroused state."

"Hyper aroused?" He asked her, in a skeptical tone.

Nabiki nodded as she felt Akane heading into her fourth induced orgasm of the day. "Please, and it's about to peak again."

Lifting Akane off her, he quickly carried the moaning girl into his examination room, lay her on a bed, and quickly started to focus on her Ki. "Fascinating!"

"Don't gawk at her, fix her!" Nabiki snapped, getting a little frustrated.

"This is special kind of shiatsu Miss Tendo. Whoever did this probably didn't expect it to have this kind of effect on Akane. Poor dear." He muttered.

"What did he do?"

Tofu turned to look at Nabiki for a second and noticed that her Ki paths were slightly altered as well, but nothing like what was done to Akane. "Well, this is an old ninja trick used about two thousand years ago. I don't recall the name, but it was used in certain 'houses' to give relief to girls that were to wound up. The Ki attack itself would be administered to the girl to relax them."

"What does that have to do with Akane?"

"Well, Akane has always been very high strung and stubborn, especially since she learned how to use her rage as her own Ki attack. This has built up a kind of pressure within her body. As you know sex releases a lot of endorphins into the body. What was done to Akane is replacing all the built up stress and anger in her body with an over load of endorphins."

"And that's why she's having these episodes?"

Dr. Tofu nodded. "I think we should let it run its course, it will do her a world of good. She'll…"

Akane screamed suddenly, flopping around on the table and arching her back for several seconds before collapsing again.

Tofu coughed and blushed a little. "As I was saying, she'll be fine by morning and in much more relaxed state of mind as well. I'll send her home then she won't be in any kind of condition to do anything tomorrow except sleep and relax."

Nodding, Nabiki figured she would wait until tomorrow to get her sister's homework and left the clinic. Tofu watched her leave before turning back to Akane and sighing. He would have to watch over the girl to make sure she didn't accidentally hurt herself. He reached out to tap a special pressure point by her ankle when a hand caught his wrist. Startled he looked up to see Ranma slowly becoming visible.


"Special technique I learned form my old man. Anyway, it's not a good idea to tap the point while the girl is going through this particular phase."

"You did it to her?"

Ranma nodded. "She was in a murderous rage and was about to try and kill me, I could see it in her aura. She just a couple steps away from developing the Assassin's Fist Ryu."

"She's not that bad." Dr. Tofu said, then realized that the boy was right. He'd nearly made a mistake with that pressure point.

"I'm not sure what happened before I came around, but her Ki focus has to be changed before she crosses the line completely."

"For the last several months Akane had to fight a large battle every time she went to school, it is the primary source of her anger."

"That would explain the amount of rage she's been trying to suppress. She needs to find a different focus before she turns her anger on her family for trying to help her."

"Your pretty young to know these things, How?…"

Sighing, Ranma shrugged. "I was forced to read at an accelerated rate at this one place I trained at about six months ago. Most of it was history, science, and Ki theory applied to things I'd rather not talk about."

"And the Ki focus?"

"The darker the emotion, the more explosive it becomes. Depression, Anger, and Hate are usually the most common ones."

"What do you use?"

Ranma smirked. "Confidence and Lust."



"I've never encountered anyone that used that particular emotion before."

"It can be a lot of fun at times and the girls love it."

"I bet they do. Is that what set Miss Tendo off?"

Ranma shrugged. "Maybe. Oh yeah, place your hand on Akane's stomach and form a Ki siphon, let all that anger and hatred just pour out of her. You can work on getting her to use something else, or I can, if she wants me too."

"You did this to her, I really doubt that."

"I like them fiery, makes girls good in bed."

Tofu nearly slammed face first into the floor before he recovered himself. "Is the kind of training you plan on using as my assistant?"

"I know more than just this Doc. I've trained all over Japan and even in some remote places along the Chinese coast."

"What about Hong Kong?"

"There too, it was the second place I had to stop when I began my little trip."

"What exactly are you trying to do?"

"Save my honor." Ranma growled. "Pop has all but destroyed the Saotome name and I have to redeem it or kill myself."

"And you learned all these, unique, techniques to do this?"

"That's part of it. My mom wants me to be a Man Among Men and her definition of that seems to be a polite pervert with perfect control."

Dr. Tofu gaped at him and Ranma shrugged and laughed a little.

"What can I say, she's weird. She won't even let me come home until I've 'improved' in her eyes."

"You're kidding, right?"

He shook his head as Tofu started to concentrate on siphoning off Akane's dark Ki. "No, she's batty as a flying cow, but she's my mom and the only family I have left that's worth anything."

"I see." Tofu said. "Well once we finish here I might be able to help you out."


Tofu nodded. "My mom wants grandchildren and had been collecting scrolls of that nature for a number of years. I might be able to get you some copies."

"I know quite a few Doc."

"I'm sure there are one or two in there that you haven't seen yet."

"Sounds good to me doc, I'm always up for learning something new." Ranma said as he happily watched the doctor rework Akane's Ki flows. He knew it was possible, but had never witnessed it before, it was a fascinating to witness him work. "I can do most of the basic stuff doc, but most of what I know right now is either self taught or from those books I memorized a few months ago. I only have on hands experience with about half of it."

"We can work on that and the rest is up to you to find a way to practice." Tofu said as he finished working on Akane. He could tell that she was no longer being overwhelmed by what Ranma did to her and taped a spot near the back of her neck. "There, she should sleep for at least twelve hours."

"That pressure point comes in handy." Ranma said. It was one he always liked to use unless he was truly angry. He'd gotten a lot of practice with it while he was in Hong Kong and some of the other places where he wandered lately.

"I need to call Nabiki and have her come back with a change of clothes for Akane." Tofu said after considering the girl for a minute.

Shrugging, Ranma raised his hand. "Watch this, I learned it from this old fart over in China, some kind of master of calligraphy, but he had other talents as well."

His hands flashed out and in less time than Tofu could blink, Akane's nude form was on the table and Ranma was holding up her uniform, examining it. "Not a tear anywhere."

"Amazing!" Tofu said as he blushed a little and quickly put a hospital gown on the girl. It was pretty obvious that she was still very aroused, but not as much as she was a few minutes earlier."

"So I take it you and that guy got along?"

Ranma nodded. "It was a little hard at first, but my mom wanted me to be like this so I was forced to get over my shyness and after the first couple of girls it was a lot of fun."

Tofu gaped at him.

Ranma just smirked and walked out of the room balling Akane's clothing up.

"This is going to be interesting." Tofu thought and then wondered just what the boy had done to Nabiki. He recalled the way her Ki flows were slightly altered and knew it wasn't anything major, but he couldn't recall what it the change was for. Only that it wasn't anything to really worry about. A few minutes later he entered his office and called Nabiki's cell phone. Talking directly to Kasumi would be a really bad idea right then.


End Chapter 02

Notes: As you can tell this chapter is more lime than an actual Lemon, but that will all change with the next chapter. Ranma is making his presense known and his new found abilities and desires have made a lot of people sit up and take notice.


Touch of Bliss - This is what Ranma used on Nabiki when he was touhing her. By infusing his hands with Lust Ki he touches a subject near an eroginous zone and it sends waves of pleasure through the girl's body.

Carress of Satation - Used on Akane. It's main purpsose to used to bleed off Ki and calm a person down. It's a spike of Ki sent into the targets body form any location, it just requires a touch. Ranma, being who he is, went right for Akane's inner thighs. It can occasionaly have some odd side effects if the target is a Ki user as well. Effects vary

Aura of Lust - Ranma's main technique. A good number of his current techniques stem from this move. In the original series he uses Confidence to fuel most of his attacks, here that has been replaced by Lust instead. This makes him constantly need sex to grow in power. Both of his forms are constantly in need and he will take any steps to get anyone that catches his attention.