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WARNING THIS IS A LEMON STORY! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK, IT CONTAINS SCENES OF A VERY GRAPHIC AND SEXUAL NATURE WITH A SMATTERING OF PLOT THROWN IN TO GIVE IT SOME SUBSTANCE. WARNING ********** At fifteen, Ranma was a in better shape than most people in the world. He could perform complicated gymnastics moves with ease, ones that would give professionals problems. Many things made him special. He never thought about the things that made him special. They were just a part of him. Most of his skills were learned while surviving some of the deadliest situations in the world. Just in the name of martial arts training. Over the years he'd traveled around the world learning things that most Masters of the Art had forgotten or refused to believe. For example, by the age of ten he knew how to channel his Ki into an attack, to make himself faster, stronger, and one of the best fighters in the world. It had come at a price, but one he was willing to pay so long as he was the best. He didn't have the formal education that most men his age had. Sure he knew how to read, write, and even do basic math. It was required for him to be a martial artist, but the rest of it was just a waste of time according to his old man. Ranma sighed as he sat on top of the small wooden raft and looked out at the endless expanse of water. It stretched out in all directions as far as he could see. He pulled out the compass again and used the sun as a line of sight to see where he was. If the formula his old man taught him was true, he was about fifteen miles off the coast of Japan. He knew that even after he made landfall he would have a long walk ahead of him, but he'd worry about that after he was on solid ground again. Swimming all the way to China had been a pain and swimming back was proving to be an even bigger mistake. After that stupid storm came through and his old man vanished things had gone from bad to worse. If father, Genma Saotome was dead, it meant that the last connection to his family was gone. It also meant that he was free of the bastard as well. He wasn't sure what to think at the moment, sorta good and sorta bad. Stumbling across the raft after the storm passed had been a miracle and it gave him a chance to practice some Ki tricks he learned sometime back. Still, going to China was the biggest mistake the old man had ever pulled to date, even including the Neko-ken training. The villages in China proved to be great places to train at, so long as you were careful. People seemed to take offence at every little gesture and word a person said. Even the most innocent mistake usually led to them being chased out of town by a mob of fire toting villagers. Ranma still didn't understand why either. It's not like he'd ever done anything to them, though he suspected his pop was usually behind them for some reason. He reached down by his side where he had a small rusted coffee can full of clean water. Using his Ki to remove the salt and other crap from the water took a couple of hours of work just to fill the can, but it was worth it if he wanted to survive and he'd used the technique on water much filthier than sea water. He took a big drink just as a wave washed over the edge of the raft and swamped him. Instantly activating his Jusenkyo curse and turning him into a busty red headed girl. After a month with the curse he'd gotten used to it the constant changes, but they still irritated him to no end. He still couldn't believe some of the water related accidents that tended to happen around him either. Water flowing uphill was just one of the strange things that tended to happen. According to the guide of the place where he picked it up, he was rather lucky to have fallen in a human spring. Ranma wasn't sure about that. Turing into an animal would be a lot easier to accept than loosing his manhood every couple of hours. Still, all it took to control the curse was Ki control, something she was rather adept at already. She figured that within another few months she'd be able to change at will and eventually hold off the transformation completely. She sighed a little, every time he became female it was like some portion of his soul was removed. She could feel it deep down. Glancing at the coffee can again, he figured it would take over an hour to heat up enough water to change back. The old man would tell him to stop complaining and just tough it out like a man, but she really didn't like being female, nothing about the form gave an advantage in combat, her skin was more sensitive, even the way it moved. Every thing about being a girl was just wrong. She couldn't even use Jusenkyo waster to cure the curse. One curse can not cure another curse, you would just be doubly cursed. All that left was learning how to control it properly. Ranma was motivated enough to spend hours on end moving towards that goal. Sighing, she placed the can down in a protected spot near the middle of the old raft and looked out over the water. She quickly spotted something bobbing around in the water. With a frown she rolled off the raft and quickly swam over to the object. She recognized it almost instantly as the back pack her old man always carried around with him. The bottom half, with the weights had ripped away, but the main contents looked like they were still intact at least. Grabbing a strap, she quickly moved over to the raft and slung the thing onto the raft. She shivered a bit as she exited the water and some wind cooled her super sensitive skin. Gritting her teeth as she was reminded of the unwanted additions to her anatomy, an aura of white light formed around her body. It quickly warmed her body and stopped her chattering teeth. She also stripped her clothing off and squeezed as much water from it as she could before tying it to the small mast of the raft so it could dry. Her Ki also helped to speed up the process. Getting the items in the pack dried out was also a priority if she wanted to save any of it. She knew pop had several books on martial arts in there that he hadn't taught her yet. He read them by the fire at night before they spared and went to sleep. There were times when he wouldn't even talk about them so she was a little curious what they contained. This would be the perfect opportunity to learn them. She hesitated for a second, thinking that it might be dishonorable for her to just read them, before shrugging it off. The old man and honor didn't belong in the same sentence. She opened the pack to reveal a nasty looking pair of underwear. Gagging, she tossed them in the water and hoped they died a quick death or gave one of the sharks indigestion. She shuddered a bit. Then the rest of Genma's clothing was tossed to the side as well, but she planned to keep some of it incase she ran across him at some point in the future. After pulling out several books, scrolls, and a few other odds and ends, including a journal she'd never seen before, she sat everything out to dry. Now all she had to do was make it to the nearest beach. Sitting on a small wooden raft, several miles from the coast, was not fun. Doing it while female, completely naked, and irritated was even worse. She would wait a half hour or so before heading towards land. ********** Two days later, after the raft got caught by an under tow, she sighed in relief as she finally managed to push the raft onto the beach. Gasping for air she quickly dragged the raft further up the empty beach and collapsed into the sand. As a man she would have made the swim easily, but this female body worked differently than the male one. The Ki flows were strange and what worked for a man didn't for a female. It was as if they felt emotions in a slightly different way than men did. After half an hour of rest she sat up and started to repack a few of the old man's books and scrolls. The clothing went into the bottom where she didn't have to smell it anymore and tossed the rest of the scrolls on top of that. One of them fell on the ground though and as she picked it the binding finally broke and it unrolled a little. She noticed something weird. A small hand print and Genma's name. Arching an eyebrow she unrolled it and started to read, thinking it might be interesting. The kanji for Seppiku jumped out at her instantly. "WHAT!? THAT &%$#@ 4%$#5$#$tr!" Ranma screamed a few seconds later. "What the hell is a Man among Men?" All thoughts of contacting her mother died in an instant. 'Is it some kind of pervert or something?' If that was what her old man carried around with him all the time, did that mean there were other surprises hidden in the pack that would ruin her life as well? Growling, she tossed the contract to the side and started to going through the rest of the pack. The Journal looked like it would be the most interesting since it covered every step of the training trip so far if she read the dates correctly. Most of the scrolls were martial arts techniques, even a couple she hadn't encountered before. She sat those to the side and opened a book on advanced techniques and found one that would allow a person to swim around in the ocean like a fish. Frowning a little, she realized if the old man knew the technique then there was a good chance she would see him again. Good, he needed his ass kicked. The rest of the items were techniques she recognized, though she did find something that worried her. The Neko-ken manual. With a shiver she opened it up and started to read, after ten seconds she was growling, by the time she finished it about twenty minutes later a red aura raged around her. "The bastard!" She screamed and blasted the raft into kindling with a massive Ki blast. According to the book, there were several ways to teach the Neko-ken and most of them were quite dangerous, but in the end they would create a kind of berserker warrior that would kill anything it was pointed at. The cat pit was actually one of the more simple teaching methods, but also the most effective. The other methods also dealt with various forms of meditation, torture, and Ki manipulation. Snarling she picked up the book and reread a couple of sections before tossing it in the pack. The old man's dislike of meditation suggested that he had ignored that section and never read it in the first place. Now that she could believe. Grabbing the pack, she stood up and shouldered it. Due to it's damage she would have to replace it at some point, but first she had to take care of her female problem. The can of water was full, so she had enough to transform, but would have to take some time to heat up the water. Holding it in her hand and channeling Ki through the water, she headed inland and hoped to stumble across a small town or village. The old man's wallet had been quite thin, but there was enough to buy a cheap meal and perhaps an out fit or two. She had to get rid of the stupid gi while she had a chance. Because of the curse she needed something that would work better, perhaps adjustable pants of some kind. That reminded her of the Man among Men crap she just read about. Testing the water, she figured it was hot enough and poured it over her head and quickly changing back. A few minutes later he found a path. It led further inland which was fine with him. Now that he was back in Japan all he had to find out was where exactly, then he could start making plans. About six hours after that he stopped as he passed a couple of trees and found himself over looking a small valley with a number of run down buildings at the bottom. Running down the hill, she quickly entered the small village and instantly noticed that it was abandoned. Even though things were run down and rotting, Ranma could tell that the place had once been quite popular. The few intact buildings that he came across were still in good condition, just covered in plants. The wood was well maintained and the few bits of cloth he came across were still a solid color. Then he passed a small hill that blocked off a section of the village from the rest and stopped dead in his tracks. A large mansion stood hidden among the trees. What caught his attention was that it was in good condition and he could see some light from a pair of lanterns set near the main entrance. He walked up the path and instantly noticed when someone started to watch him. Seconds later the front door opened and an old woman slowly moved out to greet him. She quite short, had long white hair, and was wearing a simple kimono. "Well now, it's been a while since I've had a guest." Ranma bowed his head to her. "I apologies for the intrusion, elder. I was wandering through and spotted the lanterns." Her voice was dry and scratch as she laughed lightly. "Polite too, how rare." Ranma shrugged. "I'm afraid your about forty years to late for me to help you. The Karashi Ninja clan will die with me here pretty soon. We no longer cater to the young men as we once did." "Um that's alright, I was just wondering if you could point me in the direction of the nearest town. I need figure out where I am." The old woman laughed again, then started coughing. "You are ways from the nearest village boy, about twenty miles or so. We used this area to set up our clan because it allowed us a bit of privacy." Nodding, Ranma unshouldered his pack and sat it on the ground. "Twenty miles doesn't sound to bad. I should be able to make that tomorrow if I run." Now the old woman was giving him a weird look. "Are you a fighter?" "A martial artist actually. I'm heir of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts." "An Heir, very interesting. Are you any good?" Smirking, Ranma just nodded and folded his arms. "I'm the best!" "With quite an ego as well." She said with a laugh. "Tell you what, I have an offer to make you." "What do you mean?" "I'm dying boy, I don't have to long left and the only thing keeping me alive right now is my Ki. I've been waiting around for sometime for my last remaining relative to come back from the city and take over, but he never came back. I want to pass my school onto someone that can use it properly." The thought of new techniques intrigued Ranma and he considered it. "There is only one problem the even makes me hesitate, you aren't female." She said dryly. "But maybe you could pass them onto whoever you choose as your wife." "Why does being female matter?" "Cause I'm kunoichi boy, a female ninja and the techniques are all designed to be used by a female body." She said and started coughing again, this time Ranma thought she was going to cough up a lung. He ran forward and grabbed her by the shoulders, helped her into the house, and over to a nearby chair. The chair was in a living room, quite large, where she had a small fire going. She sighed as she sat down to test. "Thank you." She said quietly. "Are you interested." "Yes, I'm always interested in learning something new, but how would you be able to train me?" She laughed. "I can't but if you can read the scrolls you will pick some of the techniques up easily enough, even if you are male." Ranma was seriously considering telling the old woman about his curse. It would probably gain him the school's scrolls and allow him to take them without insulting the woman. "Well, what do you say?" "Agreed, where are they?" The old woman nodded and pointed to the fire place. "Over there, removed the sixth brick up from the bottom. You have to use your Ki to remove it though, otherwise it will never budge." "Easy enough." She gave him a surprised look. "Really?" "Sure, I've been using my Ki for the last five years." Ranma said with a smirk and moved over to the fire place and knelt down. He instantly noticed a brick that stood out from the others. "Just how old are you boy?" "Fifteen." "So young." She muttered and gave him a closer look. "I'm amazed, I didn't think you would be able to even see the brick." "Why?" "It was a test." He gave her a look. "Do you still want me to remove it?" "Sure, there are a couple of scrolls back there, but not the main ones." It only took him a second to pull the brick out and pull out a couple of old yellowed scrolls and what looked like a small ribbon with a little metal clasp on it. He held it up and gave it a look. "You know what that is boy?" He shook his head. "It's a magical item, one of four the clan possesses." "What does it do?" She laughed again. "That one protects you from poison. It's worn around a girl's neck and she can eat and drink the deadliest of poisons without dropping dead." Ranma nodded, understanding why such a thing would be a treasure to a ninja clan. "Interesting." "I'm tired boy, more than you can understand. I don't think I'm going to make it through the night." He gave her a worried look, but she waved it off as nothing to worry about it. "I'm over two hundred years old boy, trust me when I say I've seen it all. Alright, now the real stash of scrolls to the school, is underneath the fire place bricks at your feet. There is a brick there you need to work free, once it shifts enough it will open a small hole with ladder leading down into the secret tunnel beneath the house. There are traps, so beware." He nodded, not really surprised. "Can you turn them off?" "If I was able to actually get down there, yes, but since I can't you will just have to get through on your own." "Another test?" She laughed again. "An unintentional one, good luck boy." Glancing down, Ranma had to study the bricks at his feet for several minutes before he spotted the hidden entrance and laughed to himself. He could barely see it as it was, but he gave one of the bricks a swift kick and it shifted. A loud boom filled the house as the floor gave way beneath him. "Ah hell!" He yelled as he fell down the hole and landed at the bottom. A torch on the wall suddenly lit up filling the area with fire light. He could hear the old woman laughing up above him. 'Stupid ninja trick.' Turning around he spotted a tunnel and started to slowly edge his way down. He quickly spotted several traps set up to kill him if he wasn't careful. They were easy enough to avoid by crawling along the ceiling. Eventually, after avoiding about forty traps, Ranma moved into a larger room. He instantly recognized it as an old time training hall. Torches around the room quickly lit up as he entered. It was impossible to tell just how they were lighting on their own, but he wasn't that curious. Something had drawn his attention. A small alcove on the other side of the room held an open chest. Inside he could see a thick scroll wound around a wooden rod. Hanging on the wall inside the alcove, he spotted a pair of swords and bracers of the deepest black. "This is easy." Jumping in the air, he sailed across the room and landed right before the alcove in a crouch. Seconds later he had everything tied up in a neat bundle, jumped back across the room, and raced down the hall. It didn't take any effort at all to reach the top of the shaft and jump out of the hole. He had a feeling the whole place was going to collapse on him and his senses were telling him that he had to get out of there. "Stupid ninja tricks." He muttered again. The instant he landed on the floor next to the hole he could tell something was wrong. The house was in ruins, covered in dust, and about ready to fall apart. It looked like no one had been inside the thing for over a hundred years "What the hell?" He glanced over to where the old woman had been a gasped. A skeleton in her clothing grinned up at him. His pig tail stood on end and he appeared outside seconds later, grabbed his pack, and ran out of the valley. He didn't stop running for over an hour and by that time he was well out of the valley. Gasping for air, he tried to figure out what just happened. The only thing that came to mind was a haunting of some kind, but he still had the items that were in the training hall so maybe part of it was true after all. Lightning flashed across the sky and thunder rumbled in the distance just as it started to rain. Ranma, now female, shuddered as the change went through her body with an odd tingle she didn't remember ever feeling before. She was really beginning to hate rain. Noticing a nearby paved road, she blinked a few times and ran over to check it out just as the storm ended. The sun shone through the clouds above and allowed her to see some hills near the horizon, but a road meant that civilization was nearby. ********** The next morning Ranma, still female, woke up from a restless night of sleep and groaned as she sat up and stretched. Her back popped a few times as she got up and went through her morning workout, for once pushing herself to the very edge of her speed and skill. It allowed her to work off a bit of the stress she'd built up after finding out what the old man had in store for her. "Stupid %$#&%#$." She muttered as she finished her morning practice. The trees around her were thick enough to give her a bit of privacy so she wasn't worried about being seen by anyone, she just hoped she found a town. She'd walked throughout the day before and hadn't spotted anything approaching civilization except the road. For Japan it was a bit odd and it had her worried. Shrugging it off, she just figured she was in one of the less populated areas. She decided to see what the scrolls she acquired the day before had to say. The first scroll wasn't actually a technique, but a listing of the ninja clan's founder and all the family members. She tossed it to the side as useless. The second scroll was a bit more informative, it was a pressure point chart. It listed hundreds of different spots on the body that ran from simple healing points, to a Ki blocking technique, to some that were written in a weird code. Those ones intrigued her, but she didn't want to experiment with them to much. Ninja did kill people after all so they may have been pressure points that killed with a simple touch. The most prevalent on the chart though had her blushing. Sexual pressure points designed to make other female ninja into nymphomaniacs. Ranma thought about some of them and recalled that he was supposed to be a Man among Men. Maybe his mother wanted him to be trained in stuff like this? After several seconds she shrugged, an experiment or two wouldn't hurt things and her female body would be handy. Shaking her head, she spotted a point and figured it would be a good place to start, so she traced out one of the spots and found that they could be used on a person's own body. Her hand traced along her inner though where the pressure point she was looking for was located and she gave it a press. A first nothing happened, but she could feel something building up. Had she done it wrong? Checking the chart again, she saw that a simple burst of Ki wasn't enough, it had to be a continuous flow of Ki. No less than ten seconds, no more than five minutes or the person would be injured. Tracing the point again, she quickly found the point and pressed, sending a wave of Ki into her leg. At the count of fifteen, she removed her finger to see what would happen. It happened almost instantly, like a rushing wave of liquid pleasure. "Wha ah AAAAHHHHAAAA!!" Ranma screamed as an orgasm ripped through her body. Then a second one hit and she gasped and fell over as her waist lifted in the air, her eyes rolled back and a third even more powerful one went off and she screamed again. Her hands flew between her legs to stop it, but it only set off three more orgasms. The crotch of her Gi soaked through as something came out of her on the next one. Her whole body started to tingle and she arched her back as she felt something building up inside her. She moaned as a triple orgasm went off like a bomb and forced her fingers to delve where she'd never wanted them to. She rolled into a ball, bit her finger and shuddered through a series of smaller and smaller orgasms as the pressure point finally wore off. Shaking from head to toe, Ranma crawled over to where she dropped the scroll and glanced at it again. The point she just touched should have caused her leg to go numb for a few minutes, not That! Panting, she studied the scroll and noticed that there was actually a whole grouping of points right in that area. She hadn't read the scroll closely enough. She pressed her forehead against the ground and moaned as she realized her body was begging for more. She could feel something running down the back of her legs and didn't even want to know what it was. There was this aching need seem inside her that she was having problems ignoring and didn't know if it was because of the point or just her female body. Pulling her hand out of her pants, she looked at her hand and gaped at it. It was covered in a warm liquid, very slick, and just slightly sticky as she touched her fingers together. "What the hell is this stuff?" Wiping it on the grass she rolled over on to her back and just breathed in and out for several minutes. She could feel the urge slowly wearing off, but the most striking thing she noticed was her breasts. The nipples were rock hard. Her hand reached inside her gi and touched one and felt a burst of pleasure run right from her nipple to between her legs. Shuddering, she quickly let go. A euphoric feeling was settling in her body as she lay there and a smile slowly played at her lips as she drifted off to sleep. ********** End Chapter 01 Notes: This first chapter just sets up some basic story changes. The loss of Genma for the foreseeable future and the introduction of a slightly different kind of Ranma. As you can tell by this last scene this is indeed going to be a Lemon. This chapter also quite tame compared to the kinds of Lemon's I tend to write so be forwarned that things are going to get a lot more graphic. Lemon scenes: If anyone has any suggestions send them to me I just might use them and I'll give you credit in the Notes if you want. This story can cross with just about anything and I've already got a basic R/Jupiter scene sketched out, but it will also have Ranma having sex in both forms. Ranma's power level. This is a lemon, can't stress that enough, and as such Ranma's Power level is also a little different. In this story he's a Ki Adept, meaning he's a natural at it on top of his usual Martial arts skills. He will pull off some things, but making up moves is currently beyond him unless he's in battle. Ranma never has had much of an imagination after all. Send me suggestions at thank you. |