IV. "God is on the side of the heaviest cannon." --Napoleon Bonaparte "Close your eyes to pity! Act brutally! The stronger man is right!" --Adolf Hitler NEAR THE CASTLE OF THE INVISIBLE SUN SODAI HIMAMONO-YAMA 1145 HOURS: (Bet it starts coming down any minute,) thought Akane, looking up through the firing slit at the sky. (At least I'm under cover for now.) The Armored Personnel Carrier was a Hashimoto, built for speed and defensibility, not comfort. Clan Kuonji owned ten, just a small part of their armored assets; the one Akane rode in bristled with antenna and was outfitted as a mobile command post. Ukyou was in the front seat, on the radio to Miho, who was coordinating the rest of her forces at the rondezvous point some five kilometers off. Akane sat in the back, wedged between LinLin and Ran Ran on one side, Pink and Link on the other. (Not the best place in the world to be,) she considered, but so far the fearsome foursome had been no trouble. LinLin and RanRan especially were on their best behavior, and Akane suspected that they were secretly eager to finish what they'd started the first time they'd met Ranma, weather or not he was in his girl-form. The three smiled warmly at each other, a trio of she-lions stalking an unsuspecting zebra. (Or maybe not so unsuspecting,) she mused. Several of Shampoo's recon patrol's had reported sighting some of their Kodachiite counterparts out on the prowl; doubtless the Invisible Sun was tracking their movements even now. (If so, they'll know exactly what they're up against.) She glanced again through the firing slit at the massive formations marching outside. The air was rent by the combined voices howling out the Amazon war song. (I just *knew* Shampoo was holding back about the true size of her army,) Akane thought. (Damn, how the hell they'd get so many shipped over? Cologne must have some clout with the Imperial Family.) "Impressive, no?" asked Linlin, cradleing her trusty ironwood bo-staff. "Shampoo-anego say we have full Joketsuzoku Legion here, many our best warriors." That would be about 13,000 women. "With Ukyou forces--" "--If they any good," remarked Ranran with a smirk. "--that make 16, 17,000," finished Linlin, shooting a reproachful look at her sister. "No way crazy girl--Kotachee?" "Kodachi," corrected Akane. "No way Kodachi able defeat us." Akane grinned at her enthusiasem, and touseled her hair. Linlin playfully countered with her staff. "It does look doubtful for her," said Akane, "but remember always--Kodachi is not to be taken lightly. She's sneaky as all hell, and has a variety of nasty tricks up her sleeve--knockout gas, chemical mines, you name it. 'Course, that's also her greatest weakness, too, is an overreliance on gimmicks and cheating. Straight hand to hand, she's not all that good, at least she wasn't the last time I fought her." (And I've gotten a hell of a lot better since then,) she continued silently. She remembered with relish the fight at Kunou's mansion. (Now I'd beable to gut her without breaking a sweat.) "Kodachi dangerous," agreed Pink on her right. "That why Akane stick close to Pink and Link." Akane turned, but the Chinese girl stifled her protests before they were uttered. "Not because Pink think Akane need protection, but as major Ranma target, Akane need escort." Linlin and Ranran nodded enthusiasticlly. Akane smiled and shrugged in resignation, while thinking all along, (Damn. This'll make things a bit more difficult. Still, not too great a complication; I *did* expect something like this after all.) She directed her gaze out the tiny window again. (I've gotten better then them, as well.) Ranran polished her tiger fork until her blue hair reflected off of the surface. Linlin commenced meditating, at least as much as was possible in the bumping, jostling confines of the APC. (Such cute little munchkins,) thought Akane with a smile. (Pity they might both be dead before the end of this.) Then she forced the thought out of her mind, leaned back, and closed her eyes. An hour and a half later, they arrived. The vehicle silently rolled to a halt and eveyone jumped out, stretching and flexing beneath the fast-darkening sky. Pink, Link and Akane exited last; they spent five minutes alone in the APC before Ukyou began to wonder what was going on. The clouds above were thickening, roiling like the hell-broth in a witch's cauldron. Spots of rain pattered here and there. The wind was increasing, running cool fingers through the scrub grass and Akane's hair but failing to penetrate her insulated battlesuit. She glanced around in satisfaction at the thousands of senshi gathered along the flat expanse of the plain. Off about 200 meters away, something caught her eye: a banner baring the Tendou family crest, and below it. . . "Look." Akane pointed; Pink and Link followed the direction of her gaze. Nabiki had made good on her pledge. An entire Ryod‡n--a Brigade--of warriors, all of them sexless in white armor and mirrored-visor helmets, was encamped in a nearby clearing. Around 4,500 troops, most of them, she saw, armed with spears and katana--it appeared that Shampoo's unit's would take care of the archery. (I wonder how much all this cost her,) thought Akane. (Had to be a cool ´1,000,000 at least.) Still, in war one either paid for the best or you paid with your life. (But what I wouldn't give for one good machingun.) Ahead and above was their target, the Castle itself. Huge, towering and majestic, it was a beautiful example of 12th Century Japanese architecture which fit in perfectly with it's imposing setting. They were about halfway up Izanami-yama, the largest of the Fire Demon mountins which surrounded them. The snap and rattle of various flags filled the air. "There. They're forming up," said Link, gazing through a pair of field glasses. She handed them to Akane, who adjected the focus until they snapped into view: Thousands of armored black figures, goose-stepping about in parade formation. They could all hear the strains of the band music, the *Warrior's Saraband,* as they massed. "Feh. Pigs," muttered Link with a sour look. They *would* pick that one." "No matter. We'll soon have them playing a dirge," stated a voice behind them. They turned to see Nodoka striding up, a vision of resplendant deadliness in her white cermet armor. Her bootheels clacked on the rocky ground. She wore a long matching headband, which would no doubt be covered by a helmet once the actual combat began. Her wakizashi was strapped securely to her back. "Akane-san, if you please." She gestured to the newly erected tent standing just meters away. The table inside was circular, fitting for the dome-like structure. Around it sat all of the Supreme Commanders: Genma, Soun, Shampoo and Cologne. Akane, Nodoka and Ukyou soon filed in to take their places. On one "wall," the battle flags of the three major armies hung crossed. It was Nodoka who spoke first. She got right to the point. "This war has only two aims: the rescue of my son Ranma, and the death of Kunou Kodachi," she said. "The two are indivisible; if we get Ranma without killing Kodachi then we're merely buying ourselves time before her next attack. Now, we've all agreed here today to put our respective. . .differences on hold until these two things are accomplished." She smiled into the icy carnivore eyes around the table, and steepled her fingers as she continued. "After Ranma is free from the clutches of that psychotic sorceress and her severed head adorns my pike, we can settle the bridal argument later. Or, if you would all prefer, here and now, upon this very field." Her tone left no doubt which she would like. "Later," said Ukyou with a piano grin. "No doubt after tangling with The Order of the Black Rose, my forces will be well-niegh exhausted, especially after yesterday's. . .events." Her eyes, Akane noted, were glittering again. "It can all be hashed out peacefully some other time, I am sure." "We feel much the same way," agreed Cologne. Beside her, Shampoo seemed to be examining her hands. "Such things can be put off until a more appropriate moment." It was as if Akane had become claravoyant, as if they were all transparent and she could see right through them. (They're lying,) she knew with a sudden deep conviction. (Every one of them--they won't wait at all; the minute Ranma is free and Kodachi's dead, they'll turn on each other like a pack of rabid wolves.) Her mind's eye painted the fields outside red with shredded corpses and broken weapons, banners trampled in the mud, screams, cries, curses, moans. The remnants of shattered armies fighting to the death below the burning hulk of the Invisible Sun, smoke hanging heavy in the air, while a gibbering, mindless Ranma was tossed about to and fro, an unwinnable prize in an endless war. She took a deep breath, hid her disgust behind a face kept carefully composed. (Filth,) she thought, (all of you. Scum.) "With that settled, it is time we planned our battle strategy," said Nodoka from behind hooded eyes. The discussion became technical. Two hours later, they filed out, each to their respective commands. Akane yawned, following Nodoka, Genma and her father a few steps behind. It still hadn't really begun to rain yet. (Thank the Goddess for small favors,) she thought, going over the strategy again in her mind. It was fairly obvious, revolving around Kodachi's major weak spot--her stubborn refusal to believe that Ranma-kun and Ranma-chan were the same person. She loathed the latter as much as she loved the former. If Ranma could be made to "dissappear" right out from under her nose with a well-timed bucket of water, a confused Kodachi might be unable to direct the battle until her love could be "found" again--and it was too late. (Obviously, they've been paying as little attention to Kodachi as I have over these past few months, if what Pink told me is true,) considered Akane. (In any case, all this means that I will have to make my move a bit later then I'd wanted.) It would be difficult, but not impossible; the main risk would come from her new friends. If they decided to knife her in the back. . . Someone tapped her on the shoulder. Whirling, her eyes went wide when she saw who it was. "Mousse!" she exclaimed, and hugged him. When last they'd seen each other he'd been dying, poisoned by an amulet sold to him by a mysterious jewler--doubtless one of Kodachi's agents. The amulet had been intended as a gift for Shampoo, and contained a tiny 3-D depiction of the Fire Demon Mountains. (A clue and assasination attempt in one,) thought Akane as she stood back. Off to her left, Nodoka was scowling at the two; Akane gave her a look that said, *Fuck you, cow* and turned away. "I thought you were dead," she said. "We all did. I heard you were in the hospital. . ." "Kodachi wasn't trying to kill me, Akane-san," said Mousse quietly. "Not like that other poor man; there was only enough poison to make me very sick for a short time, and give me those awful blotches. I think it was just. . .a warning." His eyes bored into hers. "And a stay of execution." Akane suppressed a shudder. "She wants us here, on the battlefield." A sigh. "Understandible. Of course, with everyone united against her, it will just make her defeat--" or her victory, she added silently "--that much more crushing." "Do you think that we can really win?" asked Mousse. Akane gaped at him incredulously. "Of course! I mean, gods, she's outnumbered two to one, how can she possibly come out of this alive?" He nodded once, then again. "Yes. Yes, you're right, of course; with all these troops behind us, we'll overwhelm her on sheer weight of numbers alone." A sheepish smile. "Well, I'd better go find Shampoo. She needs me, weather she wants to admit it or not." "Yeah. Yeah, I guess I'd better go get ready, myself." Akane watched as he turned to leave, and shook her head. (Such a stupid man,) she thought sadly. (An increadibly weak-minded, stupid man. Strong, yes--physically; very good at planning an attack, a master of martial arts weapons. But when it comes to Shampoo. . .Oh, well.) She went to catch up to her father. "They're almost ready." Sasuke was looking out over the plains from the Invisible Sun's south tower. He wore his uniform as Junshou of the Kurohana-ninja: a modernized version of the Napoleonic-era French officer's uniform, black with white piping, cape, breeches, cummerbund, silver buttons and black leather boots. The symbol on his peaked cap, Kodachi's personal coat of arms, was also done in silver. He turned to his Lieutennant. "Go alert our masters." The Grand Shrine lay in the very center of the castle and on the top floor, it's roof domed glass looking up upon the roiling sky. This was the main source of light, and it shone down in dim, grey shafts. Kodachi, Ranma, Kiyohime and their generals were all there, sitting in the lotus position before an immense black marble statue of Amaterasu-omikami. It was surrounded by skulls, boughs of roses and candles. The aroma of foliage and burning incense hung heavy in the air. Far off, lightning struck; for a second the flare illuminated the room in flashbulb clarity. Echoes bounced around the immense chamber, the call and response of dialog with the Goddess: "Mighty, mighty Amaterasu, life-giving spirit of the world!" spoke Kiyohime. "Thee we invoke!" replied Ranma and Kodachi. "Thou, who from nothingness didst draw the seas, the earth and the heavens, thee we invoke!" said Kiyohime. "Great, great Amaterasu, fruitful Goddess of all the world! Thee we invoke!" There was in Kodachi's voice an edge of hysteria, and she fought to keep it down. Ranma didn't. "Goddess, who art of thy spirit both mother and daughter, Thee we invoke!" called Kiyohime. "Eternal flame, created of Izanagi, Ye who sparked the sun!" "Thee we invoke!" replied Ranma and Kodachi. "Life of the universe, fount of eternal love, bringer of all that is life and happiness, Thee we invoke!" "Great Amaterasu!" "Mighty Amaterasu!" Kiyohime stood, and turned to face her daughter and future son-in-law. "Oh youths beloved of all the Gods, you hold in trust not only your own destiny, but that of the Kunou family," she said. In her hands was Nodoka's sword, lovingly encased in it's seath. She held it out to Ranma. "May the sacred katana of your mother, first forged in the black days of the Gempei War, soiled with the blood of Kunou ancestors, today become in your hands blazing terror and death for our enemies!" Ranma took the weapon, frozen, captivated by her electric gaze. Outside, lightening boomed and thundered again. His eyes were glued to Kiyohime's as she said, "Accept, O Avenger, from my hands, that which will be as a light and a guide on the Path to victory!" Then she turned back to the statue and kneeled, forehead touching the floor. A solitary tear streamed down Ranma's face, and he felt as though his soul were having convulsions. "O Goddess, custodian and avenger of sacred Nippon, lift thy hand over this land!" she intoned. "Leader and Judge of every earthly battle, protect thou, defend thou, my daughter and her intended as they go forth this day." "Mighty Amaterasu, creator of the world!" they called. Everyone rose. The Lieutennant stepped forward, bowed deeply before Kodachi and said, "The enemy is before us in the field, shujin. Our forces are all arrayed as per your orders, and we await your commands." Kodachi nodded, and called out loudly, "Comrades! The war awaits us! May this day bring glory upon our Houses!" They raised their weapons in a sustained roar. "VICTORY TO KODACHI! GLORY TO RANMA!!" Saotome Ranma looked at her, at Kodachi, at the woman who had silenced the voices in his head, who had taken him away from his vicious, awful family and that evil witch Akane; who trusted him, adored him and showed him the path to true liberty. An overwhelming wash of love and affection flooded his heart, and he took her into his arms. They kissed passionately, and then marched out the door. NEAR THE CASTLE OF THE INVISIBLE SUN SODAI HIMAMONO-YAMA BATTLEFIELD 0200 HOURS: "All units advance! Ready the arrows!" shouted Cologne. She was on their far left flank, with Shampoo, at the head of the Joketsuzoku forces. (Here we come, baby,) thought Akane, grinning from ear to ear. She could feel the blood roaring through her veins as she and her comrades moved towards the castle in a front well over a mile wide. The tall grasses left her leg armor damp with dew as they marched. On either side of her were Pink, Link and Ryouga; Nodoka was to her left, riding atop the APC with Genma and Soun. Directly behind them was their army, and on their right flank, Ukyou's. Everyone carried water skins in case they ran into Ranma. Before them loomed the Invisible Sun and it's several thousand defenders. (At least two, no, three Legion's worth,) noted Akane. Forming two concentric rings before the castle gates, the rest inside it's protective walls. Apparently Kodachi was not about to countinnance a seige; this conflict would be settled in the field, the way the Goddess intended. They were within 400 meters of the lead units. "Archers, aim and draw!" boomed Cologne. "Doubletime!" Two thousand arms pulled back on crossbow cranks; two thousand pairs of eyes drew beads as they all began to trot. 375 meters now. (Be ready,) thought Akane. She brought her naginata up, gripped it with both hands. A distant flash of lightening glinted off of it's blade. From the heavens above came the sound of thunder. 350 meters. 325. . . 300. "FIRE!" shouted Cologne. FSSSHHOOOOM. The noise of a million bumble bees, the wings of an army of humming birds. The arrows soared straight out to bury their diamond/acrylic heads into their prey. Some grunts, an occasional shriek, hastily stifled: even modern body armor was no guarantee against a weapon of this sort. Especially not one with a microrocket attached to the shaft, the closest one could get to a gun in Japan. "Reload! Aim. . . FIRE!" shouted Cologne again. The second volley leapt forth to find their targets. The reply was not long in coming. "Careful, Akane-san," said Ryouga. Without thinking, there was no time to think, Akane whipped her naginata around to slice in two the shafts seeking her heart. Behind her and to the right there was a cry, and the WHUMP of a body hitting the ground. Ten more arrows flew at her; she reduced them all to splinters in seconds. Fire arrows came down from above; she parried them as well, watching as small blazes were started in the damp grasses. A third volley came, but now they were close enough, as they say, for things to get intimate. "Archers to the rear," shouted Cologne. "Spears and swords, to the fore!" Akane glanced askance at Link, who nodded, and held up five fingers. Then four. . . (Wait for it, wait for it. . .) Akane ran her tongue around in a mouth gone suddenly bone-dry. Three. . . "KUROHANA-NINJA, ATTACK!!" shouted someone from atop the fortress walls; it looked like Sasuke. For a moment his eyes met Akane's, and he grinned. Thousands of black-clad bodies leaped forward, katana and nunchucku and naginata full of deadly promise in their hands. The spearmen lead them, the heads of their yari solid titanium. Two. . . Her own forces rushed past her to engage; at once there was the KLANG of metal on armor and the sickening sound of rending flesh. Screams. Nodoka was shouting at Akane to get in the APC; Soun was waving his arms wildly. . . One. The three of them, Pink, Link and Akane, abruptly joined hands and leapt headlong into the fray. Twenty meters up they broke and descended, kicking, slicing, parrying and jumping like a trio of armed, demented gazelles. Behind her Akane could hear Ryouga curse and try to follow, but soon he was lost in the general melee. Then she was focusing all her attention on her goal, and on holding the glorious red killing haze back from enveloping her mind for just alittle while longer. But not *too* long. "Now, my love?" asked Ranma, barely able to contain the eagerness in his voice. Kodachi looked at him and smiled warmly. (Ran-chan's excited, but keeping it under control,) she assessed. (Ii-desu.) They were standing on the South Wall overlooking the rumbling battleflield. Behind them were the men and women of their own Legion, the 1st Kurobara Shidan no Sensha Goei Kunou Kodachi, her personal body guards. Since they were on Imperial soil, they were not allowed their tanks, just APC's like everyone else. But they were all well-versed in The Way, and heavily armed. They, too, itched for battle, she could sense it. Briefly she glanced back up at a window in the main building to see her mother peering down at her. They waved to each other, then Kodachi turned back to the battlefield. Unlike herself and Ranma, mother would not be going out to fight. Kiyohime would remain here to run the castle's defenses, and maintain overall control of the Armed Forces as Supreme Commander in Chief. Kodachi wouldn't have it any other way; such an arrangement played well to each of their relative strength's. (Well, it's time,) thought Kodachi. The last intelligence report from Sasuke couldn't tell her exactly where Akane was, only the general area, but that would be enough. "Yes, honey, now," she answered. To her Legion: "Raise the colors! Bandsman, strike up the march; yari-bearers lead!" To the strains of their unit anthem, The Imperial March from "The Empire Strikes Back," they strode towards the gates. Shampoo soared high over the heads of the Black Rose spearmen, whirling and slashing with her bon-bori even before she touched down. Mousse was at her side. Almost immediately they were enveloped by every warrior in the vicinity, and both parties threw themselves into the fray with wild abandon. Mousse barely had time to dodge the sword thrust when he noticed the six ninja descending from out of the sky with raised katana. At once his extensor chains shot from his right sleeve; gore rained down upon them both when the hooked ends penetrated fabric, flesh and bone. The bodies hit the ground with sickening thuds. (Quickly,) thought Mousse, (quickly retract the chains oh gods WHAT is this on the end, a kidney?! Fuggit, there's another, ma-de, they're everywhere--) (Pivot!) Action merged with thought as Shampoo narrowly avoided a hit from a spiked nunchuck. Once more she whipped out a wide arc with her bon-bori; fourteen of the enemy went flying from that single blow. She leaped, grace personified; landed on someone's head, felt a satisfying CRUNCH as their neck gave way, smashed seven more into bloody hamburger. Metal glinted in the dim light; the razor-edge of the wakizashi parting the flesh of her upper left arm barely registered in her brain. Spin, whirl, kick, SLASH; ten more down. (With twenty to replace them,) her mind japed back at her. Drop, kick, thrust; fountaining scarlet rewarded her effort. One of the ninja she'd just gutted had also lost his mask; staring eyes locked on her's for a moment as he went into hydrostatic shock, flopped around a bit and was still. He couldn't have been any older then her, she realized with a start; if anything, a year or so younger. (To hell with it,) she snarled in her mind, (this is war. Kodachi did this, and the bitch has my Ranma. If I have to swim through an ocean of blood to get to him, then by all the Amazon Goddesses, I WILL!) Shampoo screamed out her undulating, sing-song war cry, and the other nearby Joketsuzoku warriors took it up as well. Mousse shuddered, looked at her for a second and then quickly turned away. He much preferred to watch the endless parade of blood and death before him then the contorted, inhuman thing Shampoo's face had become. The threnondy of war was an aria in her ears, the blood and spittle, a baptism. Ukyou's battle spatula sliced a gory swath through everything before her as she, Miho and the rest of their forces moved through the surging ranks. Miho herself had only her bare hands and her sai, but it was enough. Scores of Kodachi's warriors were sliced into bloody ribbons before collapsing into heaps upon the ground. They were quickly trampled by their compatriots. The bulk of Ukyou's Army was behind and on either side of them, moving against the Black Rose units as the rising tide moves up the beach. Like Shampoo and her Amazons, they headed straight for the front gate; unlike their erstwhile "allies," they were in the lead. "Ukyou-sama!" shouted Miho into her ear. The noise made shouting mandatory. "Nani?" yelled Ukyou, dodging a katana-blow. "Word from Anchin!" One of her warriors, on recon. "He report's that the 1st Kurobara has gone into action; they're ahead left 100 meters!" The 1st Black Rose, that meant Ranma! Ranma. . .and Kodachi. Ukyou's grin had no warmth in it as she sliced the head off of the senshi before her. (Oh, Ko-chan,) she thought, (it'll be a *pleasure* to see you again.) She swung her forces around. Nodoka's eyes scanned the mayhem surrounding them as she stood on the roof of the APC. Occasionally she had to use her sword to deflect the odd arrow or crossbow bolt, but the enemy forces were too far away--about 50 meters--to get to her personally. Genma and the rest of their army was just ahead, engaging the elite 3rd Yoshitsune. Suddenly her face lit up, and she pointed. "There! There he is!" she shouted. Through her headset she spoke to the driver. "To your left 80 meters! Get me closer--oww, shit!" Angrily she yanked the arrow out of her right arm; it was spent anyway and only the head penetrated--a lucky shot. "Never mind me, I'm fine!" she continued. "Just do it!" And all at once the air overhead turned black--or at least, darker then usual for this day. Midnight rose petals poured down upon them like ebony snow. Shampoo and Mousse looked up simultaniously; the Chinese man felt his innards grow cold. Senshi. Thousands of them, leaping--no, flying overhead in a steady arc to land not more then twenty meters off. Shampoo felt as though she were standing beneath a stampede of elk as they jumped above her. Then suddenly it hit--they were coming down right on top of the bulk of the Joketsuzoku forces! As if to confirm her thoughts, she heard great-grandmother's voice rising above the din. "X'IAN PU!" she shouted, "TO MY SIDE, QUICKLY!" At once, Shampoo jumped towards the sound. Mousse cursed, and followed her. Among the last things the young Amazon named Chun-Li saw were the rose petals, and then the black clad warriors who dropped out of nowhere to surround herself and her comrades. Hundreds of them in the first few seconds, with more every clock-tick thereafter. Before her eyes her friends were eviscerated, bursting into welters of blood, bone and intestines under the weapons of the newcomers. Their shrieks were horrific to hear, the butcher-shop stench of sudden death mingling obscenely with the sickly-sweet aroma of flowers. Beside her, Li's younger sister Chiang slashed at one of the black demons with her sword; the blow didn't even come close. The reply sent Chiang's head spinning aloft, trailing scarlet. Li roared her loss and outrage, then turned her attention to the man who touched down abruptly in front of her. He had on a warsuit of midnight-black armor, with a huge styalized horse done in grey across the abdomen. It had a rose in it's mouth. No helmet covered his lush ebony hair, only a white headband that read in black kanji, "WARHORSE OF THE APOCALYPSE." He grinned at her. Chun-Li knew who it was immediately; X'ian Pu had familiarized them all with his face before the battle. But Li's sister and most of her friends were dead now, and she herself had been sorely wounded thus far in the campeign. So Li wasn't really enclined to try and douse him with water from the flask she carried at her hip--instead she raised both her hands, fist's clasped together and glowing bright blue, intending to bring them down upon his head. But before she could complete the move, she saw his aura flare a rich scarlet, brighter then blood, hotter then the sun, and heard his whisper, "Oonemuri nisawarimasu" while his finger brushed the valley between her breasts. The universe shattered like a dropped mirror, everything went dark-- Ranma laughed as the Amazon woman fell bonelessly before him, her internal organs rent by a single touch of the finger. His finger! Thus far, the "Eternal Sleep" death move was the only aspect of The Way that he had had time to learn, but it seemed more then sufficient for this battle. And fun, too! He whipped around to snap the neck of another of Shampoo's warriors, then put his foot through the stomach of a third. Or was it a fourth? No matter, it was still way too few; he yeared to rack up a pile that reached to the sun. Darling would be very proud of him if he did that; and he *so* wanted to make her happy. . . Laughing again, he touched two more Amazons on the nose with each hand, making their head's explode. It was the funniest thing he had ever seen. A dozen meters off was his amorŽ Kodachi, ripping a huge hole in the Amazon lines with her razor ribbon. The look on her face could only be described as orgasmic. He felt himself grow hard. (Later, later,) he scolded his unruly libido, and went to guard her right flank. From rapidly converging directions they headed straight for the center of the Amazon forces where no doubt they would find-- Cologne. Right here before him with her staff, barely holding her own againt just *one* of the 1st Legion's elite. Tojo, his name was, one of the youngest and least expertienced in The Way, yet he was more then giving Cologne a run for her money. He pulled back when he saw Ranma arrive. "Would you prefer the honor, My Leader?" he asked. Ranma shook his head. "This fossel I grant to you, Tojo-san," he replied. "Where is the whore Shampoo?" "I've not seen her yet, Great One," said Tojo, landing blows that made Cologne grunt with pain. "This ancient crone was calling her just now, she should be along any second--" "Ranma!" shouted Cologne, desperately parrying Tojo's katana thrusts. "S-son-in-law, snap out of it! That witch Kodachi has poisoned your mind--" "Husband! Husband!" Even before he heard the shout, Ranma sensed Shampoo's arrival. She was descending upon him, like shealways did when riding that damn bike of her's-- Tojo kicked, sending Cologne's staff flying. Ranma plucked it out of the air and without even turning around swung it straight up and back over his head. The tremor of it's impact against the Amazon's body carried through the pole all the way down into his groin, making him even more turgid with rather a different kind of anticipation. Shampoo landed hard on her back, spitting teeth, her shattered nose fountianing blood. Mousse alighted beside her, face scarlet with rage. "RANMA PIG!" he screamed. "NOW YOU DIE!!" His extensor chains shot out of both sleeves. "Mousse, no--" yelled Cologne. Shampoo's foot shot out, tripping him, throwing Mousse off balance. The hooked and bladed chains shot wide of the mark. Ranma's sword flashed, cutting five of them in two; then he dodged the water flask that went sailing directly over his head to impact in the Chinese man's face. Mousse morphed instantly into a duck. Ranma glanced back to spare one demonic grin for his father, still cursing his missed throw, then returned his attention to Mousse, intending to finish him off. As it was, he didn't have to. "ASSHOLE! Go-Pi!" screamed X'ian Pu. Furious, she was shaking Mousse violently by the throat. "NEVER TRY HURT RANMA HUSBAND AGAIN, MOUSSE HEAR?!! HOW MANY TIMES MUST SHAMPOO SAY, SHAMPOO NEVER LOVE MOUSSE! MOUSSE WEAK! WEAK,WEAK,WEAK!!" Now she was twisting his neck, slamming him hard repeatedly against the ground. He screeched and flapped wildly, feathers flying. "WEAK! WEAK!! WEAK!!" Bones snapped and blood spurted, mingling with her own. Tossing the body into the dirt, she stamped on it repeatedly until it looked like road kill, like a run-over rabbit. Black rose petals swirled in all directions, carried upon the rising wind. From somewhere nearby, the sound of Kodachi's laughter booomed and echoed. "Weak. . .weak." Shampoo was winded, panting, her rage spent. Kneeling, she picked up the shattered body of the duck, then walked over to Ranma. Gazing into his eyes, she held it out to him. "See, Ranma-husband?" she pleaded. "See? Shampoo no like Mousse, no like half-blind weakling fool. Shampoo love Ranma, only Ranma. Here, Shampoo give darling Ranma-husband love sacrifice, show him. . ." --she swallowed, fought back tears-- ". . .show him Ranma have Shampoo's heart." Ranma smiled, reached out and with his left hand and lovingly caressed the side of her face. "Sweet Shampoo," he said, "I know I do." A sudden movement, a liquid sound and Shampoo's body *jerked* as though from an electrical shock. Still grinning, Ranma held up his right hand, so that the Chinese woman's dying eyes could look upon her still-pulsing heart within it's grip. "See?" he laughed. Making a fist, he squashed it, rich scarlet and blue-red spurting between his fingers. With a soft release of breath, she collapsed in a heap. Cologne's mouth worked silantly. Tojo took the opportunity to cleave her in two, right down the middle. "NOOOOOO!" shouted Genma. Nodoka was beside him as they raced to the scene. "By all the gods, Ranma--" "FUCK IT!" yelled Nodoka, glaring at him, "That's two more we don't have to worry about!" She turned her blowtorch gaze upon her son. "Ranma, you will stop it this instant!" She held out her hand. "Give me my sword, boy, now!" (Oh, this is just too easy,) he thought, stepping towards her. "Why *certainly,* mother," cooed Ranma, katana raised, moving into a combat stance. "I'll be most happy to." She copied his gestures with her wakizashi, eyes narrowing. "Ranma--" she warned. He sensed the water balloon long before it would have hit, even though it's flight was totally silent. Ranma waited, heard the flat SMACK of it's impact, but was still dry as a bone. Nodoka and Genma were staring past him, enraged. He turned. Directly at his back, brilliantly disguised as one of the Kurohana ninja was Tsubasa, drenched head to toe and grinning like an open piano. Beyond him/her was Ukyou, face contorted with rage. Just to her left were Akane, Pink, Link and Ryouga. Kodachi suddenly touched down beside him, razor ribbon trailing off of her combat stick like a streamer from hell. It was bathed in gore. (Look's like the gang's all here,) thought Ranma as they kissed. (Either way, my love and I will go to glory together.) "TSUBASAAAAAAA!!" screamed Ukyou. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, GET OUT OF THE WAY--" "NO!!" shouted Tsubasa with glee. "You are just as deluded as Ranma, Ukyou-chan. You love ME, not this fool, and I'll not let you throw your life away for a lost cause. Let Kodachi have him, then you and I can run away together and--" "Last chance, Tsubasa. Move." Ukyou's voice had dropped to a whisper. "No! You love me, me, me--" SHOOMP. His/her mouth kept flapping, but no sound came out. The handle of the mini-spat protruded from his/her forehead like the horn of a unicorn, with only a tiny trickle of red welling up around it to show that it wasn't natural. The hard stink of excrement permiated the air as Tsubasa released his/her bladder and bowels before toppling over backwards. "Jerk," muttered Ukyou. "Nice shot," applauded Kodachi. Ranma gave two thumbs up. "You can't win, Kodachi," said Nodoka, edging closer. "Give us back Ranma, and we'll let you live." "Sure you will, Nodoka-san," mocked Kodachi, combat stick ready, "and maybe pigs will fly! It is *you* who cannot win, though you refuse to realize it. Even now my army is crushing your own, despite your superior numbers." "Only for the moment, demoness, only for the moment," snarled Nodoka. A second water balloon flew, this time from Akane. But she was almost right in front of Ranma, and the toss was casual, as though she expected him to catch it in his hands. Ryouga, Ukyou and Nodoka wondered what she was doing, and then noticed that Ranma made absolutly no move to block it. Splash. Drip, drip. And Ranma-- --was still a male. Ukyou's eyes bugged, and Nodoka's jaw dropped. "Surprise," said Kodachi. The rose petals, as well as the rest of the war, swirled ever thicker around them. "O-oooh, m-m-my god--" stammered Ukyou. "You were. . .*expecting* something, hmmmm?" asked Ranma, slyly. "Perhaps a slight. . .*modification* in my appearance?" "Wha--you--" Ukyou stared at Kodachi. "You know?" "I've known for a long time now," said Kodachi. "I realized it a year or so ago"--(after immersion in The Way had cleared my mind and vision, she thought)--"and a few weeks back, in preparation for this day, I decided to solve the problem." Pink, Link and Akane walked casually up and took their places by her side. "I sent two of my new friends here to the Jusenkyou pools where they got a nice big bucket of Nannichuan." Spring of Drowned Man. "We dumped it on him, and, well. . ." She shrugged, grinning. Ryouga's heart was going like a jackhammer. He took a tentative step forward. "K-Kodachi. . .do you have more of--" "Of WHAT, P-chan," spat Akane, "more of that which can turn you back into a man full time again? Perhaps you need something from 'pool of non-hentai man' or 'pool of honest man' instead, you no good, lying--" "Damn you, Ranma, you told her!!" screamed Ryouga, battle aura growning bright with rage. "I figured it out myself!" retorted Akane. "Days ago, in fact; one morning everything just came together, all those clues I'd missed--" She swallowed, shaking. "I said nothing, preferring to wait until now, when I could take out all the garbage at once." She glared at Nodoka. "Akane," the older woman rumbled dangerously, "just what the hell do you think you're doing?" "Taking back my life, cunt!" "You've made yourself too many enemies, Nodoka-san," said Ranma with a shake of the head. He stepped back into battle stance and the other's followed suit, forming a small circle. "Hear and understand, Nodoka-san: firstly, I love Kodachi--of my own free will, mind you, not because of the phremones which she put in those roses that helped focus my mind. She's beautiful, intelligent, warm and yes, rich! She's *accomplishing* things in *her* life, Nodoka, something you and that fat, lazy panda of yours wouldn't understand. Secondly, Akane and I have zero interst in getting married--you, Genma and Soun are the only one's trying to force us together, thus becoming the common enemy of all three of us. And finally, Pink and Link here won't help you--with Shampoo and Cologne dead, and with the help of Trans-Global Kurobara, Inc., their faction can finally take control of both the Joketsuzoku *and* Chiang Ch'ing City States." "Pink already signal Linlin, RanRan to stand down Joketsuzoku armies," said Pink. "We no fight for you, Nodoka-cow." Soun began to whine. "A-Akane, HOW could you do this to your father--" "Oh, gods, SHUT UP!!" shouted Akane in utter disgust. "You sicken me! How can you BE such a jellyfish--and how could you try and marry me off against my will to someone you KNOW I don't like?!" "Enough talk," said Kodachi, smiling like a death's head. "As they say in America, let's. . .boogie." Ukyou threw ten spats, all of them aimed at Kodachi's head. They didn't even come close. Her razor ribbon reduced them all to metallic cofetti, and then she was upon her, slashing and ripping. Ukyou parried with her battle spat, backflipped, came up, swung again. Missed. Then Ryouga was at her side. He screamed "SHISHI HOKODAN!!" while releasing at point-blank range a huge chi-blast directly at Kodachi's head. He was sure he'd hit her, and was shocked almost beyond words to find that he hadn't; what happened, she'd never been that fast before! And now she was on Uu-chan again-- --Kodachi slashed; armor and the flesh beheath parted bloodily. The razor ribbon was a product of space technology, Ukyou knew, an unintended consequence of the construction of Tsiolkovskygrad, the Russian L-5--which Kurobara had helped to build. Flexible, strong and undullible, it was as bad as monowire. She pivoted again and down-stroked; Kodachi blocked it with the staff and then her foot became a blur. Pain shot through the arm holding the spat and Ukyou screamed, nearly dropping it. Kodachi's kick had shattered the entire limb; Ukyou switched hands and jumped back to gain some throwing distance. Since one arm was useless, she dropped the battle spat in order to use her mini's. It was a testimony to her extraordinary skill that the throw was perfect. It was a testimony to Kodachi's that not only did she catch each one while dodging Ryouga but in the same movements tossed them back at her opponent. All impacted, two of them in her eyes. Ukyou screamed defeningly. (Fast, make it fast,) thought Kodachi. (I hate her, but she doesn't deserve to suffer, that's a sickness and not of The Way.) Ryouga's chi-blast seared the air of her last location long after she'd left the ground; he screamed wordlessly as he watched that accursed hell-ribbon of her's wrap itself around Ukyou's body. One jerk and Kuonji Ukyou flew apart into gory chunks, while Kodachi landed like a ballarina beyond. "MURDERER!!" shrieked Ryouga. "BITCH!!" He struggled to master himself. "Give it to me, Kodachi," he rumbled beneath the cocoon of his own glowing, sparking chi. "Give me the Nannichuan water, or show me how to find it at the Jusenkyou, and I *might* let you live." At this, Kodachi turned, tossed her head back and laughed that horrible laugh of her's for a moment. Then her face went compleatly blank. "Come over here and make me," she said. "Have at it, panda-man, come and get some," snarled Ranma, dodging his mother's swing to leap in front of his father. Genma was not as young as Ranma, but had trained longer and was very skilled. He ducked the blow, hopped back and kicked. He missed, and retracted his leg just barely in time to avoid getting it amputated. Genma didn't quite know what to do; he still wanted to help Ranma, to bring him back to his senses--he was certain that Kodachi had mind-fucked him somehow. And, too, the guilt was there: a huge load of it, buried deep beneath the layers of denial and evasion. It was *his* fault that they'd gone to the Jusenkyou pools in the first place; *his* fault that they'd fallen in, *his* idea to get Ranma and Akane married at once, (Oh gods,) thought Genma, (why didn't I listen to Soun and separate them for awhile, why did I take him on that damn training trip in the first place now it's all gone to hell oh gods Ranma my son--) Nodoka had no such qualms. Drugged or not, brainwashed or not, Ranma had dishonored the family. He had failed in his duty and turned traitor against his Clan and so must die. End of discussion. The same with Akane, even now battling her whimpering father to the death, she saw out of the corner of one eye. Pink and Link had broken off to assume command of the Amazon armies, leading them against the dwindling remnants of the Saotomes, Tendous and Kuonjis; they would be dealt with later. For now-- She jumped, wakizashi held high, intending to bring it down along Ranma's spine while he was engrossed with that fat fool Genma. (Gods curse him,) she raged inwardly, (all of this is his fault, after Ranma I may gut him, too.) She swung, and got her wish. Ranma was abruptly standing off to one side. Nodoka's sword ripped downward across her husband's chest and stomach, leaving intestines curling out of the gap like bloody snakes. "Husband!" she gasped, face bleach white. "Oh-oh, no. . .I-I--" Genma just stared at her, mouth working soundlessly, and fell heavily to his knees. Ranma roared with laughter. "Bravo, bravo, Nodoka-san!" he cried heartily. "Your skill with the sword is as exceptional as ever--you have saved me no little trouble. Now, I was going to take his arms off first before spilling his guts, but I guess I'll have to save that particular pleasure for you." There was a flare-bright flash and a scream from nearby, and a human arm spun through the air to land in the grass at his feet. "Well, speak of the devil," he commented. He turned in time to see a limbless Ryouga cleaved first in half, then in quarters by Kodachi's ribbon. Ranma's angel jumped fifty meters up, flipped twice and landed at his side. They kissed once more. The rose petals whirled and danced. "COMEON, DADDY, LET'S SEE HOW MUCH GUTS YOU'VE REALLY GOT!" screamed Akane, bringing her naginata down full force. "Akane--daughter, don't," Soun begged, "please, I, IT'S NOT MY FAULT--" "NOTHING'S EVER YOUR FAULT!!" Slash, rip; half his face was gone, warm red spraying into her's, the taste iron/salt upon her tongue. "NO, NOTHING," she continued, "IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT YOU LET YOURSELF FALL APART AFTER MOM DIED; IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT--" --hack, tear; his right leg went-- "--YOU WOULDN'T GO OUT AND AT LEAST *TRY* TO GET A JOB, TO PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER--" --RRRIIIIIIIIIIP-- "--NOT YOUR FAULT YOU TRIED TO FOB ME OFF ON A MAN I HATE AND LET OUR LIVES BY RUN BY HIS EVIL BUSU CUNT WHORE MOTHER FROM HELL!!! I HATE YOU!! DO YOU HEAR ME, FATHER MINE?!! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU IHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATE--" Nodoka looked about, and found herself suddenly alone. Genma had bled out and most of their forces were gone. Those remaining were too far off to help and in any case were either being butchered by Kodachi's Armies or were comitting seppuku to avoid the shame of capture. It was over now. All over. Everything was dust. The planned union with the Tendou's would never be; the great Saotome Clan had been defeated on the field of battle for the first time since the Eurasian War and her honor now lay in the dust of their failure. Worst of all, the scion of the family--the solitary hope of the Saotome future--was giggling mad, having sold his soul to the rotten, insane psychowhore nazi who had made it all happen, who had picked up everything Nodoka had ever even remotely valued in her life and used it for toilet paper. Everything. Everything. "Bitch. . ." she whispered, staring sightlessly, eyes burning with a soul-deep hatered. "BITCH!!" From a standing position she flew through the air, twice as high as Kodachi's leap. Her sword was pointed straight at Kodachi's heart as she descended, a maddened hornet with a stinger of steel. Kodachi moved to one side. Ranma blocked his mother's blow with difficulty, slashed, ducked and parried. Nodoka hacked repeatedly, over and over again; Ranma could hardly get a blow in edgewise. Huge sparks flew and bounced from the clash of metals, and such was the strength behind her swings that he could hardly stand upright. But he made damn sure that he was between Nodoka and Kodachi at all times. "You will not harm her, twat," he spat, pivoting to give his mother a nasty slice across the upper theigh. "Do you hear me?! YOU WILL HARM NEITHER OF US!!" Nodoka didn't talk. She fought. A vicious, blurring downstroke and half his chest was torn open; another swing and blood was gushing from an ugly wound on his left arm. Then stars exploded in his vision as her booted foot rammed itself into his stomach; two ribs shattered under the impact and he grunted in pain. Desperately Ranma backflipped to put some space between them. She followed, determined to give him no time to breathe. Kodachi stood watching the tabeloux with outward calm. Inside she was roiling. She knew that Ranma did not want her to inervene, that he had to face down this particular demon himself, and she respected that--confronting one's fears and enemies was part of The Way, after all. Still, he was also her One and Only. She winced as Nodoka got in a nasty thrust to his abdomen. Yes, she would respect his wishes--until it looked like he was in serious danger, and then to hell with chivalry. After all one of war's eternal Top Five Rules Of Engagement was "help your buddy when his fat's in the fire. . ." Ranma ducked Nodoka's slash; the blow was meant to take off his head. He growled, parried, blocked and feinted a thrust at her heart. She moved to intercept and suddenly he wasn't there anymore. Overhead, down behind--before she could even turn Ranma's katana had carved a great horizontal canyon all the way across her back. Then he followed through with a boot to her sword arm; there was a satisfying SNAP as bone shattered. Immeditately she switched hands; but in the split-second interval she was vulnerable, and without even having to think Ranma took the opening. Along with Nodoka's arm. She gaped at the stump, fountaining blood in time to her heart, eyes huge in their sockets. Something deep in Ranma's soul screamed right along with her, something young and weak and soft that loved it's mother very much, but he beat it into submission right before opening Nodoka's belly. She looked down at her spilling intestines in horror, then gazed again at her son, mouth still wide open. A trickle of blood and drool ran down her chin. Then she looked at Kodachi, and the rage came back, dying now with her every pulse beat. "Y-You!" she croaked. "YOU!" She ran towards her, sword held straight out with her remaining hand, in the kendo manner which she had learned as a little girl (funny, funny I should think of that now so long ago it was) stepping all over her own guts as she went, leaving a trail of red. Kodachi just stood her ground, passive. Nodoka was nearly there when Ranma's sword skewered her right through the chest. She was almost amused to see it's blade, coated in her own blood, protruding from between her breasts. She could feel her one and only son behind her, his hands on the hilt which pressed hugely against her upper back. The pain was indescribable, but she couldn't even scream. Her entire body began to go numb from the toes up, but it didn't seem fast enough. Her eyes refused to focus when she tried staring defiantly at Kodachi; the curse she had on her lips came out only as a bubbling hiss. Then everything grew dim, dark. . . Ranma withdrew the sword with a grunt, and Nodoka's body crumpled into the grass. He stared at it for a long time. The wind caressed his hair, his face. There was a slight chill to it, and a tinge of the sea, which carried away only a little of the stench of death. ". . .M-M-Mmmmother," he whispered. There was a hitch in his voice, and anger flared within him at the weakness. "No," spoke Kodachi. He looked at her. "Don't be angry with yourself," she said. "Tell me, what do you feel right now?" He took a breath. "I. . .I'm. . ." He swallowed, his gaze falling back upon Nodoka's still form. There seemed to be something caught in his throat. "That's natural," said Kodachi gently, walking up to him, taking his hand. "She was your mother, the one who birthed you, gave you life, and--at least at first--loved you very much. And a part of you will cherish her always. Don't ever be afraid to mourn, sweet." Ranma couldn't talk anymore. The sword fell to the ground with a dull thud, and, collapsing into her arms, he began to sob. "Why?" he wept, "Oh Gods, why, why? My love, my angel. . ." "Shhhhh." Kodachi held him, and ran her fingers through his hair. "I'm here. Just let it go." Some time later, they parted. With her silk kerchief Ranma wiped his eyes, and gazed into her's. Impulsively he kissed her, clutching her feircely as though afraid she might slip away at any moment. (I will love you forever,) he thought, tasting her tongue on his, and whispered the words into her ear. "I love you, too, Ranma-sama," she replied. "Ahem." The sound came from nearby. Ranma and his intended looked up to see Akane standing not six meters away. Her armor, once dove-grey, was now encrusted with rotting blood. By her side, her naginata was in the same condition. Grinning, Ranma stepped away from Kodachi, walked up to Akane. . . . . .and bowed, deeply. "Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu, Akane-san," he intoned. She repeated the gesture. "Doo itashimasite, Ranma-san." she replied. "And my thanks to you, as well, for all you have done for me. The best of luck to you both in your future." She turned, and walked away. Ranma remained there for a bit while Tojo, who was also the field medic, taped his ribs and a few of the nastier cuts. Then he and Kodachi joined hands, and strolled towards the mass of their forces farther down the plain, who were whooping and hollering as they celebrated their victory. Kodachi rested her head on his shoulder. "What do you think'll happen to her?" she queried. "Who?" asked Ranma. "Akane." Ranma shrugged. "Well, she won't go home again, that's for sure," he replied. Doubtless not even Kasumi would want anything to do with her after this. And Nabiki would likely hire an assasin straight off, so staying in Japan--or even Manchukuo--was out of the question. (Nabiki won't dare come after darling and I, though,) he knew. (Especially if we back her take-over of Uuchan's, now that it's namesake is dead.) The middle Tendou daughter could be ruthlessly pragmatic about cutting her losses when she had to. "She'll probably split for Singapore or China or maybe one of the Amazon city-states," continued Ranma of Akane. "Link told me earlier she'd be glad to take her in as a security chief, or recommend her to one of the Chinese city police departments." He smiled at the thought of Akane with a badge and a gun, patrolling the streets of Nanjing. (Pity the punks who cross her path.) "She can take care of herself." "And us?" asked Kodachi, snuggling up against him. "We'll take care of each other," whispered Ranma. "And I, personally, have all that I need." Leaning over, he kissed her on the top of the head. Overhead, the storm finally broke, with the rain coming down in great cleansing torrents. The Passion of Lovers She nut painted arms That were her's to keep And in her fear She sought cracked pleasures. "The passion of lovers is for death," said she Licked her lips and turned to feather. And as I watched from underneath I came aware of all that she keep The little foxes so safe and sound They were not dead-- they'd gone to ground. The Passion of Lovers is for Death, said she The Passion of Lovers is for Death. The Passion of Lovers is for Death, said she The Passion of Lovers is for Death. She breaks her heart Just a little too much And her jokes attract the lucky bad type. As she dips in whales And slips her banshee smile She gets the better of the bigger to the letter The Passion of Lovers is for Death, said she The Passion of Lovers is for Death. The Passion of Lovers is for Death, said she The Passion of Lovers is for Death. --Bauhaus OWARI GLOSSARY: Bekkan--Outbuilding or annex. Kootaishi--Crown Prince, specificlly, the Japanese Imperial Crown Prince. Naginata--An ancient Japanese hand weapon weapon often used by Samurai, consisting of a blade on the end of a long stick. Nannichuan--Spring of Drowned Man. Chiang Ch'ing--Amazon city-state named for Mao's wife. I made it up. In this scenario, all of the Amazon City-States are Autonomous Regions within the Republic of China. And yes, that's right--the Nationalists won the Civil War in this reality--which partly explains the technological jump I'm depicting here. I mean, just think--if China had been capitalist for the last 50--odd years, like Japan. . . Draka--See S.M. Stirling's "Draka" series of Sci-Fi what-if novels (Marching Through Georgia, Under the Yoke, The Stone Dogs, Drakon). Good storyteller; BAD extrapolator of historical events. Suffice it to say, the Draka are best described as Supernazi's; it is their "Power Is Truth" philosophy that Akane, who's been victimized so often, finds so appealing here. Kyuku Shinkai--Was the most violent form of karate known to humanity. It actually exists. Katas--Ballet-style exercises for the above. Kiba no Hooko--The "Way of the Fang"--the pinnacle of all Martial Arts in this or any other century (fictional). Oonemuri touch--A "death blow" in the above. Tanto--Japanese short sword of the Edo period. Go-Pi--"Horse shit" in Chinese. Ma-de--Shortened version of Ta Ma De which means "Damn!" AUTHOR'S POSTSCRIPT-- A year and two months. A YEAR and TWO MONTHS. Criminy, I have NEVER taken this long to write a story before! Shoulda been eight weeks, TOPS. Oh, well, been busy with tons of other things (like making money ;-)). Once again, thanks to all who wrote in with their comments and helpful hints. Hopefully, a splendid time was had by all. And especial thanks to the magnificent Rumiko Takahashi, for creating one of the most interesting and innovative manga universes ever--as well as one of my favorite (and badly underrated) characters in all of comicdom: Kunou Kodachi-chan. Takahashi-san has done much to inspire me in my own efforts to break into comics. As for what's next, well, nothing for at least the next couple of months, and then maybe. . . Sailor Moon Super Stars vs Cthulhu!! ("Moon Gorgious Mediat--" SPLAT!! "Eeeeewww, gross. . .") . . .or maybe not. Perhaps instead: Samurai Pizza Cats meet Ranma!! (Speedy: Hi, I'm--) (Ranma: NEKKOOOOO!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! ) (Guido: Man, what's HIS problem?) (Pollyester: Speedy, I TOLD you to take a bath this morning! Your B.O. could peel paint!) . . .uh, no. Actually, I've a Bubblegum Crisis story in mind that I'll start on later this year. Believe it or not, it's actually a LOT more upbeat then this one! And it won't take NEARLY as long to finish. Until next time. . . Paul Herring 3/8/97