One Winged Angel
(Or 1/2 The Heavens)
Chapter Four: Giving
By Dr. Suekeiichi Kaiton
With additional material and revisions by Eric Freedman
---Tokyo-3 Junior High School, 7th district---
"So, have you seen the new transfer student yet?"
"She's so gorgeous-"
"That red hair-"
"Like to give her a taste of-"
Shinji entered the classroom and found it abuzz with activity, the students divided into girls and boys on either end of the room talking animatedly about something. The Third Child ignored the crowds and sat at his desk, listening to his SDAT and staring blankly at the chalkboard. Rei Ayanami was sitting towards the back at her window seat, staring just as blankly out the window at the crowd entering the schoolyard below.
As the two Children were zoned out at their desks, Touji, Kensuke, and Hikari entered. The two boys immediately rushed to the Eva pilot with distressed eyes while the class rep erased the previous day's lessons from the board and scrawled the date on top. If Shinji noticed the change in his line of vision he gave no sign.
"Shinji, I'm afraid I have some bad news."
"Yeah, you know that red-haired little bitch we saw in front of the arcade yesterday?" Touji grabbed Shinji's shoulder when he showed no signs of recognizing that his friends were even standing next to him and shook the brown-haired boy roughly. "This is really important!"
"Hmm? What is it Touji?" Shinji snapped out of his trance and looked up at the taller boy. Touji simply sighed in exasperation and slapped his hand over his face. Kensuke pushed past his friend and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, the lenses glinting in the morning sun.
"As Touji was saying, do you remember the psycho girl we saw in front of the arcade yesterday?"
"Uh " Shinji didn't know how to respond, did he tell them that Asuka was the latest EVA pilot? "Y-yeah what about her?"
"Well, she's gonna be in our class staring today!" Touji pushed past his friend, slamming his palms down on the desk. "And there ain't no way I'm gonna put up with that crazy bitch kickin' me in the balls! If she raises a shit I'll teach her a lesson or two!"
Kensuke and Shinji were slowly sliding away from the jock as he continued his diatribe, especially since Asuka was standing behind Touji, her auburn bangs casting her eyes into shadow. The sadistic smirk on her face didn't help matters much.
"Or else what?" Touji was so into his rant that he didn't register the voice as female and turned to continue.
"Otherwise I'm gonna-eep!" Touji had just enough time to cringe before Asuka's bare shin impacted with his testicles loudly. He crossed his eyes before falling onto the floor face-first. Shinji and Kensuke clutched themselves in sympathy with their friend and backed cautiously away from the irate redhead.
"Anyone else have any suggestions?" Asuka surveyed her new domain and sneered at the group of ashen boys shuddering in the corner. "I didn't think so."
Suddenly Shinji's cell phone went off from inside his schoolbag. The dark-haired boy fished around before pulling it out and answering just as the wailing cry of the Angel Alarm echoed through the streets of Tokyo-3. "Misato?"
"Shinji-kun? Get Rei and Asuka together, I'll meet you in front of the school in five minutes!" She hung up abruptly and Shinji shoved the small phone back into his bag. Asuka already knew what was going on and ripped the cords from the back of her laptop, noisily shutting the case and slinging the bag behind her back. Rei was already prepared and standing by the Third's desk, her expression giving no hint of apprehension.
"That was Misato, she'll be picking us up in five minutes."
"I know, idiot! If an Angel's coming we better be ready!" Asuka ran by his desk, absently slapping him in the back of the head with her bag. "C'mon, Third Child, if Misato arrives and you aren't there we won't wait!"
"I will go on ahead, Ikari." Rei sedately followed the redhead out into the hall. As like a man dreaming, Shinji gathered his things and followed his fellow pilots outside into the school courtyard.
Misato and Ranma entered her apartment to the annoyingly antagonistic voice of the Second Child. There was a mountain of cartons stacked haphazardly against the walls and Shinji appeared to be weeping over an open boy further down the hall. Misato turned to her new-found friend and shrugged. Ranma grunted, holding the rolled-up synch mats in his arms along with all the displays and coils of wire required to set up the platforms.
"I'm going to put all this stuff in the livingroom." He brushed past the captain and threw the puffy plastic mats on the floor. "Misato? Where do you want me to plug this stuff in?"
"Anywhere's fine!"
"Uh " Ranma sweatdropped, kneeling behind the red sofa and peering at the mish-mash of constructive electricity jutting from the plug. "Right "
As Misato dragged the Children into the kitchen for debriefing, the pig-tailed man unrolled the practice mats and lifted up the rectangular scoreboards attached to the simply cream mats with fiber-optic sensors. The displaced doctor gingerly plugged in the extension cord and was gratified by the starting hum of the pads with only minimal sparking from the outlet. Dusting off his hands, he heard Asuka's vicious argument against the operation and shook his head. She still didn't realize that her pride was the cause of all her woes. Well, perhaps not all
"Get used to it! We have seven days to make this plan work." Misato slammed her beer can down on the light, poly-wood table to emphasize her orders. "Now go and change you two, training starts after lunch."
"Didn't you already eat at headquarters?" Ranma was fiddling with the bottles in the fridge, looking for the cooking wine.
"Sure; but they haven't had anything since breakfast." The purple-tressed woman spoke around the rim of her can. "And what are you doing?"
"Making lunch." He was already boiling water for soup and a large, flat pan was already sizzling and ready for the meat. "What? Did you really think I was going to leave these two alone with you, the kitchen destroyer?"
"What was that?"
"Don't act so surprised, Misato, I've already talked to Ritsuko and Shinji and they both agree you're the worst cook in the world." He dumped the sliced strips of beef into the bubbling oil and sprinkled salt and cabbage into the pan. "If they're going to be locked up in this apartment for the next week I'm staying to ensure you don't accidentally poison them."
"I'm not that bad," she grumbled.
"This coming from the woman who mixes instant curry with curry-flavored ramen?"
"Oh, shut up!" A scream of 'pervert' and the sound of flesh meeting flesh sounded from the hall. "So, you're pretty housebroken, huh? Knowing how to cook and all " Misato grinned as she pulled the pop-top off another beer.
"Ouch." He turned the strips and covered the soup. "Although you could be right, I was married for a shot while years ago. It's where I learned to cook."
"Sounds like you were the wife in that situation." Somehow, knowing that Ranma was married caused a cold ball to grow in her stomach, as if it were a small betrayal barely scratching the surface of his life. How much did she really know about Ranma? Very little; like Rei, Ranma's personal data outside his career in NERV was blank. Finishing her second beer, Misato watched the older man's back as he cooked, resolving to find out his secrets. "What happened?"
Ranma stopped at her question. He turned down the burners and slid the steamy, greasy meat onto a serving dish. "I left her. I couldn't deal with the way she treated me." He turned to her and smiled as if sharing a personal joke. "It was culture shock, Misato, she was from a very small and isolated tribe deep in the mountains of China."
"But you're Japanese, right?"
"By birth, yes, but I grew up in Hong Kong." The rice cooker by his elbow rang shrilly to let him know it was done. "I was on a hike when I met her."
" " Misato said nothing, grateful the marriage was over, but also greatly unnerved by his casual discussion of previous loves.
"Still, that's all in the past now. She died in Second Impact." He pulled off his apron and set the bowls and chopsticks on the table. "Lunch is ready!"
"Hai!" Came the combined reply.
"Heh, sounds like they're learning already."
Lunch passed with little incident and the two Children started the synchronization drills, pathetically slipping and screaming at one another as they progressed. Misato and Ranma simply sat on the couch, his arms lying on the back edge of the sofa, a hand wrapped around the ball of Misato's shoulder as she sipped at a beer. Pen-Pen was lying on his back on a cushion, his avian head thrown back so that he was watching the Children's routines upside-down. From time to time the fat bird 'wark'ed when Shinji or Asuka missed a step but was otherwise silent.
"Misato? Do you really think this is going to work?"
"Not really, but what other choice do we have?"
"Good point."
The rest of the day went on from there, Misato ending the drills at dinner so the two pilots could get accustomed to sleeping in the same room. Ranma made ramen, real ramen mind you - not the instant stuff, and the four enjoyed a relatively peaceful meal. Part of the reason for that was the Children's exhaustion, Asuka couldn't even muster the energy to do much more than grunt at the dinner table and Shinji seemed to be running on auto-pilot. Misato was impressed by his culinary expertise and didn't stop bugging him until he agreed to make ramen for her the next night.
Together, he and the captain agreed that it wouldn't be right for him to spend the night, especially since Misato would be sleeping in between Shinji and Asuka in the livingroom. There was simply too much risk of embarrassing situations and discovery. Besides, she wanted to distance their relationship from just sex. And so, with a jaunty wave goodbye, Ranma locked the Katsuragi door and slipped a few doors down to his own apartment.
Ranma's apartment was nothing particularly specially, it was almost identical to Misato's flat with the exception of the bathroom. Where the captain had a full furo and shower, Ranma just had a shower stall. It didn't bother him all that much since he was used to quick showers rather than long soaks, and it did provide a bigger bedroom. As it stood, however, most of his belongings were still in shipping crates.
One didn't get much room in NERV barracks, especially in the Arctic, so many of the boxes had been in storage in Japan for many years. Thick layers of dust covered many of the crates but he figured his stereo and knick-knacks were relatively uncontaminated, everything else of worth and necessity was already unpacked. His dresser and closet were already filled with clothing and the bathroom was sparkling, he'd have to thank the custodian.
Ranma had just finished cleaning the plates from one of the crates when he heard the first ring of the doorbell. Funny, he wasn't expecting anyone tonight unless Misato needed his help with something, or Kaji for that matter. As the second and third rings came in quick succession he wiped his hands dry and walked out into the hall.
"I'm coming." He threw the dishrag back into the kitchen and combed his hair back with a hand as he reached out to open the sliding metal door. The figure that stood outside was one that he would not have expected in a million years.
"Good evening, Ranma. I was just in the neighborhood and decided to drop by. I hope I'm not intruding?"
"No, not at all. Come in." Ranma ushered the blonde doctor into the apartment and shut the door. Ritsuko seemed to take in the spartan décor in stride, looking at the bare walls and mountain of packing crates in the livingroom before clumsily weaving her way between boxes and sitting down on his couch. She wore a simple white blouse and blue skirt. "Would you like something to drink?"
"Please." She rummaged around in her purse for a few moments before pulling free a box of Virginia Slims and her 'Hello Kitty' lighter. Clamping her ruby lips around a filter, she lit the end and took a long drag. "White wine if you have any."
Ranma cocked his head as if to say something but bit it back. Instead he merely smiled at her and left the main room for a moment before returning with a bottle of wine and two glasses. "I hope you'll forgive me, but I only have zinfandel."
"That's fine." She tapped her ash into a metal tray on the table and watched him with hooded eyes as he placed the glasses down with a clarion 'ping' of crystal. She stared at him neutrally as he sat down on an overstuffed chair beside her. "I'm not as picky as Misato."
Ranma laughed. "Misato? Picky? From what I've seen she'll drink anything as long as it's fermented and in a can." He peeled the thin metal wrapping from the neck of the bottle and plunged the corkscrew inside, twisting three times before pulling it out with an audible 'pop' of displaced air.
"I suppose you're right, she never did quite like wine, she was always more of a hard liquor gal."
"Did you know she has a full bar in her bedroom? Tequila, vodka, schnapps, gin, vermouth, whiskey, rum, and I think she has a case of beer in her closet!" He filled their glasses half-full.
"She never did get a grasp of moderation, she had that habit even in college."
"Drinking wasn't the only bad habit she picked up in college if all the stories Kaji tells me are true." Ranma sat back with his glass and took a sip, swishing it experimentally a few times before swallowing. "A bit young but serviceable."
"I didn't know you were a connoisseur." She took two quick gulps and finished her glass.
"Certainly not of wine; of women perhaps, but never of wine." He refilled her glass and set the bottle down on the floor by his foot. "So what's the matter?"
"Whatever are you talking about, Ranma?" Ritsuko asked nonchalantly as she leaned forward, snatching the bottle from the floor, and poured herself a full glass of wine. "There's nothing wrong. I was just coming to see Misato but I thought I'd check on you first, you know, see how you were getting settled."
"You do realize that Ikari is using you, don't you?" Ritsu spit out a mouthful of wine and began to cough as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "He's using you just like he used your mother."
"I have no idea what you're talking about," she managed to croak out between coughs.
"Don't play games with me, Ritsuko Akagi, I know that you and the commander have been sleeping together for quite a while. In fact, I assume that you were supposed to meet him tonight but you backed out, am I right?" Her downcast eyes and the speed with which she retrieved her cigarette from the ashtray told him all he needed to know.
"How long have you known?" Ritsuko sucked madly at the filter and felt the burning warmth of the smoke fill her lungs. Her wine glass sat forgotten on the table, a pregnant ring of spilled wine encompassing its base. "Who else knows?"
"No one. I only knew because of the way you and Gendo act together. I can tell a lot from body language." Ranma wiped the spattered wine from the top of the smoked-glass table and set the glasses on the floor. He could tell that Ritsuko was about to crumble.
"I I I don't know why I came here I'm-I'm such a fool!" Ritsuko seemed to convulse once as if she were going to vomit before covering her face with her hands. Her shoulders began to shake with sobs as she wept, strangled cries echoing off the blank walls of the apartment. "I can't do this anymore I refuse to follow my mother in dying for that bastard! But but "
Warm arms engulfed her in an embrace and she looked up from her hands and into Ranma's cerulean orbs as he pulled her close. Automatically her arms went around his chest and laced behind his back. Her tear-stained cheek buried itself into the front of his shirt as she thrashed back and forth in anguish. He smoothed the back of her shirt as she cried and wept and screamed, trying desperately to comfort her through the harsh reality of her situation.
"It's alright shh it'll all be fine. I promise." Ritsuko held him tighter and pressed her body to his, deriving comfort from the intensely physical contact. "Don't worry Ritsu, things will turn out all right. Just you watch, okay?"
"Ranma ?" He pulled away and held her at arms length, her arms still keeping him close. Her head was down and long blonde bangs obscured her eyes as she spoke.
"What is it, Ritsu?"
"Please ?" She looked up at him and her limbs pulled him closer than he'd been before, close enough to smell the musky perfume she was wearing mingling with the nervous sweat breaking out all over her body. Ranma swallowed hard as he looked into her desperate eyes. If he pulled away she would fall apart, but if he stayed then the situation could escalate. If it did escalate would that really be so bad?
"Shh it's alright." He ran his hands through her hair and down her neck, fingers clasping the thin metal zipper at the nape of her neck and pulling the thin blouse down as his hands dropped to her waist. She sat trembling under his eyes, her naked skin shimmering in the bright light of the livingroom, until he lifted her up from the rump and she hung in his arms like a string-less puppet. She wrapped her arms around his neck again as he started towards his bedroom, flipping off the lights in the livingroom.
She was dropped on her back with the soft cushion of his futon underneath her, her legs lewdly spread as the blue skirt lay against her flat stomach. She watched him disrobe, peeling off his NERV uniform until he knelt by her in nothing but his boxers. Before she could say a word, Ranma was between her legs. He smiled warmly up from her loins as she stared fearfully down at the powerful man placed near her moist, intimate part. She flushed crimson as he pulled off her black lace panties from over her matching garter belt, exposing her pink opening oozing with clear honey. Ritsuko wouldn't admit it afterward but she had been wet when she first stepped foot in Ranma's apartment.
Ranma smiled as the thin layer of nylon and cotton was peeled from her sticky slit and trailed threads of juice as he pulled the panties down to bunch around one ankle. He walked on his knees until the hair on his thighs pressed against her shins then leaned down to kiss her passionately. She accepted the kiss with wild fervor, her hands grabbing his shoulders and pulling him down atop her as her tongue slid between his lips and entwined with his. They kissed as his hands found her breasts and began to knead the pliant, full orbs until her nipples went hard like rubber pencil erasers. They continued to maul each other until his fingers pinched her nipples playfully and traced the darkened aureole causing an involuntary shudder to ripple its way up her spine.
She gasped as he broke the kiss and slid down her body, her legs rubbing together in anticipation as her wetness stained the sheets. His hands cupped each mammary and rolled the soft flesh between his fingers. It was almost enough to push her over the edge it had been so long. Gendo had never been _this_ good! In fact, no one she could recall was as good as Ranma was with his hands. It was only when she felt his tongue slide around the painfully tight nipple and his warm lips begin to suckle that she gave in and came hard.
In Misato's livingroom, Shinji's ears perked up slightly at the faint scream heard dimly through the wall. He rose from the makeshift futon spread out over the middle of the room and listened intently. When no other screams sounded in the night air he drifted back into an uneasy sleep, Misato's body far too close for his comfort.
Back in Ranma's apartment, Ritsuko came down from her high as Ranma pulled away from her teat. His saliva glistened in the moonlight pouring in from the open window, her breasts were tingling from their recent treatment, and her loins were throbbing with desire. With no preemptory maneuver, the pigtailed doctor slid down her body, stopping only to slip his tongue briefly into her navel, until her sex lay open to his eyes. His hand moved up until it reached her face and slipped two digits into her mouth which she greedily sucked.
Her cunt was draped in wet hair, the thin line of brown hair pressed wetly to the gently trembling lips as Ritsuko contracted her vaginal muscles. Ranma leaned down and sniffed the font, his cool breath whispering across her skin until she thought to trap his face there with her thighs. He moved over to the crease of her pudenda and thigh where a thin sheen of sweat glistened. His tongue darted out and licked the length of the fold of flesh, the edge barely grazing her labia majora. She whimpered and tried to buck her hips wildly to bring her slit into alignment with his mouth but all to no avail.
Ranma finally decided to gratify her need and attached his mouth to her sex, sucking madly at the oily runoff that dribbled freely from between her lips. She felt his tongue press against the entrance to her canal and let out a cry, shoving her whole body down so she was impaled on his warm muscle. He began to fuck her madly with his tongue, moving the object in and out of her. His hands grasped her garterbelt and hauled her ass off the bed that that she was curled along his upright body as he devoured her flower. She could feel the pulsing warmth of his organ as it lay against her spine. It was a scant few minutes before Ritsu came violently, this time squirting out a teaspoon of tangy mucus into his mouth as he continued his assault.
In the pile of blankets, Shinji's head perked up yet again at the phantom scream. Knowing for certain that he did hear something, Shinji approached the wall as another whimper came from the other side. If his ears didn't deceive him the crying voice seemed curiously similar to Dr. Akagi's!
Ranma slid down his casual pants and entered her quickly, quelling her gasps of minor ecstasy with a scream of rapture as she felt herself filled to the hilt with cock. He lifted her legs and she hooked her knees around his shoulders as he pumped into her with vigor as her enthusiastic cries drifted through the walls of the apartment. With a grunt of exertion, Ranma succeeded in folding Ritsuko double, her arms clasped tight behind his neck as her legs kicked wildly from above his shoulders. She always had been flexible.
For a time they settled into a rhythm, her cries and his grunts syncopated with the pistoning motion of their lovemaking. Ranma was turning his body slightly to create a gentle corkscrew motion as his member buried itself into her pussy. The twist of the new thrusts finally pushed Ritsuko over for the third and final time as every muscle in her body tensed and relaxed at the same moment, her back arched and she screamed herself hoarse. Rivulets of sweat poured from her scalp down the raised bumps of her spine to the sheets. Ranma threw her down onto the moist futon and began thrusting into her thoroughly slickened hole with greater determination, sweat beading on her brown and a groan in the back of his throat.
It seemed to Ritsuko that every thrust into her precipitated a continuation of her third orgasm as each time his member hit bottom an echo of pleasure boiled up from her crotch and burst into her breasts. After perhaps thirty more thrusts she felt his control begin to weaken, clenching her vaginal muscles she pressed down on his manhood and felt it burst into an explosion of thick warmth shooting up into her womb. Ranma thrust himself all the way inside, holding their bodies so close that their pubic hair entwined, and held that position as he squirted semen past her cervix. She pulled his face down as he continued to come and they shared a sloppy kiss as she continued to milk him for all that remained in his testicles.
Ranma collapsed to the futon and felt a warm swath of wetness adhere to his back. Ritsuko was already unfastening her garters and rolling off her nylons when he offered her a cigarette from his pack of Mild Sevens. She accepted it without a thought, only thinking that a real cigarette after sex beat the Virginia Slims she usually smoked. He pulled one for himself and she lay pressed close to him with their eyes on the ceiling, his seed still dribbling from between her legs. As they lay, Ranma pulled out a small box of wooden matches and struck the sulfur, lighting hers before his own. He shook the match out and threw the box over to the pile of his clothes by the dresser.
As the heavy aroma of full-flavored tobacco drifted in the room, the burnished smell brought back even more burnished memories to Ritsuko's mind. She knew this smell she definitely remembered the smell from somewhere in the dark corners of her mind.
"So what do you want to be when you grow up, hmm, Ritsu-chan?"
That was it!
"It sure took you long enough. I was beginning to get worried you'd forgotten all about me." Ranma stared up at the fan and blew a smoke ring before turning to face her and smiling broadly. "Nice to be remembered, hmm?"
Ritsuko jumped back and held the sheet to cover her nudity, looking at the man she had just made love with as if for the first time. It all fit, his build, his voice, the delicious grunts he made when he was on the edge of orgasm; she remembered laying in her bed late at night hearing him through the walls. She could recall the heady scent of his cigarettes in the close air of the apartment she shared with her mother for a short time.
"You "
"Your ah mother thought that we were 'corrupting' you. We had planned on seeing each other once I was finished in Germany but well there were extenuating circumstances." Ranma sat up and stubbed out his cigarette. "When I came back from the 3rd Branch your mother had changed. We didn't part on amiable terms. You must believe me, Ritsuko when I say I did care for your mother."
Ritsuko tried to reconcile Ranma with her mother's lover and found it easy since he looked the same. She remembered the first time she'd met him down in the dark of the Hakone research complex, how he had seemed so loving and kind to her mother. She had only been seventeen at the time, a senior in high school shopping around for the best university, staying with her mother in the apartment GEHIRN provided. Ritsuko remembered listening to their lovemaking through the walls many times in the month or so she lived in Hakone and remembered the burnished scent of his cigarettes drifting into her room. She let the sheet fall to her thighs and slowly lay back down next to him on the futon.
"I believe you, Ranma, I just can't believe I made the same mistake again." She nestled herself into his side and felt his arm wrap around her shoulders, his hand patting the firm roundness of her hip absently.
"What do you mean?" His eyes didn't move from the ceiling.
"I just went from one of my mother's lovers to the other." She snorted in amusement and rolled on her side, her head pillowed on the joint of his shoulder. His hand moved to her buttocks and she felt one finger delve between the cheeks, caressing the soft flap of flesh between her vagina and anus.
"Ah, but I really cared for her, Gendo never loved anybody. He was using your mother because he needed the MAGI system, sex just happened to be what she was looking for "
"What happened?" She brought her left leg over his and moved up so his playful hand teased her lips.
"I don't know. I went to Germany for a few months and when I got back she was all but fawning at his feet." He pulled her closer to his body. She lay her head on his chest and rubbed his stomach with her hand.
"Do you remember me with brown hair?"
"Of course! When I first arrived I thought you were a different 'Ritsuko Akagi' you looked so different." He brought up his hand and wiped her lipstick and mascara away with a thumb. "You always looked better as a brunette. Remember that summer that you first decided to dye your hair?"
"And it all fell out? Don't remind me "
"I don't see why you women need all the makeup and paraphernalia you carry around. You look beautiful just the way you are and Misato looks fine without makeup too!" He coughed as Ritsuko brought her elbow up in between his ribs.
"Planning on cheating on me already?" Her look of concern melted into a friendly smile and she draped her arms around him again. "It's alright I guess I mean, we aren't going out anyway. You can chase after whoever you want."
"Nice to see you're being so accommodating, Ritsu-chan."
"But just promise me that we can keep doing this from time to time."
"Alright, but we can't let any of this interfere with NERV business. No personal problems at work, okay?"
"Agreed," Ritsuko yawned, pulling the discarded blanket up to cover them both. He pulled her even closer and felt her fingers dig into his side as she moaned a bit and fell asleep. Sleep did not come easily to Ranma, however, he stayed away for many hours afterward thinking on his lost love and the depravity of Ikari's manipulations.
---To be continued---