One Winged Angel
(Or 1/2 The Heavens)
Chapter Three: Aftermath
By Dr. Suekeiichi Kaiton
With additional material and revisions by Eric Freedman
---The next morning---
Misato awoke to the unmistakable aroma of broiling fish and the harsh light of morning. A thoroughly unpleasant but not detrimental headache throbbed behind her ears, typical for a non-bingeing night, and her mouth was dry. Fumbling for the glass of water she usually kept by her bedside she brought the cup to her lips and was met not by pure, clear water but a thick, viscous fluid. Still rather out of it, the purple haired captain reflexively swallowed her first draught of the salty opaque liquid and sipped again, swishing it from side to side. It was very thick and rich, almost like a thin yogurt, with a very distinctive musky aroma. Misato swallowed her second sample and moved to her third, that time discovering that whatever it was, it was fairly sweet as well. She quickly finished the protein-filled beverage, tipping her head back to get the last slimy dregs and stood up.
The room was in utter disarray, not that that was new for the captain, and she found her clothing strewn about. Her jacket was flung haphazardly over the back of her chair, her skirt hung lazily from the ceiling fan, and her shirt was lying in a pile by the hamper. Misato scratched her stomach and gathered her bathrobe and towel. Thinking better of it at the last second, she threw the robe into the pile of dirty laundry in the corner of her bedroom and pulled her rumpled panties off the neck of a vodka bottle. She cautiously brought the crotch to her nose and sniffed shallowly, immediately pulling away from the strong, warm stench of her vaginal fluids. Sighing in disgust, Misato threw the crumpled ball of cotton and lace across the room and tied the towel around her waist. One undershirt later and she stepped out of the bedroom.
A light, regular chopping noise was coming from the kitchen. Rubbing her throbbing forehead, Misato swung into the room clad in her unorthodox ensemble and started to say 'Good Morning' when she realized it wasn't Shinji in the white apron. Her smile melted of her face in an instant, replaced by the hardened grimace of one who finally realized she made a big mistake.
Ranma was standing over the counter chopping lettuce and diakon. To one side was a sizzling pan filled with meat and chicken, to the other was a bubbling pot of miso soup. By the sheer size of the soup pot it seemed he was planning on using the stock for more than breakfast.
"Good morning, captain, breakfast will be ready in a half an hour." The older man turned to his reluctant lover and smiled, saluting her with the cleaver.
"Where's my beer?" Misato decided she didn't want to deal with reality at the moment, pushing Ranma out of her way. She pulled the third door to the refrigerator open, grabbing two beers and pushed brusquely past her houseguest on her way to the bathroom.
"Hmm, I probably should have told her Shinji was still in the furo…"
Misato set the cans down on the washing machine and left the bathroom, heading across the hall to the toilet. After peeing for what seemed an eternity, she wiped herself and was disgusted to find a shiny film of discharged semen smeared on the toilet paper. The strategic operations commander shrugged and flushed, ignoring the obvious signs of her promiscuity in lieu of blissful Lethe.
She passed back into the bathroom and shed her towel, draping it over her wall peg, before lacing her fingers together and stretching. Retrieving her cans of beer and her plastic pail of bathing supplies, Misato pulled open the frosted glass door to the furo and saw Shinji just stepping out of the furo.
Shinji turned at the sound of the door opening and came face to face with his sexy guardian clad in nothing but the luscious skin the Kami gave her. A faint sheen of moisture from the steamy bathing room shined on the full, perky breasts that swung hypnotically from her chest. As his eyes trailed down from the ragged scar on her abdomen they fixed themselves on the puckered lips of her sex, smoothly shaved of pubic hair and the thin line of moisture dripping from the fleshy lips. Needless to say, Shinji reacted in the only way that seemed natural at the time.
Misato's eyebrow twitched in embarrassment and annoyance as Shinji's smooth, thin penis sprang to erection. Her fourteen year old ward simply continued to stand where he was, his manhood throbbing in response to the vision of feminine beauty before him.
"Get out of here, Shinji, now." Her authoritative voice seemed to job the boy back from his hormonal fantasies as he immediately covered himself with a towel and rushed out of the room, brushing past her with the faintest poke of his manhood against her supple flesh. Misato brushed away the thin trail of pre-cum he'd smeared on her thigh and shut the furo door tightly. In her mind, nothing else mattered save getting rid of her headache and getting ready for work. Shinji could have all the jerk-off fantasies he wanted.
Meanwhile, Shinji was safe within the sanctity of his bedroom, breathing heavily with a raging hard-one from Misato's little show. His back was against the door, his back sweating against the rough tatami material as he looked down in annoyance at his erect cock bobbing in a perverse dance of approval. Grasping his prick in one hand and roughly rubbing the head brought equal amounts of pleasure and guilt to his divided mind. On one hand he felt good to let a dose of thick sperm fly to the very arousing memory of his most recent encounter with the captain, but on the other he felt horrible that he was fantasizing about a woman that was like a mother to him.
Such thoughts did nothing to deter him, however, and it wasn't long before he grunted and shot a wad of cum across his floor. He continued to stroke and squeeze himself until the high subsided, his sperm splashed against the carpet, his desk and his laptop. Grimacing at his enthusiasm, Shinji unknotted his towel and wiped off the thick drops of semen from the top of his red titanium computer. He scrubbed his foot against the spillage on the carpet and brushed the strings from the top of his desk. The Third Child sat heavily in his desk chair and looked down at his deflating penis, a thin layer of cum still decorating the wrinkled head. Pulling a handful of tissues from his drawer he cleaned himself up and threw the soiled rags into the basket.
Misato Katsuragi, Shinji could feel himself growing stiff again with just the mention of her name. He frowned, the erection wouldn't just go away like that; he would have to jerk-off again to get it under control. Oh well, it seemed he would have to revert to his usual routine…
Shinji stepped cautiously out of his room clad only in a thin robe. He leaned out into the hall listening for the humming coming from the kitchen and the belching coming from the bathroom, as long as the two adults stayed busy he was safe. He tip-toed down the short hall to Misato's bedroom door, left ajar by the captain in her lethargy, and slipped inside with a final cautious look down the hall.
The room was dimly lit but it was bright enough for the teenager to make out the slumping piles of dirty clothes strewn about the corners. He spotted his target lying in the open by the largest pile of laundry, a dark rumple of purple cotton and lace. Shinji opened his robe under the belt and pulled out his semi-erect cock, stroking it with his right hand while his left picked up the panties, still moist from the previous night. His eyes darted back through the crack of light leading to the hall and he listened for the steady chop of Ranma's knife. There is was, quick and steady; he didn't need to worry about Misato just yet, after a bath she always took another beer from the kitchen before dressing which left him plenty of time to slip out should the need arise.
He plucked another pair of undergarments from the pile and brought them to his penis, running the cool fabric against his hot flesh, groaning as his other hand shoved the latest lacy prize under his nose. Shinji inhaled deeply, sniffing the musky odor of her cunt, and his cock stiffened even more. He swathed his prick with the pair of older grey silk panties and rubbed them back and forth, groaning at the sensation against his turgid crown. The long root of his sex jutted out from his crotch and thrust itself upward, pointing at the ceiling under sheer muscle power, no matter how many times he bent it perpendicular to his body it swung back again and again.
His pink tongue darted out from between his lips and ran along the softer crotch pad of the undergarment, the material still wet from her arousal the night before, a thick layer of slimy mucus coating the rough area where her pussy would rest. A burst of flavor erupted on his tongue, coinciding with a burst of semen spewing forth from the crown of his cock. He jerked himself frantically, shot after shot of sperm splashing against the silk panties and coating his member, all the while grunting as he chewed and lapped at his guardian's spilt juices.
Shinji came down from his cloud, wrenching his hand away from the soggy mass of silk and sperm, dropping the purple panties back into the pile. He licked his lips for the last vestiges of Misato's juices and found his last taste the most potent of all, a heavy dose of creamy cunt sauce that seemed to explode in his mouth, filling the back of his head with musk. His penis twitched and began another rise to prominence. As much as he would have liked to stay and lick the captain's panties, she would be out of the furo any minute. Shinji shoved the newest pair into his robe pocket and wiped the slime with the other, a thick pool of baby batter dripping from between his fingers.
Just as he was closing his robe, Shinji felt a curiously rough and warm hand grasp his shaft, the mere touch of another's flesh enough to coax it back to full stiffness even after two consecutive ejaculations. He whipped his head to the side, surprised beyond belief and wondering just who was fondling him. Needless to say he was greatly surprised when it turned out to be Ranma whose hand was stroking him to yet another orgasm, the tall man licking the side of his neck as another hand caressed the fourteen-year old's buttocks. The hand on his ass spread the freshly cleaned cheeks and pressed against his rosebud urgently. Shinji moaned as the older man's hand pumped his shaft quicker and quicker, having someone else doing it felt _so_ much better!
"What are you doing in here, Shinji? Licking Misato's panties? Spewing your delicious cum all over her silk undergarments?" Ranma blew into his ear, licking the lobe to elicit a shiver in the young boy, and quickened his strokes. His finger finally broke through Shinji's sphincter and pressed into his anus, wiggling all the way. Shinji cried out at the invasion yet was aroused even further by the feeling of something so alien inside of his body. Together with the rough caress of Ranma's hand on his cock it proved too much and he bucked wildly as he spewed rope after rope of thick cum into the air. He came and came, semen pouring from his cock like a hose and splashing across Misato's futon and floor. Ranma's finger pressed against the young boy's prostate didn't help to stem the flow but after two agonizing minutes his testicles felt drained for good and he collapsed against Ranma's larger frame.
He was breathing heavily from the exertion, sweat matting his hair to his head, and his eyes were unfocused. His penis quickly deflated and shrunk to a small bud from above the tight sack of his testicles. Ranma withdrew his hand from the Third Child's prick and licked the youthful sperm from between his fingers. Nothing quite beat the taste of teen semen, it was just so filling.
"Don't bother thanking me, Shinji, it was a pleasure." Ranma closed the child's robe from behind and led him back to his bedroom just in time for Misato to leave the bathroom on a rampage. "Let's not tell Misato about this, hmm? I don't think she'd appreciate me molesting the Children."
"Why did you…don't get me wrong, it felt good but why?" Shinji was still breathing hard, analyzing the feelings he had towards the older man. Was he sexually attracted to Ranma? Was he homosexual? He felt like rolling into a ball and dying, he was a freak, a pervert!
"Don't worry about it Shinji, I just saw you needed a little help." Ranma licked the last drops of semen from his hand and sighed contentedly. "You taste pretty good, Shinji."
"Uh, thanks…I think." The introverted child didn't know how he was supposed to react to the recent chain of events. Should he holler and scream? No, he liked the feeling of Ranma's hand on his cock, the invasion of his anus by the older man. Yet the taste of Misato's cunt was still thick in his mouth and the very thought of his guardian's sticky nether lips was enough to start a familiar warmth to flow down to his crotch.
"Don't say anything, Shinji, you aren't gay if that's what you're thinking. I mean, you were in Katsuragi's room sniffing her panties, weren't you? Just because I jerked you off doesn't mean you like men does it?" Ranma listened to Misato grumble over the soiled sheets from the previous night, little did she realize the more recent activities that transpired in the room.
"But…I don't know what to do in a situation like this."
"Well, you aren't running away, are you? That's an important step." Ranma ruffled the boy's hair and opened the door. "Breakfast is ready when you want it, just don't sweat the details. If you liked it I can do it again, if you never want to do it again I can teach you all about women." He winked.
"N-no…I mean I liked it, it felt great but…well, what did I do to deserve that kind of feeling?"
"You were born a man, Shinji, that's all. I thought you could use some help. You know, you really think too little of yourself, boy, you're one of the most important people in the world! A little pleasure here and there is alright; I can teach you all about men and women if you want."
Shinji looked down at the floor, trying to codify his feelings. He felt a connection to Ranma yet also felt a bit exploited and dirty by the way the taller man handled him. Was it simply molestation or was there more? Ranma certainly seemed nice enough, was he some kind of pedophilic predator?
"I can see what you're thinking, Shinji, and no, I am not some kind of rapist. I simply saw you in need and acted accordingly." The taller man stepped toward him and took Shinji's head in his hands, tilting the boy's head to look him in the eyes. "I'm bisexual, Shinji, and I can teach you all kinds of things you couldn't dream of: how to attract men, how to attract women, how to pleasure men, how to pleasure women, how to seduce, how to love."
"Why are you telling me all this?"
"Because I think you need a serious ego boost young man, and nothing gets an ego going like getting laid." Ranma ruffled his hair again and stepped back. "Sure you're only fourteen but it's never too early to learn the basics, just stick with me kid and we'll have you a backbone, confidence, the whole nine yards."
"RANMA!" Misato's holler sounded from the bedroom.
"Yipes, it looks like she's finally lucid. I'd better go, Shinji, but don't forget my offer." With that Ranma was gone, leaving Shinji alone in his room feeling just a little less alone. In fact, the boy felt positively excited!
"Rough night, huh?" Ritsuko sipped her mug of coffee and swiveled in her seat to face the doors to the command bridge as Misato stamped in, swiping the pot of hot coffee from the hotplate and spilling it all down her arm. If the nearly boiling liquid bothered the captain, she gave no sign other than a disgusted look at the stain seeping into her sleeve.
"Oh, shut up…"
"Let me guess, you got really drunk last night and-"
"I said shut up, Ritsuko, unless you really want everyone to know about that little experiment you pulled in college." Ritsu blushed and looked around to make sure no one else overheard Misato's offhand remark.
"Alright, alright, just keep that quiet okay?" The blonde sat down at a console and watched her friend pour a cup of coffee and lean her behind against one of the chairs. "So, how're the new tenants in your complex? I'd imagine that you have your hands full now."
"Yeah, just don't mention _his_ name around me today."
Ritsuko closed her eyes and primly sipped at her cat mug. "And whose name would that be? Ranma's or Kaji's?"
Misato spit her coffee across the floor and started coughing, setting her mug down on one of the tables nearby. "Both, and I swear to God if they so much as speak to me today I'll kill them!" She plucked her mug back to her lips and growled, looking out at the terrain display on the main monitor.
"Well good morning, captain!" Misato dropped her cup and her face suddenly went totally white as the greeting came in stereo, Ranma walking in through the left entrance, Kaji the right. "And how are you, doctor?"
"Me? Oh, I'm just fine. I think it's Misato who needs some assistance." Ritsuko hid her smile behind the Cheshire grin of her mug and chuckled as the two men turned to the purple-haired captain.
Ranma was sitting at one of the wide round tables overlooking the Geo-Front, calmly eating his lunch and smoking in the dimly lit corner. A bento box, twice as large as Shinji's, sat opened in front of him next to a tall thermos of soup - both items slate grey and showing signs of constant use. His legs were resting on one of the curved supports for the table and one of his arms was thrown over the back of his chair. Cerulean eyes, shifting from stormy to crystal with the light filtering through the enormous windows, watched as the clean-up crews finished repairs to the Second Monorail line. It seemed so strange to think about the rotting silicate Angel being dismantled high above.
"You know, your 'high-and-mighty' act gets infuriating after a while." Misato set down an identical pair of bento and thermos on the table and took a chair opposite the man. "The way you seem kind and considerate, so magnanimous, ooh is just makes me sick!"
Ranma turned to the captain and tapped his cigarette in the heavy glass ashtray beside his lunch. He was smiling. "I'm sorry to feel that way, Misato, because it isn't an act."
"When did I ever give you permission to call me by my first name?"
"Well, I just figured since we were so close last night that you wouldn't be adverse to a little more intimate relationship." He slid his pack of cigarettes across the table. "Would you like one?"
"No thank you." Misato huffed and turned away as she opened the thin metal top to the bento and unscrewed the cap to the thermos. "And Captain Katsuragi will be just fine."
"Very well." Ranma stubbed out his filter and covered his empty lunch box. The cap of his thermos was still filled with steaming soup. "You know," he leaned over his lunch with his hands laced before him, "I think we got off on the wrong foot, captain; could we start over?" He stretched his right arm across the table.
Misato Katsuragi was in a difficult situation at the moment, torn between self-directed revulsion at her previous behavior and her loathed sex-drive begging for more. She looked at the man's larger hand and realized perhaps for the first time that Ranma may not be like her previous lover, certainly not like Kaji. The doctor had seen her at her worst, at her drunken desperate nadir and was still reaching out to her completely unlike any of her boyfriends in the past. Not that she thought of him as her boyfriend, it was simply an observation that he wasn't pushing, he wasn't insinuating his way into her life with sex. No, he was offering a chance to get to know each other again, almost as if he truly wanted to know her as a person.
It was perhaps the first time a man hadn't tried to be suave or pushy and it was definitely the first time a man had fucked her when she was drunk and spent the night. Even Kaji had left her on their first date, leaving barely five minutes after he pulled out. He thought she was too drunk to remember , insensate under the satiny grip of alcohol but she knew. It took a few more weeks before they began to sleep together even though they screwed around, but in the end it was unfulfilling. She was just using him as a cock to fuck for the week they were alone in his apartment, a pair of warm arms surrounding her during her nightmares - a synthetic comfort with no emotional attachment. No, there had been emotions in their relationship, quite possible even love after a fashion but not enough to gloss over the fundamental flaws in their relationship. They were just two kids, kids looking for someone to lick their wounds, and they found one another.
But now, in that outstretched hand lying across the table, Misato saw something honest, not just some hot-shot looking for a good lay. Could she dare to take the chance with forgiveness? That was what she recognized in his hand - in his smile - it was an opportunity to distance herself from Misato-the-whore who'd spread her legs for a few beers.
Ranma watched the emotions flash across Misato's face and realized just how right his instincts had proven. In the captain he saw a woman branded a slut, a woman insecure with her own sexuality and emotions, and a lonely woman who needed time to finish growing up. Not that he was foolish enough to believe he could save the world, no, he would settle for just a few lives. He smiled at her confused look and wiggled his fingers.
Pulling herself out of the tattered nest of her memories and musings, Misato looked down at the hand and hesitantly placed her hand over Ranma's, her fingers shaking.
"I think I'd like that."
Ranma smiled even wider and placed his other hand over her diminutive fingers. "That's good." He let her go and Misato returned to her lunch, looking down at her food as if afraid to meet his eyes.
---Commander's office---
"The Second Child's synch ratios are easily the highest of the three and the MAGI have concluded that EVA-02's cross-delineation protocols may hamper multiple pilot data."
"So she cannot be allowed to participate in the cross-synchronization experiment."
"Essentially, yes."
"Disappointing but acceptable, reconfigure Unit-01's B-Drive with the First Child's pilot data and set a date for the experiment."
"Understood." Ritsuko tucked the gunship-grey clipboard underneath her arm and started back towards the door. Her glasses flashed in the darkness as they swung from the tether around her neck.
"Dr. Akagi."
"Yes," she replied. "What is it commander?"
"Eight tonight. My quarters."
---Central Dogma---
Maya, Shigeru, and Makoto were chatting as the MAGI completed their self-diagnostic, eating crackers and discussing all the changes that occurred within the past few days.
"The Second Child needs a serious attitude adjustment if you ask me. Yesterday she was blaming me for a two-point dip in her synch ratio!" Shigeru sipped at his coffee and looked out at the holographic display hovering in the centre of the room. "Talk about self-centered…"
"I can see a lot of problems in the future with that one." Makoto set his mug down and crossed his arms. "If she disrupts the other pilot's sense of camaraderie…there could be serious trouble, maybe even enough to get the commander involved."
"I think that's a little far-fetched. I think Captain Katsuragi would step in before things got out of hand." Maya clutched her little pink cushion tighter and took a sip of tea.
"But this is Captain Katsuragi we're talking about! If the Second Child gets that bad she'd bring Mr. Kaji into the deal and we all know how Katsuragi gets around him."
The three of them sighed. There was a round of sips and bites, each lieutenant reluctant to continue the line of thought to its logical conclusion.
"Well, what about Dr. Saotome? He seems like a nice enough guy?" Maya immediately regretted opening her mouth when her two compatriots turned to her with identical grins. "What?"
"'Dr. Saotome'? 'Dr. Saotome'? Is Maya attracted to the new bridge member?" Hyuga teased the mousy brunette, grinning lecherously when she lit up like a Christmas light.
"N-no! Of course not! I just meant that he seems like a nice guy!"
"Oh, oh, oh, Maya-chan! Don't forget we can see right through you." Shigeru joined his friend, both bearing down on their co-worker, eager to hear the truth. "Is it possible that sweet, innocent, Maya is having dirty thoughts about 'Dr. Saotome'?"
"Just quit it guys! This isn't funny anymore! C'mon!" Ibuki clutched her pillow tighter to her breast and rolled her chair away from the two antagonistic men. "I don't think about things like that!"
Their playful little teasing session was cut short by the wailing klaxon of the MAGI's advanced awareness system. The room was bathed in red light, blinking harshly as the right monitor covered itself in small red trapezoids screaming 'ALERT'. The three bridge bunnies dropped their bag of crackers and mugs of coffee on the smooth steel plating of the floor and whirled in their seats to face their respective consoles.
"Sensors have picked up a hostile object approaching from 25 kilometers off the Kii Peninsula." Aoba's fingers flew across the controls, bringing a topographical map of Tokyo-3 and the surrounding area into view.
"Blood pattern confirmed; it's another Angel." Makoto brought up the MAGI's analysis window and super-imposed it over the projected course of the offending entity. Maya frowned and picked up her headset, gripping the mouthpiece between her fingers and calling to the bridge crew.
"Red Alert status! All bridge crew to battle stations! Angel detected on an intercept course - ETA: fifty minutes!"
---To be continued---