One Winged Angel
(Or 1/2 The Heavens)
Chapter One: Meetings
By Dr. Suekeiichi Kaiton
With additional material and revisions by Eric Freedman
---The year 2000 AD---
He fell through the fabric of reality itself
Into a dusty pile of logs. Rolling with the landing, the pig-tailed doctor tucked and hit a concrete retaining wall with his back, not enough to seriously damage but certainly enough to hurt. Grunting with the impact, Ranma stood on wobbling legs and straightened, his spine crackling as it realigned. The sun was shining brightly and it was unreasonably warm for November, the ice and chill gone in the grasp of seventy-eight degree balminess.
After shaking the last vestiges of dimensional grogginess from his head, the din of a crowd arose from between the tall buildings. Cries of hunger and weeping drifted through the claustrophobic lot filled with fire-wood. Brushing the dust from his pants, Ranma walked out into the street.
---Fifteen years later---
"Saotome-san, welcome to Berlin."
"Thank you, Kaji-san. Is this Asuka?" The older man gripped the aluminum banister attached to the VTOL disembarkation ramp as he stepped slowly from the rumbling underbelly of the aircraft. His customary lab coat slung over his right arm and a briefcase held in his left hand.
"Good Morning, Doctor Saotome." Asuka bowed deeply to the newcomer. Her roving, adolescent eyes caught the lack of wrinkles on his face, unbelievable considering that the man was forty-one, and the easy grace with which he conducted himself. The almost imperceptible bulge at the crotch of the doctor's NERV-issue slacks didn't hurt either
Her eyes snapped back to the man's face just in time to see a bemused smile light his mouth and eyes. Had he seen? Did he notice her gaze?
"Ah, yes, it is morning here, isn't it? I never get used to the change." Ranma slung his dufflebag over his shoulder and allowed the bustling personnel to deal with the rest of the equipment. The air was crisp and clean, very different from NERV HQ where the changed orbit of Earth to the sun caused a constant summer season with climes usually humid or raining when it wasn't clear and sweltering. "Well, I hope you have finished packing, Asuka, Dr. Akagi and Commander Ikari are anxious for your delivery."
"Yes," Kaji interjected, "just why are Ritsu and the commander so anxious?" The younger man's eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"They want the reassurance of EVA Unit 02 since Units 00 and 01 are under repair. You never know when an Angel might attack." The intense way the taller man stared at Kaji made it quite clear to Asuka that his statement was hooded in hidden meaning. The fiery redhead made it her mission to find out just what Ranma and Kaji were hiding. "Well, you both had better get ready to leave, the Pacific fleet is getting underway and we must rendezvous with them by thirteen-hundred hours."
"Doctor Saotome?" Ranma turned in the direction of the voice and was assaulted by a stunning head of long black hair.
"Good morning, doctor, I'm Rosalind Strauss - medical officer in charge of the pilot's physical, mental and genetic welfare." The German woman was tall, about an inch taller than Ranma, with long black hair running to the small of her back held by elastics behind her neck. It was obvious that she had her hair permed so it fell in wavy locks across the open back of her shirt. Deep brown eyes hovered over an almost severe nose, narrow and flat, but her one defect only seemed to extenuate her beauty. A long neck, nicely tanned, led to broad shoulders with light freckling in the cleft of arm and breast; further down were full hips leading to thick coltish legs covered by black stockings. A thin red skirt covered most of her thighs but the long slits on either side allowed almost unobstructed view of her lace garter.
Ranma set his case down and moved his coat to the other arm. "Pleasure to meet you Dr. Strauss, Dr. Ranma Saotome - chief of NERV HQ medical." He extended his right hand and was gratified when her slim, cool hand nestled into his. "I've heard of your new diagnostic peptides and isotope scanning,, truly amazing stuff."
Rosalind looked away for a moment and blushed as they shook hands. "You flatter me, doctor, my accomplishments falter in the face of your revolutionary LCL research."
"Please, Dr. Strauss, call me Ranma if you wish and perhaps I might call you Rosalind?" He let her hand drop to her side and retrieved his briefcase from the tarmac.
"It would be a pleasure, Ranma." She really had no idea what to make of NERV Japan's miracle doctor, here was a man who defied her expectations. Not only could he speak fluent German (a benefit of his training with Madame Gao in his base world) but he was positively charming! In the face of such a man, the normally composed Strauss felt her control slip just a bit.
"Honored as I am, Rosalind, I have a pressing appointment with Commander Kunze concerning Asuka's transfer. Would you be good enough to direct me to his office?"
"But of course! Please come with me, Ranma." Rosalind locked her arm with the Japanese man's and began to lead him off the runway towards the main building when he stopped and turned back to Kaji and Asuka.
"I'll see you for dinner, Kaji-san; it was nice meeting you, Asuka." And with that the pair were gone into the darkened depths of NERV Berlin.
They walked for a while in silence, her arm pressed tightly to his, her warmth bleeding through her white labcoat and onto his skin. As they walked her breasts swung slightly, just enough for them to run against his forearm; just enough to make them hard as pebbles under the thin muslin of her blouse. The darkened corridors of the floor levels gradually began to give way for the harsh fluorescent lighting of Central Dogma.
"I'm actually surprised you don't know your way around Central Dogma, all NERV facilities around the world are designed the same way for ease of transfer and construction." The two were standing on one of the many escalators in NERV Berlin, on the far wall was an enormous glass window facing the suspended Unit 02 submerged in gel.
"Well, the title 'Chief of NERV HQ Medical' is a misnomer. I haven't been in headquarters for the past five years and even then, many sections of it were still under construction."
"Five years ago! What have you been doing?" Rosalind caught herself and covered her mouth with a hand in embarrassment. "That is if you don't mind my asking "
"No, of course I don't mind. It's no secret that I've been in the Antarctic for the past few years with the survivors of the Katsuragi Expedition, those that weren't personally at the base when Second Impact occurred. You'd be surprised how many were still in Japan and Europe when the incident happened; they've helped me piece together just what caused the tremendous expenditure of energy."
Rosalind really wanted to know what he was talking about but one look at his closed face, as if saying 'that's all I can tell you', was enough to convince her not to pursue that line of questioning.
"So tell me what I can expect from Commander Kunze." The ride was almost finished, all they had to do was cross the main hubs which connected most of the base and proceed down to the Bridge.
"Well, if what I've heard about Commander Ikari is correct "
"And I'm sure it is "
" Then Commander Kunze is the complete opposite. He's easygoing and easy to talk to, not a real stickler for rules, and he's understanding. He insists that everyone on staff take their vacation days, and he lets people off duty wear civvies." Rosalind stepped lightly off the escalator and waited for Ranma. The older man looked up at her and smiled, offering his arm again. The dark-haired beauty accepted and they began the trek across the main promenade of Terminal Dogma. "It's sub-commander Waechter you have to watch out for, if we had time clocks he would probably make us punch out for a coffee break."
"Hmm, I'd figure with such a laid-back approach, Kunze would have chosen a compatible second-in-command."
"Well, apparently they were really good friends in GEHIRN before making the switch to NERV. They balance each other out fairly well." She swerved into a corridor and stopped at the double doors at the end. All around them could be heard the deep thrumming of machinery and the recirculation systems for the EVA cages. "And here we are "
Ranma stepped forward, briefly aware that Strauss had released his arm, and walked through the automatic doors.
Compared to the Arctic base command centre, the sound that met his ears was utter silence interrupted by the occasional clack of nails on the consoles. There was the customary hum of MAGI under his feet and the simple cavernous ambient sound found in concert halls. He waited for a moment before offering a 'good morning' when no one seemed to pay him any mind.
"Hmm?" A massive block of woman, easily six-feet with biceps the size of grapefruit spun on one ham-sized heel. Ranma looked the muscular woman up and down before deciding without doubt that she was Major Adler, NERV Berlin's Chief of Tactical Operations. "Good morning, Dr. Saotome, Major Ulrika Adler: Tactical Ops." She stretched out one of her thick arms and shook his hand vigorously. He estimated her weight at 190, perhaps 200, and all muscle. Not that her musculature made her look butch, her shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail and the ruby lipstick made it quite clear she was a woman, not to mention the way her tight ass squeezed into her short black skirt. In all she resembled an attractive female gym teacher.
"Nice to meet you Major, I hope that Pilot Sohryu hasn't been giving you any trouble these past years."
"Nothing we couldn't handle; certainly nothing like a certain captain you have back in Japan was when she worked under my command." Carsten Kunze walked out of the opposite entrance on the other side of the MAGI storage chambers, his antique walking stick hitting the steel-plated floor with a hollow tap. "Greetings Dr. Saotome, I hope your trip from the Danube Terminal to our base was without incident?"
"Indeed, sir, I have the transfer papers for pilot Sohryu right here." Ranma tapped the black plastic of his briefcase.
"Excellent, we can sign them in my office and get Asuka en route immediately." Smiling at the younger man through the thick black frames of his glasses, Kunze tapped the bronze-tipped cane twice on the floor and hobbled briskly out of Ops followed closely by Ranma.
Once they were out of earshot, Rosalind sat down at the medical console next to Senta, her assistant, and picked up a cup of earl grey tea from the carafe on her desk. Lifting the steaming cup to her mouth she inhaled deeply and sipped gently, savoring the bergamot flavor and lilting tickle of steam that swirled around her head in eddies.
"So what did you think of NERV HQ's chief medical officer?"
Adler turned away from the main monitor and tugged nervously on her ponytail. "He was alright, a bit on the scrawny side, 'though."
Rosalind scoffed. "Everyone is 'a bit on the scrawny side' when you look at them. Did you see his ass? God, he looks damn good for a guy pushing forty-two."
"He was that old?" Senta piped in between programs. "That was remarkable, perhaps we should take some samples and see what we can find."
"Huh, I can guess which sample old Rosalind here wants most."
"What was that? How dare you call me that, Ulrika, considering you're older!" The scientist twirled around in her chair and opened the console, pointedly ignoring the glare that the taller woman was directing at her back.
"Hey now, don't bring age into this!"
"You were the one that started it!"
Senta sighed and turned back to her programming, it was useless to try to break up Rosalind and Ulrika's pissing contests when they got started. Honestly, Ulrika had never been like that with her but maybe that was why they broke up in the first place.
"Don't you try to tell me you wouldn't try to get him in the sack, 'Rik, I know you and your penchant for the weak ones."
"It's not my fault Joseph's arm broke while we were well, you know "
"It was right before my date with him, 'Rik, he showed up with his forearm as swollen as a blimp! When I asked him how he did it, he didn't say but I knew you just like taking them away from me don't you?"
"That's ridiculous. That is a total lie." Ulrika was blushing madly and her chest was heaving as she replied.
"Well, even if you did, I don't think you'd have such a good time of it; Ranma can out bench-press you and outrun anyone else in NERV."
"Yeah, well, I'll believe it when I see it!"
Senta simply lay her head down on her terminal since she was positive that she would never get any work done with the two of them arguing like little children. Dr. Ranma Saotome _had_ been impressive, that was for sure
---Commander's office, TD level 66---
"So I see it's all prepared." Ranma ran his hand along the smooth Bakelite encasing the embryonic form of ADAM. "Commander Ikari has changed his mind, he wants Ryouji Kaji to bring ADAM to Japan."
"What? Why?" Kunze sat behind his snug little desk in the cavernous office with his fingers in front of his face, tip to tip, and clicked his tongue in irritation. "I wish Commander Ikari would realize that making such rash decisions affects job performance. Kaji will have to be briefed on protocol and procedure."
"I'll take care of that tonight, I'm having dinner with him." Ranma looked down at the short, liver-spotted man with the thin cane and even thinner hair. What remained of Carsten Kunze's thick black hair was white and blew like milkweeds in a breeze. He was squat and solid, about 188 pounds with thick glasses and a face like a fish. Ranma didn't like him and more importantly, didn't trust him.
"Well, all the papers are signed, all the copies have been made, with that I leave Pilot Asuka Langley Sohryu, the Second Child, in your hands." Kunze stood from behind the desk and hobbled to the other side to shake Ranma's hand. The taller doctor found the commander's hand to be clammy and cold. "Give Commander Ikari my regards and tell Kaji he can see me when you are ready to depart." With that, the commander of NERV Berlin bid adieu to Dr. Ranma Saotome and EVA Unit 02.
No sooner had Ranma closed the double doors to Kunze's office than he was accosted by the sub-commander.
"Just what is Ikari playing at leaving a wild card like Kaji to transport ADAM?" The taller man had Ranma up against a wall by the throat.
"I suggest you let go of my shirt, sub-commander Waechter, unless you want to forfeit your position?" Ranma grasped the older man's wrists and twisted, feeling the oily slide of cartilage under his fingertips, until the man released him with a gasp of pain. "I won't press charges because I understand how unreasonable Commander Ikari's requests are at times. Still, you should be careful of your temper, sir, it will get you in trouble one day." Ranma left the sub-commander kneeling in the dimly lit corridor whimpering like the ghost of a beaten dog.
Senta Ehrlichmann stepped out of the shadows as soon as the sub-commander collected himself and stealthily followed the good doctor down the hallway. Since Ulrika and Rosalind were still in the midst of their little spat, Senta put it upon herself to even the score by jumping Ranma's bones first.
Which is not to say that her task was a chore, she was actually looking forward to it, but it was like she was performing all this work of following him and coaxing him into a dimly lit area of TD for very little satisfaction. She would much rather prefer Ulrika's rough hands encircling her breasts and the warm moisture of her tongue lapping delicately at the tender folds of her sex. Instead, she was going to have Ranma lick her and it was going to be Ranma who forced her legs apart and gazed at the wet little crevice that lay at her centre. It was going to be Ranma's manhood that penetrated her velvet sheath and discharged its eager package of swimming life into her womb. She supposed that beggars couldn't be choosers
"Excuse me, Dr. Saotome!" Her slim arms pumped in the air as she ran after him. "Dr. Saotome!" He stopped and turned on a heel to look at her.
"Yes? Oh! You were with Rosalind earlier." The corridor was darkened and the faint echoes of people on either end reverberated slowly from side to side. Aside from a bank of three doors to their right which led to storage rooms, nothing of note could be differentiated from the dark.
"My name is Senta, Senta Ehrlichmann, I'm Dr. Strauss' aide." She offered a hand in greeting.
"Ranma Saotome, chief of NERV HQ Medical." He grasped her slim hand and gave it two vigorous pumps before letting it fall back to her side. "Is there anything I can help you with?"
She could think of quite a few things but settled back on her original plan. She opened her unbuttoned top, exposing her breasts, and sauntered forward with a seductive thrust of her hips. She had never had a Japanese man before
"I think I can see what you're problem is, Miss Ehrlichmann, if you would just follow me into my 'office'?" Ranma smiled at her forwardness and gestured to one of the storage rooms.
"Senta please, doctor, if you are going to help me we'd better be on a first-name basis." She tossed her short red hair and followed him into the darkness. "And I hope I can call you Ranma?"
"Of course." Ranma slid the door shut, cutting the amount of light in the room by half. An orange glow permeated the room from the staggered row of lights crammed between the ceiling and walls. In the dim illumination Ranma could see Senta clearly, her boyish physique with hair trimmed carefully to expose the nape of her neck yet still give her a band of cute bangs over her blue eyes. She stood perhaps one head shorter than he with an extremely slight musculature making her seem like a pre-teen. She had a high forehead above a turban nose and two thin eyebrows, her long bangs suspended slightly higher with a tortoise-shell hair band. "How would you like to proceed? We can begin with a preliminary examination or we can skip straight to the operation."
The shorter woman turned her head to look back at him bashfully, her exposed back almost glowing in the darkness. She held the sagging sides of her jacket between her breasts, leaving her shoulders and shanks naked. "Oh, straight to the operation, doctor." She dropped the jacket, the garment falling to the steel plated floors with the clink of a small metal zipper, and unclasped her skirt.
"As you wish." Ranma pulled off his navy blue jacket and flung it over the back of a chair, his shoes and pants joining it quickly enough. In just a few scant minutes he was naked, his manhood (he held the other in reserve just in case Senta proved to be a closet anal freak) hanging down from a dark nest of pubic hair. Senta had already pulled down her panties and was draped over the top of a workstation, her glistening slit making deliciously wet noises as she fondled herself in preparation. Ranma was erect in moments and lunged at her with such alacrity that she gasped at the suddenness of his penetration.
Senta grasped the thin, sharp edges of the metal shelves in the middle of the storage room with trembling fingers. Behind her, Ranma was busily thrusting into her cunt with long strokes that caused his pubic bone to mash hard against her ass. She leaned over a low counter and the well-endowed doctor was fucking her madly doggy-style. Her petite breasts jiggled a little with each thrust and a steady drip of mixed fluids ran down her leg and puddled around her red pumps.
Ranma had his hands laced over her belly and his head lying across the back of her neck as he humped her rear, each thrust causing her breasts to jiggle and pull her pink nipples across the tacky surface of the derelict workstation. The woman underneath him was keening in pleasure, her hoarse cries reverberating through the empty darkened halls of the sector, and was frantically pushing back against him. Senta had never experienced the sheer girth and length of such an object inside her. The tight, almost painful threshold of her own resistance to his size, the shuddering thud of his head against the opening to her womb, and the sure understanding that if he spurted inside his seed would have nowhere to go but through the puckered hole.
For his part, Ranma was reasonably calm through the fucking, his head lay on her neck and he breathed deeply. He was a professional, not some sticky-fingered amateur, and he would not breath ragged or wince or give any outward sign of his own pleasure. In his (old) business the customer took precedent, it was all about fulfilling the contract and pleasuring your client - the fact that you took some small measure of satisfaction from the act was inconsequential. Thus, with those thoughts set firmly in his mind, Ranma halted his orgasmic barrage and grabbed Senta's arms. With a deft twist, he spun her on the horn of his sex so that she faced him when they both finished. In his opinion, the face-to-face orgasm brought the most lasting pleasure to the client and helped them to remember your face. Besides, he loved watching women's eyes press closed in rapture as the first stream of semen ejaculated deep inside their clenching cunts.
Senta was disoriented when Ranma made his move, her mind and body unable to deduce how she had started with such petty aims as attracting Ulrika's attentions and ended up lying with slick loins under the single greatest experience of her life. She chose to moan weakly under his barrage of thrusts rather than put up a pointless struggle to maintain some shred of her dignity. The older man grasped her thighs from underneath and used his leverage to pull her as close as possible, achieving maximum penetration. His engorged cock pistoned in and out of the willing assistant faster than before, the odd curvature of his organ rubbing her raw.
With a strangled cry of passion and release, Senta's body went taut and every muscle in her body seemed to explode. Ranma continued to thrust for just a moment more before he too succumbed to the velvety caress of her pussy and buried himself to the hilt. She could feel his sperm throbbing out into her body, a warming puddle of goo to match the buzzing pleasant lethargy in her limbs. Ranma looked down at her, her hair lying in a circular pool under her head with the roots exposed around her forehead, and bent down to kiss her on the lips, a wet kiss full of tongue and spent passion. He was still coming, his seed spilling out from the corners of her seal and spilling out onto the darkened floor. They remained that way for a few minutes to allow Senta to regain her strength. When Ranma finally pulled out there was a slippery squirting noise as her cunt spat out excess sperm onto the floor.
"Do you feel better now?" Ranma sat down at one of the darkened consoles and began to dress. He had a meeting with Intel Ops later on and he wanted to take a shower beforehand.
Senta simply lay back on the glass console and panted out, her body glistening with beads of sweat and passion, her fluids mixed liberally with his spilling out of her cleft and down onto the metal plating. "Thank you doctor, I think I feel much, much better now."
"You should rest after such an operation, it takes a lot out of you." Ranma pulled back on his navy blue jacket and clicked the clasp on his breast.
"I'll be fine." Senta sat up and grabbed her panties from the floor, using them to smear off the dollops of cream dotting her thighs, she had a spare pair in the locker room. "You're very thorough doctor, I don't think I've ever felt this good in my life." She smiled as she picked up her jacket and blouse.
"It may have felt good but you're going to be sore tomorrow."
"I can deal." The red-haired assistant zipped the front of her jacket and smoothed the wrinkles from her skirt. "Thanks for the good time," she chirped from the doorway before she disappeared down the shady corridors of NERV Berlin. Ranma was left wonder just why the hell that had just happened and for what reason, surely it wasn't just animal attraction - no, it had to be something else perhaps something more sinister.
It was also a rather enjoyable time.
He decided to forget all about his most recent tryst and just continue with his day. Sometimes it just wasn't worth worrying about.
Asuka made dinner that night, schnitzel and beer, which coincidentally was the only food she could prepare. Ranma ate very little but drank a great deal, his appetites running more towards libation than hunger, but complimented the auburn-haired girl nonetheless. Kaji gave his ward a forced smile and smoked through most of the meal. The older man leaned back from the glass table sitting in the middle of Kaji's apartment and lit his small pipe, accepting a cup of coffee and a small wedge of chocolate cake when Asuka offered, wondering how he was going to broach the subject. While Asuka was occupied with clearing the dishes Ranma decided to make his move.
"Ikari wants you to transport the package." Ranma exhaled a cloud of thin, fragrant smoke and replaced the mouthpiece in the corner of his lips. "Commander Kunze almost had a fit."
Kaji reached across the table and stubbed out his cigarette. Asuka simply wanted to know what the 'package' was
"What about Asuka?"
"I'll take her. It doesn't really matter anyway since we'll all be on the same carrier. Once we get to Japan I'm sure Ikari will return her." The pigtailed man smiled and clicked the metal mouthpiece against his teeth.
"Don't I get a say in this?" Asuka was leaning forward with her head in her hands, watching the two men with half-lidded eyes.
"No. The paperwork has already gone through." Ranma tapped out the smoldering ash of his pipe and replaced it in his shirt pocket. "We'll leave tomorrow morning from the St. Petersburg docks. You'd better get some sleep."
Asuka, not very happy with Ranma's casual dismissal, nevertheless kissed Kaji goodnight and strolled down the hall to her room, giving Ranma one final glare.
Kaji lit another cigarette and sipped his cup of coffee. "She's not going to like that, Ranma, you don't want to get on her bad side "
"I'll live. At the moment I have to brief you on the protocols for transport." The taller man sipped his cup of coffee and fished in his briefcase until a fat file marked 'For Your Eyes Only - Top Secret' sat in front of Kaji. "You will arrive tomorrow morning at 00:05:15. Sub-commander Waechter will meet you at Artifact Storage. You cannot have any mechanical, powered device on your person - no cell phones, no pagers, no car-starters, nothing with a battery. The sub-commander will scan you to make sure there are no powercells on your person, confirm your identity, and present you with the package."
"Are there any precautions I should take in regards to storage?"
"The sub-commander will brief you on the cargo protocols. You will seal the package in A-Class Bakelite and secure it in duranium casing. Once it is secure you can wear whatever you like. Meet Asuka and I at the airfield at 00:06:00."
---To be continued---