
Neither Eric nor I own the rights to Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon, Master of Mosquiton, El-Hazard, Hellsing, Tenchi Muyo!, Darkstalkers, Sakura Diaries, King of Fighters, Inu-Yasha, Neon Genesis Evangelion, or Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040. Nor Love Hina, Street Fighter, Fushigi Yugi, Devil Hunter Yohko, Yuu Gen Kai Sya, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Project A-Ko, All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, Oh! My Goddess!, Bastard!!!, Outlanders, Nadesico or Vandread. Whew! That was a mouthful! Anyway, all these characters belong to their respective copyright holders.


One Winged Angel

(or 1/2 The Heavens)

Being the eighth part of the '1/2' saga

By Dr. Suekeiichi Kaiton


Eric Freedman

---Spirit Plane---

"Die foolish vampire scum!" Naraku fired a volley from his hand and the power of the imperfect Shikon jewel threw Ranma back to land on the edge of the Sea of Eternity. "You think that a mere vampire like yourself can control the full power of the Shikon jewel? Give the facimile to me and your pain will end!"

Ranma Saotome/Anosa Amortem chuckled dangerously and gave Naraku the finger. He clutched the full Shikon jewel in his hand and burst into a wavering apparition of shadow and eyes, laughing evilly as the reluctant demon lord tried to hit him with bursts of spectral energy. A sagging pile of skin hit the craggy rocks with a disturbing splat of fluid and flesh.

"He's released his true powers." Alucard spun both of his pistols, the Joshua 454 and Jesus 13, before stowing them safely into his cloak. Ceres stepped back as her master's clothes began to billow with an unnatural wind. She knew full well what was to occur.

"Releasing control art restriction to level two." The others stepped away towards where the Senshi and Integra were seated, casual observers to this most unholy of rituals.

"He can't be serious!?" Integra stood ram-rod straight as Alucard began to emit a thick black fog and cried out softly as her bruised ribs groaned from the pressure.

"Releasing control art restriction to level one." His clothes were no longer just inanimate portions of fabric and metal, his clothes now melted around his body and wavered like a bed of snakes.

"Your vampire powers will avail you not against my powers!" Naraku turned away from the dark sire and prepared to destroy Amortem.

"Final restriction released…power levels will remain unlimited until target has been silenced." Alucard suddenly burst from the seams of his fleshly body and surged towards the youkai as an amalgam of shadow, teeth, and eyes. He was the Wolf in the forest, he was the Bat in the cavern, he was the Shadow that slid across the surface of the planet itself; in truth he was the living embodiement of entropy, a ruthless amalgam of ageless flesh and eternal malevolence. "Bow before me pathetic demon scum!"

"Never!" Naraku fired a bolt of energy that passed through Alucard's manifestation. "What!?"

"Hmm? What is it, little evil? Have you realized that you are nothing but a penny-dreadful nightmare compared to me?" The wolf's shadow opened its seven eyes and vomited out an arm, _his_ arm that held the Jesus 13. "Too bad."

He fired.

Naraku smirked as the bullets tore towards his fragile body, knowing that these were very different projectiles from the norm, and raised the Shikon high in his right hand.

"What is he doing!?" Integra was fighting with the others, pushing and pulling to remove herself from their grasp.

Amortem surged from the other direction, monstrous teeth bared for the kill. Naraku barked a harsh laugh as the bullets tore through his body, liquifying his torso and legs. He lay there on the chittering boney earth of the Spirit Plane as just head and arms. The vampire spawn leaped on the carcass and swallowed what remained, giggling insanely all the while.

Then was thrown into the Sea of Eternity.

Naraku had destroyed the jewel in a final act of defiance, crushing it in his talon just as he entered the null void within Amortem. Consequently all the limitless power of the orb was released back into the cosmos, an act which cast the reluctant vampire off the sharp bluffs and deep into the Sea of No Return. He fell.

He fell through the fabric of reality itself.

He fell through a flimsy glass window and hit hard floor.

Rolling with the impact, Ranma caught himself with a hand and sprung himself as far away from the window as possible but paid for his quick reflexes by crumpling back to the floor in pain. Leaning against a rusted iron door he realized that he'd used up too much power and blood against Naraku; he was as vulnerable as a week old kitten. A rustling of cloth brought his head up and the silhouette of a naked girl appeared in the moonlight.

"Who are you?" The voice was meek but forceful, like a raging river held back by a sheet of tissuepaper, Ranma shuddered at the power there in the words. Since when had he gotten involved in power struggles and the quest for status? He was an escort for God's sake! He'd left China to get rid of the annoyance of politics in his life but it seemed that he was doomed to serve, trapped in a position he wanted no part of, but that didn't mean he had to accept it…not yet.

"Stay back!" He tried to push her back with a wall of ki but the construct simply passed through her as if she was not there. A wraith! He was certain that was all she could be given her lack of reaction to his attack. "I'm warning you!"

"Who are you?" She had crossed the distance of the small room and entered the narrow hall where he sat. She had short-cropped hair which fell haphazardly in her eyes and down the nape of her neck. Ranma decided that she couldn't be a wraith, for wraiths had no blood in their veins and he could almost taste the warm pulse of coppery nectar bubbling from deep within her breast.

"I'm Ranma Saotome." He needed the blood.

"Why did you fall through my window?" Her red eyes were practically luminescent in the darkness.

"I was thrown here, this is not my home." He would have the blood.

"You will leave here now before I call NERV security." Ranma stood up as she spoke and focused his gaze in her eyes, his pupils turning shimmering crimson as he attempted to mesmirize her.

"I need something from you first." She stood silent and still as he slid off the floor and glided to stand before her face, the top of her soft blue hair just coming up to his chest. "If I don't have it then I will die…and you don't want that, do you?" His arms came around her nakedness and she was cold to the touch. He pulled her close so the gentle mounds of her chest pressed into his belly and moved them both backward towards her bed. He stopped when her knees hit the rusty frame of the filthy bed she slept on and, taking her chin in his hand, brought her eyes up to meet his own. "What is your name, young one?"

"I am Rei Ayanami." She did not tremble because of their close proximity nor was she intimidated by his height.

"This may hurt Rei, this may hurt quite a bit." He knelt down and raised her head to stare at the ceiling as his lips caressed her neck. The vampire's eyes turned red as his pointed incisors ripped free from his soft gums. "Just lie back and try not to scream." He bit down, hard, into her jugular and great spurts of thick blood gushed from the wounds. Ranma touched his lips to the pale flesh welling with plasma and sucked in the fluid, feeling the warmth spread from his stomach out into his limbs.

Ranma felt his penis engorge with blood, the act of feeding akin to orgasm, and slid out of his slacks and boxers. His member bobbed up and down as he stretched her out on the bed and his fingers dug cruelly into the oily cleft of her sex before the pulsing purple head pushed up against the vanguard to her innermost regions. She whimpered as he continued to syphon blood and he shoved his organ home, filling the tiny tight passage with his throbbing cock. He pushed a hand over her mouth to stifle her cry of pain and surprise. He pulled the phallus out until the ring of her vaginal canal tightened around its crown, then pushed it back inside, unheeding of the trickle of blood that stained Rei's white sheets. He released her mouth in his passion and Rei found a well of pleasure grow within her.


Their motions caused the rusty bed to rock back and forth, scraping metal on metal, as Ranma grew violent in his motions. He grunted and pushed, suckling at her breasts and teasing the nipples as his cock pistoned in and out of her, the soft red fleshy passage throbbing with newfound passion and drive. She whimpered in pleasure and pain, he grunted and animalistic passion, but Rei found herself embracing him as he drove out all his aggression on her sweaty prone body. Her legs were spread wide and her soft, downy public hair matted and dripping with juice and semen.

Ranma crushed her body to the bed, curling his hands with hers and kissing her forcefully on the lips as he came, ejaculating like a firehose inside of her clenching insides. Rei threw her head back in orgasm as each jet of burning sperm splashing against her womb reknit severed neural pathways and unlocked repressed experiences. The bed was slammed against the wall seven times as he finished, each push forcing the warm white liquid past her cervix and sending battalions of sperm towards the fertile eggs in her ovaries.

At the end he pulled out and sprayed another thick gout of semen over her belly, Rei crossing her legs and using her hand to rub the lotion into her skin. Sweat beaded off her entire body as both curled under the moist covers and fell into an exhausted sleep.

---Tokyo-3 Junior High, four days later---

"Do you think something's wrong with Rei?" Shinji turned to Asuka as the two walked home from school. The auburn-haired girl was rather bummed that Kaji was rebuking all her advances and so was more quiet than usual as they walked back to the flat they shared with Misato.

"Something wrong with wondergirl? If you ask me, there's been something wrong with her for a long time." Asuka brushed past to the pilot of EVA Unit 01 and pushed her way into a convienience store. This left Shinji with one of two options, waiting for her verbally abusive roomate to finish in the store or to accept Rei's invitation to visit her apartment. The Ikari gene was one of curiosity it is said and Shinji's mind was already made up before he began walking down the alley that would connect with Rei's apartment building.

It had been a very odd morning. Rei had been acting strangely for the past four days, talking with her classmates and actively participating in swimming during gym. What was more odd was the way she'd been staring at him…it kind of looked hungry. She had been making friends at a fast pace as well, quickly winning over Hikari and winning the grudging respect of Asuka at her way of dealing with potential perverts. Why the blue-haired girl would show any kind of attraction for him, that he could not answer, Still it didn't stop him from taking her up on her generous offer to visit her that day after classes.

Thus, Shinji Ikari found himself ringing the working doorbell to Rei's apartment and waiting for her to answer.
