Neko Love 21. Planning and Preperation
Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma!
Chapter 21
Planning and Preparation
Ukyo and Ryoga stared at each other each knowing exactly what the other was thinking.
YOU DID WHAT RANMA? they both yelled.
Well, Shampoo kinda wants to kill me, Ranma said quietly. ..again.
Not kinda, she really, really wants to kill you! Akane added. Those holes in the dojo where meant for your head!
What where you thinking Ran-Chan? Ukyo pleaded.
Thats what Id like to know, snorted Akane. Some big plan! Hide out at Ukyos!
Hey! Ranma cried in an attempt to defend himself. Theres more to it than that!
Okay Im listening, Ukyo hissed. Her Okonminyaki restaurant was already a disaster area, the last thing she needed was a vengeful Amazon bursting through the doors at any minute.
Its quite simple we all go and hide in the mountains, Ranma said. I cant risk me or Akane going Neko, so we need some protectors.
Oh Ran-Chan what a wonderful idea! Ukyo beamed. If I can get Ranma to go Neko and get him alone...
Yeah, Saotome that sounds great! Ryoga echoed. If I can get Akane to go Neko and get her alone...
What you guys like it? Ranma said surprised. Oh hi Akari I didnt see you there!
Hi Ranma! Hi Akane! Akari said bowing politely.
What do they know about pig-girl as well! Ukyo thought.
Hi Akari! Akane said. Hows everything going?
Just fine! Akari chirped. My Sumo pig farm is doing well and I thought Id give Ryoga a visit. I havent heard from him in a while and I was getting worried.
Okay! Ukyo interrupted the pleasantries. First I want to know what have you done Ranma to make Shampoo want to kill you?
She only wants to kill the female-Ranma, the boy defended.
Why would she want to do that? Ryoga asked. I thought she wanted to marry you? Ranma couldnt give a straight answer. What he wanted to say was Shampoo has figured out that its only Akane I lov... like, but he couldnt not with both Ukyo, Ryoga AND worst of all Akane looking at him.
Whats her reasons Ranma? Akane question hoping that he had forgotten exactly what she had almost said before Shampoo had attacked.
Eh... Ranma tried to avoid his fiancées glare. She had figured out I didnt like her that way...
Oh! gasped Akane understanding his embarrassment. The, the Neko...
What? What happened? Ukyo snapped. I need a translation?
It doesnt matter, Ranma muttered. We just have to get everyone out of here.
Are you coming too Akari? Akane asked.
Its far too dangerous for you Akari, Ryoga butted in before she could answer. Ukyo tried to hide her sickened face as the lost boy went to his fiancées side. It would be better if you stayed at the Tendos, you dont want to be caught up in any of the Neko business.
If you say so Ryoga, Akari smiled. Though I do want to give you my maps I brought for you. Maybe theres somewhere safe in the mountains you could go.
Itd have to be somewhere secluded, Ranma said.
Ryoga and Ukyo agreed immediately though they had other ideas in their heads why they wanted it to be secluded.
They began looking over the maps Akari had provided. How about the hot springs in the mountains? Ukyo asked.
Oh not more springs, Ranma groaned.
But if you and eh.. If you got wet then it would be simple to change you back, Ukyo said, she was going to say and Ryoga but had quickly changed her sentence. Ryoga glared at her knowing what she had almost said.
I suppose, Ranma sighed. How quickly can you and Ryoga get ready?
Ryogas a walking campsite, Ukyo scoffed. And Im always prepared to take my restaurant on the road.
That just leaves us, Akane said. Ill give Kasumi a call it might be too dangerous for us to go back home.
Alright and remember to say that Akari will be visiting, Ranma added.
Akari, are you sure you wouldnt want to go home? Ryoga asked.
The girl shook her head at her fiancée, I want to be close to you Ryoga.
Ill go call Kasumi if thats alright with you Ukyo, Akane suggested. She can bring over our backpacks and take Akari home.
Okay, good idea Akane, Ranma nodded. I guess that just leaves us with getting some breakfast?
Ukyo rolled her eyes and smiled. Anything for you Ran-Chan.
Nabiki Tendo stormed into her own house, furious with herself.
Had a nice day? Her eldest sister asked.
Hardly, she scoffed. So where are the kittens?
I really wish you wouldnt call them that, Kasumi sighed. She was about to say more when the phone began ringing.
Nabiki growled and sat down. It was obvious that shed missed whatever action there had between Ranma and Shampoo. She glanced out the window to see the holes in the dojo. Definitely missed it, she strained her ears to overhear the conversation. She heard an Oh my, Akane and camping.
Let me speak to Akane sis, Nabiki said. Ive got to tell her something.
Okay, Akane heres Nabiki, she needs to talk to you.
The phone was handed over. Listen Akane whatever you do stay away from fish.
Kasumi looked confused but then she shook her head and when off to pack for her house guest and sister.
Im serious, the fish is your Neko-Ken trigger!
Yes, oh my! Nabiki spat. Just do us all a favour and stay away from any rivers with fish in them.
Tell Akane Ill pack some protection, Kasumi called out.
Right and I think Kasumis going to pop a few rubbers in your backpack just in case, Nabiki added. What do you mean ew? Youre going to have to do it some time little sister, might as well be when youre fully aware of the situation....huh!
What is it? Kasumi asked.
The little brat hung up on me!
Ill hurry to get their camping equipment over there.
Did she say why shes going camping?
She said it had something to get away from Shampoo.
Yeah were all back to square one with her huh? Nabiki sighed. I wonder if Cologne knows anything about it.
Why dont you go ask her?
Nabiki looked shocked, me? do something without getting paid?
As a favour for me? Kasumi asked her eyes locked onto Nabiki unblinking as she stared pathetically at her.
Her sister growled. Okay... but turn off that look.
What look? Kasumi asked innocently her eye lashes fluttering.
Stop it! Nabiki yelled. Thats it Im going before I do anything else for free.
Bye bye.
I cant believe Nabiki! Akane shouted as she slammed down the phone.
What is it hun? Ukyo asked.
Oh nothing, Akane blushed. My sister just knows how to wind me up; like reminding me of what Ranma and I did! I bet she knows I wouldnt put it past her.
Yeah your sis can sure be a pain, Ranma agreed.
At least she was able to tell me what triggers my Neko-Ken, she sighed.
What is it? Ranma asked. Cos I know it cant be cats like mine, most of the times youve turned there was no cats near you. Please dont let it be me.
No its fish, Akane said. Which explains allot except for the panties but I dont want to think about that...ew.
There was a scrambling noise as Ukyo made sure there was nothing in her kitchen to set off Akane.
Looks like fish is off the menu then, she laughed as she slammed shut a cupboard.
Akari are you sure you will be safe? Ryoga asked his girlfriend.
Yes Ryoga Ill be fine my pet pig is outside and he will guard me when youre away, Akari said. You have to promise me youll keep yourself safe.
Ryoga glowed red at the bold statement from the girl and looked across to the others. Ukyo was the only one looking back and went back to her grill when she saw him.
I will, he assured her. I have your map and the others will make sure I stay safe.
Akari hugged him tight she only broke free when a spatula went hurtling across her head and embedded into the wall.
Oh sorry, I slipped, Ukyo cringed, more at herself unsure why she had done it. Maybe Im just jealous that Ryogas actually got someone that shows him affection? Her eyes glanced across to the pig-tailed boy that was busy eating the food shed prepared.
Great breakfast as always Uc-Chan! Ranma beamed between mouthfuls.
Ukyo smiled back at him. Anything for you Ran-Chan.
Ranma ignored her reply and kept eating the food, making Ukyo sigh and return to her cooking.
Mousse flapped his wings desperate to keep up with his beloved. Shampoo was streaking ahead of him her cat form making her more agile to run across the rooftops. He wasnt sure which direction the girl was going but his more acute bird senses told him they where leaving the Nerima district.
Where is my love going? He wondered. Why doesnt she want to continue trying to kill female Ranma? Its not like her to give up so easily.
He kept up his pursuit desperate to help his friend in whatever mental state she was in. Though there was no doubt in his mind whose fault it was.
I will make Ranma pay for what he has done to my Shampoo.
Suddenly the cat stopped and Mousse found himself colliding with the girl turned cat.
Meeeoowwwrrr. She mewed angrily at him.
Why is she angry? He wondered. I was the one that helped her see what a waste it was chasing Ranma?
The feline Shampoo hissed loudly.
Mousse trying quacking to her that it was only him. This didnt seem to stop her. She swiped a paw at the duck almost knocking off his glasses. He tried to get out of her way but her second strike sent him skywards. When Mousse turned around and headed back there was no sign of her.
Shampoo what are you doing? He wondered.
But the white and purple cat was now far away from him and on
Hi Kasumi! Akane greeted her sister.
I brought as much clothes as I could find for the two of you, Kasumi said cheerfully. I didnt know how long you planned to be away.
We might be continually on the road if Shampoo really has gone back to her old ways, Ranma growled.
Im sure it wont be that bad, Kasumi tried to assure him. And Ill make sure well keep Akari well looked after.
I dont want to be any trouble, said Akari.
Oh no trouble at all, it will be nice to have someone to share my interests with.
Akane gritted her teeth, wanting to comment that she was interested in household things but resisted.
So where are you all going camping? Kasumi asked.
Its a secret, said Ranma. We dont want anyone to be telling Shampoo where weve all gone to.
Were going to have to figure out what to do about Shampoo, muttered Akane, still angry at Kasumi.
Yeah, well well figure something out, Ranma shrugged. It shouldnt be too hard.
Ranma, weve been trying to figure out what to do about Shampoo for over a year now, Akane hissed.
Hey, well figure something out, Ranma replied.
Well I guess we better get going, cheered Kasumi. The sooner you all get going the further away from Shampoo youll be.
I just never thought Id end up back to square one with her, Ranma sighed.
Everything will turn out for the best, Kasumi assured him, just wait and see.
The Eldest Tendo sister gave Akane a strong hug, whispering in her ear to look after herself. Akane blushed as she realised what Kasumi had slipped into her dress pocket. She coughed trying to hide her embarrassment and waved her sister away.
Goodbye Ryoga, you be careful! Akari called out to her fiancée. Ryoga waved back, saying his farewell to her as Ukyo bashed her pans around getting packed.
You could be a bit more hospitable, snapped Ryoga as the door finally shut and the echo of the girls goodbyes still around.
What? Ukyo snarled, I never did anything!
Thats part of my point, growled Ryoga, just know that Im glad Ill be married to someone as friendly and kind unlike others I could mention.
Oh mention these others please, Ukyo sarcastically sneered, do enlighten me.
I wont, not in front of Akane! Ryoga shouted, Ill probably say something a lady like her wouldnt want to hear! To put more emphasis on how angry he was the boy marched into a room, slamming the door shut behind him.
Thats my cupboard! Ukyo yelled.
I knew that, came the muffled response.
Akane sat outside the restaurant as she heard the two continue their fight. It was strange how whenever those two got together they fought so hard.
Almost like Ranma and I, mused Akane, but then we have some really nice moments together when I think maybe he did mean what he said on that mountain in China.
Hey Akane, came a familiar male voice, is it okay if I sit here? Insides getting kinda noisy.
Youd think they where a couple the way they carried on, smirked Akane.
You dont mind do you? asked Ranma, I mean having to go away to the mountains again.
Akane shook her head. No itll be fine, its not like were going to Mount Phoenix. Well think of something, as Kasumi said it always works out.
What like every other time? It always ends up us being back in the same old per-dick-e-ment.
Heh, yeah its like theres some god out to make us permanently stuck in this little rut of our lives, Akane smiled as she wondered if Ranma got the word wrong on purpose. I should tell him NOW, its quiet and theres no-one around.
Yeah Akane?
I wanted to tell you...
At last I have found you foul demon spawn!
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!! screamed Akane her blood pressure going through the roof at the appearance of the Kunos. ALL I WANTED WAS TO TELL RANMA WHATS GONE ON WITH OUR NEKO SELVES! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?
Verily, thy maidens cry is most pleasing, but I will not be deceived by you again demon. Takewaki Kuno said raising his sword, unaware of the volcano that had just spontaneously exploded. I am here to free you my Tigress from the foul Saotomes spell.
When were through with you harpy, the last thing youll be worrying about is those Neko demons that are in you, Kodachi added.
Oh, I am through will all this, hissed Akane.
Easy Akane, I can take care of them, Ranma said, shocked at how angry his fiancée had become.
But Akane wasnt listening to the boy, her eyes narrowed at both Takewaki Kuno and his sister. Both of them had interrupted her quiet moment with Ranma. She hardly ever got those anymore, there was too much chaos going on. Whatever willpower Akane had been using to hold in her temper was now gone. She was angry and the two Kunos where the focus of her resentment.
All the sexual tension shed been building up, everything that had happened in the past few days. This was the final straw. Akane Tendo stepped forward in front of Ranma.
No Ranma, these two are mine, she growled.
Authors Note: Ummmm Writers block sorry! But here we are with a new chapter; hope you havent all forgotten what was going on! Next chapter Akanes so mad she wants to take on both Kunos at the same time!
Ill try to update faster!