Neko Love 20. Complications
Disclaimer: I dont own Ranma!
Chapter 20
Shampoo stood in the dojo with her bon-bori raised and a murderous look upon her face. Ranma had seen that look two years ago and it often revisited him in his nightmares about China.
You Shampoo kill. She hissed.
Ranma panicked, she couldnt fight Shampoo, she was a girl. The Amazon charged towards the redhead, but Ranma avoided her swing. But she could avoid the foot that spun out kicking her in the stomach. Not expecting it Ranma got winded and dropped to her knees in pain. However she managed to fully dodge Shampoos next attack as she smashed her bon-bori into the floor instead of her head.
I dont want to fight you! Ranma yelled.
The purple haired girl didnt answer, she bounded forward again her hands becoming a blur as she thrusted her metal maces at a lethal speed.
When did Shampoo learn the chestnut fist? Ranma thought as she recognised the attack. Though it was slightly slower than his, if she let even one of the heavy bon-bori hit her it would be fatal. Ranma couldnt chance even trying to deflect them. As far as the boy/girl could see it was an instant death.
Shampoo really is trying to kill me!
She leapt up onto the rafters in an attempt to stay clear of the the attack.
Shampoo this is crazy! Ranma shouted. Im a guy! You cant get your honour back by killing me!
Shampoo thought it through. She hissed. Female-Ranma original. Female-Ranma fall in male pool and was frozen as boy, then you fall in female pool. Elders will believe Shampoo if Shampoo say its truth.
Are you nuts? Ranma cried. Why would anyone believe that? Im not sure if I understand it myself!
Shampoo grinned like a Cheshire at her once considered husband. Shampoo know truth now. She spat. Ranma not going to come with Shampoo, no choice but to kill female-Ranma!
She launched herself towards Ranma and crashed through the roof taking the redhead with her.
I wont fight you! Ranma repeated, as Shampoo pinned him down on the tiles.
Ranma cat side show who Ranma really love. Shampoo growled.
Ranma began to sweat and looked down at the unconscious Akane.
Its not true Shampoo! Ranma wailed. My cat side just went to Akane because, because... She fumbled for an answer. It was no use trying to deny what her cat side had done was a mistake of identity. Any ideas of escape by talking her out of it began to melt away. There was only one thing left to do, The Saotome Secret Technique.
But I cant run away and leave Akane here! Ranma desperately thought as one bon-bori kept him pinned while the other rose to strike her head.
Shampoo! Someone cried as a chain wrapped around Shampoos weapon and pulled it away.
Mousse go away! The Amazon spat at her friend.
I cannot let you do this Shampoo! Mousse explained as he yanked her weapon out of her hand. Ranma is a man and you know it is against our law to kill a man that has defeated you!
Oh thank goodness for Mousse! Ranma thought.
It is up to I to kill him for you!
Hmm scratch that thought. Ranma mused as he kicked himself free and avoided the toilet that was hurtling towards him.
You know youre getting slow in your old age. Ranma teased as she dusted herself off.
MOUSSE! Shampoo shouted. Stay out of Shampoos fight, its none of your business!
I cannot do that my love. Mousse replied. The Elders will not believe your claims, not after the penance you have received.
Shampoo not care!
Um... maybe I should go and leave you both to this little lovers tiff? Ranma asked.
Ranma stay! Shampoo commanded and lunged towards her for another swipe.
Face facts Shampoo. Ranma mocked as he dodged each of her attacks. Im too fast for you. The redhead balanced at the end of the roof, smiling cheekily at the two Amazons.
How dare you insult my Shampoo! Mousse yelled.
Shut up Mousse, Ranma will die very, very quickly now!
They both came towards Ranma, eager to get there first to wipe the smug look off her face. But Ranma back flipped off the roof letting Shampoo and Mousse fall off the edge and into the garden below. She landed safely back on the roof but Ranma didnt expect to land on one of Mousses discarded weapons, a rubber chicken.
The boy/girl slipped and fell straight down into the koi pond. She emerged spitting and spluttering but was confronted by two very angry Chinese boy and girl.
Ah Cmon! Ranma snapped in disbelief. Dont tell me the both of you are bone dry? You were suppose to fall into the pond!
Your pathetic plan did not work Saotome. Mousse sneered. Prepare to die!
Hey come here and say that! Ranma said ready to splash.
Shampoo can wait. The Amazon hissed. Even if Shampoo have to watch you die of the cold.
Ranma could feel the water staring to make her shiver and tried to give them the satisfaction of seeing it.
Why cant anything go right for me? Ranma moaned in his head.
There was a sudden splash as a bucket of water was emptied over Mousse and Shampoo.
Oh my, I didnt see you two there! Kasumi gasped as she held up her mop and bucket.
She looked down at them concerned. Are you okay?
Kasumi! Ranma gasped in joy as she quickly leapt out of the pond. Sorry I cant stay and play you guys! She said to the cat and duck that where glaring at her. But Saotome used the secret technique and left sharply before his fear could take over.
But Shampoo even as a cat wasnt giving up on killing Ranma. She would claw him to death if she had to. Even if it meant risking releasing his Neko-Ken.
Ranma is not going to escape me! Shampoo thought as she kept up her pursuit of the petrified girl. Ranma was now screaming as she released the cat version of Shampoo was after her. Mousse wasnt too far behind, quaking and flapping in rage.
Genma-panda woke up as the chase sped by him. he yawned watching tem go and held up a sign.
[Since when is this place a zoo?]
Ranma came to an open window and leapt out and onto the roof. I cant believe theyre still chasing me! She cried watching Shampoo bounce onto the window quickly followed by Mousse.
The girl/boy scrambled across the roof till she got to the dojo and the hole left there by Shampoo. She fell back down into the dojo but before she could carry on the feline Shampoo landed on her head. The furious cat yowled and dug her claws into the girls flesh. Ranma let out a scream of pure terror as she felt her Neko-Ken awakening.
But before Ranma knew what was happening the angry cat was yanked off her head and Ranma lay down panting. The pounding in her head drowning out the sounds of Shampoos hissing and meowing. Ranma concentrated on her breathing and tried to focus on anything but cats.
Ranma? Akane asked as she peered down at her cautiously. Are you still human?
The redhead nodded warily as she sat up. It was then Ranma noticed the cat basket behind Akane that had a few of the Tomboys weights on top. She shuddered as Ranma heard the now familiar yowl of the feline Shampoo.
I remembered I had the cat carrying case. Akane explained though not going into any details.
Shampoo scratched you! Ranma noticed as he pointed to the bleeding cuts across her arms.
She put up a bit of a fight. Akane agreed.
Ranmas hand touched one of the scratch marks gingerly.
Hey! Akane hissed in pain. They hurt you dummy!
So quit complaining and come get some first aid. Ranma snapped back.
I think you could do with some attention too. Akane sniped back. You look as if Shampoo really was trying to kill you!
Fraid so. Ranma sighed.
Guess its getting very complicated. The dark haired girl said.
Thats the understatement of the year Akane. Ranma chuckled.
Nabiki meanwhile wasnt a happy con artist. Things where going wrong. She liked failure, that happened to other people. While her plans always worked. Now in the first time in ages she was running. Not just a gentle jog but a full out sprint. Her plan to have cameras in every hotspot of Nerima and they where all connect through one point.
It could be the only explanation for the black out. The satellite link up room was positioned in a different part of town and was being run by a few of her lackeys. And they werent answering her phone calls so something serious must have happened. The most annoying thing was that she had missed the fight between female Ranma and Shampoo.
If shed sold that tape it would have completely paid for the cameras themselves and still have enough change for her to pocket. Nabiki hadnt considered the small building to be of any interest. She burst into the run down looking apartment expecting carnage, but she didnt believe what she saw.
Kodachi! Nabiki cried in surprise.
Oh-hohohohohohohoho! The girl intruder laughed. I see youre behind this.
Funny I was about to say the same to you. The mercenary girl sneered.
Be careful how you address my sister, Nabiki Tendo.
Hey Kuno-Baby. She hissed noticing Takewaki Kuno in his now familiar long robe and scarf. What are the pair of you doing HERE? TOGHETHER?
My servant informed me of some unusual activity in this abandoned building. Kuno said. My sister and I came to inspect it for demon activity.
Nabiki slapped her forehead with her hand. She had forgotten about Kuno and his new obsession. Come on Nabiki think fast.
Listen Kuno-Baby...
You shall address me as...
Fine, fine whatever Kuno-Baby, but this isnt a demons hideout!
This equipment seems to be a vast satellite uplink. Kuno sneered. Perhaps you, Nabiki Tendo are the link in all these devilish activity.
Nabiki paused slightly shocked, but then she didnt get called demon by him for nothing. Guess he really does think of me that way.
This is NOT a demon spy network. Nabiki growled. This is my own private enterprise to fund my college, I guess someone with as much money as you wouldnt know anything about earning a living.
If you say so Nabiki Tendo. Kuno said. I have other matters to attend to, that are no concern of yours.
The mercenary gritted her teeth. Ugh, that arrogant pompous ass! He always says my name as an insult.
Let us go brother. Kodachi yawned. This is obviously the peasants meager job. Our demons have nothing to do with this.
Nabiki eyed Kodachi making a mental note of the word peasant.
Takewaki bowed slightly do her. More out of politeness than respect. I take my leave of you Nabiki Tendo.
Shame really Kuno-baby. Nabiki sighed unable to resist. I was going to be shooting one of my little projects. Im sure the star, Mr. Du Yu Long would love to meet the pair of you.
Both the Kunos looked horrified at the suggestion.
I mean he loves to meet new people. The girl continued. And were always looking for extras.
You demon girl, Nabiki Tendo. Kuno gasped. I will investigate you later, but I have other demons to fry.
Kill as well. Kodachi purred.
I vow that the pigtailed goddess and the beauteous Akane shall be freed by my sword!
And I will of course take the demon Ranma-Darling off your hands. Kodachi simpered thinking of Ranma. The Black Rose will save you from the demons evil clutches.
Nabiki tried to butt in with some logic but they had already dramatically dashed out the window.
The Demon stalker of Nerima shall return for you Nabiki Tendo. Kuno yelled.
Well thats something to look forward to. Nabiki sighed as she was showered with red and black petals.
Akane winced as the alcohol was splashed on her arm by the now male Ranma.
Stop being such a wuss! Ranma teased.
Im not being a wuss! Akane snapped.
Geez Akane... calm down. Ranma said cautiously. Youve been quicker than normal at getting mad today. Anything wrong?
Heh.. The girl mumbled as she was reminded of why she was so frustrated. I have to tell him!
I think maybe we better get out of here before Shampoo finds a way out. Ranma said. But dont worry Akane Ive got a plan.
Ranma that isnt making me worry less. Akane warned.
Whats making you worry? Kasumi asked as she entered with some refreshments.
Shampoo. Ranma huffed.
Oh dont worry about her. Kasumi beamed. I let her out a few minutes ago. She was making a bit of a racket.
Both teenagers fell over.
She went out with that young duck-boy Mousse. Kasumi continued. He wasnt helping much he kept trying to empty my laundry basket.
Akane were in big trouble!
Whats this we?
Cmon Akane we have to leave NOW!
But.. She stuttered. I still have to tell you!
Ranma wasnt listening. He dragged his fiancee out of the house.
B-bye you two! Kasumi waved to the disappearing dots. So nice to see them getting along.
Meanwhile in the okinominyaki restaurant Ukyo was furiously trying to cook and ignore what was going on around her. All the while in denial that she was annoyed in the first place.
Akari giggled in her cute girlish fashion. Youre so brave!
I was. Ryoga nodded, striking a manly pose.
Ukyo curled up her lip in disgust, but then thought of Ryogas helpless kitten routine. If only I had a camera.
What did you do Ukyo?
The question knocked the chef out of her daydream. Me? She asked Akari unsure if she had heard it or not.
Yes. Akari nodded. What did you do to help my Ryoga?
Well I was getting Ran-Chan to.. Ukyo paused as she was reminded she had been trying to get Ranma to have sex with her. Um.... to make sure he stayed away from Akane.
Did Neko-Ranma do that? Akari said pointing to her bandages.
No...Neko-Akane did.
It must be awfully scary to see people still look like humans but act like animals! Akari stated.
Heh, just a little. Ukyo choked remembering the fury in Ranmas eyes when he was in the Neko-Ken.
Let me help you. Akari pleaded. Im a wonderful cook!
No, thank you. Ukyo said frostily.
I wont take no as an answer. Akari said picking up a spatula.
Ukyo sighed it was hard work hating such a sweet girl as her. She looked across to Ryoga who was watching Akari the same way he watched Akane. Why am I even letting these two bother me? She asked herself. But her thoughts where interrupted by a crash at the door. Ranma and Akane had just entered and where looking out of breath.
This is your big plan? Akane yelled. Hide at Ukyos?
Um... Ranma shrugged.
Ukyo and Ryoga looked at each other with that gut feeling that things where about to get even worse.
Authors Note: Ill pick up where I left off next chapter. But that wasnt too bad a cliffhanger. No-ones shouting death threats, well apart from Shampoo but shes out there somewhere looking for Ranma. Maybe shell turn up next chapter or perhaps Ranmas genius plan will work.
Yeah, like that could ever happen!
On another note Im attempting to reload my chapters to But its a censored version so I might have to have a -CENSORED-, bit which would be quite funny to do.
e.g. Ranma licked along Akanes -CENSORED- making her mew in pleasure.
Or that might just be me and my evil schemes!