Neko Love 19. Big Sister is watching you!


Disclaimer: I don’t own Ranma!

Chapter 19

Across from the Nekohanten in an abandoned building, Nabiki Tendo gazed at a small TV screen. She had promised her sister that she would find out the truth. And now the mercenary girl had a good opportunity to use her brand new spy equipment. Plus she would record everything she would find and use the rest as blackmail material. There was never such a thing as a free thing where Nabiki was concerned. She had placed cameras by her assistants in every possible spot imaginable. Including in the Chinese restaurant she sat opposite tuning in her earpiece to listen.

“That’s it you old goat!” Cologne snapped. “Our deal is over!”

“But Cologne my dear.” Happosai sighed. “All those lovely Amazons will miss their Uncle Happi!”

“Trust me they won’t. “Cologne growled. “It was your fault Akane got in contact with fish!” That is her Neko-Ken trigger! I had told you but I suppose you weren’t listening.”

“Hmm...What was that you old prune?” Happosai hummed. “I was watching the lovely that passed by.”

“OUT!” Cologne shouted, making Nabiki drop her headphones. “I don’t want to see you in my restaurant again.”

“Your loss.” Happosai chuckled, not really that bothered. “I have a lovely to catch up with.” The old pervert bounded out of the restaurant after the young woman that had been walking by. Nabiki could hear her shriek as she made a note.

‘So Akane is triggered by fish and not by a fear of cats.’ She thought. ‘Old Cologne is just cooking now, I’ll see what the occupants upstairs are doing.’

She flicked the camera so it now was looking at Shampoo’s bedroom where Mousse was having a conversation with her.

“My darling!” Mousse cried. “You have finally realised whom Ranma loves!”

“Go AWAY!” Shampoo yelled. “Busy!”

“But my love.” Mousse sighed. “We all must return to China.”

“Mousse shut up!” Shampoo spat. “Shampoo NOT your love!”

“Shampoo...I-I-I love you!” Mousse sobbed.

“Mousse lie!” Shampoo hissed. “All men lie! I hate ALL men!”

“But Shampoo!” Mousse tried to reason. “I’m your friend! I would not lie to you.”

“Shampoo need no friends.” The Amazon growled. “Shampoo find own way to bring honour to tribe.”

“I cannot allow you to kill yourself.” Mousse clung to the box that held Shampoo’s weapons.

“Is not me Shampoo kill.” The girl warned him. Then she got Mousse by the robes and threw him out of her room

“Mousse go back to work! Shampoo busy!”


Nabiki frowned as she scribbled some more notes.

‘Shampoo going to kill someone...again?’


Then the devious girl switched cameras again. This time into an Okonomiyaki restaurant.


“Y’know you’re not a bad cook.” Ukyo sighed as she sat on the make shift bed eating what Ryoga had cooked for her breakfast.

“I had to learn at an early age.” Ryoga explained. “Else I would have starved from getting lost so often.”

“How sad.” Ukyo said honestly. “I never really thought what your life would be like with such a curse.”

“I’ve gotten use to it.” Ryoga admitted, as he began to eat his own breakfast. “How do you feel today?”

“Better.” Ukyo grinned. “I think the rest helped, we should be able to find Ranma and Akane today.”

“Yeah.” The boy agreed. “We can’t let them get as close as they did last time.”

“Don’t...” Ukyo moaned. “You’ll put me off my food..ugh! It’s not worth thinking about!”

Nabiki made some more notes on her pad as the pair’s conversation continued.

“Hey Ryoga?”


“I never really thought about it...but what’s your family name?” Ukyo asked blushing. “I’ve been going around calling you Ryoga because that’s what Ran-Chan calls you...”

Ryoga seemed a little shocked. “Really Kouji?” He teased. “If you must know it’s Habiki.”

Ukyo laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Ryoga demanded, getting insulted by her laughter.

“I just thought how funny it would be if you married Nabiki instead of Akane, then your wife would be Nabiki Habiki!”

Ryoga sneered unimpressed with the joke. Nabiki sneered as well, equally unimpressed watching from her spy camera.

“My wife will be called A-A-A...” Ryoga stammered as a visitor distracted his gaze.

Ukyo turned expecting it to be Akane, but it was a girl with long dark hair with pink highlights and a very sweet smile.

“Sorry dear we’re shut.” Ukyo said getting up from her bed. She wished Ryoga had enough brains to have locked the door but she guessed she was wrong.

“I’m not a customer.” The girl blushed. “I’m here to see my fiancée!”

“Oh great another one for Ranma...” Ukyo muttered.

“A-Akari!” Ryoga exclaimed, finally getting over his stutter. The girl made a leap for Ryoga and hugged him tightly.

“I missed you!” Akari said. “Letters never seem to be enough!”

“Ryoga... has... a fiancée?” Ukyo choked, as she slowly turned green.


Nabiki laughed and switched cameras again. She popped in a tape to record what was going on in Uc-Chans but it wasn’t anything sellable. Just now what she was really interested in was what was going on in her own home.


Ranma was practising in the dojo. He was shadow fighting, leaping and dodging his invisible attacker.

Akane stood watching him, the tension obvious in his face. She hadn’t slept that well and in the morning she had tried again to tell Ranma the truth. But she still couldn’t face it.

“Hey Akane you look really rough today.” Ranma said as he noticed her standing. “What did you do? Eat your own cooking?”

Akane’s eyes bulged and her temper started to simmer. She charged forward in an enraged run. She swung a punch at Ranma and he was sent into the rooftops.

“Ahh...sorry.” Akane gasped as she got control of herself.

“Not as big as you normal punches.” Ranma said smiling down at her. For some reason it felt more normal when Akane was angry with him. It was easier to deal with than the amorous Neko side. “I suppose I asked for it...”

Akane smiled softly and Ranma made his way down beside, being careful to keep his distance form her.

“So.” Ranma said, unsure what to say.


“Um...what did you want?” The boy asked trying to keep himself seem macho.

Akane ignored his strutting as she tried to get the words out.

“I wish there was an easier way to say this...” She sighed.

Ranma gulped expecting the worse that she wanted to dump him.

“Best just say it.” He said nervously. His head began to fill with what she was about to say,

‘It’s over Ranma...’

‘I don’t love you...’

‘We should commit sepaku for the dishonour we’ve caused...’

Akane coughed breaking Ranma’s daydream.

“Ranma our cat selves have been naughty.”

“Yeah I know that!” Ranma snorted, glad it wasn’t one of his imagined phrases.

“I mean naughty as in..” Akane turned red and whispered. “As in pervert naughty.”

“Ugh!” Ranma choked and fell over. ‘WE WERE PERVERT NAUGHTY!’ His head screamed.

Akane looked down sadly at her fiancée that seemed to be in some sort of fit.

“I see...” She sobbed misunderstanding his reaction. ‘Ranma doesn’t like the idea of having sex with me!’

Ranma watched her go as he sat up, still too shocked to say anything. Though he was left wondering, ‘What kind of pervert naughty?’


Nabiki yelled at the television and threw her popcorn.

“Akane you idiot!” She snapped. “Is it up to me to sort everything out?”

She shook her head and regained some of her previous cool. Nabiki began to make an urgent phone call.

“Kasumi? It’s Nabiki.” She said. “We’ve got another break down in communication between the two kitties.....Me? Spying on them? What gives you that idea? ...... Yeah love you too sis, bye.”

Then the middle Tendo put down the phone and changed the channel to see how Ukyo was doing.

“Sometimes it’s so hard being me.” Nabiki sighed as she sipped her drink.


Ukyo looked on in horror at the most girliest and cutest girl she’d ever seen. At first sight she had hated Akane Tendo but over time when she got to know her she had given her some respect. Under different circumstances she believed she could have been a friend with Akane. Much like Shampoo though she could be more annoying at times. Especially when she was drooling over her Ran-Chan.

This Akari was sweet, kind and friendly. Ukyo decided she hated her. No matter how much her mind said, ‘Oh but she’s so sweet!’ There was just something about her that made Ukyo want to rip out her pink highlights.

Perhaps it was the way she was simpering over Ryoga and staring at him with such big sparkling eyes.

“I love this!” Akari cried as she held up her souvenir Ryoga had given her. It was a little porcelain pig. “You know exactly what I like!” She smiled up at Ryoga who was red faced and avoiding eye contact.

‘Look at him!’ Ukyo thought watching the couple. ‘Any female starts giggling and smiling at him and he becomes a jammering idiot!

“Oh but I’ve been so impolite!” Akari said noticing Ukyo.

Ryoga snapped out of his trance and pointed at the injured girl glaring at him.

“Oh this is just Ukyo Kunji this is her restaurant.” He explained. “Ukyo this is Akari... Um...”

“Akari Unyruu.” She finished smiling at Ukyo. “Pleased to meet you.”

“I’m sure.” Ukyo nodded.

“What happened to your arm?” The concerned Akari asked as she saw the bandaged appendage.

“It’s a long story.” Ukyo sighed.

“I shall explain.” Ryoga said. This distracted Akari from Ukyo and she was listened intently to Ryoga’s story.

Ukyo curled up her lip as she heard the pig/boy starting to exaggerate. Making himself seem like a hero.

‘Idiot.’ Ukyo thought and crossed her arms and pretended not to care.


Nabiki switched cameras again, feeling she’d seen enough of Uc-Chan. She hoped this time she would see more action from home.


Kasumi put down the phone shaking her head. She couldn’t believe her sister sometimes but she knew that deep down Nabiki cared. Akane knocked the eldest sister out of these thoughts as she fled past and up the stairs.

‘So Nabiki was right.’ Kasumi mused.

She followed Akane’s trail and stopped at her door, lightly knocking.

“GO AWAY!” Akane roared.

“It’s your sister.”

“I don’t want to see anyone!” Akane growled.

“Have you talked to Ranma yet?”

“Yess...” Akane sobbed, her anger starting to turn into frustrated tears.

“What did he say?” Kasumi asked, still speaking to a shut door.


“Did you explain everything?”

Kasumi waited patiently listening to the silence.

“Sort of...” Akane whispered eventually.

“Okay, I’ll go talk to Ranma.”

“NO!” The door flew open. “It’s my job!”

“Oh is it?” Kasumi said acting surprised.

“I can do it!” Akane hissed clenching her fists till her knuckles went white.

Kasumi nodded watching her little sister go, though she felt like she was sending a ticking bomb to Ranma instead of his fiancée.

Ranma was still on the floor in the dojo. He hadn’t been able to move since Akane had told him. His whole mind and body where stuck thinking about what they’d heard.

He couldn’t help but wonder how close they had really got. Ranma didn’t even notice that Akane had returned and was looking at him her lips tight with determination.

“I’m only going to say this once.” She blurted out. “Me and you Ranma... Look at me when I’m talking to you!”

He didn’t move and kept staring into space.

“RANMA!” Akane lashed out again. This time she pulled him up off the floor and swung him round and back onto the floor. He landed hard, breaking a few of the floor mats. He still kept still and Akane was left looking at her helpless fiancée.

“Oh!” She gasped as she ran across to help. All of her anger disappeared as she wondered if this time she had really hurt him. She had been only acting on her instincts and she didn’t really want to hurt him. Just knock some sense into his thick skull.

“I’m sorry.” She sniffed as she sat next to him. “It’s just I feel so helpless and.... and.... frustrated! We’re not responsible for our Neko selves Ranma, it’s all other people’s fault we’re in this mess!”

“ you know how I feel.” Ranma said softly his focus returning to his eyes.

“Oh Ranma!” Akane cried joyfully, she pulled him up for a big hug, pressing her body against his.

“Can’t... breath...” Ranma gasped as he struggled against her bear like grip.

“Ah!” Akane jumped up and distanced herself instantly. She tried to hide the fact that she had just been embracing Ranma.

“I’m going to tell you what I know.” Akane explained her face still red with embarrassment.

“So...” Ranma said, expectantly.

“It’s just we had...”

But a purple haired Amazon landing on her head interrupted Akane.

“Shampoo!” Ranma yelled.

The girl’s gaze fell on Ranma and instead of the usual friendly face, it was grim with determination.

“Get off Akane!” Ranma demanded.

Shampoo stepped off the girl but her eyes stayed fixed on Ranma.

“Whatever you’re playing at Shampoo, you’d better stop!” Ranma warned.

Shampoo curled up her lip and held up her weapons, the Bonbori.

Ranma could sense that she hadn’t come to talk but to fight. He dived in to get Akane out of harms way. ‘She must be after Akane again!’ Ranma thought. But Shampoo stood back letting Ranma take Akane to the side of the room.

“Shampoo!” Ranma yelled. “You can’t have Akane! She’s not an obstical to get rid of!”

The Amazon smirked. “Tomboy safe.” She said in her usual broken Japanese. “Ranma not worry about her...”

Then something came flying from Shampoo’s sleeve. It hit Ranma square on even though he tried to dodge it. The boy expected it to be some sort of paralizing gas but all he felt was cold water and he became she.

“A water balloon!” Ranma shrieked in his suddenly higher voice.

Shampoo held out her Chinese mace. “You Shampoo kill!” She spat. “Female Ranma enemy should have killed long, long ago.”

Nabiki screamed as her connection was cut off.

“Damnit!” She yelled at the monitor. “Why do these things always cut out at the good bits! Damn cliffhangers!”

The middle Tendo sister made a furious attempt at reconnecting her camera. There was no way she was missing the action!


Author’s Note: Oops sorry Nabiki and everyone else! Darn my cliffhangers will I ever learn? I blame all the comics and anime I watch where they all leave you on a cliffhanger! (Yeah it’s not cos I’m evil!)

But I’m getting distracted, let me first issue you all with an apology for the delay. I was getting caught up in the whole ffnet deletion! It happened to all my DBZ stories with lemon in them. (I think there was a troll in that section.) So I deleted Neko Love myself, I was a bit cross at the time so I might repost.

Chapter 20 coming soon...