Neko Love 18. Sisterly reunion
Disclaimer: I dont own Ranma!
Chapter 18
As the sun began to set two figures could be seen walking towards the infamous Tendo house. They were holding hands but they walked as if they were on eggshells. As if a bomb would go off if they ever made eye contact.
A girl watched the pair from the window of the house. She seemed to eye them both with a calculating stare. It was of course Nabiki Tendo, who had returned from her holiday. Thanks to Kasumis persuading she had decided to come back and settle everything with her little sister. It wasnt in Nabikis game plan but she couldnt say no to her eldest sister.
Kasumi you better get your special bun ready! Nabiki called out to her.
Oh? Kasumi peered her curious face from the kitchen.
Our strays have returned. She smirked.
I really wish you wouldnt use such puns. Kasumi sighed as she busied herself in the kitchen. You better go tell them the truth!
Or half the truth... Nabiki muttered under her breath.
Akane and Ranma, still holding hands had now reached the front gate. They were unaware of the audience that was watching them.
So home... Ranma shyly said. He didnt like to admit this was more his home than his mothers house. But it had been a very, very long day and he didnt care anymore.
Yeah... Akane agreed, feeling the same way about how long the day had seemed. The sooner Im inside the sooner I can get this thing... She blushed and stopped speaking. She had told Ranma everything that had happened to her except the metal underwear.
Oh no! Our fathers! Akane snapped, changing the subject and hoping Ranma wouldnt notice.
It did work and Ranma leapt a foot away from Akane wide eyed as he saw Soun and Genma skipping down the path. They each had their own family name on a banner and where waving it about.
Our families will be joined! They cried.
Its not what it looks like! Ranma said panicking.
My hand was cold! Akane wailed.
Do you hear them Soun old buddy? Genma crowed patting his friend on the back. Such flimsy excuses!
Reminds me when I was courting my wife! Soun sniffed. Look at the rosy-ness in their cheeks!
Its LOVE! The both yelled out together. We should hurry and get the arrangements made!
Indeed though we should make sure there are no Amazons...or cooks or Gymnasts...or any other suitors... Genma muttered as he counted them off on his fingers.
Agreed my friend. Soun nodded.
Do we get any say in this? Akane asked.
Im too young to marry! Ranma protested.
The old men ignored their children as they started dancing.
Let us break out the saki to celebrate!
At last after a year and a half our schools will be joined!
Ah-hem. A cough interrupted their celebration.
Oh Nabiki... Soun said noticing his middle daughter. Both Genma and Soun eyed her suspiciously they still didnt like the deed that they thought she had signed up.
I believe poor Ranma and Akane are suffering from an hour virus that is going around. She explained.
The fathers looked confused.
Its on the news, rosy cheeks, feeling a need to hold hands and terrible lack of lying skills. Nabiki said calmly.
Soun blinked trying to understand what he was being told. An hour virus?
Yes father. Nabiki sighed. Just like those 24 hour ones only for an hour. She stepped closer to her father and whispered in his ear. He seemed to grow pale for a moment but nodded.
Come Genma old friend...we have to get away! Soun said grabbing his friend by the arm.
But the wedding!
What they have is contagious! Soun huffed trying to hide the real reason. Nabiki smirked as she saw her father sweating trying to hide the truth.
Oh no! Genma yelled. Contagious? He quickly covered his mouth and ran inside, followed by Soun.
Nabiki was then left alone with the pair.
I feel as if I should be angry at you. Akane said eyeing her sister. But I seem to be unable to... The younger Tendo fell silent as she tried to pull up all her anger towards Nabiki. She knew she deserved to be yelled at and chased but all Akane could feel was embarrassment and happiness.
Youre not angry? Nabiki said cautiously.
I can still be angry at ya! Ranma snapped, feeling he should get his say in. Whats all this about a stupid deed, I thought you didnt want to be engaged to me?
Will you let me explain? Nabiki asked putting on a good pleading face.
Ranma winced, he could never stay mad at Nabiki for long. Sure...
Good then you can both come inside. Nabiki said. Kasumi is waiting for us with some tea."
Well okay... Ranma huffed, he looked at Akane not sure why she hadnt blown up. She had been incredibly calm since the whole cat ordeal started. His thoughts where promptly shifted onto food as soon as they got into the house. Kasumi had lain on a table full of food.
I persuaded Nabiki to return. Kasumi beamed as she poured tea into the cups.
I suppose I owe you both an explanation. Nabiki said picking up her tea. Ranma glared at her with his mouth full. My plan was to let you both take control of the situation, if you had something at risk I was sure you would do your best to cure the Neko problem. However Kasumi came to tell me that you werent doing a good job.
Ranma choked on his food while Akane fell silent not really wanting to comment.
I mean I dont really want the dojo or the house. Nabiki explained. Id have to be insane or a martial art nut to take this place on! Its a financial black hole.
So the deed that you have? Akane asked. Are you keeping it?
Nabiki paused, the deed she was now using as leverage for her father. She wanted the lie to continue for as long as possible. Especially since it was keeping Soun off the idea of marriage.
Its just a precaution. Nabiki said hurriedly, aware of the time she had taken to answer. I dont want to marry anyone for this old house.
Different story at the start. Kasumi said quietly as she remembered Nabikis original reaction to the arranged marriage.
Nabiki shot her elder sister an evil glare. People change. She hissed.
Whats really worrying me is that I cant seem to get angry. Akane grumbled.
Like its a bad thing. Ranma grinned. I like not getting hammered.
Its just strange. Akane moaned, completely missing the chance to get angry with Ranma. Its like theres a part of me missing or is it satisfied...?
Im sure its only temporary. Kasumi reassured her.
Akane nodded shifting uncomfortable. Her chastity belt was starting to feel too constricting.
Can I talk to you in private Kasumi? Akane asked.
Im afraid Im busy getting the dinner ready, its better if you talk to Nabiki.
Akane looked horrified but she followed her smirking sister to her room. Trying to hide her beetroot face.
Dont worry Kasumi. Nabiki said as they left. What she needs is some sisterly advice. Im sure I wont charge her too much.
The Tendo sisters left the room leaving Ranma to finish the food.
Okay what is it? Nabiki said, expecting Akane to punch her even though she had explained herself and her sister said she didnt have any anger.
Um...well perhaps its better if its you. Akane stuttered. How are you at picking locks?
Akane lifting her skirt to reveal the chastity belt answered Nabikis questionable look.
Wow! Nabiki gasped. I wish I had thought of that!
This isnt funny! Akane wailed.
Nabiki couldnt help but laugh at her sisters predicament.
Im sure Ive got a lock pick somewhere. She giggled, rummaging through her drawers.
As she looked Akane explained to Nabiki what had happened with Cologne. She even told her what Ranma had said Happosai had told him. Nabiki listened interested in the conflicting stories that the pair had been told.
Hmm... Nabiki hummed as she sat down to pick the lock. It seems that youve both been told different stories and its possible both or perhaps neither are true.
Akane nodded. Cologne even went as far as getting a letter forged. I didnt believe she could do it!
I tell you what. Nabiki said in a hushed tone. I could give you a freebie.
Akane glanced in shock at her sister. What do you mean?
I mean Ill find out what really has been going on. Nabiki whispered. And I wont charge you a single Yen.
The chastity belt snapped open and Akane sighed in relief.
Thats it off! Nabiki said putting it down on the ground.
Thanks Nabiki! Akane said smiling. I really appreciate what youre doing. Even if its a little underhanded.
Look if anyone asks I charged you 3,000 yen! Nabiki called after her sister. Maybe I could sell the chastity belt. She thought to herself and looked inside to see how worn it looked. It was then Akane noticed the blood in the crotch area. It was obvious Akane must have had some sexual contact.
Akane gets sex and her anger goes? Nabiki wondered. Maybe her anger is connected to her sexual frustration? Ill only know for sure if she blows up in the next few days without getting any.
In Uc-Chans restaurant the owner awoke, sore and bandaged.
Whu... She grunted looking around. Ukyo noticed a man standing at the grill. Konatsu is that you?
There was a snorted grunt. I sent him home.
Ryoga!! Ukyo yelled sitting up angry. She quickly lied back down in the make shift bed. She was too sore to move so suddenly.
Just stay still you idiot. Ryoga snapped at her. Youre seriously hurt.
Why arent I in my own bed? Ukyo growled as she saw that she was on a camping futon.
Um...I couldnt find it. Ryoga muttered embarrassed. Besides its better for me to stay in the same room as you and you dont really want me in your private bedroom.
Hasnt stopped you before. Ukyo spat remembering Ryoga was P-Chan. She now more carefully lifted herself up. Now are you going to tell me where my Ran-Chan is?
I dont know. Ryoga confessed. I lost them after you fell unconscious. Without someone AWAKE to tell me where to go, I got lost.
Oh thats just great. Ukyo snarled sarcastically. Ive teamed up with the forever lost boy.
You passed out! Ryoga shouted. I didnt think it would be good to wake you to ask for directions!
Yeah? Im sure I wouldnt mind. Ukyo said. And you could have asked me if it was okay to use my grill!
May I? Ryoga asked pointing to his half cooked food.
Right... Ryoga then just continued ignoring and continuing with his cooking.
Ukyo hissed and objected but was surprised when the food he had been cooking was handed to her.
Now eat! Ryoga snapped. We have to find Ranma and Akane and I cant do it by myself.
Now silent the cook then sat and watched Ryoga as he made sure she ate.
As the sun finally set and darkness engulfed the sky. Shampoo sat watching the stars as they came out. Though with her own gloomy disposition she didnt really notice any beauty in them.
Not even her great-grandmother entering to ask how she was broke her depressed trance.
Well this is a fine mess youve left us in. Cologne snapped at her giving up on talking to her kindly. Your interference has cost us another set back in getting Ranma to marry you.
<Is it true?> Shampoo asked in Chinese her voice strained.
Im not answering until you speak in Japanese. Cologne snarled.
Shampoo want to know truth. She squeaked. Is the Neko-Ken connected to the emotions of the person?
Cologne seemed dumbstruck for a moment as she mulled over the answer. They act on the instinct of the person. She said eventually.
Then Ranma not love Shampoo! Shampoo cried. Ranma only love Akane! His cat side only go to her!
That proves nothing. Cologne tried to laugh it off. Men change their minds about who they love all the time.
But Akane love Ranma back! Shampoo wailed. HER cat side only go to Ranma!
The elder Amazon stared sadly at her charge. There was nothing she could say that would change her mind. Stubborn as she was Shampoo had finally realised whom Ranma loved. A fact she had known herself when she had first met the boy. But she had truly believed that Shampoos beauty could convince Ranma that the Amazon was the better choice. Now it looked as if Shampoo had given up on the idea of marriage.
She quietly closed the door. It was more a game for her, matchmaking Ranma was the best entertainment shed received for over 50 years. Now it seemed as though Shampoo had been hurt by it all. If only Ranma wasnt so stubbornly attached to that tomboy. But Cologne shook her head, what was the point if Shampoo didnt want to pursue her love.
The old woman glared at Mousse who had been obviously eavesdropping. He was holding his mop as if he had been dancing with it.
Get back to work. She snarled. Though there wasnt the same venom as before. It seemed as if the fun in Nerima had come to an end.
Akane let a sigh escape her as she wiped herself down, preparing for her bath. The marks from the chastity belt were still noticeable around her waist. She clenched her teeth and tried to force herself to get angry about it.
It wasnt happening, her old friend had left her. As she slipped across her crotch she noticed something on the sponge, blood.
But my period isnt due yet!
Then it clicked and Akane nearly fell off her stool in shock.
Theyd had sex!
Her and Ranma!
She splashed into the hot bath and tried to drown herself. Though she came up gasping for air seconds later.
This was not good! Shed had sex and couldnt even remember it. It was almost like rape but both sides, though feline in mind had consented. Finally she couldnt contain her emotions any longer and ran dripping in a bathrobe to her oldest sister.
Kasumi! She sobbed, feeling the tears in her eyes.
Oh Akane! Kasumi said in shock as she saw how upset Akane was. She closed the kitchen door and gave her little sister the hug that she needed.
Something terrible has happened. Akane blurted out between sobs.
Ranma and I... Akane gasped and then in a quiet voice she muttered. We had cats.
Not to worry. Kasumi said brightly. It was going to happen sometime.
Not to worry...? Akane moaned as she looked at her sister as if she had horns growing out of her head.
There is no way you can be pregnant.
Why not? Akane asked.
Well...I think youre old enough to know now. Kasumi said thoughtfully. Ive been giving you the pill ever since Ranma got here.
Huh...? Akane felt like if there was a time to get angry it had to be now. But she couldnt get mad at her sister; she had been doing it for her own good. Though she was starting to rethink her whole attitude towards her. Youre more devious than Nabiki!
I did teach her most of her tricks. Kasumi smiled. Now its time that you take more responsibility. Nabiki tried to do this through her devious ways, it didnt work. I think youre old enough to take control yourself. This Neko problem wont go away and it possibly might get worse. Im giving YOU these pills to protect yourself if you think you need them.
The tablets were placed in the tomboys hands. Though she was too shocked to react.
You should start this by telling Ranma what you know. Kasumi said gently. She swept the fringe of hair from Akanes forehead and kissed her gently. Now off you go up to the roof and tell him.
Akane nodded, numbed by the truth that Kasumi told her. She ran off to her room to get changed, if she was going to tell Ranma what she now knew shed prefer if she was dressed. She eventually clamoured up onto the roof and tried her best to keep her heart from leaping out of her mouth.
What am I afraid of? She wondered as she stood behind him trying to work up the courage.
This was Ranma, the jerk, the womaniser, the great martial artist and possibly even her friend. He was still the same as before only now it seemed different. Akane managed to sit down beside him and she clutched her knees. Ranma looked at her and smirked, turning back to the stars that he was originally viewing.
As the minutes dragged on for Akane until she finally got enough courage to say, Um....
Eh? Ranma acknowledged. He too didnt know what to say though he was for different reasons. He had been trying to figure out whether he should tell Akane why his cat side only went for her.
Do you know what happened when we went Neko last? Akane whispered. dont remember. Ranma stuttered. I mean, the old prune told me, but I dont believe him. I guess well never know.
Heh, yeah... Akane choked turning a nice shade of red. Um...Ranma?
You dont mind me being the same as you with the Neko-Ken?
Ranmas face matched his shirt. She has to know!. But he stammered his answer. No...I dont mind.
Good because Im stuck with it, Cologne said. Akane grimaced as she tried to get the words out. She could feel the frustration building inside her. It was just a boy! It was only Ranma!
We gotta find a way to control this. Ranma said, unaware of the battle going on inside Akane.
Yeah... Akane agreed through gritted teeth. Has Kasumi been talking to Ranma as well? I mean I dont like being a horny kitty.
Yeah I dont want ya to be a horny kitty either. He chuckled.
Though his laughter was soon silenced as he was sent flying across the garden as Akane lashed out at him.
I CAN BE HORNY IF I WANT! She exploded.
Akane quickly covered her mouth unable to believe what she had shouted across the neighbourhood. She dashed back inside while Ranma watched her go with a grin on his face.
Boy, that didnt take long! He laughed and then he winced as he tried to get back on his feet instead of sitting on his head.
Authors Note: Boy that sure took me long to update! Sorry for the delay loyal readers! I have been busy in the real world, finding a job etc...
Ah yes and Akane has finally found out how close they got! Plus she seemed a little anger deprived as some people spotted in my previous chapters but it shall be delved into in later chapters.
My next update I cant guarantee it will be quick but Ill be safe and say the end of July.
When Nabiki turns detective and Akane still struggles to tell Ranma the truth!