Neko Love 14. Uninvited guests


Disclaimer: I don’t own Ranma!

Author’s Note: OMG the worse thing has happened to me!

Okay maybe I’m being over dramatic, but someone has copied and pasted my story onto Media Miner. Including the author’s notes! I hope you’re coping this you turd! May you burn in the pit of unoriginality forever!!

The atrocity has been taken down, but if fire_Kitsune fells the urge to copy and paste my work again I won’t be a happy kitty.

Big thank you to Michael Barton for telling me. I feel really upset the fact that I’ve been struggling with my huge essay hasn’t help my emotional level just now; but I’m told plagiarism is a complement... *mutter*

Deep calming breath and on with the story...


Chapter 14

Konatsu swung down from the rooftops and landed gracefully in the Okonmiyaki restaurant. There he saw the man he knew as Ryoga dressed in his boss’s clothes.

“Miss Kounji!” Konatsu exclaimed while keeping an eye on Ryoga.

“Konatsu!” Ukyo cried from behind the counter. “About time you got back sugar!” She had been working all morning on tidying her shop. She had lost all her usual lunchtime business because of the damage.

“It’s Ranma and Akane.” Konatsu gasped. “Akane’s turned strange and is acting like a cat!”

At the mention of Akane, Ryoga jumped off the stool with tears in his eyes.

“Oh the horror begins again.” He said with his fist clenched. “We must stop this.”

“Don’t worry I have a cunning plan.” Ukyo said smiling slyly. “Konatsu you know the costumes we wore for Halloween?”

Konatsu nodded.

“Bring them down from storage.” Ukyo said. “I think I’ll have a use for them.”

The ninja dashed past Ukyo, while she examined Ryoga. She gave him a good once over getting his size.

Ryoga stopped his crying as he saw Ukyo looking at him. “What is it?”

“It might be a bit tight, all those muscles.” Ukyo hummed.

“Stop checking me out!” Ryoga said covering his chest.

Ukyo snorted. “Please, I have my Ran-Chan. He’s more of a man than you are.”

“He’s half woman!”

“Minor point.” Ukyo shrugged. “Why are you saying there’s something wrong with Ranma’s curse piggy?”

Ryoga huffed and crossed his arms. His anger was at a low boiling point. He had images in his head of what Ranma and Akane could be up to.

Konatsu appeared from the back room, a small look of concern on his face. He had a small bundle in his arms.

“Thanks darling.” Ukyo said taking the clothes from her friend. She grabbed one of the items and began putting it on Ryoga who was stiff as a board. “Hopefully this will cause the Neko sides to be distracted.”

The lost boy wasn’t listening he was too busy in his depressed thoughts. He had images of cats dancing around his head. Cats cuddling each other close, cats purring, cats pouncing on defenceless piglets; it was all starting to get a bit much for him.

He finally snapped. “RANMA I SHALL STOP YOUR NEKO SIDE!!”

Ukyo who had been busy putting on part of Ryoga’s disguise when she was thrown back. The lost boy screamed as he drove a pointing finger into the ground.

“No!” Ukyo squealed, but it was too late. “Not in my shop you idiot!” The ground underneath them grumbled and the pair fell into the hole.

“I’ll save you Akane!” Ryoga said as he continued with his breaking point technique, creating a tunnel.

Ukyo followed still baffled and annoyed. *That boy has more mood swings than a girl!* She thought.

Looking down into the hole Konatsu watching them go. He sighed, Ukyo wasn’t ever going to give up on Ranma. She was going to end up getting hurt if she blindly followed him. Couldn’t she see he wasn’t interested in her? Konatsu shook his head, trying not to cry.

He was trying to be more masculine but it was hard to give up habits of a life time. The ninja’s attention was drawn to the window. He could have sworn they had been someone there. He glanced out the door and looked around.

Whoever had been spying on them was now gone. Konatsu closed the door. He felt his boss was walking into some more Nerima chaos.


“Shampoo make you man!” The amazon yelled. “Then you can chose Shampoo as mate!” She came running towards the now Neko-Ranma-Chan with some hot water.

“Good work child hurry!” Cologne said. “Whoever has sex with Ranma, he will be honoured to marry!”

“Ai-ya!” Shampoo exclaimed. “He will have to marry me!”

Neko-Akane watched the amazons she had dubbed enemies. They wanted to stop her getting her mate. Neko-Ranma was by her side rubbing up against her. All she could see was her Akane. She hadn’t realised she was in a female body and not a male, she was only concerned with greeting her..

Neko-Akane raised her hackles. She felt cornered and she hoped her mate would understand. She was still rubbing her body against her. She placed her hand on top of her head.

“Reowrrr.” She mewed at her Ranma.

Neko-Ranma blinked and turned around. She noticed what Akane was trying to get her to look at. The two humans seemed threatening. If she had ears that could they would be pinned back. She let out a low hiss. They wouldn’t get near her and Akane.

“Now now son-in-law.” Cologne cooed. “Just let Shampoo pet you better.”

“Yes Shampoo show you what to pat!” The purple haired girl said. She held up a bucket of hot water ready to soak Ranma.

“I will make sure I stay out of the way.” Cologne said. “I don’t want Ranma going for me.”

“Yes great-grandmother.” Shampoo sighed.

“Hurry child!” Cologne repeated. “Show Ranma who his real mate is!”

Shampoo nodded in agreement she threw the hot water towards the redhead. Ranma got hit with the water and changed back into a teenage boy. He shook the water off and hissed back. He was still wearing the bell outfit that had fitted his female form well. Now he looked like a really bad drag queen. It didn’t put Shampoo off. She was more interested in what was underneath the clothes.

“Ranma!” Shampoo gasped. “It is your Shampoo!”

Neko-Akane stood beside Ranma on all fours. She joined Ranma in the hissing at Shampoo. The amazon bared her teeth, she was going to have to get rid of Akane if she was going to entice Ranma to mate with her.

Shampoo smiled she’d prepared for such an eventuality. She slipped her hand into her top and took out a vial.

“This will make you go all sleepy.” She said to Akane.

Neko-Akane narrowed eyes and hissed again. She didn’t understand what Shampoo was saying but she felt like it wasn’t nice. She was ready to pounce when she felt the ground moving. She hopped back, Neko-Ranma following her as the earth crumbled beneath them. Shampoo fell down the hole with a high pitched scream.

Inside the hole voices could be heard.

“Ryoga what have you done?”

“Shampoo kill both of you!”

“Shut up hussy, this is between me an’ Ryoga!”

“RANMA! I KNOW YOU’RE HERE! I SHALL KILL YOU!” With the huge battle cry Ryoga Hibiki leapt out of his tunnel. The fury still burning in his eyes. He was going to stop the Neko perversity once and for all. There was a chuckle from behind him.

“Oh my ancestors!” An old voice laughed. “A lost Neko boy!”

“WHAT!” Ryoga shouted turning towards Cologne. “I am not a Neko!”

“Then what’s with the cute getup?” Cologne said winking.

Ryoga’s anger settled down as he felt his face. Somehow he was wearing a mask over his nose. He examined it, they were a cat nose and whiskers. He felt his head and could feel a head band with cat ears. There was also a small collar around his neck with a bell.

“What the....?”

“That’s part of my plan!” Ukyo said as she pulled herself out of the tunnel. She was also wearing the same outfit, but she had a tail.

“C’mon we lure our future spouses by acting like cats in heat!” Ukyo exclaimed. She held out a tail for Ryoga. “Trust me if we have to sacrifice our dignity and have sex to marry them. Then I’ll do it.”

Ryoga looked at Ukyo concerned. “You’d give up your dignity to marry Ranma?”

“You heard Ran-Chan, he said if he dishonoured Akane as a Neko he would marry her.” Ukyo hissed as she kept her eye on the cautious pair of Neko’s that were watching her. “If he’s willing to marry that uncut tomboy because of that then I’m in with a chance! We have to make their Neko sides come to us.”

“ that such a-a-good idea?” Ryoga stuttered. “Won’t they get mad at us when they wake up?”

“Has your pork turned into chicken?” Ukyo whispered. “You don’t have to do anything, let them do it!”


“Puck, puck...” Ukyo mimicked.

“I am not a coward!” Ryoga snapped. “I shall distract Akane with my masculine body!”

“That’s the spirit!” Ukyo cheered, slapping his back. “Now put this tail on and we’ll get to into action.” She slammed the tail into Ryoga’s hand and gave him a wink.

Shampoo had crawled out of the hole and was fuming. “Stupid Spatula girl and Lost boy!” She yelled. “Shampoo nearly stopped Slut Catgirl!”

“Don’t even start with the slut names!” Ukyo snarled. “I have heaps I could teach you.”

“Ahh!” Shampoo shrieked. “What you two wearing? Is funny!”

Ryoga and Ukyo glared at her.

“It’s what going to stop the Neko’s.” Ukyo spat.

“You look stupid.” Shampoo giggled.

“Um, girls....” Ryoga whispered. “The Neko’s....”

While the three had been talking and arguing Ranma and Akane had been getting back to business. Ranma was chirping at Akane and staring at her. She was staring back and swaying her hips.

Ukyo pulled down her mask that covered her nose. “Okay I’m gonna go Neko!” She said. “I gonna get Ranma to mate with me!”

“Spatula girl stupid.” Shampoo sneered. “Ranma choose Shampoo.”

“Oh, hohohohohohoho!” An insane laugh cried out.

Everyone turned to see the Black Rose bounce down from the roof. She was wearing some cat ears, her black leotard and was armed with her black ribbon.

“I shall show you how to woo a cat!” Kodachi said.

“You sound like you’ve done it before.” Ukyo whispered.

“Ranma darling, know that your kitten Kodachi is your one true mate!”

“Who invited crazy girl?” Shampoo moaned.

A small ninja ran past them.

“I’m guessing he had something to do with it.” Ukyo said watching Sasuke leaving. “He must have been spying on us.”

Neko-Ranma wasn’t looking at any of this he still had his eyes fixed on Akane. Suddenly a black ribbon looped round his neck and he was pulled towards Kodachi.

“Kodachi what are you doing?” Ukyo shouted.

“Crazy girl get shredded.” Shampoo agreed.

The Black Rose pulled the wide eyed Ranma onto her bosom. “I am your kitten!” She purred.

There was a low feral rowrl coming from Ranma. He wasn’t happy at the interruption. He dug his claws into her shoulder and pulled away, but Kodachi’s ribbon was still attached. She was pulled along behind him screaming her love.

“Oh my darling Ranma! What an animal you truly are!”

Ukyo rolled her eyes and ran after the fleeing Ranma. “Go entice Akane, sugar!” She said to Ryoga as she dashed away.

Ryoga looked across the distressed Neko-Akane. She had begun calling out for her Ranma again. Ryoga scratched the back of his head. He felt stupid in the cat outfit but Ukyo said it was the best way to get Akane’s attention so...

“Meow...” Ryoga called out as he went down on all fours. “Meow, meow, meow.”

Akane stopped her wailing and angled her head to look at Ryoga. She didn’t know quite what to make of the human that was mewing like a kitten. She crept forward sniffing the strange creature, was it adult or kitten?

Ryoga smiled, revealing a fang. *Good she’s falling for it.* “Meow, meow, meow!”

Meanwhile all three of Ranma’s admirers were latched onto the ribbon trailing behind the spooked catboy. Shampoo had grabbed hold of Kodachi and Ukyo had wrapped her arms around Shampoo’s legs.

“Crazy girl messed up Shampoo’s plan!” Shampoo yelled as they were bumped along the roof.

“But this is exactly as the Black Rose wanted!” Kodachi laughed. “Once you harlots are out of the way, my feral beast of a man and I shall be alone! Running across the rooftops in a daring kiss and chase.”

“You really are insane aren’t you!” Ukyo shouted as she bounced behind them all. Neko-Ranma was wide eyed with fear and just wanted to escape the insane women. He was full with the urge to mate and these screeching things were putting him off. He knew he needed to get back to his Akane soon. At least with her he would be safe even though she screeched too.

He slashed the ribbon away from his neck, in an attempt to escape. The three girls were sent tumbling on top of each other. Ranma ran over them as he tried to return to his mate. She had stopped calling out for him, perhaps something was wrong.

“Oh Ranma darling wait for me!” Kodachi squealed as she shook off the mild concussion.

Ranma spun round to face the girl that was running towards him. He let out a warning hiss arching his back. Kodachi didn’t notice the negative reaction and still continued running to her ‘darling’.

Shampoo ran after her.

“Crazy girl not know what Neko-Ken can do!” She yelled after her.

Ukyo followed not wanting to be left behind. “Listen up you lot I’m going to sacrifice myself so just stay out of the way!”

“If anyone is going to sacrifice honour it will be rightful wife!” Shampoo snapped back.

“Harlots!” Kodachi screeched. “I am the one that shall marry Ranma. So I shall do it...” There was a small pause as Kodachi thought. “...What is it?”

“Sex, Ranma feel horny.” Shampoo answered bluntly. “Ranma want good time, go with Shampoo!”

Ukyo made a face. “Sure you’re not from Taiwan?” She sneered.

“Take that back Easy girl!” Shampoo shouted. “Shampoo at least wife to Ranma!”

“Hah!” Ukyo exclaimed as she forgot about the hissing Ranma and got dragged into a bitch fight with Shampoo. “Your claim would stand up in any court in Japan!”

“It stands in my homeland!” Shampoo hisssed. “Maybe Shampoo just take Ranma home now. Then he no longer need you or violent girl.”

“You wenches are forgetting someone...” Kodachi said peeved at being ignored.

“SHUT UP!” Shampoo and Ukyo said together.

“Shampoo do it!” The amazon said as she held up her vile of potion. “Take him home, never have to see stupid girls again!”

“What the hell is that?” Ukyo said.

“Is Shampoo’s secret weapon.”

Ranma by this time was wanting to escape these creatures. They just seemed to follow him and now he was cornered. It was if they were rivals, but they were female. The confused Neko Ranma jumped up kicking the raised hand of the purple haired one. He leaped up on to a nearby tree and slipped down to the ground. There was screaming from all three girls as the vile broke. The screams calmed down to quiet whispers.

“Ranma’s getting away...” Ukyo mumbled but the gas from the small vile was drifting up. She began to feel really sleepy.

“No, Shampoo’s plan.....” The Amazon murmered.

“I shall give myself to you Ranma....” Kodachi sighed.

Ukyo, Shampoo and Kodachi all landed unconscious from the gas.

Ranma strutted back to the Nekohanten. He could smell his mate was closeby. He paused as he saw her with another male. His hackles raised up and he stalked towards the rival. He would eliminate all that tried to harm her.

Akane was lying on top of Ryoga licking his forehead. Her whole body was pressed down against his. She purred at her adopted cub trying to calm his adjitated mews of help.

Ryoga was trying to fight her off, confused at why he was being licked. Perhaps this was the mating ritual of cats. His mind began wandering and he saw Akane going wild on top of him. Tearing his clothes into shreds, raveging his body with her feral cat needs. Ryoga’s nose began building pressure as he imagined Akane bursting out of her clothes. The images were too much for him and as his nose became a fountain of blood he dropped unconscious.

Ranma sat down and watched. His jealousy still simmering. He chirped out a mew for some attention. Akane who was still cleaning her ‘kitten’ looked up. She meowed in delight as she saw him. She scambered over to him welcoming him back. Her adopted son was forgotten and they ran off down the road. They had some business to get down to.

Cologne cursed in manderin at the retreating figures. She had no chance against two people under the influence of the Neko-Ken. She hopped up on the roof where the three girls lay sleeping.

*Idiots the lot of them* She thought As she prodded Shampoo. Her grandaughter was out cold. Cologne swore again there was perhaps only one other person she could pair up to stop the Neko-Ken. It might make her want to be violently sick at the idea but she had to do it. Ranma and Akane where not going to have sex no matter what. Cologne cracked down her staff and a bolt of lightening shot down behind her. The dramatic effect making her into an evil looking shadow.

If she had her way there was going to be no Neko love...



Author’s Note: Blah, blah, hyper girly rant. Sorry not feeling girly enough today. I know the end part needs work but I thought I’d put it up anyway. You can blame the plagiarist for that. I got the e-mail while I was just finishing the chapter.

Also I think people may have been trying to e-mail me and I’m sure I read a volunteer beta reader in there somewhere. (I know I need one. -_-;) My e-mail wouldn’t let me reply. So can people sending me anything keep it in a normal pdf file or gif. My e-mail hates winzip files, they can contain viruses and I’ll automatically delete them. It also doesn’t like the addresses and seems to send them straight to the spam file.

There we are on to the next chapter! Will it be time for some Neko Loving or am I going to keep being evil?