Neko Love 7. Things are Heating up!
Disclaimer: I dont own Ranma!
Chapter 7
Ranma knocked on Akanes door tentatively. He heard a murmured inside so he pushed the door open.
Um.. Akane? He said cautiously. Im...s-sorry for saying you smell..
Mrrrrrr... Akane groaned from her bed. you smell...g-g-great. Ranma started scratching the back of his head nervously. Not in a... a perverted way.. inna uncute tomboy kinda way.
Mmmrrrr.. Akane groaned again.
Okay.. Im sorry for saying that. Ranma said sweating. He gulped deeply. *Should I tell her now?* He saw Akane moving under her covers. She really was depressed by what he had said.
L-look.. A-Akane... the Neko-Ken is an extension of, of my emo-emotions.
Rrrrr.. Akane murmured.
I l-l-like you Akane. Ranma stuttered, taking her silence as her ignoring him. I-I li-like you a-a-alot. There was silence. Ranmas nerves were at theyre worse. Here he was confessing to Akane and she was ignoring him. He ignored the pain in his chest and walked closer to her bed.
Do you feel okay? Ranma asked.
Meouurrr. Akane mewed. Ranma stood still. It had been a meow. He shakily pulled the covers off. Akane was curled up sleeping, still human. Ranma sighed, she was just asleep. Probably dreaming of the past days events.
Cmon Akane, wake up. He said gently shaking her.
Akane sprung up right. Ranma bounced back expecting to be hit. It never came. He looked at her expecting her to scream pervert or something. She just stared at him.
I-Im s-sorry for earlier. He said hoping not to have to repeat his past words.
Akane blinked and cocked her head. She was smiling at him.
Ranmas mind was racing ahead. *Shed heard me saying I like her!* know I m-meant to s-say that I lik-like you as a f-f-frie-nd. Ranma stuttered.
Akane was still smiling at him and it was unnerving. She moved forward on her hands towards him. Ranma tried not to shake. *Is she going to kiss me?* Her eyes were half closed. Ranma kept still, trying to fathom out if he was dreaming or not. His Saotome foot in mouth defences kicked in.
Youre such an uncute macho freak. Ranma said trying to look smug. I could only be friends with someone as un-feminine as you.
Akane was still advancing.
Youre body is like a brick and sinks like one. Ranma said quickly. Youve got zero style an-and....
Akane was now face to face with Ranma. He had run out of insults. His mouth moved desperately to try and say something more. He had to push her away somehow. He managed to whisper, uncute. Right before her lips landed on his. Ranma was completely stiff with shock. Her lips were so soft and gentle.
Ranma reached out to hug her when she broke the kiss. He tried not to sigh in disappointment. Akane was still close. She began rubbing her cheek against his.
Whatcha doing Akane? Ranma said he patted the back of her head. Akane then started making a noise. It was deep and resonating.
*Ak-Akanes purring?* Ranma jumped back alarmed at the sudden noise. T-that isnt f-funny Akane.
Akane blinked cocking her head again. The only response she gave was, meaow?
Ahhh! Ranma flattened himself against the wall.
MEOWRRRR! Akane cried and rolled on her back. She wriggled on the floor looking like shes trying to scratch some itch.
What the hell is going on? Ranma screamed.
****Flashback explanation****
Shampoo watched from the window. The violent girl was face down on the bed. It was a perfect opportunity. She clutched the tonic of suggestion tightly in her hand. Great-grandmother did give specific instructions. The window was open and Shampoo slipped in quietly.
Akane was sighing deeply to herself. She was lost in her own self-pity. Shampoo smiled, now was the perfect time for her revenge. She opened the bottle and sprinkled the brown liquid on the back of her neck.
Akane jerked round to stare at the Amazon, but the tonic had started taking effect. Her eyes glazed over and she went into a trance.
Violent girl go to sleep, you wake up lot, lot different. Shampoo grinned as Akanes head dropped down. When you wake up you shall be like Ranma in Neko-Ken. You will be cat. You be violent cat not violent girl. Shampoos grin got wider.
*When Violent girl goes to attack Ranma like she always does, Ranma will run straight to Shampoo for help.*
Cold water will change you back to girl. You go back to cat when you see or smell fish. Shampoo checked her eyes to see if they had reacted as her instructions had said. Now sleep till Ranma wake you.
Akane curled up on the bed. Her head resting against her feet. Shampoo pulled the covers over her head. She leapt out of the window and headed for the roof. *Now Shampoo waits till Ranma calls for her.*
********Flashback end********
Yo, Akane this is seriously not funny. Ranma said the fear evident in his voice.
Akane had curled herself round Ranmas frigid legs. Her hips lifted up. She was rubbing herself against him. Her back legs pawing at the ground gyrating her hips against him.
Akaaaannnneee! Ranma pleaded. Stop.....please. The back of his neck was tingling. His instincts were screaming at him to run but there was also his need to help Akane. The tomboy was still rubbing her hind against his leg. He leapt across to the other side of the room.
MEOWWWRRRR!!! Akane called out. She rolled on her back and showed off her belly. Technically Akane wasnt a cat. That was the only thing keeping Ranma in the same room. She was acting like one. She was acting like a cat _in _heat.
Ranma pinned himself further against the wall. Akane was writhing around on the floor yowling. *Shes yowling for me?* Ranma thought. He couldnt do anything about it. He couldnt even bring himself to touch her.
She was acting far too cat like. *Do I look this stupid in the Neko-Ken?* Ranma inched towards the open window. Akane was swiping her hands at him. Or was that paws now? Ranma shivered and tried to avoid thinking about it.
MEOOWWWWRRRR! Akane yowled. She rolled back up on all fours and rubbed herself against her bed. Ranma watched amazed that Akane was acting so forward towards him. *I thought she would attack me if she was a... c-feline.*
Akane noticed Ranmas stare and returned it. She blinked and turned away chirping. Ranma shuddered and turned away as well. He couldnt watch Akane like this. He moved closer to the window. Suddenly Akane pounced on him.
Her weight and surprise attack shocked him. Akane rested her head against his chest. Ranma was panting with a strange mix of fear and excitement. *This isnt a c-feline this is Akane. Just Akane acting like a... dog.* Ranma concentrated on Akane trying to think that she was a dog. He placed his hand shakily up to her head and stroked. Nothing happened, no claws or spitting.
Ranma released the breath hed been holding and continued patting Akane. She rubbed her head against him. Then he heard it. It was low and resonating. Akane was purring. Ranma paused from his patting but Akane kept purring. It was quite loud and very unnerving. He couldnt pretend she wasnt a cat now. He wriggled out from under her, trying to escape. The door opened.
Akane, has Ranma gone Neko again? It was Kasumi. Ranma squeaked. Akane had pinned him down completely.
This is new. Kasumi said.
Kasumi get her off me. Ranma whined.
But its so cute! Kasumi giggled as she saw Akane snuggle into Ranma.
Please.... Ranma pleaded. Kasumi sighed and pulled Akane off Ranma easily. Akane mewed cutely at her sister. Ranma wriggled around until he found his freedom. He bounced up and hid behind Kasumi.
Akane stop it! Ranma shouted.
Is this for real? Kasumi asked Akane.
MEOWRRRRR! Akane said. She had rolled back on her stomach.
I dont think shes joking. Kasumi said as she saw how Akanes dress had ridden up. If Akane had been play acting she wouldnt have let her panties show. She discreetly put the skirt back down and gave her little sister a little pat.
Ranma was visible shaking now. Do.. you think its a spell?
There is a definite smell of Chinese herbs in the room. Kasumi agreed.
Shampoo. Ranma hissed. Maybe its like the Neko-Ken. Kasumi suggested. She then threw the stunned Ranma towards Akane. The tomboy instantly leapt into Ranmas lap.
Pet her. Kasumi egged on. That always calms you down. Akane was purring again.
Ranma couldnt move. His mind was starting to go into the Neko-ken but he was fighting it. This wasnt a cat it was someone acting like a cat. This was Akane. *This is my Akane.* With a very shaky hand he stroked her head. It wasnt fur or claws, it was skin. Smooth pale skin. He was touching Akane. She wasnt hitting him or calling him a pervert. She was enjoying it. He sighed as his mind relaxed and he forgot about the fact she was acting like a cat.
Kasumi smiled and left. She had been slightly worried Ranma would turn Neko but he seemed in control.
*It really must be love.* She thought happily. Kasumi peeked into Nabikis room. Her sister was at her computer, she seemed engrossed in her work. Kasumi cheerfully slipped away to check on the fathers. She had to make sure nobody disturbed the pair. Nabiki turned her eyes sideways to the door closing. She was busy on her computer altering her film. She had to put a tacky soundtrack dub to cover over her new film. She also was reediting some parts.Her instincts were telling her she was missing something, but she shrugged it off. She had to get the tape finished for tomorrow. If there was anything worth seeing her hidden cameras would pick it up.
Although up on the roof; there sat a very cold and irritated amazon.
*When is Ranma going to run away?* Shampoo thought. *Violent girl should have tried to slice Ranma by now. He should need saving by Shampoo.*
The tonic her great-grandmother had given her was a version of that hypnotic mushroom, Kairaishi. The difference being her sisters in China had worked hard in making it better. Now the hypnotic trance of suggestion lasted longer. The Chinese herbs strengthened the effect. It gave her more time to work the stimuli that would trigger the suggestion. Shampoo had been tempted to use it on her husband but her great-grandmother had disagreed. Her respected elder had pointed out all the other times she had tried to trick Ranma into whom to love.
The horse cannot be led to water. Cologne had said. You must let him come to you. The old woman had then lectured her on the various other attempts at making Ranma love her. None of it had sunk in. The only thing that stuck was that Ranma should be scared of Akane and Shampoo could protect Ranma.
Shampoo sighed, this was taking far too long. This was not the way she thought was the right way to capture her husband. The violent girl should be trying to attack Ranma as a cat by now. She walked over to the edge and peered over. Ranmas room was dark. Akanes light was on. Perhaps he was hiding in there.
Shampoo looked in the window. She gasped as she saw Akane lying on Ranmas lap getting petted. Her jealousy rose up as she thought about the many times shed tried to get his attention as a cat.
*I must stop this now.* Shampoo thought. She swung her body off the roof and through the wall. She kept up her momentum and landed on Ranma, knocking Akane away.
Shampoo give you something better to pat husband. She said cheerfully. She latched her whole body against him and pulled tight. Ranma squeaked his protest but there was also another sound of protest. It was a low hissing noise. Ranma turned to look at Akane. Her back was arched and she was glaring at the both of them.
Oh cmon Akane its not what it looks like. Ranma protested weakly but Shampoo held herself tight against him. He gazed into Akanes eyes. There was no reason in there it was pure animal rage. For the first time in his life Ranma understood the fear people had for his Neko-ken. His own fear biting at the back of his mind. He had to get away or else he too might turn and then there would be no stopping either of them.
Authors note: Duh duh duh! Another cliffhanger! Yeah I know bad me!
Anyway, the Kasumi cookies I promised!
One for Nabeshin Danber Ayanami!
One for Holy-Psychic-Vulpix! Another for LilHaruko!
Oh and one for IVANHOE!
Cant forget Leitbur!
And finally AyamiH!
Congratulations you figured out what would happen to Akane. Or close enough to be award the most delicious fictional cookies there are! So join me next chapter as Neko-Akane goes up against Shampoo with a very scared Ranma caught in between! Oh and if anyone was confused by Akanes actions havent seen a female cat in heat. Its very embarrassing (for the owner.)