

I do not own Ranma or any of its characters. This is non profit fiction. I do own Galim He is my creation. If you would like to use him E- mail me at

Outside Furinken high school a shadowy figure stood under the shade of a tree. His name was Galim and he had no last name. All he did was stand there under the tree but he constantly kept looking towards the sun to see what time it was. "What time does he get out of school?" Galim said to himself. His voice was deep; he had long black hair that reached to his belt. He was about seven and a half feet tall and He resembled Ashram from the TV series of Lodoss War. He also was equipped with a broad sword on his back, which was concealed by a black cape. Underneath his shoulder pad he had hidden six throwing needles easily accessible to his right arm. To top it all off he had two sickle blades strapped to the sides of his legs and two hunting knives in his boots, which were training boot and were extremely heavy.

Just then the bell rang. "It's about time." Galim muttered as he stepped out in front of the school. A large crowd soon rushed out but stopped when they saw him. Three girls talked to each other with their eyes glued on him. "That guy is so cute." One said. "I don't think you call someone that large cute." "Look at all those weapons, do you think he is a martial artist?" "Could be; he looks about 21." Galim stood motionless with his eyes shut. He was concentrating looking for Ranma. The suddenly, "Wait Ranma, how dare you!" A loud girl broke his concentration. He opened his eyes and saw Ranma Running straight at him but Ranma was looking back towards the girl laughing. Sense Ranma wasn't looking he soon ran into Galim. "Hey watch where your go." Ranma became quite when he saw who he was yelling at.

"Ranma how have you been?" Galim said as he bent over, got Ranma in a bear hug, squeezed. Ranma put his foot on Galim's chest and pushed off. Once he landed he started to run. "Akane, run that guy is a monster!" Akane ran to fallow Ranma and when she looked back she saw that Galim had an extremely angered look on his face. "Here I was being nice and he has the nerve to call me A MONSTER!" Galim's voice changed from normal to a deeper loader and raspier voice. Galim let out an extreme amount of energy and transformed into fearsome beast. His ears were like a bats going straight up, he had red glowing eyes, his nose turned into two nostrils, and his muscles increased so much that his shirt completely tore apart. The best part about him was his hair stood strait up from his head to the end of his tale, which is only there when he transforms.

Galim in his transformed state ran after Ranma. As he was about to leave the school grounds Kuno got in his path. "Hold!" Kuno said ready for a fight. Galim did not pay any attention to him and trampled him. Kuno got up. "Curs you oger man!" Kuno then joined the pursuit. Galim went from a 7 and a half-foot man to a 12-foot beast. He soon caught up with Ranma and grabbed him by the pigtail. "I am definitely not the one who started the fight this time!" Ranma turned and began to fight. Soon Kuno arrived at the scene and joined the fight. Galim had already let go of Ranma's pigtail because he needed two arms to fight two guys. Akane simply observed the situation before saying anything. "You three cut it out!" Akane screamed. The three froze in mid fight with blank stares. After a few seconds Galim returned to his human form. "Now we will all go home and settle this like civilized people." Akane said with a smirk. "Yes ma'am!" the three said in unison.

So explain yourself young man." Tendo said. "I am what you would call a Berserker, I come from China and Ranma is the only person from Japan I know." "Your accent isn't Chinese though." Tendo noted. "I'm not Chinese, China is were I live but my origin is from America." "That would explain your size." Nabiki said coming from the hall. (She was ease dropping.) "My, my look at you three smallest to biggest it looks cute." The order they were sitting in was Ranma, Kuno, and then Galim. They didn't find her comment amusing. Just then Kasumi walked in with dinner. Right when Galim saw her, his eyes would not leave her. Akane introduced them, "Kasumi this is Galim he will be staying with us for a while." Kasumi gave her usual happy smile, "I'm very pleased to meet you." She extended her hand to him. "Uuuuuuh." Galim couldn't get a word out of his mouth. He was stunned at the site of Kasumi. "Maybe I should show you where you room is. Finally Galim could speak "uh ok." He stood to his feet. "Oh my!" Kasumi now saw how tall he was; about two feet taller than her. The two went up the stairs. "So, Akane He has agreed to pay rent?" Tendo Asked. "Yes he has. Ranma can I talk to you for a second?" "Sure." They left the room leaving Genma, Tendo, and Kuno. "Will you leave?"

Akane and Ranma sat on the back porch speaking. "Did you see the way Galim was looking at Kasumi?" Akane asked with large eyes. Ranma sighed "Yeah but I wouldn't think much of it. Back in China he gave the same look at every waitress he saw." "Really, what else did he do?" Ranma gave Akane a look like she was thinking of something perverted. "If you are worried about Kasumi being up there with Galim, don't worry He isn't a pervert he is just.." "I saw him Ranma!" Ryoga appeared out of no were like people usually do in this Anime. "Oh, Good afternoon Akane." His face turned to a cat like face. Akane smiled back at him. "I know Ryoga. Galim is staying at the Dojo for a while." What! Has he done any thing yet?" He looks at Akane with a worried look. She giggles. "He isn't interested in me, He is interested in Kasumi." Ryoga turned his back to Akane. "Well then there isn't any reason for me to worry. I shall see you tomorrow Akane." Ryoga took off. Peering out the window was Galim. He couldn't help but notice the difference in his attitude towards Akane.

"Your bed is ready Galim." Kasumi had laid out Galim's bed. "Oh, Thank you Kasumi ahhhh!" Galim fell to the ground. "Oh my Galim do you need some help?" Galim got back up but his Eyes were glowing red. "No, I am just tired from my travels. It is getting harder to keep myself from transforming into the Berserker. I just need a bath." "Oh, well it is only three doors down you are free to use it." "Thank you." He exited his room and went to the bathroom.

He stripped himself of his clothes in the changing room and was about to enter the bathroom when the bathroom door flung open. It was Nabiki completely naked. She was about to let out a scream but Galim covered her mouth with his hand. He supported her by placing his other hand on the back of her neck. "I'm sorry I didn't know you were in here if you promise not to tell any one I'll give you 100,000 Yen." Nabiki who was wiggling trying to get away turned to her calm self once she heard the amount. "I'll take that as a yes." He let go of her and handed her a towel. He then went to his pants to get the money. When he turned around he saw Nabiki wasn't covered up. "You are actually going to give me that much?" "Yes" Galim was fully erect at the sight of her. At full he was about 7 ½ inches. "I don't want to feel like I'm ripping you off so I'm going to do you a little favor." Galim set the money on the counter. "What kind of favor?" Without saying a word she grabbed his penis and stuck it in her mouth. She sucked so well that it only took one and a half minutes for him to cum in her mouth. She gulped it all and continued sucking not allowing his penis to calm down. As soon as it was completely ready she laid on the ground. Galim knew what she wanted him to do. He stuck his penis into her vigina. He was surprised he didn't hit any barrier he couldn't help but ponder who she has done this with before. He grabbed her breast and started to squeeze while she moved herself up and down his shaft. Galim was now on the bottom and he couldn't remember how he got there. She was trying to be as quiet as possible so they wouldn't get caught. Then she spoke "Your penis is the largest I have ever had inside of me." The comment surprised Galim and he came inside of her. "Oh, no what have I done?" Nabiki smiled at him. "It's all right I'm on the pill." He sighed with relief and when he looked back up she as gone and so was the money. "Well that was interesting." Galim said to himself.

3 day had passed and it was starting to bug Galim how Nabiki was acting like nothing had happened. He decided he should just forget it as well, Kasumi was the one he had his eye on. To clear his mind he decided he should go out and train. He stepped outside and begun swinging his sword around, frequently he would drop it and practice some fighting moves. Akane jut finished breakfast and was walking down the hall when he saw Galim outside. She was amazed at how fast he could move being 7 ½ feet tall and wielding that huge sword. "Um, excuse me but are you almost done?" Galim acted like he didn't hear her. He made three more large swings and then responded. "Yes is there something you wanted to tell me?" "Yes, Kasumi wanted you to pick up an order from the Cat Café, if you don't mind." Galim Got excited. "I'd love to!"

Galim walked down the street to the Cat Café dragging Ranma by the pigtail. "Why do I have to go with you?" Ranma said trying to keep his balance. "I wanted to talk with you. How would you and Ryoga like to spar with me again, like we did two years ago?" "So, you want a rematch!" Ranma said cockily after being let go. "You feel like loosing again?" Galim smiled. "As I recall Ranma I was the victor in that match." A tear forms on Ranma's head. "Oh, yeah." Ranma's head sank in shame. "Ah here we are." They arrived at the Cat Café.

Ranma stepped in first and was quickly tackled by Shampoo. "Ne-how Ranma you come to take Shampoo to date!" Moose ran up to the two. "But Shampoo I was about to ask. Galim observed the situation but didn't want to interfere. The old woman hopped out of the back room and hopped over to Galim with a delivery box. "You must be Galim; here take this." The old women handed him the box. He bowed and began to try and pry the Amazon off of Ranma. It took him a while but he finally broke her grip.

On the way home Galim smelt something good. He knew the smell had to be coming from the resterant ahead. "Hey Ranma what do they serve up there?" "Huh, oh, Okonomeokie." Galim Gasped and took off and into the resterant. Ukyo gasped when she saw this man suddenly appear out of nowhere. "Uh what can I do for*gasp* Ranma honey!" Ranma had stepped in looking for Galim. "I would like to try one of your combination Okonomeokie." Galim was being very energetic and almost drooling. "Coming right up." Ukyo declared. Galim leaned over to Ranma to whisper. "Ranma is she another one of your Fiancées?" "Yes." Ranma sighed. "I think she is hot." Ukyo responded when she heard those words. "YOU DO?" Her being able to hear him surprised Galim, but he thought he might as well go on. "Yeah, you have a fantastic body, great long silky hair, a cute face and your breast are a good size even when you tie them down." Ukyo's face was completely red and Ranma was giving Galim an awkward look. A dead silence was in the room. Galim broke the silence by continuing. "Ranma, I think she would be the best pick as your fiancée." Ranma fell to the floor and Ukyo started to smile and sink into dreamland. Galim stood up. "I'll see you at home Ranma."

Galim had the delivery box in hand and was walking down the street all the while pondering what to do. He thought to himself. "Seems everyone is deeply in love with someone else. Seems I have my work cut out for me. But first I should ask out Kasumi."

To be continued

First attempt at a fan-fic. Would you please tell me what you think.