Killing Me Softly
A/N: This is only my second fic... Haha! I actually finished one... I can do this. Okay, please, if you have any comments on my work, tell me. Every writer should know how to accept criticisms right?
Disclaimer: Sadly, Ranma ½ is not mine. This story is only a product of my overactive imagination and I do hope no one sues.
Prologue: Crash and Burn
Akane stood in front of the kitchen counter, merrily humming a light tune. She mashed the potatoes eagerly, excited about what Ranma would say about the food. She was glad she had swallowed her pride and accepted Kasumis offer to teach her to cook a little bit. Now, she finally found out that there really was no trick to the trade. All she had to do was follow directions and pay attention to what she was doing.
The oven buzzed noisily, reminding her of, what she hoped would be, the perfectly cooked chicken she had so carefully prepared. She smiled when she saw that the chicken was, indeed, immaculate. She wanted to devour the food at that very moment but she decided she should not ruin the evening. Shed been working too hard on this meal for the both of them. A hungry Ranma was the last thing she would want.
After mashing the last of the lumps of potatoes, she carried the food in a tray to the dining room just outside the kitchen. There really wasnt much of a divider between the two areas. One would be able to see the dining room from the counter. It was but a few meters away.
She went back to prepare the wine, placing the precious bottle into a container filled with ice. She grabbed the light blue candles that stood in dainty little leaf-shaped stands and made her way to the dining table.
She sat there for hours, waiting for the sounds of his footsteps. The sun had long disappeared in a sea of red and purple, leaving her to stare at the cold meal alone. Her elbow rested on the table, her little chin propped upon an impatient hand.
What was taking him so long?
She couldnt believe it. Earlier that day, she had made it clear for him that he should come home extra early, that they were going to do something together. That afternoon, she had made it a point to look good so that no insults may fly and their time together would be spent in peace and cheeriness.
She wore her white turtleneck, a red miniskirt and red shoes. A necklace with a sleek cross pendant adorned her covered neck. She even wore make-up. Many times she had looked at herself in the mirror, wondering if she was pretty enough to please Ranma, self-conscious and scared of how he might react.
Now, she was growing impatient and angry. It seemed that she was the only one trying to make the marriage work. Her young husband didnt seem to notice how she exerted extra efforts to keep their small house clean, the furniture always organized, their bathroom always smelling of roses and other scents and all the while taking care of her own education. Yes, she kept her grades up even though she was finding it very difficult to lead a more constrained, married life. Outside, nothing with her has changed but really, her mind was in deep turmoil.
Was she not trying hard enough? God knows how much shes tried. She had even managed to keep her infamous temper at bay. The familiar mallet had been out of sight for weeks. Kasumi knows how hard it was to do that, swallowing her precious pride to try and make the situation easier for all of them. Sometimes, Akane would visit her patient sister and ask for advice, even ask for a shoulder to cry on. Kasumi had never denied her of time and patience. She was always there, like an angel- like a mother.
The girl didnt know what to do. Ranma seemed to be discontented with their married life. He was making her miserable.
And yet, she couldnt blame him.
She sighed in frustration, her heart fighting the sting in her eyes. Ranma never really wanted to marry any of them, meaning the other fiancées. He married her out of pure obligation and, as he said, a lack of other more acceptable choices.
Ranma swallowed. Akane, Shampoo, Kodachi and even Ukyou were there in the dining room, staring at him, their wide eyes determined and hopeful. He looked at his father and then at Mister Tendo, dreading the explanation he expected from them.
Whats going on here? he said.
Well, son, his father started, the girls have already talked about this. Theyve decided that this whole goose chase involving you is quite a stupid thing to do.
Ranma looked at Akane, looking for some kind of assurance. It was rather hard to believe that the girls had actually decided on the risky decision themselves and such a mature decision it was too! Akane nodded her head solemnly at him and he sat down with them at the table.
Ranma-honey, Kodachis voice broke the tense silence. He was surprised that Kodachi seemed so serious and well, sane. We girls feel indignant that you have not chosen one of us. We feel that we shame ourselves because were chasing after you like a bunch of groupies, she continued contemptuously but retaining the rigid look on her face.
Hai, Airen, Shampoos voice agreed fervently. Shampoo get tired too. Airen dont seem to appreciate Shampoos efforts.
Ukyou nodded her head in silent agreement. She also decided that if Ranma didnt feel anything towards her other than friendship, then it was time to let go and move on.
Akane remained still and silent.
Mr. Tendo looked at his daughter consolingly. She seemed to be a bit more troubled than the other girls although she tried to hide it. By her fidgety fingers, he realized that she actually felt something for the boy.
Mr. Saotome nodded his head at Ranma. Well boy? Who are you going to marry?
Ranma froze. He didnt think the girls would ever come to this kind of decision. He was just so used to their usual roguish ways. A lump formed in his throat and his mouth felt dry.
If you need more time, well give it to you, Ran-chan, Ukyou forced herself to say.
The young martial artist paused in deep thought. If they were going to make him decide, it had to be now. Even one night of not settling this would drive him crazy. He thought about all that stress. It was now or never. His decision wasnt going to change anyhow, even if they gave him a week. He knew he had already fallen in love with her, even though it was just then that he finally admitted it to himself.
Well? Kodachi said impatiently.
No, I dont need more time.
Well then who shall it be? his own father prompted.
Ranma sighed before answering, with complete certainty in his voice, Akane.
All eyes turned to the girl who merely stared back at them, having an unreadable expression on her face. Shampoo stood up abruptly, leaving the room with her head held high. The Chinese Amazon fought to keep her feelings at bay. Kodachi glared at Ranma and Akane, immediately jumping out of the room, Shampoo following close behind. Ukyou sat still for a moment before saying, Well, congratulations Ran-chan. Her voice cracked and her eyes filled with tears but before she let them fall, she had already left the room.
The fathers soon left their children to talk alone. They slid the door closed behind them and kept serious faces before reaching a certain distance and yelling triumphantly, Yes! Finally!
Akane locked eyes with Ranma, expecting an explanation from him. He couldnt take it. He couldnt bring himself to say it. He couldnt tell her. He wanted to but his tongue seemed frozen. He opened his mouth and then closed it again. How was he going to explain this to her? He just couldnt tell her he loved her. That was not part of the game they played.
So he did the only thing that would make him feel at ease- he lied.
Dont even think that I did that because I like you, you uncute tomboy.
Akane flinched slightly and that did not escape him. He kept going. I chose you because... because... y-you were the most... most normal! Yeah, most normal. Well, except for Ucchan, of course... B-but I couldnt marry her because... because shes my friend! he cried defensively.
From that day on, Akane never acknowledged the hopeful thought that Ranma might just care for her a little bit more than just because he was obligated to do so.
He hadnt even kissed her yet, even during the wedding ceremony. He had just brushed his lips on her cheek- and in an embarrassed manner too. She was devastated.
Akanes eyes narrowed in fury, her brown eyes blazing with indignity and impatience. She leaned back from the red-covered table and let her tired spine rest onto the tall back of the chair.
A/N: A little serious isnt it? I think this is a more mature plot than my other fic on Rurouni Kenshin (by the way, please read that too!). I really like this plot and it seems so wonderful when I picture the scenes in my mind. I dont know if its as good in visible words so let me know? Thanks for reading! Chapter 2 is on the way! Probably be up in a week or so. If Im lucky, maybe Ill get it done within this week?