{These characters are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}
Strange light swirled about, red, blue, purple spotlights danced around him, cutting into the mist that hung in the air. This was not one of the usual dreams that had come to plague him over the past week. There was none of the usual stinking of open graves or freshly dug dirt. Only... only...
They stepped out of the mist, materializing before his eyes. One by one, they appeared and approached him, each wearing a sultry smile. He groaned, thinking he had finally rid himself of such shameful dreams... Shameful. Because he hadn't told Nabiki the entire truth that time that seemed oh so long ago.
There was the pig-tailed girl, Ranma, he knew, and she was still so fiery and beautiful, and her blue eyes sparkled. He groaned again; Ranma shouldn't be there. Was it a dream or a nightmare, he wasn't sure. There was Mariko. He had sampled her pleasures and found them unfullfilling, but still she was there.
He jerked away from the next touch. No matter what he thought, what he fantasized, Kasumi was not a solution, not a cure. Her touch was simply some dream desire and he refused to let it affect him. He tried to refuse.
There were more, faces he couldn't associate with names, some his age, some older. Miss Hinako was there, almost acting as some sort of director, initiator. It was her that gently pushed him back to fall into a pile of black silken pillows.
He tried to stand and deny their advances, but his legs refused to hold him. He couldn't even get to his knees, and among the pillows, which seemed to be all around, he couldn't get any purchase with his hands. He struggled uselessly, intensifying his efforts when Hinako kneeled down and began to undress him.
He flailed at her attempts, but his strength had left him, and it was utterly impossible to fight back. He watched helplessly as his clothing was pulled away, though it consisted of nothing but red cloths anyway.
There was light laughter from all around him, and when he looked down at himself, he blushed heavily. Even if he wanted to refuse the offering of female flesh, his body was most willing. For a moment he felt ashamed and disgraced. It was most assuredly not proper behavior for one of his...
And then *she* stepped up, and everything turned to fear. A pair of slim arms encircled him from behind, and a voice spoke in his ear. "What's wrong, Kuno-chan? Don't you like her?" Then a tongue was caressing the rim of his ear, moving around and wetting behind his earlobe.
He swallowed as he recognized the feeling of a naked woman behind him, the breasts pressed against his back, the legs suddenly wrapped around him. The sensations were enough to dizzy him and forget momentarily about who was standing in front of him.
There was a trail of kisses up and down his neck, punctuated by visits of a tongue in his ear, and the hands stroking his chest seductively. "She wants it, Kuno-chan," the voice said again, just before his neck was sucked on aggressively. "Take her." More tongue and lip caresses as the hands rubbed each of his nipples teasingly.
He groaned and closed his eyes as they rolled back. It was too much for him to take. His dreams had never been like this before! Words were impossible to articulate; he could only manage to groan under the assault of the women around him.
The next few moments of the dream caused him much confusion. He was basking in the physical pleasure he was being showered with, when, without warning, his very erect member was engulfed. Opening his eyes, he realized his earlier mistake. He had been lulled into near unconsciousness and had forgotten about her, how she had been looking at him.
He tried to break free, but his movements only caused increasing amounts of pleasure. She slowly began to move on him, above him, forcing him to resist the feelings she caused. But her slow, steady rhythm, her hips grinding into his, wore away at his control.
Finally snapping, he began to move with her, one hand on her hip, the other sliding up her ribs to forcefully fondle her breast. She made a tiny sound, something from the pleasure of the moment. She didn't move any quicker, preferring to keep a slow and deliberate pace, but the motions became somehow more urgent.
Matching her moves perfectly, he arched his back a little to get as much pressure between the two of them as possible. When he saw her throw her head back, her hair cascading down her back, and she looked so lovely...
Was his dream right? Did she want it? He knew her naked flesh because she had showed it to him in some attempt to... Seduce him? Tempt him? Her increased tempo snapped him out of his contemplation, keeping him from realizing the inherent wrongness of what he was dreaming about.
"I love you, Tatchi." Her whole body shuddered as she climaxed, her genuine love making it all the better for him.
He grunted as he strained to find release, his eyes closing and his face taking on a look of supreme effort. "I... love... you... Kotchi." The words tumbled from his mouth as he exploded inside her, his whole body trembling with excitement.
He fell back, exhausted, and felt his sister collapse on top of him. "That wasn't so bad now, was it, Kuno-chan?"
He shook his head weakly. It hadn't been bad at all... He put his arms around his sister and held her as the dream faded around him...