1/2 Moon: Chapter Two
Rewrite 7 / 9 / 2003
By Dr. Suekeiichi Kaiton
With additional material and revisions by Eric Freedman
---Juuban General---
Ranma walked down the glistening corridors of Juuban General, dressed in a blue dress shirt and black slacks. He had borrowed clean clothes from Motoki and stopped by his house to feed his fish and change before reporting for work. No one paid him much attention as he wove through the convoluted trail through the gastrointestinal division and onwards to General Practice and OB-GYN. His quarry was undertaking gynecological exams that morning, all the better for him he supposed that there was a free show involved. He waved to the nurses sitting behind the front desk of Chisato Mizuno's office and they waved back, all smiles. Once he was past the front he tip-toed down the carpeted hallway to the examining rooms, slipping in unnoticed as his lover probed the pudenda of a fourteen year old.
The young girl sat back on the table, her legs splayed across the stirrups with her plump bush pushed out as the older woman finished wiping down the fleshy lips. A soft tuft of brown hair framed the tight slit and a thin trickle of fluid slid down the vinyl seat. Ranma entered and jumped into the air, clinging to the tope wall behind Chisato and watching as Chisato pressed the plastic tube to the cleaning fluid bottle to the virginal pink and washed away the last of the KY jelly from her thighs. His love turned away and pulled off her gloves, maintaining clinical detachment as the girl wobbly stood and mooned him as she pulled up her panties. A few words were exchanged from doctor to patient and soon the girl hurried off with a downcast gaze and an armful of clothes. As soon as he felt safe he landed softly behind her and placed his hands on her buttocks.
"You really might want to lock the door from now on " Chisato jumped at the feel of his hands and the sudden appearance of his voice from nowhere. Her eyes soon changed from surprise to smoldering pits of hunger. "Not that I didn't enjoy the show."
Chisato 'mm'ed and reached a hand over her head to lace behind his neck, pressing her weight into his body. "You enjoyed seeing that girl strapped to the chair, helpless and exposed, didn't you?"
Ranma smiled as he grasped her wrists and nudged her firmly against the door, pushing his knee between the brown polyester skirt and tickling her crotch. He pressed against her body, pinning her between a rock and a hard place. She whimpered and shivered as his large hands snaked under her sweater and grabbed hold of one breast, his thumb brushing against the nipple. Ranma's fingers danced across her skin, pressing and prodding the juncture points that constructed the canals of her pleasure centres. She helped him pull down the silk undergarment so as not to soil the pair she would wear for the rest of the day as a climax shot from her clitoris and rocketed to her nipples and thick mucus spat out from her womanhood.
He smiled as the fluids spattered noisily to the linoleum and pooled into thick clots of white cream on the green tiles. He touched a single point near her collarbone and another orgasm rocked her body. After eight climaxes she sagged against his still-clothed body. He gasped in delight as she finally took the initiative and sank to her knees, opening the fly of his jeans.
Chisa sucked noisily on his tool, gasping and groaning as his hand invaded her body from behind. She couldn't possibly take his entire length in but she did manage about half of the thick cock before her throat constricted and she gagged. It was a good thing that it was her lunch break or else someone might have walked in and seen her in such a state. Also, if her nurse had left for the day that meant she could scream to her heart's content instead of biting her tongue and stifling her cries. Chisa nearly drowned as he came, the goo forced down her throat causing her to cough and hack as the monster spurted all over her floor, but she wouldn't let any go to waste and lapped the remnants from the sterile Formica.
After they had cleaned up and the door was open once more just in case a nurse was looking for either of them, Ranma relaxed and sat atop her examining table, swinging his legs like a little kid. Chisato was powdering her cheeks, trying desperately to dispel the afterglow of sex that suffused her face. It wasn't working. Her panties were moist and cupped her sex wetly, like a silky tongue unwilling to let go of her pussy.
"What's on your mind, Ranma?" She looked at him with one eye, the other focused intently on her reflection in the mirror of her compact.
"I'm just kind of relieved that you were so willing and open just now I don't know, you were just really freaked out when I told you about my past yesterday morning." Ranma was polishing his reading glasses with the hem of his coat. "It tends to freak people out once they find out."
Chisato closed her makeup kit and looked down at her hands. It seemed she was still just a little reluctant to engage in a lasting relationship with the former man-whore but there also existed a part of her which reveled in the knowledge that it was getting the attention of a true professional. She shivered as she thought of all she could experience at his hands the possibilities were limitless! His other problem however wasn't much of a problem as he made it out to be
"I I might have overreacted when I first found out, Ranma, and I'm sorry." She stood in front of the man almost a decade her junior and embraced her disciple. "Now that I think about it, I guess I should be pretty flattered that you'd pick me I realize I'm not the easiest woman to be around."
Ranma grinned. "I thought flattery would get me nowhere?" She playfully swatted his shoulder. "You're just putting yourself down, Chisa, you're a very smart and beautiful woman, any man should kill for a chance to date you."
"You call this a date? We had dinner and fucked, we had breakfast and today we simply started talking and fucked. I don't think this is the making of a healthy relationship." She took up her lecturing tone and brought up her finger, waggling back and forth. Ranma was grinning.
"What should I do then, Dr. Mizuno? I have this really hot friend with a really tight box and the best body I've ever seen! What should I do?" His hand was running back down to her ass.
"My advice to you would be: fuck her, fuck her hard and often or you'll lose her." She fell forward and pressed her breasts to his chest, her nipples like throbbing little needles poking into his stomach.
He took the doctor's advice.
After they cleaned themselves and dressed again, Ranma bid her farewell and left to check on the patients he diagnosed and treated the previous day. He whistled as he worked on his patients, his secret was safe with Chisato.
His afternoon tryst with Chisato Mizuno complete and his rounds finished for the day, Ranma stopped back by his house to pick up the clean outfit Motoki had loaned him that morning. His apartment had been above the Crown Arcade in downtown Juuban, so Ranma planned on swinging by and dropping off the bundle. The sun was out when he left as were the schools and so he strode off down the sidewalk towards the bustling centre of commerce.
People flooded the streets and thoroughfares of downtown as school girls and boys paraded in groups of twos or sixes, there were no singles on the streets. Again, Ranma felt the urge to know more about his mysterious partner from the other day, the curvaceous blonde nurse. Perhaps it was better that it stayed casual sex, though, it would make their meetings so much more exciting. Little did Ranma known that Minako was among the junior high school students laughing and shopping around him. It probably wouldn't have made any difference anyway since he had no qualms with bedding a fourteen year old, after all, he had been bedding grown women at the age of fourteen.
His musings were cut short when he recognized the sign of the Crown Arcade perched over a wide window of darkened glass. He checked the parcel under his arm and walked inside. The door opened and a wave of sound effects and yells punched him in the jaw. The blonde Motoki was manning the token counter and redemption centre, running back and forth catering to the needs of the pre-teen crowd. Amused by his partner's frustration, Ranma hung back in the crowd by a row of ancient and unused UFO catcher machines until the crowd dispersed.
"Hello there, it seems you're doing a brisk business today," Ranma said with a smile. Motoki wiped sweat off his brow and grinned back, the exact same grin that he'd had the night before when he was on his hands and knees sucking Ranma's cock
"It's steady until six, then most of the kids go home." Ranma handed him the bundle and they began to talk. So intent were they on each other that even the normally super-observant Ranma failed to see the dangers lurking in the back of the arcade waiting for a tasty morsel like himself.
"You do it!"
"No, you do it!"
"I'll do it if you do it too!"
"Alright then, we'll do it together!"
Just then two hands pinched Ranma's buttocks, giving him a start and making Motoki laugh his ass off at the surprise on his lover's face. Behind the prone martial artist two girls giggled in sublime delight, their gaiety matched only by the blushes each had plastered over their faces. He turned to them, intending on seeing a straightforward woman, instead he saw two girls, a blonde and a brunette, laughing at him.
"Uh Ranma, these are two of my very best customers, meet Usagi Tsukino and Makoto Kino. You two, this is my friend Ranma Saotome." Both parties bowed to each other.
"Hi, I'm Usagi, nice to meet you Saotome-san." They shook hands easily and Usagi was sure he knew she was no virgin. He gave no sign that he knew one way or the other, but somehow she just knew, knew, that he understood just how far she and Mamoru had gone. She looked away and found the glass case by Motoki very interesting.
The girl has some sexual experience, Ranma thought, she hasn't really enjoyed her trysts, not yet
"I'm Makoto but you can call me Mako-chan if you like, Saotome-san." Ranma recognized the brunette as the unfortunate strapped to Chisato's exam table that morning. Makoto was the oddly silent and glum girl with the adorable tufts of brunette pubic hair around her pussy like the feathers of a rock-hopper penguin. He smiled even harder, ignoring the impression it might give the girl and the consequences of his act.
"Ranma could I see you for a moment?" Motoki took off his apron and handed it to Usagi, the bubble-headed blonde quickly donning the article and standing behind the counter, Makoto following suit. He sometimes asked them to fill in for him if he had work to do, in return sometimes he'd keep the arcade open extra-late just for them. He took Ranma's arm and led him to the storage room which in turn led to his office. As soon as they were among the boxes of food and prizes, Motoki shut the door tightly and pulled Ranma in for a kiss.
Ranma was taken aback by his lover's forwardness since they met last night but soon his tongue snaked into Motoki mouth and he ran his hands up under the blonde's shirt. They continued the kiss for a long time, each one trying to pry the other's fly open, until Ranma pulled abruptly away and grinned evilly at his friend. He sank to his knees and ripped open Motoki's jeans, freeing his manhood from the confines of his boxers and rubbing it lightly to full erection.
While not as impressive as Ranma's, Motoki's cock was six inches long and about an inch thick, more than enough for most people. The pig-tailed man grinned as he took the prick into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the crown and nibbling ever so gently on the fold of foreskin underneath the purple head. Unlike Ranma again, Motoki didn't have the resistance and so he spurted his load in the warm sucking mouth almost as soon as the stimulation began.
Ranma swished the thick cum in his mouth experimentally and swallowed with evident relish. He could afford to lose that load, he had another method to try. Without any warning he tackled the blonde to the floor so his bare ass hit the cold tiles then grabbed his legs and pulled Motoki's crotch up to his mouth, leaving his flailing legs to hang over the pig-tailed man's shoulders.
"What are you doing?!" Motoki's cry was lost as he felt Ranma's thick fingers pull open his ass and a thick digit enter the still tender hole. Instantly his cock stiffened and bobbed before his lover's eyes. Not one to pass up an opportunity, Ranma pulled the cock into his mouth again and sucked hungrily as he shoved two fingers up the blonde's tight asshole, alternating his strokes with a twirl of his tongue on the prick throbbing in his mouth. "Stop it! I'm going to !!!!" The blonde's pleading was useless as Ranma expertly finished him off, sucking up the cream like a vacuum cleaner and letting Motoki's body sag back to the floor.
Both sat back for a moment, Motoki regaining the ability to move his legs, Ranma sampling the sperm in his mouth once again. No sooner had Motoki regained his footing then Ranma kissed him again, pushing a small amount of his own semen into his mouth. Seeing that the blonde was taken unawares, Ranma pushed Motoki back against the door with a thump and pulled his jeans down all the way so that Motoki knelt with his arms and head against the door with his ass upraised.
Noting what position he was in, Motoki began to protest until Ranma's hand once again spread his ass cheeks. The pig-tailed martial artist pulled his own jeans down to his ankles and freed his massive erection from the harness strapped to his leg. With his cock swinging at a ninety degree angle to his stomach, Ranma opened his mouth and let the frothy sperm splatter on his shaft. Rubbing the fluid all over to ensure lubrication, Ranma thrust into Motoki with one stroke.
He felt like screaming at the enormous tool lodged up his anus but stifled his cries when he remembered Usagi and Makoto just outside the door, so he took it like a man - although he did enjoy it as well. No sooner had the thrusts begun than his cock exploded to full rigidity again, pulsing and ready for action again. For a time only the sticky wet sound of Ranma's thrusts could be heard in the small storage room.
Motoki couldn't hold back his cries any longer so just settled for soft mews of pleasure as the cock ravaged his insides, his own member was coming repeatedly he couldn't stop his orgasms. His ejaculations were dripping down the door and pooling on the floor, it would be a hell of a mess to clean up. Suddenly Ranma lifted him from under the knees, bringing his body parallel to the other's washboard stomach, and carried him - spurting and crying - into the office. They locked the door soon afterward.
Usagi's eyes perked up at the sound of the door slamming shut. She finished giving the change to the little boy and closed the register, asking Makoto to take over for a second while she went to the bathroom. When she opened the storeroom door the first thing she noticed was the thick musky smell hanging in the air, it kinda smelled like !!! She turned around and sniffed a little bit more, wanting to make sure it was semen she smelled in the little room. As she closed the door the glistening fluid dripping off the steel caught her eye.
It was sperm, no doubt about it, she knew from experience with Mamoru what semen smelled, looked and tasted like. She kneeled down by the closed door and wiped a sample of the still-warm liquid off with two fingers, bringing the digits to her mouth and licking clean the milky white cum. Definitely semen, but whose? A dull thud from inside the office and a cry gave her the answer. Sneaking quietly to the door, Usagi leaned down and looked through the key hole.
Motoki's desk was set to the left of the door, facing the opposite wall, and the blonde was currently draped over the oak surface as Ranma pounded into him from behind, pulling most of his long member out of his partner before thrusting all the way back in again. Usagi gasped at the spectacle before her eye, Ranma was extremely well endowed, extremely well endowed, extremely well endowed, but besides that Motoki was gay! Motoki was gay and Mamoru always used to hang out with him she recalled that he also used to 'sleep over' at the blonde's house a lot were they lovers? She was powerless to look away, almost as if her eyes were riveted to the strangely erotic scene going on behind closed doors.
A cry erupted from Motoki's throat and a thick spurt of cum flew from the general area of Motoki's crotch (it was hidden from her eye by his arm) and splattered against the wall. Soon Ranma began mumbling something and he stiffened suddenly, his cock still buried deep inside Motoki and the blonde man screamed and came again. Usagi felt her panties grow damp from the scent of sex and the activities before her eye and held her handkerchief between her legs to sop up the spillage. Ranma grunted and pulled out, his cum pouring out of his cock like a faucet and spattering the floor with white drops of thick cream. It was finally too much for her and she retreated to the bathroom, nearly tearing off her skirt and panties and sitting on the bowl, the steady drip of her fluids echoing in the washroom. A few moments later the door opened and Motoki's voice rang out from next to the stall.
"I can't believe you did this to me." There was a rustling of cloth.
"Well, you can't say you didn't enjoy it, can you?"
"No, but now look at us, we have to get cleaned up!" Ranma chuckled.
"Hey, hey now, Moto-chan you're the only one that needs to really get clean. I'm pretty clean as it is."
"Sure, why don't you gloat some more?"
Usagi sat on the bowl and stopped touching herself, it was a western style bathroom with openings at the bottom of the stalls to see if it was occupied, evidently neither man noticed the sneakers or skirt and panties in the stall nearest to them. The sound of the faucets turning on masked the noise of her slim fingers pistoning in and out of her tight snatch. Another odd facet of western bathrooms was that the rooms were normally covered in white of black tile, rendering the entire wall reflective like a mirror. Leaning to the side and peeking through the thin opening between stall wall and tile, Usagi could see both men naked in front of the janitor's sink. They had locked the door.
Ranma was clearly the cleaner of the two with only a thin sheen of fluid on his stomach to attest to his extent in the activities. Also Usagi noticed that a thin stream of jizz dribbled out as his squeezed the base of his shaft over the sink.
"Quit being such a showoff!"
"Hey, if ya got it, flaunt it." Ranma ran the warm water hose over his genitals and rinsed the remainder of Motoki's cum from his member. Usagi began thrusting faster as he pulled back the foreskin and made sure to carefully wash every inch of his cock.
Motoki really did look like a mess. His entire front was covered in his own semen and his back with Ranma's. His firm ass (Usagi used to fanaticize about it) still leaked a bit of semen from the sizable amount Ranma deposited up there.
"You know this really hurts!"
"Just get an ice pack, you'll get used to it eventually. This is an order from your doctor, understand?" They both laughed. Ranma finished with the hose and dried himself off, handing the water to Motoki who began scrubbing off the residue. Usagi bit her finger to stifle her cry of orgasm as she came all over her hand, but now with both men naked and either drying or washing, it was too much eye candy for her to pass up to opportunity to masturbate. It had been too long since Mamoru had touched her secret place between the sheets of his bed, too long since she felt the fullness of his manhood buried deep inside her secret places
"I don't think I want to 'get used to it'."
"Fine, next time I'll let you do me, okay?"
"Uh whatever." Usagi watched as Motoki washed his penis and washed the semen from his chest. Ranma was finished drying and was getting dressed, Usagi watched, fascinated, as he tucked the hanging phallus into a harness strapped to his leg and pulled on his boxers. She licked her suddenly dry lips. Was it getting hot in here or was it just her?
"Hey Motoki " Ranma whispered and pointed at the skirt and panties in one of the stalls. He pointed them out to the blonde and both went white they'd been talking like that with a girl in the bathroom?! Usagi listened as Motoki finished washing in silence and dressed quickly. Soon both hunks were out the door and back in the office trying to clean up and Usagi was left alone with her fingers up her pussy. She continued her ride towards another orgasm with only the images and memory of the two thick cocks within reaching range and finished herself off quickly, her thin milky cum falling into the toilet.
"Usagi-chan?" Makoto knocked on the thin steel of the stall door. "Are you alright?"
"Uh " Usagi fanatically wiped herself and pulled up her panties and skirt. " Yeah, yeah I'm done." She flushed the evidence of her pleasure down the toilet and stepped out, eyeing the janitor's sink for traces of semen.
"Hey, what's that smell?" Makoto sniffed the air near the large sink. "Smells kind of like the weird candle you used to burn in your room when Mamoru came over " The brunette didn't know that the smell was really Mamoru's semen that spilled on her rug, the candle was just a weak excuse but it held rather well.
"I can't imagine what it is heh, heh really it's probably just a chemical the janitor uses." Usagi picked herself up from her facefault.
"I guess so " Her hand was resting on the rim of the deep sink, her pinkie finger almost touching a puddle of Ranma's sperm leftover from before.
She washed her hands carefully and walked back with Makoto to the counter where Motoki and Ranma were standing, each with a fierce blush from being caught red handed. Usagi blushed as well, though they didn't know it was her in the bathroom, before rushing off with a vague excuse to play games. Did Mamoru have a relationship with Motoki? Was it possible?
"So, Makoto-san, Motoki tells me you practice martial arts." Ranma gave the girl an appraising look, one with irritated Makoto who though he was doubting her abilities. She looked back at him and let her eyes roam over his body. Firm muscles, defined but not bulging, pretty face with a visible scar running by the side of his cheek, just below his eye and a subtle hint of scarring near the neck. Her eyes soon found their way to his ass and in particular the way his slacks molded to the rounded curves of his buttocks. She noticed the muscles in his legs tensing and relaxing continuously - indeed Ranma was a martial artist of the highest caliber.
"I can see you do martial arts as well Ranma-san, would you care you spar?"
"Oh no thank you," Ranma laughed and scratched the back of his head, "I'm a doctor, not a warrior." He started as if goosed and smiled warmly at the two girls, rummaging in his pockets for something. "Here, these're my cards, you can contact me if you ever need anything. My home address is also there if you ever want to just stop by and talk."
"So you're a psychologist too?" Usagi pocketed the card in her purse, watching as Makoto did the same.
"It's not my first area of expertise but I am really good at listening." Years of lying next to troubled people after they made love tended to make one understand more of the human condition. The girl he had left in China was the first to tap into this under-utilized portion of his medical training. After years of trial and error he knew exactly what to say at what time to placate his partners. He had a natural knack for listening.
It was not until three days later that Ranma received a visit from Makoto.
He had just returned home from the hospital and was settling down with a cup of tea and a pad of paper when the doorbell rang. He had intended to write back to Madame Gao and the others but if it was Chisato off early well, letters back home could wait. He stood up from his office upstairs and padded softly down the steps.
"Hello, did you get off early Chisa-" He stopped in mid-sentence as Makoto's blushing face peered out from underneath the brim of a yellow rain poncho. "Oh, hello Makoto, I thought you were Chisato. Come in, come in out of the rain."
"Th-thank you I hope I'm not inconveniencing you " She stepped up from the low cobblestone walkway to the stoop of the foyer. Her head was bowed as she passed over the threshold and into the quiet cool of his house.
"Not at all, Makoto, I just wasn't expecting you." Ranma peeled the slicker from her shoulders and revealed her plain blue and white sailor suit underneath, it was clear that she had just come from school. "Come in and warm yourself with a nice cup of tea." He gestured to the open tearoom door and she slipped inside, tucking her skirt under her knees as she sat like a good girl.
"I was expecting an apartment or something, not a whole house! Do you share it with anyone?" She accepted the tea easily and sipped politely. It was a full blend with a strange medicinal taste; trust a doctor to bring the hospital home
"No, I live alone." Ranma eyed the plastic bag sitting by her side. From where he sat it appeared to be full of vegetables but he had been wrong in the past. "So what brings you here?"
His guest blushed and looked past him to the overflowing garden. The sky was a brooding dark and in the distance she could see lances of lightening flicker up and down from Earth to Heaven. "I uh was it Chisato Mizuno you were expecting?"
"I wasn't really expecting anyone but she sometimes stops by on her way home for a cup of tea." Ranma sipped and nodded. His reading glasses were atop the cream-white stationary upstairs.
"So you must work at Juuban General?"
"I moonlight. I have very interesting skills. Sometimes Chisato asks for my expertise. How do you know Dr. Mizuno?" He really didn't pull any kind of position at the hospital, he was just another of the nameless faces, that he often went everyday spoke more for his dedication for his patients than any hope for a paycheck. In truth, he had enough money to live off of for quite a long time, not indefinitely but certainly until he found a stable position.
"I go to school with her daughter, Ami." And she gives your gynecological exams as well, Ranma mentally added. He was aware of her situation.
"I see. Well, what did you need me for?"
"I j-just came to well, I came to cook for you." Ranma's eyebrow rose in curiosity. "Well I know that Dr. Mizuno doesn't get back from the hospital until late and by then she doesn't have the time for energy to cook so I just thought "
"That I could use a home-cooked meal?" Ranma leaned on his elbows and brushed a stray strand of wet hair from her face. "That's very kind of you! There should be more nice, down-to-earth, girls like you around."
"Th-thank you Ranma."
"Unfortunately, though, I know how to cook fairly well." Makoto looked shattered at the last and her head fell forward, her bangs covering the disappointment in her eyes. "But we could always cook together. I know! Why don't you call Ami and invite her and Chisato over, we could make a real feast!"
Ranma grinned.
The grin seemed infectious as Makoto's head rose slowly and regarded his smiling face quietly for a moment. When not a single sign of ulterior motives or hurtful practical joking appeared across his utterly transparent face, Makoto brightened and grinned back.
"That's a great idea! But I think I have an even better one: Usagi lives just around the corner, why don't we invite her as well?"
"A terrific idea! You can use the phone in the hall while I get the oven lit." The pigtailed physician stood from his crossed position and popped his knees out, stretching his arms. "I'll take the vegetables into the kitchen if you don't mind."
Mako handed the full plastic bag to her host and walked back out to the foyer.
Usagi was at the house in two minutes. She had only heard the words 'feast' and 'free'.
Usagi, Makoto and Ami were chatting in the tearoom watching some kind of 'flower' anime on the TV while Ranma and Chisato were having a discreet drink in the dining room. The table had been cleaned off by Makoto and the washing finished by a joint effort of the teens which ended in a soapy water fight Ranma was glad he missed.
"Not that I'm complaining, but why the party all of a sudden? I mean, if you had bothered telling me I could have brought something." Chisato patted her full belly, Ranma's sukiyaki recipe was as superb as it had been the first night.
"I wasn't expecting to have a party either but Makoto showed up and wanted to cook for me and well, frankly it was kind of awkward having a stranger cook dinner for me alone. Then she mentioned that she knew you so "
"So you invited all of us? Really you must have realized the girl had a crush on you the first time you met! It was obvious to me and she wasn't anywhere near you!" The tall brunette had been sneaking glances at their host during dinner. As another female infatuated by the striking young physician, she recognized the agonizing lust in her eyes. Girls grew up faster these days she just hoped Ami could find someone nice like Ranma for herself.
"You should have been there while we were making the food, that girl Usagi kept finding excuses to pinch my ass really, what kind of klutz trips four times on the same piece of cucumber rind?"
Usagi sneezed in the adjoining room.
"Just forget I asked, okay?" Ranma sipped at his wine and sighed. The girls were cheering for something in the other room and Chisato had that mad gleam in her eyes.
"So how did you meet Makoto and Usagi anyway?" The short-haired doctor leaned over the table and refilled their glasses. "I hope you aren't actively trying to corrupt the youth of today."
"No, I don't need to look for it, those two grabbed my ass when I went into an arcade to say hi to a friend." Ranma frowned. Chisato's peals of laughter weren't helping his cause.
"You mean that you were ambushed by two fourteen year olds ?" Chisato managed exactly that between giggles and deep breaths.
"Hey, it's not funny!"
"Yes it is!" She took a sip of wine and almost choked as she broke down again into hysterics. "I'm sorry, it's just that that is exactly what I expected from Usagi and Makoto, they're both very straightforward girls. If they think you're cute you'll hear about it "
Meanwhile, Usagi was drilling Makoto for all the juicy details of her time spent with Ranma in the kitchen before she arrived. Did they have steamy sex on the counters? Was there anything odd in the food? The tall brunette didn't really have any clue what her friend was referring to with the latter question and wished she hadn't asked when Usagi elaborated.
"That's gross!" The Senshi of Thunder bopped her friend atop her perverted head and crossed her arms in a huff. Ami continued watching the television and sipped her cup of tea absently, trying to reconcile the thought of her mother with such a young stud as Ranma.
"Hey I wouldn't mind having a taste of what he has to offer." Usagi licked her lips and moaned appreciatively in the back of her throat, looking beyond her blue-haired friend and into the next room.
"But, Usagi, don't you already have Mamoru?" Ami felt the need to defend her mother's lover from the libido of her best friend. "On the topic of which, you haven't seen him lately, have you?"
"No, he's kinda busy with work and school for now." Usagi looked away and focused on the plate of rice crackers. Mako-chan and Ami took the hint that their relationship was on the rocks. "There's a meeting tomorrow at Rei's right?"
Her friends nodded in agreement. Rei, also, had been acting strange, making excuses not to go out with them, snapping at Usagi more and more, and generally distancing herself from the team. Just a few nights ago, Mars had called Venus a slut when she showed up too late to a daemon attack. Sure, Rei was prone to losing her temper, but even she wasn't malicious about her insults. Ami reminded herself to keep a better eye on her raven-tressed friend.
"Do either of you think something's wrong with Rei? I mean, she's been getting meaner and meaner every day and now she won't even go shopping with me!"
"I think she's just going through some personal problems we should just let her work them out on her own." Ami munched on a cracker and looked at both of her friends. It was quite odd that they were sitting in basically a stranger's house watching TV and eating crackers yet the trio didn't _feel_ odd, they felt as comfortable as if they were at home.
"What do you say girls? It's getting late." Ranma was leaning in the doorway between the two rooms, his omnipresent grin once more plastered on his face. "Makoto, Usagi, don't you have school tomorrow?"
"Hey," Usagi pouted, "why're you picking on Mako-chan and me? Ami has school tomorrow too!" Just then Chisato wobbled into view, wine glass still in hand and in the process of pouring another.
"Ami-chan, Ranma's going to let us sleep here tonight since it's almost ten and I've had way too much to drink." To capitalize her point, the elder Mizuno swooned and nearly fell backwards, in the end simply collapsing into Ranma's arms. He smiled apologetically and helped her back into the dining room where the fight for the wine bottle could easily be heard if not seen.
"Wow, Ami-chan, your mom's a lush."
"She is not! She just doesn't know her limits!" Makoto just smiled sympathetically but agreed with her blonde friend's assessment of the situation. Ami blushed as the sounds of her mother rushing into the kitchen and vomiting rather noisily into the sink penetrated and thoroughly undermined her defense.
"We'll just be going "
---The next morning---
Chisato awoke naked in Ranma's bed again, the stale tastes of semen and vomit heavy in her throat. She pulled the sheet away from her body and wasn't surprised to find her cunt still dribbling semen onto the futon. Pulling several tissues from a box by the pillows, she did her best to clean up the mess.
Down the hall, Ami was dressed in her school uniform (which she brought with her knowing full well that her mother was going to get drunk) and walked down the stairs bleary-eyed. She slept not a wink last night.
It had all begun innocently enough, Ami had rose in the middle of the night for a drink of water and had plodded down the hall to the bathroom. As she shuffled back to her guest room she heard a muffled scream and sounds of protest coming from the master bedroom. Believing incorrectly that her mother was being raped or taken advantage of while drunk, Ami had peeked in on the adults. Purely out of filial love, of course.
What she saw through the moonlit crack would haunt her until the day she too would share Ranma's bed.
Her mother's face was planted in the bedsheets, her arms trying to keep her balanced as her bottom half was suspended in midair. Ranma, naked as the day he was born, but not as well endowed, held her mother's rear end in his hands and was slowly forcing his impressive cock into Chisato's red anus. The blue-haired doctor mewed in mixed pain and pleasure, crying out as inch after lovely inch of the prick was introduced to her colon.
Ranma's hands left her hips once enough of his member was buried in Chisato to hold her up and lowered them to her pussy and breasts. One hand caressed her nipples, pinching and rolling the tight, erect little nubbins of flesh until thick streams of mucus poured from the puffy nether lips pressed to his testicles. The man finally hit bottom in her bottom and began thrusting into the clenching depths, his balls making deliciously wet slapping noises when he thrust. Chisato's voice was cracking she was bellowing so hard, her eyes welling with tears from the pain of the anal treatment yet her cries were equally encouraging.
Ami fell to her knees, unbelieving that that wanton sodomite in the magical room of moonlight was her mother, her back glistening with sweat, her mouth drooling onto the sheets, her cunt spewing thick gouts of cum from her pouting labia. Ranma for the most part was hidden in shadow, the only signs of his existence aside from the impossibly thick and long cock were soft grunts and the steady movement of his hands in and out of her mother's vagina.
Ranma pulled out of the women and stood up, his manhood glistening as if it were covered in diamonds, and ordered her to stand. When she was upright, he lay down and pulled her back into his lap, the bulbous shaft of his cock rubbing against the hardened bulb of her clit causing a piercing scream to erupt from her throat as she came, a spray of fluids ejaculating from her urethra. Before she could recover he thrust himself into her anus, the popping of the frothy sheen of Chisato's vaginal juices testifying to the tightness of the fit. He lifted her from underneath the shoulders and impaled her slowly on the horn of his sex, letting her body grow used to the thick pole inside her intestine before he fucked her like mad.
And he did fuck her like mad, make no mistake, he had her screaming for more and more as he worked her cunt with his hands. Finally, after was seemed hours to Ami (it actually was hours) he winced with a thrust and pulled her off, leaving her to stand on wobbly legs for a moment before she fell to her knees before his great organ. In what seemed the ultimate slap in the face to her own image of Chisato as an independent woman, she watched her mother fellate the monstrous prick, her greedy little mouth nibbling at the foreskin as he groaned in appreciation. When Ranma finally came, Ami wasn't surprised when he defied all the books she had read on sexual intercourse; instead of the normal teaspoon of thin and milky semen, Ranma came in an apparently unending stream of white thickness. The fluid was yellowish and thick like snot or yogurt, splashing against her mother's breasts to her delight. Ami had turned away when her mother began drinking from the tap.
Now in the light of the new day Ami's voyeurism the previous night seemed vague and amorphous, a paper devil with no more strength than an ant. It would only be during the night, when she lay awake in bed with her thighs sticky and moist, her cunt throbbing, her nipples hard and aching for attention that the specter of that night would return to haunt Ami's libido.
For the time being, though, she had school.
Ranma was cooking in the kitchen when she came down, a black apron tied in the back around his neck and a plate of fried fish in one hand made for her. Ami smiled politely at her host and took the plate, sitting down at the table and digging in as Chisato lazily plodded into the bathroom. Ranma served her a bowl of rice and soup before returning to the kitchen; he and Chisa didn't need to be at the hospital until late.
"Yes, Ami-chan?" He paused with a ladle in his hand.
"What exactly is the nature of your relationship with my mother?"
"I think you know that already from last night." Ami's rice bowl clattered to the table, her chopsticks opening and closing on nothing.
"I-I-I don't know what you're talking about, Ranma." She could feel how hot her cheeks were and wished she could look away, but looking away was tantamount to admitting defeat!
"You saw us last night, don't worry I know." He walked in and sat down opposite her, his hands laced under his chin innocently. "I hope you enjoyed the show, you know the only reason I took your mother on top was to show off for you." His damn infuriating grin was back, mocking the younger Mizuno.
"I really don't know what you're talking about, Ranma, and you really shouldn't talk like that in front of me." She was getting frightened, perhaps Ranma intended to force himself on her? If he thought he could just say a few words and expect her to put out-
"And I'd be happy to have you too if you like. Beauty must run in your family." Ranma reached out and traced the contour of her cheek, cupping the red blush in his palm.
-Than he was absolutely right! Ami felt herself lean into his touch and raised a hand to steady the much larger hand already on her face.
"I leave myself at the service of you and your mother, Ami-chan," Ranma whispered to her as Chisato's footfalls echoed in the hall.
The elder Mizuno walked into the tearoom and saw Ranma lowering his hand from her daughter's face. "What'd I miss?"
---To be continued---