1/2 Moon:

Chapter One Rewrite 7 / 9 / 2003

By Dr. Suekeiichi Kaiton

With additional material and revisions by Eric Freedman

---Kubo's Corner Market---

Ranma casually strolled down the aisles with a plastic basket held in the crook of his arm, picking up this and that, taking his time deciding what he wanted for dinner. He was impressed by the assortment of meats and fish on display and was giving serious thought to sukiyaki for dinner. So engrossed was he that he didn't notice Dr. Mizuno standing behind him until it was too late.

"Well, well, what is our resident miracle worker doing here?" Chisato placed her right hand over her mouth and giggled at Ranma's yelp of surprise. She pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose and stood waiting for her companion to get over his shock in a conservative brown skirt and light purple sweater. A khaki raincoat was draped over her arm and her feet were slightly damp from the steady drizzle outside. A fine mist seemed to hang in the interior of the market, the air conditioner's artificial temperature clashing with the warmer humid climes of the street.

Ranma stepped down from the high lip of the meat cooler and coughed quickly into his fist. He wouldn't admit to himself that the good doctor had startled him greatly. The shorter woman simply continued to smile her bemused smile and blink as he collected himself.

"Mizuno-sensei, I didn't see you there, otherwise I would have offered greetings. How are you?"

"Exhausted." She deflated and stuck her tongue out in an exaggeration of her normal post-adrenaline high soreness. She back felt like she had carried a camel across the desert and her feet throbbed dully from within her far-too small pumps. "What are you doing out? You left the hospital a few hours ago."

"I had to get some things for dinner." Ranma gestured to the vegetables and plastic package of meat lying inelegantly in his hand basket like strewn corpses. "A man cannot live on take-out alone." He lapsed into a pseudo-serious tone.

Chisato giggled again and regarded her newest acquaintance.

Ranma Saotome was perhaps no older than twenty-five with a serious face capped by a roguish mop of raven hair tied in a pigtail. A faint scar slid effortlessly down his right cheek as if someone had traced his tears with a razor. Stormy blue-grey eyes scrutinized her from behind small wire-framed glasses. He stood about a head taller than her but she didn't need to strain her neck to look up at him, rather, all the previous times they had met she had stood far enough away that she had no real grasp of his height. Now, standing nearly a foot from him, she saw that he was tall, perhaps six-one or six-two. Tofu-sempai, who she had studied with in medical school had passed him to her at Juuban because of his 'unique' talents.

Not that she believed in Tofu's crazy notions of ki but Ranma had managed to diagnosis and treat three separate cases of certain terminal cancer and caused one patient's HIV to lapse back into remission. There was no scientific basis for Ranma's abilities yet she and her two nurses, Machiko and Chiho, had witnessed a faint blue glow when he touched the patients; inconsequential by itself, but fascinating nonetheless.

"How about you?"

"Hmm…?" She was broken from her musings by his query.

"What about you? What are you doing here, Doctor?"

"Just looking for something instant, I don't have the patience or energy for anything else tonight. My daughter, Ami, she usually does most of the cooking because with my long shifts…well, you get the idea…" Chisato noticed for the first time the decided lack of a wedding band or engagement ring on Ranma's hand. Her interest in him switched tracks and gained speed. "…but she's sleeping at a friend's house tonight." Her face moved to an expression of eager longing and anticipation, waiting for him to take the bait…


…She had a bite…

"You know…"

…It was a big one…

"You can join me for dinner if you like, I have no other plans."

…And she had him! Hook, line, and sinker!

"Oh, well, I wouldn't want to intrude…" She fidgeted with her coat, eyes studying him, waiting for a more forceful invitation. Dr. Chisato Mizuno was much slyer than most people gave her credit for…

"Don't worry about it! I hope you like sukiyaki!" He waggled a finger at her and dropped another few packages of meat in his basket. He offered his arm in playful courtesy and was gratified when she accepted it, smiling at him from behind her thin frames. "Will you accept this student's invitation, teacher?"

" 'Teacher?' If anyone's going to be learning in this relationship, it's going to be me! I still don't know how you did it, but I'll find out." She smiled at him and was gratified when he smiled back. Beneath her cool exterior, however, her mind was going insane trying to understand the flutter of her heart, the changes in her body temperature, the tingling where their skin met, and did she just say 'relationship'?!?!? "I'd be honored to dine with you, Ranma."

---Saotome House---

They reached his house in a little under five minutes, filling their walk through the drizzle with small talk ranging from Tofu to the hospital. When they reached his house, a traditional home with blue roof tiles and a wooden fence surrounding the grounds, she was astounded that he could afford such a large building. She immediately thought he lived with his parents or siblings or relatives; the price of land was skyrocketing in Juuban.

"Do your parents live with you?"

"No, I live alone." He shifted the plastic bags from his right hand to his left and fished in his pockets for the keys, succeeding in juggling the groceries into the house and down the long hallway to the kitchen. "You can hang your coat in the closet to your right if you like."

Chisato was thus left alone in the foyer of the Saotome house, listening to the rustle of plastic and the domestic sounds of cooking begin behind the short curtain separating the hall from the kitchen. She could see the bottom half of Ranma's body in front of the counter and couldn't help but notice how tight his behind looked as he squatted to reach into a lower cabinet. She broke her gaze away and hung her coat, stepping out of her shoes and into a pair of guest slippers.

"Is there anything I can do?" The foyer consisted of a stone entryway with a dark enameled wood shoe rack and a tasteful side table where Ranma had thrown his keys. A Chinese vase, porcelain if she wasn't mistaken, was filled with dried flower stalks and sat dejectedly by the stairs past the right-hand closet. To her left was a darkened room.

"There's a water heater in the tearoom, the first room to your left, you can make the tea if you like." He was chopping the scallions and cabbage. A steady series of metal clacks and raps echoed through the empty house and the sizzling of spiced meat filled the air, Chisato's mouth began to water and not just for the sukiyaki. She slid open the door and fumbled against the left wall for the light switch. Finding none, she shuffled cautiously into the room but still managed to bash her shin on the low table in the centre of the room, still, she found the pullcord for the overhead.

As the soft glow of the iridescent ring floating above her head cast the room into sharp relief she realized just why it felt so comfortable in the house, he had central air set to a moderate seventy to offset the humid warmth of the fading days of summer. She supposed that Ami would be going back to school soon, it was hard to believe her little baby girl was almost ready to graduate! Crossing to a tall bookcase, she found the large water heating thermos and the empty tea and cups sitting on a deep shelf. Unscrewing the tin container of tea, she sniffed the leaves and was surprised that she could not identify the blend; still, she measured out the crumbled leaves and filled the lacquered pot.

"Anything else?" Her stomach was beginning to reawaken from it's forced hibernation, gurgling and churning as the delicious spiced scents wafted in the air conditioned room.

"Na, just relax, sempai."

"I wish you wouldn't call me that," she sat at the low table and folded her skirt under her knees with a soft scrape of nylon, "it makes me feel so old!" And it did too. She was only thirty-four, still within the prime child-bearing age and there was not a hint of sag or wrinkling on any part of her body. The leers the grad-students still gave her assured Chisa of the truth of her inner voice. She still had her looks, her mind, the only concession she made was her short hair, a necessity since she didn't have time to waste on styling, but even then she was gratified to notice that Ami had adopted the same style.

"No, you're still young and beautiful, a man would be crazy not to notice!"

"Flattery will get you nowhere." She poured two cups of tea and leaned back on the palms of her hands, feeling the reassuring smoothness of the tatami mats beneath her nails.

Ranma appeared in the doorway with a hotplate and dishes of meat and vegetables balanced in one hand and a rice-cooker in the other. "Oh really? We'll just have to test that theory…"


Chisato lay back after they finished their meal and ran a hand over the noticeable bulge in her stomach. She hadn't meant to eat that much but the spices Ranma put on the meat, the way each morsel set her tastebuds on explosions of delight, well, she ended up eating the lion's share of the sukiyaki that night. She burped unladylike and covered her mouth, blushing, as Ranma started laughing. He was clearing up the table. It was odd but she didn't have any feelings of shame or embarrassment at eating with a complete stranger. Not that Ranma was a complete stranger, they had been working together off and on for the past month or so, but she still knew very little about him.

"So you liked my sukiyaki recipe, hmm?" He smirked and lifted the hotplate out of the way, whisking her dish and chopsticks into his arms before he disappeared back towards the kitchen.

"My compliments to the chef." She suppressed another burp and sat up, reaching for her teacup. She found that it settled her stomach even though it tasted very odd, not bad, just odd.

Ranma returned quickly with two glasses and a bottle of beer. "Nothing beats cold beer after sukiyaki." He poured for her and they toasted to newfound colleagues. Chisato gulped the amber liquid down quickly and hiccuped before staring at Ranma across the table with her hands holding up her head.

"So tell me, how did you really know those two had malignant tumors?" Ranma gulped down his glass and refilled both, sitting back on his cushion and regarding her coolly. "And don't give me any of Tofu's crap about 'ki' and the life-force of all things."

"It isn't crap, Mizuno-san-"

"Call me Chisato."

"-Chisato. There is life in everything and anyone with the proper training and discipline can harness the very flow of the planet's energy." He sipped at his beer, watching as she did the same, neither showing any ill effects from the strong alcohol they were drinking.


"Here." Ranma raised his right hand and closed his eyes. Chisato stifled a scream as his hand was engulfed in blue flame, his hand containing and controlling its ebb and flow. He opened his callused palm wide and the flames coalesced into a tight sphere of light. "This is my ki. Now this is only a fraction of it, a demonstration of my control if you will, because if I didn't have firm control this entire house could burn up in an instant."

"It burns?" Her eyes sparkled in the ball's eldritch light. She wanted to reach out and touch it, the soft pulse hypnotizing her.

"If I want it to, right now this is just light, you can even touch it if you like." He wasn't surprised when she immediately darted a hand out and tentatively touched the sphere.

"It's like putting my hand in warm water…"

Ranma smiled and invoked the Soul of Ice.

"Oh!" Chisato yanked her hand out quickly and clasped it within the other, rubbing her palms together. There was a fine layer of frost on her skin; luckily, though, the tissue wasn't damaged. "How did you do that?"

"Ki can be influenced and manipulated by emotions, if there are no emotions ki can become as cold as the void of outer space." Ranma withdrew his hand and made a fist, crackling the ice surrounding it and grasping his teacup to warm the frigid flesh. "Doctor Tofu believes that this technique, the Soul of Ice, can reach absolute zero; although it would probably kill the practitioner."

Chisato was still scrubbing her hand, trying to pierce the shell of cold that froze her bones.

"Let me help you with that." Ranma stood and crossed the table, settling next to her, his hands encircling hers. She pivoted her eyes and saw his intent gaze fixed on her blue appendage. She could feel his warmth through their clothes, could feel the coiled muscles in his arms and chest flex as he leaned into her, the touch of cloth-on-cloth enflaming her body.

Well…Ami _had_ been making discreet inquiries into her sexual lifestyle, her usually timid daughter stating quite frankly that she needed companionship, even if it was a passing or casual fling. Chisato wasn't exactly disagreeing either; she had taken a lover or two from the grad students over the years since her daughter's birth and dallied with the odd administrator or colleague. She had even gone so far as trying to seduce Tofu at one point (and boy was that a nightmare…thankfully he didn't seem to remember any of her rather elaborate striptease) but she stayed away from anything serious. Yet, with his ki-infused hands messaging the chill from her bones, with his breath warm and silky soft over her collarbone, the breeze drifting down the 'V' neck of her blouse, she found it hard to come up with an excuse not to bed her new apprentice.

Think…there has to be something…anything!

Answers were as scarce as droplets of water in a desert, her entire mind was focused into the stimulus of her body on his, the rough feel of his hands on her wrists; the way that his hand moved to cup the small of her back, sending ripples of acquiescing pleasure through her buttocks and thighs to the junction of her sex. The wiry sleek blue pubic hair dampening as her ardour rose…

"Ki can be used to heal as well as hurt, it has infinite uses in the medical profession; that was the main reason I chose this particular field since I have an extensive history in ki manipulation - particularly the tantric positions." Ranma let go of her wrist, turning to look her in the eyes, her cerulean tang of ocean mirrored in his like storm clouds under glass.

Chisato was silent as they looked into each other, feeling the subtext to their whole relationship dissolve in a fraction of a moment as his hand dipped lower and cupped her ass through the itchy wool of her skirt. As his electric touch dissipated, swallowed eagerly by her traitorous body, her lips opened in fumbling, shaking words. "What…what else can you do?"

Ranma fixed her with a wry smile and plucked her glasses from off her stunned features. As he rubbed her cheek through the brown material, her heart was beating fit for doomsday as those digits met the hem of her skirt and proceeded past their flimsy boundaries.

"Anything you like."

---The next day---

Chisato found her clothes neatly folded and pressed by the bed they had lain in, the covers still moist with their mutual discharge. The sun had not yet risen when her eyes opened onto the mockingly smug blurring of early morning consciousness. She had no idea that she wasn't simple walking across her own floor until her knee hit a low dresser by the door, the sharp intrusion of wood into her system all that was needed to jumpstart her mind to full cognizance. Her eyes, previously blurry and swimming with teary fluids, sparkled and turned to icy blue in an instant - the same instant the pain reached her conscious mind.

She fell unceremoniously to the carpet, her legs wobbly as uncooked soba noodles as she flailed and screamed. There was no need to make such a production, though, because she merely fell back into a pile of blankets and sheets off to the side of the door, evidently Ranma's laundry corner. Her breasts were mashed uncomfortably to her chest and the nipple protested her introduction to the rough weave of the tatami mats. It was then, as she lay stunned but wide-awake on the floor of Ranma's bedroom that the events of the past night came flooding back in a wave of pain crashing against her crotch and ass. A bitter taste pervaded her throat as well, she didn't need complicated equipment to realize that the chalky, salty taste in her mouth that seemed to rebel and echo against her tastebuds was nothing less than Saotome's semen liberally caked to her esophagus and stomach.

They hadn't used protection.

Not that any condom she knew of would hope to fit his prodigious endowment. She slipped a finger down to her crotch and wasn't surprised to discover her canal was still gaping from the luxury cruiser that battered her locks the night previous. She winced but decided that it was a good wince, a wince that was equal parts satisfaction and agony. You didn't need to be a doctor to know that more often than not pain went hand-in-hand with pleasure. It would not, however, be a pleasure to be sitting down or walking that day.

"I see you're awake, you make a dedicated physician." Ranma opened the sliding door and stepped inside. "But…you shouldn't be up and about in an unfamiliar house naked. As your host and boy toy, I wouldn't want to see you injure your beautiful body. I've drawn a bath for you, breakfast will be served in a half an hour, that should give you time enough to relax and unwind." Ranma gestured towards her clothes before turning back towards the hall. It was then that she noticed he was wearing nothing except the black apron tied above his behind. "I took the liberty of using an old Chinese herb in your bath, it should help with the soreness." He walked back down the hall.

Chisato stood up and boggled. Had she really managed to fit all that inside her last night? Had she been drunk or just stupid? If it hung down to his knee flaccid…Kami knew how long or thick it became erect. She shuddered and realized that instead of complaining about her open and oozing orifices, she should be thanking whatever gods that watched over her that Ranma hadn't split her open.


Urd sneezed all over her console and closed the window before opening it clean. She promptly went back to leering over Ranma's performance the previous night.

As her avatar he had to be an extremely enthusiastic lover.

Just not _that_ enthusiastic…

Urd's crotch hurt just watching his tryst with Chisato Mizuno.


Chisato strolled into the tearoom / dining room toweling her hair dry. She sauntered in garbed only in a white yukata she'd found set out in the anteroom to the furo proper. With her morning bath and ablutions complete (not to mention a long look in the toilet mirror at her sore genitals) she was ready to tackle the day.

Ranma had set the table with soup and grilled fish. He was in the process of carrying in the rice cooker when she sat and began to eat with a passion.

"I'm glad you like my cooking."

"Well," she managed in-between bites of fish and loud slurps of soup, "I don't cook and Ami's is serviceable at best. This is the first decent breakfast I've had in the past week!"

"And you certainly need your energy back after what we did last night." Ranma scooped out a bowl of rice and held it out, sitting down opposite the elder woman and digging into his own breakfast. He was dressed this time and she could just see the outline of his harness through the taut fabric of his pants as he knelt. She blushed at her remembrance of a certain greedy woman unbuckling the clasps with her mouth last night in a mad rush to taste his organ.

"Ah…about that, Ranma…"

"Let me guess: we have to keep our relationship secret lest you become discredited in the eyes of your colleagues and the hospital administration?" Ranma recited it drolly from behind his rice bowl, eyes closed.

"Well…well yes, I don't want anyone to think I'm a slut or something."

"If anyone were to call either of us a slut, it'd most likely be me…and they'd be right." Chisato's eyes went wide at the last. He had just admitted to sleeping around and they'd fucked repeatedly last night with no protection! "Don't worry, I'm clean. I was tested when I entered this country."

"I thought you said you were Japanese?" Chisato had put down her chopsticks and was sipping at her tea distractedly.

"I am, but I spent most of my life in China." Ranma, too, had stopped eating and looked at her over his hands as his elbows rested on the table. "Perhaps I wasn't very clear last night. You see…I was the premier male escort of Hong Kong until a few months ago…"

---The Mizuno House---

Ami was worried about her mother. Chisato had been moping and mumbling to herself all day. She suspected that her mother had been doing the same at work that morning and that someone had sent her home for her own good. The blue-haired fourteen-year old was watching the elder Mizuno pour tea from a copper pot in the kitchen, completely missing the clay pot and spilling water into the sink.

Ami suspected it was a man but didn't press her mother for details, rather, she simply stood back and watched her parent slowly grow more discombobulated until she all but fell apart on the livingroom sofa.

It was funny…but in a really pathetic way.

She recognized the signs easily enough: the sighs, the longing looks, the absent-mindedness…all were behaviors she was used to seeing in Usagi whenever Mamoru stopped by one of the Senshi meetings. Still, it was nice to know her mother still had hormones left in her body after being celibate for so long. If Ami didn't find a boy soon she'd be declared celibate herself by her friends, and she'd be the first to tell you it wasn't for lack of trying.

Ami Mizuno, at the age of fourteen was mousy-looking with blue/black hair and glasses. Considered by the rest of the Inners as their charity case, she had gone on more blind dates than she cared to count - usually doing nothing but stuttering and blushing through hellish nights of movies and dinners. It wasn't that she wasn't attracted to the boys, rather it was their own inexperience that damned their chances, they simply weren't sure of themselves. Ami was far to shy to lead a boy and direct the flow of their romance, she needed a _man_, like Mamoru for instance, who was experienced and could lead her through their romance. In short, she needed an experienced lover, a man.

Forgetting her mother's strange behavior, Ami walked back into her room and locked the door. Sitting at her desk with the blinds closed and the Mercury computer open she allowed herself to lose herself in the oily, sticky rhythm of slender fingers and yaoi images she'd hacked from hentai sites.

Not the most dignified use for the Mercury Computer's decoding programs but perhaps the most useful.

Especially useful for extremely frustrated fourteen-year old girls with father issues.

Elsewhere, Minako Aino slipped from the window of her home and sped down the rooftops in senshi disguise. To anyone casually observing her trek, she would have appeared as a beautiful thirty-year old roof hopping martial artist, not the naïve and horny teenager she was in reality. Being the Senshi of Love had its ups and downs to be sure; Minako was suffering from a buildup of feelings brought on by her powers supplemented by her already raging hormones. Her powers directly affected her libido she'd noticed the first month after she awakened. She'd bought her first little 'toy' a few weeks later but found it was no substitute for the real thing. Thus, at the tender age of fourteen, Minako Aino was deflowered by a thirty-year old professor of Psychology at Tokyo University. It wasn't his fault in any way, she had used the disguise pen by that time and so had appeared as a twenty-five year old (her victim's preferred age).

The day was turning rapidly to dusk as she slipped from roof to roof atop wires and clothes-lines looking for a suitable man to slake her lusts. She found it was convenient of Luna to issue disguise pens as they made her nights out easier, it wasn't like any self-respecting man would think of bopping a fifteen-year old (although some can only fantasize) but she found they had no such qualms regarding a firm-breasted twenty-something. Blast the horny man with a dose of Venus Planet power and they could fuck her all night, which was precisely what Minako encouraged them to do.

It wasn't that she was a slut, although many of her actions could be considered sluttish, it was just that she liked pleasure. Every few months her powers would explode after her period and she'd become so horny that it would drive her to unbelievable lengths to satisfy her lust. Thus, she roamed Juuban at all hours of the day looking for cute hunks to proposition, her panties were soiled already with the ideas floating around in her sex-addled brain. There were so many positions to explore, so many men in the world and so little time.

If only she could find the 'Ranma' her lusty heart craved.

Supposedly he had been the hottest commodity in Hong Kong. Tales had spread far and wide that he was the consort to the President of China's wife and daughter, that he had pleasured the Empress of Japan herself, and that his sexual prowess was second to none. After she first heard of his exploits through several less savory magazines, Minako's mouth watered with the possibilities. It didn't hurt that he was said to possess genitalia rivaling those of top stallions, hence his name. A passing plane broke her libidinal musing and she continued jumping from the rooftops until her magically strengthened heels dug into the grimed concrete of the Juuban General Hospital.

However, 'Ranma' disappeared from China soon afterward the article saw printing and Minako could find no trace of his whereabouts, even going so far as to use Ami's Mercury Computer to search in classified and censored documents. Her hopes of bedding 'Ranma' were crushed. She ducked behind the shadow of the air conditioning condensers and pulled out her henshin pen, dissolving the glamour erected over her features for a moment before another took its place. In Venus' stead stood a twenty-something nurse dressed primly in bleached white. Out of all her myriad costumes, the nurse's outfits were always her favorites, there was just something so dirty about clinical people…

Looking carefully from side to side, Minako slid deftly into the stairwell down from the roof and passed two nurses on their way up for a smoke. She smiled and waved, one of the two, a taller brunette paused in her rummaging to smile and wave back, a Virginia Slims crammed in the cleft of her lips. Neither knew the other, but in the closed system of a Hospital, one could use all the help they could get. The disguised Senshi / schoolgirl continued on her way down the stairs, thanking the Kami for her brilliance.

It was a plan simple in its perfection: disguised as a nurse (one particularly attractive and willing to put out as it were) she could have all the eligible bachelors she wanted as well as full bloodwork on each. This ensured that she wouldn't contract AIDS or herpes or anything that could otherwise ruin her fun; plus, there were always guys dying for a fuck in the hospital, not to mention the doctors.

It was an established fact that, through their good friend Ami's help, Juuban hospital was home to more hotties than anyplace in the city. It was almost like fate that all the rich, well-to-do professionals with good looks and not a lot of scruples (although more than enough scalpels Minako was apt to joke) were drawn to the hospital. Minako looked like the cat that ate the canary as she whistled her way down the ward.


"…you know you like it…raise your leg just a bit…"

Oh ho! It seemed like someone other than Minako was getting laid if the heavy breathing and muffled sounds of humping were any indication. Curious as to the participants, she skidded to a halt and stalked to the closed door from which the incriminating sounds issued. Oh, two people were definitely having sex in the office with Dr. Yumiko Uno emblazoned on the door. Minako was willing to bet that it was Dr. Yumiko herself astride the stallion.

Damn…she was getting horny again just thinking about 'Ranma'. Not to mention getting rather frustrated by the breathy moans and exquisite gasps of the woman behind the door. Peeking down the hallway both ways to make sure no one was watching and gratified that it seemed she had stopped on the pediatric ward, the halls were dark so the infants could nap in the late afternoon, she knelt by the sturdy white door and hesitantly pushed it open an inch.

Whoever the two were, Uno or not, they didn't seem to care if anyone caught them. The woman was spread-eagle on her desk but Minako was unable to see her face as the man's thrusting body was in her way. His back was to the door. His bare back.

Usually when Minako just had to fuck at the hospital with no time for planning she would part her panties and just go at it, at least if she was caught it would be easy to play it off since both parties were still clothed. These two however, they were completely naked and they left the door unlocked. She had the time to linger on the man's perfect physique now. She loved the way his shoulder blades came together when he thrust and leaned over the woman, and the way his buttocks tightened (Minako loved her men with tight asses, she wouldn't have them any other way) when he drilled the squishy-sounding cunt of the good doctor. Now that the door was open she could hear all of Yumiko's enthusiastic encouragement, all her little mews and gasps, all actions punctuated by the liquidic slap of flesh on flesh.

The Senshi of Love shed her panties in an instant and was running her sweaty fingers over her clit when the sound of footfalls echoed in the darkened hall. Not really understanding why, she gave the door a mighty kick and leapt away from the doorframe. The loud bang was enough to dislodge the two lovers who quickly covered themselves, the older woman (she was around thirty-five, he was in his twenties) pulling her panties back on from where they dangled almost pornographically from one of her ankles. The man was dressed in a matter of minutes, clinching his tie firmly as his companion was finishing the buttons on her crème silk blouse.

Minako watched them hurriedly place themselves in the room, the woman writing at her desk while the man leaned easily on the filing cabinets on the other side of the room. Since the hall was dark and the inside of the office was brightly lit with sunlight, the rays of illumination spilled out into the hall and caused Minako to view the inside of the office as a dreamlike mirror of reality, a television serial full of intrigue and sex. The footfalls were coming closer; it was amazing the acoustics the hallways of the hospital produced.

Finally, as the female doctor inside the office with the open door was just beginning to really write something on the blotter of her desk, Mina saw the man to whom the prissy, small-man gait belonged.

He was about the woman's height, say five-eight, and stood straighter than a pike, his legs propelling him at a ridiculously exaggerated pace. He looked stupid, Minako concluded, walking faster than his feet could propel him, like he was always in a frightful rush. He was dressed in an expensive suit and carried a bouquet of flowers by his side. His thin, black hair was clipped short and stood out in all directions. He was not Japanese.

"Burning the midday oils, my dear?" He swept into the room and bowed like a performer from fifty years ago, a ludicrously low bow from the waist that spoke of fawning and prattle, of polite applause and secret shames.

"Chan! You startled me!" The woman, Yumiko, set her gold plate ballpoint pen down on her blotter and ran a hand through her dark brown hair. The man offered her the flowers. Minako growled, already disliking the obsequious nature of the woman's husband, what woman would put herself in a relationship with such an oaf, and a gaijin oaf at that?

The answer came to her quickly. A woman who didn't know what she was getting into…an arranged marriage? In this day and age? Who would be stupid enough to do such a thing?

Deep in a Chinese installation for political prisoners and foreign criminals awaiting extradition, Genma Saotome paused in nursing his abused anus and sneezed.

Soun Tendo, patriarch of the clan Tendo, and one of only three individuals that practiced the Anything Goes School of martial arts, sneezed into his soup.

Nodoka Saotome, on her way to free her errant husband paused in admiring the stewardess's…assets…to sneeze. The flight attendant in question asked if she was alright and was flabbergasted when the bizarre auburn-haired woman inquired as to her marital status. She did have a manly son who could do with a concerned and polite wife. Said stewardess simple sweatdropped and informed the crazy woman that she was spoken for (even though she wasn't) to which Nodoka responded by giving the girl her card with the instructions to call if things didn't work out and she wanted a real man. The flight attendant politely declined and decided not to talk to the woman in B5 until they landed in Hong Kong, if at all…

Back in Juuban General's pediatric wing, Dr. Yumiko Uno (doctors always kept their maiden names) stood up from behind her desk and gestured to the man. Minako could barely see the sleeve of his lab coat as it stuck out from the doorframe.

"Chun, this is Ranma Saotome, he's just joined us from China. Ranma, this is my husband, Chun Wai-Shun."

"Pleasure to meet you," Ranma remarked in mandarin, "your wife has many good things to say about you."

"Likewise," Chun replied in Japanese, "although you don't need to impress me with your mastery of my native tongue."

Minako could feel the tension rising in the air. Chun was obviously jealous and suspicious of his wife and the handsome stranger, with good reason Minako mentally added. The two men were simple staring at each other. However, in one instant, Chun Wai-Shun was staring at her, Minako, as she stood in the shadows of the hall.

"Is it normal for nurses to be standing in the hall?" The bitter Chinese man asked, pointing a thin finger at the disguised Senshi.

Minako stepped out of the hall and into the harsh electric light of the office, hands clasped and resting on the front of her pristine skirt, biting her lip nervously for effect. She was, if nothing else, a superb actress. "Doctor Yumiko, I'm sorry! I didn't want to interrupt you but one of the infants in ward C is rather ill." There was no ward C but the two doctors, Ranma and Yumiko looked grateful for the diversion. The brunette let out a breath she didn't even know she held and rushed from behind her desk.

"Oh my, that one has been having trouble breathing recently, I'm sorry dear but I don't have time to talk right now! I'll see you at home tonight!" She hurriedly threw on her lab coat and dashed down the hall towards the observation room. Chun watched her go, his hand held out in unvoiced protest and slowly set his jaw.

"It was…nice meeting you, Saotome," Chun said in Chinese, "I figure I'll see you around." There was clear suspicion in his voice now, dry and brittle like stale rice crackers. He turned and stalked out of the office, his officious little gait once again echoing through the cavernous corridors.

"That was close. Thanks for the save." Ranma sighed and sat down in the single chair opposite Yumiko's desk, the one reserved for patients.

"It was really nothing, I just…I had a hunch you two didn't like one another." Minako didn't need to fake the trilling nervousness in the back of her throat, she was sweating just standing in front of him with her head bowed respectfully.

"I didn't mean that, I meant when you warned us someone was coming down the hall." Ranma reached a hand out and swung the door closed with a startling crack of finality.

Minako's eyes dilated with the shock, a response Ranma interpreted as proof of his words. He stood up and grasped her shoulders, scaring her out of her little dream world. "I know you saw Yumiko-chan and I fucking," the swear seemed to slap her in the face, "and I know exactly what you want, and I can give it to you…for a price."


"What was that? I can't hear you very well." Ranma smiled and tipped the shell-shocked girl off her feet and into his warm and thoroughly inviting arms. "When is your shift?"

"Fridays at five." It was the earliest she could get to the hospital after school let out.

"Until what time?" Ranma's hands were roaming all over her body and she shivered with delight at the feel of his rough hands on her (pseudo)skin. He was well aware of the effect he was having on the horny little nurse and smiled warmly.

She decided to take the offense. "Until whenever you want me to leave." She flashed him a sultry smile and grinned as he returned it, the two were naturally playful it seemed. "I could go home at three in the morning if there was some…emergency…you needed my assistance with, and I really don't need to go home if you need me all night." Minako grinned through the magic of her glamour and placed her hands over his, leading them towards more…fruitful pastures.


Ranma rinsed the soap from his body and leaned forward into the steaming spray of water. He hoped she would remember their 'date' next Friday, she was easily one of the best lays he'd had since returning from China. Stretching, he rinsed between his legs and shook the lather and water from his member.

After rinsing, Ranma sat down on a cold steel bench that made his testicles pull up and tighten in the locker room and contemplated exactly why he was still doing what he was doing. Why had he propositioned that nurse? Well, it was certainly a good time, but why? Was he getting too used to the constant sex? No matter, he'd just continue to do what he did, after all wasn't he the best sex partner in the world? Gao had trained him well, he knew how to expertly pleasure anything male or female and, in cases that warranted it, the ultimate ability in his martial arsenal…

The ability to paralyze the victim in pleasure.

Still he felt guilty over ruining Yumiko's marriage, especially since he ruined it before it ever happened, a one night stand in Hong Kong before she and Chun tied the knot. Her closest friends had taken her to the Madame and pooled their money into quite a considerable sum, just enough to ensure his particular services. They had lain together that night and the morning of her wedding, when she was dressed in virginal white and bathed in white of a different shade in the anteroom before she walked down the aisle. Still, there was nothing that could be done, she was promised to the goof Chun Wai-Shun and his family had already accepted her dowry. After the ceremony, one of those Christian affairs with white lace and a priest, Ranma had thought they had seen the last of one another.

He should have learned by now that no relationship of his could be resolved so easily.

When he returned to Japan with a letter of recommendation to one Tofu Ono, a traveling martial artist and chiropractor, he still hadn't given the lusty and tight Yumiko a second thought until she was blowing him in a janitorial closet on his first day at Juuban General. Their affair blossomed from there. He wasn't paying attention to the stares of the other male staff members when they got a good look at the harness he wore to keep his manhood in place, only interested in putting his clothes back on and getting a drink.

A few minutes later Ranma sat down in a bar next to a bishonen blonde and ordered a vodka gimlet. He felt rather spent since most of his days at the hospital were spent using ki to destroy tumors or diagnose illness. The interrupted tryst with Yumiko and the real thing with the busty nurse had refilled much of what he had lost but he was still dragging. Perhaps he wouldn't abstain from sex after all, it was a viable way to refill his ki and keep it under control. As a master of tantric positions and pleasure, it was no surprise that he could siphon life force from his partners. Besides, how else could he possibly fill his ki reserves with massive amounts of power? He liked it too he admitted guiltily…

The bar was situated in a nice restaurant. Hazy with smoke and quiet despite the whispered conversations, it suited him fine. The bishonen next to him turned on his stool and Ranma got a good look at him, pretty face with a slim figure. The stranger's eyes wandered down to Ranma's crotch and the pigtailed man felt the younger boy's hand come to rest on his thigh. He smiled at the blonde's blush.

"You wouldn't happen to be looking for companionship tonight would you?" Ranma asked as the prettyboy's eyes rose from his trousers. "No need to be so shy there…I'm sure we can have some 'fun' if you want to, don't you?"

"D-d-do you want to come back to my place?" The blonde stuttered out as he looked down at the floor, his hand hadn't moved from Ranma's inner thigh.

"Sure." Ranma finished his drink quickly and paid for the both of them. Together the handsome pair walked out of the bar and towards the Crown arcade centre.

Later that evening, Ranma let Motoki's body fall from his lap, satiated and tired from the night's exertions. The pig-tailed man withdrew from his lover and lay back on the foreign bedsheets, sweat mingling with Motoki's ejaculate and the stale scent of sake. The blonde simply moaned and licked at a stray dollop of Ranma's cum on the sheets.

That evening, Minako Aino slept the sleep of the secure and satiated. She had found her 'Ranma' and all was well.

That evening Chisato Mizuno checked to make sure her daughter was asleep; Ami snoring softly under her multitudinous blankets. The elder woman clicked shut the door and walked briskly to her bedroom, locking the sliding door firmly behind her. At last she slumped to the floor, her hands pumping furiously between her legs and mewed softly in rapture. For a time only the barely audible sloshing of her fluids could be heard, followed shortly by a low frequency buzzing and her frantic screaming.

---To be continued---