Disclaimer: These characters in no way, shape or form belong to me. I have no money and thus suing me would get no one anywhere except maybe I'd have a lovely nervous breakdown. I in no way agree with the actions portrayed in this fic. People who commit crimes like this should have their eyes burned out with hot coals; however, it is necessary to the fic that this occur.

Primary Note: I've edited this for content (only a paragraph but it makes a big difference!) because it made me very uncomfortable, as I'm sure it has others. Don't expect to ever see it in its original form from me again because I can't bear it ^_^;;

Father Figure

 I will be your father figure/Put your tiny hand in mine/I will be your preacher, teacher/Anything you have in mind."
-- George Michael, "Father Figure"


"You've been havin' it way too easy lately, Ranma m'boy. "

The words reverberated in the young man's mind relentlessly, hardening his jaw as he listened to the adults blather on about "training" and how important it was and yatayatayata.

"So quit talkin' and start trainin', " he murmured resentfully, crossing his arms over his chest. He heard Happosai blathering on about something and only halfway listened to the rest of the conversation. It was at that moment that his father's words hit him like a brick.

"I think you're in need of some re-education, boy. "

The first time Ranma had heard those words, he had been thirteen. It had been years since he'd seen his mother and he was having an extraordinarily BAD day. Between the girl riding the large pig that had stomped it's way right over him and the girl with green hair that had *zapped* him as she flew past chasing some boy with brown hair, it just wasn't Ranma's day.[1]

And it was about to get worse.

Genma was lazing about near the campfire (already a little too close to drunk on the sake to make Ranma comfortable) and glaring at Ranma through the flames. Ranma had seen that glare before, usually before his father's temper blew up at him, and thus he was being especially careful not to do anything to rouse the large man's ire.

Not that Genma really needed anything, of course. He'd find something, shortly. One way or another.

"Who was that boy I saw you walking with the two days ago, Ranma?" came the unexpected question.

Ranma's sapphire eyes flew open wide as his head shot up. "What boy, Pop? " he asked in confusion.

"The one with the bandanna. The one that looked like he was going to reach out and hold your hand, *BOY*."

Ranma gulped. There were a lot of things in his life that he truly didn't want his father knowing anything about, and Ryouga was one of them. At first, the whole thing had been a game. Steal the bread, see who wins, winner takes all sort of thing. Then it had become excitement in the pit of his belly and then shame at what he was thinking -- until Ryouga had frightenedly confessed that he'd been having the same thoughts as well as they walked home one afternoon. Ranma spent a great deal of time guiding Ryouga about as a result...he couldn't seem to find much of anywhere on his own. Ranma knew that the risk of being caught by Oyaji was pretty much fifty-fifty, but he thought that what he had with Ryouga was worth it.

Ranma raised an eyebrow, trying to look nonchalant. "Just some guy, Pop. We spar a lot, y'know...after school and stuff. "

Ranma had thought that his excuse might be the one to back off his father's coming anger, but it only served to stiffen the older man's back, his scowl well-fixed as he rose, hand reaching to the side of him. "Letting someone subvert my training, boy? How many times do I have to tell you that a martial artist listens and learns from *all*, not just from one? Especially not some boy like _that_ one, " he seethed in disgust. "Some boy who looks like he's going to touch you as you walk down the street... queer fucker...."

Ranma paled. He knew the rhythm in these things and he just wasn't big enough yet to protect himself against what would come next.

Ranma stood clumsily, stumbling a bit across a rock that was placed near the circle of stones that made the fire ring. Genma was rising, coming closer, and in his hand was something that Ranma recognized from his earliest years on the road with his father, something that made him stiff with fear and limp with acceptance all at the same time.

"You know the position, boy. Assume it. "

Ranma carefully drew the white cotton shirt he'd changed into after school over his head, folding it with smooth, precise motions. With only a second's hesitation, he pulled off his pants as well, more jerkily than he had his shirt, the sheer humiliation of the act making him tremble, tears not far away.

He heard Genma chuckle angrily and saw him shake his head as he began to turn. "Oh, no. No, no, Ranma, m'boy. The rest of it, as well. I think you're in need of some re-education, boy."[2]

Ranma's entire body went still as he stared at his father with wide eyes, shivering in the cool night air. "Wh..what? " he stuttered softly, disbelieving as he bit his lip tightly to keep it from trembling.

"You heard me, boy. Off with the shorts. "

Ranma bowed his head, fighting somewhere inside of himself as his very soul began to shake. His fingers quivering, Ranma hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers and pulled, tugging them down over lithe hips and folding them with his pants and shirts before he turned his back to his father slowly. He felt it then -- the leather strap flying from his father's hand and wrapping around a hip to burn a welt into his tummy, just below his navel. Ranma grunted with pain and dropped to his knees, eyes dewed over with tears as he reached up, right hand flashing open, left hand grasping the right wrist in a fist as he leaned forward, forehead placed against the cool grass.

Genma grunted harshly, a foot coming between his son's knees to push them apart further, leaving certain muscles tight and offering him a view of everything the boy had. After raising an eyebrow and eyeing the boy contemplatively, it commenced.

Ranma moaned softly every so often. He could feel the welts marking him, the belt licking across the small of his back, his inner thighs, as high as his shoulders. He could feel his body writhing beneath the blows and he knew that If it went on for much longer he would embarrass himself, faint or wet the grass beneath him or vomit with the fear and the pain. It couldn't go on much longer. Surely it couldn't, or he'd pass out....

It was only then, in that moment when he thought it was finished, that he heard the belt hit the grass and heard the soft rustle of cloth...

It was over, done with. Ranma shuddered beneath the light material of his sleeping bag, his body bare and aching as he sighed with resignation, suppressed sobs rippling through him as he shook violently, only daring every now and then to glance across at the snoring heap on the other side of the fire that was his father. With feather light fingers, he reached behind him and rubbed one of the welts, tears gathering again as the pain echoed across his skin. He hurt unbearably, inside and out, and he hated his father, hated him with a passion and fervor that he knew would never fade.

Ryouga should have been here two days ago. Ranma knew that it was a mistake to let him run home by himself instead of just coming here and getting his things and leaving then, but he thought that it would be all right, that his father would remain calm and sober long enough for Ryouga to actually make his way back to this empty lot.

It was a foolish hope. Ranma knew that, now. With a rough hand, he brushed away the tears still streaming down his face. Tomorrow. They were leaving tomorrow. Maybe Ryouga would be here by then. Maybe there was still the chance to leave....

And with that thought, the exhausted young warrior known as Ranma Saotome tumbled over the edge of his enervation and into a deep, dreamless -- and, hopefully, healing -- sleep.

Ranma trounced Happosai angrily, balancing on top of the little old pervert. His anger at the remnants of that memory echoed in every bit of his flesh as he glanced up at his father, looking pensive.

"Of course, Tendo, each martial artist has his own special way of training," Soun murmured.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it, I always say," Genma responded solemnly as the two turned in concert and headed back for the house.

Ranma heaved Happosai over his shoulder to carry him back to the house, a miserably unhappy look reflected on his face. Finally, he was old enough to protect himself. Things like that didn't happen anymore and Oyaji had forgotten that it ever had. Oyaji was mostly sober, these days, and rarely got mean -- perhaps it was the panda coming out in him.

And now he had to deal with Ryouga hating him for not being there when he needed him.

"Well, old buddy, " Ranma muttered to himself, "it ain't like you were there for me, either. " With that pronouncement, Ranma walked in the back door and back into chaos.

[1] I know. The time sequence is probably a little out, but just work with me. It's an alterniverse, for star's sake..

[2] I know. I KNOW that it sounds sort of corny. But doesn't it sound sort of.. right, as well?