Fragmentation (Pt1) By TeflonBugger -- 12Mar98 ( ) Sigh.... Do I have to? Alright, here we go... WARNING! (was that good?) This is a Ranma 1/2 Lemon fanfic and deals in adult subject matter unsuitable for anybody not of sexual age (decide that for yourself), animals and small turnips. If any of these apply to you, I suggest you hit the "Back" button on your browser now as the author assumes no responsibility for mental scarring, injuries (real and imagined) or brain hemorrhoids. Especially brain hemorrhoids. Thanx and apologies to Rumiko Takahashi, who has created one of the few par excellent animes, which I have so thoroughly twisted here today. I'll be lucky if she doesn't use her Yakuza ties to send a hit squad of Ninja after me... ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ The sun rose slowly over the sprawling suburb of Nerima, casting an orange glow across the many houses and buildings, banishing the shadows in it's ancient, time honored ritual of day and night. Along with the suns appearance came sounds... The sounds of birds chirping the new day... Dogs barking at the morning traffic... The sounds of men and women journeying to work..... and the sounds of close quartered combat echoing from the Tendo Dojo. The end of a 6 foot long staff blew over the top of Ranma's head as he narrowly dodged another of his fathers attacks. He leaped back and took a battle stance on one foot, painfully aware of his proximity to the families' Coy pond at his back... "No fair, Pop! Attacking me in my sleep like that!" Genma Saotome advanced slowly on his son, twirling his staff expertly as he did. "Stop your whining, Boy! A TRUE martial artist must be prepared day or night to defend himself! I think you've been sleeping a little TOO soundly lately!" Ranma reflected cynically on that last comment. He'd sleep soundly too if he had to deal with Mousse, Kuno, Ryoga, three fiancées, a psychotic form shifting English teacher, an equally insane Principle and an old freak who'd just as soon see him in a bra, not to mention any of the multitude of random acts of chaos that seemed to plague his existence -- Everything from that lady who always managed to douse him with water to the run-ins with the "Villain of the Week"... It was no wonder that--" *WHIIIIFFF!* --The edge-on end of Genma's staff clipped his ribs. "OW!" "Haven't I told you to keep up with your practice, Boy!?!?" His father gloated, smug grin on his face. "Looks like we'll just have to work you over extra hard to make up for--" Even as Genma swept the staff in for an attack on his sons torso, Ranma was already gone, having jumped a good four feet strait up. Just as the staff began to occupy the space Ranma had vacated only seconds before, the young martial artist landed lightly on it's length, using the staff to springboard into an even higher assault, flipping mid-arc, then descending, foot poised to strike with the aid 15 extra feet of altitude behind it... *THWAP!!!* Kasumi didn't even take notice of the jarring sound as she readied the table for breakfast, Soun, Nabiki and Akane already having taken their places. Akane looked up from hers momentarily to find Ranma in his Father's headlock, Ranma himself gnawing at Genma's arm like it were a piece of meat. "Honestly... If he were that hungry..." Nabiki chuckled at her sibling... "Really, Akane, you should be used to it by now... Unless there's another reason...?" She left the implication hanging, her smile driving the barb home. "What!?!" Akane glared at her sister. "I'd sooner marry Gosunkugi than a pervert like Ranma!" Nabiki went back to her breakfast, her good deed done for the day. Akane hardly took notice. "I mean, it's not as if he doesn't have other women, that Casanova! He even has the guys chasing after him! And if he were REAL desperate, I'm sure Happosai would give him all the attention he needs!" Now Soun looked up from his breakfast, mildly alarmed at the mention of his master's name. Few things drew his attention as such... Well, ok, a lot of things drew his attention as such, but the mere mention of Happosai was tops on that list. Mentally at DEFCON 3, Soun turned his attention from the morning paper to scan the room for Happosai's presence... And found it in a small corner of the room hunched over an old parchment. Soun eyed the old man warily but Happosai never once turned his attention to the kitchen table, still engrossed in his paper. Eyeing him one last time, Soun relaxed a bit, considering his master to be well enough occupied in whatever it was to continue eating safely. Only a small and distant voice in the back of his mind wondered exactly what it was his Master was reading. The sounds of combat continued for a good fifteen more minutes as father and son leapt, dove, punched and kicked at each other in their morning exercise routine, each hurling minor insults at the other. Happosai was, however, far to busy to notice as he sat in his corner absorbing the information before him... What he saw pleased him immensely. Pretty soon I'll have all the power I need..... Happosai thought, clutching at the wilting paper. No more disrespecting young students! Or older ones for that matter! Once I perform that which is on this parchment, they will all be at my beck and call! Soon Happosai's mind was filled with an image of a harem... 50 women surrounding him, catering to his every need... To one side, Kasumi and Nabiki fanning him. To the other Ranma-chan and Akane feeding him grapes from a lacy "D" cup bra... All very scantily clad... His slaves Genma and So -- *SPLOOSH!!!!* Now there were damn few things that could have broken the old master's daydream as such, but that sound was one of them. While the sound of splashing water might mean a spilled bucket or the washing of dishes in any other household, it took on very special meaning for Happosai in this one... A high pitched female voice sounded off as a red headed Ranma-chan broke the surface of the water. "Dammit, Pop! Why do you always have to do THAT!?!" She complained as she waded to the coy pond's edge. An equally soaked panda merely sat in the pond, producing a sign with "This is all your fault!" scrawled across it. Ranma-chan began to toy with the idea of lugging the heavy rocks at the waters edge when Akane intervened. "Save it, baka! We're going to be late if you don't hurry up!" Ranma looked at her wet clothes... "We don't have time!" Akane cut off her line of thought. "We'll get you some hot water on the way like we always do." Out of excuses, Ranma shrugged, leaving the scene of battle to collect his school books. Nobody noticed the Master in the corner staring at Ranma-chan intently, his eyes tracing every curve now accentuated by her soaked clothing, nipples almost visible through her top... Happosai clutched the scroll harder now... Very soon... Oh yes.. Very soon... _________________________________________________ Balanced evenly on the high fence, Ranma kept an easy pace with Akane as the two made there way to school. Ranma breathed a small sigh of relief to finally have gotten away from the Dojo and getting his hot water. It was rapidly becoming one of his least favorite places to be anymore. Most people left their problems at work or school. HIS followed him home, to the store, to China, or anywhere else he went. He couldn't even sleep peacefully now that his Pop had decided to attack him at random in the middle of the night. Maybe it was time to invest his meager fortune (that part of his budget not devoted to keeping a certain blackmailing sister at bay) in a pack of Dozo sleeping pills from the drug store. A few of those in Ol' Pops meal and he'd be out like a light, 1/2 an hour tops. As appealing as the idea sounded, Ranma mentally scratched the it- A martial artist of his caliber shouldn't stoop so low as to drug his own father... That was about the time he remembered his father selling him for rice and two pickles. Suddenly, the Dozo idea once again gained merit. If this idea hadn't been so attractive and controversial in his mind, Ranma might have noticed an equally attractive, two wheel terror known as... *DING-DING!* *WHAM!!!* "Shampoo!" Akane exclaimed as Chinese Amazon descended out of nowhere on her bike, it's tires unerringly finding Saotome's face, taking him down from the fence and painfully depositing him onto the sidewalk below. Shampoo gracefully dismounted and bent over to look at her fallen fiancé'. "Airen!" she proclaimed gleefully as Ranma peeled the tire from his face. "Silly Ranma! This no happen if you had Shampoo to walk you to school instead of TomBoy girl!" The result was predictable. Akane fumed at Shampoo, making a comment about Shampoo and her backwater uncivilized tribe. Shampoo countered with a remark about Akane's cooking and so it went. Ranma rubbed line left on his face. This was a perfect example of his life on a regular basis. Even the people who wanted to marry him were just as likely to somehow participate in his demise as those who hated him! He briefly wondered what the life span of the average Japanese citizen was compared to his. Twenty years longer, at least! Though he complained about his lot in life much, there was a very small portion of himself that had to admit he was a lucky guy. He had friends that would be at his side in his hour of need, however grudgingly. He had three fiancées that were willing to overlook his accursed self, 2 of which would marry him on the spot if he so much looked at them wrong. What man couldn't appreciate that? He just wasn't ready for that yet. Certain things needed to be done before he could further a relationship with ANYONE... Ridding himself of a certain curse was tops on that priority list. He turned back to the escalating conflict between Shampoo and Akane. "Akane, didn't you say something about being late?" This snapped Akane out of her argument instantly. With one last glare directed toward Shampoo, she continued down the path to school. Shampoo smiled at her husband to be coyly. "You send Akane away so Ranma and Shampoo be alone?" Her meaning was unmistakable, turning Ranma's face a beet red (with dark tire streak down it, no less). "Er... No..." He explained carefully. "I REALLY have to go to school." Shampoo's face began to take on a cute pout that would torture anybody who looked upon it. "Awww.. Common, Shampoo! I promise I'll see you later!" With that Shampoo's mood immediately brightened and Ranma was soon on his way, situation successfully defused. Granted, it wasn't as if he was going to go out of his way to seek Shampoo out... Well... Maybe if he were hungry. Extenuating circumstances... The rest of the morning proceeded pretty smoothly by Ranma's normal standards. A brief run-in with Kuno ended in a foot being applied to the Sempai's face, brightening Ranma's mood considerably. After that, things were as routine as they could get at Furikan High. Normal that was, right up until about lunch time. Ranma had stopped by his locker to pick up his homework for next period when he found a small note jammed in the locker door. Unfolding the crumpled piece of stationary Ranma read: "I know about your curse and have the means to help lift it. If you are interested, meet me inside the old gym storage building IMMEDIATELY. Time is critical! --A Friend" Ranma couldn't believe his eyes... Was it possible?? A cure for the curse here in Japan!?!? Then reality set in. Yeah, right. How many times have I been through this? Six? Seven? Even if it was a real cure, it was probably a trap set by... Umm.. Any number of people actually. Ranma couldn't count them all on his fingers. But still... Even the possibility of a cure was enough for him to risk any consequences that he might bring upon himself. Shoving his books and lunch into his locker, Ranma headed off to find his cure. Happosai grinned evilly in the dim light that shown through thin, cracked walls of the old gym storage facility that was no longer in use. The bait had been laid out, the trap set. Now all he needed was his first victim. Once again, Happosai reviewed the instructions written out on the old parchment. Normally, he would never consider using a spell this powerful for his own selfish pleasure, but last weeks episode with the nerve gas really pissed him off. It was about time that both the Tendo and Saotome families relearn the meaning of "Respect". He had it once during Soun and Genma's training, but while he was away, they had grown FAR too lax. The way Genma trained and dealt with his son was evidence of that. It was high time Happosai took charge again, because he obviously couldn't entrust the Dojo in their hands. While he could not harness the massive amount of raw power the spell would produce, a mid-level demon would be summoned as a power focus, a battery of sorts that would carry out his bidding. The whole idea of demons made Happosai uneasy, but he'd dealt with them before and knew all the tricks throughout his long life. There wasn't a demon in existence that could outwit ol' Happie. *Crackle* Happosai turned his attention to the only entrance as a small twig buckled under somebody's foot outside. Thoughtfully pulling at his white whiskers, Happosai backed into the rooms shadows and waited... __________________________________________________ Ranma pushed the door open a few inches and peered inside, seeing a whole lot of dark. Another few inches and a bit more light gained him only 5 foot of visibility. Tired of this nonsense, Ranma shoved the door open, full force. Something jerked and the door swung wide. He only had seconds to realize what was happening when a huge bucket above him was tipped over, dousing him with cold water. "WHAT!?!?" Ranma-chan's voice instantly rose an octave or three. Now she was pissed and stormed into the room, sunlight pouring through the doorway, revealing the culprit. "Ranma, my boy! How nice of you to join us!" Happosai greeted him as if there wasn't a thing wrong. The Master. It figures, Ranma thought. "Let me guess. There is no cure." "Very astute observation, but the only cure you'll find here is the one for that chip on your shoulder." Happosai explained cryptically. Then from behind his back he pulled a lacy red bra, much like the one in his daydream. "Tell you what, wear this and I won't re-train you quite as ruff as I will your father." Ranma-chan's eyes narrowed on the bra. She was seething inside but managed to keep it bottled and invisible. "Oh... So you want me to wear this?" She took a step forward. Happosai nodded yes with a wide grin. Ranma-chan took the bra gently out of the old masters hand. "Is this your FAVORITE bra?" Once again the Master vigorously nodded yes, smiling like a kid. "Don't you think you'd enjoy it more if... I..." Happosai was hanging on every word. "...RIPPED IT INTO SEVERAL THOUSAND PIECES!?!?!?" And with that, Ranma-chan tore the bra in half over and over until all she was left with was several pieces of lacy fabric. "You try this same stunt DAY AFTER DAY!!! What makes you think I'm going to do it now!?!?!? Especially after you tease me with a cure!!!!" Happosai shook his head sadly. "Ahhh, tisk, tisk, Ranma. I was hoping you'd be more receptive, but, alas..." His other hand produced the old parchment from which he began reciting in a low mumble. Ranma-chan eyed him warily and took a battle stance. The Master completed the first verse and a deep purple glow erupted around him. Continuing with the second verse, the ground began to rumble with low vibrations as if it were supported by subwoofers. Upon the Third verse, wind was actually gusting up inside the room, the glow filling it with it's eerie purple light. Happosai rose his voice in the final words, the language of the scroll still incomprehensible to Ranma. Lightning flared from Happosai to every wall, somehow leaving Ranma-chan unscathed. She'd seen the Master do a battle aura before, but this was a regular light show! Finally, Happosai went silent as did everything else and he simply glared at Ranma-chan. Ranma-Chan, of course, was a little taken back by all this and glanced around the room cautiously. Nothing was different. She turned his attention back to Happosai. "Well?" Happosai, too, began to look around, then back to Ranma. "Um... Don't you want to fulfill my fondest desires?" The reaction was swift and painful. "WHAT...MAKES...YOU...THINK...I'D...DO...ANYTHING...FOR YOU!!?!?!?" All Ranma-chan's anger exploded into a viscous upper-cut, sending the still confused Happosai through the roof, spiraling into orbit. (On a side note, Moscow went to high alert a few minutes later, reportively tracking a rogue ICBM...) ...Rage vented, Ranma-chan walked over to where Happosai had dropped the parchment and examined it, only to find it written in weird symbology. With a shrug, she crumpled it and turned on a heel to leave when the ground trembled again, freezing her mid-step. Ranma-Chan slowly turned around to find the room much larger than she remembered... In fact, she couldn't see where the back wall had gone, the floor too, disappearing into shadow and darkness. This was not good, she thought and began to make a hasty exit, only to find the door replaced by solid wall. Definitely not good. Stay calm, she thought and began to examine the rest of the room in an effort to make sense of what was happening. Light no longer shown through the cracks. In fact, the cracks were gone completely, absorbed into the wall like the door had been. Even the exit hole in the ceiling where Happosai had "Departed" was now gone. Ranma- chan turned back to the void that had been the back wall. Unwilling to get any closer to it, Ranma kicked the crumpled parchment at her feet, sending it bouncing into the void only to be swallowed in darkness. Another rumble shook the ground. What was that smell? She wondered as the rumble subsided. It wasn't a bad smell... More like a musk of sorts... Actually kind of nice... Ranma-chan was about to take a step forward to see if she could place the odor when something from the void began to glow. Focusing on it, Ranma-chan watched as the reddish glow began to solidify into... An eye... Much like a cat's eye. Try as she might, it was the only feature she could see. "Um... Hello?" Ranma-chan said, hoping that somehow, an eye without a mouth would answer. No response and the odor, she reasoned was coming from the eye now, was getting stronger. She took another step and held out her hands. "I'm not here to fight you..." She offered, then shook her head in disorientation as a wave of light-headedness washed across her. Suddenly, the situation wasn't as serious as she thought and a light grin formed on her face. The eye merely stared at her. The musk grew stronger with each passing minute and with it, Ranma-chan felt happier, soon not really caring if the eye responded or not. She was only mildly curious why she was feeling hotter and hotter as well... Not that it mattered- She was happy! A small voice at the back of her mind screamed "PAY ATTENTION" but was ignored as another wave of pleasure crashed through her again... The world began to blur slightly... Had Ranma-chan been more aware, she would have noticed the walls starting to move, beginning with the shadows, spreading out to the walls and ceiling surrounding her. Her sense of balance faltered and she began to sway slightly. Now she couldn't help but to notice the walls now, giggling slightly as they rippled with life. They began to take on definition, as if interwoven by large glossy thread. Ranma-chan stumbled and weaved as she made her way to the closest wall, eager to examine it more closely... Why am I so HOT? The thought flashed through her amused mind. Not a heat hot... She focused... A physical hot... She liked the feeling that pulsed through her veins now... Her hand reached out, almost of it's own violation, touching one on glossy strands on the wall. Smooth. Slightly thicker than her arm... And so moist... Ranma-chan ran her fingers along it's visible length. Responding to her touch, part of the "thread" detached from the wall, it's studded end brushing her hand. She giggled and it continued to coil itself along her arm with light tension... The feeling of heat that was pumping through her body increased with it's touch. The high Ranma-chan was enjoying soared as she touched another of the tentacles writhing in the wall, letting it snake along her other arm. Two more found her feet and wrapped themselves around her ankles and calves. She continued to giggle as more began to snake around her belly and neck without prompting... This was making her SO hot... Why...? Now completely entangled, the tentacles lifted her body from the ground, Saotome enjoying the experience of near weightlessness, supported my the withering mass. All around her... Caressing her legs... Her thighs... Working their way under her clo- "WHAT!?!?!" Even in his accursed state, there was a part of Ranma that remained, a central core of masculinity that never could completely integrate into his changed body. The strong aroma and sheer power that came from the eye was bypassing any and all conscious thoughts, activating his female body at it's most primal of levels, steadily eating away at any barriers and altering its perception by continuously heightening her sexuality, flooding the mind with pleasure. That was, until it encountered the core. Ranma never liked being a girl and thought of having sex as one revolted him even more - Enough to partially burn away the clouds of confusion and pleasure that floated through him, snapping him back to the reality that was before: Trapped by an unknown force that Happosai had unleashed, not in some carefree world. His mental crash had only worsened his situation... Not only did he have to free himself from the entanglement he was in, he was battling his own bodies' arousal and primitive urges as well... "LET ME GO!" The red-head hollered, trying to untangle herself from the tentacles. But the job had already been too well done and once they felt her struggling, only tightened their coils around her, lifting her higher off the ground. "NO!" practically a scream, Ranma-chan was getting desperate for ideas. But what? Her arms and legs were completely immobilized and theses tentacles which were stronger than Ryoga! If she managed to piss whatever it was off, it could snap her into several pieces in a mere twitch. One the moist tentacles slipped under the T she had been wearing and slid between her breast, sending an involuntary spasm of pleasure throughout he body. In one clean stroke, the it pulled itself down, ripping the shirt away. Mentally, she wanted to resist in every way she could, but her body was already so physically aroused it began to falter, starting to ignore the commands from her own brain and responding to the ones outside her body. Panic fueling her thought process, Ranma-chan devised a last-ditch effort to break free... If I can unfocused that Ki-Blast I used to destroy Toma's island spring, the energy should be released in a sphere around me, she reasoned, ...and destroy these THINGS... Ranma began to concentrate, building up a well of power inside herself. In her peripheral vision, two of the tentacles that had been hovering near her head closed in, their studded ends folding aside to reveal three dark red digits each, much like deformed fingers. Ranma-chan lost power as her concentration faltered momentarily and tried to ignore the fingers. But they would not be ignored, moving themselves to her firm breasts to pinch and massage them. She could only gasp at the sensations that shot through her mind and body. More power was lost at the distraction and parts of Saotome's mind began to fantasize, while others suggested if she didn't resist, it would leave her alone... The Core Saotome rebelled at both segments, fighting a loosing battle. Any hope of gathering Ki lost, she once more tried to struggle. The tentacle fingers massaging her breasts reacted by finding her nipples and began to play with them, twisting, pinching and at times even sucking on them. Control eroding, a low moan issued from Ranma-chan's lips as the body experienced pleasures it had never been subjected too before. The weakened core tried to re-assert itself, biting back the moan and struggling, but it was far to weak to provide any real resistance and the most she could do was squirm, providing an even more sensual sensation in itself, the moist tentacles spreading an oil like lubricant across her body. Another unattached tentacle found the waistline of her pants and dug in, slithering down her waist and her leg, tearing the pants away in a similar fashion as the T was. Her remaining boxers provide little resistance and soon Ranma-chan's entire body felt the moist, oily tentacles slither and massage her skin and muscle. The core mind was being overwhelmed by those thoughts created from the stimulation of her body. Her own mind was turning against him! These thoughts were no longer simply "give in and maybe it'll let you go" type thoughts. These were "I want it to do EVERYTHING to me" and "I'll do ANYTHING to feel more of this" type thoughts. The same tentacle that had removed her pants now lightly grazed the lips of her vagina. Instinctively, her body tried to move itself to take it in, but the tentacles had complete control and held her in place, massaging her sex. Saotome couldn't control the load moan that escaped her this time; The stimulation from her nipples, the various tentacles tracing along her spine, massaging her calves and arms, caressing her neck, her cunt; it was all too much and the avalanche of pleasure raked across the Core, turning what was once a dominate personality into a mere shadow of itself.. Almost like an afterthought imbedded in the mind. She felt the muscles in her vagina contract and release her juice, pleasure now magnified 100 fold, sending shockwaves of pure sex through her entire body. It knew she was ready too. The tentacles that supported her legs spread them wide and the one that had been merely playing with her lips slowly pushed it's studded grey tip in. Ranma-chan's eyes rolled back as she tried to gasp for breath, it's slow penetration of her burying her under mountains of sexual euphoria. There was nothing inside her to cause dissention, to tell her this was wrong- that part had been virtually fragmented into oblivion. The only thing left for her to do was relax and concentrate on lust that was driving her higher and higher... And that's exactly what she did. The tentacle continued to push inside her slowly and she reveled in the feel of it all as it did. Could it get any better than this? She thought without guilt. It was so thick... Then she felt it encounter minor pressure inside of her, a barrier that was broken through almost as soon as she realized it was there. Ranma-chan's eyes snapped open at a sudden pain down there which was soon washed away by the continuous stimulation. The tentacle pressed in deeper, answering Ranma's unspoken question of "Could it get any better?" She reacted with a series of loud moaning, letting her eyes close once again and throwing back her head in the sheer intensity of it all. The tentacle filled her entire hole then began to draw in and out, further electrifying the experience. She could feel it's tip literally change it's shape inside her, from a dull studded tip, to studs along the entire length, to a smoother surface, then rougher one. It expanded it's width a bit, teetering Ranma-Chan on the edge of blacking out, waves of heat and lust coursing through her body like a Tsaumi swallowing a shoreline. From what seemed to be the endless supply of tentacles supporting and pleasuring her, another appeared right by her face. Even through the passion that now consumed her, Ranma seemed to know instinctively what to do, though he had never had sex as a man, let alone a woman... She parted her lips and let her tongue slide along the tentacles length as she admitted it, mildly surprised at its taste: An odd mix between Salt and Honey... The enticing mixture prompted her to explore the tentacle with her tongue, caressing the exposed portion gently with her hands... The tentacle shivered as her tongue traced one of the studs and a touch more of the strangely addictive mixture seeped into her mouth. Quickly getting the picture, she moved her tongue from stud to stud sucking down the salty-sweetness as it was produced, her unconscious mind taking queues from the tentacle that pulsed between her legs, sucked and caressed in time. It took only a short time for her to master the art, making the tentacle in her mouth tremble and spasm, each lick producing more of what she wanted. Abruptly, it seemed to buck almost violently and a huge amount to the cream poured in Ranma- chans mouth, as if a reward for her efforts. Try as she might to swallow it all down, there was simply too much and the overflow seeped down her chin and neck, flowing down her now glistening breast. Everywhere the cream touched sent a cool tingling pleasure through her skin, a sharp contrast to the waves of heat emanating from between her legs, seeming to only push the sensations she was feeling to a higher level. The tentacle removed itself from her mouth, her head lolled as the "It" continued it's sexual bombardment. The repetitions between her legs picked up in speed and intensity, sending Ranma-chan mind and body on a sexual rollercoaster ride of which she could not control. Her glistening, oiled body bucked as the pleasure heightened, unable to do anything except moan like wild animal. All conscious thought was being squashed under it's torrent, as if the act of thinking took too much away from the pleasure that had besieged her body. She could feel her vagina tighten, an unimaginable dam of pressure building up. The tentacle expanded one last time and thrust deep inside of her, releasing the fiery liquid cream. Far over the edge, Ranma-chan let herself go as well and a massive convulsion seized her body at the simultaneous release. Sparks exploded in her eyes as another wave seized her... And another... she tried to count, but there were just to many! Even through the Firewall of sexual pleasure, she could feel the burning cream that had been released into her spreading, not confining itself to her sex. Almost like a tide, it seemed to flow through every part of her body, fusing itself into her, leaving a warm sparkling glow inside of her... And the orgasms continued... All she could do was hang there and ride out the storm. After what seemed like an eternity, the waves finally ebbed and the tentacle withdrew itself, a feeling of exhaustion setting in. She had no idea of exactly how long she had been there, nor really cared. A lazy, wanton smile crept across her face as she drifted into unconsciousness, the warmth of her creamy infusion wrapping around her like a blanket. Satisfied in every way, she lapsed into a deep sleep... _______________________________________________ The First Night Ranma-Chan drowsily awoke on the hard surface of the storage facilities' floor, shafts of light shining through the cracks in the walls. "What the hell?" she mumbled as she became more aware of her surroundings. Damn, I ache all over, she thought as she rubbed here arms. The last thing I remember was a letter... For a cure to my curse... She fought to bring the memories to the surface. And... Happosai! But I knocked him silly! At least... I THOUGHT I did. She tried to remember more. I hit him... and turned to leave... when... when... Nothing. There was nothing there to remember, try as she did. Sneaky old fart! He must've clobbered me when I wasn't looking! Ranma-chan looked at the walls and a mild case of déjà vu passed over her. Shrugging it off, she turned on a heel and pushed open the door- Only to be surprised yet again. The sun was well on it's way to the horizon. "How long have I been out!?!?" She gaped, then looked around the school premises to find it deserted. The school clock read 6:24. "There's gonna be hell to pay for this..." she mumbled and started the trek home. Ryoga walked along one of the several thousand sidewalks of Japan without a clue as to where he was. The map that he was reading upside-down wasn't helping matters any. The fact it was a map of France was a real kicker as well. The Lost Boy cursed the shop owner for selling him such a plainly mis-marked map, crumpling it up into a tiny wad. Luckily, he had foreseen just such an occurrence and purchased... A COMPASS!!! Digging the thin silver disk out of his pocket, Ryoga flipped open it's lid and waited for the compass to orient itself to north. And waited. And waited. It never did. It simply continued to spin out of control. Thoroughly pissed now, Ryoga chucked the defective item, that, upon landing 20 feet from him, lined up to north as advertised. No longer caring WHERE he ended up, Ryoga meandered aimlessly down the street, not really paying attention to anyone or anything in his depression. Then, it hit him. Ranma-chan had been mulling over the days events as she walked home, trying to recover the memories of the last six hours. She knew SOMETHING had happened, she could feel it. What, exactly, remained a mystery. Things were just different somehow. Lost in thought, Ranma turned a corner and ran smack into Ryoga, her light body bouncing off Ryoga's heavier mass, sending her to the ground for the third time that day. "Baka! Watch where your- Ryoga!" She started. Picking herself up, she simply stared at him... And couldn't figure out why she was JUST doing that. Granted, Ryoga had been gone for three months and seeing him now would be a surprise, she reasoned, but this was a life long adversary she was facing! Why aren't I feeling any hostility toward him? Ryoga, surprised as Ranma, watched her get up. Unfortunately, he was feeling quite a bit of hostility at the moment and seeing Ranma only made things worse. "Ranma, you..." Ryoga growled. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" He exploded and lunged at Ranma who deftly side stepped, Ryoga flying past. Ranma reflected. Of course. It's ALWAYS my fault with him. Her sidestep had left his back vulnerable for attack and the sensible tactic here would be to strike. But Ranma-chan held her ground and waited for him to recover. The core of Ranma was confused. It knew it should strike. To end this as fast as possible. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. She just didn't FEEL like doing it. Why? Ryoga whipped around from his original attack to face Ranma, mildly surprised she hadn't attacked him. Where Ranma couldn't fathom why she hadn't, Ryoga could. "So... You think you'll just toy with me!?!?" Enraged, Ryoga launched himself at her again, this time aiming for the ground. "BATSAI TEN- TEN!" Again, Ranma evaded as Ryoga ripped the concrete she had been standing on to shreds with a mere touch. I'm being awfully calm about this, Ranma-chan thought to herself curiously. Out of the resultant cloud of dust Ryoga sprang, firing off a deadly series of kick and punch combinations, all of which she avoided cleanly and efficiently, never once returning the favor. After a few minutes, Ranma decided enough was enough and crouched down under his guard unleashing several pressure point attacks into his midsection, crumpling him like a bag of cement. Ranma-chan bent over to him. "I didn't hurt you did I?" A stunned Ryoga could only twist his head to stare at Ranma, the rest of his body dead weight. WHAT THE HELL WAS GOIN' ON HERE!?!? His mind raced. First, Ranma wouldn't get mad or attack him and when she finally did, she did so in the cleanest manner possible with a minimum of pain! And she asked if he was hurt FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD!!! "Um, no.. I don't hurt at all..." Was all he could reply. Somewhere in the back of Ranma's mind, she was wondering the same thing, but it was only a minor concern at most and received very little attention. Even the fact that she just beat Ryoga faster than she ever had before was only of passing concern. Crouching down, Ranma-chan asked Ryoga, "So what seems to be the problem this time?" In an easy, calm voice from which no insult could be taken. "What seems to be the problem everytime? I'm lost again." Ryoga watched as Ranma's face turned sympathetic, prompting more out of him. "And on top of that, this shopkeeper sold me a mismarked map and defective compass! I'll kill him!" Ranma simply smiled at this. "What???" "That is, if you ever find your way back, baka." She couldn't help but to chuckle. "So where were you off to this time?" A sour look flashed across Ryoga's face. The Dojo. It had to be. "The Tendo Dojo." Ryoga replied bitterly. Ranma-chan merely nodded. "I'll tell you what. That attack should be wearing off in a few seconds. When it does, you can follow me." Ryoga's mind reeled... WHAT WAS THAT!!?!? Ranma HAD to know there was only one reason for me to visit the Dojo... Had to know! A trap. It had to be a trap, Ryoga figured, then dismissed the idea. If he wanted me out of the way he could have done so easily by now... A tingle began to return to his appendages. Ranma saw that the pressure points were wearing off and began to help him to his feet. "So what did you get Akane this time??" Ryoga practically toppled over at the directness of the question, making Ranma-Chan smile a bit more. "Umm... I got a hand made wicker basket..." He answered guardedly. Ranma- chan's eyes widened with interest. "From where???" "Er... Brazil" Ryoga replied, turning an embarrassed red. Ranma let out a long whistle. "That would explain some things. Common, I think you can walk now. Lets get back to the Dojo before all the light is gone." Still stunned by Ranma's entire attitude, Ryoga merely nodded and followed her down the street. ____________________________________________________ The last rays of sunlight were vanishing from the horizon as Ranma, Ryoga in tow, slid open the door. "I'M HO- " And found herself face to face with her father bearing a full hiking pack and other necessities of wilderness survival. "Akane must be cooking, eh Pop?" Genma picked Ranma up easily and began to shake her. "Where have you been!?! I hear you were absent from the second half of school today!!! Shirking your studies as well as your training, eh!!!!" Ryoga mentally noted that the reason for Ranma's strange behavior might be brain damage if this happened on a regular basis. Again, remaining uncharacteristically clam, she called out, "AKANE!!! You have one that's trying to get awaaaaaaaay!!!!" Genma's eyes widened instantly. Akane was out of the kitchen and blocking the door in a flash, wielding a soup spoon menacingly. "And exactly WHERE do you think YOU are going, Mr. Saotome!!??!" She raged, backing Genma to the wall. "Me? I was just going for a stroll!" Beside Akane, Ranma-chan held out the pack and supplies as Defenses Exhibit "A". Akane's gaze tightened, sending Genma slinking back to the table. It was only after she had properly barricaded the door to prevent any other "Evening Strolls" did she turn her attention to Ranma and Ryoga. "Ryoga!" Akane delighted and gave him a hug. "I haven't seen you in months!" Then she turned to Ranma, her voice deepening a notch. "You HAVE been being NICE to him, right?" Ryoga cut in before Ranma-chan could answer. "Yes he has. We sort of... Er... Ran into each other." Ranma simply smiled in agreement. Suspicions slightly mollified, Akane invited them to the table to eat. She poured everybody a large helping of "Mash". Actually, nobody knew WHAT it really was, Akane claiming it was Yakisoba. Noodles were nowhere to be found in the hodgepodge of overcooked vegetables, grisly meat and who knows what else. Nabiki had slipped out in the confusion at the front door while Soun was in tears, raving about his daughter's expert cooking. Genma was passing in and out of consciousness and Kasumi, who was quite used to Akane's cooking, had developed an immunity to it, eating it without complaints. Ryoga was steeled for the experience, claiming the single shudder he experienced was one of delight. The real surprise was Ranma, however, who simply ate the food in front of her without complaint or signs of physical illness, smiling the entire time. This really peaked Akane's curiosity. "So, Ranma... What happened to you after lunch?" The smile turned to a frown. "Somebody left me a note claiming to have a cure to my curse." That got Ryoga's attention. "Unfortunately, that somebody was Happosai and he didn't have one." Both parents choked, nobody sure if it was because of what Ranma said or the food. "I knocked him a good one. I thought the battle was over, but when I turned around, he must have recovered somehow and knock me out." "Yes..." Genma began. "The Master is as devious as he is perverted. Only TRUE masters such as myself and Soun here can stand against him." "Hmmf." Ranma smiled. "The only things you stand against is whatever the old fart tells you too..." "We are merely biding our time, Ranma." Soun countered. "To simply attack him as you did today is sheer folly." For once, Ranma had to agree. Still she didn't think she came out that bad. "You do it your way, I'll do it mine." After supper, things quieted down, Genma and Soun playing their eternal game of Shogii while Kasumi lie in bed, reading a book. Ranma-chan was watching the TV as Ryoga and Akane caught up, Nabiki still out with her friends. Ranma flipped through the channels once more. All the shows she usually watched at this time of night just didn't seem to interest her now. Clicking the TV off, Ranma searched around the room something else to do, her eyes locking onto Ryoga and Akane. Ryoga was just giving Akane the basket, his face a deep red and grinning like a fool. Akane was commenting on how good of a friend he was. Ranma-chan turned her attention back to Ryoga and a low voice deep within her mind whispered, "Tonight..." What? She thought to herself. Tonight? Where did that come from? What's tonight? She could find no answers to the mysterious statement that just hung there. Hmmf. I know what's tonight. Tonight I'm going to get a good night sleep, that's what. ______________________________________________________ It was an early night for just about everyone. Akane's cooking tended to wear a persons immune system down. Ranma-chan figured it was safe to say that his Ol' Pop wouldn't be pulling any late night attacks on him tonight; the stomach craps he had ensured that. Ryoga, was sleeping in the guest room, Akane insisting he stay over the night. Barely able to keep her eyes open anymore, Ranma-chan rolled under the covers of her futon and fell fast asleep. Ranma-chan found herself outside the Tendo Dojo. Startled, she looked around. Didn't I just fall asleep? The answer was soon obvious... The Dojo just wasn't all "there"; parts of it wavering, others floating in and out of existence. The cloudy sky had taken on an angry reddish hue with occasional lightning flashing in the distance. Looking at her own body was like looking at a photo negative of herself... A dream? But it feels so real... A gust of wind sent cherry blossoms tumbling by Ranma. This is the most realistic dream I have ever had! What to do in a dream world...? Ranma thought as she wandered to the Coy pond. The water was a shiny mercury, the fish floating dead on the surface. Well... Maybe the house will hold some answers, she thought and returned to the stone path that led to the door. Even before slid the door aside, she could hear it. A low repetitious moaning... The hair on Ranma-chans arms began to stand on end. I've heard that before... Where? It was just too muffled to identify. She would have to go inside to find out. Cautiously Ranma slid the door open almost expecting what she found before her. A couple of chairs rooted to the wall... A table to the ceiling... Nothing where gravity would usually place it. Ranma made her way around a light fixture that "hung" from the ground and walked into the living room, finding the TV, while on the ground, tipped on it's side. The sofa, naturally, hung from the ceiling. The moaning was louder now, coming from one of the bedrooms above, echoing down the stairway. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it sounded like a woman... Maybe Nabiki snuck a guy in? But why would Nabiki be making out in MY dream!?!? Ranma took the steps slowly, alert for anything that might give her a clue as to what the hell was going on inside this dream of hers. She came the first bedroom: Nabiki's. Deftly sliding the door open, Ranma peered in to find Nabiki sound asleep in her bed. Which was attached the left wall. Strange as it was, it wasn't what she was looking for. The moaning still echoed in the hallway, varying in pitch. Must be a good time, Ranma thought cynically as she stepped up to Akane's door. Same scene. Akane, too, was sleeping soundly in her bed on the ceiling. Ranma-chan shook her head in disbelief, turning around to the room directly behind her: Kasumi's. She almost didn't even need to check her room. Kasumi was probably the most innocent one in the entire house! And somehow it figured that her bed was the only one rooted firmly to the ground. She creeped down the hallway a few more feet, the moaning louder and clearer. Next stop, the guest room. Ryoga? With a woman? Only one way to find out... Sleeping on a futon. Damn this is getting frustrating! Three rooms left. Mine, my Pop's and Soun's. She shuddered at the last two possibilities. Not willing to open either her fathers or his best friends bedrooms, Ranma pressed her ear outside each, trying to discerning where the moaning was emanating from. Neither of them. There was only one possibility left. Her own room. The only question now was, Who was in it? Herself and immediate family accounted for, She was at a loss as to who it could possibly be... Shampoo? Ukyo? Kodachi!?!? Again, there was only one way to find out. Upon sliding door to her room back, Ranma-chan found out far more than she would ever want to know... Tentacles lined the walls of her bedroom, their masses withering and twisting everywhere. In the middle of this "Living" room that was once hers hung a naked woman being suspended by the glistening strands, moaning and gasping. The twilight that lit her room allowed Ranma-chan to only see the woman's outline, flesh glittering in the dim light. Only after stepping into the lair itself was she able to discern the womanize features... Ranma-chan's blood froze. That build... Hair color... That's... ME! There was no mistaking the woman that hung from these living vines. More moans burst forth as Ranma-chan watched her alter self being probed between he legs, the tentacles leaving no part of her body untouched. Ranma-chan's hairs were once again one end, the déjà vu returning with full force. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO... TO... ME!?!? The alter-Ranma bucked and quivered as the tentacles increased their pace, Ranma watching in horror. Uh-Uh! No way am I staying around for this! She brushed a tentacle hanging near her aside and made her way to the door, which was now a solid entangled mass, blocked while her back was turned. NO! This isn't suppose to happen! This is a dream! MY dream! Noticing the moans' dropping in volume, she turn back to her alter self, finding it staring directly at her. The lewd grin on her face only made the other Ranma more nervous, licking her lips in contentment. "What is going on here???" Ranma-chan asked the other, desperate for answers. Without words, the alter removed her hands from one of the tentacles she had been stroking and motioned Ranma to come closer. She took a step closer and noticed the other's eyes began to glow... It was impossible to look away! They were penetrating her, suffocating her very being! They... They... The Core Ranma still existed, a mere fragment of what it was. Somehow it had managed to survive the "event" and when it came to six hours later, thought it was still in control. Little did it realize it was the simply along for the ride as the changes in her psyche began to solidify, slowly molding around the core, absorbing it. This partial union left it with the impression of control- control it never had. Now, in the dream world, the rest of his mind sought to finish what it had started. And was succeeding. The flood gates opened as the core was once again subjected to the six hours of memory it couldn't recall, the effects breaking it down even further as the new majority of his mind sought complete domination. The majority continued the assault, further burying what was left of the original behind heavy mental barriers, attacking it, literally eating it alive and absorbing it piece by piece. Soon, there was nothing left within the mind of Ranma Saotome to offer direct or significant resistance. She had literally become a new person, totally aware of what had transpired and who she had become... Ranma-chan awoke gently and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. 2am. Perfect. Delicately moving her covers aside, she arose with an air of confidence and grace around her. Sliding open her own door, she left the room and found Nabiki's, entering it. Ranma-chan studied the sleeping sister for a moment, a slight smile appearing, then walk to her clothes dresser. Quietly searching it, she found what she was looking for: A long, translucent night gown. She held it up to the rooms mirror and studied it against her figure. Ummmm... She thought to herself. My figure is much better than Nabiki's... I'll fill this nicely... She turned to exit, but once again stopped at Nabiki's bed. The grin twisted into one of mischief. Walking to where her head lie, Ranma bent over and began to whisper softly into her ear. "I'll return to thank you at a later date..." A dreamy smile crossed Nabiki's face. With that, she gave her an equally soft kiss on the cheek and continued on her way. Back in her room, Ranma-chan stripped out of her T and boxers. She studied her curvesque body with pride for a minute and slipped into the silky full length night-gown she had borrowed for Nabiki. The sensation of soft silk against her bare skin made her shiver slightly as she posed in the mirror. From now on, Ranma-chan decided, I'm going to have fun... And left the room, silk floating behind her. A few moments later she was quietly sliding open the guest room door, it's occupant, a slumbering Ryoga. She circled the room, savoring the moment. Her former self would have never allowed this, never wanted to explore with the female body that had accidentally been thrust upon him. But that had changed now. She had been shown that which had been locked away inside her body, the enticing possibilities. She could feel the heat build up inside from her previous encounter, priming her for what was to come. Ranma-chan looked back upon her life as a male and found it to have been dull... The inflexible rules, the constant training. And now she was free of all that. Now there was only the pleasure that really mattered. "Ryoga..." She issued in a low, sensuous whisper... Ryoga slept the sleep of the dead, shifting positions slightly in his dreamless sleep. Ranma-chan felt power well up inside her... Much like Ki, but tangibly different... "Ryooooogaa..." Her voice echoed through the room in a mystical way. Ryoga's dreamless sleep was intruded upon, Ranma-chan's sensual whisper echoing through his head. A part of him naturally tried to push it out, to return to a restful sleep, but it continued to pervade his unconscious mind, floating there like a mysterious fog. "Ryooooogaaaa" The fog gathered around him, lifting him gently into the conscious world. "Coooome to me..." Ryoga continued his ascention into consciousness, Ranma-chan's voice enveloping him, influencing him to her will. Ryoga blinked as he woke suddenly. What was that? I could have swore I heard whispering... My imagination... Ryoga turned to stretch in his futon when he saw her. Ryoga froze as his sleepy mind tried to comprehend what exactly he was seeing before him. Ranma-chan stood in front of the open guest room window, moon shining through the translucent silk gown that floated with the breeze. He gaped at the goddess before him, the fact of who it was not yet registering in his mind. Her hand drifted to her thigh and traced the contours of her body upward. The moonlight that the gown filtered outlining every curve, leaving nothing to Ryoga's imagination. "Do you like what you see, Ryoga-kun?" Ranma-chan asked low and suggestively, shifting her weight so that the slit running up the gown revealed one of her long, slender legs. That voice... Partially distracted from the spell, Ryoga focused more on her identity. The red crop of hair... The bound pig tail... Ryoga sat up and choked. "RANMA!?!???? Wha-! Wha-! What are you doing!?!?" Ranma-chan took a deep breath, bosom tightening against the gown's confines, emphasizing her hardened nipples even more. Ryoga stared. "I came to apologize for what I have put you through these last few years..." Her low and sensual voice floating through Ryoga's mind, causing his guard to waver. The same hand that had been tracing along her body moved on to her pigtail, releasing the twine that held it. Luscious red hair suddenly billowed outward falling down her shoulders and back. "You will accept my apology... Won't you?" Ryoga mechanically nodded "yes" as Ranma held his gaze. The heat that was radiating inside her climbed higher as she continued her seduction. "Gooooood..." She proceeded to walk around Ryoga, the thin silk wrapping around her curves as she did. Ryoga was simply in awe and very, very hard. "What... Are you doing?" He questioned nervously. "Apologizing..." She whispered in his ear as she knelt behind him, her hands lightly resting on his shoulders, sending an involuntary shiver through Ryoga's body... Ranma-chan never really had the chance or desire to admire Ryoga's well built body until now, letting her nails glide along his muscle contours. Perhaps there was a benefit to being habitually lost after all, Ranma smiled to herself... It kept you in great shape. Soon, goosebumps were forming all along his back. Ranma began the rubbing at his shoulders, letting her thumbs work their way into his compact muscle, leaning closer to him so her warm breasts pressed against him. She continued the massage down his back. "Does that feel good?" She whispered again, this time her lips grazing his ear. Ryoga had never been so stunned in his entire life. Or turned on. Something he thought he'd never admit. They had been sworn enemies for the last five years. It had only been in the last few months that they had been grudging allies. But now... Ryoga inhaled sharply as Ranma's firm breast pressed into his back. Hormones surged through his body as he tried to think strait ...But now things had gone far off the deep end! And he was letting it continue! She whispered another question into his ear, leaving a tingle where her lips touched. Again, Ryoga could only simply nod his head "yes" as she continued. This was SO relaxing... Her hands had just finished at the base of his spine when she kissed the nap of his neck, letting her tongue explore his skin. Ryoga's guard continued to melt away. Why was Ranma doing this!?!? Why can't I stop her!?!? He just couldn't concentrate... Another kiss, this one on his shoulders, her hot tongue further washing away his guard. Now on his neck... His ear... Ryoga closed his eyes at the sensations, his breath quickening... I need an anchor! Then inspiration hit. Akane. Steeling himself under her visage, Ryoga leaned forward and faced her, breaking contact with Ranma. Ranma cocked her head in curiosity. "What's the matter, Ryoga-Kun?" She asked in that soothing voice. Ryoga shook his head clear, fastening onto his true loves image. His mental guard tried desperately to rebuild. "I... I don't know what's going on here or what's wrong with you, but it has to stop!" Ranma-chan looked directly into Ryoga's eyes, feeling the power course through her. "Ummmmm... And why is that?" She already knew. It was the one possible thing that he would cling to so tightly. She began to apply more pressure to his mind. "Akane wouldn't mind if I expressed my apologies to you, would she?" Ryoga's guard faltered once more as Ranma-chan's mental probe began to find a route in. "No... Akane wouldn't mind..." A voice behind the barrier screamed, THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!! "Still... This is wrong..." Ryoga continued, voice sounding less than convinced. His eyes wandered around her body "But after all I've done to you..." Ranma replied in that low voice that echoed in Ryoga's mind. "You DESERVE what I have to give you..." Ryoga's control began to crumble. She so beautiful... So caring... I should accept her apology... But... the past... "Akane would want you to..." Ranma-chan finished, knowing she had won. That was the key. Now that she got him to see Akane's approval in his mind, She could do anything she wanted to him. Ryoga nodded in agreement, and in effect, agreed to the lust that was once again filling him. Ranma snaked her hands along his chest, and leaned forward, hot body making full contact with his. "I believe I left off right... here..." And let her lips find his. Her tongue found it's way into his mouth and began to explore his. This was so exciting! She thought, So erotic! Blood raised to a boil, Ryoga began to respond to the kiss passionately involving his tongue with hers, the image of Akane being washed away by the lust he was feeling. His hands found her exposed leg and began to caress and massage it, then her breasts. Ranma-chan decide to give him something else to think about and slid her hand in to his pants, grasping his hard shaft. Ryoga let out a low guttural groan as she ran her fingernails along it's length, driving Ryoga further and further to the edge. Her other hand found the waist band and she pulled both pants and boxers off in one deft maneuver, freeing his hard cock. She continued her sensual kiss, slowly guiding Ryoga's head down until he was lying flat on his back. Reluctantly breaking away, Ranma-chan inspected his now naked physique, enjoying all it had to offer. She turned her attention to his crotch, Ryoga rapt with anticipation. She smiled sexily. She kissed the head of his cock gently then shifted back to Ryoga's ear, whispering, "After tonight, Akane will simply be your friend and I'LL be the one you fantasize about..." Returning to his stiff rod, Ranma-chan kissed the head again, this time letting her lips envelope it. Ryoga shuddered as her hot, moist mouth closed in around his organ. His hands ran through her long, thick red mane. Ranma-chan's tongue wrapped around him, tracing along his vein. She noted that his cum tasted saltier than her original encounter, pleasantly so. She drew more out of him, her tongue inticing him further by sucking on him. Ryoga moaned with pleasure as he hardened further than he thought possible. Ranma-chan bit down lightly, sending a tremor through his shaft, then sucked and caressed more. Ryoga couldn't hold back the wall of pressure that had built up and his cock jerked violently, releasing it's cum into Saotome's eagerly awaiting mouth. Ryoga could only writhe on his futon and moan while she continued to coax him with her tongue, prolonging his release until she had savored every last drop. She finally withdrew after he had spent himself, licking her lips. She blew a cool breeze across his rod, sending him gasping for breath. "Ummmmm... That was very good..." Ryoga could only sigh as the heat of passion burned down, his penis faltering. "Oh, I'm not done with you yet Ryoga-kun..." She said and focus on the heat inside of her, hardening Ryoga once more without so much as a touch. Ranma-chan then stood up, drawing to her full height, robe once more filtering the light around her sensuous body. She let Ryoga gaze upon it for a bit, his eyes tracing every line of her curvesque legs, sensual thighs, and firm, round breasts; all wrapped in beautiful translucent silk. She smiled sensually and began to move, her hips rocking side to side as her hand began at her breast, caressing down. Her entire body began to sway, it's motion erotically revealing, her hands caressing her hips... Fingers slipping between her legs... A soft moan of delight escaped her lips. Ryoga lie there, unable to tear his eyes away from totally erotic scene playing out above him. Ranma was totally involved in the dance now, that feeling of sexual Ki building to an all time high. She could feel it flowing throughout her body, an unstoppable wave of power. "OOOOOOoooooooHHhhhh..." The last thing she was concerned about was the rest of the family hearing her, having use her new powers to blanket the entire room. She swung forward, letting her breast roll up and down distractingly, her hips moving suggestively back and forth. A hand glided to one of the spaghetti straps on her shoulder, sliding it off. Ryoga's eyes widen as more of her creamy breast were revealed. Now her hand slid the other strap away and the tension in the gown slackened, the only thing supporting it- Ranma's breasts tight against it. Again she swayed in her dance of seduction and the gown fell free, revealing Ranma-chan's nude form. Ryoga was in a virtual trance as he continued to watch Ranma's erotic dance, moving and swaying sensually. Now he could see every feature of her soft body lit by the moon light, from her dark, erect nipples to her red bush which shown with inviting moisture dripping from it. Ranma-chan's dance carried her lower as she aligned herself with Ryoga's hardened shaft, anticipation mixing with the fire that raged within, begging for release. Finally she was on her knees, her sex less than inches above Ryoga's. She moved her hips slowly forward, letting her furry red mound graze Ryoga's head, sending Ryoga gasping once more. Finally she let go, her knees slide out to either side, gravity pulling her downward onto Ryoga. She slowly gathered him inside of her, initial contact seizing both of them in sexual bliss. Ranma-chan began to rock up and down, delighting in the feel as her vagina molded to his penis, creating a natural suction. He was large inside her, though not as large as her previous partner (Ranma smiled, chuckling), but this was more comfortable by far. That encounter had infused her with not just It's power, but heightened senses as well, making each stroke all the more stimulating and pleasurable. Experimenting, she began to flex her vaginal muscles, working on their control and fine movement. This not only excited her, but sent Ryoga groaning and gasping. Even though the pleasure created between the two was intense, Ranma-chan was sort of dismayed at Ryoga's lack of participation, this being his first time and way out of his league. She prompted his mind a bit to take a more active roll. Ryoga took it as his own thought, thrusting his pelvis into her and letting his hands cup her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers. Now it was Ranma's turn to gasp and moan as she bumped and grind, increasing her pace. She felt Ryoga tense up inside of her and she mentally restricted it. "Not yet, my lover... Ahhhhhhhhh... I'm still up for more!" Ryoga remained hard, unable to cum until she permitted so. Ranma-chan spread her legs out and arched backwards, arms supporting her weight in back. The move altered the angle Ryoga entered her at, hitting that special spot inside of her. Crying out, she began to slam down on Ryoga harder and faster, the sounds of sex echoing throughout the room. Glistening sweat beaded off both of the partners from the workout, Ranma-chan approaching her climax rapidly. "Uhhh! Ughhhhu! NOW you can Ryoooogaaa!" Ranma was barely able to speak legibly as her vagina tightened. She released her mental lock on Ryoga's own orgasm. Ranma collapsed against his muscular frame as they bucked wildly in the simultaneous release she had created, hands groping each other, tongues entertwined passionately. Ranma-chan's own orgasm charged the sexual Ki burning within her, adding to the power she already wielded and further intensifying the experience. The white hot between her legs exploded once more and she was racked by a sexual trembling, moaning low and loud, the waves of passion reflecting around her like a small pond. Finally the fire withdrew, leaving her breathing heavily, skin glistening as sweat dripped from every curve. She opened her eyes to find Ryoga starring wide eyed at the ceiling, his chest heaving as well. She snuggled closer to him whispering in his ear, "You were very good..." Ryoga seemed comatose, staring at the ceiling. Ranma-chan smiled happily to have caused the effect. "Tell me, what will you do about Akane???" Ryoga blinked. "Akane?" Ranma-chan's smile broadened. "Yes... Akane Tendo... Your true love." Ryoga turned and gathered Ranma in his arms, caressing her cheek then kissing her passionately. "You are the only one I adore... Akane is just a good friend." Surprised he took such action on his own, Ranma returned the kiss, the two making out on a post sex high. Finally Ranma-chan said, "It's time you get some sleep..." On that mental que from her, Ryoga drifted off to sleep. Ranma-chan slipped back into the silk rob, looking upon the scene she rot- A sweaty, totally satisfied Ryoga sleeping on his a futon dripping with sexual juices. Ranma-chan caught her own reflection, seeing the translucent robe sticking to every curve of her moist body. Grinning with lude satisfaction, Ranma-chan left the room whispering, "Goodnight, Ryoga-kun...Sweet dreams..." And sweet dreams he would have. ___________________________________________________ End of Part One. Author's notes: This was the best place I figured to break the story, it originally being one whole piece of work and still under construction. Look for #2 soon! Any questions, comments and constructive criticism or just wanna chat? ("with a psyco like me!!?" you say?) Guaranteed I'll answer them to the best of my abilities. Send em to: Sure, I'll accept Flame mail, but I just got this shinny new Email Bomber that's just waiting to be tested out... =p This story sole property of the author may not be dupliated for commercial and/or profit uses. This work maybe copied and duplicated for private uses as long as it remains intact, unedited. In otherwords, don't try make money off of it, but if you like it and want to put it up on your site, go ahead as long as it's guts remain whole and intact. The Sakura lemon FanFic Archive is the sole acception to the this rule, unless specified by the author. (Sorry, I had to put this in here "just in case") Misc. ramblings: Sorry I butchered Desa'vu... Er... I'd be lost without the spell checker... ^_^'