Cures and Solutions Part 1 by David Farr The characters of Ranma 1/2 are the property of Rumiko Takahashi and are used here without permission for the purposes of fanfiction. Note: this story contains themes not suitable for minors. ----- Ranma awoke suddenly. This wasn't unusual for him, his martial arts training and a decade being chased by people his father had cheated had taught him to go from a deep sleep to being fully awake in a matter of moments. Normally however he wasn't staring straight up at a gleaming metal ceiling. 'Where the hell am I?' he asked himself in the vaults of his mind. He sat up and looked around. The room appeared as if it had been made from a single sheet of metal, welded only at the edges. No lights hung from the ceiling, it was as if the metal glowed softly. The only difference between the walls, ceiling and floor was the door set in one wall. Ranma leapt to his feet and walked over to the door. On closer inspection he wasn't even sure if it was a door. There was no handle or sign of hinges, maybe it was just another panel. He couldn't even be sure that there was a seam between the door and the frame. 'Okay then, that's not gonna help, so how did I get here?' he thought. 'Last I remember was a fight between the girls. It was night and Akane and me were returning from one of our pops' crazy dates to get us together. She was really pissed, then Shampoo grabbed me and they were arguing when Ucchan showed up, objected and joined in... then what? Did they hit me hard enough to put me in hospital?' He looked around at the empty room. "Nah, this ain't no hospital." His voice sounded strange in the silence. He balled his fist up and lashed out. His fist struck the "door" and the room shook, knocking Ranma off his feet. "Wow, I didn't think I'd hit it that hard." The room shook again, this time he could hear a distant explosion. "What the--?" There was a closer explosion, deafening this time, and Ranma was sent tumbling. A voice started speaking in some foreign language. It was a harsh language the reminded Ranma of someone coughing and spitting at the same time. When he looked up, the door was gone, revealing a corridor beyond. The long corridor was blackened and sooty but otherwise looked a lot like the room he had just been in. A number of other doors led off, some bent, others hanging off their hinges. Looking down the corridor Ranma noticed flashes of light beyond a distant bend. "Okay, this is weird," he muttered, moving over to the nearest open door. His hand rested lightly on the swinging metal, sending it crashing to the ground. Ranma winced at the sound and quickly glanced around, but no one was coming to investigate. The room was intact, its surfaces made from the same metal as his own had been. Dominating the room was a large glass box, holding machinery and the still forms of three girls. Fear surged through Ranma and he was across the room in a flash. Relief replaced the fear, it was his three girls in the box, but they still breathed, their chests rising and falling in slow rhythms. All three were still dressed as Ranma had remembered them. Akane in one of her best dresses for their date, Shampoo in her frilly delivery outfit, and Ukyo in the pants and shorts she favoured so much. Strangely both Ukyo's spatulas and Shampoo's bonbori were lying beside them. In a panic Ranma searched wildly for a way to open the box before finding the latch. There was the hiss of escaping air as he opened the mechanism and lifted the near invisible glass up. Carefully he swung the lid away then moved back to stand over the slumbering girls. "Wake up," he whispered, gently shaking Akane. "Just a few more minutes Kasumi," the youngest Tendo daughter murmured. Suddenly she shot up and started looking about. "Ranma?" Ignoring her for the moment, Ranma moved to shake first Ukyo, than finally Shampoo. "Husband!" the last cried, throwing her arms around his neck. "You save Shampoo?" Knowing what came next Ranma closed his eyes, waiting for the mallet blow. "Where are we?" Akane asked. Cracking his eyes open Ranma found Akane standing next to the case, helping Ukyo to her feet. Strangely she was looking at him and smiling a sweet knowing smile. Ranma looked down. Yep, Shampoo was still holding him tightly. "Ranma, where are we?" Akane repeated. "Ah," he managed intelligently, "I have no idea." "Then maybe we should find our way out of here Ranma honey," Ukyo suggested calmly. "Yeah, right, ah Shampoo, could you, ah, let go." Ranma watched the others for a reaction. "Awwww!" Shampoo pouted, releasing him. She threw herself out of the case and dropped to her feet. "Let's go!" ***** Ranma and the girls sprinted down the corridor, the sounds of explosions following from not far behind them. As soon as they had stepped from the room that had held the Akane, Ukyo and Shampoo the distant sounds of combat had stopping being so distant. It was only moments before a strange creature had appeared and started firing some kind of death ray at them. Deciding that the Saotome Secret Technique was the better part of valour, they made a run for it. The creature had taken up the chase, continuing to blow holes in the walls about them. "Ranma honey, maybe we should fight." Ukyo gasped. A blast flew past Ranma head and the floor ahead of them detonated thunderously. "Ucchan, I don't think that's an option," Ranma returned, dodging flying debris. "Husband, look!" Shampoo pointed ahead of them. A large pair of door were grinding closed across the corridor. "DIVE FOR IT!" Ranma screamed, leaping forward. Ukyo sailed through with room to spare, Shampoo following a moment later. Ranma paused as Akane struggled through, then twisted through before the door crashed shut. Behind them a deep thud signalled the arrival of their pursuer. "Okay, bub, spill it!" Akane snarled. She had another of the creatures and was holding up it by the collar. Next to her Ukyo held one of her throwing spatulas under its chin. Ranma took a closer look at the thing. It looked human, with dark skin and a strange series of ridges across its forehead and was a lot smaller than one sleeping on the other side of the door. The young martial artist had a nagging feeling he'd seen this thing before. "Wh-what do you want?" the thing squeaked. "Where are we?" Akane demanded. "O-onboard our sp-spaceship, hovering above J-japan." "So how do we get back down?!" The thing pointed past them at a hatch on the wall. "Use the escape pod, it'll take you down, I promise. Just don't hurt me." Shampoo dashed across to the hatch and pulled it open. "Looks cozy," she commented, gazing into the compartment beyond. "All you have to do is hit the release button and it'll drop you back to earth!" "Thanks," snarled Akane then tossed her prisoner down the corridor. She smiled at the others. "Lets go!" ***** The small creature joined its larger brother in watching as the small pod drop towards earth. He looked up at his companion and snarled out a sentence in the guttural language. "You know I can't speak Klingon," the taller being sighed, speaking perfect English. "Couldn't we just talk them into it?" "Oh yeah, and how do you think they'd react? We'd get pummelled into little smears." The short being paused. "You've got a point there." "So where is the pod going to dump them?" "I programmed it to hit dirt in the wilds, that and the cloak should give them some time to themselves. You don't suppose they'll figure out what we've done?" "As much as I like Ranma, I somehow doubt it." ***** The inside of the pod was cramped. It had been as they fell, and the less than soft landing hadn't fixed the problem. All four occupants of the small space where piled against one wall. "Who's hand is that on my breast?" Akane growled. "Is not Shampoo's." "Not mine either honey," Ukyo commented. "Ranma, is it yours?" "Er... I think so," Ranma replied from the bottom of the pile. He squeezed just to make sure. Yep, definitely a breast. "Having fun?" "Akane lucky," Shampoo snorted. "Ah, could you three get off me?" inquired Ranma. Ukyo snickered. "Why Ranma-honey, you sound like you don't like three beautiful women pressed hard against you." "Ah... it's not that, but I think my arm's twisted under you." There was immediate scrambling as the three girls clambered off him and pressed themselves against the walls. They all watched worried as Ranma straightened himself then stretched his arms. "No permanent damage." He looked around at the three. "Come on, lets get out of here and see where we are." Beyond the pod's hatch was the heavily forested wilderness of Japan. All of the four martial artists had seen areas like this before, on one training mission or another. However even to seasoned travellers like them, there were few immediate landmarks visible in the fading late of twilight. "Oh great, we're more lost than Ryoga," Ranma muttered, earning giggles and snickers from the three girls. He spun on them. "WHAT IS IT WITH YOU THREE?" he barked. "You haven't been acting right since I woke you... up..." his voice trailed off and he started backing away. "You're not the real yous, you're some kind of bad alien copies." He hit a tree and started backing up it. "Shampoo think Ranma watch too much western movies," the Amazon snorted. Akane looked at the other two women. "He doesn't think we're human," she smiled slyly. Ukyo smiled back. "Then let's show him just how human we are." Each of the girls reached up to untie or unbutton there tops. Ukyo's shirt was the first to come off, revealing a simple white bra. The apron and frilly top Shampoo was wearing floated down to join Ukyo's shirt on the ground. Like Ukyo, Shampoo wore a simple white bra, but her's was much fuller. Akane dress top fell down, to hang over her belt. Ranma's eyes widened as Akane's breasts fell free, she had not worn a bra! Ukyo and Shampoo glared at Akane for a moment and she had the good manners to look abashed. To this Ranma was totally oblivious, his attention entirely fixed on their torsos. Shampoo and Ukyo both reached behind them, releasing the clasps on there bras. "Ah... I... umm..." Ranma stuttered as Shampoo's breats bounced free of their confinement. His eyes darted between the three girls. Shampoo was easily the biggest of the three, but both Akane and Ukyo were equally firm and soft looking. The three girls exchanged glances and grins. Akane immediately reached under her hanging top and started fumbling with her belt buckle. Ukyo had already released the button on her trousers by the time Shampoo had untied her own sash. They paused to make sure the other two were ready, then as one allowed their clothes to fall to a pool about their feet. Ranma's jaw dropped as he took in the sight before him. If he didn't know better (and had been able to think) he would have sworn they'd arranged this before hand. All three were wearing the same pure white lacy panties. They paused again, letting him get an eyeful before slipping their fingers beneath the elastic of the last piece of clothing between Ranma's eyes and their most secret treasure. A single quick movement removed that final barrier, leaving the three girls naked before the man they collectively loved. His reaction was not what you would've expected. Blood spurted from his nose as he collapsed to the ground, slumped against the tree. Shampoo looked down at the unconscious boy. "Hmph, guess we just too human for Ranma." ***** The large alien walked into the bridge. "Where's the camping gear and the food?" he inquired of the other. "I stored them in the escape pod, in case we had to eject," the shorter one answered, staring into a monitor. He paused for a second. "DOH!" "Why did I ever team up you?" his companion asked, shaking his head. ***** Ranma awoke to a sensation he'd never experienced before, that of soft skin pressed up against his own naked body. A pair of firm breasts brushed up and down against his skin in slow rhythmic movements. Dreading both an explanation and the consequences Ranma opened his eyes. His first reaction was to squawk and backpedal. Unfortunately this left him halfway up the trunk of the tree he had collapsed against the night before and as naked as the day he was born. Below him Akane slumped to the ground, the blanket sliding from her, revealing her still naked body. 'Aw man, I am so dead,' Ranma thought. 'Mister Tendo will flip when he hears about this.' Akane, awakened by her fall, rolled over and looked straight up at Ranma. She gave him one of her brightest smiles. "Nice view," she giggled. "Huh? Wha?" he managed, then looked down at himself and noticed his state of dress for the first time. "Aaaaaahhhhhhh!" Instinctively his hands flew to cover his privates, unfortunately leaving him without purchase on the tree trunk. Before Akane could react Ranma plummeted down on top of her stopping suddenly just above her. She let out an explosive breath when she realised what had happened, Ranma had reflexively thrown out his hands to catch himself, and now knelt arms either side of her head, his knees between her own. She smiled cheekily. "Tell me Ranma, is that a branch, or are you just happy to see me?" Ranma looked between their naked bodies. Down past her firm breasts, he could see his rock hard member in what had to be a very compromising position. His brain raced for a way to react, and finding none, decided on a the next best option to action. Sighing Ranma crumpled to one side, falling off Akane. "Akane no tease Ranma or we be here all day," Shampoo admonished from not far away. ----- Author's Note Well, anyone who's read all my available work probably saw this coming. Don't worry, this isn't entirely Lemon for lemons sake, there is some major plot to be considered, not the least of which is Ranma getting used to his new "fiancees". Also the rest of the cast hasn't been touched by the two aliens, you really think Ryoga, Mousse and Kuno are going to take this lying down. You don't even want to consider the Tendos, Nodoka, Genma or Colonge. Opinions?