Complete Control Part 2 by Sean Gaffney All characters are (C) 1998 Rumiko Takahashi, Kitty, Viz, etc., though I doubt that their creators would have them doing _this_. This fanfic is rated NC-17. Proceed with caution, it ain't consensual. If this were, it would be rated: mf, ff, mffff, inc, mc, nc. Ranma looked around the table at the three girls who now devoted their life to him. He had restored some of their freedom of thought, but not all of it. This would pose a bit of a problem, especially since there was school today. Ranma had had a rather disjointed education. Because they were constantly on the road training, he'd never had the time to settle into any one school system. In fact, they'd only settled down twice since leaving their home; once for about six months in Kansai, where Ranma made possibly his only real friend; and for about a year and a half in Fukuoka, where he made his first and only real rival. Therefore, when it came time to get ready for school, Ranma was of two minds. He longed for the company that a school would provide, finally getting to interact with other people, maybe make a few friends. On the other hand, being among people with his powers still untested terrified him, especially considering what he had done last night. He desperately wanted to keep his abilities a secret, but would the school environment prove too much of a temptation? He already knew that trying to rein in his lusts had been incredibly unsuccessful last night. This brought him once again to the three women facing him across the table. Nabiki and Akane were dressed in their school uniforms, and looked entirely normal. Kasumi, however, had chosen to dress in a tight T-shirt that left nothing to the imagination. She had also borrowed a pair of shorts from Nabiki, which were a little small on her, and made her entire pelvic area thrust and grind in incredibly erotic ways when she walked. Ranma coughed. "Before we get going, we need to talk about a game plan. My powers are gonna be as secret as possible, and in order to make that work, you three will have to act normal. At least, the way you used to act before you met me." He noticed the upset look in Kasumi's eyes, and sighed. "Kasumi, I know you want to go out and 'experience' life, but it's gotta wait a bit. If we have you go trolling out looking for guys dressed like that, it's gonna attract attention." Kasumi looked him right in the eye, which impressed Ranma. Maybe his control wasn't as deep as he thought. "Ranma, for the past nine years I have been the perfect Japanese woman and housewife. Even if I waited a year before I did what I wanted, people would still notice." Ranma was getting frustrated. "Kasumi, you gotta consider it from my point of view. I arrived last night, and now you're walking around like that?" Ranma's angry tone seemed to shame Kasumi, and she looked away from him. "Ranma, you know that I can never do anything to hurt you. If you want me to act the way I was, then I will." Ranma looked at her sad face and wilted. *Who's controlling who,* he thought grimly. "Look, there's no need to go that far. You're in the house most of the day anyway, so you can relax and be yourself. might want to change that outfit when you go out. Subtle things. Um...look at it like a subtler form of my control. You can't go out and batter through everyone's minds and change their opinion of you. But if you do things a little different, day by day, they'll gradually change it themselves." Kasumi's face lit up with a gorgeous smile, and she ran around the table. "Oh, Ranma, thank you so much! I promise I'll be good! You'll have no reason to be disappointed in me!" Ranma smiled, pushing her away. In that outfit, she was already making him hard, he didn't need her rubbing up against him as well. "You could never do that, Kasumi-chan." Trying to both change the subject and keep his mind off of Kasumi's beautiful body, he turned to the others. "Now, when we arrive at school, I'm gonna try and remain unnoticed. Shouldn't be too hard, as Akane usually gets all the attention in the mornings." Akane blushed slightly. "Don't be holdin' back either, Akane. We gotta keep things looking normal." Akane smiled. "As if I'd let any of those lechers lay a hand on me. They're not like you, Ranma. They're just jerks." Ranma coughed. "Um, yeah. Anyway, Nabiki, you're the one I'm counting on the most. People are gonna be talkin' about me anyway, so we gotta make sure that they talk about the right things. Our fathers are old friends, I'm stayin' there to train, and that's it. This way we can avoid anyone trying to pry." Nabiki spoke up, but still didn't look at Ranma. "I have a suggestion. If I mention to the rumourmongers that Akane slapped you and called you a pervert last night, it might help to make people dismiss you. If Akane's seen to like you, people will know. Even if she ignores you, they'll notice. She needs to treat you the same way she does everyone else." Ranma remained silent for a few moments, which caused Nabiki to flush and look down at her feet. "I'm sorry, Ranma, I didn't mean to--" Ranma interrupted her. "Nabiki, that's a great idea. Thank you." She looked up, startled. "You mean it?" Ranma sighed. "Yeah. Look, Nabiki, I'm sorry for what I did to your head. I can never begin to repay it, except by continuing to try to fix it, which is what I'm doing. But for now, you've got to act like you used to. Remember what Akane and Kasumi told you last night? You _are_ a good person. You don't have to act like your suggestions don't matter." He faced all of them again. "If we want this to work, we have to be a team. Yeah, you may still think of me your master, but I want _all_ of you to know that I will listen to each and every one of you. We're a family. We love each other and support each other. And Nabiki, we need your support. Do you understand?" Nabiki smiled. "Yes, Ranma. I'm sorry." Ranma rubbed the bridge of his nose. "So, if someone comes up to you asking for information on the new guy, what will you say to him?" Suddenly Nabiki's entire demeanour changed. She stretched out lazily by the table. "And do you think I'm going to just _give_ you this information? This is something that took hard work to gather, you know." Her eyes gleamed. "But I think, if the price were right, I could let you know a _little_ something." Her expression suddenly grew stony faced. "Two hundred yen, please. Line up right in front of me." Ranma was stunned at the change in Nabiki's attitude. Muscles that he didn't know he'd been tensing suddenly relaxed. "Nabiki, you are a gem." Immediately, Nabiki folded up again and looked down, smiling shyly. Her face was beet red. Ranma blinked, then decided that now was not the time to press matters. He turned to Akane. "So, Akane, if anyone asks what you think of me, you gotta tell 'em the same thing that you would if I was just another guy. You think I'm a creep and a pervert." Akane gasped. "Ranma, I couldn't!" "You gotta, Akane. If they see you treatin' me any different, they're gonna notice. You want us to stay together, right?" Akane nodded enthusiastically. "Then do this. For the family. For me." There was a long pause, then Akane nodded again. "All right, Ranma." Ranma looked up at the clock. "Gotta go." He looked over at Kasumi, who was looking a lot happier. "You take care, Kasumi." "I will, Ranma," she said. She then walked up, grabbed him, and gave him a deep, throaty kiss. Ranma moved into it without thinking, letting his body react as it normally would...then Akane pulled at him. "Don't we get kisses, too?" she asked, then drew Ranma to her own mouth. By the time they left, they had to run in order to make it to school on time. Not only that, but Ranma was now plagued with a raging hard-on. *Well,* he thought, *at least we set some things straight. With a little luck, this day will turn out to be nice and quiet.* *** As the three of them neared the school, Ranma noticed Akane muttering to herself and clenching her fists. Finally, when they arrived at the gates, he saw a fire come into her eyes. She was mad, something he hadn't fully experienced yet. He knew Akane was full of anger from his look into her mind, but knowing something and experiencing it are two different things. Akane's face was red, her lips were twisted into a snarl, and her eyes blazed. Ranma wondered what the men saw in her, if this was the only side she presented to them. He much preferred the nice, sweet Akane he knew. Apparently they saw something in her, though, because from the school grounds came about forty or so teenage boys, most of them dressed in sports equipment. As one, they charged Akane. For a moment, Ranma panicked, and almost went to help her. Then he remembered that this had been happening for a while, and Akane had always come out of it alright. He'd sparred with her, he knew how good she was. So he merely jumped to the top of a nearby wall and watched her technique. Nabiki waved goodbye to him as she nimbly avoided the crowd of bodies and headed towards the school. *I shouldn't have worried,* he thought. Akane was mowing through the crowd of boys like a thresher, throwing them into one another, giving flying kicks to the head, and when all else failed, simply using her fists to pummel them into unconsciousness. Within a minute of the first attack, Akane stood alone, a mass of unconscious teenagers piled around her. She was breathing heavily, still looking intensely angry. Suddenly Ranma's eyes were caught by a blur headed in Akane's direction. Once again, he panicked, and began to leap off of the wall, only to stop when Akane reached out and plucked the offending missile from the air. It was a red rose, which she looked at disdainfully. "Once again, the fair Akane Tendou has proven herself to be victorious in combat. Truly, she is a gift from the gods sent down to let all bask in her beauty. She is like the rose she now holds, beautiful in her grace, and yet strong enough to resist the hardest storm. And yet, in order to achieve the blooms I give her every day, every rose has to be...plucked." Ranma couldn't see the speaker at first, as he had arranged himself with the sun at his back, so that he appeared to be merely a shadow. But as he stepped forward, Ranma could see his face. He was certainly handsome, that was for sure. He had the sort of classical beauty that would send most Japanese girls swooning. Yet there was something else there that spoiled it. An arrogance that looked out of place, that spoiled the line of the face. Ranma was a little disappointed. *If he smiled occasionally, he'd look a lot sexier.* Ranma shook his head violently, and almost raised his hand up to slap himself. What the hell was he thinking, having those sorts of thoughts about that guy? *It must be this curse. It's still messing with my mind.* He quickly exercised some of the controls the ghoul had taught him, and pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. He'd try and deal with them later. Looking back to the man, he could see that he was wielding a wooden bokken, which at the moment was pointed directly at Akane. "Akane Tendou! Since you have proven yourself once more, I shall give you my greatest boon! You shall have the honour of fighting Tatewaki Kunou, the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High!" As he spoke, a crack of thunder sounded in the distance. *Nice timing,* Ranma thought. *I'll have to learn how he does that.* Kunou still didn't seem to be finished with his speech. "And if I win, as a consolation...I SHALL DATE WITH THEE!!" Akane rolled her eyes and threw the rose to the ground. "Ready, Kunou. I'm late, make this quick." Ranma was getting more and more uncomfortable with this whole situation. He almost wished he'd looked into Akane's mind with greater detail so that he knew what this guy would be like. He certainly looked to be more of a threat to Akane than the nimrods who had attacked her earlier. Sure enough, as the fight started, Akane was beginning to sweat. She tried not to show it, but Ranma could see by her body language that she was getting worried. He began to study Kunou, watching his moves, seeing where the weaknesses were in case Akane needed help. To his surprise, he noticed that Kunou seemed to be pulling his swings, not using his complete strength to fight her. Indeed, he noticed Kunou leaving obvious holes open for her to hit him. Despite this, however, Akane was losing the battle. Ranma realised, with a guilty start, that the most likely reason was him. They'd been up most of the night having sex. She was probably still tired, though she didn't show it. And now she was going to pay the price for _his_ mistakes. Finally resolved, Ranma leaped down from the wall and interposed himself into the fight the best way he knew how; he simply leaped on top of Kunou's head. He remembered at the last second to stick with their cover story, and gave Akane a laconic look. "Who is this guy, Akane?" To his surprise, she favoured him was a nasty snarl. *Gee, she's really getting into that cover story,* he thought. "I don't need your help, Ranma! I can fight my own battles!" Leaping off of Kunou's back, he turned to face the handsome swordsman. "You get a kick out of beating up on young girls?" he said with a trace of disdain in his voice. This time it was Kunou who snarled. "'Tis none of your concern, knave. Who are you that would be so bold as to interrupt a duel with my beloved?" Ranma knew an opening introduction when he heard one. And he guessed that Kunou would be of the school that would actually wait for him to finish before attacking. So he casually set himself up in an offensive position, and said loudly, making certain the whole schoolyard could hear, "My name is Ranma Saotome. I'm the heir to the school of Saotome Anything-Goes Martial Arts." Kunou jerked at the mention of the school. "Did you ally yourself with the same school as the fair Akane Tendou? What right do you have to use that name?" Ranma shrugged. "Both of our fathers teach Anything-Goes. And since I'm staying with the Tendous..." Kunou's face suddenly seemed to twist from angry disdain into violent fury. Ranma looked at him, concerned. At first he thought that Kunou was simply an arrogant rich boy twit. Seeing his countenance now made Ranma think that perhaps he wasn't entirely sane. "You dare to live in the same house as the noble Akane Tendou and her fair sisters? How dare you?!?! The Blue Thunder shall teach you a lesson you shall never forget!" Once again, the air rippled with thunder, seemingly called from the blue by Kunou's bokken. Unfortunately, the thunderclap was quickly followed by another, and then the clouds seemed to roll in. *Uh oh,* thought Ranma, but he didn't get a chance to think much else, because Kunou chose that moment to attack. Ranma leapt up in the air, barely avoiding a blow across his chest. Kunou certainly wasn't holding back in fighting him. Ranma wondered if he had a problem with fighting girls. Ranma could understand that; he'd had the same problem, until Cologne had beaten it out of him. However, he didn't have the time to analyse Kunou's style now that he was fighting full force. The clouds were definitely building up. He needed to win, and win fast. With that in mind, he decided to try something desperate. Leaping up, he landed nimbly on Kunou's bokken as it swept across, and then used that as a springboard to land on Kunou's head. Concentrating, he let his mind drift into Kunou's deeper thoughts. He didn't need to be touching someone for it to work, but since this was a battle, he didn't want to take the chance of losing his concentration. Besides, he could be quicker this way. He intended merely to tap Kunou's sleep centres, giving the kendoist a quick trip into unconsciousness. Unfortunately, Kunou's mind was very different from the other ones he had encountered. There were areas of Kunou's consciousness that seemed to call to Ranma, luring him to take a closer look. Ranma suddenly found himself caught up what appeared to be a large white room. He saw Akane, tied up naked to a bed. Or at least he thought it was Akane. Kunou's mind seemed to have given her proportions that did not come even close to the reality. She was bound and gagged, yet her eyes shone. Looking around, he saw other women, in similar situations. Among them he recognised Nabiki and Kasumi. All of them had the same proportion problem that Akane had. Akane's bed easily dominated half of the room, however. The other half was dominated by a different woman, who had a heavy-lidded look to her eyes, and who was semi-dressed in the remains of a torn leotard. She was also the only woman who did not appear to have been to the plastic surgeon. Ranma had no idea why this was the case. Suddenly Ranma turned, and saw, standing above all the women like a colossus, the form of Tatewaki Kunou. He was naked, and seemed to possess an erection of truly momentous proportions. In full sexual readiness, he gazed around the room at all of his charges. Walking down to their level, he proceeded to inspect everyone closely. He would walk by the girls, feeling their breasts, giving them occasional kisses, while slowly stroking his engorged member. Akane and the girl in the leotard got the most attention from him. He climbed up onto the bed, kissing and fondling their breasts while rubbing himself all over their bodies. Yet at no point did he try to take them sexually, or even devote undue attention to their own sexes. Suddenly Kunou looked up, and turned to stare directly at Ranma. He turned to leave, when suddenly Kunou's voice stopped him. "Fair maiden, so you have decided to join my harem! Very well, I will prepare you!" Ranma suddenly looked down and found that she had become female. Furthermore, she was naked, and her nipples jutted out, firm and erect. She looked up, preparing to give Kunou a piece of her mind...only to find that she couldn't seem to stop looking at him. His handsome face, his strongly muscled chest, and especially his erection, which now pointed towards her like a beacon. She suddenly shook her head, attempting to snap herself out of it. She glared up at him once again, opened her mouth... And found herself saying, "I am yours forever, Tatewaki-sama." Suddenly, Ranma found a little of the self-control she had temporarily abandoned. With a mental scream, she vaulted out of the area of Kunou's thoughts he had trapped himself in. As Ranma left the area of Kunou's mind that contained his fantasies, he felt his mental image turn male once more. He quickly found Kunou's sleep centres and pounded on them, feeling him suddenly fall unconscious. Then, just as quickly, he ripped himself out of Kunou's head and landed on his feet before Kunou fell to the ground. Just as quickly, he dropped into a crouch. This was to hide the incredibly hard erection he now had growing. Try as he might, he couldn't get the images in Kunou's mind out of his own, and they were making him more aroused than he'd been since...well, since this morning. Suddenly he found himself spun around, and was looking straight into Akane's face. She looked to be livid. "I said I can fight my own battles, baka!" And with that, she swung her hand around and connected with the side of his face. It was not a hard slap; in fact Ranma barely felt it. But it seemed to affect Akane. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she suddenly bolted away from the school, moving as if she had been the one who was struck. Naturally, the sky chose that moment to unzip. Most of the student body fainted as Ranma suddenly felt his body shift into that of a buxom girl. *Well,* Ranma thought wryly, looking around the schoolyard at the stunned expressions of the students who remained standing, *at least I got rid of my hard-on.* *** Ranma looked on with a combined sense of nervousness and amusement at the class who stared at him. The teacher had attempted to do the introductions, but as she had been outside when Ranma had changed, she eventually gave up and let Ranma introduce himself. "My name's Ranma Saotome. I've been studying martial arts all my life. There's been a bunch of weird things that've happened to me. This is one of them." And with that, he poured some water over his head, waiting long enough for his body to change. *Hell, I'm already wet,* she thought. She then noticed several of the boys in the room were giving her looks that could almost be described as leers. Her eyes narrowed and she grabbed the kettle she had prepared. "I notice a lot of you guys are lookin' at me. Just thought I'd let you know, that no matter what I may look like," and at this point she poured the hot water over her head, turning male, "I am a guy. So if you're lusting after me, I guess you must be the sort of guy who likes men, 'cause that's what I am." The leering looks on the faces of the guys in the class quickly changed to embarrassment, and most of them quickly looked away. The fact that a few of the girls giggled didn't exactly help. Ranma smiled, put the kettle and bucket over by the window, and took his seat. It was then that he noticed a fact that should have occurred to him much earlier: Akane wasn't here. She had said they'd be in the same class, but she never arrived. Looking around, he began to worry. Suddenly Nabiki poked her head in the door. "Sensei, sorry to bother you, but Ranma has a family emergency. Can I borrow him for a few minutes?" Ranma's head snapped up. He noticed the subtle way Nabiki had emphasised the word 'family', and knew that she must be talking about Akane. He barely waited for the teacher to nod before he was out of the room and following Nabiki down the hall. To his surprise, they didn't head for the nurses' office, but instead went downstairs to the basement. Now that they were no longer in front of anyone, Nabiki had dropped her front, and seemed to be just as panicked as Ranma felt. As they turned the corner, Ranma finally saw Akane. She was lying on the ground in a foetal position. There was vomit on the floor next to her, and she seemed to be unable to stop shaking. Ranma almost cried when he saw her. He had no idea what had hurt her, but whatever it was, he would make sure it never did again. He knelt down and ran his fingers along her forehead, which was slick with sweat. "Akane, what happened? Tell me." Suddenly Akane leaped into his arms, screaming his name incoherently. She was crying so hard that he couldn't understand what she was saying. He gently picked her up off of the ground and held her to his body, stroking her head gently and trying to calm her down. It didn't seem to be working, however. Ranma turned to Nabiki to see if she knew what was the matter. Nabiki looked down. "You told Akane to act as she normally would have, and she did. She hated being interrupted in that fight. She's always defeated Kunou, there wouldn't have been a problem. So she slapped you. "Ranma, even if you say you tried to remove everything, you did leave several commands in our minds. One of the biggest was not to deliberately cause you any harm. She _hurt_ you. I think what we're seeing now is her mind's attempt to punish her." Ranma stood silent for a long time, stroking Akane's sobbing figure while pondering what Nabiki had said. Once again, one of the Tendous had suffered because he hadn't thought things through. The first thing that came to his mind was removing those restrictions in their minds, but he still didn't dare. He was afraid that if he didn't, one of them would manage to find the strength to kill him. They had told him last night that if he killed himself, they would die. He didn't want to test that. He also did not want to use any more of his powers this morning. Being in Kunou's mind this morning had affected him far more than he'd thought possible. When in Kunou's fantasy, he'd even temporarily lost control of his own mind. Before attempting to use them again, he needed to find out what his limits were, and how to prevent this morning's incident from happening again. If he tried to help Akane now, they'd probably end up having sex, and might even get caught. So all he could do was talk to her. "Akane, I'm proud of you." Akane looked up. "Na-nani?" she hiccuped. "You fought very well against Kunou, even when you were still tired from last night. I shouldn't have broken in. It was my fault." Akane looked away. "But I - I _hit_ you! I can never do that! You said, you told me -- " Ranma put his hand to her mouth. "Ssshhh. It's all right, Akane. You were just doing what I told you to. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine, for not thinkin' things through." Akane looked up slowly to stare into Ranma's eyes, a trace of hope quivering in her voice. " don't hate me?" Ranma inwardly recoiled at what he had made her into, but managed to keep a straight face. This was not the time for self-recrimination. Instead, he lightly kissed her. "I could never hate you, Akane," he said softly, almost to himself. For the next few minutes Ranma once again held Akane as she sobbed, but these were sobs of release. After a while she quieted down, and Ranma noticed that she had fallen asleep. He turned to Nabiki, who had watched the entire conversation with tears in her eyes. "Go tell the nurse that Akane is sick and you'll be taking her home. I wish I could tell you to stay with her, Nabiki, but I need you here at lunchtime to help fend off rumours." "I understand, Ranma," she said. He went on. "I'll let the nurse tell our teacher about Akane. I don't want everyone in the class to get any more suspicious than they are." He looked down at Akane and sighed. "This didn't happen anywhere near like I wanted it to. I hope I don't make any more mistakes." Nabiki smiled shyly. "We _all_ make mistakes, Ranma. Even you." Ranma tried to smile back, but it came out as a grimace. "Yeah, but my mistakes end up being a lot more dangerous." *** Nabiki came back again in time for lunch and managed to answer questions to everyone's satisfaction. Afterwards she took him aside and gave him some pointers. "Let's're staying with us, but are basically a shy dumb jock, so none of us are worried. Akane is pissed at you because you accidentally walked in on her in the bathroom when she was naked. I made it clear that all of us trust you, though. I also said that Daddy is calling us about every two hours, which is very believable, trust me. Akane went home partly because she was sick, and partly because she was embarrassed that you came to her defence. That much, at least, is true. So basically, you're a jock martial artist who tends to let his mouth speak before his brain checks in." Ranma nodded. "That shouldn't be too hard to manage. Hell, it's pretty much true." He looked around quickly to make sure the area was deserted, then gave Nabiki a quick kiss. "Thanks, Nabiki. I would never have been able to handle this without you." Nabiki blushed. "You know I'd do anything for you, Ranma," she said quietly, looking down at her feet. For a moment Ranma thought he saw a trace of revulsion cross her face, but if it did, it was gone almost immediately. She then got serious again, and motioned him closer. "There are a few problems. Most of the school is going to be fine, because...because Akane and I weren't all that close to the people here. But we both have a few friends, and they've noticed something." Nabiki bit her lip. "I tried my best, Ranma, but...Saeko and Reika know me better than anyone else. They know something's up. What's more, they're sort of my officers-in-training. If there's a secret to find, they'll find it, even if it's mine. They're nowhere near as good as I am, but still..." Ranma nodded. "We'll leave it for now. If we start to panic, we'll just make them even more suspicious. What else?" "This is a little better. Akane's friends, Yuka and Sayuri, know that she's not herself. But they think it's just because she's got a crush on you and won't admit it. They'll probably tease her about it, but I don't think they'll do much else." "OK. I need to talk with her tonight anyway." He straightened up. "We should get back to class." Nabiki nodded. "Anytime, Ranma." Once again, she looked down at her feet before moving away. Ranma stared off after her. He was almost as worried about her as he was about Akane. She still refused to look him in the eye most of the time. He thought that between himself, Kasumi, and Nabiki, they had managed to repair Nabiki's psyche after his rape of her mind and body. But it was apparent that there was still something wrong. That disturbed Ranma. He didn't want her to feel this way. But how could he help her if she kept hiding her true feelings from him? However, all of that would have to wait. For now, he got up and headed slowly back to class. *** Ranma had one more encounter with Kunou before the day was complete. Being unconscious at the time, he had somehow missed the news of Ranma's curse (which was surprising, considering it had been the talk of the entire student body all day). And unfortunately, Ranma had been splashed with water from a second-story window the moment before. Thus it was that Kunou was suddenly confronted with a buxom red-head in a wet, clingy shirt and fire in her eyes. Ranma wasn't paying much attention, being more concerned with trying to squeeze the water out of her clothing and get home. Thus it was that when she heard the cry of "Goddess!!!", she was completely unprepared for what happened next. She suddenly found herself being lifted up into Kunou's arms. He hugged her tightly to his body, all the while crying out to the heavens about the beauty he had found. Ranma decided that this was as good a time as any to work out the frustrations of the day, and prepared to beat Kunou into a bloody pulp. Then she suddenly noticed what Kunou was actually _doing_ to her. He was bouncing her very slightly up and down, which had the effect of making her breasts rub against his chest. Ranma could feel her nipples beginning to swell up in spite of themselves. Then she noticed that he also seemed to be holding her hips...and had something pressed into them. Ranma had no idea at that time why she reacted the way that she did. Later, she would think about the possibility that it might have been the fact that she was still unused to her female body, or perhaps the curse carried more with it than it first seemed. Whatever the reasons, Ranma's reaction was thoroughly unexpected. A high-pitched scream sounded throughout the schoolyard. Several of the students rushed forwards to see what the problem was. They were treated to the sight of Ranma, flushed and breathing heavily, wriggling out of Kunou's grip and not so gently placing her foot in his groin. Kunou grunted and went down like a ten-pin. Ranma then looked around and bolted. She ran for a while until she came to a forest by the school grounds, and then collapsed against a tree, panting. She had known Kunou was depraved, from her encounter with his mind, but she had never thought he would be so..._forceful_ about it. He was rubbing himself against her body, for Chrissakes! She could still feel his maleness pressing up against her, trying to manoeuvre its way against her crotch. She could still feel the way that her nipples hardened, as Kunou ever so slightly rubbed her body against his own... Suddenly Ranma realised with a start that she was rubbing her own breast. She quickly slapped herself across the face, trying to snap herself out of her reverie. She then slumped to the ground, her body still shaking. She began to quickly breathe in and out, relying on her martial arts training to regain her focus. She got up again and began to do katas, beginning ones in order to keep her head clear. In a few moments she began to feel more centred, and she no longer felt as if she needed to rip off all her clothes and masturbate right here in the woods. Just in time, as Nabiki came walking up with a kettle and Ranma's bookbag. She was glad Nabiki hadn't seen her earlier, as it might have upset her. She smiled as she handed Ranma her bag and the kettle. "Don't worry about going back, the bell just rang. You going to be all right? I heard about what Kunou was doing to you." She frowned as Ranma poured the hot water over her head. "It was weird, really. He's never been that overt before." Ranma frowned, a thought entering his head, but he decided to deal with it later. "Thanks again, Nabiki. You'd better get back, it might look weird if you were seen out here with me." Once again, Nabiki looked down at her shoes and flushed. Ranma sighed; he was going to talk to her about this tonight. "All right, Ranma. See you back home." She grabbed her bookbag and quickly ran back to the school grounds, almost looking as if she was running away. Ranma leaned against a tree for a moment, closing his eyes and remembering a time when his life was all so simple. Then he sighed and headed back towards the Tendous. *** Arriving back at the Tendou residence, Ranma's first thought was to check on Akane. He found her lying in her bed, with Kasumi attending to her. As he entered the room she smiled, although he noted that there was still a little bit of shame visible in her face. "I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you today, Ranma. I tried to do my best, but I ended up screwing everything up." Her voice cracked as she spoke, and tears threatened to well in her eyes once more. This was not what Ranma wanted to hear. He quickly went to the end of the bed, sat down, and touched her cheek. "Akane, listen to me. First of all, you did a wonderful job today. There was no way we would have been able to hide everything, but you helped make everyone believe the stories that Nabiki was telling them. And secondly, you did not hurt me. Even if your slap had been full-force, it wouldn't have mattered." Akane looked away. "I let my emotions get the better of me. Everyone always says that's my big fault. Nabiki and Daddy are always telling me that I get mad too easily. And that's exactly what happened. Everything depended on how we acted today, and I almost ruined it." Ranma was getting frustrated again. He simply didn't have all that much experience in dealing with people. He had no idea what words to say to Akane that would make her feel better. He could make love to her, but that felt wrong as well. He needed to do something to show that he didn't blame her for the incident. Suddenly he got an idea. It could be a bad one, but it was all he could think of. "Kasumi, could you leave us alone for a little while?" Kasumi raised an eyebrow at this but left the room, and he quietly lay next to Akane on the bed. She shivered a little when he tried to touch her, but he wasn't doing it in a sexual way. He just wrapped his arms around her and held her close. For a few minutes they just lay there, each wrapped up in their own private thoughts. Finally Ranma spoke. "Akane, you know that this isn't what I wanted. This...situation we have here. I let my lusts get the better of me, and this is what happened. It's something that we're going to have to deal with. "When I first woke up last night and realised what I'd done, I wanted to die. I had dishonoured the three of you in the worst way possible, I ruined your lives, and worst of all I altered your thoughts. Kasumi and Nabiki had more done to them than you did, but I still messed with your mind. "When we were in the bath together, before I...before I did what I did, you were smiling and laughing. There wasn't any anger there. And I think that's the real Akane Tendou. Everyone always pays attention to you when you're mad, and that's why they think you've got a problem. But try and count up the times in the day that you're mad and the times you're happy. I think you'll be surprised. "Akane, I...I regret everything I did to the three of you since arriving here. But most of all I regret what I did to you, that I felt the need to manipulate you like that. Because now you love me, and want to be with me, but it's all my controls. I can't be sure it's you. Hell, even _you_ can't be sure. But when we were talking in the dojo, and later on in the bath...I thought we could have been friends, and that maybe you might have come like me. And I shot that all to hell." Ranma lay back against the bed, a tear coming to his eye. He'd meant the speech to remind Akane of her nicer traits, but unfortunately it had come off as more of a confessional. He finally got up the nerve to look at her again, and gasped. She was smiling. It was a beautiful smile, one that just lit up her entire face. "Ranma...thank you. I think I needed that." Relief washed over him, as he realised that despite himself he'd managed to make her feel better. He smiled back at her. "Anytime, Akane. And I mean that." Suddenly her smile changed, became more sensual. "You know, we are in bed already..." She reached down to stroke his penis gently. Ranma sighed, and gently moved her hand. "I think you need to get some sleep first." Akane pouted, but he could already tell that her eyes were getting drowsy. "Oh, all right." Ranma got up off the bed and smiled down at her. She looked at him one more time with that beautiful smile before closing her eyes. Ranma waited a few minutes until he knew she was asleep before he left the room. Once outside, he sighed. *One of these days, Akane,* he thought, *I'm going to free you from what I did. I know when that happens, I'll never see that smile from you again. So I'll enjoy it while I can.* *** Ranma sat down in the furo and sighed. It had been a long day, and he'd only just had time to take a bath. There had been a mutual consent that tonight they would get their sleep, rather than stay up again. He was telling Akane the truth - the day had gone better than expected. Unfortunately, there were still too many things to deal with. All sorts of problems that could crop up to destroy he and his family. For a moment he wondered if that would be such a bad thing? If discovered, he was almost certainly dead. The Tendous would eventually be able to go on with their lives, and their suffering would be over. However, he quickly shook his head. He couldn't take the chance that they might try to kill themselves. Moreover, he didn't think he could just give up his life that easily anymore. Last night had been a low ebb, and suicide had seemed like the only answer. Now he had something else to work for: getting the Tendous back to normal. He would find a way to increase his powers to the point where he could successfully release the programming in their heads. If it was just his instructions, there might not be as much of a problem. The major headache was the fact that he'd merged his mental commands with their own behaviour patterns. He couldn't release the controls because their minds didn't see them as controls. To Kasumi, Nabiki, and Akane, having Ranma as their lord and master, and having passionate sex with each other, was a part of who they were. _That_ was what Ranma needed to eliminate if he was to get them back to normal. Ranma suddenly moaned to himself. Looking down, he noticed that he had been stroking his erect member almost subconsciously. While he had turned down Akane's offer earlier, he had still been aroused by her. In fact, it seemed lately that he was aroused by almost everything. Lying back in the tub, he continued to move his hand gently up and down his rod while letting his mind drift. Thoughts of making love with the three Tendou girls, how each of them had their own ways of showing affection. All of them had virtually no sexual experience before being taken by Ranma, but each of them was different, nevertheless. Akane liked to be taken, letting Ranma control the tempo and passion of their lovemaking. She also was the loudest of the girls, sometimes jamming her head into a pillow to muffle the screams that came from her as she orgasmed. Kasumi was almost the opposite, in that she decided what to do when they were making love. They had made love twice, not counting when he had first taken her, and both times Kasumi had been on top, driving herself deep into him with a passion she was finally discovering. Kasumi was the partner that wore him out the most. Then there was Nabiki. She was almost hesitant when they had sex, waiting for him to guide her as Akane did, but not putting as much emotional investment in what followed. He'd only made love to her once last night. When he offered again, she asked whether she could pleasure him orally instead. It was true that this was what she was best at, but Ranma still felt as though she was uncomfortable with the idea of his tool inside her. Ranma was getting frustrated. He was trying to have erotic thoughts so he could get some relief, but all his mind did was analyse the girl's techniques. For a moment, he let his hand slip off of his rod, thinking that he'd try some other time... And then a different image came into his mind. It was Kunou, the Kunou Ranma had seen when delving into his mind that morning. Once again, he was slowly wandering around the room, pausing by one woman or another, stroking their breasts, letting his hands caress their body. He came to Akane and the other woman, and raised himself up next to them, rubbing himself against their bodies obscenely, yet never actually penetrating them, even though they begged for it... Ranma was once again rubbing his penis, but this time it was with quick, furious strokes. He didn't even realise what he was doing as his mind kept feeding him images of Kunou... And suddenly he was there, as a woman again. Kunou looked up, and she felt her heart beat faster. Suddenly he began to walk towards her, and she was running towards him now, meeting him in the middle of the room and furiously ripping off her clothes. Her hands brushed his huge protrusion and she felt a rush of pleasure wash though her sex. Suddenly Kunou was raising her up, not even bothering to move her to the bed, and she found herself lowered onto him, and cried out with the pain... And suddenly Ranma was coming, ejaculating in long spurts into the furo. His breath was ragged as he came back to himself, not realising at first what he had been doing. Then suddenly his martial arts senses perked up again, and he realised he was not alone in the room. Spinning around, he saw Nabiki standing just inside the door, naked but for a towel around her shoulders. She noticed his gaze, and quickly turned away. "I'm sorry, Ranma, I...I don't know why I stayed here. I shouldn't have been watching you..." There was a note of panic in her voice, and Ranma felt a need to stop her from leaving. "Wait!" he cried out. "Nabiki, I needed to talk to you anyway." A thought occurred to him. "Why should seeing me doing this bother you? You didn't have any problems with me last night." "I was with the others then. They made me feel all right about it. we're here alone, and I...I don't know! It's all so different! I don't know what to do anymore!" The last sentence had been screamed out, and suddenly Nabiki fell to the floor, sobbing. Ranma leaped out of the tub, making sure she hadn't hurt herself, and quickly moved her to the small washing stool. He held her while she wept, noting that he had done the same thing for Akane earlier. He wondered if this was going to be a habit. Finally Ranma spoke again. "Nabiki, you've been acting strangely around me all day. I don't want you to feel like this. If there's anything I can do, anything I'm doing wrong -- " Ranma found himself stopping in mid-sentence again, because suddenly Nabiki was giggling. The giggling soon turned to full blown laughter, as she shook with mirth. Finally calming down, she looked into Ranma's eyes, and seemed to come to some sort of decision. "Ranma...I'm gay." Ranma blinked. "I know." "No you don't, not really. You were the one who made me come to terms with what I was. You and Kasumi and Akane. You helped me understand that I could be what I am and not have to worry about being an outcast or a freak. And I thank you. But do you see what it means to me?" Ranma shook his head, feeling a little lost. "Ranma, being a lesbian is more than just a social and emotional choice! What's the definition, when you boil it down?" "A lesbian? Well, it means you like girls instead of gu..." Suddenly Ranma understood what Nabiki was getting at. She wasn't uncomfortable around him because he was Ranma, or because he was her 'master'...she was uncomfortable with his gender. "I am sexually attracted to girls. But there's a problem with that. I still want you. Desperately. You told me that it's because of the controls you put in my head, and I guess I can accept that, but it doesn't change the fact that I want to have sex with you. And the problem is that I'm not attracted to you. You do nothing for me. I just...I need to have you." She slumped back in his arms again. "Do you understand? I can''s like I've finally solved a puzzle, only to be handed an entirely different one." Ranma again thought for a few minutes, leaving Nabiki to relax after her confession. One thing his mental powers had taught him was to think before speaking. Until his fall into Jusenkyou, his mouth had constantly gotten him into trouble, mostly because he just said whatever he felt like. But he couldn't do that anymore. There was too much in his life that needed to be kept secret. So he was slowly learning the art of considering a problem before acting upon it. He was trying to do this now. There was one solution to Nabiki's problem that presented itself immediately, but he shied away from it. However, the rational part of his mind was insistent. He had been having more and more trouble lately dealing with his female half. It had gotten to the point where he was sitting in the tub masturbating about Kunou taking his girl body. That was dangerous. Something had to be done. He still felt incredibly nervous. She'd only touched herself as a girl once, and the experience had left her more frustrated than satisfied. She got the feeling throughout that she was missing something. Nabiki could help her ease the sexual tension within her. Ranma now realised something he'd been denying. For the past day or two, whenever he had changed into a girl, he'd been incredibly aroused. It was getting worse and worse, and he was afraid that if he didn't do something soon, he might snap in public. He also realised that this was a solution to Nabiki's problem. She felt a need to make love to Ranma, but was _not_ attracted to his male form. This meant that it didn't have to be male Ranma she made love to, just Ranma. Ranma finally made his decision. He gently got up from the floor next to the stool where he'd been holding Nabiki, and moved to get a bucket of cold water. Splashing himself, he shivered as the changed coursed through his body. He still hadn't gotten used to the way that his body reacted. His body got smaller and more curvaceous. The erection that he had regained when talking to Nabiki vanished, but in its place was a different kind of arousal, just as strong. This took place in less than a second, and Ranma barely found time to recentre himself before turning back to Nabiki. Nabiki was staring at Ranma's naked form with her eyes wide. "Nabiki," Ranma said, somewhat meekly, "I...I've never had any experience in this body. But if it makes you more comfortable...I want you to be happy, Nabiki." Ranma looked at Nabiki and was surprised and pleased to see her break into a dazzling smile. Apparently the smile was a Tendou thing, as both Nabiki and Akane could light up a room with it. Tears came to the corners of her eyes as she slowly stood up and moved towards Ranma. "Ranma...thank you," she said, hugging her close. She then felt Nabiki whispering softly in her ear, "I was attracted to this body from the moment I met you, Ranma, but I thought if I brought it up you'd be upset." Ranma smiled wryly. "If you'd mentioned it last night, I might still have. Today has enlightening day." Nabiki drew back from Ranma, and Ranma noticed the sultry grin plastered across her face. "Oh really, Ranma? Are you starting to feel sexual urges as a girl?" Ranma blushed. "Only a little," he lied. He knew Nabiki could tell he was lying, too. "Oh, so it's only a little bit. So this sort of thing wouldn't arouse you all that much." And with that Nabiki raised her hand to Ranma's left nipple, drawing a slow, lazy circle around it with her finger. Ranma gasped as she felt a tingle of pleasure rush through her, and felt both of her nipples begin to stiffen. She tried to contain her emotions, however, realising that Nabiki wanted to play the role of the seducer this time. "Nope, barely felt a twinge," Ranma said, though there was a touch of huskiness to her voice. Nabiki just grinned. "Well, then, that's a problem. Can't have you being all sexually repressed, it would lead to problems. No, Ranma, I'm afraid we're going to have to deal with this." Ranma tried to concentrate on the fact that Nabiki was no longer shying away from him, and seemed almost back to her old self, the one she had met when she arrived at the dojo. Unfortunately, his eyes were drawn to Nabiki's nude, lithe body. She may have just had a fantasy about Kunou, but that didn't mean she was suddenly turned off by girls, and Nabiki was incredibly sexy. Suddenly Nabiki got up and wrapped a towel around her body, throwing another one to Ranma. Ranma caught it automatically and looked back at her, not being able to keep a look of disappointment off of her face. Nabiki laughed at Ranma's puppy-dog expression. "I'm not going to introduce you to sex as a woman in the middle of the bathroom, Ranma. We'll go to my bedroom. Though be careful, we don't want the others finding out about this." Getting up and donning the towel, Ranma blinked. "Why not?" Nabiki's sly expression vanished for a moment, and she looked very vulnerable. Her voice was almost a whisper. "Because I want you to myself. Just this once." Ranma couldn't figure out why she had gotten so depressed, but she would do anything to remove that expression from her face. She quickly moved up to Nabiki and embraced her, bringing her mouth to the other girl's in a deep kiss. Nabiki didn't react for a moment, and then suddenly was all over Ranma, hugging her body tightly, giving her short, quick kisses, as well as long, slow ones. For a few minutes all they did was stand there and explore the art of kissing, two women who were just discovering sexuality. Finally Nabiki broke off the kiss and pulled away. "My bedroom. Now," she said. Her voice was as husky as Ranma's had been now, and she practically dragged him out of the door. Ranma felt a little silly tiptoeing down the hall, especially considering that the only other people in the house were Kasumi and Akane, neither of whom would have batted an eye at what they were doing. But Ranma decided to let Nabiki run this show. Ranma had little experience with being a woman. Nabiki could teach her that. Arriving, they quickly discarded the towels and moved on to the bed. For a few minutes, all they did was lie on the bed kissing and stroking each other's bodies. Ranma was still trying to get used to the fact that she got aroused in different ways in this body. Her breasts seemed to be hyper-sensitive, and she felt a wetness between her legs. She remembered when she had made love to the three Tendou sisters as a man. Each of them had reacted differently. Kasumi seemed to get very wet very quickly, and came to orgasm faster than the others. Nabiki, on the other hand, was slower, and had to be...coaxed, as it were, in order to achieve her release. With that in mind, Ranma moved his hand down towards Nabiki's sex, intending to get started right away on getting Nabiki aroused. Her hand was intercepted by another, however. Ranma looked up into Nabiki's eyes, startled. "This is for your benefit, Ranma. My body will take care of itself. We're here to show you how it feels to be made love to as a woman. And that's my job." She smiled again, this time looking remarkably like a cat, and drew their joined hands down to Ranma's exposed clitoris. Ranma gasped out loud upon the contact. For some reason, she had never been very aroused by touching her clitoris when she tried to masturbate that one time. But Nabiki's hands on her sex, massaging and tweaking it, were beginning to send her into ecstasy. She was beginning to get very wet now. Suddenly, Nabiki raised her hands from her womanhood, bringing them higher. Ranma almost whimpered, and tried to drag herself back to her pounding vagina. But Nabiki shook her head. "Ranma, we're not just going to rub your clit until you come. The female body has many, many places where you can get pleasure. Our goal is to show you how to experience them." Ranma looked up, suddenly curious. "Nabiki, you can't be that much more experienced than me. Weren't you a virgin when I...?" Nabiki flushed. "Yes, I was. You're right, Ranma, I haven't had sex with another woman yet. But hell, I've been masturbating since I was fourteen. Taken cumulatively, I've had a whole lot more orgasms than you have." Ranma raised an eyebrow at that. "Taken cumulatively?" Nabiki flushed again. "You're thinking too much. Have to do something about that." And with that, Nabiki lowered her face to Ranma's right breast and began to suckle it. Ranma gasped as her mind once again swirled with sexual impulses. The feel of Nabiki's mouth on her nipple was incredible, and she also felt something...primal in it. After a few minutes Nabiki moved to the other breast, and by the time she finished Ranma was panting with lust. Nabiki slowly moved her hand back down to dip itself into Ranma's box. She tweaked at the clitoris a few times, and came away with her fingers rather wet and slick. She then raised her hand up to Ranma's mouth. "This is what you taste like, Ranma." Ranma opened her mouth and accepted Nabiki's fingers. The taste on her tongue was slightly salty, mixed with something else that Ranma couldn't quite fathom. "Do you taste like this?" Ranma asked. They'd done a lot last night, but Ranma had not actually tasted any of the Tendou sisters. "I don't know, Ranma. Women taste different, you know. Let me check." Nabiki slowly brought her hand up to her own lips, sucking the moisture off them. "Mmmm...nice. I can't really say for sure, Ranma. You'd better see for yourself." Nabiki then slowly brought Ranma's hand down to her own sex. Ranma tried to do more this time, using her fingers to gently push open her nether lips. Her clitoris was smaller than Ranma's, but it seemed to be just as sensitive, as she let out a squeal when Ranma squeezed it. She was rewarded with a small rush of liquid. Savouring the feel of Nabiki's womanhood, Ranma nevertheless drew her hand out and up to Nabiki's lips. Nabiki now tasted her own wetness. "Mmmm...not bad. I prefer you, Ranma, but then I've tasted myself before. What do you think?" Ranma was getting incredibly turned on by Nabiki's slow, methodical examination of their bodies, and knew she couldn't stand this for much longer. Nevertheless, she moved her fingers into her own lips, trying to look as sensual as Nabiki had when she had done the same. Judging by Nabiki's suppressed giggle, she didn't succeed. After a considered pause, Ranma gave her reaction. "I like your taste better myself." Nabiki smiled. "Fine. We both have good taste." Giggling at her joke, she then moved her body closer to Ranma's. Their breasts touched, though Nabiki was keeping her hips away from Ranma for the moment. Nabiki looked down at their chests, and frowned momentarily. "Hhhmph. You get cursed to be a girl, and it just _happens_ to be one with a 38-D chest. I want the map to those springs, maybe I can get the male equivalent." It was Ranma's turn to blush. He had no idea why the spring had given him the body of a supermodel, but didn't think to complain about it. He looked down at Nabiki's own chest, which was larger than her sisters, but seemed small compared to Ranma's own. "Nabiki, you have beautiful breasts. I'm sure your body could attract any, any girl you want." The mood was broken for a moment as Nabiki's smiled sagged. "tell me about it. I could get lots of guys to date, but that's not what I'm looking for, is it?" Ranma cursed herself inwardly. For all that she'd gotten a lot better at thinking before she spoke, she still had a tendency to put her foot in her mouth an awful lot. She started to stammer an apology. "I'm sorry, Nabiki, I wasn't thinking. There are bound to be lots of girls who could -- " Ranma's speech was interrupted by a moan coming from her throat. Nabiki had shifted again, and moved their hips together so that their sexes were together. Nabiki raised her legs just a little bit, and suddenly Ranma found her clit up against Nabiki's thigh, pulsing gently. Her own thigh was also touching Nabiki's clitoris, and Ranma could tell that Nabiki was getting just as desperate for release as she was. "I think we're ready to begin the final lesson for today, Ranma," Nabiki breathed, barely able to keep her voice from breaking. And with that she began to move her hips, slowly but with increasing urgency, pushing them against Ranma's body. Ranma quickly picked up the rhythm, and began to move her own hips in tandem. Quickly they abandoned the slow and methodical methods they had been using since coming into Nabiki's bedroom. They began to cry out quietly, making little grunts as their bodies slammed together. Ranma could not believe the pleasures she was feeling. Her entire body felt as if there was an electrical current running through it. It was somewhat similar to what she felt when she came as a guy, but at the same time the experiences couldn't really be compared. Suddenly he felt Nabiki's body quiver, and she cried out as she clenched her arms around Ranma. The feeling of Nabiki orgasming in her arms proved to be too much for Ranma, and she quickly felt herself ignite with a fire that made the previous feelings seem tame in comparison. After a few seconds of this ecstasy, Ranma finally collapsed back onto the bed, still entwined in Nabiki's arms. Ranma sighed, enjoying this feeling as well, the post-coital satisfaction of being in another woman's arms. It was one of his favourite moments of sex as a man as well. Nabiki had been right, it wouldn't have been the same if she'd just masturbated Ranma to an orgasm. The slow, methodical seduction Nabiki had used, getting Ranma used to her body and its reactions, had made all the difference in the world. He looked at Nabiki, who had a similar look of peace on her face. She smiled back at Ranma. "So, which is better?" Ranma gave the question considerable thought before answering. "They can't really be compared. They're both wonderful." Nabiki snorted. "That's a cop-out. Still, I'll give it to you." She then sobered again, and leaned in to give Ranma a kiss. "Ranma, thank you. I wanted this to happen, but I couldn't figure out how to approach you about it. You've made me feel much better." Ranma nodded. "I should have thought of this earlier, I apologise. And I want to thank you, Nabiki. I've been...going nuts this past day or two when I've been in my girl body. I really needed this." Nabiki suddenly looked a little scared and very vulnerable. "Ranma, could you do me a favour?" Ranma blinked. "What is it, Nabiki?" "Could you stay here tonight?" Ranma looked at the clock and was startled to find it was almost midnight. She had completely lost track of time. She looked back into Nabiki's worried face and smiled. "Of course, Nabiki. I'll stay." Nabiki didn't say any more, but her eyes shone with gratitude. She got up to fetch a blanket to cover them up, then snuggled next to Ranma, falling asleep within a few minutes. Ranma remained awake for a little while longer. There was still a buzzing within his body, as if he had come close to scratching at an itch but hadn't quite reached it. *** Arriving at school the next day, Ranma was surprised that Kunou did not put in an appearance. Akane did her usual fighting off of the guys, and this time Ranma made sure to stay out of it, though he did keep an eye on her. He needn't have worried; Akane was feeling very rested today, and took out the entire horde in under ten seconds. The rest of the morning was pretty quiet as well. When lunch arrived, Ranma went to go sit next to Akane and her friends, but Nabiki got to him first, quickly dragging him over to a quiet corner. "Ranma, going over to sit with Akane and her friends is not exactly going to help your cover story, is it?" Nabiki was using her 'it's just business' voice, and more importantly was looking him straight in the eye. Ranma felt a lot better knowing that they had resolved the difficulties between them. He also realised that Nabiki was right. He hadn't thought about the possible repercussions, he'd just wanted to sit and talk with Akane. They still hadn't spent all that much time together. Nabiki wasn't finished, however. "There are two other things. First, I don't know if you've noticed, but Saeko and Reika have been following you discreetly all morning." Ranma laughed. "Discreetly? Nabiki, I noticed them from the moment they started. Wearing tan trenchcoats and fedoras sort of calls attention to the eye." Nabiki didn't laugh back. "Ranma, the point is not whether they were noticed. Hell, everyone noticed them. The point is, _because_ they were so silly and obvious, nobody stopped them. They were able to follow you all morning." Ranma frowned. He hadn't really considered that. "I don't think I did anything to call attention to...our situation this morning." "I don't think you did either; I'm just pointing out that a trick does not have to be subtle in order to work. Keep on your guard." Nabiki then reached into her handbag and pulled out an envelope. It was embossed with a family crest, and looked very expensive. "This is the last thing. It's from Kunou." Ranma took the envelope gingerly, as though it would attack him. "I haven't seen him all morning." "He's been avoiding everyone. I think his defeat yesterday bothered him more than he lets on. He even answered a question in class today without using poetry. Anyway, the letter's to your female side. He wants to challenge you." Ranma thought for a moment. Could Kunou be annoyed at the beating he had gotten the previous afternoon? Somehow Ranma doubted it; more likely Kunou was using a challenge as an excuse to cop another feel. He sighed, feeling the edge of a headache coming on. "Thanks, Nabiki. I think I'll eat lunch alone today while I try and work out what to do." Nabiki grimaced, realising what she'd done. "Sorry, Ranma." Ranma shrugged. "Hey, not your fault." Nabiki went back to the schoolyard, leaving Ranma to think. He ran through the possibilities in his mind. He could simply show Kunou the curse, and hope that would explain things. However, Ranma had been inside Kunou's mind, and doubted that Kunou would really let knowledge of the curse affect him that much. There was another possibility, but it was far more dangerous. Ranma had noticed, looking back on it, a few things about his trip into Kunou's mind. Kunou had his fantasies, but none of them included violating any of the women in them. He would grope, rub, and generally be incredibly offensive, but he never had sex with any of his dream girls. Ranma wondered if this was because Kunou still contained a bit of honour within him. He knew what he was thinking was wrong, so he subconsciously never allowed himself to follow through. The beginnings of a plan began to form in Ranma's mind. A plan that would, perhaps, help everyone in the long run... *** Ranma stood on the beach, looking out towards where Kunou stood fifty feet away. He was looking more formal than usual, and had his hands behind his back. Ranma was simply wearing her usual Chinese shirt and pants. She had considered trying to wear a dress in order to throw Kunou off his guard, but discarded the idea. She was uncomfortable about wearing female clothing, and besides, she could come dressed in a sack and Kunou would be off his guard. The beach seemed to be completely deserted. It wasn't bathing season, and this was an out of the way place. If they did have a fight, they wouldn't be disturbed, and Ranma could do what she was planning to do. She sighed and mentally prepared herself. She wasn't helped by the fact that her sexual readiness, which had been normal throughout the day in her boy form, was once again peaking. Perhaps it had something to do with which form she was in...did she need to have sex in both forms to sate herself? No, she'd done it with Nabiki last night, so that couldn't be it. In any case, she was going to have to be extra careful to hold on to her control while doing this. Sighing, she walked towards the spot where Kunou stood, the wind blowing through his hair. The combination of the setting plus his serious look was making him damned attractive, and Ranma gulped once as she got closer. "Well, Kunou. I'm here. Do you want to fight?" Kunou smiled briefly. "Of course not. I would not use the same methods to win your hand as I do the fair Akane Tendou's. You are two entirely different women. I merely wish to present you with...THIS!" And on that last word, he swiftly brought his hands forward, throwing a large object at Ranma. She caught it defensively, and noticed that it was a bouquet of roses. They were gorgeous, with a maroon tint that seemed to complement the setting sun. She turned back to Kunou, just in time to see him look her directly in the eye, and say, "I love you." It should not have been as big a surprise. Kunou had, according to Nabiki, still not acknowledged the fact that Ranma was a cursed male. Therefore it was possible he would see her as simply another conquest. In fact, Ranma had been expecting something like this. However, she had expected it to be something along the lines of a mock battle so that Kunou could cop a feel, or something along those lines. Kunou's romantic attitude, along with the flowers, had kept Ranma off her guard. Her face felt incredibly hot, and she knew she must be blushing horribly. Moreover, she was beginning to feel very excited, thinking about herself and Kunou locked in an embrace... She mentally slapped herself. This was not the time for such thoughts. What she was planning would require all the self-control she had. Nevertheless, she had to play the part. "Th-thank you, Kunou- sempai. They're very beautiful." He had closed the distance between them, and now reached up to stroke her cheek. "Not nearly as beautiful as you are." The contact was all that Ranma needed. She reached up and grasped his hand, bringing it to his own head. She heard Kunou gasp as Ranma began to exert his control, but then the outside world got lost... *** When she had first done this, Ranma had moved straight into Kunou's fantasies, his escape from the everyday world. This time she was going to go deeper, looking for the reason he needed to escape. Looking into Kunou's memories was not easy. The early ones were tightly closed off. Kunou had no actual mental powers, but he had certainly done a good job of subconsciously erecting a wall around his childhood, a wall that Ranma now had to try and break down. Gradually some of the earlier memories began to emerge. Tatewaki, as a child of five, playing with his younger sister. Saying goodbye to his father, as he went off to work. His mother handing him his lunch, and telling him to do well in school, and make the Kunou family proud. Then came the memories that were almost impossible to recover. Ranma struggled to make sense of them, trying to weave them into a coherent pattern. Being taken out of school during the day, and driven to the hospital. An accident, the doctors had said. She was probably gone before she even arrived here. There was nothing we could do, she died instantaneously. At least she didn't suffer. More memories, far more painful. The Kunou family struggling to recover. They had relied on his mother so much that it was hard to perform even the simplest of tasks. Tatewaki performing most of these tasks, as his father attempted to bury himself in work to escape, and his sister stayed in her room, refusing to accept her mother's death. Ranma felt like crying by now, reliving what Tatewaki had gone through. She saw the day his father announced that he was taking a short business trip to Hawaii, and left Tatewaki in charge of the house. He had never returned. Tatewaki now had the added responsibility of running the Kunou family to worry about. Most of the work would be done by accountants and servants, but it was ultimately _his_ responsibility. The pressure on his mind began to increase. The day his sister finally gave in to her encroaching madness. She had emerged from her room finally a few weeks after her mother's death, but would return there every night. Her sobs filled the Kunou mansion. And then one day, shortly after their father left them, the sobs stopped. In their place was a piercing laugh, a laugh that sent shivers up Tatewaki's spine. It was the laugh of a madwoman. From that day forth, Tatewaki fought a losing battle. Ranma got to the final memory that had been sealed away, a long night where Tatewaki did not sleep, did nothing but listen to the silence of the mansion. The next day he dressed for school, not in his uniform, but in his kendo robes. When asked what was wrong with him, he replied "How dare you speak ill of Tatewaki Kunou, baseless cur? Away, and breach not the subject further, lest you feel the sting of my blade!" Ranma was stunned at what he had witnessed. He had no idea the effect that one person could have. Mrs. Kunou's death had simply torn the family apart. She also felt rather proud of Tatewaki, for being able to hang on as much as he did. It showed what strength of character he had beneath his own madness. Ranma gradually began to rebuild Tatewaki's memories. She could still feel his mind attempting to fight her, but she gently soothed it, and the protests dimmed. She brought up the happy memories of his mother, and let them overwhelm the sad ones of her death. She tried to make Tatewaki realise that he was not alone, that there were others who could help him carry the burden of his family's problems. It wasn't perfect. Tatewaki still had his fantasies, and refused to let go of them. Ranma was slightly disturbed to realise that the woman on the other bed he had not been able to recognise earlier was in fact Kodachi, Tatewaki's sister. His feelings for Kodachi went deeper than the madness that consumed him, caught up as they were in filial love. Ranma decided to leave that for now. She looked at what she had done. Hopefully it would be enough. She began to draw away from Tatewaki's deeper thoughts, and back to her own mind... ...where she was immediately consumed by a frenzy of lust. Opening her eyes, she saw that she was now naked, lying on the sand moaning while Tatewaki suckled at her breast. She had no idea how she had gotten herself into this position; all she knew was that Tatewaki's naked body was right above her and she wanted it. Badly. She started to grind her hips upward, hoping to meet with the firm hardness of his manhood. Tatewaki was concentrating on her breasts, which felt fantastic, but she wanted him to do so much more. Looking into his mind once more, she could see that he was scared. Scared about what had happened to him, and scared about what he would do to her. Scared that his fantasies had finally become reality. Ranma smiled. She would be the one to help him. Tatewaki had lots of secondary experience with sex, but had never really gotten very far with anyone. She took his head and gently drew it up to her own. "Tatewaki, don't worry. I'll help you. It'll be all right." Seeing Ranma actually consenting helped Tatewaki to relax, and he bent down to kiss her. The kiss sent fire through Ranma's body once again. It wasn't the kiss of a lust-ridden egomaniac, the kind Tatewaki would have given her even half an hour ago. This was the tentative kiss of a young man who knew what to do, but did not have enough experience to feel confident. Ranma showed him that he was doing it right by moaning into his mouth, and returned the kiss passionately, entwining her tongue with his. This was not only a fulfilling of Tatewaki's fantasies, but also of Ranma's. She remembered how she had masturbated in the furo over the thought of giving herself to Tatewaki. The fact that it was actually her controlling the events, deciding what pace to set, only made it all the more exciting. She moved her hands down towards Tatewaki's shaft, which was incredibly hard. For a moment, a twinge of concern ran through her own mind. She had felt the pain the three Tendou sisters had felt when she had taken their virginity. Would she experience the same pain? Her lusts overrode her fears, however. She felt a burning need to have Tatewaki within her, filling her body in ways she had never experienced before. She gently guided him to her opening, looking directly into his eyes as she did so, letting him know that she wanted this, that it was all right. When everything was ready she nodded, and Tatewaki drove himself into her. Ranma felt a tear within her body, and cried out momentarily in pain. But as Tatewaki moved out of her, the feeling faded, and she could sense something else behind it. She nodded at him to continue. They began to fall into a rhythm, with Tatewaki driving his body down to meet Ranma's hips, and she in turn thrust up to accept his manhood into her. They were slowly sliding along the sand, making a deep furrow as they pounded into each other. The pain had vanished entirely, and Ranma was beginning to experience something truly incredible. Nabiki had brought her to orgasm last night, but this was...different. It was as if having Tatewaki inside her was a final confirmation of her dual nature. Having him inside her, filling her up, felt wholly unreal. He was able to touch her deep inside, all at once, sharing his warmth in a way only a man could do. She revelled in the feelings coming from within her, as her moans grew louder and louder. Tatewaki was beginning to grunt as he slammed himself into her body, and Ranma could feel both of them begin to hit a peak. Suddenly her orgasm was upon her. She cried out in ecstasy as her sex clenched itself around Tatewaki's penis, milking it for all it was worth. This proved to be too much for him, and he came with a shout of his own, releasing his seed into Ranma's womb. The feeling of his tool filling her sent her into a second orgasm, almost as big as the first. With a final cry she collapsed on the beach, Tatewaki falling on top of her. *** Ranma stood at the door to the Tendou's home, wondering what he was going to say. He had no idea how they would take this, his latest mistake. He didn't know how he was going to deal with it himself. He could feel the power in his mind. It was definitely stronger. Still not strong enough to undo the damage he'd caused, but closer. It also confirmed that to gain more power, he'd need to seek more sexual partners. Ranma shuddered at the thought, both in fear and anticipation. Going inside, he was met by all three girls. The encounter with Tatewaki had gone on longer than he had expected, and they were worried that something had happened. He decided to just break it to them quickly. "I took Tatewaki back to his mansion. His sister is on some class trip, so he's all alone in there. I don't trust myself around him anymore. Could one of you go and check on him? Just make sure he's all right, that sort of thing. "I think we need to be a lot more careful with Tatewaki. I don't think he could go back to acting like his old self even if we wanted him to. We'll tell the school that he was in an accident and has to stay home this week. Nabiki, you can bring his homework to him, that'll give us an excuse to be seen around the mansion." The three of them looked at him in confusion for a moment. Nabiki was the one who spoke up. "You mean that..." Ranma nodded. "I mean that Kunou is part of the family now. I know that might make some of you wary, but...he's not as bad as he's been anymore. I was able to help him a little, I think. But I still want someone to go and check on him. Akane and Nabiki looked over at their older sister. Kasumi momentarily thought of rebelling, but then gave in. "All right, I'll make sure he's okay. But that's it! I'm not going to make him soup and fluff his towels or anything like that!" Ranma blinked. "We're not asking you to." There seemed to be a tension around Kasumi now, one that hadn't been there earlier. It reminded Ranma of the way Nabiki had acted around him yesterday. Yet another reminder of what he had done to their lives. He'd see if he could find out what was wrong later. Kasumi moved woodenly to the bookshelf and took down a couple of titles. "I borrowed these from the local doctor a couple of weeks ago. They discuss psychological trauma. I'll see if they can be useful." She said the words hollowly. Ranma nodded to her, still worried. She got on her coat and left the house, looking for all the world like a convicted criminal. Nabiki left to go to her room, doubtless to see if she could plan a good story to tell the school officials. This left Akane and Ranma together in the living room. Ranma sat down on the couch, barely noticing Akane sitting next to him. "I wasn't able to keep control again, Akane. I tried to see if I could change Tatewaki, find out what made him such a jerk and fix it. I think I succeeded...but at the expense of my lusts. I...I had sex with him as a woman. I made him the same as all of you, part of our...our _family_. I -- " Finally he could go on no further, and collapsed to his knees, sobbing. Immediately, he felt Akane's arms around him, trying to help soothe his tortured mind. Inwardly, however, he was still a wreck. While he was having sex with Tatewaki, his girl side had seen the act as a final confirmation of her dual nature. Now that he was sated and back in his male form, he knew the truth of those words. He couldn't go back anymore, couldn't just see if there was an easy cure. He admitted it to himself, the sex had been fantastic. The feel of Tatewaki pounding into his...her body had been one that he would never forget. Moreover it was one he wanted to experience again. Self-loathing washed over him. He was a failure. Both in terms of keeping his manhood and in terms of keeping control of himself. He had been so sure when going to see Tatewaki that he could handle it, that he had his lusts under control. Instead, once again, they had taken him over, and he had ruined yet another life. Akane said nothing, just held him as he finished his crying. Finally he was able to get a hold of himself. He smiled at Akane. "Thank you." Ranma realised that he hadn't really had a chance to talk with Akane since they had met two days before. She was the one who intrigued him the most, yet he knew the least about her. He smiled down at her. "Akane, I need to talk to someone about all this. Do you mind?" She smiled, making the entire room a little brighter in Ranma's opinion. "Sure, Ranma, I'd like that." They sat down on the couch, and Ranma began to tell her about his life. *** Outside Furinkan High School, a figure paused, studying a map. He quickly double-checked the fact that he was in the right place, and then looked for a nearby park to pitch camp. He smiled, revelling in the fact that it had only taken him a few weeks to get here. Perhaps the only good thing to come out of the tragedy that had befallen him. He looked up into the sky, and a snarl of rage played around his features. *Saotome,* he thought, *I promise I will destroy you!* End of Part 2 Notes: This is the part where I realised, 'Hey, I actually have to write this for nine parts, don't I?' It grew to be rather daunting, as I thought this would be half the length it is. Thanks to everyone I thanked in Part 1, especially Lara for making me write this. Part 3 is Ryouga, but I need to start serious work on Won't Get Fooled Again Part 3, so it might be a bit...