{These characters are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}
Kodachi opened her eyes feeling weak and disoriented. She had been having the strangest dream, though she couldn't remember any of it now. She struggled to sit up, realizing she was in her bed, wearing a nightgown. She tried to call out for someone, but her voice only squeaked.
And then the door to her room opened and her father poked his head in. "My little wahine!" he said, charging into the room and embracing her tightly, tears trickling down his face.
Unused to the attention from her father, and the fact that his hold was rather tight, Kodachi struggled against him and tried to speak. Still no sound coming from her mouth, Kodachi pushed against his shoulders with her hands, but her arms felt like two sponges, completely without strength.
Kodachi shuddered when her father kissed her on the cheek, still babbling about his 'little wahine'. She only wanted him to let her go and get out of her room. A disgusting thought occurred to her then; what if he had been the one taking care of her? She shuddered again at the thought.
It would have been so nice if Ranma had actually cared enough to take care of her. Kodachi felt warm inside at the thought of the tenderness he would have shown her. Yet, she knew he wouldn't do such a thing. And even if he had wanted to, her brother would not have allowed him to do so. So maybe it was Tatewaki that cared for her.
That thought, as simple as it may have seemed, sent shivers up her spine. Shivers of anticipation. She still wasn't able to take care of herself, she would still need help. Maybe he would help her in the bath... Hold it, put the brakes on! Just what was she thinking?
Sure he wasn't that bright, but he wasn't bad looking. And he seemed to care about her now. Though, first order of business was to get her father off her. It was entirely inappropriate. Finally, with one giant push, she managed to get him away from her.
He looked at her a little stunned, before speaking. "Wahine, are you OK?"
Kodachi nodded, her voice still on hiatus.
"Good, 'cause I been so worried about you."
This was entirely too strange. He had never been worried about her or Tatewaki for as long as she could remember. Instead of worrying about it, Kodachi pointed at the door. She just hoped he'd get the point.
"But I can't leave my little wahine here all by herself," he declared, not moving from where he was sitting.
Kodachi stared at him hard, but she could only see her reflection in his sunglasses. That stupid little palm tree seemed to be mocking her. She pointed again at the door.
"No. I'm not leaving you alone again, wahine. Who knows what bad things what might happen?"
'Bad things are already happening,' Kodachi thought. If only Tatewaki would show up and provide a distraction.
"No, Kotchi. I ain't ever leaving you again." The tone his voice had suddenly taken scared Kodachi.
She shook her head, pointing at the door.
"But you're such a pretty flower, Kotchi. If I don't protect you, who knows what could happen to you."
Kodachi was beginning to feel ill. Obviously her father was a lot sicker than anyone had ever given him credit for. She tried to push him away again, but he grabbed her wrists and forced her hands back.
Kodachi's mind seemed to blank at the prospect of what was about to happen. Wasn't once enough? Why did it have to happen again? And here she couldn't even find the strength to fight back. She wanted to scream, but all she could manage was a pained squeak.
"Don't worry wahine, I'll make everything better."
There was something about seeing her face reflected in his sunglasses that finally unlocked her voice. Kodachi screamed loud and long.
Tatewaki was drowsing in the basement. Ever since his father had returned, it had been impossible to get any sort of peace and quiet in any room in the house except the basement.
He was stretched out in front of a small fireplace, the flames burning low as they warmed his side and stomach. It had gotten to the point that he just didn't care any longer what form he was in. Though he had to admit he felt more uninhibited when he was a wolf.
And it was so nice to feel like he was in a cozy little oven the way his fur got real warm. Tatewaki rolled to his side, his back to the fire. His tail twitched unconsciously as he began to slip into deep sleep. It was the scream that woke him up.
The door burst open, startling Kodachi and her father. Both of them directed their attention at the figure in the doorway.
Tatewaki growled at the scene before him. Whatever was going on, he didn't like. His father was... compromising his sister. That wasn't good. He stalked up to the bed and yanked his father away.
Kodachi watched fearfully, thinking, hoping she was still in a dream, watching the whole frightening scene unfold in front of her. It began with her brother, looking angrier than any time she had seen him before, casually picking up their father and tossing him across the room. Then her brother walked over and calmly beat the snot out of her father.
It looked like something fairly easy and straightforward. To Tatewaki, it was an agonizing decision, working against all his instincts. Or more precisely, pitting his instincts against each other.
There was the thing that said to defend his family. But it didn't say what to do if his family was fighting each other. And then there was the more primal instinct that said there was a competing male attacking one of his females. The female/more liked family member argument won out, and he had turned against his father.
Once he was pummeled into submission, Tatewaki went back to the bed and gathered Kodachi, unresisting, into his arms. Giving one last evil glare at his father, the two left the bedroom.
Kodachi held on to her brother tightly, still disoriented and upset. She leaned her head against his chest, still hoping it was only a dream, but not minding if it continued for a little bit.
She watched the walls move past, sighing to herself. Kodachi felt like she was seven years old again. That was all she wanted; someone that would take care of her, but no one ever wanted to. They were all afraid of her, or mad at her, but not her brother. Nothing she did ever seemed to bother him, which she was secretly glad of.
She had no worries about him carrying her to the basement. Kodachi knew that their father probably wouldn't be able to find them in the maze-like sublevel, and even if he did, Tatewaki would take care of him. ***
Tatewaki carried his sister back to the room he had been resting in. There wasn't anything special about it, except he had made it his own private space, a place where no one would disturb him. Actually, he would just stay in it to sleep in front of a warm fire. But with Kodachi with him... Things were different, she was different.
He sat on the floor, still holding Kodachi, cradling her in his lap. After what had happened upstairs, he couldn't let her go just yet, not until he was sure she was safe. He was very glad it was Saturday and the nurse who took care of Kodachi during the week hadn't been there. That just would have been far too difficult to explain.
With Kodachi in his arms, clinging to him, he looked down at her, wanting to ease her fright. Except, when he looked at her, he saw the nightgown, that he had put on her, the way the dim firelight highlighted the gauzy material. By no means was his sister a mannequin any longer. She was very much alive, very warm, very soft in his arms. Tatewaki closed his eyes and tried to drive away the thoughts that were plaguing him.
Kodachi felt her brother's hands tighten their hold for a moment, then relax. She looked up at him and saw that his eyes were closed. Admiring the way the light played across the fur on his face, Kodachi smiled. It felt a little scary, the way she felt about him because she had never felt the same way about anyone else.
It wasn't the same thing she felt for Ranma, it wasn't the same thing she felt for... Well, Ranma was the only person she loved. Besides her brother, but it wasn't the same. And her brother had done the same thing for her that Ranma had done. He had saved her, rescued her. A strange impulse overtook Kodachi and she hugged her brother, burying her face into his chest.
Tatewaki leaned his head down over her, pleased to know she was grateful for what he had done. He really only wanted what was best for her, after all. Except...
Kodachi began to stroke her brother's back, leaving her face against his chest. She could hear and feel his heart beating, picking up its pace as she held him. His hands shifted, she supposed he was trying to be subtle about it, to hold her a bit more... intimately. Kodachi found that she didn't mind all that much.
Adjusting both their positions, Tatewaki gently placed Kodachi on the floor while she was holding on to him. He shifted a little so he could lay on top of her if he wanted, but for the moment, he was content to kneel over her, wrapping his arms around her body.
Kodachi was engulfed by a pair of long, furry arms, and immediately she felt safe. For a few moments, peace reigned as the two hugged each other. Yet, this was nothing like the nights they sat outside and watched the sky. This was something... different. Kodachi could feel it.
Reluctantly releasing her hold, Kodachi looked up at her brother. Tatewaki unwrapped his arms and Kodachi quickly took his hands in her own. She squeezed them lightly, enjoying the way his skin felt against her own. His fur was very nice, but his skin was so much more... real.
Kodachi dropped one of his hands and reached up to touch his face. She traced the sharp edge of one cheekbone and stroked the fur down her brother's neck. Smiling gently, her emotions going through a complete upheaval, Kodachi traced the collar bone, then moved her finger down the sternum until she could feel the abdominal muscles. She could also feel her brother's entire body quivering. Anticipation? Did it match her own? Her own anticipation for what? What was she expecting to happen?
She laid back on the floor, still holding Tatewaki's hand. Whatever happened, happened. Kodachi would allow things to develop and go as far as they could. She had really stopped caring about such boundaries a while ago because love had seemed like such an impossible goal for her. What difference did it make what society found distasteful when she didn't ever think she'd find someone that would really love her?
Just once, just for a little bit, Kodachi wanted to feel what it felt like to be wanted. She wanted to know what it felt like to be loved, not as a sister, but as a woman. She wanted to know what real physical affection felt like, to prove that it wasn't all a lie.
With only her eyes, she begged for the physical attention. Looking deep into Tatewaki's eyes, she could see the same desires restrained. Just like him, but if the feeling was mutual...
Kodachi sat up a little, her hair flowing freely behind her, took hold of both of Tatewaki's forearms, then laid back again, pulling him on top of her. She laughed quietly when she saw the surprised look on his face. It was funny that he was just so... honorable and naive about everything. He had been having sex with Nabiki nearly every day for... at least two months and he acted like a blushing virgin.
Kodachi ran her hands across her brother's chest, her eyes never leaving his. "You... you love me, right?"
Tatewaki nodded emphatically. Of course he loved her. She was his sister; it was impossible for him to feel any other way about her.
"And I... I... I love you." Saying that had never been more difficult in her life. "Please," she said quietly.
That seemed to break the restraint Tatewaki had on his feelings. He gave one small nod then leaned down and held Kodachi against him, trying to make sense of what was going on.
Kodachi whispered in his ear, "I want to see your face. I want to know it's you."
Tatewaki could almost feel his brain smoke at that request, but it was impossible to refuse her. Whatever strange influence he had had over women, it was nothing compared to the power they held over him. Ending the embrace, he stood up and watched Kodachi settle herself on the floor, on his rug. She was on his rug, which meant that she was his as well. Sometimes his mind seemed to work in the strangest ways...
Changing back to human, he saw Kodachi smile at him and couldn't help himself any longer. He got down with one knee on either side of Kodachi's body, then put one hand on either side of her head. Tatewaki moved his head down until his face was no more than two inches from Kodachi's. At that point, he was lost. How was he supposed to initiate this sort of contact with his sister?
Kodachi could see the confusion on her brother's face. It was a look she saw a lot and knew it quite well. Unlike most times, she was just as hesitant, just as unsure as he was. She wanted to know, she wanted to experience it all, but the situation was so strange. Maybe it wasn't the right thing to do after all.
Tatewaki licked his lips nervously and lowered his head the rest of the way, making soft contact with Kodachi's mouth. He could tell that Kodachi was surprised by the way she seemed to freeze up. Ending the contact quickly, Tatewaki thought he had done something wrong. Maybe he had misinterpreted Kodachi's meaning, and maybe he had just made the biggest mistake of his life.
Kodachi looked at her brother, not quite able to comprehend what had just happened or the feelings racing through her. She swallowed and wetted her lips. It had been short, but sweet, and she wanted more. Kodachi lifted her head and kissed her brother, closing her eyes to concentrate fully on the pleasant sensations she was feeling.
She was getting warm all over, and it wasn't because of the fire. It was getting to be that the nightgown was far too heavy and she wanted to shed it. Keeping her mouth engaged, Kodachi grabbed Tatewaki's hand and guided it to her hip. Tatewaki simply shifted his weight to balance on one hand while his other pushed Kodachi's nightgown up.
Kodachi hadn't given it much thought before, but her brother had good taste in women's clothing and fashion. That thought went right out the window when a large, soft hand began to gently fondle her breast. It wasn't too rough and seemed to know what exactly to do to make her feel the heights of pleasure.
Tatewaki stopped his ministrations and lifted Kodachi's hand, placing it on her breast, then put his own hand over hers. He applied gentle pressure and squeezed as if it was his hand on her breast instead of her own.
Kodachi was definitely getting warmer, hot even. And then, when she ran her free hand down his back, fingering the waistband of his pants, he slowly lowered his body so he was laying on top of her. Kodachi could feel her brother's excitement pressing into her stomach, and wasn't so sure she'd mind feeling it in her hands, in her body. She wasn't so sure she'd mind doing anything he asked of her.
With that, Tatewaki began slowly grinding his hips against Kodachi, testing her willingness with his tongue. And she was willing enough, battling back with her tongue and teeth. He ran his hand lightly up and down her leg, each time coming close to the elastic of the panties he had dressed her in earlier.
The next time his hand came close to the the white satin, Kodachi made a muffled sound of affirmation. She felt Tatewaki's hand slide up farther, his fingertips catching the edge of the elastic and pulling up the band a little before moving up to the waist. As his fingers slipped into her panties, a sudden hesitation overtook Kodachi.
The two of them shouldn't really be doing this. But it felt so good, and Tatewaki knew exactly what to do. He knew what to do even when she didn't. Tatewaki shifted his body a bit so he could get his hand down all the way into her panties.
Kodachi broke their mutual kissing and gasped. Tatewaki moved down, leaning on his one arm, and began kissing Kodachi's neck. Kodachi was beginning to breathe heavily, making little noises of surprise and pleasure. The hand that had been resting idly on her chest grasped her brother's shoulder and squeezed tight. The other had a hold of his pants and were keeping a constant pull on them.
Kodachi didn't know if he had been born with the knowledge or if it was from lots of practice with Nabiki, but it felt like her brain was about to explode from feelings assaulting her. She wanted to tell him to take it one step farther, but again, her voice was not under her command. It felt like there was a fuse slowly burning down, whatever would detonate sitting at the point her brother's hand and fingers were working on.
Tatewaki had gotten so carried away, he had almost missed his chance at really showing his sister what it meant to be the alpha male. He removed his hand from Kodachi's honeypot and pushed her panties down the rest of the way. He pulled them off her legs and tossed them aside.
Kodachi's hands worked feverishly at the button of Tatewaki's pants before the two flaps finally came apart and the zipper was yanked down. Kodachi's hands immediately went down her brother's pants and began removing them from the inside. He wriggled a bit, helping her until he could manage to kick them off.
Kodachi put her hands around her brother's shaft, only to have have him yank her hands away. Tatewaki re-situated himself on top of her and resumed their kissing, both of them beyond control. The light from the flickering flames shined on their sweat covered skin as they moved against each other. Slowly but surely, Tatewaki was working himself into position, preparing to slip into his sister's warm wetness.
Bracing himself on his knees, Tatewaki reached down and grabbed Kodachi's rear, lifting her pelvis off the rug, getting her in just the right position. It was the moment of truth, even though the truth had been discovered a while back. Tatewaki moved his head down and grasped the thin nightgown in his teeth. He pulled the nightgown up toward Kodachi's neck, then moved back down and rubbed his cheek against Kodachi's exposed breasts.
Tatewaki shuddered then used his tongue to tease the sensitive areola, and opened his mouth. As he gently bit down on Kodachi's nipple, he thrust himself into her, the combined sensations sending her completely over the edge.
As her brother began to move, keeping his gentle hold on her breast, Kodachi found herself nothing but a mass of pleasure. Every touch, every movement, every thought was pleasure, was about pleasure. She nearly screamed as Tatewaki lifted her legs, hooking them around him just below his armpits. And then he really started thrusting, pounding into Kodachi, dragging his tongue all over her chest.
But Tatewaki wasn't satisfied. He lifted Kodachi up with her still impaled on him, and braced her against one wall. Kodachi stretched out her arms and held them flat, clutching at the wall, feeling her back rake on the stone as her brother began ramming himself into her again.
Tatewaki had one arm under Kodachi's body, supporting her, while the other was back on her breast, squeezing and pinching, his mouth attacking her neck. This was far better than any dream because it was really happening, and there was almost no hesitation, no guilt involved. It just felt like the right thing to do. And it felt really, REALLY good.
Kodachi was beginning to reach a point where she just couldn't help herself. She was losing control of her body, where it just seemed to do things on its own. She figured it had something to do with the mass amounts of pleasure she was feeling, combined with hard stone at her, making a truly intense sexual experience.
As she slowly worked her way to her peak, she knew this was what happened when she watched her brother with Nabiki. This was what Nabiki always made so much noise about, and this was what she was about to experience.
Tired of simply pinning his sister to the wall, Tatewaki removed his mouth from her breasts and pulled back a little. He gave himself just enough room to get his hand between their bodies, where worked his finger down to tease Kodachi's clitoris.
Nabiki had complained that it was too distracting because the feeling was so intense, so Tatewaki, as best he could in the tight space, worked his finger around it, touching it gently every so often. He knew Kodachi was almost ready, so he wanted to wait until the final moment to surprise her.
Kodachi couldn't believe the animal-like noises she was making. Grunts and moans, sometimes punctuated by a 'don't stop' and her heavy breathing... It was like she was a wholly different person. This time she had nothing to grab onto as all the muscles in her body began to clench, and all she could do was arch her back, thrusting her pelvis out while squeezing hard with her legs locked around her brother.
That signaled it. The clenching muscles meant it was only a matter of seconds. Getting in two more forceful thrusts, Tatewaki pinched Kodachi's clitoris and slammed into her, holding his position. All it took was for her to be near an orgasm for him to go, and that he did.
Kodachi's entire body shook with the force of her feelings, her entire body seemingly trying to clamp down on her brother. Her arms flailed against the wall as she continued to move on his shaft even though he had stopped. This time, the feel of her insides being bathed in that hot liquid didn't bring a feel of disgust, only ecstasy. It wasn't an invasion this time, but a welcomed presence.
After a few moments, in which Kodachi gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut extremely tightly, her muscles relaxed, and she slowly came down from the orgasmic high she had just experienced. Kodachi slumped against the wall a little, feeling utterly exhausted. When her brother removed himself and held her gently, she put her arms around him and laid her head on his shoulder.
Tatewaki carried his sister back to the rug and laid her down gently. He then retrieved a thin blanket and covered her body. She was almost asleep already, which brought a gentle smile to his features. His sister had finally escaped trap she had fallen into when she had been raped. Hopefully she could see what possibilities were ahead with the real love, reciprocated love, of a man. Not the one-sided obsessiveness or brutal display of power she had experienced before.
Fetching his pants, he put them on with his back to his sister. He didn't see her eyes open and watch him as he finished dressing, then close again as he turned around. Kneeling next to her, Tatewaki kissed her forehead. "Good night, Kotchi." Then he got up and left the room.
"Good night, Tatchi," Kodachi said as she pulled up the blanket and drifted off to sleep.