

Chapter 5:

Disclaimer: Great, I don’t own Ranma 1/2 …isn’t it a b? I’? I’m so happy that I could just keep this beaming smile on my face forever until it cracks! I don’t own Ranma 1/2!!! *Breaks down into a sobbing tantrum*


It was after a very long silence that Akane finally reacted and it was probably the longest five minutes of Ranma’s young life. He knew he had a short time left to live after asking such an audacious and ludicrous question and during those five minutes of tense quietness Ranma had begun to send prayers of goodbyes, thanks and death threats to everyone he knew telepathically.

I’ll never get to eat again of Ucchan’s delicious okonomiyaki (is that the right word for pancakes or is it a mistake?) or to sample again the sweet texture of a parfait, Ranma thought wistfully, closing his eyes to accept the inevitable. In the back of his mind, his rational part said that he was being too overdramatic and he wasn’t going to die soon…just a bit bruised and broken. But still, one never knew with Akane.

Meanwhile, the poor girl was in shock. Akane was sitting there, frozen like a statue and her face resembled a dead person’s expression just before he died and saw the face of his murderer. Her eyes were dilated in astonishment and her mouth was gaping open. Then after the first minute of initial shock, Akane remembered to bring in oxygen into her lungs and she took in a deep breath and it seemed that with that intake of air, her other body parts functioned properly again.

Her hands were twitching on her lap and her wide eyes narrowed into suspicion. She turned around to face Ranma fully and he swallowed thickly at the unreadable expression on her face and eyes.

Ranma mused that Akane had never looked more shocked even if Kuno would give a sexy dance in front of them.

Maybe he should think or say something philosophical before he died so that people will remember him as the idiot who said something wise in the last moments of his existence.

“Um…I hope it doesn’t rain…” Ranma mumbled vaguely, then winced at the senselessness of his words.

Akane blinked. It was totally unforeseen for Ranma to just ask her such an intimate question then the next moment comment on the weather. Perhaps he really was sick.

Ranma wanted to stop but his mouth couldn’t. “So that when…you bury me you won’t…get wet…”

Akane was genuinely confused now. What was he prattling about? Bury him? Why in the hell would she bury him?

“Therefore…if you don’t get wet…you won’t get sick…”

To her general bemusement, Akane forgot Ranma’s earlier question to stare at him in utter bewilderment. “Ranma are you high?”

He gave a sharp laugh. “I will soon be.”

In other words, Ranma thought that the meaning behind Akane’s sentence was that if he was going to heaven when she throttles and kills him. “Or maybe I’ll go down.”


Akane’s delicate eyebrows drew together in confusion. “Huh? There is no such thing as ‘down’ when you’re taking drugs…unless the drug you’re taking is a depressant!”

“Drugs? Who said anythin ‘bout drugs?” Ranma wondered.

Akane rolled her eyes. “What I meant was, are you high because you’re taking drugs! You’re acting so weird, even for you!”

Oh, Ranma thought. Oops.

“Gomen, I misunderstood what ya said,” he offered with a sheepish smile. Both of them had forgotten Ranma’s blunder question because of the misinterpretations.

Akane nodded. “What did you mean by ‘when you bury me’ and ‘Or maybe I’ll go down’?”

“Uh…for that ‘ when you bury me’ thing because I thought you were going to kill me after that question and I’ll go to hell because of all my sins.” Ranma sighed. “I didn’t understand that ‘high’ you meant I was taking drugs not heaven.”

Akane remained silent when Ranma unwittingly reminded her of that question. Seeing the look on Akane’s face, Ranma knew that he had unwittingly reminded Akane of that thus reminding himself as well.

Somewhere outside, a distant cackling of a rooster could be heard.

“What did you mean by ‘Do you love me’?” Akane asked warily, her tone cautious but a bit hopeful. Luckily, Ranma didn’t catch the slightly hopeful tone.

He sighed. He’d been sighing a lot tonight. Well, at least he’ll be able to tell Akane what he really feels because he’ll die afterwards anyway. Now if he only could untwist his tongue, bolster his courage and say those actual three words.

“What do ya want it to mean?” Ranma countered with a question then mentally smacked himself.

Akane arched a brow. “And what do you mean by that?”

“Well, what do ya want me to mean by that?” Another mental smack.

Her eyes narrowed into angry slits. “Are you taunting me?”

“What if I am?” Another mental smack.

There was a faint flicker of Akane’s aura but Ranma was being too much of a dope to no. “C. “Can’t you just answer me straight?”

“What if I can’t understand your questions to answer straight?” Another mental smack to the head.

Akane’s violent aura lighted full time and the tent glowed with the fiery redness of it. Ranma finally realized that she was furious and held up a placating hand to calm her down. “He-ey! Calm down, now Akane!”

It was then that a beam of understanding flickered in Akane’s head and she relaxed, giving him an odd look. “You…you’re stalling are you? From answering my original question!”

Ah well, what could Ranma do but blink? He’d never thought that he was dallying by deliberately spiting Akane but now that she’d said it, there could be no other explanation. Ranma was taking his precious time in answering Akane.

“Yeah…I guess I’m stalling,” he admitted.

“Well I’d rather appreciate it if you stop dawdling and answer my question!” Akane bit out impatiently, and if she were standing she would have tapped her foot in intolerance.

Ranma took in a deep breath and faced the expected.

“I well…uh…asked that…question…the ‘Do you love me?’ because well, you see I’ve been wondering but I know it’s foolish of me to wonder…but then again it might be not nut I’m pretty sure that it is so I asked that because…well uh…” Ranma swallowed the rest of his crap and blurted out, “Do you love me or not because I love you!”

He instantly clamped a hand over his mouth, dazed that he’d actually said it out loud and in front of Akane no less!

Akane looked pretty much as shocked as she did earlier, only more dumbfounded. Her mouth was trying to form words to express her astonishment but no words came out. Ranma really had a gift for rendering people speechless.

“Akane…” he called timidly.

Akane blinked and all of a sudden, she was near close to crying. Imagine that, never in her wildest dreams did she think that Ranma loved her and would profess it to her. But here he was now. Sure the moment wasn’t precisely romantic but at least he had told her, ne?

Oh damn she’s gonna cry because I’ve embarrassed and angered her, Ranma thought miserable, wondering why he was so good at making her cry but was disastrous in making her laugh or even smile.

“You love me?” she squeaked out, locking her gaze with his.

Tears were swimming in her magnificent brown eyes and Ranma swallowed uncomfortably. “Y-Yeah…I’d die for you, you know.”

She bit her lip and looked away, letting the tears flow.

Ranma was in a panic. Akane hadn’t told him if she loved him or not and since the occasion called for something in the lines of those words, he was really beginning to believe that Akane loathed him. All of his past worries and uncertainties came back to haunt him and he felt truly sick at knowing that Akane knew of his feelings for her. She should be disgusted that a perverted transsexual like him could love her.

Akane was ecstatic.

Ranma was miserable.

Akane felt that her dreams had come true.

Ranma felt as if his dreams had just turned to sawdust.

Akane wanted to jump into Ranma’s arms and tell him she loved him too.

Ranma wanted to disappear into a hole in the floor and die.

“God, I’m sorry Akane,” Ranma finally whispered.

Akane jerked her head to face Ranma, surprised at his words. “Why?”

He gave her a peculiar look. “Why? Because you’re doubtless revolted that a pervert like me is in love with you.” Oh no, it was hard again to say those words.

Akane’s eyes softened and she understood. “Ranma…”

Akane slowly stood up and kneeled in front of Ranma depressed form and grasped his shoulder tightly. Ranma looked inquisitively at her then his eyes expanded when she leaned and pressed her lips sweetly over his.

She pulled back after that tender, lingering kiss and hugged him.

“I love you too, you twit.”


Ah, these sappy, sappy moments. I’m not sure if this is cheesy and waffy or whatever but I’m sure glad that they’ve finally said their love. There’s still one chappie to go and I hope I haven’t and won’t disappoint you! The last chapter, chapter 6, will have more actions than words. *Wink, wink* I’ve just noticed that this chapter is shorter!

Review please and don’t just rwithwithout reviewing!!!