Addicted to Love

Chapter 4

by Christopher J. Olsen


All Ranma characters are property of Rumiko Takahashi, first published
by Shogakugan in Japan and brought over to North America by Viz


    Cologne and Lilac excused themselves, leaving the six teens alone.

    Nabiki moaned. "One day? It's not enough time!" She shuddered.
"Sponge and Rag... oh boy, I am not looking forward to this."

    Kasumi gulped nervously. "I think I'll check Dr. Tofu's office, and
see if he's in."

    Ranma looked at her, then exchanged glances with Akane and Nabiki.
"Maybe I could... talk to him for you, Kasumi. I've got some things to
ask him myself."

    Kasumi hesitated.  "Ranma... do you want me to...?"  She paused,
eyes questioning.  Ranma waited for her to finish her sentence, looking
back at Kasumi in concern.  "Ranma..."  Kasumi said very quietly. "Do
you want me to marry Dr. Tofu?"

    Ranma smiled, misunderstanding.  "Yeah, Kasumi.  I want you to be
happy, alright?  Don't worry about a thing.  I'll fix things up with the

    Kasumi put on a pleasant smile.  "Thank you, Ranma."

    Ranma nodded firmly and jogged out the back door, hopping the rear
wall effortlessly.

    Kasumi's smile faded slightly.  < Do I want to marry Dr. Tofu? >
She pictured the man. Kindly laughter, fogged up glasses... so silly...
that cute pigtail...  < Pigtail?  No, that's Ranma.  Dr. Tofu IS a very
nice man, he's a bit silly, but that's part of what I like about him.>
Kasumi pictured the doctor in her head again.  < Ranma want's me to be
happy and marry Dr. Tofu.  So that's what I'll do.>

    Nabiki watched her older sister's face change expression from happy,
to thoughtful, to wistful.  She sighed to herself.  < Kasumi, what do
you really want?>  Nabiki went back to a pressing problem.  < School is
tomorrow.  If someone was selling these things a week ago... they'll be
all over the Furinkan by now.  If we didn't have a long weekend, we
would have already been hearing all about this.> Nabiki shook her head
in frustration.  < Tomorrow, one way or another, our lives are forever
changed.>  Nabiki went to the phone and dialed the number of her first

    After three rings the phone was picked up. "Hello?"

    Nabiki spoke quickly and precisely.  "Ryomani?  It's me.  Something
big has come up... Yeah, real big.  I need you to make some calls, and
call in some favors...."

    Nabiki made several more calls.  After an hour on the phone she was
done.  Nabiki went back into the living room and picked up the tape and
the note written by Mousse.

    Nabiki looked over at Shampoo.  "Shampoo, could you help me with a
couple things?"

    Shampoo looked back questioningly.  "What Nabiki need?"

    Nabiki scratched her chin.  "Well... first we need to make a stop
over at the Cat Cafe for some supplies.  Then... well, I'll tell you the
rest on the way, OK?"

    Shampoo nodded slowly.  "OK. Is very important, Nabiki?"  It wasn't
really a question.

    Nabiki answered anyway.  "Yeah, very important."  Shampoo and Nabiki
left together, leaving Akane, Kasumi and Ukyo in the living room.

    Ukyo shook her head.  "I really don't want to know what she's doing,
do I?"

    Akane looked worried.  "I hope that whatever it is, it works."

    Ukyo nodded.  "Me too."  She looked hesitant.  "Hey, is it alright
if I stay here tonight?  I'll camp out in the dojo or something.... It's
just that I don't really feel like going back to the restaurant

    Kasumi smiled.  "We'll be glad to have you.  Won't we, Akane?"

    Akane glanced at Ukyo.  "Sure... I don't mind, Ukyo.  Its not like
we're fighting over Ranma anymore, is it?"

    Ukyo sighed.  "Nope... Akane....  Can we get along with each other?
Can we really?  We've been at odds for so long..."

    Akane hesitated.  "I don't know.  I guess... I'm willing to try, if
you're willing to meet me halfway."

    Ukyo nodded, and smiled hesitantly.  "I'm with you, Akane.  You
know, I always thought we could be friends, if we weren't fighting over

    Akane smiled back.  "Sure, friends.  I think I'd like that."

    Ukyo grinned and held out her hand.  "So, here's to the start of a
beautiful friendship."

    Akane took Ukyo's hand and started to pump it.  "Absolutely!  I have
a good feeling about this."

    Kasumi put her hands over theirs.  "I think we will all be good

    The three girls smiled at each other, feeling much the same
emotions, camaraderie, friendship, worry, and underneath it all, a
strong hint of physical attraction.  Akane and Ukyo started to blush
slightly, and their breathing started to get deeper and slower.  Slowly
they released each other's hands.

    Kasumi gave both younger girls hands a final squeeze and let go as
well.  "Oh my... I think we need to talk this out some more, don't you?"


    Ranma had taken his time getting to Dr. Tofu's, trying to think of
what he was going to say.  He had gotten several ideas, after walking
around the block a few times, but all of them had the problem of being
likely to give the good doctor a heart attack.

    Ranma sighed to himself and went in anyway.  < It's not like I've
got much choice.>  The pigtailed martial artist glanced around the
waiting room.  There were several elderly patients waiting to see the
doctor.  Ranma frowned.  < I need to talk to the Doc alone. I hate to do
this but...>  Ranma glanced out the door.   "Hmm, I wonder how long I
have until Kasumi gets here.  She said she was coming along in a couple

    As a group, the patients jumped up and quickly exited the office,
nodding gratefully to Ranma as they did so.  When Dr. Tofu finished with
the patient he had been currently working on, he looked out and saw
Ranma alone in his office.  "Ah, Ranma! How can I help you today?  Akane
hasn't been hitting you again, has she?"

    Ranma shook his head.  "No Doc, not for awhile..."  He blinked.  <
That's funny, Akane hasn't hit me since... then....>  He shook his
head.  "Anyway, that's not why I'm here.  I need you to show me some
shiatsu points, like a sleep shiatsu or a paralysis shiatsu or

    Now Dr. Tofu blinked.  "Why do you want to learn shiatsu, Ranma?
And why ask me?"

    Ranma nodded at the second question.  "Yeah, I know I could ask
Cologne or something, but I want to ask you about some other stuff at
the same time."

    Dr. Tofu looked interested.  "Oh?  What's going on, Ranma?"

    Ranma sighed.  "Well, I gotta fight Akane, Ukyo and Shampoo
tomorrow, and I don't want to hurt them."

    Dr. Tofu blinked again.  "How did this happen?"

    Ranma sighed once more.  "That's the other thing I wanted to talk to
you about.  Have you ever heard of a hypnosis mushroom?"

    Tofu looked thoughtful.  "I may have something on that in my

    Ranma nodded.  "How about ground up Phoenix shell, some enhancement
drugs and stabilizer herbs..."

    Dr. Tofu blinked several times.  "That's quite a combination.  Are
you saying that Akane, Ukyo, and Shampoo have been affected by these

    Ranma nodded again.  "Yeah. I kinda know what they do, and Cologne
told us about the long term affects, but I kinda thought a second
opinion might help."

    Dr. Tofu looked worried.  "Well, I'm sure Cologne knows more about
these things than I do, but let me see what I can find out."  He went
into his office, Ranma following after, and went over to his
bookshelf.  Dr. Tofu pulled out several old looking books with Chinese
characters on the covers. He selected one and opened it.

    As Tofu searched for the correct page, he spoke.  "Well, as far as I
can remember, there is a rare brand of mushrooms, mildly poisonous, that
make anyone who ingests them susceptible to hypnotic suggestion.  The
effects are supposed to wear off after several hours... ah yes... hmm,
yes, it says here that the hypnosis mushrooms only last for a day at
most, even when enhanced by other drugs."

    Ranma nodded.  "Yeah, that's what Cologne said.  What about the
other stuff?"

    Dr. Tofu nodded absently and started searching through his books.
"Hmm, phoenix shell... yes... yes... hmm, I see..."  He glanced at Ranma
searchingly, then went back to his books.  After several
minutes he seemed to find what he was looking for.  "Hmm, Ranma, this
faithfulness drug, it's an Amazonian secret?"

    Ranma nodded again.  "Yeah, Cologne says it's punishable by death
for a non Amazon to use it."

    Tofu looked unsurprised.  "I believe I know of it then. It's used
to...  cement bonds of marriage with outsiders?"

    Ranma nodded, gulping. "Yeah."

    Dr. Tofu closed his books.  "Ranma, the only reason phoenix shell
and the faithfulness drug would be used together, would be to enforce an
Amazon marriage.  Is there something else that you want to tell me?"

    Ranma sighed.  "Doctor, a month ago, all that stuff got put into a
dish of spaghetti.  We all had some and... Well... we all got
hypnotized, there was this song playing, see.... Addicted to Love... and
well, none of us had any control over what happened after..."  Ranma
looked bitter.  "After we all woke up, it was obvious what had
happened.  Even if we couldn't remember it."

    Dr. Tofu looked sympathetic.  "Ranma, from everything I've read,
those hypnosis mushrooms are irresistible.  There was nothing you
could've done."  He frowned.  "Then, you had sex with all three girls?"
He shook his head.  "I'm afraid I can't help you, Ranma.  If
'Faithfulness' was used, from everything I've read, the effects are
permanent.  I'm sorry."

    Ranma closed his eyes and sighed once more.  "Thanks anyway, Doc.  I
hoped you might know a way, but it really doesn't matter now."

    Dr. Tofu blinked.  "You mentioned having to fight them, does this
have anything to do with Amazon law?"

    Ranma nodded.  "Yeah, all the other girls had to become Amazons, or
Shampoo would have had to kill them.  Since by Amazon law, I've already
separately defeated Akane, Ukyo, and Shampoo, I have to marry them.  The
fight is to prove I can handle all three, to see if I'm worthy... It's
that or let any Amazon guy who wants to, beat em and marry them... and I
can't do that.  Besides, that night had further... complications."

    Dr, Tofu blinked.  "A month?  Ah, I see... which girl is pregnant?"

    Ranma sighed.  "You mean which three girls....  Doctor, you've gotta
show me that move.  I can't go beating up on them, especially not now,
but I can't lose either."

    Dr. Tofu nodded. "Now I understand.  Ranma, I've never met anyone
who could attract trouble like you, but I'll help as best I can."

    Ranma sighed in relief.  "Thanks Doc. I knew I could count on you."

    Dr. Tofu shrugged.  "Alright, why don't I show you that sleep
shiatsu point.  It's easier than learning all the paralysis ones,
although it's harder to execute..."

    As Dr. Tofu started to demonstrate, Ranma held an internal debate.
< I gotta tell him about Kasumi... but he'll go to pieces, and I gotta
learn this move.>  Ranma shook his head.  < No, it's gotta be said, and
Cologne can teach me anyway. I have to tell him.>  Ranma noted that the
doctor had stopped speaking and he fixed him with a serious look.  "Doc,
I gotta tell you something else."

    Dr. Tofu took his fingers away from the spot he had been showing
Ranma.  "What is it, Ranma? Don't worry, you can tell me.  I am a
doctor, after all."

    Ranma sighed heavily.  "Doc... there were two more affected by all
of this.  You see, Mousse had fixed us all this big dish of spaghetti,
saying it was a farewell dinner.  Happosai had chased Pops and Mr. Tendo
away, and Mousse set it up and left, but Kasumi and Nabiki were there
that night..."

    Tofu Onu froze.  "K-Kasumi? K-K-Kasumi was there... she... and
you..."  The doctor's glasses had fogged up.  Deliberately he took them
off and wiped them.  He put his glasses back on. "Ranma..."  Tofu looked
stunned, barely in control.  "You didn't... it wasn't... I... I..."  His
glasses fogged up again.  Once more Dr. Tofu took them off and wiped

    Dr. Tofu put his glasses back on and tried to breathe slowly.  "I...
see.  Ranma, so... Nabiki and K-Kasumi are now Amazon's as well?"

    Ranma nodded.  "Yeah, only, I've never beat them in combat, so they
don't have to marry me. Doctor, I know you like Kasumi.  She likes you
too.  All you have to do is tap her sleep spot..."

    Dr. Tofu looked away.  "I... can't. I couldn't bear to.  I can't
even think straight when she's near..."

    Ranma grabbed one of the doctor's arms.  "Doc, you've gotta!  A
couple of Amazons are coming here.  Really disgusting guys.  They can't
find a girl in China to save their lives... but Kasumi can't fight.
It's better you than them.  Hey, Kasumi likes you! Doc, you gotta try."

    Tofu looked back at Ranma, his face growing serious.  "Ranma... it
doesn't matter.  Don't you understand?  Even if I could... defeat
Kasumi, I couldn't marry her.  Ranma, you said that the Amazon drug used
to ensure marriage was used, right?"  Ranma nodded slowly.  Tofu shook
his head.  "If the drug works as it is rumored to, then Kasumi is, for
lack of a better term, addicted to you, and you to her."

    Dr. Tofu's eyes were sad.  "Ranma, have you been having strange
thoughts, dreams even, about Kasumi, and all the others?"  Ranma looked
away, then slowly nodded.  Dr. Tofu sighed. "Undoubtedly, Kasumi and the
other girls have as well.  Ranma, have... have they been acting
differently toward you, or each other?"

    Ranma nodded.  "They aren't fighting over me like they used to, they
all, almost, get along..."

    Dr. Tofu nodded in confirmation.  "It is obvious, once you think
about it.  Ranma, if you don't marry Kasumi, you'll probably be
alright.  Four other girls will take anyone's mind from one more.
Kasumi, however, has no one else.  She's addicted to you.  No other man
will really make her happy. Not really."

    Dr. Tofu took his glasses off again and wiped them.  "Kasumi may
like me... and I suppose it's pretty obvious that I like her... but it
won't work, not now.  The effects of the drug will make Kasumi
miserable without you."  Dr. Tofu sighed heavily, his glasses had
finally stopped fogging up.  "Ranma, I think you should have a talk with
Kasumi.  I can't tell you what to do... but I know you would never want
to hurt her."

    Ranma looked seriously at Dr. Tofu.  "Never in my life... Doc, do
you really think she's... addicted to me?"

    Dr. Tofu looked sadly at him.  "You tell me, Ranma, how do you feel
about her, really?"

    Ranma blinked.  "Kasumi's been, kinda like a mother to me.  I really
like her..."  He paused.  "But lately... it's been more....  I've
started seeing her in my dreams, and she's not motherly... at least...
she's a lot more than that... yeah, I guess, I love her."

    Dr. Tofu nodded.  "Her feelings have probably changed in the same
way toward you.  Talk to her, Ranma.  Find out how you both really feel,
and be honest."

    Ranma nodded slowly in agreement.  "Alright Doc. I guess you're
right... only, I wish it hadn't happened this way... I wish..."

    Dr Tofu's eyes were sad.  "I know, I know... Ranma, you must do what
must be done.  You can't change what's happened, you must deal with it."

    Ranma nodded again.  "I will.  I'll go talk to Kasumi right away."

    Dr. Tofu tried to smile and failed.  "Ranma... why don't I teach you
that shiatsu point first.  I don't want you to have to hurt Kasumi, or
any of the other girls, right?"

    Ranma nodded quickly.  "Right... I guess I'd better talk to Nabiki,

    Dr. Tofu smiled faintly and began showing Ranma the sleep shiatsu
point again.


    As Nabiki and Shampoo walked out of the Cat Cafe, Shampoo asked
quietly.  "What is Nabiki's plan?  Nabiki got list of drugs, signed by
Great grandmother, have great grandmother call Chinese embassy, why?
Shampoo thought Nabiki wanted to keep secret, not tell more peoples
about it."

    Nabiki sighed.  "It's going to get out anyway, it already has,
mostly.  This situation is already beyond fixing, entirely.  When I was
making those calls earlier, I found out how far things have gotten. The
tapes have been available here for nine days.  So far, and as far as I
can tell, only a few guys from Furinkan have been seen them.  They've
been quiet up to now, probably because of Ranma and Akane, who would
kill them, and me.  Everyone knows better than to cross me... but none
of my people had heard about this, as everyone knew to avoid them."

    Nabiki shook her head wryly.  "Still, there have been signs that
that screamed that something was up... signs I missed cause I was too
preoccupied....  Anyway, like I said, it's too late.  Too many know
around here, just around here, to stop.  The rest of Tokyo will know
soon enough.  We're as good as ruined now.  It'll take months, probably,
but word will get around.  The Dojo will never get another student,
unless we start teaching gaijin.  No offense, Shampoo.  I'll be ruined
in business, unless I want to go to the Yakusa, and trust me, I don't.
A few girlie pictures of Ranma were no big deal.  This video... is."

    Shampoo nodded.  "Shampoo understand this, honor is big deal here,
right?  Ranma believed dishonorable, no can teach?"

    Nabiki nodded.  "Right, and since there is no stopping this from
getting out, we have to change it."

    Shampoo looked confused. "How can change? What happen, happen."

    Nabiki nodded.  "Yes, but what we're going to do, is change what
people think happened.  It's one thing to participate in a mass orgy on
tape.  It's another thing all together to be victims of a dastardly

    Shampoo nodded slowly.  "Shampoo understand, but where are we

    Nabiki pointed at their destination.  "To the police, there is a
detective waiting to take our statements about a crime.  He is also
about to get a call from the Chinese embassy, as is his boss, and his
boss's boss.  Happosai and Mousse are about to become wanted felons."

    Shampoo smiled widely and nodded.  "Is good!  Would rather kill
personally, but is good!  This remove stain on honor?"

    Nabiki shook her head.  "No, not really.  It'll lessen it a bit.
Many will still believe the worst.  I think, hopefully, that most will
believe we were victims.  Even then, things will be bad, but sympathy is
better then apathy and hatred."

    Shampoo nodded, dubiously.  "If Nabiki say so.  But will not many
more people find out?"

    Nabiki sighed.  "Yes, quite a few, but it's better that they find
out our side of it first.  I can't say if this will work, but I think
it's the best shot we have."

    Shampoo placed a comforting hand on Nabiki's shoulder.  "Nabiki does
the best she can for can for family.  Shampoo glad to help."

    Nabiki smiled wanly.  "Glad to have you Shampoo, but why don't you
let me do the talking, OK?  I want to keep this as simple as possible.
We were drugged and hypnotized against our will, that's all. Let's keep
Amazon business between us Amazons, alright?  Just agree with what I

    Shampoo nodded firmly.  "Shampoo understand, Japanese no understand
Amazon marriage."  As she said it, the comforting hand on Nabiki's
shoulder became a caressing one.

    Nabiki shivered slightly.  "R-right.  That part is for Amazons only,
got it?"  She paused to slip Shampoo's hand off her shoulder.  "Uh, not

    Shampoo jumped, having been unaware of her hand's actions.
"Y-yes... Shampoo understand."

    Nabiki took a deep breath, crossed her fingers, and led Shampoo into
the police station.


    Kasumi, Akane and Ukyo sat around the table, each sipping a freshly
made cup of tea.

    Kasumi put her cup down and cleared her throat.  "I suppose I will
go first... Akane, Ukyo, you have been having... dreams, strange
desires, as Cologne said?"  Slowly the other two girls nodded. Kasumi
nodded back.  "I have as well. After that night, I dreamed... of
Ranma....  Not just of Ranma, but of Shampoo, and you, Ukyo, and even my
sisters.  At first I thought it was just the effects of that
night, that it would stop... but it hasn't.  If anything, it's gotten
worse.  I have told myself over and over that such feelings are not...
sisterly, but it doesn't seem to matter.  They  exist, and they're not
going away."

    Akane shivered, chewing on her lip.  "Kasumi, it's the drug... you
wouldn't feel... that way... if it wasn't for the drug. I wouldn't..."
She paused, then sighed.  "I... I've felt the same... I keep on trying
to fight it, to deny it, but the dreams come back... and the feelings,
just keep getting stronger."

    Ukyo nodded.  "Yeah... I can't sleep through the night anymore.  I
don't want to be so far away... I keep waking up, wanting to come back

    Kasumi smiled at the chef.  "Then you should stay.  You shouldn't
suffer needlessly."  Kasumi took Ukyo's hand comfortingly.

    Ukyo smiled back and squeezed it.  "Thanks, Kasumi. I really
appreciate it."

    Ukyo brought her other hand on top of Kasumi's, and slightly stroked
it, going from the fingers to the wrist.  With a start, she pulled her
hands away.

    Kasumi blinked.  "Oh my."

    Ukyo stammered.  "I'm sorry, Kasumi... I don't know what got into
me... I..."

    Kasumi shook her head, smiling gently.  "Please don't apologize,
there is no need.  It's not wrong to show affection..."  She blushed.
"Well, technically, there is nothing wrong with holding hands."  Kasumi
took Ukyo's hand again. "So don't apologize."

    Ukyo nodded, putting her second hand on top of Kasumi's again.

    "Alright, Kasumi."  Ukyo sighed and perceptibly relaxed.  "You don't
know how much I've needed this."

    Kasumi smiled softly.  "I think I do.  I've missed you, when you
were not here, you and Shampoo, who's here the least.  Whenever Ranma,
Akane and Nabiki would go to school, I'd find myself counting the hours
till they got home."  Kasumi sighed, "Cologne was right, it is like an

    Akane nodded fervently.  "It is! It's like a craving... it's
unnatural. I never... thought about... other girls this way before..."

    Ukyo looked questioningly at her.  "Really? Not even with Ranchan?
Didn't you ever wonder what it might be like?  I mean, he's a girl half
the time.  What if he got stuck again, after you married him?"

    Akane shook her head.  "No way! I never thought about Ranma that
way.  After... the dreams started... I wondered if maybe I was a bit...
I don't know... interested....  But I'm not.  I want Ranma as... I mean,
I need Ranma as..."  Akane blushed brighter and brighter.  "Ranma is a
guy, and that's the way... that I want him to be.  I'm not attracted to
girls... at least, not before.  It's just... you, and Shampoo and..."
Akane lowered her head until it touched the table.  "I can't believe I
just said all that. I am not..."  She sighed.  "Oh damn it."

    Kasumi brought her free hand over Akane's head and gently patted it,
smoothing out the hair on the back of her head.  "It's OK, Akane, It's

    Ukyo released Kasumi's hand so that she could move to Akane's side.
"Hey, it's not like you're alone here . I never imagined myself being
attracted to... well, any girl.  I've played the part of a guy for a
long time, even gone out on a couple dates, just to maintain
appearances... but actually thinking about another girl like that?"  She
shrugged.  "It's weird.  I'm not that way, but now... let's be
honest, I think we all are having the same feelings."

    Akane looked up.  "Ukyo?"  She sighed heavily.  "You're braver than
I could be.  It's so hard to say... but it's still true.  I never would
have believed... Shampoo... I mean, when you first showed up... I took a
look, right?  You made a pretty cute guy.  Nothing serious, but well you
know....  When you turned out to be a girl, poof... you were just a
rival. Shampoo....  She's always been a rival.... She tried to kill me,
sorta.... but now, I'm always thinking about her...."

    Ukyo patted Akane's hand.  "It's the same for me.  Hey, it's
strange, but... it's kinda... nice, too. Especially now, now that I know
you feel the same way...."  Ukyo pulled back, blushing again.  "Heh,
heh... don't want to get carried away here."  Kasumi and Akane were both
blushing mildly again.

    Kasumi slowly took her hand away from Akane's head.  She sat back
and looked from Akane to Ukyo and back.  "Akane, Ukyo... I'm glad we got
this out in the open.  It's best that we're honest with each other,
yes?  I think this will be for the best.  After all, both of you are
married to Ranma now, or you will be tomorrow.  Essentially you will
also be married to each other.  There is nothing wrong with how you feel
about each other.  You're marriage will be the stronger for it."  Kasumi
sighed and started standing up.  "I'm happy that you will all get
along.  I'll let you two talk awhile....  I believe I'd like a nice
bath."  Kasumi finished standing and turned away.  Akane stared at her
older sister's back and frowned.

    Ukyo stood.  "Kasumi, what about you?  You feel the same way we do,
don't you?  Didn't you say so?"

    Kasumi slowly turned around.  "I... yes... I did say that... but..."

    Ukyo shook her head.  "I know what it's like to be away from all of
you, Kasumi.  Won't it be the same for you?"

    Kasumi stood mutely, unable to deny Ukyo's words.

    Ukyo nodded.  "It would be....  Kasumi... if you aren't part of...
aren't part of us... if you're alone... you'll be hurting.  That's not
right.  Kasumi, do you really like Dr. Tofu?  If he's who you want, go
for it, but if you're just going to get him to marry you to make Ranma
happy, don't.  We'll talk to Ranma....  Kasumi, what do you want?"

    Kasumi shook her head.  "I... I don't know.  I like Dr. Tofu... he's
a very nice man...."

    Ukyo prodded.  "But...."

    Kasumi sighed.  "But... I'm not sure."  She smiled sadly.  "It's up
to Ranma, and all of you.  Things are complicated enough as they are.
Why don't we see how things go.  Don't worry about me.  I'll be fine."
She turned to go once more.  Kasumi walked to the hall, then turned
back.  "Oh, do try to wait until tomorrow before... well, if you can't
wait, be discreet.  We really should tell  father before he finds out
about this on his own."  Ukyo and Akane were blushing furiously.  Kasumi
smiled forgivingly.  "You will be married by tomorrow... so I won't say
not to, just be careful.  Father and Mr. Saotome will be back home for
supper, so I'll be out in around an hour, alright?"

    Akane and Ukyo nodded dumbly.  Kasumi turned around again, and
whistled a cheerful tune as she headed for the bath.  Akane glanced at
Ukyo, and noticed the Okinomiyaki chef looking back shyly.  They both
blushed even deeper red.

    "Akane..."  Ukyo began.  "Kasumi was just kidding, right?"

    Akane gulped.  "I... Kasumi usually doesn't... kid....  I think she
was serious..."

    Ukyo nodded slowly.  "Ah..."  She slowly sat down next to, but not
too close to, Akane.  Both girls sighed deeply.  Ukyo couldn't look away
from Akane's face.  < Everything that we said, the dreams, night after
night....>  Ukyo gulped.  "Akane, how have you been dealing with this?
I mean, sleeping under the same roof and all.  Do you ever... get

    Akane tried to look indignant and failed.  "Ukyo."  She had meant it
to come out angrily, but her voice had spoken the name softly.  Akane
shook her head to clear it.  "This is ridiculous."

    Ukyo nodded, getting closer.  "Absolutely."

    Akane gulped.  "I mean, they're just dreams, right?  Just because
we've both had them, doesn't mean we...."

    Ukyo shrugged.  "Nope."  She slid closer to Akane.  "So, do you want
me to go?"  Akane swallowed nervously.  Ukyo moved closer still, her
hand lightly touching Akane's arm.  Ukyo's eyes were wide, scared,
confused, and needy.

    Akane sighed. "No. I don't want you to go."

    Ukyo nodded.  "I... I don't want to go... Akane."  She closed her
eyes.  < Ranma, forgive me.>  Ukyo moved forward.  Akane met her
halfway, and they lightly kissed.  They broke apart after several

    Akane blinked.  "That was... nice."

    Ukyo nodded.  "Yeah, you're a good kisser, Akane... want to... try
that again?"

    Akane hesitated, then nodded.  "Yeah."

    Ukyo reached out and gently grabbed Akane by the back of the head.
They came together and kissed once more.  Just as they were starting to
get into it, the back door slid open.  They broke apart, blushing

    Together they looked.  "Ranma!"  Ranma was staring, slack jawed,
from just inside the door.

    Akane shook her head violently.  "It wasn't! We weren't..."

    Ukyo sighed.  "Akane, we were..."  She shook her head.  "Why deny
it?  Ranma, we've got to talk."

    Akane matched Ukyo's sigh.  "But... I.... oh heck.  Sorry Ukyo,
reflex action."

    Ranma blinked.  "Huh... whoa... OK, I can deal with this."  He shook
his head.  "Man, that's something I never expected to see... I guess
Cologne and Dr. Tofu were right."

    Ukyo looked curious.  "About what?  Did you tell Dr. Tofu about...?"

    Ranma nodded.  "Yeah, he said... that the drug Mousse gave us, that
last one... makes us... addicted to each other, just like Cologne said.
He said some other stuff too.  Where's Kasumi? I've got to talk to her."

    Akane blinked.  "Um, Ranma, about Ukyo and me..."

    Ranma shrugged.  "Akane, a month ago I'd have been shocked... but
after everything else, it makes sense....  I don't mind.  In fact, I'm
glad you two are getting along, so forget it."

    Akane smiled gratefully.  "Ranma, thanks. This can't be easy for

    Ranma shook his head.  "Nah, I just don't want anyone to be hurt
because of me.  If you two are... getting along... it doesn't bother
me.  I am worried about Kasumi though, and Nabiki.  I need to know... I
need to know if they..."  Akane and Ukyo exchanged glances.

    Ukyo turned back to Ranma.  "Akane, Kasumi and I had a long talk.
It seems we all feel the same way.  We all... are attracted to each
other, and to you... . Ranma, Kasumi is in love with you too.  I...
we... don't want to lose her."

    Ranma blinked.  "Akane?"

    Akane nodded.  "Yes, it's true.  Kasumi loves you, and us, just like
I love you, and Ukyo, and her... even Shampoo and Nabiki.  It used to be
so hard to say... but now, there's no more time, we have to be honest
with each other."  She looked up into his eyes.  "Ranma, do you...?"

    Ranma hesitated only a moment, then sighed.  "Yeah, all of you... I
do... l-love all of you... I've got to talk to Kasumi, and Nabiki."

    Ukyo pointed.  "Kasumi's in the tub, and Nabiki's not back yet."
She looked at Akane.  "Akane, what do you think we should do about

    Akane blushed.  "Um... well... if you don't mind Kasumi... joining
us... I certainly don't."

    Ukyo nodded.  "Right, it's decided."  She turned decisively to
Ranma.  "Ranchan, Akane and I want you to marry Kasumi.  Nabiki too if
she wants in.  It's the only solution that's right."

    Ranma just blinked.  "You do?"  He blinked again. "You do?"

    Ukyo grinned.  "Yes silly, we do."

    Akane giggled, and nodded.  "He is a bit silly, isn't he?"

    Ranma stood there and stammered.  "Um... now?"

    Akane rolled her eyes.  "No, idiot.  Kasumi's in the bath right

    Ukyo grinned wider.  "Do you think she'd mind?"

    Akane and Ranma both blushed.  "Ukyo!"  They protested together.

    Ukyo just grinned wider.  "What?  It's not like we haven't seen her
before, or bathed together."

    Ranma coughed.  "I... I didn't look."

    Akane seemed to consider.  "Well, Ranma, why don't you wait here?
Ukyo and I will tell Kasumi that you want to talk to her, OK?"

    Ukyo blinked.  "Really?"

    Akane nodded.  "Sure, we're all girls, right?"  She shot Ranma a
warning look.  "And you'd better propose to my big sister, or so help me

    Ukyo nodded.  "That goes for me too, Ranma.  Treat her right, OK?"

    Ranma sighed, then smiled.  "Sure, I'd never do nothing to hurt

    Akane smiled back then grabbed Ukyo by the arm.  "Come on, Ukyo.
Kasumi needs to hear this as soon as possible."

    Ukyo tried not to yelp as Akane dragged her to the bathroom.  "OK!
Slow down!  I'm coming already!"

    They entered the outer bath together and Akane called back.
"Kasumi, mind if we join you?"

    There was a short pause, then Kasumi answered sweetly.  "It's fine
with me, Akane-chan."

    Akane nodded and started pulling her top off.  Ukyo took a deep
breath and started removing her own clothing efficiently.  Akane
finished undressing first, but paused to watch Ukyo.

    Akane gulped as Ukyo finished removing her tights.  "Oh my."

    Ukyo blushed but finished undressing.  They finished a look and
entered the bath together. Kasumi sat with her back to the door.  Ukyo
and Akane went to the cold water and rinsed themselves off quickly, then
slipped into the tub on either side of Kasumi.  Kasumi shivered a bit as
they joined her, just brushing her sides.

    Akane felt the shiver and nodded to herself.  "Kasumi, Ranma's come
back... he want's to talk to you."

    Kasumi blinked.  "Oh my... he's back from Dr. Tofu's already.  I'd
better see what he wants." Kasumi didn't move right away, her voice has
sounded slightly sad.

    Ukyo patted her shoulder.  "Don't worry honey, just go talk to him."

    Akane touched Kasumi's shoulder with her hand, gently.  "It's good
news, Ukyo and I think so."

    Ukyo nodded.  "Yup. Kasumi, trust me, you want to hear this."

    Kasumi blinked.  "I do?"  She looked from side to side, at
identically smiling faces.  She started to smile back.  "Oh my! I think
I'd better go talk to Ranma!"

    Kasumi stood and exited the tub, drying off with a towel.  She
walked out  unhurriedly, but when she reached the outer room she began
to quickly dress, disregarding propriety.  In the furo, Akane and Ukyo
giggled at the sounds coming from the outer bath.  When they heard the
outer door open and close, they turned to each other.  Akane started
sliding over toward Ukyo, beginning to breathe heavily.

    Ukyo gulped, nervously licking her lips.  "Um, Akane?"

    Akane paused.  "Yes?"

    Ukyo sighed, then grinned.  "Oh, never mind."

    Akane nodded.  "OK."  She moved suddenly, going for a kiss.

    Ukyo's eyes widened at her sudden aggressiveness, then relaxed,
letting her emotions guide her.  Akane was aggressive, but clumsy, her
hands fumbling across Ukyo's breasts.  Ukyo went directly to the point,
slipping her tongue inside Akane's mouth.  Akane responded fervently,
and in moments, neither girl was holding back at all.  Hands groped and
caressed, mouths kissing madly.  Both of them were completely lost in
the passion of the moment.

    In the living room, Kasumi entered to see Ranma sitting nervously on
the porch.  He glanced back at the sound of her approach, then turned
away to look out at the Koi pond.  Kasumi came up and joined him,
sitting to his right quietly.  Ranma glanced at her, an uncertain look
on his face.

    Kasumi gazed back, hoping Akane and Ukyo's smiles had been for the
reason she suspected.  < Does he, can Ranma, truly want... me?>  "Ranma,
did you wish to speak to me?"

    Ranma stared at her wondering.  < Is this right?  Wouldn't Dr. Tofu
be a better husband for Kasumi than me?  I don't deserve her, she needs
someone better than me... but... if it would hurt her... I can't send
her away.>  "Kasumi... Akane said you spoke about the feelings that you
all share... they said that... they, and you are all... addicted to each
other... and to... to me..."

    Kasumi blushed.  "They... said that? Ranma... I..."

    Ranma nodded.  "You know, I've been thinking.  It took awhile, but I
finally started to realize something.  Most of  the problems I've had
could've been solved a lot earlier, if I had just been honest about my
feelings.  I didn't let anyone know how I really felt.  So I decided...
I'd try to be more honest this time.  Kasumi, don't you think that's

    Kasumi nodded.  "That is best, Ranma... except... sometimes you hide
how you feel, to keep from hurting another."

    Ranma sighed.  "Yeah, but in the long run, it just makes things
worse, right?"

    Kasumi sighed in response.  "Yes."

    Ranma nodded in agreement.  "Then this time, I'm just going to say
how I feel, alright?"  Kasumi nodded back, feeling very frightened.
Ranma took a deep breath.  "Kasumi... I... I... l-love you. I want you
to be happy too.  I've got all the other girls, so if you end up
marrying Dr. Tofu, I'd be OK."

    Kasumi started to lower her head.  < Oh, I had hoped that he
might... but naturally, Ranma's not really attracted to me....>

    Ranma continued to speak.  "That doesn't mean I want you to marry
him, or anyone else.  I want you to be happy to do whatever you want."

    Kasumi blinked.  < He doesn't want me to marry Dr. Tofu?>  "Ranma,
what do you want?"

    Ranma scratched the back of his head.  < Kasumi looked disappointed
when I suggested she marry Dr. Tofu... Does that mean...?>  "I guess I
did say I would be honest about this... Kasumi what I want... Is you. I
want to marry you too..."  He lowered his head.  "I don't believe I
actually deserve you, or any of the others.  I really don't deserve all
five of you, but...."

    Kasumi leaned over, tilting her head so she could look into his
eyes.  "I think you do deserve us, Ranma. Just like we, deserve to be
with you... Ranma, can you actually, do you really, find me attractive?
I'm not as pretty as Shampoo or Ukyo, or as energetic as Akane. I'm just
a housewife..."

    Ranma stared at her incredulously. "Kasumi? Of course I think
you're... attractive. I mean... you're beautiful! I've always thought

    Kasumi shook her head.  "I don't mind, Ranma. I'll be happy to be
married to you... even if you aren't very attracted to me.  I'll be
happy just being near, being able to take care of you."

    Ranma shook his head in response.  "No way, Kasumi. That's not how
it's going to be.  If I marry you... when I marry you... It's not
because you are a good housewife.  It's because I love you."

    Kasumi just smiled.  "You're sweet, Ranma, but you don't have to
pretend for me.  I don't mind. Really!"

    Ranma started to look annoyed.  "Kasumi, I said I was going to be
honest....  I think I'm going to have to prove it too you."

    Kasumi blinked.  "Oh my... Ranma... I... I..."

    Ranma turned further toward her, facing Kasumi directly.  "Kasumi,
since you're an Amazon now, I have to defeat you to marry you, right?"

    Kasumi just blinked.  "What? Ranma...?"  Ranma grabbed her by the
shoulders and forced Kasumi to the floor in one smooth movement, keeping
her from hitting the floor at the last second and gently pinning her

    Ranma held Kasumi down with his body , holding her arms above her
head with one hand, using the other to prop himself up a bit so he
didn't lean on her too heavily.  "There, Kasumi, do you surrender?  Have
I beaten you?"

    Kasumi looked up into his eyes, her heart hammering like a
jackhammer, her breath coming quickly in excitement.  She nodded
quickly, her eyes looking like a trapped doe's.  "Ranma... does this
mean we're married?"

    Ranma nodded faintly, trying not to let her bodies lush curves,
trapped beneath him, get him too excited.  Kasumi broke into a brilliant
smile and impulsively kissed him on the lips.  Ranma froze, torn between
a sudden urge to jump away and a surge of lust at their current

    It was his concern for Kasumi's feelings that broke the tie.  < If I
run away now, Kasumi will think I don't really feel attracted to her,
she'll be hurt.>  That was more than enough, Ranma began kissing her
back, passionately.  Kasumi slipped him her tongue and Ranma hesitated
only a moment before responding in kind.  Kasumi's thoughts were
whirling.  < He loves me! Ranma really loves me?  Isn't
this wrong?  No, we're married, it can't be wrong... oh it feels so...
so... except I want to do more for him.>  Kasumi tried to move her arms,
which Ranma still had pinned over her head.

    Ranma, feeling her slight struggles, released her arms and pushed
himself up, breaking their kiss. "Kasumi, it's the hypnosis... I
think... I mean, I do want to... do this... it's just..."

    Kasumi smiled softly, feeling part of Ranma pressing against her
hip.  < He really does want me. Ranma just doesn't wish to force me.>
"Ranma, don't worry... we've already done this... we're married... it's
alright."  Kasumi began to unbutton her blouse.  "Ranma, won't you be a
bit... uncomfortable... if we stop now?  I don't want that.  Please make
yourself comfortable..."  Kasumi opened her shirt to him, then started
unhooking her bra.  "Please... do as you wish."

                            End pt 4.

If you haven't guessed already, I will be following this up with
Addicted 4.5, which is very much a lemon. Addicted 5 will come out
after, and if you don't wasn't (or are too young to) read the lemon,
you should be able to pick up the gist without a problem, so go ahead
and skip it.

You can find previous chapters at this page: