Akane the Dominatrix 6. Can't wash away the sins
Disclaimer: I dont own Ranma!
Warning, not much lemon in this chapter but its there!
Chapter 6
It wasnt long till Ranma awoke. She had only fainted from the overwhelming emotion she had felt from er orgasm. She looked around for Akane, but she was gone and Ranmas clothes where lying beside her in a neat pile. She picked them up and dressing in only her top shirt. That on her female form always seemed like a long and baggy dress.
Ranma felt quite sticky and flushed from her experience and wanted nothing more than to soak in a bath. Besides she had some rather uncomfortable friction burns that only a bath would be able to sooth. Akane must have ran away again. She thought sadly as she walked through the quiet household. When she reached the bathroom door she saw the occupied sign and a faint splashing inside.
Akane? Ranma called out.
Go away! Akane replied. I dont want to see you.
But Akane... Ranma sighed. I thought we decided that..
NO, you decided Ranma! Akane yelled back before he could finish. I was just under a spell, this isnt normal behaviour.
Ranma gritted her teeth and entered anyway. She couldnt back down, not after theyd been so intimate with each other. For a second Ranma had a fleeting thought to tell Akane the truth about her feelings; that this hadnt been about perverted sex for him/her.
Akane gasped as she saw the half naked red head enter. She ducked her determined not to look into Ranmas eyes.
In case it escaped your notice. Ranma said cockily.Were not normal. She stripped off her top and sat down on the small stool to wash herself down in cold water.
Get out! Akane shouted. Thats an order!
The spell aint working just now Akane, and I dont intend it to.
There was a ripping noise and Akane peered out with the corner of her eye. What are you doing?
Her question was answered by a splash beside her as the now male Ranma joined her in the bath.
Ranma! Akane screamed. You per... But Akane stopped herself from saying it. She couldnt criticise Ranma, not when she was the bigger pervert. As she avoided looking at him down there she saw what he was wearing.
A blindfold?
Its the eyes that start the spell. Ranma explained.
Doesnt explain why youre in the bath. Akane huffed, turning her head trying to hide her embarrassment even though Ranma couldnt see it.
You made me all dirty. Ranma grinned.
The tomboy blushed a deep scarlet and sunk down in the water. I cant believe I did that. She whispered. Are you hurt?
Got some rope burns in some really uncomfortable places but Im okay.
Akane tried to stop the girlish giggle but it escaped. She liked this relaxed Ranma. Before he was always so tense when the where as intimate as this and that made her uncomfortable.
Last week you would have died to be anywhere near me. Akane said. I thought I was an uncute sexless Tomboy?
You still are. Ranma said with a smirk on his face.
And youre still a jerk! She shouted as Akane dunked his head under the water. Im getting out!
Dont go! Ranma pleaded as he made a grab for her hand and actually got hold of it. I mean... stay, and maybe, maybe we could act like normal fiancees for a change.
Were not as youve said normal. She snorted pulling Ranmas hand away from her. I mean are you really wearing that blindfold so you dont have to look at my uncute body?
Man youre so dense sometimes. Ranma chuckled. Maybe I really wanted to share a bath with my fiancee.
What like Shampoo? Akane hissed her jealousy surfacing.
No not like that!
Then what do you mean?
Shampoo always comes into my bath un-welcome. Ranma moaned. Say whatever happened to the Amazon?
I sent her home. Akane said sadly. I didnt want to pervert her as well.
Ranma shrugged. If you say so but it leaves all the more for me. Can I scrub your back?
Ranma! Akane snapped. Quit pretending that you like me. Its only the spell thats working.
No its not. He said. I have my blindfold on.
Ranma... She gasped unsure what t say about that.
Okay. Ill take that as a yes. Ranma stumbled to find a sponge and reached out to find where Akane was. He brushed against her chest and withdrew quickly blushing. But the girl turned her back so that his hands could find a safe place to touch. With all of Ranmas bravado it always surprised Akane when he would act so shy. She had always assumed it was because he didnt like her that way.
She held her breath as the Ranma found her back and began splashing the hot water over her. If Akane hadnt been so tense herself she might have even enjoyed it.
What is wrong with me? She scolded herself. This is childs play in comparison to what I did to him.
Does... Does this mean that you still want to be my fiancee? Akane asked nervously.
Ranma choked as he struggled with the word. Y-Y-Y..
So thats a yes. Akane said smiling. I guess were both perverted then.
I guess we are. Ranma sighed. He ventured further down her smooth back but jerked upwards when he thought he had gone to far down. Akane giggled at his awkwardness, glad she wasnt the only one. A sly thought entered her head and surprisingly she obeyed. She turned her body so that her chest was now in front of her fiancee.
Ranmas hands began trembling when he felt the plump flesh. Akane couldnt talk, her boost of confidence was as quickly gone as it had appeared. With clumsy movements she carefully touched Ranmas shoulder.
Ranma did you really enjoy what I did today?
Ranma gulped unable to speak but drew closer to Akane and hugged her, his face red from the awkwardness. He nodded and rested his head against her.
I-Id like to do this again sometime. Akane whispered stroking the back of Ranmas head.
Before Ranma could answer her, he heard a thump downstairs. As if someone had entered the house. The quiet romantic moment was shattered in that instant and Ranma leapt out of the bath stumbling over stools and discarded clothes. The door clattered shut and Akane was left alone again.
Her own feeling that what they had been doing was wrong surfaced again. Even Ranma thought it was wrong, else he would never have bolted when he did.
I just have to figure out how long this spell will last. Akane desperately thought. Its the only way to see if Ranma really does like me.
Shampoo had now reached back to her restaurant in distress. After she had helped Ranma and Akane in their perverted acts she was slightly unsure what was expected of her. She didnt understand how being hurt could be any kind of turn on.
She looked about the restaurant, it was strangely quiet.
There was a thud from up the stairs. The passive Amazon went up to investigate, she needed to find a more reassuring face. She opened to the door to Mousses room to find the source of the noise.
Mousse? Shampoo gave a gasp at what she saw. Her great-grandmother was tied up and was looking very cross at Mousse who was holding her captive.
Shampoo? Mouse said confused as he looked over to where the girl had entered.
Not Mousse too! Shampoo wailed. Shampoo does not want to be spanking girl again!
Colognes eyes bugged out on stalks, her anger had now trebled from the admission from her young granddaughter.
What do you mean Shampoo? Mousse asked. And how did you escape binding silk?
Mousse silly, that not Shampoo that great-grandmother.
The blind boy turned back in fear to what he thought had been Shampoo. He focused on the face but his glasses started to get fogged because of the steam coming from Cologne.
I think I should go. Mousse said wisely. Shampoo will you come with me for a little... er walk?
Okay. Shampoo said.
Mousse nearly fell over. Oh my beloved Shampoo do you really mean that?
If that is what Mousse want. Shampoo replied. Shampoo will walk with Stupid Mousse. She gave a side ways glance to her angered
Mousse grabbed her hand and was amazing she did not pull away.
You are Shampoo? He asked just to be sure.
Yes, Shampoo is Shampoo.
Okay just checking. Mousse gasped.
Nabiki had arrived home from her trip to the city.
Hello? She called out but there wasnt an answer in the usual hectic household. The business girl shrugged and put all her college homework down and ventured up the stairs. She paused as she noticed a long piece of red rope.
What in the world is that doing there? She wondered. her profit making senses started to twitch and she tried to keep them down. She had been trying in the past few months not to interfere with Ranma and Akane. Especially after the whole wedding fiasco, she had to make a contract to promise she would never do anything like that again. But it was incredibly hard to keep her old habits in check.
She softly crept up the stairs, Nabiki was intensely curious as to what was going on. She just had to remind herself not to cash in on anything she found. She raised an eyebrow suspiciously at the wet footprints coming from the bathroom. Someone had dashed out of there without putting slippers on.
A splash from the bathroom alerted nabiki that it was still occupied.
Um... hi. A very nervous sounding Akane said.
Im in MY bedroom! Yelled Ranma.
Nabiki frowned not believing the so say innocence.
I get the hint. She growled and went to go back down the stairs. Ill leave you two love birds alone.
Hey its not like that! Both Akane and Ranma shouted out together.
Oh there is only so much cuteness I can stand. Nabiki muttered and left before she saw anything else that would make her want to break her current contract.
Mousse was still in a daze as he walked with the love of his life down the street. She held his hand and followed where he lead, no destination set in the young Chinese boys head he was just far too confused.
Cologne told me you where under a spell. He said trying to break the silence.
Shampoo just nodded.
So Shampoo how long till it wears off?
She shrugged her answer.
This is very strange. Mousse said laughing. I always expect you to be constantly punishing me.
Mousse was answered by a slap on the behind.
Do you want Shampoo to punish you? Shampoo asked very clear voice. Her hand was raised for another strike.
Um... Mousse paused unsure what she was meaning. I only want you to be back to normal Shampoo and if that means you punishing me then Id take that as well.
Shampoo punish you! The Amazon snapped as Mousse unwittingly gave his permission and order. You will do what Shampoo say.
I will do whatever you ask of me my Shampoo. Mousse gushed, his love blinding him to what Shampoo was meaning.
He got a sudden reality check when his love kicked him to the floor. He scrambled to get himself back upright but a foot was firmly placed on his back making it impossible. He looked round to see the girl he had always loved glaring down at him. This was normal for him but this time he felt an un-nerving chill of foreboding. His previous ecstasy dulled by the nervous sweat.
Who asked Mousse to talk! Shampoo spat. You only do what Shampoo command and Shampoo want pony ride!
Im sure I didnt mean this. Mousse grumbled and was hit for his remark.
Horsie not talk! The girl growled as she sat down on Mousse like he was a horse. Now GO! She dug her heels into his ribs and Mousse was urged forward by his rider. The Chinese boy obeyed as he moved on all fours.
This spell that Shampoo is under is most formidable! He thought anxiously. I have to be careful not to upset her any further.
The crowd watched in amazement at the two Amazons trotted down the street. While Shampoo saw nothing wrong and carried on riding her horsie.
Ranma panted for breath as he slid down the side of his door. It had been so close to getting caught with Akane.
Would that really have been so bad? He wondered. Then he remembered the consequences. He and Akane would be married by the end of the week. But that wasnt considering if they would survive that long. He knew Shampoo was under a spell just now but that wouldnt last long. Ukyo and Ryoga would try and interfere, so would Kuno and his mad sister Kodachi.
Ranma sighed, life was so much better when it had been just him and Akane. When she had been under the spell and telling him what to do. There had been no pressure from anyone else, just from his mistress.
She is my mistress isnt she? He thought. I would do anything if she told me to, anything.
Akane meanwhile was fighting back the tears. It was obvious for her that Ranma was still under the spell. He couldnt possibly want her. As soon as the possibility of them getting caught together he was off. But then he did have a blindfold on. And that was the trigger to the spell.
Perhaps there was a chance that when the spell wore off theyd laugh or just pretend it never happened. But then Akane would be denying herself. The fact that she loved being so in control of Ranma. She would find it difficult to go back to how they once where. Even if after the disasterous wedding it had so easily slipped back into the routine. Now she couldnt think of her fiancee without seeing her tied up groaning at her for more punishement. The tomboy had to shake herself out of her daydream.
I think I really am the pervert. Akane thought sadly. But why would Ranma want to be in the bath with such a person?
There was no use getting upset about the situation she would just have to face Ranma, with his blindfold on and ask him personally.
Authors Note: Gasp! I was that plot and angst I saw there? *checks*
Just when you thought this was porn without plot I come out with a chapter like this. Still some nice lemony scenes though!
Next chapter Nabiki gets brought into the situation but will she help or hinder?