Akane the Dominatrix 3. Shampoo gets into trouble
Disclaimer: I dont own Ranma!
Chapter 3
Ranma raced back into his own room. His heart was racing from the whole experience. He sat down on his futon and tried to concentrate on anything except Akane in her room with the brokken. For some reason he had a vision of the wooden weapon in her hands. She was smiling a cruel Nabiki type smile and caressing the wood in an up and down motion.
*Now is not the time to be thinking like this.* Ranma thought. He laid down and close his eyes. They quickly shot open. He had an image of Akane standing on his chest and exposing herself to him. Ranma had gotten a full upward look at Akanes pink slit. It had been the first time hes actually seen one from that angle. The image was now burned in his mind. It now joined the first time hed seen Akane naked and when she had first tried to hit him for being a pervert. Or drown him as she had decided.
Ranma clutched his sides and tried to ignore the throbbing in his groin. He knew he shouldnt touch himself. It wouldnt be right, Akane would object.
Akane was also having trouble sleeping. She had changed into her yellow pyjamas but she still didnt feel clean. She couldnt give into this spell. It had to be a spell. Akane Tendo was not a pervert! She gritted her teeth as she tried to forget the helpless look on Ranmas face as she stood on him.
He did not want her, hed said it was a spell. So, this was the spell working and not her mind. She was a good traditional Japanese girl that would honour her family. She was not a bad perverted dominatrix wanting to bend Ranmas will to her own.
Akane growled again and clutched onto her brokken. She would not charge through and spank Ranmas ass with it.
*No! Bad!*
She turned over again. It was going to be a long night.
Shampoo slipped quickly into the Tendo household. It was not her usual entrance, the wall, but tonight she had to make sure her husband was safe from the pervert girl. It was not a good thing if he knew the girls intimate urges. She knew Ranma had a crush on Akane, she didnt understand it or admit it, but she knew. It didnt take a genius to see the glances he gave her or the abuse he put up with.
*That would all stop once you accept me as your wife.* She thought as she crept up the stairs. *I at least can cook and would make a far superior choice.* She held the antidote in her hand. It was a different type of herb. You had to inhale it like a cold remedy. It did make it easier to administer.
She quietly opened Ranmas door. He was curled up like a ball. There was no sign of his panda father, which was a slight relief. She didnt want any distracting snores. She crept up to her husband slowly. She tried to mask her ki as her great-grandmother had always taught her.
As she came closer she noticed something different about him. He was sweating and shivering as if he was in pain. She glanced to the side he had his eyes tightly shut.
*Mmmm, Violent girls libido must be very perverted.* Shampoo surmised.
Then Ranma turned in his sleep. A small groan of frustration escaping his lips. Shampoo tried not to gasp as his cover slipped. There was a very obvious erection in Ranmas boxers. The young amazon licked her lips. It was tempting to prove her wifely duties to Ranma now. She had never seen him like this before to take advantage. He always had excellent control of his body.
*The spell must be working really well.* Shampoo thought. *I could just try being like his wife.* With a shaking hand Shampoo moved Ranmas manhood out into the air. It responded by twitching at her. The young amazon paused as she had a good look at it. She had been given illustrations by her great-grandmother in her teachings of wifely duties. They never said anything about twitching.
Akane... Ranma murmured. I dont...
*No, you dont want HER.* Shampoo thought. *You want REAL wife.* Then her stubborn belief took over her. She relaxed her mouth and as she moved closer she wetting her lips. She carefully licked his tip. It was salty with his sweat. It didnt taste too bad but it wasnt exactly appetising. It was something that she vowed she would get used to and appreciate.
She moved very slowly slipping the length inside her. She couldnt move too quickly in fear of waking him and alerting the household. She would just have to wake him slowly like this.
*Then Ranma will HAVE to marry me.* The Chinese girl thought. *I will show him Im the best choice.* She tried to swallow as much of his size as she could into her mouth. She covered her teeth, sucking in her cheeks in an attempt to make it as soft as possible. She didnt wasnt a sudden teeth graze to wake him. He might think she was trying to eat him. Which was quite close to the truth.
Akane! Ranma grumbled in his sleep, revealing who he was screaming about.
Shampoo scowled this was not the reaction she was wanting. *Perhaps I should give him the antidote first.*
She moved off Ranma and got out the small herb sachet. All she had to do was sprinkle it on his pillow for him to inhale.
AKANE!! Ranma cried and bolted upright.
Shampoo flattened herself against the wall. She didnt want to be caught in Ranmas room like this. She would never get a chance to administer the remedy. There had been times when she loved getting caught snuggling up against Ranma, but now was not one of those times. She had to cure her husband of the eyedrops or as her great-grandmother warned he could be lost forever.
The door flew open and Akane Tendo stood holding a brokken. What is it... She stopped as she locked eyes with Ranma.
Akane looked around and saw Shampoo in the room. Shampoo... Akane growled.
The amazon saw the challenge and stepped forward. What is it stupid girl?
Ahhh! Ranma yelled. He covered his fully erect manhood.
Arien, Shampoo come to save you. Shampoo said. Spell go very wrong, yes?
So it is your fault! Akane yelled.
Its not my fault, is pervert girls fault for not reading box! Shampoo yelled back.
Youre to blame as well! Akane screamed. This wouldnt have happened at all if youd not been the pervert with those kinky eyedrops.
Nothing kinky about them unless youre the one thats kinked. Shampoo huffed.
Youre not making any sense! Akane groaned. Do you have the remedy or not?
Shampoo no give to you, is for Ranma.
Ranma was standing silent watching the pair arguing over him. He couldnt move not with Akane in the room. Just looking at her was now making him weak at the knees. He couldnt speak, not without permission.
Shampoo held out the herbal cure. Here Arien is for you.
Ranma couldnt move. Akane was glaring at him. Ranma... She growled. Escort Shampoo out of here.
Ranma moved quickly, his mistress was telling him what to do. Shampoo squealed as the herbs was thrust in her face.
Youre not welcome here. Akane spat. Its all your fault were feeling so damn perverted!
Shampoo stood still.
Ranma had now averted his eyes from Akane and was looking at Shampoo cautiously. Hello?
The amazon coughed as she inhaled the herbs. She didnt know what they would do to those not under the eyedrop spell. As she looked at her husband she suddenly felt completely numb.
Yo Akane I think you should cool down a bit. Ranma said his eyes on the floor. He couldnt look at her he knew he would become all submissive if he did.
S...sorry Ranma I forgot. Akane whispered her own head turned away. I just thought it was a dream for a moment... Ive had a few... um... weird ones tonight.
Hey Shampoo are you okay? Ranma asked. You look a bit pale.
Shampoo not feel so good. She said quietly.
Okay, you need to give us the antidote. Ranma said. We really do want the cure from the pervert spell.
Is not pervert spell. Shampoo said. Is sex spell.
Same thing. Akane snorted.
Antidote all gone.
You know she doesnt seem so well. Akane said with some worry. Ill take Shampoo to my room, that way well definitely get more antidote in the morning.
Okay, night Akane. Ranma said to the wall. He still couldnt face her. The spell was too strong. He would go down on his knees if he had to look at Akane again.
He didnt see how Akane easily took Shampoos hand and led her to her room.
Ive got a spare futon. Akane said. She handed the rolled up bed to the young girl and she took it robotically
Are you okay Shampoo? Akane asked. She didnt think Shampoo would willingly sleep in the same room as her. You seem too quiet.
I can talk if I want to. Shampoo said in perfect Japanese. Her head was down and she clutched the bed. Japanese men find naïve girls more attractive. It is better to act coy and stupid.
Umm... kay. Akane said not sure where this was going. Shall we get some sleep.
If that is what we must do. Shampoo said, again her Japanese dialect was almost perfect.
How long have you known fluent Japanese? Akane asked out of curiosity.
For over 6 months, it is better if I talk simple for my Ranma.
.... Akane was silent, she didnt like this sudden confession from Shampoo. It felt like she was trying to please her somehow.
Im tired. She lied. I think well discuss this in the morning. Itll be best if we sleep for now.
Shampoo nodded an she jumped into her newly made bed. Akane watched amazed as she closed her eyes and went instantly to sleep. The youngest Tendo felt slightly guilty at Shampoos predicament. Whatever the herb spell that had meant to cure Ranma had suddenly made Shampoo very docile and quiet. If she hadnt rushed through to see what had happened and given in to the pervert thoughts she would have had Ranma cured. Perhaps even herself cured.
Akane brought her head to the pillow and tried not to think too perverted. It didnt work everytime she closed her eyes she saw images of Shampoo and female Ranma being her slaves.
<I shall rule you all!>
The morning didnt bring any joy. Akane had risen, jogged and showered, but Shampoo was still asleep. Kasumi was busy in the kitchen making the breakfast. She had to get everyone moving before Nabiki got up. That was the main goal. She couldnt risk her sneaky sister finding out about any of this.
Shampoo? Akane called. Are you awake?
The purple haired Amazon rose and rubbed her eyes. Yes I am awake.
Is it easier for you to speak like you normally do? Akane said. Youre freaking me out.
Shampoo not mean to. She said returning to her child like voice with a thick Chinese accent. Young Tendo not need worry.
Tendo? Akane whispered. *What happened to pervert, violent or kitchen destroyer?*
If you get yourself ready we can go over to the Nekohanten and ask Cologne for a cure. Akane said.
Shampoo bowed and rushed out to the bathroom. *What is going on?* Akane wondered.
She heard a door slide open. She glanced up to see Ranma-Chan looking at her in shock.
Morning Miss Akane. The red head said quietly.
Who asked you to speak? Akane spat not noticing Ranma being civil to her.
Ranma dropped her head. Look away Akane, we have to get the cure.
Oh yeah. Akane laughed. Shampoos just getting freshened up then shes taking us to see Cologne.
Should I change back into a guy? Ranma said. I had the usual accident with a drunken Pops returning from wherever hes been.
Why are you asking me? Akane growled.
I dunno. Ranma-Chan said sweatdropping. It just seemed like the thing to do.
Shampoo all clean! The amazon yelled as she came out of the bathroom. Young Tendo be happy now?
Why is everyone asking me things? Akane shouted.
The room was silent, no one could answer her because they didnt know.
Cmon lets go before anyone rises. Akane snapped. Ranma eyes down.
Sure thing. Ranma said. <Whatever you command Mistress.>
At the Nekohanten Cologne wasnt happy at what she saw. Shampoo was holding Akanes hand and leading the way.
What has the stupid girl done? The old woman muttered. She had a horrible suspicion. XIAU-PU!
The purple haired girl looked up in shock and ran to her elder. Shampoo knelt before Cologne her head bowed in deep respect. The elder woman looked down on her great-granddaughter nervously. Her gut feeling was telling her something was seriously wrong.
Tell me you did not inhale the herbs. She hissed down at the young amazon.
Shampoo will not tell. Shampoo answered.
Tell me the truth. Cologne hissed again but she already knew the answer.
It was an accident great-grandmother. Shampoo squeaked. I inhaled the herbs that got thrown on my face.
This is very bad... Cologne sighed.
What do the herbs do? Akane asked.
They were the antidote to the eyedrops. Cologne growled. On someone that didnt have the eyedrops like Shampoo. It can stunt the sexual drive. It makes her a puppet that latches onto anyone to boost their failing libido.
Shampoos not a limbo dancer. Ranma said scratching his head.
Son in Law. Cologne sighed. I meant that she is without a sex drive of her own. She will absorb and imitate whoever is around her to get her own satisfaction. To think the Amazons have come to this... sex slaves!
What do you mean? Akane asked.
I dont have to answer you. Cologne spat. This is your own fault that Shampoos being so submissive! If you werent such a perverted dominating girl, this wouldnt have happened to my granddaughter.
I am not a pervert. Akane growled. Its the spell!
Cologne ignored her as she moved the docile Shampoo inside.
Okay another question before you go. Akane said, annoyed at Ranmas calm silence. What do the eyedrops do?
The spell only awakens your inner desires. Cologne said turning from her shop. It is your own perverted thoughts and feelings that are controlling you. If I were you Id accept your fate and have a perverted life, but not with MY Shampoo!
The door to the restaurant slammed shut. Akane and Ranma were left looking at the road avoiding eye contact. The truth of the eyedrops washing over them. It wasnt induced by a spell, it came from inside them. They both struggled for something to say. The usual awkward silence engulfed them.
So we really are perverts. Ranma chuckled finally. Who knew.
Akane giggled quietly too. We have to do something, I dont want to be a pervert.
Its okay Akane, I wont let this disgrace us!
*I have to find a way to make this work!* He thought as he leapt up into the air.
Akane looked round to stare at Ranmas feet to ask what he meant but he was gone. She saw the silhouette disappearing over the rooftops.
*Oh Ranma what are you going to do to make this all right.*
<Bend to my will...> The voice disappeared as Ranma got further away from her.
Akane turned to go home, feeling dejected. Ranma had ran away, afraid of her pervertedness.
Authors Note: A-ha so my plot thickens.... Okay my thinly veiled excuse of a plot gets less limp!
Next chapter find out what Ranmas plan is and if Shampoo learns to stay away!