After The Chaos

By Taro MD

Pairing: Ranma/Akane

Chapter 6 – The Epilogue


(Taro) Well this is indeed it, the last chapter of the After the Chaos series, the first series that I wrote is now officially at its end. Reason is that because I've almost pretty much covered everything but what has happened to the former fiancés and to the disgraced ex-master and his pupils.

Ok enough talk let's get on with it!


Three years have passed since the wedding of Ranma and Akane and ever since that day, pretty much everything in Nerima has settled down into a peaceful state that the ward experienced long before Ranma Saotome and his idiot father arrived for the first time.

Now at the Saotome Dojo, the happily married couple were now raising their family... a few years ago Akane gave birth to twins after giving her poor husband a broken hand and a mild concussion, both were a boy and a girl to whom the parents decided to name them Akira and Ranko. Nodoka was very pleased that she was now a grandmother and often paid visit to keep an eye on the parents but also her wonderful grandchildren as she calls them.

Akira Saotome has the same eyes as his father but his hair colour was the same as his mother and Ranko Saotome was basically a miniature version of Ranma's cursed form except her hair is brown and has got her mother's eyes instead.

At the moment the twins were playing with their cousin Kaiya who is the daughter of Dr. Tofu and Kasumi who was an absolute sweetheart and loved her mother to bits just like Kasumi before her.

Nabiki after moving onto college overseas in America under unusual conditions was now beginning her internship with a business firm that suited her wheeling, dealing methods and basically she was also rumoured to be dating her boyfriend that she fell in love with.

Nodoka was also enjoying her life as a single woman, after the divorce she was glad to rediscover the side of her that she never knew would experience again. Of course she'd have the company of her son and his wife but she was also named god-mother to the Saotome twins and for the first time in several years, she was happy.

As for Ryoga and Akari the other couple that I mentioned in this tale, well they did get married and lovely Akari just gave birth to a little black haired green eyed baby girl that the couple happily named Ryoume.



Although it can't be said for Mousse after he, Shampoo and Cologne returned to the village from their failed mission... both he and Shampoo were stripped of their status and they were both cast of the Amazon way of life. Elder Cologne didn't do anything to help them as she had the village to run but her heart was in sorrow at how she would never see her beloved great-grand-daughter again.

He thought that it would be the best chance to admit his love to Shampoo but she bitterly turned him down and then went on telling him that it was his fault for the last couple of years and why now the two of them were now outcasts from their home, and then she said the words that broke Mousse's heart.

"Shampoo doesn't want to see stupid duck-boy ever again, I can't stand you and I'll hate you for as long as I live."

She then left him and that was the last time he'd ever saw her again this left Mousse with a turning point in his life that he never thought he would experience. So he then decided to try and find his parents and figure out what to do with his life.

He is now a travelling courier and he has been everywhere in the world often he would be accompanied by his wife Reika who followed him everywhere he went as the two set out their own life together.



In Manila we find ourselves outside a popular Chinese restaurant called Xian Pu's, after her exile from the Amazon village Shampoo decided to find a fresh new start for herself so she moved to the Philippines to open up her own restaurant and three years later her restaurant is the most popular Chinese in all of Manila.

She smiled as she watched her husband Tao Pei, the son of a famous local chef work his magic in the kitchen creating dish after dish, she reflected on how perfect her life is and especially when she gave birth to her daughter to which she named her Xing Xing.

The little two year old with pink hair was a bundle of joy for both Mother and Father and also for the customers as well as Xian Pu's was a family friendly restaurant and in the last few months the President came to visit once. So as Shampoo was holding onto Xing Xing, she would remember the times that she spent with her own home and on how her great grandmother will never meet her daughter but she sighed and then took her upstairs to her crib.

Life continues on as she thought before going back downstairs and to her life.



In the former capitol city of Japan known as Kyoko, we find Ukyo living her life as she was meant to have she was finally able to sever all ties with her father and her right as a independent woman was realised and established. The best news was that she was reunited with her thought to be dead mother as she helped her daughter settle down to life in Kyoko.

To this day she opened her own Ucchan's restaurant to which it attracts large crowds to which she was forced to hire many extra hands to cope with the high demand, Konatsu followed her up and is still pretty much a part of her life and sides he also likes his large room as he lives in the restaurant making sure that it is spotless every day.

She wondered on how Ranma and Akane were doing at this moment, when they graduated from Furinkan she was glad in a way but it meant that she would leave her friend again but she reassured herself that it was for the best and said it as well to Ranma when they had a discussion on what to do for life.

"Listen Ran-Chan, I want you to take care of Akane for me... I know what is done cannot be changed but promise me."

"I will Ukyo and I promise to one day come visit you in Kyoto."

"I would like that Ranma."

She sighed to herself at the last good memory that she had of her former love as on that day she said goodbye to her past and was now concentrating on her future, maybe one day she will have children of her own and a husband that'll love her but not for the moment.

Who knows what the future may bring for her.


It was quite simple, after two years having extensive treatment from the asylum both Tatewaki and Kodachi Kuno were finally able to regain their sanity as if they had any to begin with. However their father had to be put down because he was just too crazy to be released back in public.
Both she and her brother are now the only heirs to the Kuno clan and for this reason alone they decided to separate so they could continue their lives. Tatewaki decided to do something useful in using his kendo expertise and opened up his own Kendo School in Tokyo whilst Kodachi became a renowned scientist in medicine and used her knowledge for the good of mankind.

Heaven help us all....



You might wondered what ever happened to the former master of the dojo Happosai and his students... well for the old pervert he was given one hell of a payback. When he landed in the Amazon Village after being blasted he knew that he was in deep shit so he fled right out of the village as fast as he could but before he knew that he was safe, he was immediately in deep shit.

"Hello father, we meet again." He bumped right into his son Pantyhose Taro and after that encounter, no one has ever heard of Happosai as he just disappeared.

As for Soun Tendo and Genma Saotome, the last two years was an interesting adventure to say the least. After paying off all the debts that he owed to the families that he scammed off almost getting killed several times especially by the Yakuza who very much remembered him and to a certain street fighting world champion who beat the living crap out of the cursed fat bastard.

They both returned to Nerima after succeeding only to find out that Nabiki in her last act before she left to go to college organized for them to be living in the retirement home from now on, so with sad regret they adapted to their new home and to their new friends as the old men began to suffer on their own.

A year later, Genma Saotome after years on the run and drinking loads of alcohol mostly sake finally suffered from liver failure and although doctors did everything they can to save his life, they succeeded in finding a healthy liver from a healthy man and afterwards he was put under order never to drink again.

So the two former elders now just play Shogi and talk about the old days and especially for Genma on how his retirement plans were utterly ruined. It goes to show you, you do bad things then ultimately it'll come back and haunt you for the rest of your life.

Now it won't be long before Soun learnt the truth from his supposed best friend and he will be alone for the first time in decades.


The End of After the Chaos


(Taro) Well that is pretty much it, I like to thank to everyone for reviewing this piece of work and for reading a Taro MD series. I have changed personally with not only this series but also with other lemon projects that I am doing as well.

It is a learning experience that I went through and although I am sad now that I am leaving the world of Ranma 1/2 for the moment but one day I will return to do a one-shot lemon or something, I'm not sure on that yet.

Ok now it's over, you can all move on with your lives. I'll leave it up to you guys to review!