After The Chaos

By Taro MD

Pairing: Ranma/Akane

Chapter 1 – The Swallowing of Pride


(Taro) Well from the success of Mercury's Time for Love taught me that everyone seems to love my distinct and descriptive writing style which is excellent indeed for all you readers out there.

So now I introduce the first major project that I had originally minded and hopefully this will be better than most Ranma lemons out there except for the works of the Warpwizard... very genius of a writer that is now famed for hardcore hentai, everyone knows about Ranma in the Pokegirl World enough said really.

So now this will be a traditional pairing in the case of Ranma, but also this is to all those authors who always write down the Ranma/Akane pairing and are proud representatives to say, so I salute you all, let us begin now. Anyway this'll be a short 2-3 part series.

**Timeline is set after the disastrous wedding attempt at the end of the Ranma 1/2 series so it's like a few hours afterwards**


Why does this always happen to me.....

Ranma Saotome thought as he layed down on the roof, already tossed his burnt and charred jacket onto the floor of his room he decided to get away from the chaos within the Tendo house for the moment.

Once again the Nerima Wrecking Crew as the other finances were often known as, interfered as usual thanks to a certain mercenary who sent them invitations only to crash the wedding and ruined a perfect day as this was the dead of night they have left to head back to their homes or in this case for Ryoga, getting himself lost.

She was so beautiful in that dress.... He thought on seeing Akane in that wedding dress, she was indeed beautiful and Ranma closed his eyes trying not to let the tears escape through his eyes.

It never fails does it ... just when things actually seem to be finally workin' out for a change; something always comes along and screws it all up. He thought as he began to get angry, all the other finances and rivals always made him mad but when his best friend Ukyo Kunoji betraying him by setting up all those bombs and destroying the Tendo Dojo, he thought he was going to lose it, until he cooled himself down using the Soul of Ice technique.

I can't belive Ucchan did that...? I thought she was my best friend, well she is. But to do all that well I never seen her so angry before. Ranma then opened his eyes as he realised that today was the last straw, Ranma Saotome himself has had enough of all the shit in his life and basically he wants to take back control of his life.

That's it I can't stand it anymore, I have had it with the other finances and rivals. This is where I decide to control my life... but it's not much point without Akane, she's everything that I could want in a girl and that I actually care for... and forgetting my pride for the moment, I need her. He thought as he started to notice that he was beginning to cry.

For the first time in Ranma Saotome's life ever since he got to Nerima, the pressure finally got to him.


Downstairs in her room, Akane Tendo was trying to get some sleep or in this case trying to forget this day ever happened. Her own wedding was ruined and in reality she is doing what she does best, blame Ranma for the whole mess.

"Curse that Baka..."

Turning over, she begins to think about the last year since HE had first arrived, focusing in particular on the last few weeks.

She had thought especially after the recent events at Jusenkyo and in China, which just maybe he really did care for her. She was damn well certain of it. She had even heard him call out to her in such anguish and felt his tears fall upon her face.

She had never ever felt such peace as she had when she lay in his arms when he cried out that he had loved her. If it was true though, why couldn't he answer her when she asked him before the wedding attempt? Why did he seem to deny it and then run off like that?

"Oh Ranma... what is going on with you, I thought you cared.... don't you even love me?" She asked the empty room as she tried to sleep but then she heard a faint noise coming from above and she got out of bed quickly thinking that it was another of those bitches who ruined her day.

"So they're come back for more!" She decided to play the quiet game and quietly climbed out of her window, as soon as she got on the roof she discovered the faint sound to come from her baka finance as he was on his side curled up into a ball, quietly she approached him and hears a near silent sobbing.

"I can't do this anymore... Akane..." Hearing her name she listened carefully as she moved closer quietly.

"I need her... I can't live anymore without her." She froze on the spot upon hearing what Ranma said and she thought with hope in her heart that perhaps he did love her after all, I mean what was his reason for staying in Nerima?

Oh my god did he really just say that? Akane thought as the stone wall around her heart was beginning to crack as she listened even more to him.

"Oh God it really hurts... Why can't I just tell her...? Why do I keep hurting her...? I'm so sorry..." As the walls were crumbling, Akane kneels quietly and leans down, still unnoticed, beside him with tears welling up in her eyes. She slowly, gently wraps her arms around his neck.

"Ranma... I don't really hate you... I couldn't not even if I wanted to..." She said softly even as he tensed and went silent, as he tried to sit up but she gently tightened her hold and pulled his head onto her lap, his eyes as she noticed were covered in tears and they were swollen. She'd never seen Ranma like this and it promptly scared her.

I don't know what to do, I never seen him like this before.... She thought as she gently run her hand through his hair pondering on what to do and how would Kasumi solve a problem like this?


"Shhh its ok Ranma." He relaxes slightly, turning partially to look at her and notices the tears upon her face glistening in the moonlight. This brought on a fresh set of tears that she knew she can't see him like this.

"Oh Gods... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to hurt ya today..."

"Shh... its ok. I'm ok. I don't hate you." What the hell do I do? She thought as she brought him closer and calming him down by keeping on running her hands through his hair, she gently wipes the tears from his eyes and cheeks with her hands.

"You... you don't?"

"Silly I've long since gotten used to your curse... It doesn't matter anymore..." He decided to slowly sit up but still be in Akane's comforting embrace as he turned his head round to look at her, she always get lost in those blue eyes of his.

"Akane, I... I know I'm an idiot... and... I don't mean to hurt ya... I... I just wish ya could like a cursed freak like me...but you... you deserve better... a real man, even if ya don't want to marry me... I promise I'll always be there for ya no matter whom you..." He couldn't speak no more as he looked down as he was about to start the waterworks again but Akane's dam burst and she started to break down and sob over what she has done to him.

She pressed her face tightly against his back and began to cry, she knew that he wasn't the one to blame for their troubles, it was his baka panda of a father who started the whole mess to begin with but her anger often clouded her judgement and unfortunately he was ALWAYS around for her to beat on or whacked by the Mallet.

"I'm so sorry Ranma... for everything.... I don't really think you're a freak... It's not your fault... It's ok...the question is can you love an un-cute, un-sexy tomboy like me?" Her voice broke as she cried even more, what more amazing was that none of the regular chaos and this was Nerima mind you, would of minded their business.

Ranma deciding to do something to comfort his finance reached out to cup her cheek in his strong, firm but soft hand as she noticed, they looked at each other realising that they do indeed share something together.

"Akane...I... I... really do love you..." Akane gasped softly and her chest suddenly tightened, she couldn't believe Ranma Saotome confessing that he loves her, it was all too much but she held it together to respond.

"I... I... love you too Ranma..." She smiled softly and then with a bright smile as Ranma flashed his cocky grin before it changed into a knowing smile as they slowly moved closer together and finally for the first time they kissed. Emotions were going through them as their lips touched as they pulled away to get into a better position but it was Akane who kissed him and things got interesting as he began to hold her closer to him and noticing with blushes on their cheeks, she then deepened the kiss and they really went at it with all the passion stored in them, eventually they broke apart but still looked at each other.


She rested her head against his shoulder and he wrapped his arms round her although hesitant because he still didn't like it when they were close together and he started to go tense to which she noticed.

"Baka I'm not going to hurt you, so relax for me" She teasingly blew into his ear which made him groan softly but he didn't notice her kissing his lips again trying to take advantage but Ranma being a martial artist responded well and this being like a sort of martial arts match tried to see who can get the better.

They broke up but began to kiss again as her tongue entered his mouth to duel with his, the passion increased and for Ranma a part of his body began to respond to her caresses and kisses whilst as she withdraw the kiss for some air, she began to feel something that confirmed his love for her and for once she was not only not offended she was actually quite pleased by it.

"Why Ranma... I guess you don't find me uncute after all." She giggled at his loud groan and they looked at each other noticing the love that they have for each other was going to a level that she wouldn't have to face yet.


"Yes Akane?"

"I need you." Ranma widened his eyes and blushed but he smiled back anyway and the look of love and also hidden from her was lust from his eyes almost made Akane's insides melt.

"I need you too tomboy." She smacked his shoulder at the smirk on his face but it was only a light tap as she burrowed deeper into his arms.

"You Baka... but you're my baka." They embraced each other and kept close for the next hour, content in their closeness and wishing that nothing in the world would interrupt their happiness. As they yawned realising that it was indeed time for bed so they got up carefully but Akane was hesitant as Ranma saw in her eyes.

"Ranma... I don't want to feel alone... can... can you sleep with me tonight?" She began to flush very much red as did Ranma.


"Not like that dummy, it's too early yet before we do that. I don't want to feel alone please? She looked up at him in an expression that screamed Cute and Ranma's heart broke and in his mind, his heart did a beat down his pride as he smiled.

"Of course Akane." She smiled as they entered her room and got themselves ready for bed, afterwards we find our lovebirds sleeping on her bed with Akane snuggling to his chest and Ranma wrapping a protective arm round her as they were asleep and it was a picture of total bliss especially to the silent observer who was revealed to be a smiling Kasumi who then left with a smile to her face and a last thought before she went to start cooking breakfast.

Even in Nerima anything can happen after the chaos.


To be continued....


(Taro) Yep this is the end of the first chapter, so I can get rid of the WAFF aspect. Although I have never watched the series, I have read the numerous fanfics that instantly gave me the chance to look up and research Ranma 1/2.

So yeah this ain't over, I got about say a couple of chapters before I can wrap this up and the next one will be a full on lemon chapter I reckon.

Announcement I will be soon writing up my next project and it is an idea based on the Broken 4th wall thread on the Anime Addventure called Lemon Rebellion, details are small at the moment but one thing certain, it'll have crossover couplings and requested ones as well.

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