Any similarities with other fics are completely by coincidence.
Disclaimer: The characters of this story are my invention, however, the Jusenkyo curses and the amazon village of Joketsusoku are part of Ranma 1/2, therefore a copyright of Rumiko Takahashi. Used without authorization.
Author's note: Hanten is a Japanese word that describes Chinese Restaurants, that's why Cologne and Shampoo's restaurant is called "Neko Hanten", and that's why Perfume and Gel's restaurant is called "Joketsu Hanten" (Hanten because is a Chinese restaurant, Joketsu as a diminutive for Joketsusoku Village.)
Any other characters are owned by their respective authors, and I don't have the right to use them either. I'm just borrowing them.
Don't sue me, I don't have money anyway.
Okay now, on with the Fic.
Note: A 'between' is a term that I use that refers to human-demon hybrids, like Perfume.
(XXX): Represents thought.
Adventures of the Amazons.
By Persona (
=== Episode 22 ===
It was closing time already for the day at the Joketsu Hanten, and after cleaning up for the day Perfume and Gel went upstairs to their room, after taking a something from the refrigerator.
Now the two of them were on their double futton, in their birthday suits. By all the moaning it was clear what they were doing.
Gel slowly moved his tongue on Perfume's left breast, removing the chocolate
mousse that was covering Perfume's soft mound a little at a time.
Perfume's chest heaved up and down at a result of his caresses, and
little moans escapes her lips from time to time.
As Gel's tongue gets closer and closer to Perfume's nipple, her breathing get more rapid, and her moans more intense, in expectation for Gel to reach his final destination. "Gel " Perfume moaned his name.
Taking a pause to swallow the chocolate mousse that had accumulated in his tongue, Gel then continued to move his tongue slowly but surely towards Perfume's hard nipple.
When Gel reached Perfume's aureole, he made an extra circuit to clean it thoroughly of all the mousse, teasing the sensitive flesh of Perfume's left breast even more.
That only made Perfume grip the pillow with her hands in a death grip, in the edge of begging Gel to stop teasing her and reach her hard nipple.
Finally, Gel's mouth reached Perfume's nipple, making Perfume moan even louder, as his tongue expertly caressed the sensitive bud while his mouth sucked lightly.
Using his tongue to remove the last of the tasty chocolate mousse from
Perfume's breast, Gel broke contact with the sensitive mound and moved
upwards Perfume's body until he was face to face with her, both bounded
amazons had their cheeks red with arousal.
They kissed, softly at first, then more passionately, and finally slipping
their tongues into the other's mouth. Giving Perfume a taste of the chocolate
mousse in the process.
Gel broke the kiss, as he hovered over Perfume on hands and knees, and moved downwards again, this time towards Perfume's right breast, which was still covered in chocolate mousse.
Using his index finger, Gel removed a little of the chocolate mouse
from Perfume's sensitive breast, and presented it to Perfume.
Perfume lips slowly parted, taking Gel's finger inside her mouth, she
sucked lightly cleaning it.
When Perfume was done, Gel moved his mouth towards Perfume's right breast,
his tongue caressing the sensitive flesh like he had done with the other.
Feeling Gel's tongue on her right breast made Perfume breathing to
become rapid once more.
She arched her body, bringing more of her breast towards Gel's mouth.
Circling the breast several times, cleaning all the chocolate mousse,
Gel got closer and closer to Perfume's right nipple.
As he did this, his hand began to travel downwards on Perfume's hot
Gel's hand moved downwards across Perfume's tummy, to the side of her legs, and then finally on Perfume's inner thigh. Gel moved his hands up and down, from just above the knee to stop just before reaching Perfume's crotch.
It was all sweet torture for the moaning Perfume, as Gel's tongue mover surely, but painstakingly slowly towards her sensitive nipple, and his hands caressing her thigh but stopping just before touching what she wanted it to touch.
Finally, Gel's hand began to do more stimulating things.
Perfume's moans increased in intensity as she felt Gel's hand finally
reach her wet pussy lips. Using his fingers he caressed Perfume's outer
lips and his thumb stroked Perfume's clit.
Perfume had to bit her lips to keep from screaming as she felt Gel's hand on her pussy and how his tongue had, finally, reached her nipple. Returning the favor, Perfume's hand reached down to caress and stoke Gel's hard manhood.
The more they did that, the more intense the caresses of both amazons were on each other. Gel's cock becoming harder with each one of Perfume's stokes and Perfume's cunt getting more and more wet with every touch from Gel's hand.
Gel stopped sucking on Perfume's nipple as he began to kiss his way
up her body. At the valley of Perfume's breast, and kissing his way up
her neck, until he was face to face with her again.
Not loosing any second, both lovers kissed with passion once more,
slipping their tongues into each other's mouths.
The kiss lasted for about a minute, as the two of them felt more and more aroused with their caresses. Finally, Perfume broke the kiss long enough to whisper into Gel's ear. "Gel I need to feel you inside me NOW."
Gel moved above Perfume once again, positioning his member over Perfume's hot pussy. He lowered himself slowly towards her as Perfume opened her legs invitingly. When Gel's tip touched Perfume's outer lips, she whimpered in expectation on what was soon to follow.
Perfume rose her hips and wrapped her legs around Gel as he eased more and more of his hard cock inside her perfectly lubricated pussy. The two of them began to move in rhythm with each other, Perfume moaned louder and louder, and then
The door slammed right open as Candy walked into the room.
"Hey Perfume-sensei, have you seen the chocolate mousse? Oh! There
it is." Candy picked up the chocolate mousse from the floor where it was
next to a pile of discarded clothing, then looked at Perfume and Gel. "Oh
I'm sorry
am I interrupting?"
Perfume and Gel were blushing so hard that their whole bodies were beet
"CANDY! I told you to knock before coming in!" Said Perfume, half-angry,
Candy giggled nervously, "heh heh heh Yes I'm sorry Perfume-sensei."
"And for the last time. Stop calling me Perfume-sensei!"
"Hai, Perfume-sensei." With that, Candy walked outside the room as casually as she had come inside while eating the chocolate mousse right from the pot with a spoon that she had brought, and then closed the door behind her.
When she was gone, Perfume and Gel just stared into each other's eyes. Neither of them moved.
Finally Perfume broke the silence.
"Well, THAT killed the mood fast."
Gel nodded and rolled over to lay besides her on the futton. "And the night was going so well."
Perfume turned to look at Gel and smiled seductively, "You know we could always start over."
"Easy for you to say. It's not so easy for me to start over after an interruption like that." Said Gel. Knowing full well that Perfume was a succubus between meaning that she was always in a state of light arousment. But Gel was a normal human well, with a Jusenkyo curse and he didn't had that advantage.
"Don't underestimate me " Said Perfume as she moved closer to Gel, and moved down his body. She had gotten plenty of energy from what they just did, but still she didn't want to go to sleep all frustrated, and was sure that Gel didn't want that either.
"Perfume? What are you
ooh!" Gel groaned as he felt Perfume's lips
wrap around his cock, which had deflated a little after that interruption.
Feeling Perfume's tongue caressing his manhood was enough for Gel to
become fully erect in no time.
After a minute or two of this, Perfume stopped and lifted herself up so she was now over Gel on her hands and knees. "See? Told you." Perfume blinked at her lover.
Perfume then eased herself down on Gel's manhood an inch at a time. Moaning lightly as she got inch after inch of Gel's cock inside her hot cunt.
When Gel had completely disappeared inside Perfume, the blond amazon moved downwards to kiss Gel once more before raising herself up again and then moving her hips up and down on Gel's hard member.
As they approached orgasm, Perfume increased her speed as Gel moved his hips upwards to match Perfume's movements.
"Yes YES YES!!! AAAAHHHH!!!" Perfume threw her head back and impaled herself one last time as she was washed over by a powerful orgasm.
Gel grunted as Perfume's orgasm triggered his own as he shoot load after load of his seed inside Perfume's convulsing pussy.
They stayed at the peak for a few more seconds, and finally they collapsed on the futton.
"Did you enjoy yourselves?"
"What!?" Both Perfume and Gel said at the same time as they turned to
look to a side were the magic mirror was hanging on the wall.
Queen Tina was watching them.
"T Tina? Ho how long had you been looking?" Asked Perfume as best as she could as she and Gel blushed all over again.
"Hum just when you started after Candy interrupted." Answered the queen of Sucubae.
Neither Perfume nor Gel could have answered, as both of them were red from embarrassment from head to toe.
"You can feel embarrassed later, now I have an assignment for you, Gel and Candy."
A while later, Queen Tina had explained to Perfume, Gel and Candy that another gateway into the mortal world had been opened from Sucubae without authorization, which meant that there was another rouge succubus or incubus that they had to catch.
"So, where do you think he or she is?" Asked Perfume.
"I'm not sure, he or she hasn't done anything yet, but its around outer Tokyo somewhere, of that I'm sure. Doing a magical reading will be enough to find him or her." Answered Tina.
"I see " answered Perfume "there's one more thing, but its private. Candy, could you go outside for a minute?"
"Huh? Okay Perfume-sensei." Candy stood up and walked out of the room.
"Okay Perfume Gel what did you two wanted to tell me?" Asked Tina.
"It's about Candy." Said Perfume, Gel nodded.
"Huh? What about her?"
"It has been a week since she moved in with us and frankly we don't know what to do anymore! She doesn't understand that there's a difference from living in Sucubae and living in the mortal world!" Answered Gel. Perfume nodded.
"Heh heh heh heh " Tina laughed nervously, "You have to understand that she had never been in the mortal world before I'm sure that it isn't THAT bad "
"Oh really? Then let me tell you what we had to put up with all week long " Answered Perfume, "first of all "
A few days back, that same week.
It was a very busy day in the Joketsu Hanten, they didn't usually had
so many customers as they did now.
Having Candy now helped a little in this since the young succubus was
working as a waitress, a help that Perfume welcomed happily.
Gel was the one that cooked everything, like usual. But he didn't have any help so he was VERY busy.
There was a little problem, Perfume hadn't noticed when or why, but one minute Candy was taking orders from a table, and the next minute, she was gone.
Perfume was sure that she wasn't going to be able to take care of all the customers today by herself; and she had to teach Candy to be more responsible, so she walked into the kitchen to talk to Gel.
"Gel, I know you are busy, but could you go to the back and see if Candy is there? She went somewhere and I can't find her in the restaurant."
"Okay, It'll be nice to take a small brake from all this cooking." Answered Gel as he laid down the spoon that he was using to stir to huge pot of ramen soup, took off his apron and walked out of the kitched and to the back door of the restaurant at the same time that Perfume walked back inside to take more orders and make sure that nobody would eat and run.
Kenshiro still couldn't believe his luck.
He had come into the Joketsu Hanten like any other days after school, to his usual worshiping from afar of the gorgeous waitress that worked there, and eat lunch of course.
He had been surprised when he found out that there was a new waitress, a bit younger but as good looking, if not more, than the other.
The new girl
Candy, Kenshiro remembered her name
walked to his table,
introduced herself and asked what did he want for lunch.
He told her his order, hiding a light blush, and then he watched her
walk back, and took the chance to see Candy's perfect ass from behind.
Five minutes later Candy came back with his order.
That's when she made the mistake to bow her body too much, giving him
a good look of her cleavage.
It was too much for Kenshiro as he blushed immediately as soon as he
saw the slopes of Candy's ample breasts (She may be young, but she was
a succubus after all, and so she was well proportioned).
Then, Candy finally noticed the Kenshiro's blush, and raised up again. She looked down at her chest to see what the he had been looking at, then she turned and looked at Kenshiro that was still blushing when he saw that Candy had noticed what he had been looking at.
He was expecting that the girl would call him a pervert, or that she
would cover her chest and blush, or that she was going to slap him.
He never expected what happened next.
"You blush when you look at me. Does that mean that you want to have sexual intercourse with me?" Asked Candy innocently.
Kenshiro blushed even more. He had never heard that one before. He noticed that Candy was actually expecting for an answer, he was totally out, he never even noticed when he nodded his head yes until it was too late.
What had he been thinking!? Not only did he answer, but he answered YES! Now she was going to slap him for sure.
Boy had he been wrong.
Candy just smiled, took him by the hand and whispered into his ear.
"There's too much people here, let's go to the back alley." And then
she dragged him to the back alley.
And now here he was.
At the empty alley behind the Joketsu Hanten, his back against the
wall, panting as Candy was on her knees and giving him a blowjob.
The main reasons of why Candy was doing all this were pretty simple. A, she was horny. And B, he had answered yes when she had asked if he wanted to have sexual intercourse with her, as a succubus it was her job to make men's sexual fantasies real.
After taking Kenshiro to the back alley, Candy went straight to business. She knelt right in front of him, opened his pants and took his already semi erect cock out.
Candy licked her lips in expectation to what was about to happen. Kissing the sensitive head with her puffy lips she made him hard in no time, and when he was ready she put his cock in her warm mouth, spiraling her tongue around his member, sucking delicately, using her sex powers to read Kenshiro's body language to know what he was most vulnerable to in any given moment.
With her expert tongue Candy worked him up to an orgasm, when she felt his cock twitch, signaling that he was about to climax, Candy closed her lips around his member. Spurt after spurt of his cum filled her mouth, and Candy swallowed it completely to the last drop.
Kenshiro felt his knees getting weaker and he slipped down the wall so he was now sitting with his back against the wall, Candy still kneeling in front of him.
Candy, being a succubus, was just getting started. She slipped her hands into her skirt, and took of her panties. Then she reached down to Kenshiro's slowly deflating cock and with gentle caresses she made him rock hard again.
Raising herself on her knees, she moved her wet pussy over his member
and then eased herself down, taking him in inch by inch.
Both of them moaned as this happened, until Cnady had eased herself
completely down, taking him fully inside her velvet pussy.
Being a succubus, even a young one with low lever powers, made Candy a complete expert in giving men pleasure. Using her pussy muscles to stroke him, she moved up and down his member, speeding up with each stroke.
Moaning in pleasure, Candy opened her shirt and unclasped her bra letting her soft, but firm, breasts free. Guiding his head towards her bosom, Candy made Kenshiro suck on her pink nipples, which sent sparks of pleasure through her body, and she could also feed on some of his sexual energy in the process.
Feeling how both of them were near orgasm, Candy impaled herself one last time on his meat, and threw her head back in ecstasy. As both of them climaxed almost at the same time.
Kenshiro could feel his whole body tensing from the intense orgasm. It was so intense that he could feel how he was slipping into unconsciousness.
Candy rode her own orgasm for a few more second, until she noticed that Kenshiro was asleep. (What happened? I'm good, but I'm not THAT good.) She said to herself.
"Hum, Candy what are you doing?"
Candy looked up to see Gel standing right besides the two of them. He tried to hide it but he was blushing from the scene. Candy noticed his hand on Kenshiro's shoulder, meaning that Gel had used a pressure point on the teenage boy to make him fall asleep.
Candy just looked up at him, not understanding what she had done wrong.
Later, that same day.
The Joketsu Hanten was closed now. Gel had to take Kenshiro to his house,
and had to use his cat-girl form to slip inside without being noticed.
Then Gel placed Kenshiro in his bed in his bedroom.
The boy will most probably wake up thinking that he had a very realistic
wet dream, since nobody saw Candy and him have sex in the alley.
Meanwhile, at the Joketsu Hanten, inside Candy's bedroom.
Candy, in her everyday clothes, and Perfume, also in her everyday clothes,
were facing each other as they sat on the floor.
"Candy you just CAN'T have sex with whoever asks you." Said Perfume as calm as possible considering the circumstances.
Candy tilted her head, trying to understand, "Huh? Why not Perfume-sensei? He wanted to and I wanted to."
"You are a succubus, you ALWAYS want to have sex, that's not the point. Look, you are in the mortal world, living among humans, and so you have to act like a human, if you go around having sex with whoever asks you, then everyone will see you as a slut And Please don't call me Perfume-sensei, it's embarrassing."
"But I'm a succubus, my whole existence is to make real men's sexual fantasies."
"Yes but in their dreams! Not directly with them! If we are lucky then that boy will wake up thinking that he had a wet dream you have to learn to be more careful."
"But you and Gel have sex all the time."
"That's different didn't you notice that I ONLY have sex with Gel?"
"Oh! I get it! So it's okay if you only have sex with Gel right?" Said Candy, her face now showing a more complete understanding.
"That's right!" Perfume exclaimed happily, finally she was doing some progress with Candy, "Now you get it?"
"Yes so can I have sex with Gel?"
Perfume sweatdropped. "No! It's okay for me and Gel to have sex, but not you."
"Huh? But you said that it's was okay if I only had sex with Gel." Said Candy, again a little confused.
Perfume put her hand on her forehead, "Boy, this is going to take a while "
Tina listened to Perfume and Gel's story about Candy, and laughed nervously. "Well you have to understand that she IS a succubus, and too young to know how the mortal world works, all this rules about having sex are all strange to her especially since she had never been in the mortal world before so what happened next?" Asked Tina.
"We had a LONG talk she still doesn't understand it well, but she had agreed to only have sex with humans inside their wet dreams, like any other succubus would, she still flirts with the customers a lot tough." Answered Perfume.
"What about that Kenshiro boy?" Asked Tina.
"Everything worked out fine, when he woke up he had been convinced that he had a wet dream about Candy. He still comes to the restaurant, but he can barely look at Candy without blushing. Candy has visited him a few times during the night, getting into his wet dreams, it seems that now his wet dreams are all about Candy." Answered Perfume.
"Well then, then there isn't so much harm done. Right?"
Perfume and Gel shook their heads no. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that was just part of the problem. Remember that mission that you gave us a few days ago?"
"You mean the rouge incubus that was raping girls at that night club and erasing their memories about it?"
"Yes, that one. The three of us went to investigate, and then "
A few days after the incident in the alley.
The night club was very loud, lights turning on and off, the rock music filling the whole place.
Perfume, Gel (in cat-girl form) and Candy entered the establishment
as casually as they could.
Perfume had already done the magic spell that will keep their powers
from being read by the rouge incubus that was hiding here, according to
what Tina told them just a while ago.
Since the incubus would be looking for girls it had been Perfume's idea
that Gel came here in her cat-girl form.
Of course that considering that the three of them were using tight
night clothes (much to Gel's dismay) it was impossible to hide Gel's cat
ears and tail. But with the lights flashing and the dark ambiance it wasn't
"Okay, how are we going to find that rouge incubus Perfume-sensei?"
Asked Candy.
"I'm not sure. He's not stupid, my spell keeps us from being discovered by a magic user, but he seems to have done a similar spell since I can't find his presence " Answered Perfume, looking around, then back at Gel and Candy. "We'll have to split up, and if we see anything weird we'll get back here to investigate. Agreed?"
Gel and Candy nodded. Even though Gel didn't like the idea that much since he was in his cat-girl form.
From the other side of the night club, a teenage boy, who didn't seem to be older than 19 years old, was watching the three of them talk, then splitting up into three separate ways.
Problem was, he was not a normal boy. He was the rouge incubus that Perfume, Gel and Candy were looking for.
Problem was that they didn't know that, and he didn't know that they were demon hunters, or that they were here to hunt him.
All he knew was that they were good looking, and would make excellent targets since he had never seen them before.
With that he walked up to his first chosen target of the three.
(Author's note: Here's a little mythology that I made for Adventures
of the Amazons. There are different demon realms, divided by how powerful
a demon is. Sucubae, the realm of the succubi and incubi would be at about
the middle since they are powerful, but their powers are all sexual in
nature than for fighting. A demon like Chaos, the cat from a few chapters
ago, would be even lower since he was powerful and also his powers were
for destruction.
As for very weak demons, they are called 'spawns' by the others, since
they are VERY weak, and very dumb, they live in a realm of their own, which
is one of the firsts. This spawns don't have the power, nor the intelligence,
to go into the mortal world by themselves, so the only time that they appear
in the mortal world is either a mistake from another demon that tried to
open a portal to the mortal world, or that they have been summoned by another
demon, like Stefan from the very first episodes.
Now, Candy is a succubus, but as I sated before, she's a low power
one. That means that she could be affected by the magic of another incubus
or succubus, if they are more powerful than her. Of course that Candy must
have her guard down, which is what she's doing.)
Candy looked around, this was the first time that Perfume-sensei and Gel took her to a place that seemed like fun since she came into the mortal world. And she was going to make the most of it and would look for that rouge incubus while doing it.
She was looking someplace else so she didn't notice when she bumped into someone. "Oh excuse me huh?"
"It's okay. I wasn't looking either, beautiful."
Candy looked in total awe at the teenage boy that she had just bumped
The young succubus was entranced by his lovely features, his dark eyes
and his raven black hair
she didn't even found it odd that his pants,
shirt and jacket were completely black.
All she could do was stand there, spechless, and blushing like a schoolgirl
as she stared at his face. Beautiful? She was sure that nobody called her
beautiful before.
"May I ask what's your name, beautiful?"
Candy nodded as best as she could and answered in a low voice that was barely hearable. "C Candy "
"My name is Zone. It's my pleasure to meet such a beautiful girl like yourself Candy."
Candy seemed to blush even more.
Zone smiled inwardly. This had been too easy, like all the others. An 'accidental' bump into his target. Then a small 'schoolgirl-crush' on her and now he had to only lure her to where he needed her, where the rouge incubus would rape her and then mark her. This one was going to make a fine addition to his personal harem.
"Can I buy you a drink Candy?" Asked Zone as he casually motioned to the bar.
Candy could only nod as she followed him. She didn't even stop to think about how strange it was for a succubus to have this sudden crush on someone that she had just met.
Gel was looking around, her cat-girl had very good night vision, which gave her an advantage when trying to find someone in the dark ambiance of the dancing club. But, since she didn't really know what the person that she was looking for looked like, it wasn't that big an advantage.
Just then, something caught the boy turned cat-girl attention. Candy was sitting at the bar, right next to a strange looking teenage boy that couldnt be more than just 19 years old. It was strange since Candy seemed to be looking at him all the time and blushing? Now that wasn't very normal behavior for her or any other succubus.
Making her way, she started to walk towards the bar to see what was going on.
The barman gave Zone the two drinks that he had ordered, as he handed one to Candy he used his powers to scan the women's toilets to see if there was anyone there, when the incubus sensed nobody, he grinned, and casted a short lived clumsiness spell on Candy that made her tip over the glass and soak her outfit with her drink.
"Are you okay Candy?" Zone asked casually.
"Yes I just I just spilled my drink " She said as she tried to wipe off the stain with a napkin.
"You better use some water. Go wash it off, I'll order another drink."
Candy nodded and stood up, walking towards the women's toilets.
As she entered, Zone grinned evilly, followed her and entered behind
Gel saw the whole thing, and now was sure that there was something fishy going on here. When she saw the black dressed boy walk towards the public toilets following Candy, she decided to follow them.
As Candy walked into the women's room, turned on a faucet and began to clean her stained shirt, she took a second to think about what was going on.
It had been VERY weird, she had seen that Zone guy like if he was the most amazing man in the face of the earth and now that she though about it, it didn't make any sense. She was a succubus, she wasn't supposed to fall in love with someone THAT easily.
She turned around suddenly when she heard the door open and close again.
"Zone? This this is the women's bathroom you can't come in here."
Zone smiled, casted a little spell on the area so people will avoid this room without exactly knowing why, to ensure privacy, and moved towards Candy.
"I know." Zone replied nervously, and then a pair of black bat-like
wings appeared on his back.
Candy gasped as she recognized those wings as those of an incubus,
she was about to set up her magical defenses, but it was too late. Zone
was already casting a lust spell on the young succubus, who couldn't do
anything but fall on her knees as she felt her pussy getting wet.
"Ooooh " She tried to complain, but she could only moan.
"Heh heh heh heh I must admit that is taking me a little effort for my spells to affect you, I like a challenge. But enough chit chat " Zone smiled as he approached Candy, who was now using her hands to support herself since Zone's lust spell was getting stronger.
Outside, gel was about to enter, when she suddenly felt the urge to
avoid the lady's room.
That was strange, she definitely wanted to check what was wrong with
Candy. So why had she felt like that all of a sudden.
Thinking that, plus Perfume's spell on Gel that kept her from being
detected by a magic user, helped Gel shook that feeling out, and she was
finally able to open the door and walk in. She then closed the door behind
She wasn't ready for the scene in front of her as she entered.
Candy was lying on her back on the tiled floor, her face flushed, light
moans the only thing coming out of her mouth.
Above candy was the guy Gel had seen at the bar. Now Gel knew that
they had found the rouge incubus, as she noticed the black bat-like wings
on the guy's back.
The incubus was slowly undressing Candy, revealing the black lacy underwear
that the succubus was wearing underneath.
Candy was looking at Zone with pleading eyes, but Gel didnt know if
she was pleading for him to stop, or if she was pleading for him to hurry.
Either way, Gel was sure that the incubus must had used some kind of spell on Candy to control her sex drive. Taking advantage that Candy was a low power succubus and that her defenses must had been down at the time.
Gel also noticed that the two had noticed her presence already.
Candy was just looking at Gel with a smile of relief, pleading with
her eyes for the cursed boy turned cat-girl to help her.
Zone was looking a Gel with a little confusion. How had that girl come
inside if he had cast a spell that would keep everyone outside
then he
noticed Gel's cat ears and tail, and smirked.
It was obvious that this girl wasn't normal. She had managed to pass his magical defenses, and she was not a girl, but a cat girl! Zone smirked evilly, he just HAD to have this pussy in his harem.
Leaving Candy alone for the time being, Zone stood up and walked towards Gel.
Gel took a step back as she saw how the incubus was looking at her, she knew that look far too well that incubus wanted her and Gel was sure not going to let another sex demon turn her into a sex slave, again.
Gel tried to take another step back, when she felt her legs getting
weaker and her cunt getting moist with need.
Panting, Gel fell on all fours right in front of a grinning Zone.
Seeing this, Candy saw her chance to escape. Gathering all her will, she summoned up her defenses and slowly worked out the lust that Zone had forced in her. Since he was busy with Gel, he wouldn't notice. Slowly but surely, Candy felt how she regained control of her movements.
Things weren't so good for Gel. She could feel how her body was flushed all over, not unlikely that time when her cat-girl body was in heat, she was now a moaning mess on the floor.
Zone was surprised, he had to use way to much magic to subdue this one. Doing a small probing of the cat-girl's mind, he found out two things. One, this cat-girl's name was Gel. Two, this cat-girl was only sexually attracted to girls.
A lesbian. Now that could be a problem, he was an incubus, so even if he could force this girl to feel horny, he still wouldn't be able to willingly make her want him to fuck her. [Lesbians and homosexuals were kind of tricky for succubus and incubus to deal with. I might explain this in another episode.]
No matter, he would simply force her, while driving her insane with want. It was always more fun to see strong one break.
As Zone knelt next to the moaning form of Gel, Candy slipped out behind his back and exited the lady's room. Zone was with his full attention on Gel now, so the incubus never noticed when Candy walked out.
Candy closed the door of the lady's room, and then looked frantically around the dance club. She had to find Perfume-sensei FAST before that rouge incubus turned Gel into his personal fuck-toy.
Back into the lady's room.
Gel's body was overrun by lust and need, still having sex with the creature
in front of her was something that Gel found disgusting.
She wanted to stand up and run away, to scream for help. But she was
too weak to move, and every time she opened her mouth to scream only a
moan of desire left her lips.
All the while Zone looked down at Gel's squirming form on the floor, smiling evilly. "You know, I never liked to see girls suffer. Why don't I alleviate you of your need?" He said mockingly.
Gel looked in horror as Zone reached for her clothes, and started to remove them painstakingly slowly, another light moan escaped Gel's lips as she felt how the clothing left her sensitive skin and the cold air brushed over her body.
Zero found it odd that Gel was wearing sport underwear, but dismissed
it just as quickly.
Gel couldn't do anything but watch as Zone took off her bra and panties,
setting them aside along with the rest of Gel's discarded clothing.
Zone licked his lips in anticipation as he spread Gel's legs. He positioned himself over Gel, and with a quick magic spell he made all his clothes disappear.
"It's seems like you are ready, so we'll skip the foreplay." Said the incubus as he noticed how Gel's cunt was soaking wet from the effects of Zone's lust spell.
Gel shook her head no, trying desperately to move away, but Zone's spell wasn't only making her feel an incredible lust, but it was also weakening her whole body, she couldn't move at all.
A louder moan left Gel's lips as Zone parted her lower lips with his cock, and then penetrating her an inch at a time, when he was fully inside, he pulled out, just to slide himself back inside.
For Gel this was a nightmare come true. It would be better for the cursed amazon if this would had been painful. But Zone's spell was making Gel feel pleasure from all of this, it was even worst when her treacherous body began to build up to a climax.
Gel bit her lips, trying desperately to keep down her impending orgasm,
she knew that if she climaxed now, all will be over. She would pass out
from the intense pleasure, and when she woke up she'll had a small tattoo
someplace on her body, which will be the sign that she was now the sex
slave of a rouge incubus.
Keeping that in mind, Gel barely held off her orgasm.
"You can still fight me?" Said a surprised Zone, "Well, you wont be able to resist for long, I'll just increase the intensity of the lust spell."
"Hmmmmm!!!" Gel moaned through her closed mouth, it was too much, she
could barely fight it now. She was just delaying the inevitable, just a
few more seconds and she would climax.
It was so close
she could feel it
just a little more, she did her
best to keep it down, but it was no use
"What the NOOOOOOO!!!!!" Zone turned around too late, all he saw was a beam of pure magic energy coming straight at him. He screamed in pain as he could feel his body disintegrating. Soon he was gone, not even his ashes remaining.
Gel, still flushed from what happened, raised her head as best she could. Perfume, a very worried look on her face was running towards her.
"Gel! Oh Gel what has he done to you!?" Perfume knelt next to Gel, and held her close, Gel was too weak to do anything but sight in relief.
"Perfume-sensei I "
Perfume turned around to look at Candy. "Candy you were careless and look what happened, we are lucky that Gel wasn't marked as part of that rouge incubus' harem " Then she whispered so Gel wouldn't hear, "But being raped like that is really going to affect Gel you have to be more careful, understand?"
Candy nodded and she could feel tears coming out of her eyes. It was all her fault! Why had she been so careless.
" I had to make love to Gel (in male form) all night because of all the frustration of the whole ordeal." Said Perfume.
"Perfume!" Gel blushed furiously at Perfume's comment about their sex life.
"Heh heh sorry Gel " then Perfume turned back to Tina, "Candy is just to young and careless, she can't stay in the mortal world."
"Perfume, wasn't Candy sorry for all that happened?" Asked the queen of Sucubae.
Perfume paused, "Well
yes she was
" Candy had actually cried the
whole time back to the Joketsu hanten, begging Gel to forgive her, "But
but she's still to naïve and careless, you have to let her back
into Sucubae." Answered Perfume.
Gel nodded.
Tina sighed, took a few minutes, and then answered. "Okay I see your point let me think for a minute .. Okay, I know. Let's make a deal."
"Huh? What kind of deal?" asked Perfume.
"After today's mission, if Candy screws up again I'll use all the influence that I have to see that Candy can return safely to Sucubae."
"But " Asked Perfume.
Tina nodded, "But if she actually performs better than both of you then "
A few minutes later, Perfume and Gel were both dressed in their amazon clothing which they usually used in their demon hunting jobs. Candy was a succubus so she was just wearing a pair of blue jeans and a red blouse.
They were walking across the empty streets. Since it was late, that was normal.
Perfume looked around once in a while, trying to feel the magic presence of the rouge succubus or incubus.
"Hum, Gel what did you, the queen and Perfume-sensei talked about while I was outside the room?" Asked Candy to Gel as they were walking right behind Perfume.
"What? Heh heh heh it was nothing, don't worry about it " Gel answered nervously, then walked ahead until he was next to Perfume.
"Perfume, do you think that it was safe to accept that bet?" He asked whispering so Candy wouldn't hear.
"Don't worry Gel, you know as well as I do how clumsy Candy is. I'm sure that we'll win and Tina will let Candy return to Sucubae. Its bets for everyone, she'll be happier there." Answered Perfume, also whispering.
"I know but what if she DOES better than us this time? You heard what Tina said "
Perfume was silent for a minute, then answered. "Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will work out just fine " (For our sake I hope) She added mentally.
After walking for a while, Perfume felt some strange magic readings inside a nearby public park, but couldn't tell exactly where in the park she was feeling that energy. Turning to look at Gel and Candy, she said, "The rouge is inside that park, let's split in three directions, if someone finds the target, let the other's know it somehow."
Gel and Candy nodded, and the three entered the park in three different directions.
Perfume had been searching the park for about ten minutes, when she suddenly felt the usual sexual magic readings of a succubus or an incubus. Following her instincts, she walked carefully until she reached a clearing in the park, and was surprised by what she found there.
The rouge was a succubus. Her wings were wide open and she was completely naked, on her hands and knees, as she was masturbating totally obvious to the world. By the readings, Perfume could tell that this was a low-middle level succubus, about as powerful as Candy.
Perfume checked to make sure that the succubus hadn't seen her, and began to gather her magic powers. She didn't need to kill her, just a small magic beam to stun her and take her back to Sucubae.
She raised her hands, palms glowing with her magic energy, "MAGIC HMMF!" When something suddenly captured her.
Some kind of green tentacle wrapped around Perfume's wrists, and another
around the lower half of her face, covering her mouth.
Perfume tried to break free but she felt two more tentacles wrap around
each of her ankles.
"My, my, my look what I got here." The rouge succubus had stopped masturbating and walked towards the trapped Perfume. "Did you think that after all you did, the rouge succubi and incubi would be completely careless in their operations in the mortal world?"
She looked Perfume up and down, and then smiled evilly, "You must be Perfume, one of the chosen by Queen Tina. Let me introduce myself, I'm Maga, of the rouge succubi and incubi. I must say that I'm disappointed, I expected more of a between. You come and fall into the oldest trick in the book."
Perfume watched the succubus signal at someone or something behind her,
and then watched as some sort of blob like creature crawled into the clearing
next to her.
The blob creature had four tentacles coming out of its amorphous body,
the same four tentacles that were holding Perfume still.
"Nice isn't it? It's name is Tenty, a tentacle slime, a low power, or spawn demon from the lower planes. My leader put a spell on it, and now it obeys my every command. Let me demonstrate "
Maga knelt next to the slim creature, and patted it, "Tenty, rape her."
At hearing that order, Perfume struggled to try and get free, but she couldn't. She tried to summon her magic powers to get free, but they weren't responding. She didn't knew why.
The tentacle slime moved Perfume's wrists behind her, pinning her arms
at the small of her back, holding her wrists in a criss-cross manner. The
two tentacles holding her ankles began spreading Perfume's legs, and then
the creature began to lift Perfume until her feet weren't touching the
ground by several inches.
Perfume watched how a new tentacle came our of the creature's body,
the new tentacles slid under her clothes, to then just rip open her pants
and shirt, leaving Perfume's torso clad only in bra and panties.
The tentacle then grabbed a hold of Perfume's panties, and ripped them
off, leaving Perfume's pussy exposed.
Then, with no foreplay at all, the tentacle entered her.
Perfume wanted to scream from the pain of the dry penetration, but couldn't
since the other tentacle was still covering her mouth.
Still, Perfume couldn't believe the mistake this succubus had made.
Didn't she know that she got her magic energy from sexual acts? All she
had to do was endure the raping for a while, and then blast them to oblivion.
Perfume began to relax her trained pussy muscles, and began to feel
less pain and more pleasure.
"Oh good, she's getting into it." Maga smirked, and gave another order to the tentacle blob, "Tenty, uncover her mouth, I want to hear the between slut moan in pleasure as you rape her, use that tentacle to tease her nipples."
The tentacle blob obeyed, it uncovered Perfume's mouth, letting Perfume's moans of pleasure fill the air, and then that tentacle moved down, ripped off Perfume's bra, and began to tease Perfume's erect nipples just as Maga ordered. It was too much for Perfume and she came hard, soaking the already wet tentacle on her pussy.
Perfume was sure that she should have enough energy to break free by now, but every time she tried to summon her magic energy to activate her powers, the energy seemed to slip away. She still didn't understand why.
"Trying to use your magic, aren't you?" Asked Maga in a teasing tone, "don't bother, the spell on Tenty allows him to absorb magic energy from your body like a leech. You wont be able to use your magic while its tentacles are around you."
Perfume's eyes opened wide when she heard that, if that was true then she would never be able to break free. Tears began to fall from her eyes while she shook her head no. She could do nothing but moan as she could feel another orgasm coming. If this kept up for too long she might pass out from the pleasure.
Gel had been looking around the park, trying to find anything that might seem strange, with no luck.
"Hmmm! Aaaah!"
Suddenly something caught his attention. He could hear clearly a girl moan in pleasure and he could recognize those moans anywhere. He heard them every night, it was Perfume's moans!
Running to were he heard them, Gel reached a clearing in the forest where he saw a tentacle monster rape Perfume while a naked succubus watched.
Recovering quickly from the surprise after hearing Perfume's moans, half in protests half in pleasure, Gel rushed over to attack the closest target. The succubus.
Unfortunately for Gel, he had stepped on a twig as he ran, letting Maga know of his attack.
Maga turned around in time to see Gel jump at her with a kick. Quickly Maga remembered what the leader of the rouge succubi and incubi told her about Perfume and Gel, and raised a hand summoning her elemental magic.
"Water Blast!"
From her outstretched hand came out a flush of water that hit Gel fully, sending him flying back against a nearby tree, and turning him into a cat-girl.
Gel shook her head to clear it out, and looked at Maga. What had she been thinking? By transforming her into her cat-girl form she now had better speed and endurance. Quickly, Gel stood up again and leaped towards Maga once again.
But Maga was just smiling at Gel.
"You idiot. I know the weakness of your cursed form." Out of nowhere, Maga produced a small plastic bag filled with some kind of plant.
Gel recognized the catnip too late. "NO!"
In one swift motion, Maga opened the bag and tossed all the catnip at Gel.
"Gel!" Perfume cried in between moans. Because of her, now Gel had to suffer too. She remembered what the effects of catnip had in Gel, and knew that Maga had the upper hand again.
Gel couldn't control her actions. That catnip
that smell! That wonderful
smell! Gel couldn't help herself, she inhaled deeply, getting a nosefull
of catnip, and fogging her rational mind even more.
All of a sudden, Gel's clothes were bothering her. The boy turned cat-girl
struggled to get out of her pants and shirt, as she rolled on the grass,
getting some of the spilled catnip to stick on her skin, as she meowed,
purred and yowled about. Finally she was able to take off her amazon clothes,
and then she kicked off her boxers.
"Now Tenty!" Ordered Maga.
From the tentacle-spawn's body came another tentacle that snaked towards Gel's squirming form, not letting the cat-girl react, the tentacle slipped inside Gel's catnip induced wet cunt, and began to thrust in and out.
Gel didn't even care, her rational mind long gone from all the catnip she had inhaled. All she did was open her legs to give the slimy green tentacle easier access as her hands played with her breasts, she moaned and purred, not caring about anything else.
"She seems to be enjoing it. Don't you think so?" Maga asked mockingly to Perfume.
Perfume could only cry as she saw how the tentacle creature had its way with Gel's cat-girl body. She felt even worst as she could only orgasm from all the stimulus that the tentacles around her body was giving her.
"Soon," whispered Maga, "soon victory will be mine."
Candy walked around the park, looking around nervously.
She knew that she had screwed up big time on the last mission, and
she hated it. She wanted to show everyone that she was capable of doing
Still, she was nervous. She was just a low level succubus, while Perfume-sensei
was a very powerful between that was mastering her powers with each passing
day. And Gel, even if he didn't have magic powers per say, he was incredibly
skilled in martial arts, plus his cat-girl form, even if Gel didn't enjoy
transforming, made him even more powerful.
Suddenly Candy stopped on her tracks.
She could feel a very strange magic readings, it was like Perfume's,
but somehow different
she couldn't quite place it
but she had to go
and check it out.
Candy turned to her succubus form, her hair becoming more bright in
color and a pair of black bat like wings sprouted on her back.
Opening her wings, she flew upwards and where she felt that strange
Perfume was getting tired, and it showed, her moans were weaker now,
and her body was glistening from sweat. She had lost count of how many
orgasms she had been forced to endure. The worst part was that all the
energy that she got form them was being absorbed by that disgusting blob-thing!
And poor Gel, that catnip had taken its toll on the boy turned cat-girl.
Gel could do nothing but yowl in pleasure as her body was being ravaged
by tentacles.
From a side, Maga watched, knowing that she had won. It was just a matter of time.
"Magic Fireball Attack!"
Maga looked up when she heard that, but it was too late. Above them was Candy, using her wings to fly, hands outstretched as the magic spell was cast.
A blue-green fireball seemed to come out of Candy's palms, but it didn't
strike Maga. Candy was aiming at the blob spawn. The fireball turning the
creature into ashes. Its tentacles sliding off from Gel and Perfume.
Having no mouth, the slime-spawn died soundlessly.
Just after the creature died, Perfume had another orgasm, and since
the blob-spawn wasn't absorbing her powers, the once defenseless Perfume
was now fully charged and ready to fight.
Not to mention that she was pissed off from all that happened.
Maga looked around, above her was Candy, getting ready to do another fireball. And next to her, a fully charged Perfume was beginning to shine, as she was getting ready to fire a magic beam.
"A good soldier knows when to retreat " Said Maga to herself. She concentrated and formed a transport portal, she jumped inside as fast as she could, and then the portal clossed.
"She ran away " Perfume said to herself, no use into trying to find her now, she could be anywhere.
"Perfume-sensei are you okay?" Asked Candy as she landed, as soon as she touched the floor, she want back to her human form.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
Perfume and Candy turned to look at Gel, turning and squirming on the ground, still in cat-girl form of course.
"Hmm! Meow! ."
"Gel on the other hand "
The next day, in Perfume and Gel's room.
"This is SO embarrasing!"
Gel was now in cat-girl form.
She's wearing an exact replica of the waitress uniforms of the restaurant,
but with a few changes.
Mainly the skirt was much MUCH shorter, and it also had a lot more
The bet that Perfume and Gel had made with Queen Tina had been very
simple. If Candy screwed up in the mission then she would go back to Sucubae.
But Candy had actually outperformed both of them by saving them, so they
had to do their half of the bet.
It had been Tina's idea, to make the 'Official Joketsu Hanten girl
calendar', the good thing was that they would get an extra income, the
bad thing was that, according to the bet's terms, Perfume and Gel (in cat-girl
form) had to be the models for the pictures. Six months each, which meant
six different pictures of Gel and six of Perfume.
At the other side of the room was Perfume, holding a photo camera.
"Now Gel, don't complain, my pictures were a lot more revealing than
yours. We lost the bet, and now we have to keep our word."
"I know, I know but I don't have to like it." Complained Gel as Perfume took another picture of her.
Outside the room Candy giggled, so THAT was what Perfume-sensei and Gel were talking about with the queen.
The young succubus was happy that she had shown that she could be helpful to Perfume-sensei and Gel, and that the two bounded amazons were going to let her stay in the mortal world.
Although she was still concerned about the rouge sucubi and incubi. Maga had known about them. What did they had in store for them in the future? Will they try to kill them? Only time will tell.
To be continued
Author's note: If you are wondering where did Maga get the bag of catnip, the answer is very simple, hammerspace. :)