Warning: This is a Lemon, so if you are under 18, or it's illegal for you to read this kind of thing, then stop reading now.

Any similarities with other fics are completely by coincidence.

Disclaimer: The characters of this story are my invention, however, the Jusenkyo curses and the amazon village of Joketsusoku are part of Ranma 1/2, therefore a copyright of Rumiko Takahashi. Used without authorization.

Author's note: Hanten is a Japanese word that describes Chinese Restaurants, that's why Cologne and Shampoo's restaurant is called "Neko Hanten", that's why Perfume and Gel's restaurant is called "Joketsu Hanten" (Hanten because is a Chinese restaurant, Joketsu as a diminutive for Joketsusoku Village.)

Note 2: this takes place before Yohko and Asuza had to compete against Ayako and Asuza II over who took over the demon hunting tradition of their families.

Any other characters are owned by their respective authors, and I don't have the right to use them either. I'm just borrowing them.

Don't sue me, I don't have money anyway.

Okay now, on with the Fic.


Adventures of the Amazon.
By Persona

=== Episode 19 ===


Gel and Perfume had to move again.
The 'demon hunting' business was very low, and not many people had money to pay them.
So, Perfume had an idea. When Shampoo had to move to Japan to get some Japanese boy that defeated her, she and elder Cologne, and Mousse, had opened up a Chinese restaurant.

That was the most logical thing to do.
So, taking all the money they still had, and selling their house in Gravitron City, the two bounded amazons moved to a closed restaurant in one of the many districts of outer Tokyo.
After cleaning up the place, and buying some tables and chairs, the 'Joketsu Hanten' was ready for business.

They really had lot's of customers, not only because the food was great, they had also lots of teenage boys coming to eat their lunches there just to see Perfume wearing her little waiter outfit.

Of course that they still had the "demon hunting business" but just as a part time thing now.


It was lunch time, and even tough it was a very busy hour, Perfume was going trough the streets of the city, since their Chinese restaurant did take outs too. And she could run faster than Gel. (Besides, Gel was kind of the "official chef" of the restaurant, mainly because Perfume was more popular as a waitress :)

Even then, the take out they had been ordered was from the next district, so even then, it was kind of along walk. Good thing they had bought a pair of rolerblades to travel faster.

"Let's see the address again …" Said Perfume to herself, as she reached into one of her pockets with her left hand, her right hand holding a take out box, and producing a small piece of paper with something written on it.

"Hmm … I'm pretty close …"

Perfume looked up, and turned a corner, a few minutes later, she was there.

She stopped in front of the medium sized house, and pressed the doorbell button.


Yohko was in her room, trying to understand a math problem that the teacher had gave her at school for homework. She really hated math …

Suddenly she felt a presence … it was like a demon's presence, but not quite.

A second later, she heard the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" She heard Asuza call out, "It's probably that Chinese food that Grandma Mano ordered." She added.

Yohko walked out of her room to see Asuza walking downstairs and towards the door. "Asuza, do you feel anything?"

"Hu? No Yohko. Why?" Asuza asked just before opening the door.

"Nothing …" Yohko knew that Asuza was a demon hunter in training, so she couldn't use her abilities as well as she could … this presence that she was feeling, it was very subtle. And it was right at the … door?

Asuza opened the door.

"Asuza wait!" Yohko ran downstairs, and was about to summon her Soul Sword.

And stopped right on her tracks as she saw how it was just a delivery girl with Chinese food takeouts.

"Hi, is this the Mano residence?" Asked the blond girl with amber eyes standing at the door.

"Yes." Answered Asuza.

"I'm Perfume, from the Joketsu Hanten. Here's the ramen you ordered." Perfume said with a smile, handing the ramen soup boxes to Asuza.

"Thank you, I'll go get the money, wait just a second." Asuza said walking back upstairs.

"No problem." Answered Perfume.

Yohko watched the girl at the door … she looked normal, she acted normal … but she was sure that the demonic presence that she was feeling came from her. She was sure of that. Maybe … maybe the girl was being possessed by some kind of demon; she had seen that happen before … lots of times.

But why would a demon care to take over the body of a delivery girl of a Chinese restaurant? Was it to get close to her and kill her? She had seen that happen before.

But if that was the case, then it should had already leaped from the girl's body and strike at her. So that couldn't be it … so what was it? Why was she feeling that presence from the girl?

Perfume was waiting for the girl with short hair to come back with the money from the takeout. And couldn't help but notice how a girl with long brown hair tied up in a strange way was looking at her, like if she was some kind of attacker ready to strike at a moment's notice.

Why? Focusing some of her energy, Perfume did a small magic reading on the girl. What she found out was incredible, that girl's energy seemed to be the complete opposite of demon produced energy … like if she was some kind of demon destroyer.

Before any of them could ask anything to the other, Asuza came down with some Yen bills on her hand. "Here you go, keep the change." Asuza handed Perfume the money.

"Thank you … bye." Perfume took the money and left, shooting one final glance at the brown haired girl.

Asuza closed the door and looked at Yohko, noticing her strange look. "Yohko? Is there something wrong?" Asked the girl.

Asuza's question drove Yohko back to reality, "Huh? What?"

"Are you okay Yohko? What were you thinking about?"

"I'm not sure Asuza … could you do me a favor?" Yohko said to Asuza, but never looking at her.

"Yes, anything." Asuza answered happily, she liked it when Yohko needed her for something, especially when it was a demon hunting job.

"Follow that delivery girl … I felt something strange in her."

Asuza's face became very determined, "Okay." She answered and walked out the door.

Yohko watched Asuza leave, she would have liked to go herself, but she really had to finish her homework.


Gel was finishing cleaning the floor when Perfume was back from her delivery, closing the restaurant to get ready for dinner hour, and open again.

"Hi Perfume, did you have any problems finding the place?" Asked Gel as he put down the broom he was using.

"No … but something weir really happened." Answered Perfume as she closed the door and hanged a sign that read 'sorry, we are closed' in Japanese.

"Weird? Weird as in 'a big alligator with bat like wings came out of the river and tried to eat me'?" Asked Gel in mocking tone.

Perfume giggled, "No … weir as in, a girl with magic energy."

Asuza walked slowly at the backside of the restaurant where she had saw that delivery girl go in, she was holding her spear in one hand since she had transformed on the way over, so it would be easier to follow her, and she would be ready for anything unexpected.

She came as closest as she could to one of the windows, and tried to listen what was happening.

Inside, Perfume was halfway on telling Gel what had happened, but suddenly she stopped talking and turned to see one of the windows.

"Perfume? Is something wrong?" Asked Gel when he saw her look at one of the windows very determined.

Perfume turned to see him, and signaled to Gel to be quiet. She then slowly walked towards the window, and at a second's notice, she opened it.

Asuza was worried when she didn't hear them talking anymore, she was about to peek into the window to see what happened, when it shoot open, and she saw how that delivery girl grabbed her before she could run away … or even scream … and then pulled her inside the restaurant, closing the window behind them.

"Who's she Perfume?" Asked Gel when he saw how Perfume was struggling to hold a short girl with a strange red outfit with a Ying-Yang symbol in front.

"I saw her at that house … she was spying on us, I felt her presence. Her magical energy is like the one of the other girl … but not as powerful." She explained, then she talked to Asuza. "If I let go, do you promise not to scream?"

Asuza stopped struggling, turned her head to look at Perfume, and after a second on tough, she nodded.

Perfume smiled and released her. "Okay … sorry about that, but I don't like people spying on us. Why were you spying us?"

"Yohko told me to do it." Asuza answered; a little insecure about what was she supposed to do.

"Yohko? Is that the gild with long brown hair and a funny hairdo?" Asked Perfume.

Asuza nodded. "Yes."

"Why did she told you to follow us?"

"I don't know … she said that she felt something in you … and that we should check you … but I can see that you haven't killed me when you had the chance, so I guess I can thrust you." Asuza said.

"I see." Answered Perfume, thinking about what the girl said, "What's your name?"


"Okay, Asuza, are you and Yohko, by any chance, demon hunters?"

"Why yes … how did you know?" Asked a very surprised Asuza.

"I felt a strong magic power in her, and in you too, the power is somehow the exact opposite of demon magic energy, and since 'Yohko' said that she 'felt' something wrong in me, I just guessed it." Answered Perfume.

"Look, we aren't going to hurt you, and we don't want any trouble, we are demon hunters too … even tough we have only been doing that for just a few months. Now, if you want to know something about us, you can ask and tell Yohko what we told you. We have nothing to hide. Of course that you have to promise not to tell anybody what we'll told you, like we promise to never tell anybody about you and Yohko being demon hunters."

Asuza nodded, "Okay … you told me your name was Perfume … and he is?"

Gel smiled, "I'm Gel, I'm Perfume's … what would be the right word to say …"

Perfume giggled, "He's technically my boyfriend. But he's really my lover."

Gel blushed, "I was looking for ANOTHER word Perfume!"


"Lo … lover? You meant that you two?"

Perfume nodded, "Yes, we do. It's not only because we love each other, but it's kind of a necessity for me."

"What do you mean?" Asked Asuza.

"Well, we're from an amazon village in China, we moved to Japan a few months ago, anyway, 100 years ago, a succubus named Nadia deserted the demon realm and became an amazon. I'm one of her descendants."

"You are a demon? But you said you two were demon hunters?"

"I'm just half succubus, and we became demon hunters as a way to survive in China. We just do that part time now since we get a better income from the restaurant."

"You charge people when you hunt a demon?"

"Not always, only when they can afford it. We have battled a few demons for free when our clients were just farmers and things like that." Answered Gel before Perfume could.

"I see … so you being half succubus gives you …?"

"I have some magic powers; even tough I'm still trying to learn how to use them at full capacity. I also have over human strength, speed and stamina." Perfume answered, then looked down at the floor, not from embarrassment, but from sadness, "I also have to recharge those powers once a day by having sex, or else my 'dark side' takes over my body, I feel aroused most of the time, I have no sexual inhibitions, and I can only have wet dreams." Perfume finished her explanation.

"But aren't you two worried about you getting pregnant?"

"Not really. You see, I have complete control of that, I can even stop my periods. So I won't get pregnant if I don't want to. And even tough I would like to be a mother someday. Now is not really the time." Perfume answered.

Asuza blinked a few times, and blushed, trying to process all the information.

Perfume looked up, "Okay, we told you about us. Now is your turn."

Asuza nodded, "Yohko is form the Mano family, they are a long line of demon hunting women, Yohko is the 108th generation. It al begun almost a year ago …"


It had been a few hours when Asuza returned to the Mano residence. She was still wearing her demon hunter clothes, but her spear was hidden away.

"Asuza! You are back! I was beginning to feel worried." Said Yohko as she walked towards Asuza, her grandmother following her when she saw Asuza walk in. Yohko had filled her in everything that had happened.

"I'm okay Yohko, don't worry." Asuza said with a smile.

"So Asuza, what did you find out?" Asked Madoka, Yohko's grandmother.

"Wait till you hear this …" Asuza began telling what had happened and the conversation she had with Perfume and Gel.


Half an hour later, Asuza, Yohko and Madoka were sitting on the living room, as Asuza finished her story.

"So, what do you thing grandma Mano?" Asked Asuza.

"She's a 'between' …" Madoka said, crossing her arms, thinking.

"A 'between'?" Asked Yohko, "What's a 'between'?"

"I only heard about it … they are beings that live either in the human realm, or in the demon realm, sometimes in both. They usually have non-human abilities. These beings are the sons of a demon and a human, our family has named them 'betweens'." Madoka answered.

"I see …" Said Yohko, "So, what do we do about her."

"I don't think she is a threat for us." Said Asuza. Perfume had been really nice to her, and she didn't see anything wrong with her. Just that she was a 'half-demon' or 'between' as grandma Mano called her.

"Maybe, maybe not … nobody knows how a between may act. Sometimes they are evil, some times they aren't."

"But she never tried to do any harm to me." Said Asuza in Perfume's defense.

"That's one point in her favor," replied Madoka, "but still, we should keep an eye on her from time to time."

Yohko nodded, Asuza did too, even tough she was sure Perfume was definitely not a threat.

Suddenly, the three stood up. Looking worriedly at the street.

"Did you felt that?" Asked Yohko to Asuza.

Asuza nodded, it was a power so strong that even she could feel it.

"It's a very powerful demon … it feels like one that had been sealed and the seal was broken." Said Madoka to the two. "You better go check it out … and be careful."

Yohko and Asuza nodded, Yohko transformed (Asuza didn't need to since she already was transformed) and the two young girls ran out of the house.


In the Joketsu Hanten. Perfume and Gel's bedroom.

Even tough the night was just beginning; Perfume felt that she needed her daily 'recharging' now. Gel didn't have any complain about it, and the two went upstairs.

No, a few minutes later, they were sitting on their double futton, both of them naked, embraced in a loving and passionate kiss.

Perfume hungrily kissed Gel. Her tongue meeting his. Her hands rubbed his back. She was arousing him in every way possible.

Perfume pounced on Gel smothering him with kissed and pinning him to the futton. Her body was wrapped around his. Her well formed breast flattened against his chest. Her hips rocked against his, massaging Gel's manhood.

Gel groaned in pleasure. Perfume knew how to drive him to the greatest heights of pleasure. Pleasure that exploded as he felt the moist flesh of her pussy engulf his hard cock.

Their hips crashed together to further the ecstasy they were sharing. They were like one, moving and moaning as their bodies merged in desire.

Perfume cried out as her body was gripped in a fierce orgasm. Her pussy spasmed around Gel's member. The sensations of her cumming sent him over the edge. Perfume came again as she felt Gel's seed filling her pussy. When it subsided, she collapsed over Gel, and then rolled over so she was next to him on the futton, as they wrapped their arms around the other.

They held onto each other into a loving embrace bathing in the afterglow. They stared deeply into each other's eyes. Both smiling.

After a few minutes, Perfume seemed startled about something, and looked away, out at the early night sky that could be seen out the only small window of their room.

"What's wrong Perfume?" Asked Gel.

"I feel the power of a demon … a very powerful one …" She said to Gel, still looking out the window.


A few minutes later, a couple of blocks away from the museum of world history.

A big creature that looked very much like a giant cat, with big bird wings on its back and red crimson eyes, wearing what looked like an ancient Egyptian pharaoh helmet.

It was on a rooftop of one of the tallest houses, and many cats were around it.

"Finally … the thousand years have finally ended, and my seal has been broken. I, Chaos the cat of Anubis, am finally free to take over the world of the living! HA HA HA HA!" The cat laughed at the moon.

"Not so fast, creature of darkness …"

"What the …" Chaos turned its head to see the source of the voice.

"I'm Yohko Mano, the 108th generation of demon hunter of the Mano clan. Prepare to go back where you belong!" Yohko, holding her Soul Sword was standing on a nearby rooftop, Asuza next to her holding her spear.

Both young demon hunters jumped with a somersault on the rooftop where the big cat was, as soon as the two of them landed, all the cats that were around Chaos ran away.

"You scared my friends! How dare you!" Chaos said to the two, its eyes shining brighter.

"Asuza … be prepared, it looks like some ancient Egyptian demon of some sort." Yohko said to her partner, holding her sword at the ready, and never taking her eyes off the big cat.

Asuza just nodded, she too was holding her spear at the ready.

Chaos leaped towards the two girls, claws sharp and ready. It slashed at Yohko, who deflected the blow with her Soul Sword, but when she did, the impact sent her Soul Sword flying away, leaving her completely open for a second strike.

"Ha ha ha! I got you now demon hunter!" Chaos raised his claw to strike again.


"What!? HUG!" Chaos looked at his left just in time to see an energy beam flying right at him. The giant cat had no time to dodge, and the beam hit him fully, sending him flying the other way that Yohko's sword went.

"What was that?" Yohko turned her head to where the beam came from, Asuza did the same.

"Hi, I hope we are not interrupting." Perfume said with a smile.

She and Gel were standing at the far edge of the rooftop; both dressed in their amazon clothes that they usually used when they did a demon hunting job.

"Perfume and Gel!" Asuza exclaimed happy to see the two of them just in time to save Yohko.

"Why did you do that for? I had it all under control." Yohko exclaimed, walking to get her sword back from where it landed.

"Well then sorry." Said Perfume, she had expected Yohko to be a little reluctant about talking to her, she was half demon after all, and Yohko was a demon hunter … but still.

"Yohko, that was kind of rude …" Asuza said to her partner.

"Not now Asuza, that thing juts stunned the cat thing, the battle isn't over yet!" Yohko said while getting into another battle stance.

And she was right, just as the dust cloud where Chaos landed cleared, all of the people present could see a pair of red eyes, looking angrily at all of them, especially Perfume.

"You! How dare you attack me, Chaos, the cat of Anubis! For that I will give you the curse of the cat!" As soon as he finished talking, Chaos' eyes glowed even more, and beams of pure red light came out of them, they were going to hit Perfume fully.

"NO!" Gel jumped in front of Perfume to save her, he didn't know why he always did that … he just did. He was sure that Perfume would always do the same thing for him.

"AAAAHHH!!!" He screamed as the beam hit him at full force.

"GEL!" Perfume screamed in horror as she could only watch.

Chaos smiled evilly as he waited for the curse to take effect. He knew the outcome, whoever got cursed with his "Curse of the cat" became a cat.

But the big cat wasn't counting on one little thing … Gel already had a curse.

Chaos' curse of the cat and Jusenkyo's spring of drowned girl curse were struggling to see which one got the upper hand. Both magics were very powerful, and both wanted to take over as one curse was trying to transform Gel into a cat, his other curse became active without even the use of cold water, and struggled to transform Gel into a girl.

As the two curses struggled, they began to become one with the other, and finally, Gel's transformation ended.

Yohko, Asuza, Perfume, and even Chaos himself were startled when they saw Gel.

"What happened … why am I in girl form if there's no water? Why is everybody looking at me like that?" Gel said as she looked around.

And then, Gel saw it. And screamed.

"I have a tail!?"

There it was, black and furry, coming out just over her butt. A cat's tail.

Gel grabbed it, and felt it. "It's … it's real … I have a tail …"

Then he felt over her head, she had cat ears too. She was a freak. If turning into a girl wasn't enough, now she had to be a cat-girl!

Damn! Chaos tough. He wasn't at the peak of his abilities yet, and that curse beam had eaten up all of his powers for the night. He was in no position to fight now, he had no choice but to run away and fight another day. What bothered him the most wasn’t the fact that he missed the blond girl that had fired him that magical beam, but the fact that the boy with the ponytail had been cursed, and instead of becoming a cat, he became a cat-person … a cat-girl.

"Well, this has been fun, but I got to go …" Chaos said to them.

"Oh, no you don't! You better turn Gel back to normal!" Perfume said while running towards Chaos.

But Chaos opened his wings and flew away into the night sky, until he was just a tiny spot on the horizon.

"Damn! He got away!" Said Perfume as she looked at the night sky. Then her eyes became all glassy, as she turned to look at Gel.
She was just standing there, with her cat tail and ears, smiling at her.

Perfume couldn't take it, as she began to cry, "Gel! I'm sorry … that thing was meant for me, and look what happened … it's all my fault … I'm sorry."

Gel walked towards Perfume, and placed a hand on her shoulder, "It's okay Perfume … you would have done the same thing for me … and it's better if this happened to me. You are the one with magic powers."

"Gel! Don't ever say that! You are very important to me! I would never forgive myself if something bad ever happened to you …" Perfume said, still crying.

"Hum … excuse me …"

Both Gel and Perfume turned to look at Yohko and Asuza.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I guess I'm just too proud to admit that a between saved me from a demon." Said Yohko, her gaze down.

"No, it's okay … really. What's a between?" Asked Perfume.

"That's how some demon hunters call a person that has demon blood in their veins … like you for example." Answered Asuza.

"Oh, I see … I prefer 'Perfume' tough." Perfume said with a small smile.

"Okay then, Perfume," said Yohko, and walked closer to them, she and Asuza making their weapons disappear back into their rings, "what happened with him? I'm sure that he was a guy when you got here? Why is he a she? And why does he have cat ears?"

"As for him being a her, it happened in China, it's a curse of a place called Jusenkyo … as for having cat ears …"

"And a tail." Added Gel.

"… and a tail," continued Perfume, "I don't know … it may have to do with that beam that Chaos shoot him with."

"Hmm … why don't you two come back home with us. Grandmother is very good at this kind of things, curses and magical seals and all that stuff. I'm sure she'll know what to do."

"Okay." Gel and Perfume nodded, and began following Yohko and Asuza to the Mano residence.


A while later, at Yohko's bedroom.

After a short introduction and explanation to Madoka, Yohko, Asuza and Perfume were sitting on the floor of Yohko's bedroom, waiting for Madoka to do finish her diagnose of Gel.

Madoka was holding a strange looking charm, as Gel was sitting on Yohko's bed.

"Hmm …" Said Madoka as the charm she was holding stopped shining.

"So grandma … what did you find out?" Asked Yohko.

Madoka turned to look at Yohko and the others, "Well, from what you told me, that demon must have been born in Egypt about a thousand years ago. From some of my ancient history books, I found out that Chaos was a fiend of the underworld, and that his powers came from the Egyptian god Anubis. He was defeated by a priest, and sealed away in a golden statue. That statue was bought by the historical museum of Tokyo about thirty years ago. The seal must had been of limited use, and now, 1000 years later he's free again."

"I see." Nodded Perfume, "but what about what happened to Gel?"

"Well, I'm not sure … from what I know, Chaos had the power to curse people and turn them into cats. But Gel not only did not turn into a cat … not all the way at least … but he also became a cat-girl." She took a pause, "You told me that Gel got cursed at an ancient training ground in China named Jusenkyo, right?"

Perfume and Gel nodded.

"And you said that the curse turned Gel into a girl with cold water, and back into a boy with hot water."

Perfume and Gel nodded again.

"Hmm … Asuza …"

"Yes grandmother Mano?" Asked Asuza while standing up.

"Go to the kitchen, heat up some water and bring it back here."

"Okay." Asuza walked out of the room.

Madoka watched her leave, and turned to look at the rest.

"Now, when I was reading Gel's curse with my charm, I didn't find two curses, I fund just one." She answered, took a pause and continued, "I have a theory, when Chaos tried to curse Gel, he wasn't counting on him already having a curse. So, when the curse of the cat tried to transform Gel, the Jusenkyo Curse tried to fight it back. That struggle between the two curses went on for a while, and then it settled down. Instead of one of the curses taking over, they merged into one. And so, Gel is not a girl, nor a cat. He's a cat-girl."

"What can we do?" Asked Perfume.

"Well, when Chaos first appeared in ancient Egypt, he had turned a few people into cats. But they all returned to normal when he was defeated."

"So you mean that Gel will go back to normal if we defeat Chaos?" Asked Perfume hopefully.

"Yes," Answered Madoka.

Asuza came back to the room, holding a steaming kettle. "Here's the hot water." She said while handing the kettle to Madoka.

"Thank you Asuza," then she turned to the others, "now for the bad news, Chaos' cat curse is meant to be permanent, unlike Jusenkyo that activates and deactivates with water. So …"

Madoka poured the hot water over Gel, but she remained in her cat-girl form.

"What happened? I'm still like this?"

"I was afraid of this. When the curses merged, they also became permanent. Both of them. So Gel will have to stay as a cat-girl until you defeat Chaos."

Gel looked down, "great … stuck as a girl … again."

"Again?" Asked Yohko.

Perfume sighed, "long story," then she walked over to Gel, "don't worry Gel. At least we know we can cure you by defeating Chaos."

"Yeah, the next time he shows up we'll kick his butt." Added Yohko, Asuza nodded.

Gel looked up and smiled, "you are right, thank you guys."


A few minutes later, Gel and Perfume were walking back to their restaurant.

"Perfume …"

Perfume turned her head to look at Gel, "Yes Gel?"

"I … I think something is wrong with my eyes."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm sure that this street is not very well lit, but … I can clearly see a sign over there, I can even read it without any difficulty. It's a French restaurant add"

Perfume looked at the direction Gel was staring at, and only saw darkness. "What sign?"

"Over there …"

The two walked to where Gel was pointing at, and there it was, on a wall, a big sign advertising a French restaurant. "How … how could you see it Gel?"

"I guess that is this whole cat-girl business. I can see in the dark like a cat."

"Great! What else can you do?"

"I don't know … let me see …"

Gel sniffed the air; "I can smell … okonomiyaki … they are serving okonomiyaki over at that house."

Perfume walked over and casually looked trough the window, and she saw a family eating okonomiyaki.

"You are right … it seems that being a cat-girl gave you the senses of a cat."

"Yeah … and I feel kind of more agile … look." Gel did a cartwheel, landed on her hands, jumped up; using her hands, did a somersault in the air, and landed on her feet. "Did … did you see that?"

"Yeah … amazing." Replied Perfume.

As the two walked back home, Perfume tough for a while of Gel's new 'abilities' if she got the night vision, and the smelling, agility, and maybe even hearing … what else did she got from her 'cat side'?


To be continued …