Any similarities with other fics are completely by coincidence.
Disclaimer: The characters of this story are my invention, however, the Jusenkyo curses and the amazon village of Joketsusoku are part of Ranma 1/2, therefore a copyright of Rumiko Takahashi. Used without authorization.
Any other characters are owned by their respective authors, and I don't have the right to use them either. I'm just borrowing them.
Don't sue me, I don't have money anyway.
Okay now, on with the Fic.
Adventures of the Amazon.
By Persona
--- Episode 14 ---
B-ko and A-ko were still in front of the dimensional vortex, and Kain's mark over B-ko had erased.
"Are you getting any more readings B-ko?" Asked A-ko.
"No … But there is something strange."
"Something strange? Like what?"
"It seems like even if they all traveled to the same world, they aren't in the same place."
Gel woke up as the sun came down on his eyes.
Gel slowly opened his eyes, and looked at herself.
She was still in girl form, lying on a very rustically made looking
bed. And she was wearing girl's clothing (or at least she considered them
girls clothing because it was a one piece dress)
"Oh, good, you are awake."
Gel turned her head to see a teenage girl sitting on a chair next to her bed. "Where … where am I?"
"I'm Malon, and this is Lon Lon ranch, a boy that works for us, Link, found you unconscious in the woods, he figured that you were ambushed by a gang of thieves since you were barely dressed …"
Gel blushed at the tough of someone finding her dressed in B-ko's Akiyama 23. She didn't really mind loosing that power suit since the batteries were good for just another half hour, and it must have run out by now.
"… anyway," Malon continued, "I hope you like the dress, it's mine and it was the only thing we had for you."
"It's fine," Gel answered, even tough she didn't like to wear girls clothes, even less a dress, she figured that it was better to leave it like that, she wasn't going to explain her curse to them.
"So, what's your name?"
"I'm Gel … hum, where did you said I was?"
"Lon Lon Ranch."
"And where exactly is that?"
"Huh? … in Hyrule."
"You are not from Hyrule? Then you are a traveler then."
"Kind of …" Then Gel put two and two together, that machine in B-ko's house, it must have been some kind of dimensional gateway … and if her memory didn't fail her, the vortex had taken her, Perfume, Kain and … Rina.
"Perfume? Where's Perfume?"
"Link only found you. Who's Perfume."
"She's my …" Gel figured that it would be strange if she said that Perfume was her girlfriend, "she's my best friend … if you didn't find her then it must mean that she's someplace else."
"I see …" answered Malon, "you can stay at the ranch for as long as you want if you help us with some of the chores."
"Thank you … I'll think I'll stay for a while, until I'm ready to go look for Perfume."
Malon smiled and nodded, and then stood up to leave the guest room.
Gel got up from the bed, and looked out the window, it seemed like it was mid morning.
She didn't know where Perfume was … or Rina or Kain. But she had to find a way to find them and go back to Japan.
The Desert Colossus, Gerudo Valey.
Kain opened his eyes as the desert sun stroke them. He was flat on a rock, as he looked around he saw that he was near a weird looking giant statue.
"Where am I? … the last thing I remember is fighting Perfume and Gel … and using the Jusenkyo water to separate Rina from Perfume … then that weird machine started up … and I can't remember anything else."
Kain stood up, checked himself over to see if he was hurt. And was happy to see that he wasn't. He was angry by the fact that he didn't have any of the magic charms that he had 'borrowed' from different people. They were all in B-ko's house … and he knew that he was nowhere close to B-ko's house.
Great … just great … he had just half his powers, and he had been using some of it in his fight with Perfume. Without the charms he really needed to 'charge up' as soon as possible.
Closing his eyes, he focused all of his power to do a magic scan in the biggest area that he could. After a minute or tow, he opened his eyes, completely surprised at what he found out.
Fist of all, he was not on Japan … not even Earth. Somehow he had ended up in some weird world. "B-ko's machine." He said to himself.
Second, in the area that he managed to scan, that it was a circle of about three miles in radius. He had discovered that this world, wherever it was, was just filled with magic. Too bad that all the magic that he felt was 'incompatible' with his incubus powers.
"I must have reached the magic realm." He had heard of legends of such a world where magic flowed like water in a river. He never believed them, but now …
This world was big, as big as Earth was, so he was sure that somewhere he was going to find magic. But first he had to recharge his powers to the fullest.
He smiled evilly, in the magic reading he found a village near this desert that consisted only of warrior women. Perfect.
Opening his wings, he flew up high.
It was late afternoon, and after eating lunch (consisting basically on bread, cheese and milk) Gel had been helping out at the ranch by tying up some haystacks. Link tough that it was kind of weird to see a girl do that kind of farming job, but dismissed it after seeing Gel's strength (she was an amazon from Joketsusoku after all)
They were taking care of the farm by themselves; Talon and Ingo had left for a rural exposition being held in the neighbor country.
After a few hours, Gel decided to take a break.
She sat down on a stone near the stables, watching the horses run and
jump. Suddenly, something caught her attention.
Some kind of music seemed to come from the roof of the stable.
Deciding to check it out, Gel jumped up onto it.
And there he was, Link, they had met earlier when Gel came down from her room, but Gel didn't know much about this guy except that he had found her, and that he was quite skilled in combat and the like. He was playing a wooden ocarina, sitting down on the roof, watching the sunset.
"Hi Link." Gel interrupted, Link stopped playing, turned around to see Gel, and smiled, "Hello Gel. What are you doing up here?"
"I'm taking a little break. And you?"
"Nothing … I just wanted to come up here, and stare at the sky … besides, she always comes to sing right about this hour …" Link said that last part as low as he could, but Gel, being a martial artist, had a very good sense of hearing.
Gel sat down next to Link, and watched the horses below them. "I never thanked you from saving me Link."
"It's okay. Don't worry about it."
Then Link began playing again with his ocarina. Gel noticed that the music sounded really beautiful, and decided to ask. "That's very nice Link … where did you learn to play like that?"
Link stopped for a second, "Here and there," he replied, and resumed playing.
Then, all of a sudden, Link stopped playing again as the door of the
stables opened, and Malon walked out.
Like always, she walked into the horse field, not knowing that Link
was on the roof of the stable, and once she was in the center, she looked
up at the first star of the night, and began to sing.
(So she is the one that 'always comes to sing right about this hour') tough Gel with a smile, even tough she was far away, she could hear Malon sing, her beautiful voice making the song all that nicer.
Link watched Malon sing, then sighted, and began playing his ocarina again, he played the exact same song that Malon was singing, even tough she couldn't hear him from where she was standing.
Gel stared at Malon, then she looked to Link, who was absorbed by his ocarina, and Malon's song, like if they were singing it together, even if one of them didn't know about it. She realized something just then.
"Link," Gel interrupted, "you like Malon, don't you."
Link stopped playing right then and there, and turned slowly at Gel, blushing. "Ho … how did you know?"
"Oh, please … you have to be really stupid to not notice. So, I assume that you haven't told her about it yet, or else you wouldn't be here."
Link just nodded.
"So, are you planing to tell her?"
"Not really."
"Huh? Why not?"
"I don't know what to say … or what she'll say when I tell her."
"I see …" Gel understood, she understood too much. She wished that Perfume was here, she was much better at this love advice thing, "Link, if you don't tell her now, then you may regret it for the rest of your life. Believe me, I once did that mistake … and it's not something very nice."
"I know … I just … what should I say."
"I don't know … just tell her what you think about her, and how you feel, be yourself."
Gel didn't give Link time to answer, as she stood up and walked to the ledge. "Think about what I said." And she jumped down, to continue with her chores.
Link saw Gel leave, and then turned to look at Malon singing. He didn't play his ocarina, he just stared, thinking about what Gel said.
That midnight.
After dinner, everybody went to their rooms to sleep.
A shadowy figure with bat like wings flew down and landed on the house's roof.
After raping the warrior women from the desert (that he knew that were called gerudos now) he had flown around Hyrule, trying to find a way to get some of its vast magic.
He had found three strong power sources. One was sealed away in some astral real, and he was not even close to have the power to break that seal. (If you didn't notice, he means the Triforce of Power, that Ganon has.)
The second power source was here, it seemed to come from the princess of this land, Zelda (The Trifoce of Wisdom) but to take her would be estremely difficult. She lived in the palace, surrounded by guards. And even if he could pass the guards, she had a personal body guard, that looked like really powerful with her white hair and strong looking arms and legs, and she might have magic of her own.
That leaved just the third, that he had tracked down here, in this ranch.
After scanning the whole place as best as he could, he was surprised
that Gel was here.
He realized that he, or she considering that Gel was in girl form, Kain
dismissed Gel as a threat, and focused on the matter at hand.
The power source was coming from a seventeen year old boy named Link
(The Triforce of Courage).
That could be a problem.
Being an incubus, his magic didn't affect boys.
But that magic power coming from Link was really powerful and he had
to find a way to get it!
He had lost his mind reading powers, but he still could scan Link for feelings. Anything that would let him find a way to steal his magic.
Bingo! It seemed that he was deeply in love with a girl named Malon. Now that he could use. He could mark Malon, make her fuck Link, using a spell to use her as a magic sponge, and after taking the magic power from Link, she would give it to him.
He smiled evilly and his eyes shone with a crimson red when he felt Malon's presence in one of the rooms of the ranch.
Malon was sleeping peacefully in her bed as the moonlight washed her trough the window of her room.
Suddenly, Kain flew as silently as possible into the room.
He landed on the floor and walked towards Malon.
Until he stepped on a loose plank, that creaking noise.
Malon woke up at the noise, and was about to say something when she was suddenly silenced as a hand covered her mouth while another pinned her arms to a side.
"Hi there sweetheart, you should feel lucky. I have chosen you to serve me." She heard someone say.
Before Malon could try to break free, Kain began using his incubus magic
over Malon.
Malon felt a tingling sensation between her legs, as Kain was making
her horny.
Kain let go of Malon, who was too horny to even move and was breathing
Kain smiled looking at his magical handiwork.
Malon moved her hands to her crotch, but Kain stopped her by holding them by her wrists.
"I know how frustrated you must be feeling, I can give you a hand with that if you let me."
"N … never! Get away … from me … you monster!"
This was strange, Kain tough, they usually break when he used that amount of power. When they don't is usually because they are in love with someone. At this cases he just increased the amount of power.
"Aaaah! Hmmm!" Malon trashed about in Kain's grip, as she felt even
Kain knew that he could just rape her, but in order to be marked, a
girl must first want to have sex with him, so he had to wait until Malon
gave in.
"How about now? Do you want me to help you now?" Kain asked, in a mocking tone.
"No … I'll never do it! I love Link! I have been saving myself for him!"
That was a surprise, it seemed that the person that Malon was in love
with was Link. The two were in love with each other, but they didn't know
Malon must really love Link, or else she would had gave into her carnal
desires being induced magically by Kain.
Kain increased Malon's lust as much as he was able to, using all the power he had 'collected' from the gerudos.
Malon had to bit her lip to keep her moans repressed, she was just at the brink of an orgasm, but unable to reach it. She held on for as long as possible, she knew that she had to hold no matter what happened, but as the minutes passed by Malon wasn't able to fight anymore. And gave in to her magical induced lust.
"Do it … do anything you want … just make it stop, please!"
Kain smiled, it had been really hard, but Malon had finally gave in. He knew she would in the long run, but he never expected her to last this long. She must really care a lot about this Link guy.
Kain smiled and lifted Malon's dress until he could see her panties, that were now soaking wet.
Using his hand Kain ripped them off Malon, and began to unfasten his pants as he crawled above her.
Without a warning, Kain rammed his full length inside Malon's virginal pussy.
Kain had to cover Malon's mouth with his had to muffle her cry of pain so she wont wake up everybody in the ranch.
Malon felt like if she had just been torn apart, as a terrible pain shoot trough her body when Kain broke her hymen. She began to cry, first from pain, then from what was happening to her.
Even tough she didn't want it to, her body reacted to Kain's actions, and soon Malon reached orgasm, arching her back as she did.
Kain watched how Malon reached release, and the bleeding rose on his palm began to shine, and so he proceeded to mark her.
He placed his palm on Malo's right buttcheek, "Malon, you are now mine." He said in a dominant tone of voice.
Malon had a second orgasm when Kain marked her, and when the bleeding rose mark was on her butt cheek, it subsided.
Kian knew that his work was done, so he refastened his pants, and stood up next to Malon's bed, looking down at his new love toy.
"I feel strange … what did you do to me?" Malon managed to ask, while she tried to cover her pussy again with her nightgown.
"I just marked you, and now you are going to do something for me. Or else ..."
Kain's palm began to shine anew.
Malon twisted on the bed as she was run by a powerful orgasm again.
"… I'm going to make you suffer like you never imagined."
Malon took a few seconds to catch her breathing, then looked up at Kain, "What … what do you want?"
"It's very simple … you remember that boy Link? Of course you do, you love him."
"I'm not going to hurt Link. I rather die."
"You are not going to hurt him. All I want is for you to have sex with him."
"Wh … why?" Malon asked as she cried again.
"Because he has some power that I want to have. Now I'll let you sleep, but remember that I'll be close by." And with that, Kain flew out the window again, and headed towards the storage building at the other side of the ranch, from there he could magically track every person that lived in the ranch.
Malon just curled up into a ball and cried herself to sleep.
To be continued …